
Osu-Skin: GermanLetsPlay-Style 1.1

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Hello everyone !
I will show you the new version of my old skin GermanLetsPlay-Style1.0 -> Link: t/98581/start=0


-new ranking-panel
-4 new combobursts
-new Followpoints
-new hit 0,50,100,300
-new hitcircle
-new menu-button-background
-new rankings
-new ranking-perfect
-new slider (fail -.-)
-new play-warningarrow

Pictures :

How cute! You must be a big fan of the series.

From a glance at your screenshots, I do have a few suggestions!

First of all, a lot of your images are stretched in some way. You could tell if something is stretched if, well, their proportions aren't quite right and they turn out to be way too vertically or horizontally skinny/fat, like they're warped and stuff. It's quite unsettling to see – and generally resizes should respect the proportions they're given. If you're resizing this on Photoshop or something, try enabling the chain icon in Free Transform – that's Constrain Proportions. You can also hold the Shift key as you're resizing; this keyboard shortcut should work for most image editors.

Check your combo-bursts to make sure the cut-off is coming off from the left side. You don't want cut-off on the right or anything; use the left and bottom side as your guidelines.

I don't want to sound rude at all or anything! But those score-numbers seem a bit familiar. Are they your original content? I'm asking this because I'm genuinely curious or anything and I'm not sure if they are from another skin or not, so I'm really just wondering! If they're from another skin, it's probably best that you make them yourself. Well, if they're yours, you should also try editing the % and combo-x sign and any other extra fonts.

I wonder how it's like playing with an SNES controller as your cursor... Must be difficult at times... Haha.

I appreciate you played the Easy difficulty I made for tieff, teehee! Hey, good luck on things.
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Hey thanks for your suggestions ! :)
I know thats the score-numbers aren't from me but i have forget to change these by the numbers that I made. *facepalm*
I was tired I had post this, but I'm will your suggestions transpose. ;)
I'm change this and than I will make a nother skin. :D
Thanks for all ! :)
If you make a new version of GermanLetsPlay-Style, try keeping it in this thread and update this! That way, you won't be making tons of new topics – people would just get confused. I pretty much excepted that since the old one was... Well, old.

Whenever you also have additional time, try compressing the file in a .zip and then renaming the extension to .osk, osu!'s way to easily treating skin files.

Roze Akane
Jetzt fehlen nur noch GLPs lets lala's als Beatmaps x'D
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Ja,gibt es auch glaub ich nur eine Map oder so, aber die war nicht so toll gemacht :o.
Ich schau mal ob ich mal eine Beatmap hinbekomm. :)
Roze Akane
Ich könnte es ja auch mal versuchen ob ich eine Beatmap hinbekomme ^^

achja ich fand es lustig als ich gesehen hatte das du eine Zeichnung von mir benutzt hast
das GLP und Zombey in Mädchen Version im Pause-Menü :3
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Hey ! Sorry das ich ne Woche nicht mehr geantwortet hatte...
War ne ganze Woche krank und so -.-
Aber mir gehts wieder besser und finde es echt nice das du die
Person bist die GLP und Zombey Zeichnung gemacht hast (tut mir leid das ich
nicht vorher gefragt hab ob ich sie verwenden darf oder nicht :o )
Zur einer Beatmap bin ich immer noch nicht gekommen, (ist aber auch nicht
so leicht finde ich :roll: )
Eine schöne Idee ^^ Zombey und GLP wären so ein schönes Paar xDD
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Here the new Version of the Skin ! t/126775
WTF? skins german lets play
Nice bump man...
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