
ZUN - Last Remote

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timpks, you need to get [Stage 4] under 4.5 stars so this can be seen as a hard difficulty. ... 2&g=0&la=0
If you see here, currently there are three I's, and BAT doesn't allow more than two. So if you can get [Stage 4] under 4.5 stars, it will reduce to E N H I I, which is acceptable.
Nice map~ :)

[Stage 1]
02:59:485 (1) - 去掉这个然后补上note?
03:02:856 (1) - 开始于 03:02:182 ?

[Stage 3]
00:16:339 (4,1) - 交换new combo?
00:43:306 (1) - 结束于00:45:328 ?
00:45:328 (1) - 开始于00:46:002 ?
01:11:957 (2,3) - 用slider代替?
01:47:013 - 加Finish?
02:37:912 (1) - 去掉new combo?
02:38:755 (1) - 开始于02:38:418 ?
从 02:55:103 (1) 到 02:58:811 (3) - 在02:55:440 (2) ,02:56:789 (3) ,02:58:137 (1) 上使用new combo,并去掉其余的new combo?

[Stage 4]
00:10:946 (2,3) - 感觉很奇怪,交换他们在时间上的位置?
01:23:924 - 在这里加note?
01:47:013 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这一串的位置摆放的很令人苦恼啊..
从02:10:103 (1) 到02:19:710 (6) - 建议把相隔1/2的note都重叠起来.
02:21:733 (3) - New combo?
02:23:755 (1) - 去掉new combo?
02:24:429 (2,1) - 交换new combo?
02:27:800 (1) - 去掉new combo?
03:00:328 (1) - ^
KIAI time 的音效需要调整,有些地方没有音效,有些地方音效过多.

[Stage 6]
00:43:137 (1) - Why not start here 00:43:306 ?
01:16:676 (5) - Why turn down the volume here?so weird> <
02:21:733 (5) - New combo?
02:23:924 (1,2) - Switch new combo?
02:45:497 (1,2) - ^
02:43:980 (4,1) - This jump is too far IMO.

[Extra Stage]
01:03:352 (3,4) - Closer?

Other fine~Star for you~ :)
Topic Starter

kino77 wrote:

Nice map~ :)

[Stage 1]
02:59:485 (1) - 去掉这个然后补上note?
03:02:856 (1) - 开始于 03:02:182 ?
All Fixed

[Stage 3]
00:16:339 (4,1) - 交换new combo?
00:43:306 (1) - 结束于00:45:328 ?
00:45:328 (1) - 开始于00:46:002 ?
01:11:957 (2,3) - 用slider代替?
01:47:013 - 加Finish?
02:37:912 (1) - 去掉new combo?
02:38:755 (1) - 开始于02:38:418 ?
All Fixed
从 02:55:103 (1) 到 02:58:811 (3) - 在02:55:440 (2) ,02:56:789 (3) ,02:58:137 (1) 上使用new combo,并去掉其余的new combo?

[Stage 4]
00:10:946 (2,3) - 感觉很奇怪,交换他们在时间上的位置?
01:23:924 - 在这里加note?
not sure@_@
01:47:013 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 这一串的位置摆放的很令人苦恼啊..
从02:10:103 (1) 到02:19:710 (6) - 建议把相隔1/2的note都重叠起来
02:21:733 (3) - New combo?
02:23:755 (1) - 去掉new combo?
02:24:429 (2,1) - 交换new combo?
02:27:800 (1) - 去掉new combo?
All Fixed
03:00:328 (1) - ^
KIAI time 的音效需要调整,有些地方没有音效,有些地方音效过多.

Other fine~Star for you~ :)
thanks! kudosu given

0.0 I can't upload the map... "An error is occured:" but I never get to know what error that was

kino77 wrote:

[Stage 6]
00:43:137 (1) - Why not start here 00:43:306 ? Not important at all xD
01:16:676 (5) - Why turn down the volume here?so weird> < Fix'd
02:21:733 (5) - New combo? Fix'd
02:23:924 (1,2) - Switch new combo? Fix'd
02:45:497 (1,2) - ^ Fix'd
02:43:980 (4,1) - This jump is too far IMO. I hope it's fixed now
Thank you for your mod :)

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (timpks) [Fight69's Stage 6].osu

kino77 wrote:

[Extra Stage]
01:03:352 (3,4) - Closer?
No thanks~
[ General ]

I do not like spiners, at all levels ... except Tatsuo's Extra Stage

[ Stage 1 ]

(†) 01:55:946 - wow ... move on spiner 01:56:115

[ Stage 2 ]

(†) 02:38:418 - move on spiner 02:38:586

(♥) 02:43:306 ~ 02:47:351 - I really like it ^^

[ Stage 4 ]<3

(♥) 01:09:598~01:14:317 - i like it ^^

(✹) 02:08:586 - move on spiner 02:08:249

[ Fight69's Stage 6 ]

(†) 00:43:137 move on spiner 00:43:306 >.<

[ Tatsuo's Extra Stage ]

(✹) I think a combo at 00:10:430 to raze to the combo at 00:09:756

(✹)01:37:734 ^ with 01:36:554

Topic Starter

ZLOdeuka wrote:

[ General ]

I do not like spiners, at all levels ... except Tatsuo's Extra Stage

[ Stage 1 ]

(†) 01:55:946 - wow ... move on spiner 01:56:115

[ Stage 2 ]

(†) 02:38:418 - move on spiner 02:38:586
It's okay IMO.. as it actually followed the music

(♥) 02:43:306 ~ 02:47:351 - I really like it ^^

[ Stage 4 ]<3

(♥) 01:09:598~01:14:317 - i like it ^^

(✹) 02:08:586 - move on spiner 02:08:249

Thanks you^^
glad to help ^^

ZLOdeuka wrote:

[ General ]

I do not like spiners, at all levels ... except Tatsuo's Extra Stage Thank you xD

[ Tatsuo's Extra Stage ]

(✹) I think a combo at 00:10:430 to raze to the combo at 00:09:756 No~

(✹)01:37:734 ^ with 01:36:554 No~
Thanks for you mod even if I didn't take anything~
Snowy Dream
Snowy Dream
[Stage 1]
00:12:294 这的条子好奇怪。。在00:13:643结束吧
02:57:463 这5还是放在和1、3在一条线上比较好。。
03:00:159 3往左移动1小格

[Stage 3]
Song Setup -Colours 点的颜色2和4好像。。感觉没区别。。找一个加深一点(其他diff有这种情况嘛?。。我才发现
Slider Tick Rate 改0.5吧。(这个随便拉。。

[Stage 4]
00:52:575 6和7尽量重合吧。或者更靠近点
01:07:744 add break time(任意=。=
01:10:777 不得不说这里太难了。。减点难度。。不要Jump。
(02:31:339) 我恨星形。更恨快的星形(仅代表个人看法。。 这行可以无视掉
02:31:002 删掉kiai time
02:43:980 add kiai time
02:54:092 删掉kiai time

[Fight69's Stage 6]
02:34:710 靠近点吧。

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
00:17:341 add new combo
00:19:363 ^
00:21:385 ^
00:23:408 ^
01:25:093 ^
01:40:936 ^
01:42:958 ^
01:44:981 ^
01:47:003 ^
除了Jump更恐怖了以及以上的new combo问题外做的很好 。MOD不能

总之就素很好拉 加油RANK
Topic Starter

ddddd519 wrote:

[Stage 1]
00:12:294 这的条子好奇怪。。在00:13:643结束吧
02:57:463 这5还是放在和1、3在一条线上比较好。。
Distace Snap不给放:< 如果拽到一边就没对称了……
03:00:159 3往左移动1小格

[Stage 3]
Song Setup -Colours 点的颜色2和4好像。。感觉没区别。。找一个加深一点(其他diff有这种情况嘛?。。我才发现
Slider Tick Rate 改0.5吧。(这个随便拉。。

[Stage 4]
00:52:575 6和7尽量重合吧。或者更靠近点
01:07:744 add break time(任意=。=
01:10:777 不得不说这里太难了。。减点难度。。不要Jump。
= =这是Hard……
(02:31:339) 我恨星形。更恨快的星形(仅代表个人看法。。 这行可以无视掉
02:31:002 删掉kiai time
02:43:980 add kiai time
02:54:092 删掉kiai time
._.? why

[Fight69's Stage 6]
02:34:710 靠近点吧。Means : Make them closer

Fight69是法国人= =

总之就素很好拉 加油RANK
Thanks>.< kudos given
Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.


[Stage 1]
00:14:317 (2,3,1) - 对新人来说有点难懂。。?
00:17:013 (2,3) - 换个slider?
02:46:676 (3) - 如果需要对应1的话好像是下一格?
总觉得作为给新手来讲有一些节奏下难了。。。= =。。。

[Stage 3]
不知道slider tick是不是该用0.5,你自己决定吧。。
1:59:317 (2,3) - 从这里开始一直到02:14:991。。。间距是怎么回事。。。
02:11:283 (4) - 刨除这个原因这个也该向右一格保持对齐,不要考虑distance.
02:43:306 (1) - 这里开始的段落强烈不建议在Normal中使用。
02:57:800 (1) - 取消new combo。事实上这一段的new combo很乱。。。

[Stage 4]
00:52:322 (5,6,7) - 不知道音乐的话这里可能不是很好读……
00:56:789 (4,1) - 这个间距需要自重,没人知道这里突然换了1x
01:10:609 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这一串毫无预兆的跳是为什么。。。
01:11:620 (10,1) - 而更要命的是这里居然突然空拍了
01:47:013 (7,8,9) - 老实地叠到一起去吧。现在这样除了故意做难以外想不到别的理由。
02:31:339 (1,2,3,4,5) - ……仍然是感觉无必要。这之上还有两个难度。

[Fight69's stage 6]
remove sliderwhistles plz= =
02:43:980 (4,1) - emm... spacing is a bit far, but your choice.
nice diff.

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
01:54:082 (7,1) - ...can't agree with this. especially you're using a large distance spacing and the map is in a high pace.
02:47:341 (9) - new combo.
would be better if you can use more hitsounds..

Mod Request by PM

Is this necesscary if hit300.png and hit300g.png on folder song? If no, please delete it

[Stage 1]
If this an easy diff, don't let the notes are place on red tick, or else, this will be confusing for new player

01:14:653 (2,1) - This pattern are too confusing for new player
01:16:002 (2,3) - Combine this into slider?
01:48:530 (2) - This slider is very too short for easy diff
01:49:373 (3) - Maybe, make symetric?
02:43:980 (1) - Move 1 grid down?

[Stage 3]
00:48:025 (1) - If this normal? If you say yes, please change this slider, 1/4 repeating slider is really rather inappropriatefor normal diff

[Stage 4]
Some pattern are little needs more work, because there is some pattern are ugly, hard to read and etc. (et cetera)

01:10:777 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This pattern are so ugly..... Try re-arrange them
02:38:755 (3) - It's really hard to read if this overlapped with 02:38:418 (2) especially if someone using Flashlight Mod

[Fight69's Stage 6]
00:43:137 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short?
02:49:204 (2) - Make symetric?

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]

Nice song
Topic Starter

NatsumeRin wrote:

Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

All Fixed

[Stage 1]
00:14:317 (2,3,1) - 对新人来说有点难懂。。?Fixed
00:17:013 (2,3) - 换个slider?Fixed
02:46:676 (3) - 如果需要对应1的话好像是下一格?Fixed
总觉得作为给新手来讲有一些节奏下难了。。。= =。。。

[Stage 3]
不知道slider tick是不是该用0.5,你自己决定吧。。Fixed
1:59:317 (2,3) - 从这里开始一直到02:14:991。。。间距是怎么回事。。。= =如果用原来的间距就会全屏红色DS
02:11:283 (4) - 刨除这个原因这个也该向右一格保持对齐,不要考虑distance.Fixed
02:43:306 (1) - 这里开始的段落强烈不建议在Normal中使用。Fixed
02:57:800 (1) - 取消new combo。事实上这一段的new combo很乱。。。Fixed

[Stage 4]
00:52:322 (5,6,7) - 不知道音乐的话这里可能不是很好读……也许吧…不过暂时没换
00:56:789 (4,1) - 这个间距需要自重,没人知道这里突然换了1xFixed
01:10:609 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这一串毫无预兆的跳是为什么。。。Fixed
01:11:620 (10,1) - 而更要命的是这里居然突然空拍了Fixed
01:47:013 (7,8,9) - 老实地叠到一起去吧。现在这样除了故意做难以外想不到别的理由。Fixed
02:31:339 (1,2,3,4,5) - ……仍然是感觉无必要。这之上还有两个难度。Fixed...map这个难度的时候上面还什么都没有= =
Thanks Rin~

Leorda wrote:


Mod Request by PM

Is this necesscary if hit300.png and hit300g.png on folder song? If no, please delete it
Yes it is necesscary(a bit more transcluent and smaller)

[Stage 1]
If this an easy diff, don't let the notes are place on red tick, or else, this will be confusing for new player
Thanks for advice

01:14:653 (2,1) - This pattern are too confusing for new playerFixed
01:16:002 (2,3) - Combine this into slider?Fixed
01:48:530 (2) - This slider is very too short for easy diffFixed
01:49:373 (3) - Maybe, make symetric?Fixed
02:43:980 (1) - Move 1 grid down?Fixed but using method in Rin's mod

[Stage 3]
00:48:025 (1) - If this normal? If you say yes, please change this slider, 1/4 repeating slider is really rather inappropriatefor normal diffFixed, although I think 1/4 goes with the music better...

[Stage 4]
Some pattern are little needs more work, because there is some pattern are ugly, hard to read and etc. (et cetera)

01:10:777 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This pattern are so ugly..... Try re-arrange them
02:38:755 (3) - It's really hard to read if this overlapped with 02:38:418 (2) especially if someone using Flashlight Mod[/color]
Maybe, but I'm not going to take Difficulty Mods(I mean ingame) into considerationEspecially Hidden and Flashlight, plain memorization Mod that sucks

Nice song
Thanks Leorda!

ddddd519 wrote:

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
00:17:341 add new combo
00:19:363 ^
00:21:385 ^
00:23:408 ^
01:25:093 ^
01:40:936 ^
01:42:958 ^
01:44:981 ^
01:47:003 ^

NatsumeRin wrote:

Red: You must fix this.
Blue: You'd better do sth with this imo.
Green: Just suggestions.

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
01:54:082 (7,1) - ...can't agree with this. especially you're using a large distance spacing and the map is in a high pace. I know, I'll make a new way to place this.
02:47:341 (9) - new combo.This actually follows distance snap, so it doesn't need a new combo, but I'll new combo it anyway.
would be better if you can use more hitsounds..Meh...

Leorda wrote:

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
Fine~ Thanks :)
Thanks for the mods guys~

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (Cirno) [Tatsuo's Extra Stage].osu
Bah, I made a mistake in my .osu, here's the correct one. Sorry x.x

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (Cirno) [Tatsuo's Extra Stage].osu

ZLOdeuka wrote:

[ Fight69's Stage 6 ]

(†) 00:43:137 move on spiner 00:43:306 >.< Hmm...ok...


Cirno wrote:

ddddd519 wrote:

[Fight69's Stage 6]
02:34:710 靠近点吧。Means : Make them closer

No, it's a jump >.> (btw, thank you Cirno for the translation xD)

NatsumeRin wrote:

[Fight69's stage 6]
remove sliderwhistles plz= = Fix'd
02:43:980 (4,1) - emm... spacing is a bit far, but your choice. Should be fine now...
nice diff. Thank you ^^

Leorda wrote:

[Fight69's Stage 6]
00:43:137 (1) - Move forward to white tick and cut short? Was already fix'd~
02:49:204 (2) - Make symetric? Meeh, I like my pattern :<
Thank you for your mods everybody ! :)

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (timpks) [Fight69's Stage 6].osu
Well...I have enough kudosus now, so : kudostar !
Topic Starter

Fight69 wrote:

Well...I have enough kudosus now, so : kudostar !
Thanks:P but I simply had no idea about how can I find bats:<
Please remember that some of theese errors are suggestions, not directions, feel free to take or leave any or edit as you see fit.

[osz File Scan!]
Why are you including the default Hit300 and Hit300g?
why is cursortrail.png in the folder?
I suggest you replan your skin, the pause skin elements are fine, so is the star2.png but the others are very questionable
There's an empty .osb on your song folder, delete and full submit.
If you want ppl to use the default skin + your skin elements, just force the default skin, there's no need to add random skin elements, the hitx.png are a full set, you cant leave it midway, and it's even more weird that they are the default ones.

The song feels too repetitive, even is one of the songs i like the most from the Touhou games, i dont this will make a good beatmap, but i'll still check it out.
The difficulties feel inconsistent for instance Stage 4 is harder than Stage 6, Stage 4 has bigger hit circles than Stage 3, and some other stuff.

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
Your first pattern looks way too repetitive, the 3 sliders, 5 notes gets old quick, and the arranging isnt exactly very different
00:33:372 ► 00:42:978: Feels too repetitive as well
00:34:889 (1,2) - I think theese 2 notes can go, or at least move them into a different pattern, as they feel like they should form part of the previous combo.
00:37:585 (1,2) - ^
I'd vote for remapping at least half the map, your reusing your patterns way too much and the repetitiveness of the song isn't helping, sorry.

[Fight69's Stage 6]
This map flows pretty well for a repetitive song, really nice, only a few things to point out:
00:10:282 (1) - This is an evil trick, and i dont think even the NC manages to warn the user fast enough that this slider will have an extra repeat.
00:32:529 (1,2,3,4) - You could try moving the middle waypoint a bit more outwards to make a better curve, like this:
03:01:686 (7,8) - I think this is too much of a jump.

[Stage 4]
Circle Size -1 (That means smaller)
Why does this diff feel harder than Stage 6?
Why does this diff have a different kiai section?
Some sliders like for example 00:32:529 (1) could use a bit more work, here's an example of a way to make them prettier
01:34:889 (1) - You could try moving this note away from the center so that the player is less blinded by the hitburst from the spinner
01:38:934 (1) - ^
02:27:136 (1,2) - (1) is overlapping (2) that looks uglyish try to separate or rotate (2)
02:46:012 (1) - Hidden by the previous slider and it's hitburst i thought this was a hit circle.

[Stage 3]
Some of the notes are awkward as in the sense i thought i had to click sooner.
01:34:889 (1) - The player can be partially blinded by the spinners hit burst, i recommend moving this combo to the bottom and realign accordingly
01:35:900 (1,2,1) - Anti-Jump much?
02:20:394 (1,2) - You could rearrange theese 2 symmetrically from each other and away from the center so the player isnt blinded by the hitburst.

[Stage 1]
00:16:855 (1,2) - This might be too much for a beginner.

Ok that will be all
Topic Starter

Sakura Hana wrote:

Please remember that some of theese errors are suggestions, not directions, feel free to take or leave any or edit as you see fit.

[osz File Scan!]
Why are you including the default Hit300 and Hit300g?
why is cursortrail.png in the folder?
I suggest you replan your skin, the pause skin elements are fine, so is the star2.png but the others are very questionable
There's an empty .osb on your song folder, delete and full submit.
If you want ppl to use the default skin + your skin elements, just force the default skin, there's no need to add random skin elements, the hitx.png are a full set, you cant leave it midway, and it's even more weird that they are the default ones.

The song feels too repetitive, even is one of the songs i like the most from the Touhou games, i dont this will make a good beatmap, but i'll still check it out.
The difficulties feel inconsistent for instance Stage 4 is harder than Stage 6, Stage 4 has bigger hit circles than Stage 3, and some other stuff.

[Stage 4]
Circle Size -1 (That means smaller)
Why does this diff feel harder than Stage 6?
Er.. Maybe because I mapped this diff myself but I do find Stage6 harder...
Why does this diff have a different kiai section?
Some sliders like for example 00:32:529 (1) could use a bit more work, here's an example of a way to make them prettier
01:34:889 (1) - You could try moving this note away from the center so that the player is less blinded by the hitburst from the spinner
01:38:934 (1) - ^
02:27:136 (1,2) - (1) is overlapping (2) that looks uglyish try to separate or rotate (2)
02:46:012 (1) - Hidden by the previous slider and it's hitburst i thought this was a hit circle.

[Stage 3]
Some of the notes are awkward as in the sense i thought i had to click sooner.
01:34:889 (1) - The player can be partially blinded by the spinners hit burst, i recommend moving this combo to the bottom and realign accordingly
01:35:900 (1,2,1) - Anti-Jump much?
02:20:394 (1,2) - You could rearrange theese 2 symmetrically from each other and away from the center so the player isnt blinded by the hitburst.

[Stage 1]
00:16:855 (1,2) - This might be too much for a beginner.

Ok that will be all
thanks. kudos given

Sakura Hana wrote:

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
Your first pattern looks way too repetitive, the 3 sliders, 5 notes gets old quick, and the arranging isnt exactly very different
00:33:372 ► 00:42:978: Feels too repetitive as well
00:34:889 (1,2) - I think theese 2 notes can go, or at least move them into a different pattern, as they feel like they should form part of the previous combo.
00:37:585 (1,2) - ^
I'd vote for remapping at least half the map, your reusing your patterns way too much and the repetitiveness of the song isn't helping, sorry.
Your mod has been disregarded since I don't agree with anything.
I like how it is right now.
I think this beatmap is so lunatic <.<
but(and?) is a nice beatmap,Ass We Can<.<
sorry for being late

[Stage 1]
The way the song changes rhythms makes this diff kind of weird

[Stage 3]
03:04:889 (1) - Why isn't there finish here? IMO it's better with a finish
03:03:877 (1,1,1,1) - Why the new combo spam? Also, maybe unstack these and make a diamond

[Stage 4]
01:07:585 - add a note here?
01:34:889 (1) - Maybe move it farther from the center? (it looks better IMO)
01:38:934 (1) - ^
Topic Starter

Dusty wrote:

sorry for being late

[Stage 1]
The way the song changes rhythms makes this diff kind of weird
quite true._. but it has to have a diff below 3 stars and I can't think of a better

[Stage 3]
03:04:889 (1) - Why isn't there finish here? IMO it's better with a finish
03:03:877 (1,1,1,1) - Why the new combo spam? Also, maybe unstack these and make a diamond

[Stage 4]
01:07:585 - add a note here?
01:34:889 (1) - Maybe move it farther from the center? (it looks better IMO)
01:38:934 (1) - ^
Everything should be fixed now~

Thank you ^^

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (Cirno) [Fight69's Stage 6].osu
*Changing time signatures throughout the map is currently broken (you can see this at 01:31:855 and 03:04:889; the downbeat is suddenly wrong), so please change these inherited (green) sections to uninherited (red) sections at 00:32:529, 01:31:844, 01:48:035, and 03:04:889.
*The kiai section is very long, so how about breaking it up into two sections by ending it at 02:43:231 and starting a new fountain at 02:43:316?
*The second and third combo colors are a bit hard to tell apart (very similar shades of blue). Switching the first and second colors would make a better difference (light blue -> lilac -> dark blue -> violet).
*Offset feels perfect.
*Actually, I think the breaks would look better without letterboxing.

[Stage 1]
00:14:832 (3) - a bit unexpected (being on the red tick); how about making 2/3 a slider?
00:22:417 (1,2,3,4) - Expected since the previous sliders do the same thing. So, this time it's fine. :p
01:06:068 (1,2) - Unexpected red tick offbeats again...

[Stage 3]
00:48:035 (1) - silencing this and literally using the music as the "hitsounds" would sound better. ;)

[Stage 4]
00:48:035 (1) - Actually. these whistles work too (in regards to the silence suggestion in the last difficulty)
02:59:158 (9,1,2) - Try to avoid overlapping notes and sliders like this (it looks a bit confusing)
*Tricky in spots, but nothing unrankable, I suppose.

[Fight69's Stage 6]

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
*Insaneeeee P:

Great job, everyone!
Topic Starter

Derekku wrote:

*Changing time signatures throughout the map is currently broken (you can see this at 01:31:855 and 03:04:889; the downbeat is suddenly wrong), so please change these inherited (green) sections to uninherited (red) sections at 00:32:529, 01:31:844, 01:48:035, and 03:04:889.
Fixed (for guest diffs too, tell me if you don't want me do such minor changes for you
*The kiai section is very long, so how about breaking it up into two sections by ending it at 02:43:231 and starting a new fountain at 02:43:316?
._. will see to guest mapper responses
*The second and third combo colors are a bit hard to tell apart (very similar shades of blue). Switching the first and second colors would make a better difference (light blue -> lilac -> dark blue -> violet).
Fixed, but I totally had no idea about how the color codes links with the editor, sort of bizarre for me
*Offset feels perfect.
*Actually, I think the breaks would look better without letterboxing.
turned off

[Stage 1]
00:14:832 (3) - a bit unexpected (being on the red tick); how about making 2/3 a slider?
ok fixed
00:22:417 (1,2,3,4) - Expected since the previous sliders do the same thing. So, this time it's fine. :p
01:06:068 (1,2) - Unexpected red tick offbeats again...
._. I can't think of a better pattern, plan B is to put a break here, which is bad enough

[Stage 3]
00:48:035 (1) - silencing this and literally using the music as the "hitsounds" would sound better. ;)
of course, fixed

[Stage 4]
00:48:035 (1) - Actually. these whistles work too (in regards to the silence suggestion in the last difficulty)
I used to have a same 1/4 repeating slider in the last diff but lots of people say it's inappropriate
02:59:158 (9,1,2) - Try to avoid overlapping notes and sliders like this (it looks a bit confusing)
*Tricky in spots, but nothing unrankable, I suppose.

[Fight69's Stage 6]

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
*Insaneeeee P:

Great job, everyone!
Thanks derekku :P

Cirno wrote:

Derekku wrote:

*The second and third combo colors are a bit hard to tell apart (very similar shades of blue). Switching the first and second colors would make a better difference (light blue -> lilac -> dark blue -> violet).
Fixed, but I totally had no idea about how the color codes links with the editor, sort of bizarre for me
Manually edited the .osu for that one? Yeah, they're a bit confusing that way. :p
02:27:471 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Horizontally flip this, so the (2) doesn't overlap with the (2) slider.

Nazi 02:23:426 (3 onwards till the spinner) - 1 grid left

02:54:100 (1,2,4,3) - GJ.
02:59:493 (1,2,4,3,5,6,7,9,8,10,11) - Now you're just being silly, making novice mistakes two times.
Topic Starter

JInxyjem wrote:

02:27:471 (2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Horizontally flip this, so the (2) doesn't overlap with the (2) slider.
turned out to be good, done
Nazi 02:23:426 (3 onwards till the spinner) - 1 grid left

JInxyjem wrote:

02:54:100 (1,2,4,3) - GJ.
02:59:493 (1,2,4,3,5,6,7,9,8,10,11) - Now you're just being silly, making novice mistakes two times.
Wtf, this wasn't like this when I first made this difficulty. And I'm definitely sure Derekku would have noticed the same notes on the timeline as well. Right now I'm wondering how the hell this happened. How the hell do I fix it?
... Oh wait I see what happened. An inherited timing section went missing. Fixed.

Download: ZUN - Last Remote (Cirno) [Tatsuo's Extra Stage].osu
Topic Starter

I_Tatsuo_I wrote:

JInxyjem wrote:

02:54:100 (1,2,4,3) - GJ.
02:59:493 (1,2,4,3,5,6,7,9,8,10,11) - Now you're just being silly, making novice mistakes two times.
Wtf, this wasn't like this when I first made this difficulty. And I'm definitely sure Derekku would have noticed the same notes on the timeline as well. Right now I'm wondering how the hell this happened. How the hell do I fix it?
... Oh wait I see what happened. An inherited timing section went missing. Fixed.
Probably this happened when I changed the timing sections from inherited to uninherited according to Derekku's post.... Sorry Tatsuo...
difficulty updated
Oh it's okay Cirno, I don't mind I was just wondering how it happened.
in Extra stage, I think if you +1 for Approach circle, it will look like extra stage very much :)

but up to you =^=

and your map is very well ! i like it :D
Please remember that these are only suggestions and ideas. Major issues are marked in bold.

I think tick rate should be the same on all diffs. Tick rate 1 seems to be the best.

Stage 1 (Easy):
00:14:327 (2,1,2) - This is too confusing for new players: stacks are already very hard to play, and here you made two stacks with two different rhythms.
01:18:708 (4) - This is too confusing as well: a new player wouldn't expect several repeats on the slider.

Stage 3 (Normal):
00:19:383 (2) - This slider is too confusing too, for the same reasons.
00:23:428 (3) - ^ except it has even more repeats and is consequently even more confusing.
00:48:034 (1) - ^
00:57:135 (5,6,7) - These notes don't really make sense according to the music - try placing a spinner that starts at 00:57:135 - and finishes at 00:58:821 - with either a clap or a whistle ?
02:00:167 (3,1) - Different rhythms in a stack are hard to play. I'd suggest to unstack (3) and (1). Same for the other similar patterns.
02:45:336 (4,5) - This is very hard, too. Either make (4) two circles, or delete (5) and make (4) a repeat slider.

Stage 4 (Hard):
seems fine

Fight69's Stage 6 (Insane):
00:46:180 - this timing section is useless
00:57:135 (1) - How about extending this spinner to 00:58:399 - ? (removing the note of course) and with a clap

Tatsuo's Extra Stage (Insane):
seems fine, so hard ._.
Topic Starter

Odaril wrote:

I think tick rate should be the same on all diffs. Tick rate 1 seems to be the best.

Stage 1 (Easy):
00:14:327 (2,1,2) - This is too confusing for new players: stacks are already very hard to play, and here you made two stacks with two different rhythms.
ok unstacked but I don't think the timeline should be changed
01:18:708 (4) - This is too confusing as well: a new player wouldn't expect several repeats on the slider.
Not that confusing imo. Slider velocity is low enough.

Stage 3 (Normal):
00:19:383 (2) - This slider is too confusing too, for the same reasons.
no I asked one of my friends(ranked #13000+ at the time) to test when I finished and he FC'd this diff in 1 pc
00:23:428 (3) - ^ except it has even more repeats and is consequently even more confusing.
00:48:034 (1) - ^
00:57:135 (5,6,7) - These notes don't really make sense according to the music - try placing a spinner that starts at 00:57:135 - and finishes at 00:58:821 - with either a clap or a whistle ?
02:00:167 (3,1) - Different rhythms in a stack are hard to play. I'd suggest to unstack (3) and (1). Same for the other similar patterns.
no. I think players that are at [normal] level are supposed to be able to figure this out
02:45:336 (4,5) - This is very hard, too. Either make (4) two circles, or delete (5) and make (4) a repeat slider.
ok. made 2 circles
thanks for your visit and modding.
Sorry for the delays.

So... there's a stage 1, 3, 4, 6, and extra? Kind of odd, but okay.
Remove extra from tags. I know it's the extra stage, but it's kind of a broad tag.

[Stage 1]
Stage 1's third, fourth, and fifth uninherited offsets are 1 ms later than the other difficulties. Line them up, please.
00:12:304 (1) - I don't recommend stacking under sliders for the easiest difficulty.
00:16:349 (2) - ^
01:06:068 (1) - This is kind of an odd rhythm to throw out as a normal hit. Maybe turn 01:04:888 (1) - into a single hit, then do a slider from 01:05:562 - to 01:06:068 -

[Stage 2]
01:01:517 (1,2,3) - This part plays kind of weird since you switch to the piano part halfway through the slider, then go back right after. Maybe just have the first slider start at 01:01:686 - instead
01:42:977 (1,2,3,4,5) - This felt out of place compared to the rest of the map up until this point.
01:59:325 - This section is kind of iffy on spacing, but it seems to play okay... I dunno. :/
02:20:392 (1,2) - I liked these better stacked, but up to you.
02:29:830 (1) - End this at 02:31:853 -
02:34:381 (3) - Eeh, might be better starting at 02:34:549 - and ending at 02:35:224 -

[Stage 4]
00:50:731 (2) - I .. wasn't really expecting a beat here. Kinda hoping for more following of the piano. If you want, maybe move this to 00:50:731 (2) - ?
02:21:740 (1) - This kiai section felt kind of boring at times, then fun at others. Think you could up the intensity to the same level the entire time?

[Flight69's Stage 6]
02:10:111 (1) - During this section... I think it'd play much better as a semi-jumpy section without all of these added phantom beats that aren't even in the song at all.

[Tatsuo's Extra Stage]
Uh, I think you got the pace of the phrases down incorrect. Each phrase is taking two measures (8 beats [8 white ticks]) so it might be better to start the phrase with the sliders instead of ending and starting each phrase with one. Also, with your new combo usage, it reflects that maybe you hadn't noticed it. So:
00:10:113 (1) - Remove new combo
00:10:450 (2) - New combo
00:12:304 - New combo here if you change the sliders around to make more sense with the passage of each phrase.
00:14:327 - ^
Also this first section could use some sprucing up of hit sounds. Use the soft whistle more~
01:31:854 (1) - Same thing happening here as from the beginning.
03:02:021 - Add a note?

The maps are fine technically, but there's some good room for improvement. Good luck!
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

So... there's a stage 1, 3, 4, 6, and extra? Kind of odd, but okay.
Remove extra from tags. I know it's the extra stage, but it's kind of a broad tag.

[Stage 1]
Stage 1's third, fourth, and fifth uninherited offsets are 1 ms later than the other difficulties. Line them up, please.
moved timing sections
00:12:304 (1) - I don't recommend stacking under sliders for the easiest difficulty.
00:16:349 (2) - ^
fixed the two
01:06:068 (1) - This is kind of an odd rhythm to throw out as a normal hit. Maybe turn 01:04:888 (1) - into a single hit, then do a slider from 01:05:562 - to 01:06:068 -
I guess it's not that odd :/

[Stage 2]
01:01:517 (1,2,3) - This part plays kind of weird since you switch to the piano part halfway through the slider, then go back right after. Maybe just have the first slider start at 01:01:686 - instead
01:42:977 (1,2,3,4,5) - This felt out of place compared to the rest of the map up until this point.
4 deleted and it felt better for me
01:59:325 - This section is kind of iffy on spacing, but it seems to play okay... I dunno. :/
I like it the way it is now as it doesn't affect gameplay
02:20:392 (1,2) - I liked these better stacked, but up to you.
02:29:830 (1) - End this at 02:31:853 -
02:34:381 (3) - Eeh, might be better starting at 02:34:549 - and ending at 02:35:224 -

[Stage 4]
00:50:731 (2) - I .. wasn't really expecting a beat here. Kinda hoping for more following of the piano. If you want, maybe move this to 00:50:731 (2) -?
Guess you meant 00:51:236 ?
02:21:740 (1) - This kiai section felt kind of boring at times, then fun at others. Think you could up the intensity to the same level the entire time?

[Flight69's Stage 6]
02:10:111 (1) - During this section... I think it'd play much better as a semi-jumpy section without all of these added phantom beats that aren't even in the song at all.
Personally I think those are okay but I will contact with him
thanks ><

:roll: edit: all maps updated
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