
Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours

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nice storyboard
just one suggestion to try
maybe you can try to animate bg a bit, something like adding really-really soft pulsing glow to hair or earring

also, we don't want to get dq because of some technical stuff :3 don't kd
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Sieg wrote:

nice storyboard
just one suggestion to try
maybe you can try to animate bg a bit, something like adding really-really soft pulsing glow to hair or earring

also, we don't want to get dq because of some technical stuff :3 don't kd
Thank you for mentioning the hitsound thing, funny fact is that I was checking it yesterday like literally 2 times, just wondering how I managed to keep these files. Removed.

I will try to add some effect to the background in kiai if I manage to do something I like. Thanks for suggestion.

Edit: We're shining a little now.
Timing sounds okay.
  1. 01:31:122 (4) - I'd change the rhythm here so that 01:31:836 is under stress: (this requires you to put an additional timing section at 01:31:836, however)
  2. 01:45:293 - add a note? feels a bit empty here, in the middle of kiai
  3. 01:52:636 (4) - change to a slider to denote that stretched "sho-ow"? (1/1 or 3/2)
There's nothing else to mod, really. The only thing that I found unattractive is bottom of bar.png, when a smooth and rounded ending would look better. You can easily fix this by using a bar.png flipped upside down, which will only follow vertical movement and color changes and stretch horizontally: (too lazy to tint every piece).
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TicClick wrote:

Timing sounds okay.
  1. 01:31:122 (4) - I'd change the rhythm here so that 01:31:836 is under stress: (this requires you to put an additional timing section at 01:31:836, however) Fixed, but with custom SV through .osu file, because I cannot do it any other way, it would ruin timing on hard for the red tick if I added timing section.
  2. 01:45:293 - add a note? feels a bit empty here, in the middle of kiai Fixed
  3. 01:52:636 (4) - change to a slider to denote that stretched "sho-ow"? (1/1 or 3/2) I know what you mean, but that's not really my style. I was never fan of mapping something that is not a direct sound.
There's nothing else to mod, really. The only thing that I found unattractive is bottom of bar.png, when a smooth and rounded ending would look better. You can easily fix this by using a bar.png flipped upside down, which will only follow vertical movement and color changes and stretch horizontally: (too lazy to tint every piece). Fixed I guess.
Thank you for a mod :)
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This should have 16777216 combo, but 256 will hopefully be enough.
Changes were made to following timestamps, because their timing was noticably off. Other sections seem to be enough reliable for me and shifts shouldn't be noticable on regular gameplay.

00:15:721 -
00:20:653 -
00:43:516 -
00:49:510 -
what a great song! But id love to see more insane maps
IRC Modded.
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Crimmi wrote:

IRC Modded.
22:43 Crimmi: Okay I am going to be nitpicky here but in easy around 00:32:724 (2), the slider end isn't key sounded like you did with the head of the slider.
22:43 Wafu: I don't understand a little?
22:45 Wafu: Oh, you used wrong timestamp :D
22:45 Wafu: sure fixed
22:45 Crimmi: 00:32:724 (2)
22:45 Crimmi: 00:45:958 (4) - Listening to this a few times, I think this sounds a bit early or a bit late but to me it doesn't sound on point, imo.
22:48 Wafu: Doesn't seem to be noticable for me on 50% and on 25% I hear it's sort of fitting. And the important is whether it's not noticable on 50%, because less is not possible to play.
22:49 Crimmi: I know, just sometimes if a song is keysounded wrong, you're going to hear some weird shit.
22:51 Wafu: Can't really tell at this point
22:53 Crimmi: Ah well.
22:55 Crimmi: 00:21:024 - There is an unsnapped green line there.
22:56 Wafu: Green lines are fully acceptable if it doesn't change anything
22:56 Crimmi: Ah okay
22:56 Crimmi: 01:23:295 (x) - Maybe you could've placed a note there, it's a bit too obvious to be ignored.
22:57 Wafu: Probably should be okay. Added
23:00 Crimmi: 01:23:295 (x) - Here too, but it can go good whether you accept it or not.
23:01 Wafu: Gimme a second please, brb
23:01 Crimmi: np.
23:09 Wafu: We can continue
23:10 Wafu: Eh, you used same time
23:10 Wafu: I mean, pasted
23:10 Crimmi: Ah crap.
23:11 Crimmi: My keybinding are shit.
23:11 Wafu: Hehe :D
23:11 Crimmi: Anyways, Easy is fine, moving on to normal
23:12 Wafu: Sure
23:14 Crimmi: 00:37:707 - Maybe a note could go here?
23:16 Wafu: I don't think it's enough significant. Sorry, I would rather keep that unmapped for normal, where I attempt to make only important sounds clickable.
23:19 Crimmi: 01:48:080 - You missed a piano key there xD
23:20 Wafu: Yup, cannot say anything against it. Fixed :D
23:21 Crimmi: There are some points in the kiai there are clickable sounds but they are optional, I just chose the ones that would fit the best.
23:22 Wafu: I guess I should map 01:50:909 -
23:22 Crimmi: Exactly what I was going to post xD
23:23 Crimmi: Other than that, the difficulty is fine.
23:23 Wafu: And would you say a circle or slider fits more?
23:23 Wafu: I would do a slider, but I am not sure whether it's not too much
23:24 Crimmi: A circle would do good since you'll keep the original distance.
23:24 Wafu: Even with slider you can almost accomplish that and moving one object doesn't hurt I guess? :D
23:27 Crimmi: Yeah that could work too~
23:27 Wafu: hehe :D
23:36 Wafu: Still here?
23:36 Crimmi: Hmm, nothing bad on Hard.
23:36 Crimmi: It's a great map~
23:37 Wafu: Haha, thanks really much, I appreciate it :)
23:37 Crimmi: No prob.

We fixed some missing objects on easy and normal and also few missing hitsounds. Thank you :)
heya, requested from pm

here's the log

good luck with the map tho <(^_^)>b
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YellowManul wrote:

heya, requested from pm

here's the log

good luck with the map tho <(^_^)>b
Thanks :)
We fixed combos on normal and some minor objects.
Very bad IRC, because mapset is more then just perfect :3
16:19 Shmiklak: btw how I should to mod your map?
16:20 Shmiklak: forum or irc?
16:20 Wafu: Haha, that would be interesting, but it's improbable.
16:20 Wafu: Uhm, I don't mind any.
16:20 Wafu: Depends on what you want :)
16:20 Shmiklak: well I prefer try IRC
16:21 Wafu: then sure :)
16:21 Shmiklak: first of I saw
16:22 Wafu: uhm
16:22 Wafu: I'll check those sounds, but I think they were fine
16:22 Shmiklak: ok
16:25 Shmiklak: 00:10:761 - why u enabled slider slide here?
16:25 Shmiklak: oops
16:25 Shmiklak: mistake
16:25 Shmiklak: xD
16:25 Wafu: Fixed those hitsound files
16:26 Shmiklak: 00:11:858 (4,1) - I know u can fix this blanket
16:26 Wafu: They were not 5ms delayed, but there was still a little delay, so it's good to fix.
16:26 Shmiklak: btw hard diff
16:26 Shmiklak: nice :D
16:27 Shmiklak: 01:37:461 (1) - I suggesting to make here some sort of drum hs at the hat
16:27 Wafu: of course, fixed
16:27 Shmiklak: Hears more sexy
16:28 Shmiklak: just think
16:28 Shmiklak: u clicking this slider
16:28 Shmiklak: and
16:28 Shmiklak: hear drum
16:28 Shmiklak: and begins rain of colorfull circles :D
16:28 Shmiklak: 01:43:151 (1) - same
16:29 Shmiklak: imo it can be for every 2-nd big white
16:29 Wafu: I'd like to stay out of drum hitsounds in this map, because there's not a single drum in the song. I just want to keep hitsounds of 'soft' instruments only.
16:29 Shmiklak: well ok
16:30 Shmiklak: 00:11:858 (4,1) - imo this jump doesn't feet to this part
16:31 Shmiklak: U didn't use jumps before
16:31 Shmiklak: anyway I said before about blanket so
16:31 Shmiklak: idk how it looks now for u
16:31 Shmiklak: and more then one u didn't use jumps next
16:32 Wafu: Where do you see a jump?
16:32 Shmiklak: here DS ups to 1.3
16:32 Shmiklak: but before u used 1.2
16:32 Shmiklak: idk maybe it was my mistake
16:32 Wafu: That's because of BPM change
16:32 Shmiklak: all is posible
16:33 Shmiklak: ok
16:33 Wafu: otherwise it would look all messy, it was already discussed with many people and they said that it looks much better if spacing is ignored in such places :)
16:34 Shmiklak: well ok
16:34 Shmiklak: I'm note expert in modding or mapping so :D
16:34 Wafu: That's fine haha :D
16:35 Shmiklak: btw did u do sb in osbpy right?
16:35 Shmiklak: or u used another soft?
16:36 Wafu: osbpy
16:36 Shmiklak: 00:38:029 (1,2) - blanket looks a bit weird for me
16:37 Wafu: modified a little
16:37 Shmiklak: 00:59:672 - why to not add break?
16:38 Shmiklak: I know it doesn't really need
16:38 Shmiklak: but still
16:39 Wafu: I didn't add it, because it manipulates with dim of the storyboard and there would be those "get ready" arrows showing up :D
16:39 Shmiklak: ok
16:39 Shmiklak: :D
16:43 Shmiklak: welll
16:43 Shmiklak: imo it's all for hard diff
16:44 Wafu: sure
16:44 Shmiklak: ah
16:44 *Shmiklak is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Normal]]
16:45 Shmiklak: sliders r overlaping
16:45 Shmiklak: if they r 1/2
16:45 Shmiklak: 00:00:674 (1) -
16:45 Shmiklak: i'm about this
16:45 Shmiklak: idk how to say it
16:46 Wafu: overlapping?
16:47 Wafu: I don't see anything overlapped here o.o
16:47 Shmiklak: yes
16:47 Shmiklak: it overlaped
16:47 Shmiklak: with his body
16:47 Shmiklak: xD
16:47 Shmiklak: i really don't know how to say
16:47 Shmiklak: just look
16:47 Shmiklak: idk about this
16:48 Shmiklak: btw Imo u should add a bit more tags
16:48 Wafu: well.. obviously repeat slider will overlap itself, they're not harmful in any way, you just click them really easily :D
16:48 Wafu: yeah, I'll add
16:49 Shmiklak: very hard for mod xD
16:50 Shmiklak: I can't say anything more
16:50 *Shmiklak is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Easy]]
16:50 Shmiklak: I guess I'll find only blankets lol
16:50 Shmiklak: xD
16:51 Shmiklak: 00:08:531 (3,4) - first blanket xD
16:52 Shmiklak: and
16:52 Shmiklak: that's all :(
16:53 Shmiklak: i'll shoot star
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Thanks for your mod and time :3

We fixed some blankets, little delay in sound files and minor stuff.
Hi~! M4M is here~ >w</

Beautiful ;-;. Nothing wrong, but, um, just my suggestion. There's a long pause at this part -> 00:59:672 ~ 01:03:261 in each diffs. How about inserting break time there?

* Hm, how about using AR 1.5? In my opinion, AR 1.5 matches perfectly with the SV that you use here :3
* 00:08:531 (3,4) - This blanket is almost perfect. This slider -> 00:09:245 (4) needs to be less curved, but you need to use 4 GridSize in order to fix it :3
* 00:09:245 (4) - Add NC at this downbeat please~
* 01:22:581 (2,3) - In my opinion, it would be nice if these two notes was replaced with 1/1 slider instead, since the offset was changed in each notes, which make these two notes harder to be predicted by some beginner players. They might hit these notes earlier or a little bit too soon due to the offset change
* 01:33:289 (2) - Add whistle on the head of this slider. It would sounds nice to follow the vocal once in awhile. Moreover, the whistle's sound resulted at the head of 01:33:289 (2) would sounds less loud and softer than the whistle at 01:31:836 (1) due to the soft-hitnormal without the piano, which is matching her vocal perfectly
* 01:45:293 (2,3) - Making them into blanket? Just like what you did at 01:10:444 (2,3)
* 01:51:599 (3,4) - I guess changing these two notes into one slider would be better, since just like before, the offset was changing in these two notes, plus the gap between 01:51:599 (3) and 01:52:636 (4) was too long and makes it harder for the beginner players to predict when is the right time to hit this note -> 01:52:636 (4)

* I guess it would be better to use AR 4.5 instead of 4.3
* 00:46:654 (1) - How about break this 4/3 slider into 1/1 slider and one note? I feel more comfortable for having this part -> 00:47:751 'clickable' when I test playing
The rest in this diff looks perfectly perfect \:3/

* AR 6.5 please~ :3
* 00:10:761 (3) - Add whistle at the head of this slider please~
* 00:11:858 (4,1) - This blanket could be improved. This slider -> 00:12:205 (1) just needs to be less curved
* 00:37:345 - Add a note at this part would be nice :3
* 00:38:029 (1,2) - This blanket could be improved as well. Make this slider -> 00:38:760 (2) less curved
* 00:54:131 - Add 1/2 slider at this part from 00:54:131 (red tick) until 00:54:488 (big white tick) to follow her voice which is saying 'lors'. Since her vocal still continue until this part that I mentioned, it feels a bit weird to let this part empty. Moreover, you mapped this part 00:56:988 (2) when she was also saying 'lors' so it would be nice to have a consistent rhythm ;)
* 01:13:353 (4) - Add whistle at the head of this slider please~
* 01:46:689 (2,3) - Fix this blanket please~

Okay, that's all~
This mapset is sooooo beautiful! I'm crying ;-;
Oh right, here's my map that needs BN check senpai (> w<)/ :
Thanks~ :3

Good Luck in Rank senpai~
Topic Starter

Modem wrote:

Hi~! M4M is here~ >w</

Beautiful ;-;. Nothing wrong, but, um, just my suggestion. There's a long pause at this part -> 00:59:672 ~ 01:03:261 in each diffs. How about inserting break time there? I already stated that in some IRC mod, I didn't want to put the break as it affects storyboard and it doesn't drain almost any HP anyway.

* Hm, how about using AR 1.5? In my opinion, AR 1.5 matches perfectly with the SV that you use here :3 That probably depends on person, I saw 1.3 as the best one because it's a little bit slower than 1.5, which gives you enough time to realize that there is a BPM change by looking at the approach circle and it's not even low, because no objects are overlapping so the readability would be decreased in any way.
* 00:08:531 (3,4) - This blanket is almost perfect. This slider -> 00:09:245 (4) needs to be less curved, but you need to use 4 GridSize in order to fix it :3 Improved a little. And I don't need 4 grid size, if I am not using grid at all haha
* 00:09:245 (4) - Add NC at this downbeat please~ It would run out of consistency, previous part like that also doeesn't have a new combo.
* 01:22:581 (2,3) - In my opinion, it would be nice if these two notes was replaced with 1/1 slider instead, since the offset was changed in each notes, which make these two notes harder to be predicted by some beginner players. They might hit these notes earlier or a little bit too soon due to the offset change I'll keep that for now, because I think 01:23:307 - should be a clickable object. BPM of the song should be fine for hitting that though.
* 01:33:289 (2) - Add whistle on the head of this slider. It would sounds nice to follow the vocal once in awhile. Moreover, the whistle's sound resulted at the head of 01:33:289 (2) would sounds less loud and softer than the whistle at 01:31:836 (1) due to the soft-hitnormal without the piano, which is matching her vocal perfectly The previous slider has a piano, anyway, I don't want to change that because it doesn't sound enough strong to me to be even emphasized by the vocal and I only wanted to add variety to the kiai part.
* 01:45:293 (2,3) - Making them into blanket? Just like what you did at 01:10:444 (2,3) I use two ways to connect with wavy slider. First one is a blanket as you described and second one is following the wavy part of it and I'd like to not make it same, if I have opportunity to make it different, but still good.
* 01:51:599 (3,4) - I guess changing these two notes into one slider would be better, since just like before, the offset was changing in these two notes, plus the gap between 01:51:599 (3) and 01:52:636 (4) was too long and makes it harder for the beginner players to predict when is the right time to hit this note -> 01:52:636 (4) Same as one at the beginning, as I said, if this is considered critically unplayable, I can change that, but in my opinion, the low BPM really allows it to be a lot more playable.

* I guess it would be better to use AR 4.5 instead of 4.3 Same as easy, it was again something between what I saw as the best, I'd even say going higher is really overexaggerated for a normal.
* 00:46:654 (1) - How about break this 4/3 slider into 1/1 slider and one note? I feel more comfortable for having this part -> 00:47:751 'clickable' when I test playing Yeah, why not. Fixed
The rest in this diff looks perfectly perfect \:3/

* AR 6.5 please~ :3 I don't really see the sense in it apart from making numbers dividable by 5. Like it's known that many people are angry if they cannot have 50% volume but 49% or 51% - even I do that, but in maps, so many people recommend rounding numbers like that regardless the gameplay effect. I don't say it's your case, but there were people who recommended changes like this just for sake of nice numbers. I don't see any improvement in gameplay, so that's why I don't fix that.
* 00:10:761 (3) - Add whistle at the head of this slider please~ As already stated on previous diffs, I want to vary the hitsounds only in kiai part as these vocals are not enough strong for being emphasized.
* 00:11:858 (4,1) - This blanket could be improved. This slider -> 00:12:205 (1) just needs to be less curved You're probably referring to approach circle and I don't really like that, because it hugely denies you to use high slider curves, while it actually looks clean and is exactly in the gap.
* 00:37:345 - Add a note at this part would be nice :3 Definitely not, I am not fan of overusing circles when there's no sound.
* 00:38:029 (1,2) - This blanket could be improved as well. Make this slider -> 00:38:760 (2) less curved I fixed the position a little so it's symmetrical, but I didn't really change the shape for reason above.
* 00:54:131 - Add 1/2 slider at this part from 00:54:131 (red tick) until 00:54:488 (big white tick) to follow her voice which is saying 'lors'. Since her vocal still continue until this part that I mentioned, it feels a bit weird to let this part empty. Moreover, you mapped this part 00:56:988 (2) when she was also saying 'lors' so it would be nice to have a consistent rhythm ;) The reason I didn't put notes here, but on the second place is that 00:54:131 - is really faded out and the voice is rather disappearing, 00:54:488 - is then somewhat undefined sound as it's very long and you cannot really determine end of it. 00:56:988 (2) - Is louder, rather than fading out, that's the reason I mapped it. If it's mentioned again, I'll remove 00:56:988 (2) - , but I won't add the note on previous one.
* 01:13:353 (4) - Add whistle at the head of this slider please~ Already mentioned the reason previously.
* 01:46:689 (2,3) - Fix this blanket please~ I find this one fine.

Okay, that's all~
This mapset is sooooo beautiful! I'm crying ;-;
Oh right, here's my map that needs BN check senpai (> w<)/ :
Thanks~ :3

Good Luck in Rank senpai~
Thanks for your mod. I'll try to get to your map as soon as possible, hopefully at the start of next week. :)
Honestly this mapset seems fine to me as it is. Minimalism is the key to flawless mapping.
I will recheck the timing one more time when I'm less tired and then move this forward. Thank you for mapping Marina! :3
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Desperate-kun wrote:

Honestly this mapset seems fine to me as it is. Minimalism is the key to flawless mapping.
I will recheck the timing one more time when I'm less tired and then move this forward. Thank you for mapping Marina! :3
Thank you really much for your words! Take your time, no reason to haste :)
Edit: Made a little change to the storyboard to optimize it a little. Just reduced it by 1.2MB, but no visual change was made.
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Desperate-kun wrote:

Thanks really much!
I will take care of this mapset tomorrow since I have a lot of free time then.
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21:44 ByBy13: firstly general stuff :D
21:45 ByBy13: 00:21:024 - unsnapped green line in Easy.It should be on 1/2 tick (red tick)
21:46 ByBy13: 00:22:095 - Same as above in Normal
21:46 Wafu: Uhm
21:46 Wafu: Just
21:46 Wafu: Green ones are fine to be off :)
21:46 Wafu: They don't change any hitsound in that time, so it's cool and fixing it doesn't make sense :D
21:46 ByBy13: unless they affect the hitsounds
21:46 ByBy13: you're right :D
21:57 *ByBy13 is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Easy]]
21:57 ByBy13: 00:20:653 - (2)- hmm shouldn't be 1.20x instead of 1.00x?
21:58 Wafu: Oh, no. I didn't intend any SV changes, because the map is almost constant when it comes to intensity. And the variable timing combined with variable SV might be a little bit confusing.
21:59 ByBy13: alrighty then
22:02 ByBy13: 01:48:794 (1)- maybe ending it on 01:49:865 - ? there are the stronger vocals and seems weird to ignore them :c
22:02 ByBy13: it's your choice after all
22:05 Wafu: It was like that previously and someone recommended to change it for better gameplay experience.
22:05 Wafu: I know the vocal is ignored then, but 01:50:909 (2,3) - is more straight forward rhythm to play then
22:06 Wafu: Otherwise, there would be 3/2 gap, 2 1/1 notes and another 3/2 gap
22:06 ByBy13: okay :c
22:06 Wafu: And that's hard to guess rhythm, so it's probably better, even if on cost of vocals
22:06 Wafu: *at cost
22:07 ByBy13: okay xD
22:08 ByBy13: just my opinion for
22:08 *ByBy13 is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Normal]]
22:11 Wafu: Are you modding different map now? :D
22:12 ByBy13: no XD
22:12 ByBy13: just to be sure about the spacing in Normal (that overlaps)
22:12 ByBy13: p/4099010 read this one ;( about Normal diff
22:13 ByBy13: that's why i checked different mapset
22:13 ByBy13: to compare
22:14 Wafu: Yeah, I understand this
22:14 Wafu: But this doesn't apply to this map
22:14 Wafu: Like really, his Normal is harder than my Hard
22:15 ByBy13: lol yeah xd
22:15 ByBy13: xD
22:15 ByBy13: I know
22:15 ByBy13: it's totally fine
22:15 ByBy13: and I am not talking about spread gap
22:15 ByBy13: :))
22:15 Wafu: And the BPM of his map fits for higher spacing, this one gives you enough time to notice everything
22:15 ByBy13: yup
22:17 ByBy13: i need to go afk a bit :c
22:30 ByBy13: I am back now :D
22:30 Wafu: oh yeah, cool :D
22:38 *ByBy13 is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Normal]]
22:39 ByBy13: 00:15:035 (2,3)- There is less overlapping which is noticeable so why don't you use the same spacing as you did for other ones like this one? it would be less crampy in my opinion o_o
22:40 Wafu: There is the same spacing, just there's time difference. I think that newbies who'll play Easy and Normal need more indication than just approach circles here
22:41 ByBy13: i know
22:42 Wafu: For Hard, I ignored constant spacing, because there, you really have to feel the music, but if someone things it is regular 1/2, he'll miss on it, so I think the constant DS will help it a little. Variable timing is difficult to play
22:42 ByBy13: but i would like to fix it because the overlapping is less noticeable and feels crampy :c
22:42 ByBy13: ehh nvm then
23:06 *ByBy13 is editing [ Marina And The Diamonds - True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover) [Hard]]
23:07 ByBy13: 00:28:436 (4,5,6,7)- can you increase the spacing here a bit? looks weird to see the spacing decreased when the vocal is stronger on (5)- :c
23:07 ByBy13: *mind increasing
23:08 Wafu: That's the stack, 5 is supposed to form the pattern
23:08 ByBy13: i know
23:08 ByBy13: but when i am doing a pattern like this one
23:08 ByBy13: it happens to increase the spacing for emphasizing something stronger ==
23:09 Wafu: But then, the shape is completely different :D
23:09 Wafu: and the main emphasis is on kiai and the pseudo-kiai part
23:11 Wafu: I'd have to make much more spacing differencies, which would change the intention of this map to have calm parts around refrains
23:12 ByBy13: alrighty XD
23:13 Wafu: I'd add about more than 30 jumps, which would boost the difficulty quite a lot and would stop making sense with the style I explained :)
23:13 ByBy13: oh ok xD
23:16 Wafu: I'm sorry to deny quite a lot, but I hope my reasons are enough to you :)
23:17 ByBy13: they are :)
23:18 ByBy13: btw
23:18 ByBy13: why don't you enable the epilepsy warning?
23:19 ByBy13: for the strobes from the kiai
23:19 Wafu: Because epileptic seizures don't happen at such frequencies
23:20 ByBy13: ok
23:21 Wafu: There must be a big contrast and blinking stuff, rather than something flashing 3 times within like 20 seconds or so
23:21 ByBy13: ah okay
23:22 Wafu: If someone is so sensitive, he wouldn't even be able to play osu! at all.
23:23 ByBy13: yeah xD
23:23 Wafu: But as I think about it
23:23 Wafu: There are too many things happening
23:24 Wafu: I enabled it, just for case
23:24 ByBy13: alrighty
23:24 ByBy13: update
23:24 ByBy13: ;3
23:25 Wafu: It shouldn't do anything to anyone with PSE, but still, sliders, notes, those falling lights, flying ones and few flashes. Not at such high frequencies, but might still be worth warning people that they should be aware about their diseases.
23:27 Wafu: BSS is slow :D
23:27 ByBy13: okay
23:27 Wafu: I'll tell you when it's done
23:28 ByBy13: okay :D
We added epilepsy warning. Even though I myself believe that scientists are correct and the lowest flashing frequencies to cause a seizure were about 3Hz (3 flashes per second), there are too many particles and things moving at one time + the map is playing. There are many people who don't care about their diseases, so the warning is more appropriate, even though the map is unlikely causing a seizure.

We also changed title to just True Colours. Her youtube channel always puts song names to " " + her website is stating only True Colours, not True Colours (Cyndi Lauper Cover)
I know almost everything has been denied but Epilepsy Warning was enabled and metadata was changed.Seems cool to me nonetheless! True Colours <3

EDIT: The OSB has been doubled which is not alright :c.Sorry for inconvience
Topic Starter
Thanks! But I mistakenly uploaded 2 osbs right before qualification, respectively I was not quick enough to warn you about that. I hope we can fix this quickly!
congrats fuck, fix those osbs then
DQ because of old and not used 4MB .osb in the folder.

Edit: And requalified.
Topic Starter

p3n wrote:

DQ because of old and not used 4MB .osb in the folder.

Edit: And requalified.
Thanks for solving this! :)
Regratz again Wafu! And sorry for bringing the trouble with OSBs :(
Congrats! :D
Shohei Ohtani
man EEN spreads are so fun
Cool Wafu <3
p3n is alive?!
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:

p3n is alive?!
It was just the removal of the .osb file because of a quick qualification right after I updated it, so it was just the management job. Still dead I guess haha :D
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