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Aurani wrote:

When we're on the subject of bashing others, I literally have less problems with someone having a fetish for making love to animals than someone who's into bondage. That shit is so disgustingly cringy it's unbelievable. Makes me feel like those kind of people are heavily into some kind of rape.
Power-dynamics are exciting when taken to a new and higher level, which is why many people seek to integrate this excitement into their sex-lives. While rape, from the rapist's perspective, is often about exerting power over their victim, it also royally fucks over the victims life, which most people find to be a repulsive thing to do.

Only because there is some minor and insignificant overlap for rape and bondage regarding one party exerting power, doesn't mean that the two should be conflated. They are as different as could be. For most "normal" people, power is only sexually exciting when they don't ruin someone in the process, as they tend to be sensitive to genuine emotional distress. Bondage tends to evoke different feelings than genuine emotional distress.

Mr Color wrote:

identifying oneself within a fanbase is about the most stupid things you could do

if i like something, i like it. i don't stop and worry every five minutes about what people will think of other people that like that thing, because they're not me and I don't care.

stop being so fucking insecure about your goddamn life will you
If you don't care what other people think, that just makes you asocial.
Identifying yourself with a group doesn't mean that you surrender your free will and personality to the group. It just means that you feel like you can get along with most people in the group, that you share common interests or goals, that you enjoy spending time together and possibly even think similarly. It's not an subservient "MUST FOLLOW THE GROUP"-feeling, its just a social "yeah, these are my people"-feeling. Everyone who is not completely immature can identify himself with a group while maintaining his independence.

Railey2 wrote:

Power-dynamics are exciting when taken to a new and higher level, which is why many people seek to integrate this excitement into their sex-lives. While rape, from the rapist's perspective, is often about exerting power over their victim, it also royally fucks over the victims life, which most people find to be a repulsive thing to do.

Only because there is some minor and insignificant overlap for rape and bondage regarding one party exerting power, doesn't mean that the two should be conflated. They are as different as could be. For most "normal" people, power is only sexually exciting when they don't ruin someone in the process, as they tend to be sensitive to genuine emotional distress. Bondage tends to evoke different feelings than genuine emotional distress.
Yeah, because nothing screams "I'm sensitive and love you" like chocking/strangling her whilst you're filling her.

Aurani wrote:

Yeah, because nothing screams "I'm sensitive and love you" like chocking/strangling her whilst you're filling her.
Choking/Strangling isn't bondage, it's already in the S/M department. The two often come together, but they don't have to, so your example doesn't really fit.

Believe it or not, you can absolutely mess someone up the first minute and then later on be sensitive and romantic. And besides, who would always want to be touchy-feely in bed? Mix it up a little bit, mate.

But I'm not going to give you a manual here. If you have a personal aversion towards tying someone to a bed-frame, that's cool with me. And that's coming from a guy who isn't even primarily into bondage. It's just staggering how you could confuse sexual violence with playful excitement.

Aurani wrote:

Yeah, because nothing screams "I'm sensitive and love you" like chocking/strangling her whilst you're filling her.
there's a heightened element of trust between partners
straight up, i would love to be tied to a bed

Railey2 wrote:

Believe it or not, you can absolutely mess someone up the first minute and then later on be sensitive and romantic. And besides, who would always want to be touchy-feely in bed? Mix it up a little bit, mate.
According to your logic, any time I don't utterly crush someone in bed I'm touchy-feely.

Yeah, no.

Aurani wrote:

Railey2 wrote:

Believe it or not, you can absolutely mess someone up the first minute and then later on be sensitive and romantic. And besides, who would always want to be touchy-feely in bed? Mix it up a little bit, mate.
According to your logic, any time I don't utterly crush someone in bed I'm touchy-feely.

Yeah, no.
what are you on about?

I was making the point that things can a bit more varied in bed, because you said that choking someone doesn't scream "sensitive love" (which is true, but completely irrelevant because sex doesn't just have to be about sensitive love). If that wasn't your point, then why did you bring it up at all? I know choking doesn't scream love, but how is that relevant to anything?

I swear this discussion makes you look like a virgin and me like a sexual deviant, which is sad because I bet neither is true.

Aurani wrote:

Railey2 wrote:

Believe it or not, you can absolutely mess someone up the first minute and then later on be sensitive and romantic. And besides, who would always want to be touchy-feely in bed? Mix it up a little bit, mate.
According to your logic, any time I don't utterly crush someone in bed I'm touchy-feely.

Yeah, no.
You do realize that's basically a straw man fallacy, right?
I was being sarcastic, IppmaN.

As for Railey - mate, I don't have neither a problem with being rough nor mixing it up, but I do have a problem when you say that strangling someone with rope is normal. I mean, fuck, it might be, maybe I'm just utterly retarded and have no clue of how the 21st century should work, but I am personally circling back to my original point where I stated that I find bondage (except maybe light bondage, that sounds like a fun experiment) utterly disturbing for some reason. It makes me feel like you're trying to simulate some sort of rape.
I never claimed that it was normal, nor that I was into it (which I am not). I just see where people come from when they do it, even the more extreme stuff. Getting strangled with a rope, which again was something that you brought up and which is most definitely not representative for bondage as a whole, is most likely not normal (read: common).

I can see why people would associate it with rape due to the commonalities regarding the power-distribution between the two parties, but its still nothing more than an association. When you take a look at the differences, as you should, you can see that it is really not all that disturbing.
I never claimed strangling with rope to be representative of bondage as a whole, but it's definitely a PART of it.

Anyways, I wasn't trying to argue about it, as the only reason I even mentioned bondage is because I stated my personal (thus biased) opinion.
I'd like to tie you up tbh, seeing your naked Bosnian body in front of me, trembling in anticipation
But I'm Serbian. :V
I thought you'd be in for a little role-play
Please ravage my backside.
sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me
What have I walked into

Aurani wrote:

I was being sarcastic, IppmaN.
Ok now you're just being Trash Boat.

And I don't like that.
I always add "man" to other people's names when I feel like it. Idk why, I'm autistic I guess.
No no no.

You did a dumb thing, and then tried to excuse it with "I was being sarcastic".

That is exactly the kind of retarded bullshit trash boat pulls, and you're better than that. At least I hope you are.

Anyways IppeK, I truly was being sarcastic, but I see why you'd think that. Thanks for at least having more respect for me than I thought you'd have. :p
fat pear
yes a little girl would love to be in the same fandom as neckbearded, mouth-breathing, rainbow-dyed haired, rainbow dash shirted, fat, smelly pieces of crap.

bronies are fucking scum of the earth

microism wrote:

yes a little girl would love to be in the same fandom as neckbearded, mouth-breathing, rainbow-dyed haired, rainbow dash shirted, fat, smelly pieces of crap.

bronies are fucking scum of the earth
A think a little girl would just fucking watch the show and not know any of that exists
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