I checked Kantan and Futsuu so far by using autoplay and to be honest I'm a bit astonished right now and confused as well.
Even though the map recieved many mods, so are the difficulties still not ready for rank. Mapping-wise the maps are somehow okay, but difficultie-wise we have many problems, especially in Kantan. Well, some mods are already a few months old and at this time the new Taiko-set system has been implemented so the mapping of easier diffs was not common. But we also have some
unrankable stuff here which I want to mention.
Timing looks wrong to me because, it moves in certain section forward/backward(which makes the gameplay - especially in the easier difficulties - harder because the scrollbar's bars are not synchronized to the notes anymore):
I know, there are ranked versions with just one timing of this song. But these sets are osu-only which gameplay aren't effected by stanzas, while in taiko the stanzas are shown as bars which effect the gameplay of players.
Having proper one would look like this:
Right now I wasn't able to figure out the right placements for the red-lines. Some BATs agree to this and some other don't, so a consens needs to be found.
As long as there is no opinon of some skilled "timer" I will give you for now a refined offset:
520 (which is -6)
General:- The usage of SV 1,05 is not recommended. I even say this is rather unrankable, but this is just my own opinion. The reason for this is that, the smaller the SV, the harder it is for the beginner to see a difference between different spaces, so readability becomes for him really hard. A real beginner can't considere spacings well enought at all so the reaction to this is many miss' while playing.
I recommend you to use a SV of 1.20 since this works overall pretty well and established it-self as pretty usefull in Taiko. - I also recommend to use a constant audio volumen for all difficulties. It is not a must at all, but in most cases it is rather questionable if using different volumen has a big / good effect at the user.
- The song is over 3 minutes long, so you can expect from higher Kantan players to play DT on this map. Thus, hitting sliders on a song with BPM 190 + DT will become really hard. Right now the Kantan carries 10 sliders which some of them are pretty long. Considere to shorter / delete some of them. - Of course, sliders are in TNT for gaining extra points, but in osu I see this a bit problematic since they contain ticks.
Notes:<I'm modding with SV 1.20>00:06:683 (1) - I suggest you having here just a D finisher because in this way the upcoming spinner would have a bigger effect.
00:09:368 (1) - Talking about the second spinner, I also suggest to shorten it to 00:11:262 and have a note(don) at 00:11:894.
00:13:789 (2,3,1,1) - This constalation is problematic in a Kantan due to different spacings which can confuse the beginner. But having another spacing might be even more problematic right now since the songs beat is to strong to be changed. Because of this I recommend having just dons in this part. It makes sure to make playing easier for beginner.
00:25:789 (5,1,2,1) - Having here a d kkd is for a Kantan with BPM 190 demanding for beginners. I suggest having a normal 2/1
k k k here so you have a mirror pattern: d d d | k k k.
↑ Applying this to all similiar cases gives you the possibility to use these kind of patterns(even though monton is recommended(ooo/xxx)) in the kiai times, so you can emphasize them better.
00:28:315 (1,2,1) - d d d ↑↑
(at the end you should have this pattern: http://puu.sh/3lyHN.png )}
00:31:473~00:39:999 - Problematic part again. It is once again demanding and Kantan is rather for beginners. Use this instaed:
(Blue lines = 00:31:473~00:39:999 )
00:40:631 (1,2,3,4,5) - these are patterns which must be fixed. You have three differen placed spacings which the beginner won't be able to notice at all. I recommend following pattern:
00:42:841 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2) - Same as before. Different spacings, this is a no in Kantan difficulties. I suggest following patterns:
k d k d k d k D and after that...
00:47:262~00:49:157 - ... I suggest having
D x d x spinner to have an emphasized break which prepares the player for the kiai. The spinner should go up to 00:51:052.
00:49:789~00:51:999 - Spacing problem + the beginning of the kiai has no note due to the slider. In general it should be avoided to use sliders ends as first note for a stanza. If you used the previous suggestion you should have here a slider already. At 00:52:157 you can add a note now. SHould look like this:
00:52:157 - Kiai sounds good, but considering the BPM it would be too fast for a beginner to alternate "k d k". Try this:
01:00:210 (5) - The slider is okay, since it fits to the vocal good.
01:05:736 (1,2,3,4) - Inconsitent spacing.
01:07:631 (5) - Spinner might be a good idea. Pretty long slider.
I stopped here with the modding since the same issues appear. I don't want to change the map too much.
Well, mapping wise the map is actually okay, but as I said before: You have too many different spacings. The SV 1.05 makes it harder to read this spacings and sometimes patterns like "k d k" are pretty hard for a beginner on a 190 BPM map. Parts like 01:17:578 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1,2,3,4) - are actually mapped pretty well and Kantan worthly, so I say you could follow the mapping in this way. It would also benefit the afterwards coming kiais -as I said before- since it would emphasize the rise of notes pretty well. Having in the whole map similiar patterns might become boring, so playing a little with the amounts of notes in certain sections is an important move for preventing this bornes.
After all: 1/2 to 1/2 has less effect on the player as 1/1 to 1/2.
Don't feel discouraged, after all it is not easy to evaluate the difficultie of an Kantan, especially when mappers are not used to it. See it as your entry to easier Taiko diffs. and I'm sure your next map will be even better! I do see some potential, so just call me if you have questions or need help for further projects. Have a hint from me for the future:
In general, mappers can make their job in mapping a Kantan easier, just by knowing the process of it. Kantan maps don't follow the songs actual beat, they contain just linear pattern structures which can be variated together by having a reverse patterns to make the map more interesting. Example: d d d x k k k x d d k x k k d ...
Since I know how tiring it can be to applie a mod -especially the current one I gave you for the Kantan- I will skip this for now and wait until you finished Kantan.
Muzukashii and
Oni will be modded by aabc when he has time.
After his and my Fustuu mod I will recheck the map one more time so you can find 2~3 more mods.
Finally, after these 2~3 mods I will recheck it one last time and -if possible- give it a go for a rebubble.
Just do me the favor and don't give up. I will help you where ever I can. (´⊙ω⊙`)!