
fripSide - black bullet [OsuMania]

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It'S BACK !!!! <3
Will this be ranked0.0?
Come on 17VA,we miss you >3<!!!
67은 체감보다 약간 높지 않나 생각함.. 정말 짜게 주면 레벨 50 후반 혹은 60 초중반정도..

스타 레이팅 상으로 봐도 45랑 0.8 정도밖에 차이안나기도하고

아시다시피 쉴드 노트보단 역쉴드 노트가 훨씬 쉽기도 하고요
흠 개인적으로 36짜리 보다 45짜리가 퀄은 훨씬 높네요

근데 36도 좋은게 함정;; 모딩 할게있어야지


00:05:587 -

00:06:361 (6361|4,6361|2) - 음 이걸 00:06:555 - 여기 롱놋까지

00:09:458 (9458|4,9458|2) - 이거도

00:19:716 (19716|4) - 이거 00:19:910 - 여기다 멈추는게 낫지 않을까요 더 깔끔하고 빨간선이니까 문제는 없을듯

00:21:265 (21265|6) - ^ 00:21:458 -

00:23:587 (23587|5) - 이거 걍 00:23:974 (23974|5) - 없애고 여기까지 올리시는것도 괜찮을듯

00:26:684 - 여기는 00:25:136 - 이거 미러여도 괜찮을거같은데

00:36:361 - 보컬음 없긴한데 1/1 이니까 노트 한개정돈 넣어도 괜찮네요

00:47:587 (47587|0,47684|3,47781|1,47878|4,47974|2,48071|5,48168|3) - 이건.. 효과음이 크게 긴 편이 아니니까 그냥 1/4 한 줄 롱놋으로 쓰는게

나아보이네요 치기도 더 편하고

00:49:910 (49910|6) - ;;; 왠 쉴놋이;; 위에는 없는거같은데 00:49:910 (49910|2) - 를 4로 가고 없애는건 어떨가요

00:52:232 - 여기 롱놋이 보컬음이긴 한데 보컬이 마나자시니 인데 마나자시에서 롱노트 패턴이 끝나니까 ~~니 까지 만드시거나 혹은 머.. 몰겠네요

01:00:168 (60168|6) - ????

01:08:491 - 01:09:265 - 여기는 45처럼 만들어주세요 그게 더 편함
Topic Starter
ㄳ 반쯤 수정함
from chao fan queue and M4M

column 1234567
i think you need one diff between Lv9 and Lv20
gap too much

00:00:942 (942|1) - until 00:01:329 because Lv.20 is this pattern
00:05:587 -
00:09:071 (9071|4,9071|2) - move 17 or 26
00:09:265 -,Lv.20)
00:12:168 (12168|5,12168|1) - move to 17
00:18:168 (18168|5,18265|3,18361|1) - idk this rhythm,follow piano as 00:16:620 (16620|1,16910|5,17200|3) - ?
00:30:942 (30942|5) - change 57,same sound as 00:30:652 (30652|4,30652|6) -
00:52:523 - add
00:58:716 - ^
01:23:394 (83394|5,83394|1) - move 17
01:23:974 (83974|3,84168|3) - move or change LN
00:00:362 (362|1,555|0,749|1,942|2,1329|1,1523|2) - move some right
00:05:587 (5587|2,5974|4) - add one each
00:12:942 (12942|2,13136|0) - and00:14:491 (14491|3,14684|1) -
add like 00:16:039 (16039|4,16136|3,16232|2) -
00:30:652 (30652|4,31136|2) - add some
00:39:942 - add
00:41:491 (41491|0,41587|1) -
00:43:039 - add
you seems not to use song's good accent...
01:12:168 (72168|2) - delete

i will check other diffs later

00:02:684 (2684|5,2781|3,2878|5,2974|3) - if hihat,1/6
00:08:878 (8878|4,8926|2,9023|4,9071|2) - 1/6
00:13:523 - add or change LN like 00:15:071 (15071|6,15361|0) -
00:40:039 (40039|5,40039|1,40039|6,40039|0) - move to 00:40:136
00:43:136 (43136|6,43136|1,43136|0,43136|5) - ^
00:56:007 - add
01:20:103 (80103|4,80152|2,80249|4,80297|2) - 1/6
00:30:942 - add 5
00:36:361 - add

good luck
Topic Starter

hutunohito wrote:

from chao fan queue and M4M

column 1234567
i think you need one diff between Lv9 and Lv20
gap too much

00:00:942 (942|1) - until 00:01:329 because Lv.20 is this pattern - ok
00:05:587 - - ok
00:09:071 (9071|4,9071|2) - move 17 or 26 - ok
00:09:265 -,Lv.20) - X
00:12:168 (12168|5,12168|1) - move to 17 - X
00:18:168 (18168|5,18265|3,18361|1) - idk this rhythm,follow piano as 00:16:620 (16620|1,16910|5,17200|3) - ? - lol this note plays hithats
00:30:942 (30942|5) - change 57,same sound as 00:30:652 (30652|4,30652|6) - hmm. sorry 6 is more better imo
00:52:523 - add - k
00:58:716 - ^ - k
01:23:394 (83394|5,83394|1) - move 17 - ^
01:23:974 (83974|3,84168|3) - move or change LN - fixed other way.
00:00:362 (362|1,555|0,749|1,942|2,1329|1,1523|2) - move some right - X
00:05:587 (5587|2,5974|4) - add one each - ok
00:12:942 (12942|2,13136|0) - and00:14:491 (14491|3,14684|1) -
add like 00:16:039 (16039|4,16136|3,16232|2) - sry. I cant
00:30:652 (30652|4,31136|2) - add some - this is LV 20 , I cant.
00:39:942 - add - ok
00:41:491 (41491|0,41587|1) - - hmm.. bass drums here...
00:43:039 - add - ok
you seems not to use song's good accent...
01:12:168 (72168|2) - delete - X

i will check other diffs later
You need to remove (TV Size)
according to this mapset, the metadata is CONFIRMED BY KSHR
Topic Starter
applied, thanks
rip lv.60
x M e l
Hi~ mod from your m4m queue


00:12:168 - I recommend to make this because isn't same tone with 00:12:168 (12168|1, 12168|5) - and 00:11:781 (11781|1, 11781|5) -
00:41:781 - put triple here like here 00:38:684 -
00:53:007 - put double here like here 00:49:910 -
00:56:103 - ^
01:08:491 - ^
01:15:458 - put double
01:23:394 - isn't same tone

00:10:039 - In lv.9, you put a note here
00:18:749 - I recommend to make double here, because this triple 00:18:942 - sounds stronger than 00:18:749 -
01:18:361 - Lv.20 in left, Lv.9 in right, why you don't put the notes like lv.9?

That's all~ good map & good luck! :D
Topic Starter

Meiko Senpai wrote:

Hi~ mod from your m4m queue


00:12:168 - I recommend to make this because isn't same tone with 00:12:168 (12168|1, 12168|5) - and 00:11:781 (11781|1, 11781|5) - -fixed
00:41:781 - put triple here like here 00:38:684 - -fixed
00:53:007 - put double here like here 00:49:910 - - to hard for nm
00:56:103 - ^ ^
01:08:491 - ^ ^
01:15:458 - put double- ^
01:23:394 - isn't same tone - ok

00:10:039 - In lv.9, you put a note here - ok
00:18:749 - I recommend to make double here, because this triple 00:18:942 - sounds stronger than 00:18:749 - -sorry
01:18:361 - Lv.20 in left, Lv.9 in right, why you don't put the notes like lv.9? - hmm.. other style?

That's all~ good map & good luck! :D
thanks for your help
ilove this
fixed something with hitsound

and i don't think the normal hit is accettable, suggest to change that one

also a little mod

[lv 36]

00:02:781 (2781|3,2974|3) - hat in 1/6

00:18:265 (18265|6) - same here
fixed some other little things, oky now
LN map hype
Too bad it isn't full size, but still hype! o/
Hype !
but i never know this is o2jam x_x
Topic Starter

Shinzo- wrote:

Hype !
but i never know this is o2jam x_x
Juz o2 patterns lol

17VA wrote:

Shinzo- wrote:

Hype !
but i never know this is o2jam x_x
Juz o2 patterns lol
oh, lolololol
let's go !!! 8-) 8-) 8-)
star :) coz u know like you 17VA #okno #slap'd
when rank
bubble forever
DJ Profetti

ArcherLove wrote:

when rank
LN maps=bubble ;w;
rename the creator upon update lol, and you can add 17va in tag, so people will always recognize its your map

03:15:958 (195958|5,196758|1) - add cymbol.wav
00:04:813 (4813|1,5200|1,5587|2,5974|1,6168|0) - add bass.wav
00:09:265 (9265|4) - can remove bass, you don't layer percussion here
00:10:039 (10039|3) - ^
00:11:007 (11007|4) - cymbol.wav
00:12:749 (12749|3) - bass.wav

00:30:652 (30652|4,30942|5) - clap clap
00:34:426 (34426|0,35200|6,35974|5) - cymbol?
00:37:523 (37523|2) - bass.wav
00:39:942 (39942|5,40232|0) - clap?
00:40:620 (40620|1) - add 1 more for bass
00:41:781 (41781|1) - too sudden for 3 notes
00:40:136 (40136|5) - bass
00:43:039 (43039|3,43329|2) - clap
00:43:232 (43232|6) - bass
00:43:716 (43716|1) - add 1 for bass

00:46:426 (46426|3) - can add 1 for clap
00:48:361 (48361|5) - change to bass

00:49:910 (49910|6) - bass
01:01:039 (61039|4) - bass

00:53:007 (53007|0) - 00:56:103 (56103|6) - 00:59:200 (59200|6) - i think you can add bass in storyboard sample..
01:01:716 (61716|3) - reduce to 50%
01:02:007 (62007|4,62200|4) - bass where

01:05:394 (65394|3) - bass
01:08:491 (68491|0) - bass in storyboard sample
01:11:587 (71587|3) - bass

01:14:684 (74684|0,75458|1,76232|1) - can add bass in storyboard sample
01:17:781 (77781|0) - bass
01:20:878 (80878|0) - ^

nice diff

00:03:265 (3265|0) - cymbol
00:04:813 (4813|6,5200|6,5587|0,5974|6,6168|0) - bass?
00:09:265 (9265|2) - remove bass like in NM
00:11:007 (11007|4) - cymbol
00:12:749 (12749|4) - bass

00:24:361 (24361|1,24361|5,24458|4,24458|2,24555|5,24555|1,24749|3) - i think
00:26:394 (26394|5) - incoming ghost note, i honestly don't think this should have been removed though, but otherwise QAT wouldn't agree C:
00:29:491 (29491|5) - ^
00:30:652 (30652|4,30942|3) - clap
00:30:845 (30845|6) - bass
00:31:329 (31329|5) - ^
00:34:426 (34426|6) - 00:35:200 (35200|3) - 00:35:974 (35974|6) - cymbol

00:39:942 (39942|6) - clap
00:40:136 (40136|2) - bass 00:40:232 (40232|6) - clap,
00:43:039 (43039|2,43232|3,43329|2) - ^

00:52:329 (52329|2) - would fit at 00:52:523
00:55:426 (55426|0) - ^ at 00:55:620 in 7th col
01:00:942 - can add for bass, or just add in storyboard.. would make sense tho o3o
01:13:329 - ^
01:14:103 (74103|2) - ^
01:14:684 (74684|6) - & 01:15:458 (75458|6) - ^
01:16:232 (76232|1) - ^

01:20:491 (80491|2) - remove bass

hi RC

00:06:555 (6555|3) - bass
00:12:749 (12749|6) - ^

00:24:361 (24361|5,24361|1) - ww

00:25:232 (25232|1,25232|3) - i don't see why this double is here, remove
00:25:620 (25620|2,25620|4) - ^
00:25:716 (25716|3) - emphasize the vocal with 1/2 LN

00:26:394 (26394|4) - remove

00:26:781 (26781|4,26781|3) - same like above,
00:27:361 (27361|4,27361|2) - ^
00:27:265 (27265|1) - emphasize the vocal again like above

00:27:942 (27942|1) - remove again

00:28:910 (28910|6,28910|5) - ^ like above

00:29:491 (29491|2) - remove

00:40:039 (40039|6,40039|0,40039|1,40039|5) - move to 00:40:136 - & remove 2 notes, this would still create similar pattern
and don't forget to add kick-clap kick clap in highlighted note

00:43:136 (43136|6,43136|0,43136|1,43136|5) - ^

00:46:523 (46523|3,46716|2) - remove
00:48:361 (48361|1) - bass
00:49:620 (49620|3,49716|2,49716|4,49813|5,49813|1) - ctrl+J, 00:49:910 (49910|3) - to 3 00:49:910 (49910|6) - HOW TO MOVE THIS SOMEWHERE ELSE AAA jk its fine

00:56:587 (56587|5,56587|1,56781|1) - 00:57:361 (57361|1,57361|5) - remove, 00:57:555 add at 2

01:01:136 (61136|0) - add at 4 and add cymbol
01:02:781 (62781|6) - 01:05:878 (65878|0) - idk with this, technically remove
01:12:749 (72749|2) - 01:13:136 (73136|6) - clap then cymbol
01:14:684 (74684|2,75458|1,76232|4) - bass

01:20:491 (80491|2,80684|2) - could be 1/4 trill instead, 00:09:265 (9265|2,9458|2) - too
01:22:232 (82232|6) - cymbol

[Extra noodle inside]
i don't see anything wrong with the pattern arrangement, instead you could utilize some spacing to let the notechart flow with the music rhythm rather than flow with the pattern

00:09:265 (9265|4,9458|4) - could be 1/4 trill
00:17:394 (17394|2) - could add 1 more note for piano

00:25:232 (25232|1,25232|3,25620|2,25620|4) - same pattern as Rc's diff? remove
00:26:394 (26394|4) - ^
00:26:781 (26781|4,26781|3,27361|2,27361|4) - ^
00:27:942 (27942|1) - ^

00:44:007 (44007|6,44200|6,44394|6,44587|6,44781|6,44974|6) - omg these anchor, no wonder its so tiring on the right hand in this spot
00:44:200 (44200|6) - to 6
00:44:781 (44781|6) - to 4

00:50:297 (50297|1) - change to note, 00:50:394 (50394|2) - remove, follow lv. 36 structure
00:53:394 (53394|5,53491|4) - ^

00:56:587 (56587|2,56587|6) - move to 00:56:781 - would make sense, the spacing is quiet doesn't flow with the rhythm here imo

00:57:555 - add 2 more note at 3 & 7, i hear something..
00:57:652 (57652|6) - to 6

00:58:426 (58426|6) - i hear the main instrument has 3/4 rhythm, could be good?

01:02:007 (62007|5,62200|4) - keecks

01:02:684 (62684|4,62781|5) - change to note and remove like lv.36 again
01:05:781 (65781|1,65878|0) - ^
and then 01:05:394 (65394|2,65491|1,65587|0,66168|4,66265|5,66361|6) -

01:14:394 (74394|1,74587|2) - keeeecks

i might missed some hitsound stuff, please cross-recheck 1 diff to each other by yourself..
OVERALL this should be qualified soon
those important problem i mentioned above should be fixed, and as addition, i just trying to keep the whole o2jam-structured chart as it is, i don't want to alter the structure much.. those patterns are rhythm-wise c:

1 more thing :
[171480 fripSide - black bullet]

• Unused hitsounds:


call me again soon, be sure those hitsound are re-arranged as i mention in all diffs by self-mod..
Topic Starter

ajeemaniz wrote:

rename the creator upon update lol, and you can add 17va in tag, so people will always recognize its your map

03:15:958 (195958|5,196758|1) - add cymbol.wav -?

All fixed


All fixed

hi RC

00:24:361 (24361|5,24361|1) - ww - triple note is much better

00:25:232 (25232|1,25232|3) - i don't see why this double is here, remove - strong elec sounds here
00:25:620 (25620|2,25620|4) - ^
00:25:716 (25716|3) - emphasize the vocal with 1/2 LN - I'm a

00:26:394 (26394|4) - remove

00:26:781 (26781|4,26781|3) - same like above,
00:27:361 (27361|4,27361|2) - ^
00:27:265 (27265|1) - emphasize the vocal again like above - I try to avoid that follows the vocals..

00:27:942 (27942|1) - remove again - sounds here

00:28:910 (28910|6,28910|5) - ^ like above

00:29:491 (29491|2) - remove

00:46:523 (46523|3,46716|2) - remove - elec sounds

00:56:587 (56587|5,56587|1,56781|1) - 00:57:361 (57361|1,57361|5) - remove, 00:57:555 add at 2
- huh... strong elec sounds, I cant remove those

01:01:136 (61136|0) - add at 4 and add cymbol - 1357 + jack technical training notes...
01:02:781 (62781|6) - 01:05:878 (65878|0) - idk with this, technically remove - for elec sounds
01:20:491 (80491|2,80684|2) - could be 1/4 trill instead, 00:09:265 (9265|2,9458|2) - too
- avoiding same pattern repeats.

[Extra noodle inside]
i don't see anything wrong with the pattern arrangement, instead you could utilize some spacing to let the notechart flow with the music rhythm rather than flow with the pattern

00:09:265 (9265|4,9458|4) - could be 1/4 trill - same as insane

00:44:007 (44007|6,44200|6,44394|6,44587|6,44781|6,44974|6) - omg these anchor, no wonder its so tiring on the right hand in this spot
- my way is more comfortable to play imo

00:50:297 (50297|1) - change to note, 00:50:394 (50394|2) - remove, follow lv. 36 structure
00:53:394 (53394|5,53491|4) - ^

- 00:50:297 (50297|6,50491|6) - those notes expresses strong beats instead

00:56:587 (56587|2,56587|6) - move to 00:56:781 - would make sense, the spacing is quiet doesn't flow with the rhythm here imo

- 00:56:587 (56587|2,56587|6) - elects, 00:56:491 (56491|3,56684|1,56684|5) - vocals

00:57:555 - add 2 more note at 3 & 7, i hear something.. - ^

00:58:426 (58426|6) - i hear the main instrument has 3/4 rhythm, could be good?

- I can't follow this because I'm emphasizing drums in this kiai parts. (00:58:813 (58813|6,59007|6) - )

01:02:007 (62007|5,62200|4) - keecks

01:02:684 (62684|4,62781|5) - change to note and remove like lv.36 again
01:05:781 (65781|1,65878|0) - ^
and then 01:05:394 (65394|2,65491|1,65587|0,66168|4,66265|5,66361|6) -

01:14:394 (74394|1,74587|2) - keeeecks

1 more thing :
[171480 fripSide - black bullet]

• Unused hitsounds:

--- auto mod's error.... lol
i kinda aware with the normal-hitwhistle though, it doesn't seems used in all diffs, all bass uses bass.wav sound oAo
but lemme redownload and recheck tomorrow..
sorry intentional double post, i guess i miss-mentioned some stuff

[Insane / lv 36]
01:20:491 (80491|2,80684|2) - bass

[Hard / lv 20]
00:43:232 (43232|3) - change to bass
00:24:361 (24361|1,24458|2,24652|4,24749|6) -
00:30:555 (30555|2,30652|4,30845|6,30942|3) -
00:39:845 (39845|0,39942|6,40136|2,40232|6) -
00:42:942 (42942|0,43039|2,43232|3,43329|1) - apply this bass clap bass clap hitsound to all diff please
Topic Starter
applied All
hey check aimod & fix the tag in lv20, and we're ready to qualify this

hitsound ok, pattern ok, metadata etc etc confirmed..
Topic Starter
ok done
ez ez..

thanks everyone, this is my last placed icon, so.. good luck on qualification!
finally unlimited bubble is qualified
another fripside mapset <3
gz more fripside <3
teach me how 2 7k
i'm totally DISAGREE on this pattern style are not suppose to be this game mode for our future quality terms and this kinda overmapped/abused on this music specifics.

I'm too LAZY to point everything in all difficulties. However, I'm going to take the highest difficulty so that you can get the idea for the lower difficulty too.


Is this the rhythm game we want to make?

00:12:749 - to 00:23:200 - I don't see where these triplets came from which instrument ( especially blue timeline ex:00:13:039 - ). So yeah, if you point the piano sounds, I don't think it FITS the current pattern, you should split them to make it in a different way

00:24:555 - the kick was not supposed to be here. it's should be at 00:24:652 -

00:24:749 - Do you feel this part has 1/4 guitar sounds? i don't think so. the guitar stream start from 00:24:361 - to 00:24:749 - exclusively and then back to 1/2


00:25:136 - to 00:37:426 - I'm going to point out the guitar note first. There are lots of 'ghost notes a.k.a no sound according to the instrument', as far as I know the guitar rhythm follows the piano rhythm as well ( you can hear clearly with off vocal songs ), such as these parts below :
00:26:200 (26200|5,26394|4,26587|3) - What does the purpose of these notes for?
00:29:297 (29297|1,29491|2,29684|3) - ^
00:32:394 (32394|5,32587|4,32781|3) - ^
00:33:361 (33361|4) - ^


00:25:620 (25620|4,25620|2,25813|0) - There is no sound at all no note should be here

00:39:265 - Why suddenly the double stairs?
00:42:168 - ^
00:43:716 - to 00:45:265 - What streams do you follow?

00:45:265 - these triplets should be on 1/1 snap, not at 1/2 snap
00:46:716 (46716|3) - remove
00:46:716 (46716|3) - I highly recommend you to make single stair because at 00:47:587 - this one is pretty good for double stair indeed

00:49:910 - to 01:17:684 - these pretty sucks tbh. you completely ignore the rhythm flow and making random stream patterns out of nowhere. i recommend you to map off vocal version to analyze instruments/rhythm structure here. your pitch need some revision too ( this is one of the concept of mapping for rhythm games )

overall quality is very poor especially the LN section. i hope you don't make the music 'cry' due to your mapping style.
lol people always check hardest diff and say this map is overmapped it ruins the song,it's for people who like overmap/want to challenge

ExPew wrote:

00:49:910 - to 01:17:684 - these pretty sucks tbh. you completely ignore the rhythm flow and making random stream patterns out of nowhere. i recommend you to map off vocal version to analyze instruments/rhythm structure here. your pitch need some revision too ( this is one of the concept of mapping for rhythm games )
for me this map is less random pattern than others.i can't make such LN patterns like him and some o2jam mappers,so i shouldn't say anything.

mappers misunderstand what you map for,pattern for songs? pattern for players is the better because mapping is for playing,not for making or watching(of course some are for watching)
[ A v a l o n ]
ayy i miss my rhythm games


oh .. this is still survived xd
Disqualified. Please respond to ExPew's mod on the hardest difficulty (Lv.45) of the beatmap. Especially during 00:49:910 - ~ 01:12:749 - , as this section clearly does not warrant a constant 1/4 rhythm throughout it. The LNs aren't necessarily the issue, it's more the constant 1/4 rhythm. (Lv.36 also has some similar issues with this rhythm.)

After you have replied we can then consider requalifying this beatmap again.
rip, was too good to be true

moni wrote:

.. this is still survived xd
LOL ExPew still work as QAT at random times LOL

Nanatsu wrote:

LOL ExPew still work as QAT at random times LOL

SanadaYukimura wrote:

Nanatsu wrote:

LOL ExPew still work as QAT at random times LOL
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