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She gets banned in ranked by high elo have fun
Fiora's freelo, but she's always banned; it's been like that for quite a while, no surprise there.
What you really have to know are the secret OPs. *ahem* *ahem* Karma top *ahem* *ahem* Kennen top.
Neku Okazaki
Garen is free elo too
People on reddit taught me that challenger players in korea are playing E-max tank Akali, I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes

he needed to guarantee that vision

EneT wrote:

Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.
As an ADC main, I'm gonna have to say that it is not true, at least in my case. I like to play Kog'Maw and he is really fun because seeing your opponents die in an instant is funny. Kiting is still pretty much important since you need your Q and E to fend off the assassins.

Jinx is my favourite champion and I have no idea how others think she's boring. But, well, opinions are opinions. 8-)

Rurree wrote:

EneT wrote:

Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.
As an ADC main, I'm gonna have to say that it is not true, at least in my case. I like to play Kog'Maw and he is really fun because seeing your opponents die in an instant is funny. Kiting is still pretty much important since you need your Q and E to fend off the assassins.

Jinx is my favourite champion and I have no idea how others think she's boring. But, well, opinions are opinions. 8-)
Well you must love boring champs if Jinx is your favourite. Seeing your opponents dying in an instant isn't fun when all you did was press W. That's like saying you had fun playing a sport and winning when all you did was sub in for 1 min.
What makes Jinx your favourite? What in her kit makes her so 'fun' to you and put her above the other ADCs?
Literally every other ADC is more fun than her.
tbh when I was playing ADC, jinx was just fun cause she's freelo. I can't play ADC anymore, so I've been stuck with Syndra mid. I think I'm pretty good if I've won every AD assassin mid line up 8-)
Captain Volibear's head looks like a banana. Just putting that out there guys
Aite, lemme check out this tank Akali top.

EneT wrote:

Aite, lemme check out this tank Akali top.
lmk, I failed miserably at this once against a fking illaoi
Nah that's because you're a scrub.
Played Akali jungle just now, ended 25/3. Goes bless.

k bai

Voli wrote:


k bai

Voli wrote:

k bai
Akali new meta pick incoming.
operation climb elo by making use of the /mute all feature working as intended :]
Still not fully sold by tank Akali. I'm more on that Iceborn rush Karma top train.

EneT wrote:

I'm more on that Iceborn rush Karma top train.
I just tried it. 10/10 would play again

EneT wrote:

Still not fully sold by tank Akali. I'm more on that Iceborn rush Karma top train.
You should try Akali jungle. It's pretty fun given you aren't playing against 3 tanks
Been there, done that. Played that shit last season.
I took waaaaaaaaay too long to find the enjoyment of Zac. I should try with him some ranked games.
Doublelift's haircut has consistently remained shit since Season 1.
Starting to get annoyed with all the blue ezreals
Yeah, I preferred it when people used to think that Ezreal did no damage when in actual fact, blue Ezreal has always done the most damage out of any ADCs (As I have always preached). But the pros have been playing it more, so people finally started playing it without thinking for themselves what actually makes a champion strong. That's the main thing I don't like about the community; people don't like to experiment and they just prefer to copy what people are doing in high elo. They don't bother thinking for themselves and it's probably the main reason why certain people find it hard to climb rank. At least it's happening now rather than before; when Fervor of battle was OP, blue Ezreal was literally freelo and impossible to lose with but people didn't realise because the 'pros' still weren't playing it back then.
It doesn't help that when you're losing, people tend to put blame on these odd builds thinking that's the sole reason why the team is doing bad. You gotta have a bit of hard shell for these things. Though it really shouldn't be an issue if you actually know how to play your champion.
IMT 10-0 fucking rekt son
i dont have to watch today to know they will leave 11-0
Yeah I know. People ask if I'm a troll when I play Karma top with Iceborn Rush but then fall silent when I proceed to carry the game; I'm like "K then". People were saying wtf when I played Graves top before it became common for the pros to play him top, saying "wtf?!! Graves top are you serious?!!". One or two months later, Graves becomes one of those perma ban champions that has the highest winrate for Top, Jungle and ADC and I'm just sitting here like, "I just bodied those fools."
i still dont get this game
I think the people that just copy the POTM are those kind of people that look at Tier lists to look for good champs to play. ADCs for example, it only takes a few moments of thought to realise that the two top ADCs right now are Kalista and Lucian since they have the strongest laning phase; good all throughout the duration of the game and fit in literally any team comp, but 'apparently', from the tier lists that I've seen, Kog'maw is the top, which is stupid since his laning phase is utter shit and it takes until 25 mins to finally become viable.
Ha, yah I've dealt with quite a few of those people. They jump into a ranked game thinking they can just play any "top tier" champ and win the game. The Kog's try to play aggressive early and end up dieing at the lvl 2 fight because they don't do damage.
holy fuck guys I'm scared right now

Hika wrote:

IMT 10-0 fucking rekt son
i dont have to watch today to know they will leave 11-0
Renegades is wrecking Immortals tho.
Legit though, Freeze is actually a pretty good ADC; Wildturtle has shit positioning as always.
hahaha just kidding immortals will never lose :^)
Renegade's macro play too shit.
dat GP
Jaw dropped at those last team fights.
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