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Doubleshit :^)
I was discussing this yesterday with C445, but I noticed every team in NA had at least one imported player. How many of these imports do you think are going to go to another region after this split? can't say i see Freeze staying with renegades

Navizel wrote:

weekly reminder that TSM replaced Turtle for doubleshit
I still don't understand why they keep the shotcalling on bserzgufzefjzioefjen (how to write his name pls)

Mr Color wrote:

I was discussing this yesterday with C445, but I noticed every team in NA had at least one imported player. How many of these imports do you think are going to go to another region after this split? can't say i see Freeze staying with renegades
Most of the imports just got to NA, but they also have contracts to fulfill. However long those contracts last is up to the management of the teams. It all depends on the teams success, and offers the players get from other teams. With that, its pretty tough to gauge how long they will be staying. But as it stands right now, Huni is most definitely staying for the season, Freeze might as well. As for the other teams, its tougher to say. Svenskeren might stay as well, but time will tell.

As for the shotcalling on Bjerg, that will most likely change to Yellowstar as time goes on and their synergy gets better. In the TSM Legends videos, they talk about how they don't want Bjerg to be the only shotcaller, they would rather it be more of a team effort which right now isn't there. Keep in mind, this is only the first split for all of these new rosters, so of course there's going to be troubles.
I <3 Karma top with iceborn gauntlet rush. (:

Endaris wrote:

Since Caitlyn's Core-Gameplay got nerfed and Kennen gets Toweraggro just from having a mark on an enemy champ I find myself barely playing League anymore.
Riot pls ):
That seems pretty nit-picky

OT: I'm basically only playing Janna right now in ranked
Brought my Karma top into normals in one of my alts. Rengar did not have a fun time being perma-slowed.

EneT wrote:

I <3 Karma top with iceborn gauntlet rush. (:
This sounds fun. I'll try it out later o:
Yeah, it just improves her duelling potential versus top laners and allows you to 100 to 0 them whether they are tanky or not. It adds even more cc to her kit; gives her a good consistent form of damage since most of her damage comes from only q; 20% cdr to reduce cooldowns of her already low cdr spells and it synchronises well with her passive, since landing spells and auto attacks reduce the cooldown of her ult.

tl;dr it gives her more dps rather than just relying on burst.
Udyr now has a pull.


Renevant wrote:

Udyr now has a pull.

The fuck kind of interaction was that. Does that mean if Malph gets stunned right as he's channeling his ult, it'll bring him back to where he started? Or what

Close wrote:

The fuck kind of interaction was that. Does that mean if Malph gets stunned right as he's channeling his ult, it'll bring him back to where he started? Or what
I'm not sure, that was the first time I've ever seen that happen. I found it absolutely hilarious though. Guess it's not exactly "unstoppable".

Renevant wrote:

Close wrote:

The fuck kind of interaction was that. Does that mean if Malph gets stunned right as he's channeling his ult, it'll bring him back to where he started? Or what
I'm not sure, that was the first time I've ever seen that happen. I found it absolutely hilarious though. Guess it's not exactly "unstoppable".
This is just a visual bug. Either the ultimate will still be available or the Malphite ultimate simply hit the wall and still wasnt in range to knock up udyr. Here is another example of this bug:

This is basically your client thinking you are over the wall and showing you that you are but in fact your character and hitbox is still on the same side of the wall as before. This is common for dragon and baron pit.
10 game ranked win streak, I've been trying to lose the last 4 but my teams actually haven't been completely braindead. Kill me.
Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.

EneT wrote:

Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.
Sounds like a real fun time
Neku Okazaki
5 Days whit out play League of Legends :(
watching LCK

KT playing that Rammus top Rumble jungle let's gooooo

When enemy team don't know Leona can JNG
I decided to try Fiora and now I am very interested in her plays. I did surprisingly well on my first match with Fiora.

Just now, I did an extremely good play at more than 10 kills and 2 deaths and builds straight from tutorials xD

Time to farm ip to buy her
She gets banned in ranked by high elo have fun
Fiora's freelo, but she's always banned; it's been like that for quite a while, no surprise there.
What you really have to know are the secret OPs. *ahem* *ahem* Karma top *ahem* *ahem* Kennen top.
Neku Okazaki
Garen is free elo too
People on reddit taught me that challenger players in korea are playing E-max tank Akali, I'm gonna try it out and see how it goes

he needed to guarantee that vision

EneT wrote:

Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.
As an ADC main, I'm gonna have to say that it is not true, at least in my case. I like to play Kog'Maw and he is really fun because seeing your opponents die in an instant is funny. Kiting is still pretty much important since you need your Q and E to fend off the assassins.

Jinx is my favourite champion and I have no idea how others think she's boring. But, well, opinions are opinions. 8-)

Rurree wrote:

EneT wrote:

Kog'maw has literally replaced Jinx as the most boring ADC to play in the game. Didn't think it was possible and it's kind of sad because I used to really like the old Kog'maw.
How to play Kog: Play like a bitch until 20 min mark; once core items have been built, proceed to press W and just stand there auto attacking, no need to kite.
As an ADC main, I'm gonna have to say that it is not true, at least in my case. I like to play Kog'Maw and he is really fun because seeing your opponents die in an instant is funny. Kiting is still pretty much important since you need your Q and E to fend off the assassins.

Jinx is my favourite champion and I have no idea how others think she's boring. But, well, opinions are opinions. 8-)
Well you must love boring champs if Jinx is your favourite. Seeing your opponents dying in an instant isn't fun when all you did was press W. That's like saying you had fun playing a sport and winning when all you did was sub in for 1 min.
What makes Jinx your favourite? What in her kit makes her so 'fun' to you and put her above the other ADCs?
Literally every other ADC is more fun than her.
tbh when I was playing ADC, jinx was just fun cause she's freelo. I can't play ADC anymore, so I've been stuck with Syndra mid. I think I'm pretty good if I've won every AD assassin mid line up 8-)
Captain Volibear's head looks like a banana. Just putting that out there guys
Aite, lemme check out this tank Akali top.

EneT wrote:

Aite, lemme check out this tank Akali top.
lmk, I failed miserably at this once against a fking illaoi
Nah that's because you're a scrub.
Played Akali jungle just now, ended 25/3. Goes bless.

k bai

Voli wrote:


k bai

Voli wrote:

k bai
Akali new meta pick incoming.
operation climb elo by making use of the /mute all feature working as intended :]
Still not fully sold by tank Akali. I'm more on that Iceborn rush Karma top train.
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