
League of Legends

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Fuuuuuuck, didn't record such a spectacular moment that I had during Solo Queue.

EneT wrote:

Fuuuuuuck, didn't record such a spectacular moment that I had during Solo Queue.
what happened?
Annihilated whole enemy team apart from the support Lulu in Baron Pit with Kennen ult.
holy fucking moly
^^^ The exact reaction that I had. Losing whole game because team was shit, the rest of the team were still in base because they had just respawned so just me and my friend were close by and I was like 'Yo I think they're doing Baron', since we had no vision. Friend was like 'Can we do something?' and I was like 'Fuck it, let's Wombo Combo'. Blue trinket into Baron Pit and I just immediately go in; it turned out to mostly me doing all the damage rather than a wombo combo and my reaction is like complete WTF. We won straight after.
I wish I had games like that. the season reset and being low plat 5 mmr before the reset fucked me so I got shitplaced
rito pls
sob story
>be me
>new season starts
>drop from plat 5 to silver 2
>"no biggie, it's gonna be fun carrying these low elo games for a change"

Guess I belong to be here after all. LOL

Also, can we PLEASE get some LCS talk/hype/trashtalk in here again? I MISS THAT.
TSM looked shaky today so I hope they'll get their shit together in the upcoming weeks. Should be an easy 2-0 for them this week, though.

BrokenArrow wrote:

sob story
>be me
>new season starts
>drop from plat 5 to silver 2
>"no biggie, it's gonna be fun carrying these low elo games for a change"

Guess I belong to be here after all. LOL

Also, can we PLEASE get some LCS talk/hype/trashtalk in here again? I MISS THAT.
TSM looked shaky today so I hope they'll get their shit together in the upcoming weeks. Should be an easy 2-0 for them this week, though.
lel, a shit ton of Plats got demoted to Silver it seems. I can't tell the difference between the original Silver scrubs and and the used-to-be Plat scrubs when I play on my Silver smurf tbh.
thats because there is no difference, the elos are the same

BrokenArrow wrote:

Also, can we PLEASE get some LCS talk/hype/trashtalk in here again? I MISS THAT.
TSM looked shaky today so I hope they'll get their shit together in the upcoming weeks. Should be an easy 2-0 for them this week, though.
I'm always here just for esports shit. I don't even play the game anymore but I still like watching them.
I haven't watched any of the games yet, but it seems like Immortals is unstoppable this split
They just all synergise really well together so even though Wildturtle, Pob and Adrian were never really great players, their playstyles complement each other along with ma bois Huni and Reignover.
I mean they were pretty good in their own ways, I just think it's great how they are doing this well for how long they've been together
Holy shit NA scene hahahahahahahahahaha
Immortals is the only one looking solid lmao
TSM's so trash, holy shit.
every team besides immortals is looking pretty shitty
baron > NA scene
all hail immortals and if u don't the FOH.
cause my boyfriend is on immortals
in other news, CJ Entus is doing about the same/worse after Space finally leaving. my boys will never get to worlds again

BrokenArrow wrote:

baron > NA scene
Yes, this every time lol
anyone have any input on this recent patch. I read over it all, but I want to know if I'll be able to actually play the game or if I'm just going to continuously going to get shit on my assassins
Duskblade calls for League of AD Assassin this patch though. Not exactly sure how it will turn out, but that's my humble guess.
in the few games I've played so far, no ones actually built it. but I'm sure once someone does the game is going to be pretty anti-fun
I committed a sin weeks ago

I did Nashor's Tooth build to Ahri. Hey, now, dont start swearing at me because at that time I was ultra bored and I became a bit too impatient with Ahri's attack speed but I don't do this anymore though

Take a look at my first draft match (feel free to judge my Teemo build as I did a terrible mistake. I locked in Teemo instead of Yi. Now I know why they call that little runt a devil)

We could have won. We just rekt the final turret but guess what. Gangplank backdoor'd us. Like first, he cleared top in mid game then late game he just went to the nexus then boom. Gangplank just solo'd a Nexus while I was shooting him.
TSM loses: "TSM is complete shit"
TSM wins: *Turns back into a TSM fanboy* "TSM TSM TSM!!"
I never said that though
Since Caitlyn's Core-Gameplay got nerfed and Kennen gets Toweraggro just from having a mark on an enemy champ I find myself barely playing League anymore.
Riot pls ):
weekly reminder that TSM replaced Turtle for doubleshit
Doubleshit :^)
I was discussing this yesterday with C445, but I noticed every team in NA had at least one imported player. How many of these imports do you think are going to go to another region after this split? can't say i see Freeze staying with renegades

Navizel wrote:

weekly reminder that TSM replaced Turtle for doubleshit
I still don't understand why they keep the shotcalling on bserzgufzefjzioefjen (how to write his name pls)

Mr Color wrote:

I was discussing this yesterday with C445, but I noticed every team in NA had at least one imported player. How many of these imports do you think are going to go to another region after this split? can't say i see Freeze staying with renegades
Most of the imports just got to NA, but they also have contracts to fulfill. However long those contracts last is up to the management of the teams. It all depends on the teams success, and offers the players get from other teams. With that, its pretty tough to gauge how long they will be staying. But as it stands right now, Huni is most definitely staying for the season, Freeze might as well. As for the other teams, its tougher to say. Svenskeren might stay as well, but time will tell.

As for the shotcalling on Bjerg, that will most likely change to Yellowstar as time goes on and their synergy gets better. In the TSM Legends videos, they talk about how they don't want Bjerg to be the only shotcaller, they would rather it be more of a team effort which right now isn't there. Keep in mind, this is only the first split for all of these new rosters, so of course there's going to be troubles.
I <3 Karma top with iceborn gauntlet rush. (:

Endaris wrote:

Since Caitlyn's Core-Gameplay got nerfed and Kennen gets Toweraggro just from having a mark on an enemy champ I find myself barely playing League anymore.
Riot pls ):
That seems pretty nit-picky

OT: I'm basically only playing Janna right now in ranked
Brought my Karma top into normals in one of my alts. Rengar did not have a fun time being perma-slowed.

EneT wrote:

I <3 Karma top with iceborn gauntlet rush. (:
This sounds fun. I'll try it out later o:
Yeah, it just improves her duelling potential versus top laners and allows you to 100 to 0 them whether they are tanky or not. It adds even more cc to her kit; gives her a good consistent form of damage since most of her damage comes from only q; 20% cdr to reduce cooldowns of her already low cdr spells and it synchronises well with her passive, since landing spells and auto attacks reduce the cooldown of her ult.

tl;dr it gives her more dps rather than just relying on burst.
Udyr now has a pull.

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