
The Awpventurer- All Aboard the Bandwagon

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Pancakes! They are delicious.
Eat pancakes, asks Tode if she would like some as well.
Don't just eat them, savour them.
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N-no...Tode is on a diet (again).

An awkward silence falls.

The pancakes are pretty fuckin' delicious.
rub your belly in anticipation of the next course
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You're pretty full already and Tode doesn't like cooking that much. Best wait until lunch.

For reference, it is 10 AM.
Ask Tode if she has any plans for the day.
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Tode tells you she was just planning on running various errands and then maybe going clothes shopping. Why, would you like to come?
Yes, he would like to go shopping with you.
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You've never really expressed interest in shopping with Tode but for some reason you feel like accompanying her today. You both head to the garage, where you can choose from the awpcopter or the awptrain--foulcoon does not allow anyone else to drive his Toyota Impala.
Sneak a cigar from the Emergency Garage Stash (number 3, since number 1 is for special occasions and number 2 is currently empty or misplaced), ensure the Bottomless Island Lighter is still working after having gone through the wash, and offer to go to the shops by foot. They're within walking distance and Tode looks like she could use the exercise. But don't mention that.
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Tode doesn't notice you staring at her ass as you try to figure out how much it's grown THIS time. You start walking down the sidewalk. Where would you like to go first?

Remember, Tode wants to go shopping for clothes, and she needs to buy groceries and another piggy bank.
Clothes, Piggy Bank, Groceries, in that order. Women take forever to buy clothes and you don't want to be holding that piggy bank all day.

And do not let Tode buy any ice cream.
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What specific store will you go to first?

for reference your inventory so far:
Clothes shop, so we can get this part over with.
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Dear God why do so many different kinds of clothes exist and why does Tode insist on trying them all on? The sheer size of the bags you are now carrying would worry you if you had been using your own credit card.

Tode wants to get ice cream before you go get a piggy bank.
Let her get the ice cream for the sake of finishing shopping quickly.
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Ninjas are attacking the ice cream store! Or so it sounds--you still haven't taken the bandaid off your eye. It feels like someone is watching you unseen.

Tode sounds like she's about to cry if she doesn't get ice cream.
Ninjas blend into the shadows. Eyesight is useless. Light the cigar and prepare to kick some silent warrior ass.

Remind Blubberguts that you don't need a living ice cream salesman to enjoy ice cream. You just need the ice cream. It's not theft if he's dead.
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Leaving a crying Tode--maybe you were a little too harsh--you slaughter the ninjas. However as you stand covered in blood, you hear rustling and a scream, and you realize you missed one and now the last ninja is holding Tode hostage. There is still that niggling sensation that someone is lurking around watching the scene unfold.
Call out to your chocolate thunder for assistance.
check if ninja is Sinistro
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Fist logic prevails! As Ival's punch sends the ninja flying into a coma, Tode rushes into her beloved awp's arms, mindless of his bloodsoaked chest and beard. You sense that Sinistro is no longer lurking--you lost another chance to catch him.

(xanek sinistro is not the ninja you stupid fucker)
Give tode a cigar
Question why Ival is not wearing pants and only boxers
(also tode, no need to be mean, i mean you never know, I don't have your mind)
xanek doesn't know shit about the awpforce, jesus
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N-no...Tode has bronchitis, and wouldn't want to waste your cigar. She'd much rather have ice cream.
Buy icecream for tode and Ival (if the ice cream salesman is not dead, of course.)
And ask for diet ice cream for tode wihout her noticing.
Grab a spoonful of ice-cream and rub it on your band-aid in hopes the band-aid will lose it's stickiness and fall off your eye.
I'd like to formally request that you stop calling my car a Toyota.

It is a Chevy Impala.

You will refer to it as "The Impaler".


Buy Tode a giraffe for her dorm!
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You smear bubblegum ice cream on the bandaid--nothing happens. What did you expect? While Tode is busy enjoying her chocolate diet ice cream, you sneak off and come back with a giraffe--just for Tode! You tell her to consider it a going away to college present.

Hooray! You are now full of ice cream and can use the giraffe to carry the bags of clothes. GIRAFFE and SHOPPING BAGS have been added to your inventory, as well as SHURIKENS you looted from the dead bodies of the ninjas.
Search for Ival, and then throw a shuriken into his chest as revenge for the afro pick incident earlier.

Derekku Chan wrote:

Search for Ival, and then throw a shuriken into his chest as revenge for the afro pick incident earlier.
Then put a band-aid in his eye.
Stick a shuriken into a cone of ice-cream and give it to Ival. He'll enjoy eating that I'm sure...
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After the first two, Ival doesn't fall for the ice cream. He is not very pleased with you, and you find it wise to retreat with Tode and hurry on to the next store before he can show you more of his fist logic.
Check how much money there is in Luigihann's credit card.
Clothes? Check.
Ice cream? Check.
Piggy bank? Go buy Tode her piggy bank.
Later: Groceries.
Later: Buy awp a new computer.
Use it to buy a year's worth of calendar.

Derekku Chan wrote:

Go buy Tode her piggy bank.
...And bump???

Please don' rape me ;~;
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LuigiHann foolishly set no spending limit on his card! hahahahaha oh he will regret that.

Tode leads you to a 'make-your-own-piggybank', which apparantly consists of you taking a white piggy bank and painting on it to your heart's desire. Your only desire to go get drunk but Tode is looking at you with those big blue eyes and you know that if you leave without painting her a piggy bank then her bitching will be unrelenting.

You went to university for this? What will you do?
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