
xi - ANiMA [Taiko]

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Oops, in Oni, I meant these notes: 01:49:114 (69,70) -
I'm baka ;A;




00:21:757 - delete? -
00:54:619 - k? - kkd k ddkとしてみては?提案です
01:41:866 move to 01:42:193? - こちらの方が強く音がなっているので
01:49:877 - k? - Muzukashiiではkを置いていたので、こちらも変えてみてはどうでしょう。配置が同じになってしまいますが・・・


01:30:749 - delete? - 少し長いかなと思ったので、ここで区切ってもいいかと思います


01:28:624(414,415,416,417) - Ctrl+G? - 前との反転で置いてみてはどうでしょう
01:46:526 move to 01:46:853? - こちらの方が自分はいいかな?と思ったので、提案させていただきます

全体的にピアノの音が良く取られていてあまり言うことはなかったです!次は受かりましょ!good luck!  星よー
Topic Starter

chaica wrote:





00:21:757 - delete? -
00:54:619 - k? - kkd k ddkとしてみては?提案です (81)と(83)は同じ音階なので同じ色でそろえたいです
01:41:866 move to 01:42:193? - こちらの方が強く音がなっているので Futsuuでは若干難しめの部類に入る配置なので1小節前と同じリズムにしてなるべく初心者でもプレイをしやすいようにしたいです
01:49:877 - k? - Muzukashiiではkを置いていたので、こちらも変えてみてはどうでしょう。配置が同じになってしまいますが・・・逆にMuzuをDに変えました


01:30:749 - delete? - 少し長いかなと思ったので、ここで区切ってもいいかと思いますこの辺りは1/4が一切無いのでセーフ(?)だと信じてとりあえずキープします


01:28:624(414,415,416,417) - Ctrl+G? - 前との反転で置いてみてはどうでしょう ちょっと弄ってみました
01:46:526 move to 01:46:853? - こちらの方が自分はいいかな?と思ったので、提案させていただきます とりあえずキープ、後でひっそりと変えるかもしれないです
全体的にピアノの音が良く取られていてあまり言うことはなかったです!次は受かりましょ!good luck!  星よー
Thanks for mod and Hoshi. :D
hi o/
from TNA queue

[ Futsuu]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - just a suggestion, but you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually
  2. Hitsounds
    1. consider this part is much denser on muzu, add notes on 00:18:978 - and 00:19:305 - would be better
    2. 00:38:270 (39) - how about move this note to 00:37:616 - and add k on 00:38:924 - ? It would be more smooth to play.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - same as futsuu you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:54:782 (170) - I feel this note is not really necessary ,could be removed.
[ Oni]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - same as futsuu you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually
[ Inner Oni]

  1. Hitsounds
    1. 00:21:594 (66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) - this pattern's flow is not as smooth as you mapped before, try to start the stream on 00:21:594 - instead of 00:21:757 -
    2. 01:32:548 (90) - how about use k ? i feel it is a bit different with 01:31:240 (79) -
    3. 01:37:125 (131,132,133,134,135,136,137) - you can follow the piano like this
    4. 01:39:251 - add a k here? piano sound still exist here.
    5. 01:43:229 (36) - remove this and add finish on 01:43:338 (37) - ? there is no significant sound here.
that's all from me.
good luck! :D
Topic Starter

qoot8123 wrote:

hi o/
from TNA queue omg, accepted!? Hooray!
[ Futsuu]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - just a suggestion, but you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually i couldn't do it. ;w;
  2. Hitsounds
    1. consider this part is much denser on muzu, add notes on 00:18:978 - and 00:19:305 - would be better don't have to consider spread in very short part imo, since at the same time it is not possible to play multiple difficulty in osu.
    2. 00:38:270 (39) - how about move this note to 00:37:616 - and add k on 00:38:924 - ? It would be more smooth to play. current pattern is more smooth to play imo, because it has better consistent rhythm with 00:36:635 (36,37,38,39,40) -.
[ Muzukashii]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - same as futsuu you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually
  2. Hitsounds
    1. 00:54:782 (170) - I feel this note is not really necessary ,could be removed. removed.
[ Oni]
  1. Spread
    1. 01:05:409 - ~ 01:10:640 - same as futsuu you can refer the change of density on inner oni and kantan, the note's density is increased gradually
[ Inner Oni]

  1. Hitsounds
    1. 00:21:594 (66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73) - this pattern's flow is not as smooth as you mapped before, try to start the stream on 00:21:594 - instead of 00:21:757 - no change. for emphasis to (66)'s cymbals. i think this pattern is okay.
    2. 01:32:548 (90) - how about use k ? i feel it is a bit different with 01:31:240 (79) -
    3. 01:37:125 (131,132,133,134,135,136,137) - you can follow the piano like this i don't follow the piano completely for resting hands. i think every players would be tired. lol
    4. 01:39:251 - add a k here? piano sound still exist here. ^
    5. 01:43:229 (36) - remove this and add finish on 01:43:338 (37) - ? there is no significant sound here. i know, but it works to keep good density difference with next streams imo.
that's all from me.
good luck! :D
Thanks for your mod, qoot. :)
Hi, Here’s a Taiko Mod via TNA (and M4M lol)

  1. Almost the suggestions are just only my opinions. 誰も提案しそうにないから提案というかこの場を借りて質問したいとこを全部聞きます
  2. 00:20:940 (1) – spinner end is 00:22:248 -?
  3. 00:24:864 and 00:30:095 - , (or only 24:864-) change to don?
    Back sounds being low comparing with the whole of music sounds pressure.
    00:28:787 –をDでおいてるなら24秒と30秒を変えただけでも4小節毎のパターンとしていいかなと思いました(finisherDによる余韻で落ち着かせる意図も含め)
  4. 00:34:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) – swap. Low-tone bass sounds not weak .
    I think it fits better to begin d sounds than k. imo.
    てかほとんどここでミスった… 他のdスタート、kスタートの比較をすると、ここは安定感図るためにもkスタートの部類ではないと思う
  5. 00:42:520(1,2) – change to K D? or K K ? 00:42:520 – too high pitch the piano sounds.
  6. 01:03:120 – add d? piano sounds build up. プレイしてるうちにaddしてもいいかなと思っただけ

  7. God kiai , Intro. 初見でほぼノーミスだった とても自然でした!
  1. 00:18:324 – change to D? same as Kantan. Muzukashiiに対応する必要もないかと
  2. 00:52:657 - , 00:53:311 - , 00:53:474 – remove? なーんか気持ち長いかなぁって感じ 消しても個人的には違和感ないしfinisherもとてもやりやすくなります
  3. 01:05:736 (2,3,4) – change to dkk ? qootが既に言ってるのとので一先ず1/2パターンのみ提案ノーツ数の比較でも(TimeStamp 01:05:409) ここは若干オーバーしてますけども…すっきりするパターンも出そうにないので最初の導入だけでも変えたらクールダウンの印象も根強くつくかなと
  1. 01:06:226 - , 01:06:553 - remove? same as lower diffs,単純化させるのであれば
  1. 01:06:144 – remove? same as lower diffs.
  2. これとても好き
[Inner Oni]

  • 部分部分の音圧の変化がとても好きです!00:27:807 – 00:27:970 - k-k, とか00:34:019 –からのパートとか好き
  1. 00:33:774 – change to k ? 00:33:692 –からのスプラッシュの音圧で浮くような感じがするのでよりkがfitすると感じます 理論上だと外れるかもしれないけど個人的にはこっちの方がやりやすかった
  2. 01:33:774 (21) – ただ聞きたいだけ、nothing d? なのは仕様?
Good Luck ( ・∀・)ノ
Topic Starter


Hi, Here’s a Taiko Mod via TNA (and M4M lol)

  1. Almost the suggestions are just only my opinions. 誰も提案しそうにないから提案というかこの場を借りて質問したいとこを全部聞きます
  2. 00:20:940 (1) – spinner end is 00:22:248 -? 4/1のみの長さだとspinnerの初めの方から叩かないと割れないので、それだったら遅めに叩き始めても頑張れば割れるように6/1にした方が良いかなと。
  3. 00:24:864 and 00:30:095 - , (or only 24:864-) change to don?
    Back sounds being low comparing with the whole of music sounds pressure.
    00:28:787 –をDでおいてるなら24秒と30秒を変えただけでも4小節毎のパターンとしていいかなと思いました(finisherDによる余韻で落ち着かせる意図も含め) 両方dにchanged.
  4. 00:34:019 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) – swap. Low-tone bass sounds not weak .
    I think it fits better to begin d sounds than k. imo.
    てかほとんどここでミスった… 他のdスタート、kスタートの比較をすると、ここは安定感図るためにもkスタートの部類ではないと思う (2)(3)の位置をどうしてもdkで置きたいので(1)と(5)を交換してみました
  5. 00:42:520(1,2) – change to K D? or K K ? 00:42:520 – too high pitch the piano sounds.
    あまりにもピアノ音が全体のキーからしても高すぎて何度もKに指が行くのです… KK
  6. 01:03:120 – add d? piano sounds build up. プレイしてるうちにaddしてもいいかなと思っただけ no changeで
  7. God kiai , Intro. 初見でほぼノーミスだった とても自然でした! >w<
  1. 00:18:324 – change to D? same as Kantan. Muzukashiiに対応する必要もないかと FutsuuはKantanに比べてこの辺りはdがかなり多いのでKにした方がバランス良い気がします
  2. 00:52:657 - , 00:53:311 - , 00:53:474 – remove? なーんか気持ち長いかなぁって感じ 消しても個人的には違和感ないしfinisherもとてもやりやすくなります 1/1のストリームってFutsuuで許可されてる割にあんまり無いし残しておきたいです。
  3. 01:05:736 (2,3,4) – change to dkk ? qootが既に言ってるのとので一先ず1/2パターンのみ提案ノーツ数の比較でも(TimeStamp 01:05:409) ここは若干オーバーしてますけども…すっきりするパターンも出そうにないので最初の導入だけでも変えたらクールダウンの印象も根強くつくかなと
  1. 01:06:226 - , 01:06:553 - remove? same as lower diffs,単純化させるのであれば no changeで。残したいです(願望)
  1. 01:06:144 – remove? same as lower diffs. Mで残したのでOでも残します sprなんとか
  2. これとても好き とても嬉しい
[Inner Oni]

  • 部分部分の音圧の変化がとても好きです!00:27:807 – 00:27:970 - k-k, とか00:34:019 –からのパートとか好き 🌸嬉しい🌸
  1. 00:33:774 – change to k ? 00:33:692 –からのスプラッシュの音圧で浮くような感じがするのでよりkがfitすると感じます 理論上だと外れるかもしれないけど個人的にはこっちの方がやりやすかった 確かに。changed.
  2. 01:33:774 (21) – ただ聞きたいだけ、nothing d? なのは仕様? 仕様です kの方が次のbigKのパターンへの繋ぎが自然になる気がしたので
Good Luck ( ・∀・)ノ
ok I want more ranked tasuke so this mod will be shit suggestions

[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:55:599 (6) - k? Since the sound is not the same as 00:57:779 (2,3,4,5,6) - .
  2. 01:00:504 (3) - k? ^ same reason?
  1. 01:48:678 (12) - Since most of the song is very simple things like ddk kkd ddddkkkkd etc., this streams to be too much of a difficulty spike? Maybe delete this note? ;;
  1. 00:45:790 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - and 00:51:022 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - I feel that Futsuu is really similar to Muzu here, especially because Oni is MUCH harder in this section... I think Muzu can be a little harder no? (maybe i am crazy!>!>!?@?!)
  • I'm trash Futsuu modder.
  • Sometimes I think "hm, a break would be nice..." then I check Futsuu and say "nevermind" ww.
ok i'm trash at modding tasuke maps but i bubble
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

ok I want more ranked tasuke so this mod will be shit suggestions
not shit. or beautiful, cool, and useful shit? lol

[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:55:599 (6) - k? Since the sound is not the same as 00:57:779 (2,3,4,5,6) - .
  2. 01:00:504 (3) - k? ^ same reason? no change;; i know that sound is not same, but this pattern is fine imo. double kddkd patterns work to emphasize to 01:00:395 (2,3,4,5,6) -.
  1. 01:48:678 (12) - Since most of the song is very simple things like ddk kkd ddddkkkkd etc., this streams to be too much of a difficulty spike? Maybe delete this note? ;; changed to 1/4 pattern for simply. ;;
  1. 00:45:790 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - and 00:51:022 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - I feel that Futsuu is really similar to Muzu here, especially because Oni is MUCH harder in this section... I think Muzu can be a little harder no? (maybe i am crazy!>!>!?@?!) yeah, this pattern is similar to futsuu here. but some Muzu players may be confused at prev 1/3 patterns, so i thought need many breaks here.
  • I'm trash Futsuu modder.
  • Sometimes I think "hm, a break would be nice..." then I check Futsuu and say "nevermind" ww.
ok i'm trash at modding tasuke maps but i bubble
Thanks for your mod, Ozzzzzzzzzy!! :D
Go Go tasuke ( ・∀・)ノ

I cant wait for playing Kantan

hypeeeeee :D

Akasha- awwwwwwwwwwww i'm late ;w;
but omedetou <3 thanks for making a taiko mapset
Congratz tasuke >w<b!
Congraaaaaaaaaaaaats!! TACO HYPEE!
Gratzz for your ranked beatmap and join a bn~
Gratz tasuke~~
gratz :)

gratz :3
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