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So Fiora, Irelia or Darius. I'll try them later when I have the time to play.
Kyonko Hizara
Darius is really good right now so go and play him.
If you're still not convinced, here's a video some guy posted on Reddit.
wow. such a long fight.
I agree he should be a very solid fighter, but that sustain is way too ridiculous lol.
Kyonko Hizara
As soon as he's fed he can carry the whole team by himself. The rest of the team can be doing nothing and he's still dunking.
I don't think that Jinx ult could've done anything even if it hit him.
I think he had around 200 HP at some points, and considering the fact that his max HP was around 3k, I think that the Jinx ult would've still eventually led to a kill had it hit.

EneT wrote:

I don't like any of the champions with the project skins anyways, excluding Fiora.
Nvm, I want the Project Fiora skin now.
The new fiora is still OP, but this time it actually takes skill to make that happen.
Thing is, she has % HP True Damage that SCALES WITH (bonus) AD. Yeah, she's not one-dimensional now but I've seen her delete tanks really fast at times
New Fiora is a lot stronger than the old one, the heal from her ult is the strongest heal in the game.
She's so broken I love it.
I kinda don't like the visual update though, it's too minimalist.
Kyonko Hizara
As long as dat ass is still fine the design is good enough for me, and it's still pretty fine :U

It's kinda sad tho I've been in matches with a couple people that had no idea she got reworked till they went to play her and then afk because they don't want to put in the slightest bit of effort to change how they play her.

Kyonko Hizara wrote:

As long as dat ass is still fine the design is good enough for me, and it's still pretty fine :U

Jordan wrote:

Congratz dude!

It's so gorgeous and aesthetic me wants ;-;-;

6.3k exactly
Kyonko Hizara
Dude nice

Divine Control on NA, level 30, I mostly play ranked when I'm on, but add me if you so please and holla at ya boi I'll probably be down to clown with anyone who's competitive and chill.
Navizel ... b=overview

That gold advantage roflmao. Enemy team got so ahead early game and we still won. Singed is proxying nonstop. Every lane is losing and I can't even farm. Then suddenly enemy team went full tilt. They just keep on dying one by one while trying to find kills. They didn't even push the top tower nor they want to get drag.

I think I'm getting the hang of Gragas now. I got some good and bad engages and disengages though the bad ones are small mistakes.
All these new Project skins goddamn
Fuck the project skins, the chroma Dragonslayer Vayne skins are the bees knees.
Kyonko Hizara
For quite a while I didn't realise that Dragonslayer Vayne actually had her eyes showing through the mask, I thought her head was legit the dragon head and not her wearing one.

Jazz wrote:

All these new Project skins goddamn
Gives you bonus starting AD
Fnatic for Worlds.
Gangplank Barrels are so cool lolol and troll too
I'm not sure if I can share a video here, but here is the new Video Teaser for the new Champion Lamb and Wolf. :)
All these new champs but where the fuck is Ao Shin :|
Im actually pretty excited for this champ. Can't wait to see what his abilities are.

Oh my god this is the first time it ever happened to me.
Who plays that shitty champ?
People play it. How could you not think of the people.
Fuck the people. You can be a shit player and lose lane hard, yet somehow still get fed on Jinx.
True, but not when I'm playing as Nami because I'm clearly good at Nami :p (i'm not, really, i'm only okay-ish at best but somehow i can get into ranked and not die once, or feel as if i'm at any risk of dying, i'm just focused on healing my adc when it's convenient most of the time lol)
Start playing Vayne at high elo and you'll know what I mean. Jinx is literally the most boring adc to play against as Vayne. Majority of high elo Jinx players know it's essential to not get caught in a 1v1 against a Vayne because they know they'll just get wrecked and unlike other adcs, she doesn't have a reliable form of escape so they prefer to not risk pushing far. So what do they do? They play like a pussy throughout the whole game, avoiding you as much as they can and eternally waiting for a teamfight which is their only chance of fighting back. Then they somehow get fed; hate that style of playing, fucking pussies.
I play exactly like that on Vel'koz mid. You need to be as passive as possible against every single champion and then get your advantage from farming or a gank, then just snowball to the lategame and avoid dying as much as possible.
It's annoying as fuck to the enemy midlaner but there's not much you can do in this meta where everyone has infinite mobility and jumps at you instantly.

Blue Dragon wrote:

It's annoying as fuck to the enemy midlaner but there's not much you can do in this meta where everyone has infinite mobility and jumps at you instantly.
Basically this. Play a low mobility champion against a high mobility one and you're generally fucked all over unless your name's ryze. You can't expect people to play like they would with a champ with high mobility if they have no means of escape apart from flashing away.
O w l
IGN: Lanayurian

I main Yasuo. Pls Don't hate.
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