Download: seiya-murai feat.ALT - Sumidagawa Karenka (kiddly) [One More].osu
Download: seiya-murai feat.ALT - Sumidagawa Karenka (kiddly) [One More].osu
thx for moddingOdaril wrote:
Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why. Remember these are all suggestions.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game
- The first few notes are off. Try using this timing:
offset 1506 --- BPM 178
offset 2832 --- BPM 180,000- Countdown isn't enabled in the Extreme diff, but it doesn't have time to display on the other ones. Either add an audio lead-in, ether remove it. unabled all countdowns.
I make the spinner end at 1:45:501, and add a note at 01:48:168.
- After the timing fix in PM, this still had the wrong timing and unsnapped notes. :/ fixed.
- Ar being so different from OD feels weird. Maybe use OD+1 ? fixed.
- Tick rate 0.5 sounds weird. For long sliders, it creates unwanted ticks like 00:05:498 (3) - that really sound weird. maybe tick 1? :/
- Using lower spacing for 1/2s might prove too confusing. Remember this is an Easy. I understand why you did that, but I think it would be better not to (or better to remove the 1/2s at all, at 180 BPM, that's really fast). I asked some beginners for it and they think it's okay?
- 00:12:165 (5) - Add a new combo to match the lyrics sentences fixed.
- 00:17:498 (5,6,1,2) - I suggest using this comboing: new combo on (5), remove the new combo on (1), and new combo on (2). It makes more sense with the lyrics imo and makes more even combos's cool
- 00:22:831 (4) - New combo to match the lyrics ? fixed.
- 00:27:665 (1,2,3,4) - At 180 BPM, 4 1/2 seems rather harsh in an Easy deleted 2 notes.
- 00:40:165 (4) - New combo to be consistent with 00:33:498 (4,1,2,3,4) - fixed.
- 00:57:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I find this pattern very difficult for an Easy. First of all, the long stream of 1/1 notes at 180 BPM might be too hard to catch. Then, the sharp angle between (4) and (5) might be a bit much for new players.
- 01:29:498 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Same changed them to sliders.
- 01:48:498 (1) - This note appears really too soon after the spinner.
- After the timing fix, this still had the wrong timing and unsnapped notes. :/ fixed.
- Why are OD and AR so different ? D: oops,I forgot that
- The difficulty is rather uneven. The beginning plays like a very decent Hard, then the kiai times play more like a Normal. Also, the beginning needs more hitsounds. Maybe use whistles for the drums ? I remaped the kiai times,now it plays really like a Hard. also add more hitsounds at the beginning.
- 00:23:165 (1,1,1) - Remove these new combos as they make little sense with the song. fixed.
01:06:165 (1,1,1) - Same.01:18:831 (2) - I bet this slider isn't supposed to end on the blue tick.01:40:831 (1,1) - Remove these new combos as they make little sense with the song.maybe ignorethis thinks it's cool xD
- Evil diff. =( I don't understand why you used all these double under sliders.
ExtremeNice map =o except for the timing that was wrong, there were some very sweet ideas there. I'm looking forward to seeing this ranked ! Good luck with it. Have a star =p
- 00:16:332 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - nice pattern =o I like it
- 00:23:831 (5) - Add a new combo on this note. Otherwise, the spacing becomes completely wrong and the pattern very difficult to read. fixed.
- 00:38:331 (5,6,7) - This triple has a weird shape. I hesitated when testplaying, so I think you should stack them. fixed.
- 00:57:498 (2,3,3,2,3) - Add new combos to stay consisntent in your comboing.
- 01:02:832 (3,2,2) - Same.
- 01:29:498 (3,4,2,2,3) - Same. all fixed.
- 01:33:998 (3,4,5) - If you fixed the first triple I pointed out, I think you could as well stack these to stay consistent with the patterns you use =o I changed them to a slider.
- 01:34:498 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - Do the same comboing as you used to for these notes as well. fixed.
- 01:42:331 (1,1) - Likewise, remove these new combos.
- 01:43:498 (1,1) - Same
- 01:46:165 (1,1) - Same I think it's more beautiful using these new combos so no.
- 01:48:498 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - Remove these. I don't think they are needed - it is easy enough to see the spacing progressively decreases. fixed.
I'm sorry but no because it's going to get a bubble soon ;_;woodrockman wrote:
I want to create a taiko map!~ can you put it? XD
thxloveFantasy wrote:
- Basic的第二條紅線晚了3ms fixed
- 你的三個難度的00:46:498 (T) 這個KIAI fountain線我建議移到00:46:831, 首先那裡是重拍, 其次和第二KIAI保持一致性, 再來你的Basic難度在那兒根本沒有note.. fixed
SV好快- 00:46:501 (x) - KIAI fountain噴在沒note的地方有些蛋疼.. :x
- 01:02:501 (1) - new combo move to (2) 其实我觉得在1和在2都比较尴尬...我就取按歌词下new combo的方法了
- 01:04:834 (5,1) - slightly inconsistent spacing, 後面全部左移些? fixed
- 01:08:165 (T) - 無用綠線 fixed
- 01:34:501 (1) - new combo move to (2) 同上
- 01:41:168 (4) - SV造成挺醜的排版, 我覺得用兩個圈視覺效果較好 其实我感觉都差不多xD
- 01:08:165 (T) - 無用綠線
- 00:12:665 (4,5,6) - keep 0.4x spacing? fixed
- 00:43:665 (1,2,3) - 右移keep spacing 其实这里我故意保持距离的,再拉开一点使得意图更明显
- 00:46:498 (1) - remove finish fixed
- 01:10:832 (1,2,3,4) - 為何不做像01:45:498 (13,1,1,1) 的arrange? 比較好看 采纳了thx
- 00:17:165 (6,1) - 擺成平行?
- 結尾的地方覺得normal sample不太搭x_x
star star
你太弱,ex碉堡了Asagiri Mai wrote:
All fixed,thx for modding~!Lizbeth wrote:
mp3 is 245 kbps, shouldn't be more than 192.
Love it~
Just a tiny thing, why not start kiai time in the same point as other diffs?
How about add note here 00:43:748 - and remove this one: 00:43:915 (8) - I think sounds better~
01:03:498 - 01:04:831 - these empty spaces, break the flow in the section
Excellent map set, I really enjoyed all diffs~ <3
That is all~
nothing wrong in my current version x_xChewin wrote:
Imho the extra diff is out of time °-°
You should select all and move it of one space on the left...
EDIT: The same for the advanced diff...
Star anyways ~
Sprosive wrote:
你太叒 ex碉堡了Asagiri Mai wrote:
star for extra