
Avenged Sevenfold - Not Ready to Die [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015 at 18:03:24

Artist: Avenged Sevenfold
Title: Not Ready to Die
Tags: nrtd rock metalcore gutural screams Synyster Gates Zacky Vengeance Johnny Christ Arin Ilejay M. Shadows zombies Call of the Dead Call of Duty: Black Ops Damned A7X
BPM: 160
Filesize: 13205kb
Play Time: 07:02
Difficulties Available:
  1. Avenged Oni (6,24 stars, 2419 notes)
Download: Avenged Sevenfold - Not Ready to Die
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
1/6 guitar solo?

SR is bonkers

Applied OzzyOzrock's IRC mod (this was before it was on pending)
---waiting for mods---
Added Tasha's IRC mod
Applied Ozzy's 2nd mod through IRC (even if he won't post it gg /ff)
Applied Surono's mod
Applied 12BARRY21's mod
Changed BG to 1366x768
Fixed a misplaced beat at the beginning (amazed at how no one noticed O.o)
Applied Nyan's mod
Applied Charlotte's mod
Applied Flying Pan's mod
Applied LCM01's and binaryfruit's mod
Applied tasuke912's mod
tweaked a bit the long 1/4+1/6 stream with the help of OzzyOzrock
Applied full OzzyOzrock's mod
Self popped to fix time signatures + shionelove mod

NRTD TAGS??!?!??
IRC modded 1/6 stuff... will probably come back anyways

11:12 Raiden: o
11:12 Raiden: wat should i upload first
11:12 Raiden: avenged map or flop map
11:12 OzzyOzrock: coin fli[
11:12 Raiden: true that
11:12 Raiden: but avenged map
11:13 Raiden: will get killed
11:13 Raiden: won't it?
11:13 Raiden: i already nerfed it like hell
11:13 OzzyOzrock: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
11:13 Raiden: 6,41 -> 6,13
11:13 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:13 Raiden: nah
11:13 Raiden: they sounded bad
11:13 OzzyOzrock: ok
11:13 Raiden: i didnt remove 1/6
11:13 Raiden: just tweaked
11:13 OzzyOzrock: i kinda wanna play it..............
11:14 Raiden: dam
11:14 Raiden: so i need to upload :^)
11:14 Raiden: puush inc
11:14 OzzyOzrock: ye
11:15 Raiden: upload speed in spain best
11:15 Raiden: of all possible worlds
11:17 Raiden: also puush dumb
11:17 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:17 Raiden: been in 100% for 20 seconds already
11:17 Raiden:
11:24 Raiden: most boring kiai
11:24 Raiden: ever
11:24 Raiden: i might remove kiai
11:25 OzzyOzrock: h
11:25 Raiden: what do you think
11:25 Raiden: of the 1/6
11:25 Raiden: i am no expert at them
11:25 OzzyOzrock: i couldn't tell
11:25 Raiden: ayy
11:26 OzzyOzrock: yeah you did it well
11:26 Raiden: wat
11:26 Raiden: omg
11:26 Raiden: gg
11:26 OzzyOzrock: do u want instant modding
11:26 Raiden: i can stop mapping now
11:26 OzzyOzrock: 03:36:640 (1098,1099,1100) -
11:26 OzzyOzrock: i lied
11:26 Raiden: wait until i can upload it i guess
11:26 Raiden: or i can save log
11:26 OzzyOzrock: 1/6 goes here.....
11:27 OzzyOzrock: i dont need savelog................
11:27 Raiden: or you* can save log
11:27 Raiden: kd are bad drugs
11:28 OzzyOzrock: wtf that part is like
11:28 OzzyOzrock: fuck that im DQing
11:28 Raiden: you mean like
11:28 Raiden: the first mod tho
11:28 Raiden: not the second
11:28 Raiden: wat
11:28 Raiden: i did no dddkkk in 1/6
11:28 OzzyOzrock: yeah that part...
11:28 Raiden: at least not that i remember
11:28 OzzyOzrock: yeah i did it
11:29 Raiden: but dddkkk 1/6
11:29 Raiden: is insta 9+ stars
11:29 Raiden: thus gets bitch slapped
11:29 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:29 Raiden: wat should i do
11:29 Raiden: speak to me wise oz
11:29 OzzyOzrock: ez to hit
11:29 Raiden: ok
11:30 Raiden: dddkkk then
11:30 Raiden: ?
11:30 Raiden: because fuk qats
11:30 OzzyOzrock: it flows better how it is in the push
11:30 OzzyOzrock: and at this bpm
11:30 OzzyOzrock: dw lmao
11:30 Raiden: okay then
11:30 Raiden: gonna test it
11:30 OzzyOzrock: 03:46:390
11:30 OzzyOzrock: wtf this is overmapped to fuck tho
11:30 OzzyOzrock: dkkdkdddkdkkkdddk'
11:31 OzzyOzrock: thats the push
11:31 OzzyOzrock: which is ez!!
11:31 OzzyOzrock: 03:46:390 (1168) - but yeah
11:31 OzzyOzrock: this part
11:31 OzzyOzrock: uh
11:31 Raiden: ah that 100 note deathstream
11:31 Raiden: can you use brackets for 1/6
11:32 Raiden: so i dont go full retard and 1/5
11:32 Raiden: 1/4*
11:32 Raiden: wait im applying first ayyy
11:32 Raiden: im too slow
11:33 OzzyOzrock: god damn this stream
11:33 Raiden: let's see second
11:34 Raiden: too easy
11:34 Raiden: gotta spam more 1/12s
11:34 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:34 Raiden: you mean the 100 note one
11:34 Raiden: or the 300 note 1/4 one
11:35 OzzyOzrock: whichever is 1/6
11:35 OzzyOzrock: and has notes at 03:49:327 (1201) -
11:36 Raiden: yeah the 100 one
11:36 Raiden: the 300 note one doesn't have 1/6 at all
11:37 Raiden: fixed
11:37 OzzyOzrock: did you hear the parts that did have 1/6
11:37 Raiden: yeah
11:37 OzzyOzrock: there's 2, then there's the long ass one
11:37 Raiden: i tried to 1/6 only on guitar uprises
11:38 Raiden: but looks like there's no 1/6
11:38 OzzyOzrock: if you put it at 1/6 there's def some spots
11:38 OzzyOzrock: err
11:38 OzzyOzrock: 75% speed
11:38 Raiden: 03:49:202 - for example
11:39 OzzyOzrock: including 03:53:140 (1) - and beyond being all 1/6, but obv not using that lolol
11:39 OzzyOzrock: yes
11:39 OzzyOzrock: 03:47:890- too
11:39 OzzyOzrock: wtf
11:39 OzzyOzrock: why NOT FOR ME
11:39 OzzyOzrock: FUCK YOU EDITOR
11:39 OzzyOzrock: im fucking leaving
11:39 Raiden: wot
11:40 Raiden: 03:47:890 -
11:40 Raiden: you mean dis
11:40 Raiden: 03:50:890 - also here
11:41 OzzyOzrock: that isn't even notes
11:41 Raiden: wot
11:42 OzzyOzrock: but since you wanna make it a stream
11:42 OzzyOzrock: you can do like kdddk lol
11:42 OzzyOzrock: or
11:42 OzzyOzrock: ok it's notes but i mean the guitar stops for one note lolol
11:42 Raiden: hmmmm
11:43 OzzyOzrock: you can def map it tho
11:43 Raiden: done
11:43 Raiden: kdddk sounds gud
11:43 Raiden: what about the 1/6s
11:43 Raiden: 03:47:890 - at here
11:43 Raiden: can it be
11:43 OzzyOzrock: i made both the beginning ones (kddk) to make it ez lol
11:43 Raiden: but i removed those
11:44 Raiden: ;w;
11:44 OzzyOzrock: .
11:44 Raiden: right now idk if im understanding you
11:44 OzzyOzrock: 03:49:202- and 03:47:890- ??
11:44 OzzyOzrock: FUCK
11:45 Raiden: worry not
11:45 Raiden: i can time travel
11:45 Raiden: yeah 03:49:202 -
11:45 Raiden: theres a 1/6 (kddd)
11:46 OzzyOzrock: ye
11:46 Raiden: it is bad?
11:46 Raiden: is it*
11:46 Raiden: ctrl+g
11:46 OzzyOzrock: no it's ok
11:46 Raiden: omg
11:47 OzzyOzrock: but there is one at 03:47:890 (1184) - right
11:47 Raiden: gg i can stop mapping
11:47 Raiden: mhm
11:47 Raiden: no there isn't
11:47 Raiden: i mean, mapped
11:47 Raiden: you mean i should add?
11:47 OzzyOzrock: yeah a 1/6 there too
11:47 Raiden: kddk?
11:47 OzzyOzrock: yee
11:47 OzzyOzrock: so we go back to dominant hand
11:47 OzzyOzrock: when we hit the 2nd one
11:48 Raiden: wow thats some singletap stuff
11:48 Raiden: cannot get into that
11:48 OzzyOzrock: 03:52:015 (1230) - dont map this 1/6 because fuck you synyster gates or whatever his name is
11:48 Raiden: it isn't 1/6
11:48 Raiden: O.o
11:48 Raiden: full 1/4 right there
11:50 Raiden: or you meant there SHOULD be a 1/6?
11:50 Raiden: because ozzy =/= english
11:51 OzzyOzrock: wtf
11:51 OzzyOzrock: nvm
11:51 Raiden: seriously i have
11:51 Raiden: serious understanding problems
11:51 Raiden: when it comes to this
11:51 Raiden: fuck not being native
11:51 OzzyOzrock: puedo hablar en espanol sin la ene...................
11:52 Raiden: wow
11:52 Raiden: molaria
11:52 OzzyOzrock: .
11:52 OzzyOzrock: hasta manana
11:52 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:52 OzzyOzrock: n~
11:52 Raiden: una conversacion en español with ozzy
11:52 Raiden: wat
11:52 OzzyOzrock: lmao
11:52 Raiden: no pls
11:52 Raiden: no me hagas esto
11:52 OzzyOzrock: 03:53:140- esta parte es puro 1/6 hasta el final.... no se que hacer.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
11:53 Raiden: 03:53:140 -
11:53 Raiden: hmmmmmmmmmm
11:53 Raiden: 160 bpm
11:53 Raiden: it will be k
11:53 Raiden: as long as i dont put tricky?
11:53 OzzyOzrock: gg
11:53 OzzyOzrock: how is it right now
11:53 Raiden: 1/6 deathstream right now
11:54 Raiden: 1/6 delivery guy is knocking
11:54 OzzyOzrock: oh you mapped it all
11:54 Raiden: your door
11:54 Raiden: go open
11:54 Raiden: yea
11:54 OzzyOzrock: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
11:54 Raiden: but mainly 1/4
11:54 OzzyOzrock: oh
11:54 Raiden: i'll add more 1/6
11:54 Raiden: but try to keep it simple
11:54 OzzyOzrock: is it still (kddk) then 1/4 and then (ddkddkk) or something
11:55 Raiden: ddkkddd
11:55 Raiden: simple af
11:55 OzzyOzrock: not as 1/6 for singetappers!!!
11:55 Raiden: fuk
11:55 Raiden: should i remove
11:55 Raiden: 03:53:765 (1252) - this can be removed
11:56 Raiden: i think idk
11:56 OzzyOzrock: simple stuf for 1/6 is like (kddkddk) or just monocolor, we are noobs
11:56 OzzyOzrock: but um
11:56 Raiden: okay
11:56 OzzyOzrock: damn
11:56 Raiden: well it sounds not THAT bad
11:57 OzzyOzrock: i want tohave it map
11:57 OzzyOzrock: so it like
11:57 Raiden: it could fit
11:57 OzzyOzrock: emphasizes as much 1/6 as possible
11:57 Raiden: i know
11:57 Raiden: but that = insta dq
11:57 Raiden: because reasons
11:57 OzzyOzrock: but it'd have to be like (kkkk) d (kkkk) d (kkkk) or something really lame
11:57 OzzyOzrock: ye
11:59 Raiden: 03:50:890 - a kddk shall be added here
11:59 OzzyOzrock: that'll make the stream left handed unless you have an odd number of 1/6 after that?
11:59 OzzyOzrock: im thinking kddk playstyle fuck
12:00 Raiden: let me find
12:00 Raiden: another one
12:00 Raiden: actually lol
12:00 Raiden: from 03:50:890 - 03:51:640 - should be full 1/6
12:00 Raiden: but dq you know
12:01 OzzyOzrock: if you make it (kddddddk) that can work lol
12:01 Raiden: isnt
12:01 Raiden: a tiny bit lame?
12:01 OzzyOzrock: that guitar part is only 3 notes!!!
12:02 Raiden: aw
12:02 Raiden: kdddddddddddddddk then
12:02 OzzyOzrock: gg
12:02 Raiden: or whatever the amount of notes
12:03 Raiden: yay sr 6,24
12:03 Raiden: :^)
12:03 OzzyOzrock: 03:53:140 (1237) - 03:54:640 (1257) - i think you could have 4 1/6 quads between these two points
12:03 OzzyOzrock: then finish the solo with 1/4
12:03 Raiden: like
12:03 Raiden: all of them together?
12:04 OzzyOzrock: so like (xxxx) x (xxxx) x (xxxx) x (xxxx) x xxxxxxxxxxxx
12:04 Raiden: ah ye
12:04 Raiden: yeah
12:04 Raiden: dddk k first
12:05 OzzyOzrock: now you freestyle
12:08 Raiden: (dddk) k (kddk) d (kddd) d (dkkd)
12:08 Raiden: try dat
12:08 Raiden: 6,35
12:08 Raiden: i approve of that
12:09 Raiden: okay ozzy thanks
12:09 Raiden: do save log i cannot kd you enough
12:09 OzzyOzrock: dddkkkddkdkdddddkkd
12:09 OzzyOzrock: wtf.............
12:09 Raiden: where
12:09 OzzyOzrock: that's your 1/6 thing
12:09 OzzyOzrock: 5 d in a row
12:09 OzzyOzrock: o
12:09 Raiden: wot
12:09 Raiden: where
12:09 OzzyOzrock: if you change what you put up there into 1/4
12:10 OzzyOzrock: which is how it's basically played
12:10 OzzyOzrock: it's like hitting that
12:10 OzzyOzrock: lol
12:10 Raiden: ahh
12:10 Raiden: I think i know
12:10 OzzyOzrock: just change one of the dons into k
12:10 Raiden: wher eis it
12:10 Raiden: done
12:10 OzzyOzrock: ye
12:10 Raiden: kddkddk
12:10 Raiden: for qat's pleasure
12:10 OzzyOzrock: lolol
12:11 OzzyOzrock: sayaka might not throw away aragami
12:11 Raiden: he won't
12:11 Raiden: 6,35 I approve
12:11 Raiden: perfect sr
12:11 OzzyOzrock: dem son
12:11 Raiden: save log i cant give more than 2 kd
12:12 Raiden: i can get you some kd from kd dealers in the back alleys of my town
12:12 Raiden: if you wont save log i will
12:12 Raiden: #threat
hai RayDon, lol my speak bad. so short word.. mod offline, aww just for reference and honest to want irc mod ;w;

~dem Rasio Slider tick is... 3 `w`

~00:42:171 - add kat, consistent with 00:45:921 -

~00:43:671 - add don? be stream *but i thinking, u follow guitar pitch? like 00:43:390 (10,12) - and 00:47:140 (34,35) - this. so u make this for emphasize? if not. u can adding that my suggest for feelstreamtohit.3gp*

~00:50:890 - ^ * ?

~00:55:015 (91,92,93,94,95) - kkkkd, more fit with drum and gitar pitch..

~01:01:296 - delete, yeah this 01:01:202 - pitch stronk and 01:01:296 - this feel empty.. so fit for hit dat KatFinisher

~01:06:640 (164,165) - change kat

~01:06:921 - and then.. add don, this have stronk pitch. and nice pattern stream

~01:11:890 - change ddkdk? fit with music

~01:12:640 (201,202,203) - #1 201 kat? lol change to don and 202 and 203 is kat *#2 or 201 keep kat and 202 and 203 is finisher*

~01:13:202 - more feel this don, and with my before suggestion

~01:18:733 - adding kat, this nice bruh

~01:24:265 (269,270,271,272,273) - remove finisher? and 01:25:108 - add kat?

~01:26:983 - don? voice pitch is fit :3 *like this too 01:29:983 -

~01:28:296 - add don, fit with voice pitch

~01:30:265 - kat? i hear this stronk if 25%playback

~01:38:890 - kat? like in before? *or this for variant? but repetative is gud if same pitch*

~01:40:483 - add don? this pitch?

~01:57:171 - don?

~02:00:733 - ^?

~02:04:483 - ^ lol but is can reject *about dem don don*.. if u follow this pitch gitar 02:04:577 - ~w~*

~02:08:140 (524,527) - change kat.. when i tested this part.. is weird if not change to kat...

~02:11:890 - kat, pitch stronk

~02:21:171 - add don? i see this too in before

~02:26:140 (644,645,646,647) - this.. is fit if 1/3 kddk lel *yeah try hear with 25% playback brah :^)*

~02:32:608 - kat, to feel to hear when hit in play.

~02:37:765 (730,731,732,733,734,735,736) - please change this to kdddkkdd, is make confushed when hear and play XD

~02:46:390 -

~03:01:765 - move to 03:01:827 - here? yeah this for pass this voice pitch..

~03:13:765 - from here make xx xx? *boring to see 3plet..and this fit too~ XD*

~03:14:515 (932) - kat, and

~03:14:640 (933) - move to 03:14:702 - here.. and in 03:14:640 (933) - i feel weird

~03:15:265 - from here, kd dd?

~03:18:265 (962,963) - ctrl g and 03:18:452 - change kat, more fit and feel

~03:24:640 - from here. u make 1/3? i am trying with slow playback and i Think this 1/4.. *dddkk is nice* yeah this 1/4 bcuz still deep with guitar pitch and fit with drum pitch

~03:25:577 - kat?

~03:27:733 - delete? for empazhise 03:27:827 - this guitar pitch/ddk

~03:26:140 - finisher? like stronk pitch XD

~03:29:046 - not fit pattern... ddkdd/kkkdd is more nice

~03:30:265 - more nice if kdkkd, lel beutiful pattern =w=

~03:42:640 - oke this again.. but i feel place of this pattern pitch is like this Screenshot

~03:43:202 - this don XD

~03:43:765 - kat

~done, lol *don kat done

~03:44:702 - kat? this feel high pitch

~04:02:140 (1329,1330,1331,1332,1333,1334,1335,1336,1337) - hey this.. all kat? is nice with guitar pitch and look exicitink XD

~04:04:577 - from here, u want make ddkdkkd dkk?

~04:07:483 - change this kat and 04:08:608 - this kat too *flow is nice to feel*

~04:09:733 - add don? and 04:10:858 - this kat?

~04:13:765 - many ddk ;w; not to make variatif with guitar pitch? lel..

~04:39:640 - from here change to kkddkkd, nice to hear with guitar pitch

~05:01:483 (11,12,13) - kat, and 05:01:952 (16,19,22) - change to kat

~05:04:390 - weh gud.... @w@

~06:14:890 - add don, and in other too.. and 06:17:890 - about like this.. u can ignore and for follow guitar

~06:14:140 - add kat, well if empty so uhh.. ;w;

~06:17:140 - ^, and other like this

well.. wait 07:03:827 - not make some lol with finisher?

sorry my mod is old not update maybe bcuz ur maybe change in 5 hours ago.. and about Screenshot maybe i will upload *not have time ;w;* XD i am so sorry.. GLuck
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

[notice]hai RayDon, lol my speak bad. so short word.. mod offline, aww just for reference and honest to want irc mod ;w; RayDon? please

~dem Rasio Slider tick is... 3 `w`it's 2 ~_~

~00:42:171 - add kat, consistent with 00:45:921 - if you listen closely, these 2 parts sound slightly different, so I wanted to point out the difference by alternating non-triplet/triplet

~00:43:671 - add don? be stream *but i thinking, u follow guitar pitch? like 00:43:390 (10,12) - and 00:47:140 (34,35) - this. so u make this for emphasize? if not. u can adding that my suggest for feelstreamtohit.3gp* there is indeed a drum hit, but I tested and it breaks the flow, so no change for now

~00:50:890 - ^ * ? that's a don already ~_~

~00:55:015 (91,92,93,94,95) - kkkkd, more fit with drum and gitar pitch.. 00:55:390 (95) - I wanted to emphasize the guitar note at the end, so I purposely made the other 3 notes dons

~01:01:296 - delete, yeah this 01:01:202 - pitch stronk and 01:01:296 - this feel empty.. so fit for hit dat KatFinisher I think there's no problem with this pattern ,_,

~01:06:640 (164,165) - change kat I'd have to change a whole section to k if I did that, and it breaks the flow

~01:06:921 - and then.. add don, this have stronk pitch. and nice pattern stream there is no clear sound here, I prefer not to add anything here

~01:11:890 - change ddkdk? fit with music I think kkddk fits as good or even better C_c

~01:12:640 (201,202,203) - #1 201 kat? lol change to don and 202 and 203 is kat *#2 or 201 keep kat and 202 and 203 is finisher* it took me few reads to actually understand ~_~ but no, that change breaks the flow completely :v

~01:13:202 - more feel this don, and with my before suggestion I don't really feel like it's a don to be honest

~01:18:733 - adding kat, this nice bruh sounds nice, added

~01:24:265 (269,270,271,272,273) - remove finisher? and 01:25:108 - add kat? I feel this part is fine as it is

~01:26:983 - don? voice pitch is fit :3 *like this too 01:29:983 - that part is whole 1/2 for a reason ~_~

~01:28:296 - add don, fit with voice pitch same than above

~01:30:265 - kat? i hear this stronk if 25%playback breaks the flow ;w;

~01:38:890 - kat? like in before? *or this for variant? but repetative is gud if same pitch* I prefer like it is now, fits the rhythm I use

~01:40:483 - add don? this pitch? oops i missed that

~01:57:171 - don? I prefer to keep the flow here

~02:00:733 - ^? would cause inconsistency with previous patterns

~02:04:483 - ^ lol but is can reject *about dem don don*.. if u follow this pitch gitar 02:04:577 - ~w~* ~w~*

~02:08:140 (524,527) - change kat.. when i tested this part.. is weird if not change to kat... it is not weird at all ww

~02:11:890 - kat, pitch stronk I am not following pitch, as you can see in the following patterns

~02:21:171 - add don? i see this too in before actually it's 1/6 ddk wwww thanks for noticing

~02:26:140 (644,645,646,647) - this.. is fit if 1/3 kddk lel *yeah try hear with 25% playback brah :^)* wut O.o no it doesn't fit at all

~02:32:608 - kat, to feel to hear when hit in play. i guess it's nice to variate from previous pattern

~02:37:765 (730,731,732,733,734,735,736) - please change this to kdddkkdd, is make confushed when hear and play XD what

~02:46:390 - what's with this??

~03:01:765 - move to 03:01:827 - here? yeah this for pass this voice pitch..I don't follow voice pitch at all in the map...

~03:13:765 - from here make xx xx? *boring to see 3plet..and this fit too~ XD* nu, that'd break consistency

~03:14:515 (932) - kat, and nu, it's dkkd, I follow guitar here for the 1/3

~03:14:640 (933) - move to 03:14:702 - here.. and in 03:14:640 (933) - i feel weird ^

~03:15:265 - from here, kd dd? would break the flow

~03:18:265 (962,963) - ctrl g and 03:18:452 - change kat, more fit and feel the stream is fine as it is. 962&963 are both dons and the dkkd 1/6 fits the guitar note

~03:24:640 - from here. u make 1/3? i am trying with slow playback and i Think this 1/4.. *dddkk is nice* yeah this 1/4 bcuz still deep with guitar pitch and fit with drum pitch it was fixed in another mod, you should have updated xD

~03:25:577 - kat? would break the flow

~03:27:733 - delete? for empazhise 03:27:827 - this guitar pitch/ddk nu, it's fine as it is :v

~03:26:140 - finisher? like stronk pitch XD I don't hear any clear finisher sound ._.

~03:29:046 - not fit pattern... ddkdd/kkkdd is more nice if you pay close attention to the following+previous patterns you'll notice that I change the flow for few seconds. and I think these patterns are fine

~03:30:265 - more nice if kdkkd, lel beutiful pattern =w= same as above

~03:42:640 - oke this again.. but i feel place of this pattern pitch is like this Screenshot ~_~

~03:43:202 - this don XD wat

~03:43:765 - kat breaks the flow c_C

~done, lol *don kat done

~03:44:702 - kat? this feel high pitch breaks da flow in da hood

~04:02:140 (1329,1330,1331,1332,1333,1334,1335,1336,1337) - hey this.. all kat? is nice with guitar pitch and look exicitink XD nu, it's fine as it is

~04:04:577 - from here, u want make ddkdkkd dkk? I prefer to keep the streams to when the guitar does repeated notes

~04:07:483 - change this kat and 04:08:608 - this kat too *flow is nice to feel* I guess it won't hurt to variate a bit

~04:09:733 - add don? and 04:10:858 - this kat? nu, I prefer to keep this part somewhat calm before the storm starts C:

~04:13:765 - many ddk ;w; not to make variatif with guitar pitch? lel.. it is fixed, you should have updated ~_~

~04:39:640 - from here change to kkddkkd, nice to hear with guitar pitch I don't follow guitar pitch here but I guess variating the patterns won't hurt

~05:01:483 (11,12,13) - kat, and 05:01:952 (16,19,22) - change to kat no, that's fine as it is

~05:04:390 - weh gud.... @w@ C:

~06:14:890 - add don, and in other too.. and 06:17:890 - about like this.. u can ignore and for follow guitar it was fixed, update

~06:14:140 - add kat, well if empty so uhh.. ;w; updateeeeeee

~06:17:140 - ^, and other like this ypdate ;w;

well.. wait 07:03:827 - not make some lol with finisher? no wtf

sorry my mod is old not update maybe bcuz ur maybe change in 5 hours ago.. and about Screenshot maybe i will upload *not have time ;w;* XD i am so sorry.. GLuck
yeah. I made major changes to streams and that (ddk)*30 part, so most the suggestions regarding that part have been rejected for that reason ;w;

Sorry for rejecting so many c_C

Thanks a lot for the mod anyway <3
lol nu problem. my mod is old and my conecition make me :'^)
and lol its just suggestion. Opinion, and not Recommend and not make u must to change it.. *lol nice modder is Follow the what want of mapper* fuhhh, nice to read all ur diff with long length lol. thx lol for reply!1~~

and please. dont using dat Ret kolor to many. ew if my mod is like ur new update just ignore. Dont gib dat ret blooot!1!!! ;w; i am not bad gay kwek <(``)
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

lol nu problem. my mod is old and my conecition make me :'^)
and lol its just suggestion. Opinion, and not Recommend and not make u must to change it.. *lol nice modder is Follow the what want of mapper* fuhhh, nice to read all ur diff with long length lol. thx lol for reply!1~~

and please. dont using dat Ret kolor to many. ew if my mod is like ur new update just ignore. Dont gib dat ret blooot!1!!! ;w; i am not bad gay kwek <(``)

kiss me u k00tie

Hey~ M4M~~ o/


  1. BG size is 1359x767... maybe you need to re-size it~~??
  2. Other is fine

  1. 00:30:640 (4) - Change to k? Make a bit difference and the tune sounds higher~
  2. 00:40:390 (9) - k to follow the guitar??
  3. 01:11:702 (194) - d
  4. 01:24:452 (271) - Remove finish
  5. 01:24:827 (273) - ^ hmm I think K d K d K is better here~~
  6. 01:30:171 - Maybe u wanna a pause here? but I can hear the drum sound here too
    so~ add a d plz.. and the crazy Green lines could start at 01:29:890 (301) -
  7. 01:35:702 (338) - k
  8. 01:42:452 (371,372,373,374) - oh remove the ddkk 1/4, here is three 1/6 beat!!!
    Like this:
  9. 01:46:390 (395) - k
  10. 02:08:890 (534) - Add finish? Because u add one before :3
  11. 02:09:077 (535) - If you add^ I suggest you remove this d to make a pause~~
  12. 02:35:233 - Add a d to ddkdddk here?
  13. 02:43:202 (767) - k~
  14. 02:49:952 (800,801,802) - Same as I said
  15. 03:32:140 (1068) - k
  16. 03:47:046 (1178) - k to follow the guitar
  17. 03:55:483 (1275,1276) - Delete these two notes and add finish at 03:55:390 (1274) -
    I think you need a pause here~ Because 03:53:140 (1247) - is so crazy lol
    Also if you accept^ then the pattern here 03:55:765 (1277,1278,1279) - change to kkd ddd kkd ddd kkd??
  18. 05:39:452 (356,357,358) - Same
  19. 05:43:390 (379) - k and 05:43:952 (383) - d
  20. 05:55:390 (16) - k
  21. 06:03:077 (53,54,55,56,57,58) - All finish because he sings really loudly xD
    and I have a idea that maybe you can add a "Green Line"
    at 06:03:077 (53) - with a Speed up x1.25 or... ya it's up to you~
  22. 06:10:577 (3,4,5,6) - Hmm I think it's 1/4 here~ so maybe change to ddddk? But it's fine too now.
That's all.
Really cool song!! 8-) I like it lol

Good Luck Raiden~~ ^^b
Topic Starter

12BARRY21 wrote:

Hey~ M4M~~ o/ C:


  1. BG size is 1359x767... maybe you need to re-size it~~?? I'll ask QATs about this
  2. Other is fine

  1. 00:30:640 (4) - Change to k? Make a bit difference and the tune sounds higher~ nu, it sounds the same changed 00:31:390 (7) - instead to a don
  2. 00:40:390 (9) - k to follow the guitar?? it's supposed to be a deep hit, I'll keep f
  3. 01:11:702 (194) - d breaks the flow :c
  4. 01:24:452 (271) - Remove finish nu, I like that part how it is now
  5. 01:24:827 (273) - ^ hmm I think K d K d K is better here~~ ^
  6. 01:30:171 - Maybe u wanna a pause here? but I can hear the drum sound here too
    so~ add a d plz.. and the crazy Green lines could start at 01:29:890 (301) - no about the green lines. I did the math to make them exact so I'm not changing them and yes there is a drum sound but I don't want the stream to be unnecessarily long
  7. 01:35:702 (338) - k nope, I'm following drum here
  8. 01:42:452 (371,372,373,374) - oh remove the ddkk 1/4, here is three 1/6 beat!!! I know what you mean and it was 1/6 before. But I wanted variation, and it sounds equally as good. So I think I'll keep for now
  9. 01:46:390 (395) - k that'd break the overall flow
  10. 02:08:890 (534) - Add finish? Because u add one before :3 indeed, added
  11. 02:09:077 (535) - If you add^ I suggest you remove this d to make a pause~~ nah, BPM is low and that part has faster pace than the start, so I'll keep that note
  12. 02:35:233 - Add a d to ddkdddk here? maybe I'll consider it
  13. 02:43:202 (767) - k~ same as before
  14. 02:49:952 (800,801,802) - Same as I said variation, as I stated before
  15. 03:32:140 (1068) - k nu, breaks flow
  16. 03:47:046 (1178) - k to follow the guitar I'd have to change many more notes if I did that. It sounds good as it is
  17. 03:55:483 (1275,1276) - Delete these two notes and add finish at 03:55:390 (1274) - nu, the song asks for a startup like this
    I think you need a pause here~ Because 03:53:140 (1247) - is so crazy lol
    Also if you accept^ then the pattern here 03:55:765 (1277,1278,1279) - change to kkd ddd kkd ddd kkd??
  18. 05:39:452 (356,357,358) - Same same
  19. 05:43:390 (379) - k and 05:43:952 (383) - d breaks the flow and yes, I missed that lol
  20. 05:55:390 (16) - k breaks flow once again
  21. 06:03:077 (53,54,55,56,57,58) - All finish because he sings really loudly xD yes indeed! nice suggestion. Added.
    and I have a idea that maybe you can add a "Green Line"
    at 06:03:077 (53) - with a Speed up x1.25 or... ya it's up to you~ I think I don't need more green lines >w<
  22. 06:10:577 (3,4,5,6) - Hmm I think it's 1/4 here~ so maybe change to ddddk? But it's fine too now. na, it's fine c:
That's all.
Really cool song!! 8-) I like it lol indeed :D

Good Luck Raiden~~ ^^b thanks a lot!!
Thanks a ton for your mod!!!!!


00:47:233 - can add a don
00:50:983 - can add a don

01:13:577 - can add a don (02:21:140 (615,616,617) - is correct 1/6 ddk but not this)
01:25:015 (274,275,276,277) - can be kdddk with removing Finish

01:57:171 - can add a don
02:00:733 - can add a don
02:04:483 - can add a don

04:11:515 (1414,1415,1416,1417) - can be kat
04:12:265 (1422,1423,1424,1425,1426) - can be 1/6 ddddddk
04:21:265 (1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517,1518) - kddk / kdkk / dddd / k

05:01:390 (10,11,12,13) - can be kkkk

05:58:390 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - this part didn't have ddddd base drum sound. can be d___d_d_k_d
06:00:827 - can add don
06:01:390 (44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - same as above. d___d_d_k_d

06:11:140 - add a kat

you can actually end the song here 06:46:390 .
In this moment, "(dddd)dk d _ d _ d" pattern already repeated 8 times and song is faded out successfully.
And this part doesn't need Kiai time.
Topic Starter

Nyan wrote:


00:47:233 - can add a don hm, fine
00:50:983 - can add a don added a k instead since the rhythm varies a bit

01:13:577 - can add a don (02:21:140 (615,616,617) - is correct 1/6 ddk but not this) sounds fine as it is now
01:25:015 (274,275,276,277) - can be kdddk with removing Finish there is indeed a sound, but I prefer to keep it like it is to maintain the flow

01:57:171 - can add a don sounds good, added
02:00:733 - can add a don I prefer not to here specifically, it would break the flow
02:04:483 - can add a don added k instead since the rhythm varies

04:11:515 (1414,1415,1416,1417) - can be kat I prefer a monocolour here
04:12:265 (1422,1423,1424,1425,1426) - can be 1/6 ddddddk I don't hear any clear 1/6 hits here
04:21:265 (1506,1507,1508,1509,1510,1511,1512,1513,1514,1515,1516,1517,1518) - kddk / kdkk / dddd / k I'd have to change entire streams if I did that because of inconsistency

05:01:390 (10,11,12,13) - can be kkkk I guess some variation won't hurt a lot

05:58:390 (31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38) - this part didn't have ddddd base drum sound. can be d___d_d_k_d well indeed, fixed
06:00:827 - can add don nah, I prefer a low density here
06:01:390 (44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51) - same as above. d___d_d_k_d fixed

06:11:140 - add a kat no, as I alternate between different followings in all parts

you can actually end the song here 06:46:390 .
In this moment, "(dddd)dk d _ d _ d" pattern already repeated 8 times and song is faded out successfully.
And this part doesn't need Kiai time. it is not repeated since it alternates. Also, I end the song when I feel the sound is barely audible. The song is well ended in my opinion already

Thanks a lot for your mod!!!

Hi from m4m

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • abbreviate Avenged Sevenfold to add tag "A7X"

[ Tatsujin]

  • 01:15:641 - change to k & 01:15:741 - add k & 01:15:921 - add d.I think good flow. & Plays better to me

    01:26:800 - add d & 01:28:299 - add d.I think this long d-k is very add ddk between d-k.& I think good flow.

    01:39:268 - move to 01:39:823 - & 01:39:455 - change to d.01:39:268 - I think no need this notes.

    02:34:300 - delete.& 02:35:800 - delete.& 02:37:295 - delete.If remove notes,It works better to vary the pace.

    05:36:268 - move to 05:36:823 - & 05:36:456 - change to d.
Nice map! Good luck
Topic Starter

Charlotte wrote:

Hi from m4m

[ about]
  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is big don note
  4. K is big kat note
[ General]

  • abbreviate Avenged Sevenfold to add tag "A7X" o-okay...

[ Tatsujin]

  • 01:15:641 - change to k & 01:15:741 - add k & 01:15:921 - add d.I think good flow. & Plays better to me breaks a bit the rhythm I'm trying to use so I'll keep

    01:26:800 - add d & 01:28:299 - add d.I think this long d-k is very add ddk between d-k.& I think good flow. this one is simple to variate from the other part that sounds like this in 02:31:577 - , so keep for difficulty variation

    01:39:268 - move to 01:39:823 - & 01:39:455 - change to d.01:39:268 - I think no need this notes. but there is a clear drum hit here, and it follows the flow and the k is used to emphasize guitar note, so I'm keeping both for now

    02:34:300 - delete.& 02:35:800 - delete.& 02:37:295 - delete.If remove notes,It works better to vary the pace. as I said a bit earlier, I like to vary this part difficulty from the previous one so it has considerably higher note density

    05:36:268 - move to 05:36:823 - & 05:36:456 - change to d. this part is the same than a few suggestions above, so I'm giving the same answer >< and same than a bit above in 01:39:455 -
Nice map! Good luck i cri ;w;
omg thanks for the star

And most importantly, THANKS FOR THE MOD <3<3

sorry I did not accept any ;_;

btw getting into your map real quick
Senpai i will mod this asap :D
aloha, from my queue. sorry the lateness is real...

[Not Ready To Play This]
Set HP to 0. It will die right?
(ok just kidding. 4 is generous enough.)

00:42:265 (3) - change to k to emphasize the drum?
00:43:390 (10,11,12,13) - sounds like ddddk, like at 00:47:140 (34,35,36,37,38) -
00:53:421 - add d for pattern consistency with 00:45:921 -
00:54:640 (89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97) - try ddddkkkkd, it suits better imo

01:11:702 () - change to d will flow better

01:18:546 () - if you follow the guitar i think it is better moved to 01:18:921 -
01:19:108 - and add something here
maybe do something like that too at 01:06:640 - which is sounds similar

01:33:452 (330) - sounds like a don to me
01:39:452 (357) - ^
02:08:140 (531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538) - hmm. is kkkkdddd too easy?

02:19:390 - how about ddk kkd ddk kdd here. feels like oscillating yeah

02:37:765 (738,739,740,741,742,743,744,745,746,747,748) - well, kdddkkddkkk will fits more here after those long ddk ddk ddk you made before because it also follows the drum

02:40:952 () - sounds like a don to me
02:46:952 () - ^
03:32:702 () - ^

04:12:265 (1426) - change to k, it seems like the change pattern start here

since i'm bad at ultra long stream i believe in you in those long stream at minute 5.

05:30:452 (312) - this don again?
05:36:452 (339) - ^

06:03:077 (48) - remove the finisher, if you hear the music, you need to big empashize the NOT READY TO DIE only
06:02:702 (47) - for the i'm part, move this to 06:02:890 - ,
06:02:983 - and add d to become ddk for little emphasis

well, i think that's all. if there is anything that clash with your intention feel free to reject it. but don't kill me, i'm not ready to die.
Topic Starter

Flying Pan wrote:

aloha, from my queue. sorry the lateness is real...

[Not Ready To Play This]
Set HP to 0. It will die right? lolol
(ok just kidding. 4 is generous enough.)

00:42:265 (3) - change to k to emphasize the drum? I tend to emphasize drums with dons rather
00:43:390 (10,11,12,13) - sounds like ddddk, like at 00:47:140 (34,35,36,37,38) - I know, but then I'd have to change the following notes as well because it would break the rhythm I use
00:53:421 - add d for pattern consistency with 00:45:921 - I've tried several things and tested, but none seem to fit the rhythm I use, so I'll keep for now
00:54:640 (89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97) - try ddddkkkkd, it suits better imo I fixed it but in another way, since the stream must be ended with a k to emphasize guitar note like I do on 00:51:640 (71) - for example

01:11:702 () - change to d will flow better I think it flows just fine with k hmm

01:18:546 () - if you follow the guitar i think it is better moved to 01:18:921 - at that point I'm not following the guitar
01:19:108 - and add something here giving the same answer ^
maybe do something like that too at 01:06:640 - which is sounds similar

01:33:452 (330) - sounds like a don to me Tried but doesn't fit quite the thing I wanted to follow (mix of guitar and drum)
01:39:452 (357) - ^ Same answer ^
02:08:140 (531,532,533,534,535,536,537,538) - hmm. is kkkkdddd too easy? tried and tested but again, it doesn't quite feel right to me

02:19:390 - how about ddk kkd ddk kdd here. feels like oscillating yeah changed in an alternative way

02:37:765 (738,739,740,741,742,743,744,745,746,747,748) - well, kdddkkddkkk will fits more here after those long ddk ddk ddk you made before because it also follows the drum keep for consistency with other parts like 01:30:265 -

02:40:952 () - sounds like a don to me
02:46:952 () - ^ Same reason than in 01:33:452 (330) - in both previous and this suggestion
03:32:702 () - ^ if you noticed, at this part of the song I start to transition into a guitar following pace, to somewhat help the player get ready for the streams

04:12:265 (1426) - change to k, it seems like the change pattern start here well indeed, fixed

since i'm bad at ultra long stream i believe in you in those long stream at minute 5. :33

05:30:452 (312) - this don again?
05:36:452 (339) - ^ Same answers than in 01:33:452 (330) -

06:03:077 (48) - remove the finisher, if you hear the music, you need to big empashize the NOT READY TO DIE only a modder told me to emphasize all the vocals here since he sings REALLY LOUDLY compared to other parts, so I'm keeping all the finishers for now
06:02:702 (47) - for the i'm part, move this to 06:02:890 - , I want to keep that note to end the previous patterns and give enough room to wholely emphasize I'M NOT READY TO DIE! at the end
06:02:983 - and add d to become ddk for little emphasis wouldn't feel right to ddK as I didn't quite accept the last suggestion ;w;

well, i think that's all. if there is anything that clash with your intention feel free to reject it. but don't kill me, i'm not ready to die. unless you're G. Romero x)
Thanks a lot for your mod!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111
Hello from M4M
Am not a good I expect u will not accept any of these
01:15:640 ddddk
01:56:421 d
02:43:577 k
02:43:765 d
Drum roll after 3rd kiai -> + finish
05:32:702 d kkk k d
Hey. Wassup?

I think you asked me for a mod before I quit as well, so, hopefully this might make up for it.

You also offered to M4M with this, if you want you can mod my Ninja Gaiden map. If not then I'll just mod another one of your maps and we'll call that an m4m :)

Use HP5 or even 6. This is a very easy map to pass since most of the difficulty is in one spot; just farm on the easy parts and then spam through the hard parts. You don't want to let me pass, do you? ;3 I still didn't pass

Pet peeve; I think you should set the hitsounds to 100. There's no real reason to keep it down at 70; players can set their own individual volumes.

I think you should also use the big grid size, as it will make it easier to keep the notes organized. Not that it makes much of a difference in the map itself, it just looks cleaner haha.

01:32:515 - Add d

01:36:265 - Add d

01:44:327 (389) - move this to 01:44:515 - , and do so for the other kiai's

01:51:077 - add ddd, and do so for the other kiai's

02:21:077 - huh? what happened to this poor quad? It lost one of its friends.... rip in peace poor dddk :( please put it back!

02:52:015 (821) - d

03:24:640 (1019) - kdkdk? Maybe?

03:40:202 (1136) - kdddkdk? Maybe?

04:00:827 (1330) - Add a stream here, to keep this sick momentum going. I think kkddkdkkd would work well.

04:32:702 (1625) - Hah! I love these sorts of 1k 2k 3k 4k patterns here. Don't change it!

05:06:640 (69) - kkdd ->kdkd? I just feel it's a better followup to kdddkddd.

05:08:140 (85) - Same here.

05:09:640 (101) - And so on.

05:29:702 (308) - d_k -> ddd? Same changes as other kiai's.

06:34:390 - I know you are gonna say no to this but I'm gonna say it anyway, hahaha. I think you should end the map here; I'm of the opinion that if you're just gonna let it go quieter and quieter with the same or similar easy patterns then there's not much point in having this part of the map.

Even if you don't end the map there, you really ought to cut down the mp3 since it has a sound effect at the end that doesn't seem to be part of the song. I can do this for you if you want, or you can do it yourself in Audacity.
In general I think you've nerfed the hard part plenty. I think you should focus on making the easy parts a bit harder. I wish you luck on your rank!
Topic Starter

LCM01 wrote:

Hello from M4M
Am not a good I expect u will not accept any of these
01:15:640 ddddk added a note at 01:15:921 - instead
01:56:421 d added at 01:56:233 - instead
02:43:577 k there is no sound here, tho ><
02:43:765 d Same answer than above ^
Drum roll after 3rd kiai -> + finish I think it is fine as it is now
05:32:702 d kkk k d Same answer I gave on previous suggestion

binaryfruit wrote:

Hey. Wassup? not much hue

I think you asked me for a mod before I quit as well, so, hopefully this might make up for it.

You also offered to M4M with this, if you want you can mod my Ninja Gaiden map. If not then I'll just mod another one of your maps and we'll call that an m4m :) sure, im always up for m4m

Use HP5 or even 6. This is a very easy map to pass since most of the difficulty is in one spot; just farm on the easy parts and then spam through the hard parts. You don't want to let me pass, do you? ;3 I still didn't pass I'm afraid I have to reject. On my "hard" maps I like it to be like that: easy passes, HARD AS FUK full combos. So I'll keep

Pet peeve; I think you should set the hitsounds to 100. There's no real reason to keep it down at 70; players can set their own individual volumes. This was personal, as I liked to hear the song while mapping. I'll keep it

I think you should also use the big grid size, as it will make it easier to keep the notes organized. Not that it makes much of a difference in the map itself, it just looks cleaner haha. lmaooo

01:32:515 - Add d nono, I'm following a somewhat mix of drum+guitar

01:36:265 - Add d same I said to previous modder

01:44:327 (389) - move this to 01:44:515 - , and do so for the other kiai's thing is, that would mean I'm somewhat following vocals. I don't usually follow vocals

01:51:077 - add ddd, and do so for the other kiai's nope as I said to previous modder ~_~

02:21:077 - huh? what happened to this poor quad? It lost one of its friends.... rip in peace poor dddk :( please put it back! dude look at 01:13:640 - ahahaha

02:52:015 (821) - d but this is a d already? O.o

03:24:640 (1019) - kdkdk? Maybe? nu, the kkk part is to follow the guitar note and the end d is to finish it

03:40:202 (1136) - kdddkdk? Maybe? I don't think that would flow well

04:00:827 (1330) - Add a stream here, to keep this sick momentum going. I think kkddkdkkd would work well. added, but a different one

04:32:702 (1625) - Hah! I love these sorts of 1k 2k 3k 4k patterns here. Don't change it! huehue

05:06:640 (69) - kkdd ->kdkd? I just feel it's a better followup to kdddkddd. I think the follow up is correctly done as I want to differentiate from parts like 05:16:765 -

05:08:140 (85) - Same here.

05:09:640 (101) - And so on. Same answers ^

05:29:702 (308) - d_k -> ddd? Same changes as other kiai's. I prefer the kiais as they are now tbh

06:34:390 - I know you are gonna say no to this but I'm gonna say it anyway, hahaha. I think you should end the map here; I'm of the opinion that if you're just gonna let it go quieter and quieter with the same or similar easy patterns then there's not much point in having this part of the map. Several people have told me this. I might reconsider reducing note density as the song loses volume, maybe

Even if you don't end the map there, you really ought to cut down the mp3 since it has a sound effect at the end that doesn't seem to be part of the song. I can do this for you if you want, or you can do it yourself in Audacity. The crash sound is intentionally there, so when you're in scores it gives an epic ending :3
In general I think you've nerfed the hard part plenty. I think you should focus on making the easy parts a bit harder. I wish you luck on your rank!

Hi, Rainden.
[ Tatsujin]
  1. There are too many Spinners in intro. I highly recommend delete this bcz it's insistent, and HR mod is so higher score than HD.
  2. 01:01:390 (136) - Remove Finish, or delete (135). this pattern is allowed, but not recommended. tbh this finish doesn't work well.
  3. 01:30:265 (307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - looks horrible. consider to delete these green lines.
  4. 01:42:452 (374,375) - the drums sound 1/6 here, so this notes should be 1/6.
  5. 02:08:796 (540,541) - See above.
  6. 02:37:765 see above.;
  7. 02:49:952 (807,808,809) - 1/6. similar reason as above.
  8. 03:53:140 (1254,1255,1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263,1264,1265,1266,1267,1268,1269,1270,1271,1272) - I think should be 1/4 pattern bcz drums sound 1/4 here. also these 1/6s are bit overmapped?
  9. 06:13:577 (15,16,17,18) - idk What does this 1/6 follow the sound. i think should be 1/4.
  10. 06:14:140 add k to follow the drum. same as 06:17:140 (31) -
  11. 06:16:577 (26,27,28,29) -, 06:22:577 (53,54,55,56) -, etc. same above,.
  12. 06:20:140 -, 06:26:140-, etc. ^
Good luck~ :)
Topic Starter

tasuke912 wrote:

Hi, Rainden. it is Raindening??? huehuehuehue
[ Tatsujin]
  1. There are too many Spinners in intro. I highly recommend delete this bcz it's insistent, and HR mod is so higher score than HD. I know what you mean, but unfortunately I never take mods into account when mapping
  2. 01:01:390 (136) - Remove Finish, or delete (135). this pattern is allowed, but not recommended. tbh this finish doesn't work well. but it does, it's there specifically to emphasize the high vocal (the only vocal I follow in the entire song tbh lol)
  3. 01:30:265 (307,308,309,310,311,312,313,314,315,316,317) - looks horrible. consider to delete these green lines. oh but they look fine to me ;w;
  4. 01:42:452 (374,375) - the drums sound 1/6 here, so this notes should be 1/6. I understand, and they were 1/6 before, but I removed since I don't fancy three 1/6 patterns in a row (variation), and besides, they don't sound bad at all imo
  5. 02:08:796 (540,541) - See above.
  6. 02:37:765 see above.;
  7. 02:49:952 (807,808,809) - 1/6. similar reason as above. all same answers ^
  8. 03:53:140 (1254,1255,1256,1257,1258,1259,1260,1261,1262,1263,1264,1265,1266,1267,1268,1269,1270,1271,1272) - I think should be 1/4 pattern bcz drums sound 1/4 here. also these 1/6s are bit overmapped? no, in fact, they are undermapped. There is much more 1/6 that could be mapped but I nerfed it to the ground since those patterns were highly disapproved by the Quality Assurance Team
  9. 06:13:577 (15,16,17,18) - idk What does this 1/6 follow the sound. i think should be 1/4.
  10. 06:14:140 add k to follow the drum. same as 06:17:140 (31) -
  11. 06:16:577 (26,27,28,29) -, 06:22:577 (53,54,55,56) -, etc. same above,.
  12. 06:20:140 -, 06:26:140-, etc. ^ as for these notes, I'll progressively decrease density when song starts to lose volume at 06:40:390 - , but the first 1/6 are kept to differentiate from these ones, as they should have reduced density.
Good luck~ :) thanks!!! :D
Thanks a lot for the mod tasuke! You are the one who made me reconsider the final part (be proud!!!! lololo)
eat dirt

Disclaimer: Editor is very likely to highlight the wrong notes. Look at the timestamps and use logic pls :p

  1. Change diff name to Avenged Oni, since Tatsujin is a clear implication of a stamina map. LOL.
  2. Raise the volume of the intro to 30% as it is annoyingly quiet.
  3. HP 5 is better since it makes them need to hit SOME of the crazy parts.
  4. 00:33:077 (1) - Being that this isn't a long slider, it just seems like bad filler and the K should be enough to emphasize the long note anyways.
  5. 00:42:265 (3) - Don't you usually annoyingly map snare AND guitar as k?
  6. 00:45:827 (25,26,27) - kdk would have the k land on the snare hit, and I think it sounds better with the upcoming dkk.
  7. 00:59:233 OR 00:59:608 - adding a d here fills in the void of there being no ddd related patterns after the ddk.
  8. 01:06:640 (167,168,169,170,171) - ddk k d would support the guitar rhythm nicely.
  9. 01:13:015 (205,206) - Swap since the guitar is making a high low high low sound? The d leading into D saves it from looking bad, as opposed to d into d.
  10. 01:16:390 (228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241) - Ok, we've had enough ddk from the last god damn bar, how about making these ddk into kkk instead?
  11. 01:25:015 (278,279,280,281) - The drums hit a sort of kkddk pattern. Removing the finish from 01:25:015 (278) - and having four big notes works perfectly fine since the final big note isn't on a downbeat.
  12. 01:26:796 - Similar to authentic practice, adding a note here before the down beat makes k d k d k much more interesting.
  13. 01:28:296 - ^
  14. 01:42:452 (376,377,378) - Changing this to (dddk) and deleting the note at 01:42:733 fits drums way better and makes the pattern look less SHIT.
  15. 01:46:015 (398) - k? Follows mapping the guitar chord and making this part less don-heavy. Something similar is done later anyways.
  16. 01:59:515 (474) - Changing this to k will make this sound less awful without repeating a previous pattern.
  17. 02:05:327 (516,517) - Swapping these hits the snare and stops the long note mapping you tried to do ww.
  18. 02:10:765 (554,555,556,557,558,559,560,561,562) - You already do k ddd d in the next bar, so keep this part closer to how 02:08:890 (543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552) - has been looking.
  19. 02:14:890 (583,586) - Swapping these keeps the snare mapped and the onbeat as d, is it usually is. kkd d isn't awful with ddk after.
  20. 02:19:202 (609) - d? k k kdk kkk is a nightmare in many ways.
  21. 02:29:327 (677,678) - kkk here?
  22. 02:32:890 - For this ddk spam part, how about making it k d k d k ddk ddk instead of ddk for it all? It's still an upgrade from the last part similar to this but less stupid.
  23. 02:46:202 (788) - k? Similar to the suggestion to follow guitar and minimize don usage.
  24. 02:49:952 (809,810,811,812,813,814,815) - Use the same pattern as the other time (dddd dddk dddd). Not to mention that you mapped it simpler here?
  25. 02:53:515 (830) - Same k guitar following shenanigans. I'm hoping you agree that d d d while there is other stuff going on isn't that great.
  26. 03:03:077 (880,881,882,883,884,885,886) - k d k d d k k would map to the guitar much nicer here.
  27. 03:06:827 (906) - k, then swap 03:07:202 (908,909) - ? Similar to above suggestion.
  28. 03:08:327 (915,916,917) - kkk here would follow the squeal similarly as before and avoid repeating ddk.
  29. 03:10:577 (921,922,923,924) - k ddk? Same as the other suggestions for this guitar part.
  30. 03:12:077 (931,932,933,934) - kdk d would be nice to not repeat the kkk of last part.
  31. 03:25:952 (1032,1033) - Swap to follow high guitar note as k?
  32. 03:28:390 - For these 5plets, I think you can re-map something more fitting. kkk d kkd d kkdkd k could be a nice base.
  33. 03:43:952 (1164,1165,1166) - Have the triplet be where the note hits (03:44:233)? Sounds way better.
  34. 03:45:452 (1174,1175,1176) - ^ (03:45:358) Make modifications where needed after if you do this.
  35. 04:00:452 (1328,1329,1330,1331) - Even though it's after a kkddk, ddk d works much better here imo.
  36. 04:04:202 (1362,1363,1364) - Keep this as d k since it's not past the downbeat yet. Then 04:06:077 (1375,1376,1377) - can be ddkkd, and 04:06:546 (1378) - can be deleted? Makes these bars of music contain their own unique thing instead of leaking into another part.
  37. 04:09:077 (1404,1405,1406) - d k? And at 04:10:296 too? Like before, adding the d k instead of ddk gives it more pizzazz than repetitive triplets.
  38. 04:12:265 (1430,1431,1432,1433,1434,1435,1436,1437,1438,1439,1440,1441,1442) - Not 1/6 :( If it were, you could make the whole thing kkddkkddkkdd(kdddddkdddddkdddddk) :3
  39. 04:15:265 (1458) - To not bore this part up, d? You use varying triplets in other similar parts anyways.
  40. 04:18:452 (1490,1491,1492,1493,1494,1495) - ddkkd k sounds nice and is consistent with the 5plet in the earlier part.
  41. 04:27:827 (1579,1580,1581) - dkd? Or something that isn't kdk. It's already a bad triplet and it's getting too much weird usage.
  42. 04:31:577 (1615,1616,1617,1618,1619,1620,1621,1622,1623) - It's really weird that these notes aren't part of the 'rising then descending septuplet mapping gimmick thing' when they are no different than what's being mapped there. It should start where those notes are, then end at 04:38:140 . And if that's done 04:39:358 (1689) - k :B
  43. 04:55:390 (3) - If you're gonna make the end one annoying may as well add a finish to the first one lol.
  44. 05:01:952 (16,18) - k to both of these emphasizes the different tom hits pretty nice.
  45. 05:12:452 (131,132,133,134,135) - Why isn't this kkkdk!? It should be since you ruined yourself in matters of having the stream make a higher pitch.
  46. 05:14:890 (157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168) - But here, should be something like kdddkdkdddkdkddd.
  47. 05:22:390 (237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252) - How about kkkdkdkkddkdkkdd(repeating)? It follows guitar way better.
  48. 05:27:640 (293,294,295,296,297,298,299) - Map to snare? Your choice really. You would before other similar parts, but the stream may influence you otherwise.
  49. 05:35:702 (335) - It's this k suggestion again! Now we can rephrase it again. Four d in a row is weird.
  50. 05:39:077 (352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362) - It's this (dddd dddk dddd) suggestion again!
  51. 05:43:015 (377) - And more suggestion re-runs (k)! Normally I put these next to each other...
  52. 05:50:890 (414) - Purely preference but making this a lone d/k so they can hear this different sounding note would be cool.
  53. 06:00:452 (38) - ddd (notes would go before this) and 06:01:671 add d for another ddd? Helps for consistency with the earlier ddds in this part.
  54. 06:10:577 (3,4,5,6) - mfw I just notice these aren't 1/6 in the song... you can keep tho
  55. 06:52:390 - I'd have ended the map here, but you do what you want man...
  56. 07:03:827 - Will not bubble until you map this as a 4x K.
Small mod. After these changes we can attract attention from QATs bubble!
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

eat dirt

Disclaimer: Editor is very likely to highlight the wrong notes. Look at the timestamps and use logic pls :p

  1. Change diff name to Avenged Oni, since Tatsujin is a clear implication of a stamina map. LOL. put my custom diff name instead KEK
  2. Raise the volume of the intro to 30% as it is annoyingly quiet. k
  3. HP 5 is better since it makes them need to hit SOME of the crazy parts. reasonable
  4. 00:33:077 (1) - Being that this isn't a long slider, it just seems like bad filler and the K should be enough to emphasize the long note anyways. ur doing this cus mad DT player rite
  5. 00:42:265 (3) - Don't you usually annoyingly map snare AND guitar as k? fak
  6. 00:45:827 (25,26,27) - kdk would have the k land on the snare hit, and I think it sounds better with the upcoming dkk. fak #2
  7. 00:59:233 OR 00:59:608 - adding a d here fills in the void of there being no ddd related patterns after the ddk. added at 00:59:233 -
  8. 01:06:640 (167,168,169,170,171) - ddk k d would support the guitar rhythm nicely. yeee
  9. 01:13:015 (205,206) - Swap since the guitar is making a high low high low sound? The d leading into D saves it from looking bad, as opposed to d into d. whoa
  10. 01:16:390 (228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239,240,241) - Ok, we've had enough ddk from the last god damn bar, how about making these ddk into kkk instead? finally some freaking variety
  11. 01:25:015 (278,279,280,281) - The drums hit a sort of kkddk pattern. Removing the finish from 01:25:015 (278) - and having four big notes works perfectly fine since the final big note isn't on a downbeat. ye
  12. 01:26:796 - Similar to authentic practice, adding a note here before the down beat makes k d k d k much more interesting.
  13. 01:28:296 - ^ fixed both
  14. 01:42:452 (376,377,378) - Changing this to (dddk) and deleting the note at 01:42:733 fits drums way better and makes the pattern look less SHIT. i already told the rest of the modders that i wanted variety BUT IF ITS REALLY NECESSARY!?!?!
  15. 01:46:015 (398) - k? Follows mapping the guitar chord and making this part less don-heavy. Something similar is done later anyways. fixed in every post-kiai
  16. 01:59:515 (474) - Changing this to k will make this sound less awful without repeating a previous pattern.
  17. 02:05:327 (516,517) - Swapping these hits the snare and stops the long note mapping you tried to do ww. fixed both ^
  18. 02:10:765 (554,555,556,557,558,559,560,561,562) - You already do k ddd d in the next bar, so keep this part closer to how 02:08:890 (543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552) - has been looking. added some variety
  19. 02:14:890 (583,586) - Swapping these keeps the snare mapped and the onbeat as d, is it usually is. kkd d isn't awful with ddk after. fixed
  20. 02:19:202 (609) - d? k k kdk kkk is a nightmare in many ways. changed and added more k kdk k kdk k jk
  21. 02:29:327 (677,678) - kkk here? ye
  22. 02:32:890 - For this ddk spam part, how about making it k d k d k ddk ddk instead of ddk for it all? It's still an upgrade from the last part similar to this but less stupid. fixed, tried to fit the build up as good as I could
  23. 02:46:202 (788) - k? Similar to the suggestion to follow guitar and minimize don usage. done
  24. 02:49:952 (809,810,811,812,813,814,815) - Use the same pattern as the other time (dddd dddk dddd). Not to mention that you mapped it simpler here? fixed
  25. 02:53:515 (830) - Same k guitar following shenanigans. I'm hoping you agree that d d d while there is other stuff going on isn't that great. yea I fixed every post kiai after the first one
  26. 03:03:077 (880,881,882,883,884,885,886) - k d k d d k k would map to the guitar much nicer here.
  27. 03:06:827 (906) - k, then swap 03:07:202 (908,909) - ? Similar to above suggestion. makes sense both fixed ^
  28. 03:08:327 (915,916,917) - kkk here would follow the squeal similarly as before and avoid repeating ddk. ye i cant stop spamming ddk
  29. 03:10:577 (921,922,923,924) - k ddk? Same as the other suggestions for this guitar part. i was high when i made this map it seems......
  30. 03:12:077 (931,932,933,934) - kdk d would be nice to not repeat the kkk of last part. holy shit it flows...perfectly!
  31. 03:25:952 (1032,1033) - Swap to follow high guitar note as k? yea
  32. 03:28:390 - For these 5plets, I think you can re-map something more fitting. kkk d kkd d kkdkd k could be a nice base. did something here
  33. 03:43:952 (1164,1165,1166) - Have the triplet be where the note hits (03:44:233)? Sounds way better. ye
  34. 03:45:452 (1174,1175,1176) - ^ (03:45:358) Make modifications where needed after if you do this. fixed
  35. 04:00:452 (1328,1329,1330,1331) - Even though it's after a kkddk, ddk d works much better here imo. yeeeeeeeee
  36. 04:04:202 (1362,1363,1364) - Keep this as d k since it's not past the downbeat yet. Then 04:06:077 (1375,1376,1377) - can be ddkkd, and 04:06:546 (1378) - can be deleted? Makes these bars of music contain their own unique thing instead of leaking into another part. indeed
  37. 04:09:077 (1404,1405,1406) - d k? And at 04:10:296 too? Like before, adding the d k instead of ddk gives it more pizzazz than repetitive triplets.
  38. 04:12:265 (1430,1431,1432,1433,1434,1435,1436,1437,1438,1439,1440,1441,1442) - Not 1/6 :( If it were, you could make the whole thing kkddkkddkkdd(kdddddkdddddkdddddk) :3 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  39. 04:15:265 (1458) - To not bore this part up, d? You use varying triplets in other similar parts anyways. ye
  40. 04:18:452 (1490,1491,1492,1493,1494,1495) - ddkkd k sounds nice and is consistent with the 5plet in the earlier part. fixed
  41. 04:27:827 (1579,1580,1581) - dkd? Or something that isn't kdk. It's already a bad triplet and it's getting too much weird usage. dkk instead for the guitar note
  42. 04:31:577 (1615,1616,1617,1618,1619,1620,1621,1622,1623) - It's really weird that these notes aren't part of the 'rising then descending septuplet mapping gimmick thing' when they are no different than what's being mapped there. It should start where those notes are, then end at 04:38:140 . And if that's done 04:39:358 (1689) - k :B I did something creative pls no kil mapre spirt
  43. 04:55:390 (3) - If you're gonna make the end one annoying may as well add a finish to the first one lol. removed the finish instead now that i hear it its not emphasizalb enough xd
  44. 05:01:952 (16,18) - k to both of these emphasizes the different tom hits pretty nice. yee
  45. 05:12:452 (131,132,133,134,135) - Why isn't this kkkdk!? It should be since you ruined yourself in matters of having the stream make a higher pitch. dem son
  46. 05:14:890 (157,158,159,160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167,168) - But here, should be something like kdddkdkdddkdkddd.
  47. 05:22:390 (237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252) - How about kkkdkdkkddkdkkdd(repeating)? It follows guitar way better. fixed except starting from 05:25:390 - since i started mapping to the drum roll here
  48. 05:27:640 (293,294,295,296,297,298,299) - Map to snare? Your choice really. You would before other similar parts, but the stream may influence you otherwise. i think the 2 k's emphasize the last guitar part idk i think it sounds good xd
  49. 05:35:702 (335) - It's this k suggestion again! Now we can rephrase it again. Four d in a row is weird.
  50. 05:39:077 (352,353,354,355,356,357,358,359,360,361,362) - It's this (dddd dddk dddd) suggestion again!
  51. 05:43:015 (377) - And more suggestion re-runs (k)! Normally I put these next to each other...
  52. 05:50:890 (414) - Purely preference but making this a lone d/k so they can hear this different sounding note would be cool.
  53. 06:00:452 (38) - ddd (notes would go before this) and 06:01:671 add d for another ddd? Helps for consistency with the earlier ddds in this part. fixed all
  54. 06:10:577 (3,4,5,6) - mfw I just notice these aren't 1/6 in the song... you can keep tho removed them orz
  55. 06:52:390 - I'd have ended the map here, but you do what you want man... nope min is bettur
  56. 07:03:827 - Will not bubble until you map this as a 4x K. eat D I R T
Small mod. After these changes we can attract attention from QATs bubble!
u aint slick
fiora please

fixed dumb stuff

23:46 OzzyOzrock: 1 green text and 2 red? no bub
23:46 OzzyOzrock: 3*
23:46 OzzyOzrock: smh
23:46 Raiden: blue
23:46 Raiden: blue is my bae text
23:47 Raiden: as i said in one of the replies
23:47 Raiden: "pls dont kil mapre spirt thx"
23:47 Raiden: tasuke saying my sv changes look bad xd
23:47 Raiden: horrible*
23:48 OzzyOzrock: welllllllllllllllllll...........................
23:49 OzzyOzrock: jk.....
23:49 Raiden: mine is bettur
23:49 OzzyOzrock: lmao mad HD player kill spinner
23:49 Raiden: kekk
23:53 OzzyOzrock: fuk i knew i missed it somewhere but 01:38:702 (358) - k like imentioned 5234 times in other spots
23:53 Raiden: i shoulda seen it
23:53 Raiden: fuk
23:54 Raiden: 06:11:890 - 06:12:265 -
23:54 Raiden: should add notes as i do after
23:54 Raiden: xd
23:54 OzzyOzrock: que
23:54 Raiden: fixed
23:55 Raiden: arregladoç
23:55 OzzyOzrock: 02:16:577-
23:55 Raiden: usted no entiende el inglés
23:55 OzzyOzrock: that didnt work
23:55 Raiden: what
23:55 Raiden: mine is bettur
23:56 OzzyOzrock: 02:16:577 and 02:18:077 seeing that this whole part is non-stop notes these breaks make me nervous....................
23:56 Raiden: fu
23:56 Raiden: k
23:56 OzzyOzrock: o
23:56 Raiden: added a note
23:56 Raiden: 02:18:077 - i wanna keep this empty however
23:56 Raiden: idk
23:56 OzzyOzrock: ye its fine
00:00 OzzyOzrock: 03:45:640 (1174,1175,1176) - suggestion says fix.......... but is not fix.... sad
00:00 OzzyOzrock: triplet still is off the note
00:00 Raiden: fuck
00:00 Raiden: i thought i did all
00:01 OzzyOzrock: the 1/2s after will be weird pls think of idea
00:01 Raiden: move to 03:45:546 - or after xd
00:01 Raiden: fuck xd
00:02 OzzyOzrock: idk the fuck u mean but ok xd
00:03 Raiden: me either
00:03 Raiden: didnt i fix it on other parts
00:03 Raiden: the 03:45:733 (1176) - making the triplet
00:03 Raiden: that dem note
00:03 Raiden: where should it be lol
00:03 OzzyOzrock: oh
00:04 OzzyOzrock: im thinking of 03:45:265
00:04 OzzyOzrock: but that spot
00:04 OzzyOzrock: is cute to have as well
00:04 OzzyOzrock: both
00:04 Raiden: fixud sir
00:04 Raiden: dem
00:05 OzzyOzrock: `-l`
00:07 OzzyOzrock: 05:16:015 (169,171) - swaperino forgeterino
00:07 OzzyOzrock: 05:20:983 (222) - missing k!?!?
00:07 Raiden: FUCK
00:08 Raiden: fite me
00:08 OzzyOzrock: 05:22:390 (237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,248,249,250,251,252) - should happen again at 05:23:890 (253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268) -
00:09 OzzyOzrock: 4353245 (76897123497812349871234987123478923419782364) -
00:09 Raiden: aw
00:09 Raiden: hmm isnt it the same
00:10 Raiden: k copypasted
00:10 Raiden: lol
00:10 OzzyOzrock: no cabron
00:10 OzzyOzrock: ok
00:10 Raiden: u wot
00:10 Raiden: fite me
00:10 OzzyOzrock: 01:31:296 02:38:796 useless green lines
00:10 OzzyOzrock: *sigh*
00:10 OzzyOzrock: ur right..
00:10 OzzyOzrock: i wot..
00:11 Raiden: ?????
00:11 Raiden: not useless
00:11 Raiden: makes the transition smoother
00:11 Raiden: the green line 01:31:390 - is for the kiai xd
00:11 Raiden: fite me
00:11 OzzyOzrock: ese NO
00:12 Raiden: I know
00:12 OzzyOzrock: o
00:12 OzzyOzrock: does it actually do something
00:12 Raiden: 01:31:296 - is not useless
00:12 OzzyOzrock: wtf
00:12 Raiden: yes
00:12 OzzyOzrock: smh
00:12 Raiden: 1,02 to 1,00
00:12 Raiden: without triggering kiai
00:12 Raiden: u silly
00:12 OzzyOzrock: fuck league of legends
00:12 Raiden: yeee
00:12 OzzyOzrock: but it's not affecting a note!! BLIZZARD
00:12 Raiden: nerf
00:13 OzzyOzrock: we done.........
00:13 Raiden: i dont think its a good idea removing it
00:13 OzzyOzrock: yea its fine
00:13 Raiden: mad cus bad
00:13 Raiden: <-
00:13 OzzyOzrock: the 0.002kb
00:13 Raiden: post the log
00:13 OzzyOzrock: will ruin someones day
00:13 Raiden: cus ppl are afraid
00:13 OzzyOzrock: no it has fingering in it
00:13 Raiden: gud
00:13 OzzyOzrock: -----------STOP BITCH------------

Bubble #1!
Topic Starter
dem, i must mod with long reason. DEM Brocen Engris!11
ew BG brihgt. nic
Topic Starter
dem demdemdemdemdem DEMMMMMM

`L_` ´_J´ `L_` ´_J´ `L_` ´_J´ `L_` ´_J´

ozzy took most issues,i check small issue

about timing,you must add redline to 01:55:390 with 3/4 signature(same as 00:41:890 (1) -)
and also add 02:08:890 with 4/4 of course
03:02:890 - same(3/4)
04:40:390 - same(4/4)

also imo,06:40:390 (125) - i think you can end map here because of fade-out.

01:46:390 (403,404,405,406) - ddddd come on
02:00:640 (483,484,485,486) - ddddk
02:53:890 (833,834,835,836) - ddddd or ddddk imo ddddd is better because others are it
03:42:640 (1155,1156,1157,1158) - ddkk?imo
03:54:546 (1275,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1281,1282) - you can add 1/6 more lol
05:43:390 (380,381,382,383) - ^^^
05:51:827 (1) - change slider?

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shionelove wrote:

ozzy took most issues,i check small issue

about timing,you must add redline to 01:55:390 with 3/4 signature(same as 00:41:890 (1) -)
and also add 02:08:890 with 4/4 of course
03:02:890 - same(3/4)
04:40:390 - same(4/4)

also imo,06:40:390 (125) - i think you can end map here because of fade-out. sorry I like how it's ended lol so many people telling me this

01:46:390 (403,404,405,406) - ddddd come on fixed
02:00:640 (483,484,485,486) - ddddk fixed
02:53:890 (833,834,835,836) - ddddd or ddddk imo ddddd is better because others are it dkddk for variety
03:42:640 (1155,1156,1157,1158) - ddkk?imo I think 1156 has different tone from 1155 :/
03:54:546 (1275,1276,1277,1278,1279,1280,1281,1282) - you can add 1/6 more lol was going to, but it would be too hard to hit
05:43:390 (380,381,382,383) - ^^^ same
05:51:827 (1) - change slider? probably better ye lol

fixed timing signatures using this partiture: ... b-s81535t1

Also applied the rest

EDIT: Have to wait for Ozzy to do the rebubble
go dem pros son sir, dem aaven jed. I am Ready *spongbub* not to die.

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dem sir `L_`

son ´_J´

2nd bubble
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dem son

hype `L_`
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dem son

hype `L_`
DEM U SIN SORRRRRRRRR, dem Dobleeeee pstttttt. i m not rediiiiiii fek `L,,,` dem.


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