
If you had to relearned Osu! what habits would you form?

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doubles quads 6 and so on, I guess I'd relearn AR 8 I'm just as bad at AR8 as I am at 10
play more
change to full singletap, i independently picked up rrtyui's tapping style because i felt like using both fingers. he has full control of his fingers. i do not.

also make sure that more than 15% of my plays get past the 30 second mark lmao
^yup, I'll mostly make sure I'm not spending more than 75% of my tries on the first few notes of the song. I hate you Scarlet Rose
- Less DT, more acc
- actually train on long streams instead of telling myself "fk this, it's boring and exhausting *deletes map*"

... okay the third part, honestly I don't believe it myself *coughs*

pielak wrote:

Learn to play only hidden and think osu without hidden mode on is weird.
omg. That's me right now.

I would learn to alternate. Or maybe use my index finger as the main finger instead of middle.

Varetyr wrote:

^yup, I'll mostly make sure I'm not spending more than 75% of my tries on the first few notes of the song. I hate you Scarlet Rose
- Less DT, more acc
- actually train on long streams instead of telling myself "fk this, it's boring and exhausting *deletes map*"

... okay the third part, honestly I don't believe it myself *coughs*
... and here I sit wishing I could play more DT instead of training acc for months ...
Relearn osu! from scratch huh..... stare at hard mode maps with hidden to get used to it, I guess
I'll pretty much have to do this since I haven't played for 25 days or so and I won't be able to play for a couple of weeks now.

I wouldn't have spent a long time playing maps that weren't challenging for me, it didn't help me improve at all and it was a waste of time.
play scarlet rose
I would single tap more, alternating every note has made streaming hard to learn for me.
Put HR on every single map. Never turn it off. Pretend it's a requirement to play the game.

pielak wrote:

Learn to play only hidden and think osu without hidden mode on is weird.
But then you can't play OWC or NAT
Practice stream maps from the start, playing insanes then crashing at streams is pissing me off so much.
I would learn to use mods. I'm terrible with mods.

My perception of what was a good or bad habit needed fixing, since my fear of developing "more" bad habits ultimately slowed me down.

I always believed that playing a map with mods was a bad idea if I couldn't play it nomod. So I trolled myself over and over trying to FC maps that were a waste of time... and never broke into AR10 or HD'ing insanes for ever. I determined that my reading skills were inadequate for use of any mods on any map if I couldn't FC those maps without mods first. Aha... I ended up mostly playing streamy maps without mods for a long time.

RaneFire wrote:

I would learn to use mods. I'm terrible with mods.

My perception of what was a good or bad habit needed fixing, since my fear of developing "more" bad habits ultimately slowed me down.

I always believed that playing a map with mods was a bad idea if I couldn't play it nomod. So I trolled myself over and over trying to FC maps that were a waste of time... and never broke into AR10 or HD'ing insanes for ever. I determined that my reading skills were inadequate for use of any mods on any map if I couldn't FC those maps without mods first. Aha... I ended up mostly playing streamy maps without mods for a long time.
Hey that's me
For some reason I press both keys on sliders and spinners, and it's just stuck.
i would drop my perfectionism so i could finish maps with bad acc and non-fcs
I would learn goddamn doubles and quads and the ability to slow them down (which is easy for triples, imo). I think I'll always have a problem with these. >>

pielak wrote:

Learn to play only hidden and think osu without hidden mode on is weird.

silmarilen wrote:

i would drop my perfectionism so i could finish maps with bad acc and non-fcs
^these two, I just started caring about pp too much when ppv2 came out (another 'bad habit,' or rather more like a mindset I'd like to drop).

I'm only at 5k plays, I might just start doing these two anyway to form the habits even if it results in my rank deteriorating for a while.

edit: The other day my friend said something like "what if some noob somehow accidentally always had Perfect on, so by some thousand plays in they were a god at SSing without knowing they could turn it off." That would be an interesting habit to form.
Cocaine dog
Focus more on jumps and ACCURUACY, I didn't care for it before recently and I'm rank 8900 with 95% accuracy.. *sadface*

and maybe buy a tablet earlier
Spend less time spamming maps I couldn't read or keep up with bpm wise.
and not quit for a month~
I would have never learned ar less than 9.6 .. Why would I, you get nothing from it..
Cocaine dog

xasuma wrote:

I would have never learned ar less than 9.6 .. Why would I, you get nothing from it..
The 07th expansion song with sick streams give you shittons of PP, and it's ar10..
There are a lot of ar10 songs that'll give you good amounts of PP :)

Cocaine dog wrote:

xasuma wrote:

I would have never learned ar less than 9.6 .. Why would I, you get nothing from it..
The 07th expansion song with sick streams give you shittons of PP, and it's ar10..
There are a lot of ar10 songs that'll give you good amounts of PP :)
I think you should read that post again very carefully.
I'm sometimes too slow to move or too fast and I miss hit circles. So I'd try practice on my aim.
Sometimes I just can't be bothered spinning and lose my combo.
I freeze up or choke in the middle of a song. I'd ditch my nervousness.

To try focus on my mistakes and remember it.
Using peripheral vision to do jumps.
Change to windowed mode sooner.
Learn to play hidden.
Try FC more or get a good accuracy.

I'd also use less time trying to play maps I couldn't even read and not have wasted my time.
Actually complete maps before quitting immediately after missing.
Stop blinking like a madman every time I play.
Learn how to slow stream.

Maybe some patience too, man wouldn't that be wonderful.
Coffee Hero
You can just start doing all this now, why would does it make a difference if you started doing it from scratch compared to having all the skills you have now.

Shirokami- wrote:

You can just start doing all this now, why would does it make a difference if you started doing it from scratch compared to having all the skills you have now.
Because there is actually some neuroscience behind it, and what you do at first has a greater impact than what you start doing later.
learn ar11
Learn to play with keyboard, lol

Shirokami- wrote:

You can just start doing all this now, why would does it make a difference if you started doing it from scratch compared to having all the skills you have now.
have you ever tried telling a drug addict that not snorting a line of cocaine is just as easy now as it was before he started doing drugs
Coffee Hero

Akari- wrote:

Shirokami- wrote:

You can just start doing all this now, why would does it make a difference if you started doing it from scratch compared to having all the skills you have now.
have you ever tried telling a drug addict that not snorting a line of cocaine is just as easy now as it was before he started doing drugs
Thats called building tolerance, what i'm talking about is "learn AR11" starting fro mscratch wont make learning AR11 easier. Attitude changes as well, if you want to play DT instead of playing for high accuracy you don't need to start from scratch to change how you play.
I wish I never came across osu!
I would play no mod with HD a lot. Spam DT/HR was a big mistake..ar9 is just too slow for me now, I cant read it.
I am actually relearning osu!mania (well it isnt Standard but whatever).Main because i realized that all i do is mashing buttons half the time in osu mania, so yeah. Unlearning extremely bad habits that i have probably been reinforcing for around 3-4 weeks. My goal is a consistent 90%+ accuracy (and 85%+ accuracy with HR)
wow necro rude

I'd play faster maps and maps with streams so that my speed wouldn't be permanently terrible like it is now
I'd form the habit of not playing then perhaps I could save my soul from Peppy's grasp.
But you already hardly play
Nice necro

Khelly wrote:

But you already hardly play
Not out of choice
i would play with 2.5 sensitivity and wish i never met pandabee so i could quit this game faster
Turns out i still can form habits as a noob, so here's a few suggestions i'd like to have:

I'm now alternating all the time. Like 5% diff between k1 and k2. Should i keep doing it?
Should I use the whole surface of the tablet?
Can I wait or should i buy a mech keyboard right now? What switch?

And what's AR? I can't find it on the glossary
Although the wiki page on supporting has all the necessary detail, obviously
Alternating is fine so long as you're co-ordinated enough with it to not get confused and mess up.

You should use the area of tablet you're most comfortable with but ideally it should be as large as possible.

Would a mechanical keyboard benefit you in other ways? I have no idea about your current state of finances, but if you'd use it for typing a lot it'd definitely be worth.
Red switches and Black switches seem to be the most popular. I use blacks.

AR = Approach Rate. It's a measure of the time between a circle appearing and you having to click it.
Being shit. only habit i have in anything.
Not developing the exaggerated finger movement for triples I have.
Playing more Flashlight early on.
Getting a tennis ball to strenghten my hands by pressing it.

Oh well, I might still do the latter.

Endaris wrote:

Not developing the exaggerated finger movement for triples I have.
Playing more Flashlight early on.
Getting a tennis ball to strenghten my hands by pressing it.

Oh well, I might still do the latter.

I do pull ups for that.
Oooops. Wrong forum i guess ;)

And thank you Mahogany
Learn to properly acc streams from lower bpm to higher instead of the other way round
Buying a tablet for me was kind of like relearning osu.
This enabled me to pay closer attention to my accuracy (don't get 50s and 100s as much as possible since I didnt care back then as long as I got the S),
and much as possible, try to not break the combo with slide breaks.
Also, play with the settings such as resolution to avoid hurting my hand and straining my eyes.

Mmm so if I would relearn osu, then most probably those stuff
Id pay way more attention to my aim and would aim with left and tap with right hand.
Learned to double tap before triple-taps. Until today I still haven't mastered double taps but mastered triple-taps. What a sad life I have.
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