
100% Orange Juice Mafia II - Game Over

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two things I can think of that I want to do:

1. massclaim cards (aka everyone claim the card they drew at daystart today - mine was LDS)

2. mass neighborhood claims. I can't see any reason not to do this at this point. as I said before, I'm the last Orange Team member.
The way you behave is just way too fishy to be honest. Also, the way you want to get towncred by asking stuff like that again after Anka put suspicion on you, it just doesn't feel right for me. But I don't get how everything like that happened, because I was not suspecting one of you both from begin on.

I agreed with the way Anka did it, he's put an order following his scum reads, but you just give all information right away. It's not bad per se, but seems desperate to me.
it's not "desperate", it's the theoretically correct play

if there exists a way to confirm a claim in a role madness game, it's better to do so - this involves me laying out exactly what I did

you are really dumb and know nothing about how to play this game if you think this is a scum tell. tbh, if we're basing it off general play I would say Ank is the more likely scum here, so if you're town you need to get over shit like this (hint: you being brought to this lylo, plus Ank's start-of-day read on me, is part of why I think he might actually be scum here).
also, part of why I wanted neighborhood claims is that you being killed N2 makes sense if, for instance, one of {rEdo, Nyquill} and Ank and then you were all in one neighborhood

that would be a 2-scum neighborhood with you as the only town in it - it would make sense that you would be NK'ed because of that
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Not voting (3) - pieguy1372, Amianki, Irreversible

With 3 Alive it takes 2 to lynch.
if you don't want to listen to me talk about theory, I ask that you wait for Ank - he should agree card/neighborhood claims are the theoretically correct play regardless of what his alignment here actually is.

pieguy1372 wrote:

it's not "desperate", it's the theoretically correct play

if there exists a way to confirm a claim in a role madness game, it's better to do so - this involves me laying out exactly what I did

you are really dumb and know nothing about how to play this game if you think this is a scum tell. tbh, if we're basing it off general play I would say Ank is the more likely scum here, so if you're town you need to get over shit like this (hint: you being brought to this lylo, plus Ank's start-of-day read on me, is part of why I think he might actually be scum here).
you know how Irre is -.-

fwiw I do think you attempting to confirm my claim today is a town tell. I wouldn't vote on just that without making some kind of effort to refine the read first.

there's also a bunch of things I still don't think make sense about this setup, which I'm writing about in a separate post


Tess wrote:

"Give the target a card, then learn their alignment. <Night>"
Hika had used it before me on CalignoBot, who turned out to be town.

Sakura wrote:

Apparently... not everyone was safe. who could've thought that they would roll 8 on attack?

GuyInFreezer Kai from the Orange Team has been killed Day 2

Votes are reset.
so I have a few things I'm thinking about before factoring play into this. first thing is that I don't believe we've seen any card this game capable of redirecting or manipulating investigation roles - and if the latter existed in the game, it would be really inelegant because it's completely useless for a town player. the only thing I can think of that would allow the inno on Ank to be false is if there was an outright godfather role in the game. now, looking at it from the top, both Hika/Tess and CTs drew Scary Solicitation, which gives an alignment result - so depending on how many Scary Solicitations were in the deck, I could potentially see Sakura including a GF as a catch-all to hopefully prevent people from mass clearing a bunch of people in the game *if* Sakura assigned alignments before creating roles. this isn't to say he's scum for it, but it is something I am keeping in the back of my mind when rereading

the second thing is that GIF's kill wasn't caused by a card - not sure what to make of this, except for what I'm getting into next

third, the no kill N2. I still cannot think of any reason scum would have no killed or killed Irre.

fourth, Irre is the only person in this game who claimed they don't have a hyper. now, the first post alludes to this by saying "anyone with a hyper ability has a hyper ability stated in their role PM", etc. but I'm actually thinking that the D2 GIF kill may have been some kind of delayed kill mechanic where scum can daykill a player in exchange for forfeiting the kill the next night. I think there's a nonzero chance Irre is just lying here and scum had this as a hyper ability. this isn't *really* much of a point bc if it existed in this game it could have just as easily belonged to rEdo instead of Irre, but I really do not know if it makes sense for there to exist a character without a hyper in the game unless it didn't have one in canon either, which Kyousuke does.

now that I think about it more, I don't make anything of Frostings dying N4. it makes as much sense coming from Ank (mislynch me with Irre today) or Irre (doesn't know what the fuck he's doing the majority of the time - alternatively, could be something else I'm not thinking of).

@MOD: is it public knowledge whether alignment was determined before/after role?

Sakura Hana wrote:

Fake Claims
These characters are not in the game.

Yuki Town.
Hyper (Gamble) [NIGHT] Random player is KO'd (Can't use cards for 2 Phases), if they were already KO'd they die instead.

Peat Town.
Hyper (Blue Crow the Second) [DAY] For every card in your hand you get that many shots of Bulletproof, lose 1 shot of Bulletproof every phase.

Fernet Town.
Hyper (Air Strike) [NIGHT] KO a neighborhood (Can't use cards for 2 Phases), if they were already KO'd they die instead. For every played KO'd instead of killed draw a Card.

Seagull Town
No Hyper, You're functionally a VT.

QP Town.
Hyper (Hyper Mode) [DAY/NIGHT] Gives her Self-Revive (No Alignment or Neighborhood reveal) for the current phase and the next. Self-Revive is triggered on KO or Kill.

Marc Town
Hyper (16x Big Rocket) [DAY] KOs a player (That player cant use cards for 2 phases), If the player was already in KO state they die instead. If scum is killed in this way you get another shot of this Hyper.

Suguri Town
Hyper (Accelerate) [NIGHT] [2-Shot] Target player can take 2 actions during the next night, Can target self.

Kai Town
Hyper (Protagonist's Privilege) [NIGHT] Target player dies and is roleblocked.

Aru Town
Hyper (Present for You) [DAY/NIGHT] Target player gets enough cards to fill their stock of 3, for every card they get this way you draw a card.

Sora Town
Hyper (Extraordinary Specs) [DAY/NIGHT] Rigs the RNG, for the following 2 phases after use any actions that would be random are targeted instead, also you can draw whatever card you like.

Poppo Scum.
Hyper (Ubiquitous) [NIGHT][2-Shot] Steal all cards from targeted player, if the player has no Cards steals their hyper. Scum DayChat is disabled during the following Day.

Tomomo Scum.
Hyper (Magical Massacre) [NIGHT] All players get the "Weak" modifier for that Night.
Sakura followed canon in the first game in that the only characters who were missing a hyper were ones that lacked one in the actual game.
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:

@MOD: is it public knowledge whether alignment was determined before/after role?
Alignments were rolled after roles.

I don't *actually* think that means anything since Sakura has historically put conditionals on roles when designing setups in this way, that is, they wind up being different depending on what is rolled (TH upicks as an example - the first one I'm pretty sure would have had said delayed-kill mechanism I was talking about if GIF's role would have rolled scum). but I'm trying to figure out, *if* Ank has a GF role, whether this would be tied into a town ability or if she was just like "herpaderp this random character will be a GF if they roll scum". I can't figure out what would fit with a GF, whereas the latter really doesn't make much sense and isn't like what I'm used to from her.
Irre, did you use a card last night?
The GIF kill was definitely a hyper. Even the other suggestion you put out requires it to be a hyper.

I think Irre would have killed me night 3 instead of Tess. I was setting a trap and I know you have a lot more experience with how I think at night than Irre does, so me not dying when I was advertising that I could break the game open more indicates you as scum than him.

Actually, why would Irre keep me alive over Frostings?
pieguy did you ever use your hyper? I found your massclaim post and saw nothing about it.
no. my hyper (Dance, Long-Eared Beasts) is to KO a random person, I haven't used it at all this game.

my passive is that I get 1-shot KO immunity for each person I KO - likely having to do with Krila gaining an extra HP each time someone hits the Dance, Long-Eared Beasts trap in-game

I think you're going down the wrong track reading into the N3 kill. both you and Tess were confirmed town (or at the very least almost confirmed town). I don't think a hypothetical scum-Irre would have seen much of a difference in the two kills. I'm also not reading into the kills at all for the most part bc I don't have faith that Irre would actually pick kills in a way that is logical or makes any sense - and even if he would, I could easily enough see a scenario where, for instance, he thought I was lynchable and wanted to kill Frostings specifically bc Frostings was calling him "conftown" and thought people would speculate on the NK. (I'm not saying he's scum for this specifically, just that there exists some scenario where the kills make sense coming from Irre-scum.)
bbl, promise me regardless of anything else you don't do anything drastic until Irre at the very least answers my question
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Not voting (3) - pieguy1372, Amianki, Irreversible

With 3 Alive it takes 2 to lynch.

pieguy1372 wrote:

you know how Irre is -.-
After reading this I don't even think I need to say anything anymore, because I'm me anyway. I guess it's up to you to decide what to do -_-

pieguy1372 wrote:

Irre, did you use a card last night?
something that I just thought of that I feel it's safe to reveal is that I'm almost positive Ank-scum would have NK'ed me at some point in the game

for one basic reason: he knows that I'm one of the few players who will question investigative results in role madness games or in situations where I don't think they make any sense. if you're a GF and you get investigated, literally all you need in order to win is for people to accept the result at face value. I'd likely be one of the only players in the game, if not the only one, who wouldn't just write him off as "conftown".
going to bed. Irre needs to answer my question next time he arrives (yes, I am going somewhere with this).

pieguy1372 wrote:

going to bed. Irre needs to answer my question next time he arrives (yes, I am going somewhere with this).
I haven't.
i am going to be blunt

i think you're lying about card usage

i think you're deliberately dodging this question because you don't know how to answer it in a way that won't make you look like obvious scum

i don't think you'd be this much of a fuckwit and deliberately dodge questions for ... no reason ... as town. this is your last chance to answer it and convince me i'm wrong.
like, you realize that if I explain exactly why I'm thinking this your answer will no longer count, right?

pieguy1372 wrote:

like, you realize that if I explain exactly why I'm thinking this your answer will no longer count, right?
If you knew what I did, why not stating it? The way YOU behave is a shit like town.
the entire point is that if you're town, you should be able to answer the question without knowing why, specifically, I'm asking it

on the other hand, if you're scum, and I immediately lay out what I think happened, you can change your answer around to fit with what I said so that it doesn't contradict anything

this is basic stuff
Prodge. Mostly just waiting to see where this goes.
actually, I'm entirely overthinking this

Sakura wrote:

A trap has been activated!

Trap has failed, Target got no cards to discard.
this trap was not activated because of a card. if it was, Sakura would have confirmed a card was used. this trap must have been activated because of an ability. mod can confirm both of these things (confirming card usage and traps being able to be activated via abilities).

the trap was necessarily placed on Irre. it couldn't have been Ank since mod confirmed Ank placed a trap card after this, and I have LDS (even if you believe I'm lying about having it, I have to have at least *some* card unless there exists a way I could have played one without mod revealing it, which I don't *think* exists).

it follows that

1. Irre had no cards at daystart. not even the one you usually draw when day starts. how is this possible? the only way is that he lied and used Passionate Research last night - if you go back and look, that replaces the card you draw at daystart with another hyper shot.

2. Irre is thus lying about having used Nice Jingle, since he couldn't have had any cards. you will notice that mod never actually confirmed a card was used today - and, conveniently, he "used" it in private instead of declaring it in thread. as I said before, mod can confirm that if Irre had used a card she would have announced that a card was used in thread.

there is a _lot_ more (I have a huge wall typed up that I was going to post instead of this, then I asked the mod about some specific role interactions and got this as a result. either way Irre is lying about at least one thing), but as just one point, from my POV the trap necessarily was activated because Irre used a hyper ability (from an outside POV there is technically a chance I'm lying about my hyper and I targeted Irre with it, however I know 1. my hyper is night-only, 2. my hyper is random which would have made it a complete crapshoot). there's nothing else that could have done it unless Irre lied about what his passive ability was or if Ank did something, but I don't believe he's faking his hyper and he couldn't have used it on Irre as Irre had been KO'ed on N1.

everything after this is speculation, but one more thing: I think he was responsible for the GIF kill D2, and thus didn't claim a hyper bc he couldn't claim his *actual* hyper and didn't know what else he could claim

this would explain why he would have used Passionate Research: if he gets another daykill he wins immediately. I also think that it's limited to players who are KO'ed - which would explain why he didn't just use it immediately at daystart today (there were no viable targets). I alluded to this before, but when Sakura does setups in this way she usually allows for slight modifications in roles depending on what alignment they are. I don't really see Sakura putting "this person has ability X if town, and is a GF if scum"; what *does* make sense? "this person can daykill a KO'ed player if town, and can daykill a KO'ed player in place of the next night's NK if scum".

either way, Irre is at the very least lying about card usage and not having a hyper

@Ank: I'm at the point where I'm ready to vote unless Irre has an explanation for this. if you need anything else from me, or if I screwed my logic up somewhere, ask. either way I'm almost positive Irre is lying about at least one thing somewhere in here bc a lot of things about this game don't add up with the claims so far. from the (admittedly limited) rereading I did, I also think you're more likely to be town here due mostly to recent play (Irre has primarily floated through and done for the most part nothing the past few game days).
Nice, and now vote me already.

Irreversible wrote:

Nice, and now vote me already.
It's not sarcastic by the way, what you said was right and there's I can't come up with more lies, the Nice Jingle one was kind of a last resort which wasn't going to work anyway, because well.. the cards didn't make it possible. I messed up badly by misreading my hyper, sooo~ GG
Activate Hyper: Magical Massacre

Just for shiggles, I guess.

Vote: Irreversible
Topic Starter
Hyper activation acknowledged

Irreversible has been KO'd

Vote Count

Irreversible (1) - Amianki [L-1]

Not voting (2) - pieguy1372, Irreversible

With 3 Alive it takes 2 to lynch.
vote: Irre
glad I caught that =o=
Topic Starter
Final Vote Count Day 5

Irreversible (2) - Amianki, pieguy1372 [Lynch]

Not voting (1) - pieguy1372, Irreversible

With 3 Alive it takes 2 to lynch.
Topic Starter
Irreversible, Kyousuke from the Evil Team has been Lynched Day 5

The town of pieguy1372, GuyInFreezer, fartownik, Tess, DakeDekaane, Frostings, NoHitter, Amianki, Chamelo_Th win the game

Dead QT
Orange Team
Blue Team
Green Team
Yellow Team
Scum may post the Evil Team QT if they want.

Day 1 Actions:
Choofers uses Present for you on Hika (Result: Choofers and Hika draw cards until their hands are full)
GuyInFreezer sets Bad Pudding trap on Chamelo_Th
Nyquill uses Deploy Bits and gains 1-shot KO <Day/Night>
NoHitter uses Big Magnum on Nyquill (Result: Nyquil dies and NoHitter is KO'd)

Night 1 Actions:
Hika uses Scary Solicitation on Amianki by giving Gift Exchange (Result: Town)
Hika uses Extraordinary Specs on Irreversible (Result: Fails becuase Irre is KO'd and he has KO protection)
GuyInFreezer uses Protagonist's Privilege on Irreversible (Result: Fails because GuyInFreezer is roleblocked)
Irreversible uses Ambush on GuyInFreezer (Result: Success, GuyInFreezer is KO'd and Roleblocked)
Irreversible uses Factional Kill on fartownik (Result: fartownik dies)

Day 2 Actions
Amianki uses Stiff Crystal (Result: Next time Amianki hits a trap it has no effect)
Irreversible uses Cast-Off (Result: Converts 1-shot KO protection to 1-shot Anytime Vig)
Irreversible Kills GuyInFreezer (Result: GuyInFreezer dies)
Frostings uses Nice Present (Result: Frostings discards a card and draws 2)
Amianki uses Gift Exchange on Frostings (Result: Long Distance Shot <--Swap--> Shield)

Night 2 Actions
Amianki uses Shield (Result: Any kill towards Amianki becomes a KO)
Chamelo_Th uses Scary Solicitation on pieguy by giving Cloud of Seagulls (Result: Fails because trap forces discard and then has no card to give away)
Irreversible uses Tactical Retreat (Result: Irreversible Commutes)

Day 3 Actions

Night 3 Actions
Frostings sets trap 300% Heat on NoHitter
Frostings uses Gamble (Result: RNG > pieguy1372 is KO'd)
Tess uses Scary Solicitation on Irreversible by giving Passionate Research (Result: Fails because ded)
Irreversible Factional Kills Tess (Result: Tess dies)

Day 4 Actions
NoHitter uses Forced Revival reviving pieguy1372 from KO. He also triggers 300% Heat trap and gets Burn effect.
pieguy1372 uses Mimic on Irreversible (Result: Fails because Irreversible has no Cast-Off shots left)
Irreversible uses Passionate Research discarding his hand.

Night 4 Actions
pieguy1372 uses Tactical Retreat (Result: pieguy1372 commutes)
Irreversible Factional Kills Frostings (Result: Frostings dies)
Amianki sets trap Tragedy in the Dead of the Night on Irreversible

Day 5 Actions
Irreversible uses Cast-Off (Result: Fails because he has no left-over 1-shot KO protection to convert) and triggers Tragedy in the dead of the Night, which also fails because Irreversible has no cards remaining.
Amianki sets trap Bad Pudding on pieguy1372
Topic Starter
Role PMs:

Sakura wrote:

You are Krila.
You are on the Orange Team and you are Town
Your abilities are:
Passive: Everytime you KO an Opponent you get 1-shot (Immune to KO).
Hyper: Dance Long-Eared Beasts > KO A random player. [3-Shot / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Kai.

You are on the Orange Team and you are Town.

Your abilities are:
Passive: If you KO a target they are roleblocked.
Hyper: Protagonist's Privilege > Kill a target and roleblock them [1-Shot / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Suguri.
You are on the Orange Team and you are Town.

Your abilties are:
Passive: 1-Shot: Evade any card/ability that targets you.
Hyper: Accelerator > Target player (Can target self) Can take 2 actions during the Night. [1-Shot / Day]

Sakura wrote:

You are Sora.

You are on the Blue Team and you are Town.

Your abilities are:
Passive: You may choose targets for anything that has a random target.
Hyper: Extraordinary Specs: Target player is Killed, if target player used a card they are KO'd instead, if target played targeted you, they are roleblocked instead. [2-Shot / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Saki the Trap Master.

You are part of the Blue Team and you are Town

Your abilities are:
Passive: Everytime a player places a trap card you will know and you will also know the location of the trap.
Hyper: Big Bang Bell: <NIGHT TRAP> Target's Neighborhood is KO'd and you steal their discarded card from all of them. Any KO'd players on the neighborhood die.

Sakura wrote:

You are Yuki the Bully.

You are on the Blue Team and you are Town

Your abilities are as follows:
Passive: Any card that would KO a target, will kill the target if they are already KO'd. Any card that would KO Yuki, will kill her if she's KO'd.
Hyper: Gamble > KO a random target. [1-Shot / Day / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Aru the Santa Bunny.

You are part of the Green Team and you are Town.

Your abiltiies are as follows:
Passive: Hand Size is 4.
Hyper:: Present for You: Target player and you draw enough cards to fill your respective hands. [1-Shot / Day]

Sakura wrote:

You are QP the Pudding Lover dog.

You are part of the Green Team and you are Scum.
You are part of the Evil Team.

Your abilities are as follows:
Passive: None
Active: Hyper Mode: Next time you'd be KO'd the person targeting you is KO'd instead. Gain 1-Shot: Can't be KO'd/Killed. [1-Shot / Day / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Kyousuke the Man lover.

You are part of the Green Team and you are Scum.
You are part of the Evil Team

You abilities are as follows:
Passive: 2-Shot: Can't be KO'd (can still be killed). You'll be informed when a shot is used.
Hyper: Cast Off: Transform any remaining Passive shots into Vigilante Shots (Kill target player) <Day/Night>. [1-Shot / Day]

Sakura wrote:

You are Tomomo the Evil Mastermind.

You are part of the Yellow Team and you are Town

You have the following abilities:
Passive: Needs 1 extra phase to recover from KO.
Hyper: Magical Massacre > KO all players that haven't been KO'd in this game yet, Excluding yourself. [1-Shot / Day / Night]

Sakura wrote:

You are Nanako.

You are part of the Yellow Team and you are Scum.
You are part of the Evil Team

Your abilities are as follows:
Passive: Recovers from KO in 1 Phase.
Hyper: Deploy Bits Randomly gain 1 of the following. [2-Shot / Day]
- 1-Shot KO Target player. (Day/Night)
- 1-Shot Can't be KO'd. (Passive)
- 1-Shot Commute. (Night)

Sakura wrote:

You are Syura the Masochist.

You are part of the Yellow Team and you are Town

Your abilities are as follows:
Passive: Passive: Everytime you get KO'd you get 1-Shot: KO target. <Day/Night>
Hyper: Beyond Hell Turn all your current 1-Shot: KO target into 1-Shot Kill Target. <Day/Night> [1-Shot / Day / Night]

Unused Roles
Passive: You may discard a card to KO a target.
Hyper: Kill a KO'd player, Draw a card. [1-Shot / Day / Night]
Passive: 2-Shot: Can't be KO'd/Killed.
Hyper: Target Neighborhood is KO'd, you steal the card they discard on KO. [1-Shot / Night]
Passive: Any cards/abilities that would make you discard are negated.
Hyper: Roleblock everyone except yourself. [1-Shot / Night]
Passive: Recovers from KO in 1 phase.
Hyper: Different effects based on hand size. [2-Shot / Night]
4+ Cards: KO target neighborhood, if any player is KO they die instead.
3 Cards: Be a PGO during this phase (KOs instead of Kills). You may force target player to target you.
2 Cards: KO target player, if they are KO, kill them instead.
1 Card: Gain 1-Shot: Can't be KO'd/Killed.
Passive: Everytime Poppo is targeted by a card she's KO'd.
Hyper: Steal target player's Hyper shots if they have any, otherwise steal all their cards. [1-Shot / Night]
Passive: Immune to burning effects.
Hyper: Burns everyone in her neighborhood, and anyone targeting anyone in her neighborhood, players that are burned will die from any KO effect, Burns last 2 Phases. [1-Shot / Night]
Topic Starter
Card Stuff
Card List
Long Distance Shot x4
[DAY] Kill target KO'd player.

Nice Jingle x2
[DAY] Draw 2 cards the next phase

Nice Present x1
[DAY] Discard a card, Draw 2 Cards.

Princess Privilege x1
[DAY] Discard your hand, Draw 3 Cards.

Ambush x3
[NIGHT] Target player is KO'd and Roleblocked.

Extend x1
[DAY/NIGHT] Next time you'd be KO'd you revive in 1 phase, and you keep your cards.

Mimic x1
[DAY/NIGHT]Replace your hyper with target's hyper. If the target has already used all of their hyper shots, this card fails.

Passionate Research x1
[DAY/NIGHT]Discard your hand, Next phase instead of drawing again, you get 1-Shot to your hyper.

Pudding x3
[NIGHT]Revive Target player from KO. If player isn't KO, they get protected from KOs and Kills.

Stiff Crystal x4
[DAY/NIGHT]The next time you hit a trap card, it has no effect.

Final Battle x2
[DAY]Only you and your target can be voted for the rest of the day, Votes that aren't on either of you become unvoted.

Shield x2
[NIGHT]If you would be killed tonight, you get KO'd instead.

Shield Counter x1
[NIGHT]Anyone Targeting you tonight will be hit by their own card instead, this effect applies to Random Targets and Multi targets.

Tactical Retreat x2
[NIGHT]Discard your hand, then commute.

Big Magnum x3
[DAY/NIGHT]KO Yourself, Target dies.

Cloud of Seagulls x4
[DAY]Random player is KO'd.

Forced Revival x1
[DAY]All KO'd players revive.

Gift Exchange x2
[DAY]You and target player choose a card and swap them, fails if target player doesn't have cards.

Scary Solicitation x4
[NIGHT]Give target player a card, Learn their alignment
Mod Note: Scum may use an action to discard this card and draw a new one instead of using it's actual effect

Bad Pudding <DAY TRAP> x3
Target discards a card.

Flamethrower <DAY TRAP> x1
Target discards all cards.

Tragedy in the dead of the Night <NIGHT TRAP> x1
Target discards a card, You get that card.

Sealed Memories <NIGHT TRAP> x2
Target can't use cards, You can see which cards they have.

Heat 300% <DAY/NIGHT TRAP> x1
Target gets Burn status (All KOs targeting him Kill him instead), for 2 phases.
Card Deck
Tactical Retreat <- pieguy1372
Bad Pudding <- GuyInFreezer
Long Distance Shot <- fartownik
Shield Counter <- Hika
Scary Solicitation <- DakeDekaane
Stiff Crystal <- Frostings
Sealed Memories <- NoHitter
Gift Exchange <- rEdo
Ambush <- Jinxy
Long Distance Shot <- CalignoBot
Flamethrower <- Nyquill
Cloud of Seagulls <- Chamelo-Th
Forced Revival <- NoHitter
Big Magnum <- NoHitter
Shield <- NoHitter
Gift Exchange <- Hika
Scary Solicitation <- Hika
Mimic <- pieguy1372
Passionate Research <- Hika
Nice Present <- Frostings
Cloud of Seagulls <- rEdo
Tactical Retreat <- Irreversible
Stiff Crystal <- CalignoBot
Scary Soliciation <- Chamelo_Th
-- -- NICE PRESENT -- --
Shield <- Frostings
Heat 300% <- Frostings
Princess Privilege <- pieguy1372
Scary Solicitation <- Tess
Cloud of Seagulls <- Frostings
Pudding <- NoHitter
Cloud of Seagulls <- Irreversible
Final Battle <- CalignoBot
Ambush <- Chamelo_Th
Stiff Crystal <- Frostings
Final Battle <- NoHitter
Nice Jingle <- Irreversible
Tragedy in the Dead of the Night <- CalignoBot
Long Distance Shot <- pieguy1372
Bad Pudding <- Amianki
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Big Magnum
Nice Jingle
Stiff Crystal
Big Magnum
Sealed Memories
Bad Pudding
Long Distance Shot
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