
DINY - Always be myself

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DakeDekaane wrote:

Hi~ :3

Unicode Title: 수경농장
¿En Source no debería ser "La Tale"? Al principio del mapa tenia pensando pornerlo asi, pero cuando buscas por latale aqui en osu el buscador te da resultado erroneos
Podrías añadir "HyunTaek Yun" a los tags, que es el nombre real de DINY. Ok,

00:22:695 (1) - Se vería mejor si este slider fuera similar a 00:24:541 (3), solo copia ese y pégalo aquí, después hazle Ctrl+H y Ctrl+G y listo. No olvides el NC. OK
00:23:618 (4) - Después que hagas lo de arriba, mueve este un poco al centro y a la derecha. Ok
00:28:695 (4) - Un whistle en el final no sonaría mal.OK
00:45:310 (4) - Podrías hacer que este slider solo dure 1 beat, teniendo el final en un sonido más fuerte queda mejor. Disculpa mi ignorancia pero aqui si no te entendi
00:56:849 (4) - Mueve este un poco hacia arriba para alinearlo con la nota anterior. Ok,
01:31:926 (6) - No te equivocaste de hitsound para el slidertick? Ohh,asi es
01:33:310 (1) - Finish al inicio Ok,
01:54:080 (1) - El spinner quedaría mejor iniciando en 01:54:541 junto con el hold en la guitarra. Ok,

Algunos whistles más no vendrían mal y ayudarían a que la diff no suene tan monótona, como en la Hard. Buena diff.

00:07:926 (4) - Podrías eliminar el slider y poner un círculo en 00:08:387, la pequeña pausa da énfasis a el final de 00:07:003 (3) y permite golpear en un beat fuerte. no me gusta como queda, pero, creo que te equivocaste dandeme la descripcion
00:20:849 (4) - Remueve la repetición, asi el sonido de 00:21:310 se enfatiza mejor.Ok,
00:26:387 (1) - Podrías eliminar esta por la misma razón.Ok,
00:28:695 (1) - Este spinner tiene muy poco tiempo de recuperación antes de la siguiente nota, prueba con un slider de 00:28:695 a 00:30:080 y un círculo en 00:30:541. OK
00:42:080 (2,3) - Podrías intentar hacer un ritmo similar a este, haría la diff más interesante aun.OK

01:05:157 (1) - Algo similar a lo que mencioné en 00:07:926 (4). lo mismo de arriba no te entendi bien
01:08:387 (1) - ^ ^
01:34:695 (3) - Este slider se va fuera del grid, si pudieras arreglarlo estaría muy bien. Ok,

Misma sugerencia sobre algunos soft whistles para los hitsounds.

Te recomendaría subir el HP a 6. OK
00:01:003 (4) - Esta nota esta algo fuera del grid, muévela a la derecha un poco Ok
:!: 00:04:176 (4) - Unsnapped. Aqui en realidad esta a 1/6
00:24:310 (1) - Podrías eliiminar el slider y poner un círculo en 00:24:541, ritmicamente enfatizaría mejor esta parte de la música, y podrías hacer algo similar a lo que muestro en la imagen, tal vez con unos pentagonos más regulares o3o Ya, no me habia fijado bien en esta parte ya lo aregle aunque no hize un pentagono hice algo mas simple
01:13:003 (3,4) - Te recomendaría remover el círculo y añadir una repetición al slider, los 3/4 son algo impredecibles cuando hay un stack. Perdon pero no quiero, al menos quiero mantener una pizca de dificultad en el mapa
01:14:849 (3,4) - ^ ^
01:31:464 (7) - Finish en el final? Ok

Ya acercandose al final esta diff se ve muy bien.

La verdad no veo necesarios más mods, pero la Insane aun requiere algo de trabajo, con lo que señale debería ser suficiente, ya que especialmente sufre mucho de algunos spacings no intuitivos y de igual manera con el 1/3. Sientete libre de buscar más mods, mandame un PM cuando sientas que estás listo para seguir adelante con el mapa :p
Muchas gracias por el mod, lo esperaba con muchas ansias :)
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:

Hi From SoGa's Modding Queue

  1. Set AudioLeadin to 2000ms
  1. 00:04:233 (1) - Clap?
  2. 00:07:464 (4) - ^
  3. 00:09:310 (2) - ^
  4. 00:12:541 (2) - ^

    Fine :)
  1. 00:38:387 (3) - Finish
  2. 00:40:233 (1) - ^
  3. 01:24:541 (3) - ^(Up to u
  4. 01:26:387 (1) - ^
  5. 00:04:176 (4) - AiMod Check !
Sry for this useless Mod ._.
:( :? :?

Don't worry you gave me good ideas
Recheck, no kds.

[ Easy]
Sugeriré algunos puntos para los whistles que te había comentado, aplican también para el Normal.
Ten en cuenta que todos deben ser soft, así que cuando oigas que sale el normal, basta con que modifiques las Adiciones arriba a la izquierda.

00:07:464 -
00:11:157 -
00:13:926 -
00:16:695 -
00:17:618 -
00:26:849 -
00:27:772 -
00:28:695 -
00:31:926 -
00:33:772 -
00:38:849 -
00:40:695 -
01:13:003 -
01:14:849 -
01:16:695 -
01:19:003 -
01:19:464 -
01:20:387 -
01:22:233 -
01:24:080 -
01:26:387 -
01:26:849 -
01:29:618 -
En los kiai podrías añadir un soft whistle cada 1 y 3 beat, es decir, los lugares que muestro en la figura, donde el 1 está en el tick blanco grande.

Podrán verse muchos pero alegrarán el mapset ya que habrá más variedad de hitsounds, y si te das cuenta, sugerí ponerlos acorde con el instrumental de fondo o intentando que quedaran con otros sonidos en los ticks rojos, aun estando en los blancos.

Algunas sugerencias más

00:19:003 (4) - Podrías eliminarlo para separar las dos partes de la música y dar un pequeño descanso a los jugadores.
00:41:157 (4) - Termínalo en 00:41:618 y ponle un soft finish al final.
01:08:387 (2,3,4,5) - Aquí te sugeriría hacer un ritmo similar al de 00:22:695 (1,2,3,4) ya que es lo mismo rítmicamente.

[ Normal]
00:22:233 - Podrías añadir una nota aqui o mover el slider siguiente y añadirle una repetición, este punto se siente algo raro al jugarlo.
01:08:387 (1) - Te sugeriría poner solo un círculo en 01:08:849, así iría más acorde al ritmo más notorio aquí.

[ Hard]
00:41:387 (5) - No creo que el finish en el slidertick sea una buena idea, ya que quita un poco el énfasis que quieres dar siguiendo el instrumento de viento.
01:27:541 (5) - ^

[ Insane]
Acerca del CS 5, es que se fuerzas a los jugadores a ser más precisos, lo cual aumenta la dificultad, y teniendo en cuenta que la Hard no es muy compleja, el spread se siente algo fuera de lugar, por eso recomiendo el cambio de CS.
00:10:926 (4,5) - Hay veces que los jumps simétricos quedan muy bien, pero hay otras veces que no
00:26:618 (2,3,4) - :(
00:28:695 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Sigo insisntiendo que debes meter algunos sliders aquí para introducir el 1/3 mejor
00:53:618 (3,4,5) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor con la simetría, podrías intentar un triangulo más regular.
00:54:310 (5,1) - Intenta reducir este jump.
01:00:080 (1,2,3) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor con la simetría.
01:04:926 (6,7,1) - El flujo acá es demasiado malo, podrías intentar algo similar ->
01:07:464 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor y haría el 1/3 más notorio.
01:12:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Podrías hacer esto simétrico ->
01:16:003 (1) - Podría hacer un stack con el final de 01:16:695 (1) y arreglar (2,3) para mejor simetría.
01:27:772 (3,4,1) - Puede ser un jump, pero precisamente, por el spacing pareciera que las tres notas están en 1/1. Otra manera de verlo es porque el spacing de 1/2 se ve más grande que el de 1/1? Si lo ves de esa manera verás a que me refiero. Una solución sería aumentar el spacing en (3,4) moviendo (3) hacia arriba, alrededor de 256,100.
01:45:541 (1,2,3) - Y voy a repetir lo mismo, podrá jugarse bien, pero no queda con el estilo del resto del mapa, lo cual se siente algo raro al jugarlo.
01:50:849 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Algo un poco más curvo para el stream ayudaría al flujo aquí, ya que este tipo de movimiento angular siempre trae algunos problemas, sumando el 1/3 x.x

Reservado para la respuesta. Ando sin mouse, y mapear con tableta es horrible (almenos con la huion.. cualquier cosa le hace clic xD).

DakeDekaane wrote:

Recheck, no kds.
[ Insane]
Acerca del CS 5, es que se fuerzas a los jugadores a ser más precisos, lo cual aumenta la dificultad, y teniendo en cuenta que la Hard no es muy compleja, el spread se siente algo fuera de lugar, por eso recomiendo el cambio de CS.
00:10:926 (4,5) - Hay veces que los jumps simétricos quedan muy bien, pero hay otras veces que no
00:26:618 (2,3,4) - :( Blame Aleks... a mi me gusta... además, sirve para despertarlos, y aun más porque luego de esto viene la parte a 1/3.
00:28:695 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Sigo insisntiendo que debes meter algunos sliders aquí para introducir el 1/3 mejor De verdad creo que el spacing da el suficiente aviso para saber que ese stream no es natural... es cierto que con tu sugerencia tampoco queda mal, pero, no lo veo tan necesario ademá que es el insane, esto es casi que lo unico "retador" (y eso que es muy facil xD) en cuanto a lectura.
00:53:618 (3,4,5) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor con la simetría, podrías intentar un triangulo más regular.
00:54:310 (5,1) - Intenta reducir este jump.
01:00:080 (1,2,3) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor con la simetría.
01:04:926 (6,7,1) - El flujo acá es demasiado malo, podrías intentar algo similar ->
01:07:464 (1,2,3,4) - Spacing más consistente aquí se vería mejor y haría el 1/3 más notorio.
01:12:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - Podrías hacer esto simétrico ->
01:16:003 (1) - Podría hacer un stack con el final de 01:16:695 (1) y arreglar (2,3) para mejor simetría.
01:27:772 (3,4,1) - Puede ser un jump, pero precisamente, por el spacing pareciera que las tres notas están en 1/1. Otra manera de verlo es porque el spacing de 1/2 se ve más grande que el de 1/1? Si lo ves de esa manera verás a que me refiero. Una solución sería aumentar el spacing en (3,4) moviendo (3) hacia arriba, alrededor de 256,100.
01:45:541 (1,2,3) - Y voy a repetir lo mismo, podrá jugarse bien, pero no queda con el estilo del resto del mapa, lo cual se siente algo raro al jugarlo.
01:50:849 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Algo un poco más curvo para el stream ayudaría al flujo aquí, ya que este tipo de movimiento angular siempre trae algunos problemas, sumando el 1/3 x.x

Applied almost all.
Topic Starter
Updated and Dake I took all, except one of thing to normal
Pife asked me for some suggestions about the insane:


  1. 00:00:080 this line is not even necessary if you want to change the volume use the first red line
  2. 00:01:003 (4) - whistle at this point doesn't really fit the song, try a clap or normal sampleset, since is clearly audible how different the music is to 00:00:310 (1,2,3) -
  3. 00:02:387 (1) - this NC is not even necessary, spamming NC just mess up the overall HP drain in the whole diff, also 00:02:387 (1,2) - is part of the symmetrical pattern at 00:01:464 (1,2) - keeping them as a single combo make more sense to me
  4. 00:07:695 (5) - this circle doesn't fit what you was doing before by mapping just the prominet beats, I guess is better if you remove this one
  5. 00:07:926 (1) - ending sliders in stanzas, doesn't represent the song nicely IMO, remove the repeat of 00:07:926 (1) - and add a circle in 00:08:387 - there is the place where your NC should be
  6. 00:08:849 (2,4) - I guess you are missing whistles in both places
  7. 00:10:695 (3,4) - the spacing here is too short compared to 00:10:926 (4,5) - , plus the weird rhythm at this part make the gameplay really not comfortable, I highly suggest you to use consistent spacing here.
  8. 00:11:503 (1) - remove NC following your 1 stanza pattern?
  9. 00:12:080 (3) - this is the place where your NC should be, but not in 00:12:310 (1) -
  10. 00:12:310 (1) - this passive slider play really weird, since you are starting it in a really weak beat and ending it in a really strong one
  11. 00:15:541 (1,2) - there are some bad blankets like that one, when you do a blanket make sure that it is perfect by using the aproach circle of the next or previous circle
  12. 00:18:080 (3) - missing clap?
  13. 00:18:426 (5) - there is almost nothing in the music, since what are you mapping is a tiny and almost inaudible sound, is not better to remove it?
  14. 00:19:926 (1,2) - for cases like this one I don't understand what are your combos following, is not the song or stanzas >:
  15. 00:20:849 (1) - same as 00:07:926
  16. 00:23:618 (1,2,1) - yeah I kinda dont agree witht his combo spam
  17. 00:26:617 (2,3,4) - why this suddenly spacing increasing? is not comfortable to play, take in consideration that you also have 1/3 patterns and can be easily confused with this
  18. 00:28:695 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - try to add some slider to introduce the 1/3 rhythm, since a player will get a lot of 100 or even fail at this part (personally I broke combo here), and no the spacing doesn't work to predict this
  19. 00:40:003 (6) - similar to 00:12:310
  20. 00:53:618 (3,4) - spacing? this doesn't play nice since you suddenly change spacing in the same combo >:
  21. 01:07:464 (1,2,3,4,1) - try to keep the same spacing between them, since 1/3 is kinda hard to play plus the spacing here is different make the gameplay not nice, atleast for me
  22. 01:20:387 add a circle here? will follow better the melody IMO
  23. 01:33:310 (1) - nazi, this slider can be improve a lot, my issue with this is that the curves look really forced and not natural D:
  24. 01:38:272 (1,1) - why the combo spam?
  25. 01:50:387 (5,6,7) - 01:50:849 (1,2,3) - 1/4 stream and 1/3 stream at the same part can be really confuse, can you consider to use sliders in the 1/3 part? or in the 1/4? to not make the player lose the rhythm
GL :3
Perdón por la demora. Esta semana he estado muy atareado, y me ha quedado poco tiempo de sentarme en el editor (que solo tengo en juego en el desktop).

Natsu, no te preocupes, te responderé apropiadamente, pero no hoy D:
Yo, as requested.

  1. Remove ErunamoJAZZ from the tags if you are not keeping his diff anymore.
  2. Your kiais are inconsistent, which is not allowed by the rules. Example
  3. Try to add 1300ms of lead in, to give players some time to get ready. Just oprn your .osu files and set AudioLeadIn: to 1300
  4. Your colours are too bright and don't seem to fit well with the BG. Try something else, maybe? :)
    Alternative set

    Combo1 : 170,196,102
    Combo2 : 159,227,205
    Combo3 : 129,183,125
    Combo4 : 202,136,138
  1. Try to drop your HP Drain to make the long gaps like 00:22:003 - less stressful for the beginners, please!
  2. 00:09:772 (3,4) - the doenbeat here is unstressed, which makes your rhythm sorta hard to catch. Try to select the notes and hit Ctrl+G, it will swap them on the timeline and give you better rhythm. Do not forget to fix the spacing, afterwards. Example
    Note: This might be helpful. Please, take into consideration the things explained here! :)
  3. 00:56:849 (4,5) - same as above. exactly the same as above. A simple Ctrl+G would help ou to resolve the prroblem. Of course, you'll have to fix the spacing afterwards.
  4. 01:29:618 (5) - pretty sure you've missed a new combo here. it would match with your pattern and with the song.
    Note: speaking about comboing, it gets sorta inconsistent in the end of the diff, 01:36:080 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - these combos are also waaay too long. So, try to re-consider your comboing at that part.

    Not bad, but comboing gets a bit weird in the end and your rhythm could use a bit more work.
  1. As you use a lot of 3/4 beats, i strogly suggest you to lower OD and think about some ways to simplify the rhythm.
  2. 00:05:618 (1,2,3,4) - 3/4 sliders. Givve them a chance, they seem to fit prefectly with the rhythm. Example. They are much easier to hit and to undersand _ they fit better in terms of rhythm.
  3. 00:28:695 (5) - you've probably missed a new combo here, I think it really needs a new combo as thmusic changes significantly.
    Note: 01:29:618 (6) - same here, I guess. :)
  4. 01:05:157 (1) - the slider does not really fit. First of all, its head hits practuacally nothing and secondly the doenbeat remains unstressed.

    Not bad but you can improve the appearance and work with the rhythm more.
  1. Please, take a look at the polarity guide and see how you can improve your own map according to the guide. :)
  2. 00:08:618 (2) - exactly the same thng about unstressing beats. I've already pointed out a few examples on Easy and Normal. The slider begins on a red (mnor) beat, and ends on the strong (white). It makes the slider kinda unfitting and leaves the main beat unsressed. It happens a lot and this seriously needs your attention.

    Apart from the listed rhythm issues, it is fine. Just, try to work on your rhythm more attentively, please!
I have a feeling that your mapping goes slightly off the actual music because of the rhythm you use, in some parts. It can also get slightly better visually.


Best of luck!
Modded this 5 months ago


As mentioned above, add to the AudioLeadIn in .osu for all difficulties


00:16:695 (2,3) - blanket better
00:24:541 (3,4) - ^
00:42:541 (1,2) - you could improve on it better, an exmaple:
01:33:310 (1,2) - can you try and make these look better beside each other, like this:
01:39:310 (4,2) - avoid overlap to be neater

It's probably the song, but everytime it ends with a 1/1 slider, it feels weird. Some gaps between patterns also felt weirdly empty, like the part after 00:17:618 (3)
Presentation is crucial, it is weird when the ending slider always looks the same, being a straight slider, you can see 00:20:849 (2) and 00:25:464 (4) to know what I mean


00:05:618 (1,2,3,4) - you need to give players a chance to familiarise themselves with 3/4 rhythms,especially in Normal. Giving them multiple sliders is too difficult, you should use repeat sliders to give them the first taste of the rhythm:
00:15:772 (2) - NC should be here imo
00:23:157 (2) - ^
00:36:080 (3,1) - not stacked perfectly
00:41:157 (1,2,3) - blanket them nicely to look better
01:01:926 (2,3) - either blanket these or blanket 01:02:387 (3,4) or do both
01:05:157 (1,2) - I don't think this needs to be stacked, and it adds to make it more confusing
01:09:310 (2) - NC here instead
01:20:849 (5) - NC
01:22:695 (1) - remove NC
01:24:080 (2) - NC here
01:26:387 (1) - remove NC
01:28:233 (3) - NC
01:41:618 (3,4) - blanket

I would say there is still work to do in appearance to make it look better


00:46:464 (1,2,3,1) - you can make this more organised looking, equal spacing between objects does make things look neater
00:58:464 (3,4,5,6) - you can have an improved sense of pattern here, instead of them just looking like individual sliders placed around each other
01:13:003 (3,4) - you shouldn't stack these, that doesn't fit to the song
01:14:849 (3,4) - ^ it will be easier to read the 3/4 rhythm as well
01:31:233 (6,7) - blanket them
01:47:387 (1,2) - too close to each other

Appearance-wise it can be better. Combos should look more consistent, I feel just use a pattern of 8 white beats per combo would do fine here, and it makes the sectioning of combo more clear and obvious.

Good Luck once again
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:

Yo, as requested.

  1. Remove ErunamoJAZZ from the tags if you are not keeping his diff anymore. OK
  2. Your kiais are inconsistent, which is not allowed by the rules. [url=]Example
  3. Try to add 1300ms of lead in, to give players some time to get ready. Just oprn your .osu files and set AudioLeadIn: to 1300 OK
  4. Your colours are too bright and don't seem to fit well with the BG. Try something else, maybe? :)OK
    Alternative set

    Combo1 : 170,196,102
    Combo2 : 159,227,205
    Combo3 : 129,183,125
    Combo4 : 202,136,138
  1. Try to drop your HP Drain to make the long gaps like 00:22:003 - less stressful for the beginners, please! OK
  2. 00:09:772 (3,4) - the doenbeat here is unstressed, which makes your rhythm sorta hard to catch. Try to select the notes and hit Ctrl+G, it will swap OKthem on the timeline and give you better rhythm. Do not forget to fix the spacing, afterwards. Example
    Note: This might be helpful. Please, take into consideration the things explained here! :)OK
  3. 00:56:849 (4,5) - same as above. exactly the same as above. A simple Ctrl+G would help ou to resolve the prroblem. Of course, you'll have to fix the spacing afterwards.OK
  4. 01:29:618 (5) - pretty sure you've missed a new combo here. it would match with your pattern and with the song. OK
    Note: speaking about comboing, it gets sorta inconsistent in the end of the diff, 01:36:080 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - these combos are also waaay too OKlong. So, try to re-consider your comboing at that part.

    Not bad, but comboing gets a bit weird in the end and your rhythm could use a bit more work.
  1. As you use a lot of 3/4 beats, i strogly suggest you to lower OD and think about some ways to simplify the rhythm. No, because a lot of people say me that my map should be more interesting although this part can be a bit hard, they can learn a bit to bit, but I will try
  2. 00:05:618 (1,2,3,4) - 3/4 sliders. Givve them a chance, they seem to fit prefectly with the rhythm. Example. They are much easier to hit and to undersand _ they fit better in terms of rhythm.
  3. 00:28:695 (5) - you've probably missed a new combo here, I think it really needs a new combo as thmusic changes significantly. No, becasue I don't feel that this part be a change so significant
    Note: 01:29:618 (6) - same here, I guess. :) ^
  4. 01:05:157 (1) - the slider does not really fit. First of all, its head hits practuacally nothing and secondly the doenbeat remains unstressed. OK

    Not bad but you can improve the appearance and work with the rhythm more.
  1. Please, take a look at the polarity guide and see how you can improve your own map according to the guide. :)
  2. 00:08:618 (2) - exactly the same thng about unstressing beats. I've already pointed out a few examples on Easy and Normal. The slider begins on a red (mnor) beat, and ends on the strong (white). It makes the slider kinda unfitting and leaves the main beat unsressed. It happens a lot and this seriously needs your attention. Thank you a lot I didn't know that

    Apart from the listed rhythm issues, it is fine. Just, try to work on your rhythm more attentively, please!
I have a feeling that your mapping goes slightly off the actual music because of the rhythm you use, in some parts. It can also get slightly better visually.


Best of luck!
Thank you for the help!
Topic Starter
Neonat thank you a lot for remember me, I took all of mod to Easy, but I get at this point I don't want change about both normal and hard

Thank you for the mod. :)
Official title is NOT 수경농장. 수경농장 is where the BGM is playing, not the official title. The official title of the song is still Always be myself. 수경농장 can go to the tags or something

There are so many parts in hard where the notes are placed off the beat. Please play the song in 25% or 50% and check where the notes actually land on.

no kds
Hello pife1,

your map has undergone a session of Community Modding !
Special thanks to the modders who participated in this collaborative effort:
Kaguya Hourain

Here is the mod. Consider this to be a summary of how the modding community recieves your map. Please take the time to go through all these points and reply to them properly, whether or not you agree with them.

normal-sliderslide2.wav and drum-hitslidertick.wav are unused files, delete them. | Sieg
soft-sliderslide.wav is not a valid blank file, you must use instead. Same goes for drum-sliderslide.wav soft-sliderslide3.wav soft-sliderslide4.wav soft-sliderslide5.wav and soft-sliderslide6.wav | Sieg
Offset should be 1003 so the first downbeat will be on the right spot, | Sieg
Check you kiai times for consistency, I don’t see a point why they differ across diffs. | Sieg

CS2 feels a bit too high. I would suggest to use cs 2.5 or even 3 to make the circles a bit smaller and make the map visually more appealing! Also it will make for better spread, also will increase player experience overall for this difficulty - Kaguya, Sieg
OD + 1 would be preferred, as OD<AR can lead to confusing situations, and those ODs are very low already- Kaguya
00:01:003 (1,2,3) - Consider blanketing \ redesign this, atm looks way too clunky | Sieg
01:29:618 (1,2) - The flow here could be done better if you followed the sliderpath from 1. The problem is this: ... qz4rgp.png the flow is visually inconsistent (although it’s playable), and fixing that would make the map look better.- Kaguya
01:31:926 (2,1) - This blanket looks pretty bad, the end of (2) is too close to (1), you can drag (1) earlier in the timeline to use its approach circle as help! - Kaguya
01:37:464 (2,3) - The blanket is also imperfect here, you can do the same to improve it - Kaguya
01:38:387 (3,4) - Same. - Kaguya
Overall I don’t like the slidertick hitsounds. They feel confusing. Refer to Sieg’s comment in Hard. - Kaguya

OD2 is way too low for this difficulty, especially considering it is AR5. Never use such drastic differences in AR and OD, as they lead to numerous problems while playing. - Kaguya
Generally I don’t enjoy the useage of sliders here. Symmetry is also being done wrong, this could use a lot of fine tuning. - Kaguya
00:07:926 (4,1,2) - Sliders feel wrong. Circle should be placed on the first tick of the combo and sliders should start on the big white tick and the and the third tick. Replace 00:07:926 (4,1,2) - with circle slider slider and add a new combo on the first slider. - Kaguya
00:08:849 (1,2,3) - Try blanket with (2)? | Estellia-
00:10:233 (3,4) - This feels and plays bad. It’s bound to confuse the player into a sliderbreak. I would suggest a reverse ¾ slider and a circle on the white tick. - Kaguya
00:13:464 (3,4) - Fix blanket | Estellia-
00:16:695 (3,4) - 01:02:387 (3,4) - Better replace this with repeat slider because it will be hard to normal level players hit 3\4 rhythm accurate. | Sieg
00:23:618 (3,4) - Flow slightly thrown off visually,(4) should look like it comes from (1). Just move it down a bit and rotate it clockwise to fix that | Estellia-
00:24:541 (4,5) - Circle > slider > circle would work better here instead of 2 sliders, it is the same problem as 00:07:926 (4,1,2) - and you can fix the comboing - Kaguya
00:27:310 (3,4,5) - Fix blanket on 3&4 and stack 5’s head on 3 after fix | Estellia-
00:31:464 (2,3,4) - Flow is a bit messy here, try making sliders lead into other sliders better | Estellia-
00:31:464 (2,3) - Hitsounds missed on head of each slider | Sieg
00:34:233 (1,2,3,4) - Try having 1&2 parallel, 3&4 parallel, 1-2 and 3-4 direct horizontal flip | Estellia-
00:37:926 (1,2) - Centralize | Estellia-
00:40:233 (4,1) - You could continue the cursorpath here better if you move 1 a bit lower. Also same rhythm issue as pointed out before - Kaguya
00:41:157 (1,2,3) - Fix double blanket and stack head of 3 with head of 1 | Estellia-, Sieg
00:50:849 (3,1) - Make sliders parallel? At least the first part of (1) | Estellia-
00:56:387 (1,2) - Same suggestion as 00:10:233 (3,4) - . - Kaguya
01:02:387 (3,4) - You should make slider 3 a circle and start ¾ reverse slider where 3 currently ends, otherwise this would be a bit too confusing to play. - Kaguya
01:33:772 (2,3) - If you intended a blanket here, fix it. Use the sliderball followcircle for help. - Kaguya, Sieg
01:41:157 (2,4) - I don’t fancy this overlap here. Try to stack them properly - Kaguya

01:41:618 (4) - As example, this applies for all such sliders with slidertick high volume on all difficulties
Slider tick hitsounds are discouraged. If you want to use them, then make sure that their volume is balanced (i.e. notably quieter than regular hitsounds). A very loud slider tick, especially when only used once or twice, would be extremely jarring.
Guide line from | Sieg
Pretty much the kiai is boring with unintuitive and bad-looking patterns. I suggest a full remap with more interesting rhythm - Kaguya

OD +1, here again ideally OD=AR - Kaguya
00:04:157 (4) - i think use a circle would be nicer instead of slider - ursa
00:06:310 (3,4) - The slider fits more on the downbeat. Place circle on red tick it would work better. - Kaguya
00:06:310 (3,5) - make those the same slider! Just copy (3), then paste and rotate it | Estellia-
00:10:695 (6) - This goes to the blue tick before it. It lands on nothing there. You will need to fix t he spacing 00:10:233 (5,6,7) - - Kaguya
00:12:080 (3,4) - Try to blanket with (4)? | Estellia-
00:13:926 (4) - This feels unintuitive and boring, you could just map it the same way you’ve mapped the whole thing. - Kaguya
00:15:310 (2) - Try to fix the symmetry on this slider. Refer to t/37194 for more information. | Estellia-
00:19:003 (2,3,4) - This sliders interact really bad with each other. This can be fixed by blanketing them or making good flow between them.| Sieg
00:20:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - This isn’t very enticing to play because of how square the movement is. Try to make a different pattern! | Estellia-
00:25:464 (5) - Removing the reverse and adding a circle instead works better with the hitfinish imo. Also current spacing is confusing as it implies this slider has two repeats, not one, since everything so far has been properly spaced. - Kaguya
00:28:695 (7) - Just like for Normal, this is not very interesting to play. At least split it into several shorter repeat sliders (with only one repeat for example). - Kaguya
00:28:695 (7) - One more repeat to follow this 1\6 sound, or make sure not to overlook it if you redo this part | Sieg
00:38:849 (4,5) - Fix that blanket | Estellia-
00:44:618 (5,6,7) - fix the blankets between (5,7) and (6) | Estellia-, Sieg
00:47:618 (2,3,4) - Continue the sliders on the white ticks they really don’t fit on the red ticks. - Kaguya
00:50:387 (3) - to avoid overlap with 00:49:464 (1) , minor thing | Sieg
00:52:464 (5,6) - Fix the blanket | Estellia-
00:54:541 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you are going to use drum samples, make sure they are audible. Reducing the volume on those makes no sense and goes entirely against the song. At this level, the drum samples are basically muted and that is unrankable. This goes for the kiai as well. | Shiro
00:58:464 (3,4) - Make 4 further away? The way they touch feel so ugly | Estellia-
01:10:233 (6,7) - Make this two sliders instead of circle + reverse. - Kaguya
01:14:849 (3,5) - Are these even symmetrical? | Estellia-
01:23:618 (1,2) - Blanket those | Estellia-, Sieg
01:23:618 (1,2) - Blanket those | Estellia-
01:31:233 (6,7) - Blanket those | Estellia-
01:39:310 (5) - move this beat to x :144 y:104 ? to make sure it’ll not overlap with the previous slider - ursa
Can’t say much, generally looks like a super old map but has areas which have perfectly nice flow like 01:16:695 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 01:16:695 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 01:43:464 (1,2,3) - . Try have the map mimic flow with the above mentioned parts. | Estellia-

Participants have been awarded 3kd for their participation.
Topic Starter

Shiro wrote:

Hello pife1,

your map has undergone a session of Community Modding !
Special thanks to the modders who participated in this collaborative effort:
Kaguya Hourain

Here is the mod. Consider this to be a summary of how the modding community recieves your map. Please take the time to go through all these points and reply to them properly, whether or not you agree with them.

normal-sliderslide2.wav and drum-hitslidertick.wav are unused files, delete them. | Sieg OK
soft-sliderslide.wav is not a valid blank file, you must use instead. Same goes for drum-sliderslide.wav soft-sliderslide3.wav soft-sliderslide4.wav soft-sliderslide5.wav and soft-sliderslide6.wav | Sieg OK
Offset should be 1003 so the first downbeat will be on the right spot, | Sieg OK
Check you kiai times for consistency, I don’t see a point why they differ across diffs. | Sieg

CS2 feels a bit too high. I would suggest to use cs 2.5 or even 3 to make the circles a bit smaller and make the map visually more appealing! Also it will make for better spread, also will increase player experience overall for this difficulty - Kaguya, Sieg OK
OD + 1 would be preferred, as OD<AR can lead to confusing situations, and those ODs are very low already- Kaguya OK
00:01:003 (1,2,3) - Consider blanketing \ redesign this, atm looks way too clunky | Sieg OK
01:29:618 (1,2) - The flow here could be done better if you followed the sliderpath from 1. The problem is this: ... qz4rgp.png the flow is visually inconsistent (although it’s playable), and fixing that would make the map look better.- Kaguya I could catch well the idea but I did something
01:31:926 (2,1) - This blanket looks pretty bad, the end of (2) is too close to (1), you can drag (1) earlier in the timeline to use its approach circle as help! - Kaguya OK
01:37:464 (2,3) - The blanket is also imperfect here, you can do the same to improve it - Kaguya OK
01:38:387 (3,4) - Same. - Kaguya OK
Overall I don’t like the slidertick hitsounds. They feel confusing. Refer to Sieg’s comment in Hard. - Kaguya
I don't feel any confunsing

OD2 is way too low for this difficulty, especially considering it is AR5. Never use such drastic differences in AR and OD, as they lead to numerous problems while playing. - Kaguya OK
Generally I don’t enjoy the useage of sliders here. Symmetry is also being done wrong, this could use a lot of fine tuning. - Kaguya sorry but I am very noob
00:07:926 (4,1,2) - Sliders feel wrong. Circle should be placed on the first tick of the combo and sliders should start on the big white tick and the and the third tick. Replace 00:07:926 (4,1,2) - with circle slider slider and add a new combo on the first slider. - Kaguya Sorry, But I don't want like this idea
00:08:849 (1,2,3) - Try blanket with (2)? | Estellia- OK
00:10:233 (3,4) - This feels and plays bad. It’s bound to confuse the player into a sliderbreak. I would suggest a reverse ¾ slider and a circle on the white tick. - Kaguya Sorry I don't like it
00:13:464 (3,4) - Fix blanket | Estellia-Good
00:16:695 (3,4) - 01:02:387 (3,4) - Better replace this with repeat slider because it will be hard to normal level players hit 3\4 rhythm accurate. | Sieg Yes, Sir but I don'tuse reverse
00:23:618 (3,4) - Flow slightly thrown off visually,(4) should look like it comes from (1). Just move it down a bit and rotate it clockwise to fix that | Estellia- No, because I want let it like is
00:24:541 (4,5) - Circle > slider > circle would work better here instead of 2 sliders, it is the same problem as 00:07:926 (4,1,2) - and you can fix the comboing - Kaguya Same above
00:27:310 (3,4,5) - Fix blanket on 3&4 and stack 5’s head on 3 after fix | Estellia-OK
00:31:464 (2,3,4) - Flow is a bit messy here, try making sliders lead into other sliders better | Estellia-Yes
00:31:464 (2,3) - Hitsounds missed on head of each slider | Sieg No, both Easy and Normal have a conduct same in hitsounds
00:34:233 (1,2,3,4) - Try having 1&2 parallel, 3&4 parallel, 1-2 and 3-4 direct horizontal flip | Estellia- Yes, Sir
00:37:926 (1,2) - Centralize | Estellia-Yes
00:40:233 (4,1) - You could continue the cursorpath here better if you move 1 a bit lower. Also same rhythm issue as pointed out before - Kaguya
Sorry, but I don't undestand you
00:41:157 (1,2,3) - Fix double blanket and stack head of 3 with head of 1 | Estellia-, Sieg Yes Sir
00:50:849 (3,1) - Make sliders parallel? At least the first part of (1) | Estellia- Good
00:56:387 (1,2) - Same suggestion as 00:10:233 (3,4) - . - Kaguya Sorry
01:02:387 (3,4) - You should make slider 3 a circle and start ¾ reverse slider where 3 currently ends, otherwise this would be a bit too confusing to play. - Kaguya Ok, but with 3 circles doesn't work well in my opinion
01:33:772 (2,3) - If you intended a blanket here, fix it. Use the sliderball followcircle for help. - Kaguya, Sieg This is not blanket
01:41:157 (2,4) - I don’t fancy this overlap here. Try to stack them properly - Kaguya OK

01:41:618 (4) - As example, this applies for all such sliders with slidertick high volume on all difficulties
Slider tick hitsounds are discouraged. If you want to use them, then make sure that their volume is balanced (i.e. notably quieter than regular hitsounds). A very loud slider tick, especially when only used once or twice, would be extremely jarring.
Guide line from | Sieg I will try
Pretty much the kiai is boring with unintuitive and bad-looking patterns. I suggest a full remap with more interesting rhythm - Kaguya Ushh, I can't sorry

OD +1, here again ideally OD=AR - Kaguya Sorry, But this difficulty have had many changes with AR and OR
00:04:157 (4) - i think use a circle would be nicer instead of slider - ursa Yes, Sir
00:06:310 (3,4) - The slider fits more on the downbeat. Place circle on red tick it would work better. - Kaguya I don't see neccesary
00:06:310 (3,5) - make those the same slider! Just copy (3), then paste and rotate it | Estellia- OK
00:10:695 (6) - This goes to the blue tick before it. It lands on nothing there. You will need to fix t he spacing 00:10:233 (5,6,7) - - Kaguya Yes,Sir
00:12:080 (3,4) - Try to blanket with (4)? | Estellia-Yes
00:13:926 (4) - This feels unintuitive and boring, you could just map it the same way you’ve mapped the whole thing. - Kaguya No, I like this part
00:15:310 (2) - Try to fix the symmetry on this slider. Refer to t/37194 for more information. | Estellia-Yes,Sir
00:19:003 (2,3,4) - This sliders interact really bad with each other. This can be fixed by blanketing them or making good flow between them.| Sieg Yes,Sir
00:20:387 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2) - This isn’t very enticing to play because of how square the movement is. Try to make a different pattern! | Estellia- Yes,Sir
00:25:464 (5) - Removing the reverse and adding a circle instead works better with the hitfinish imo. Also current spacing is confusing as it implies this slider has two repeats, not one, since everything so far has been properly spaced. - Kaguya Yes,Yes
00:28:695 (7) - Just like for Normal, this is not very interesting to play. At least split it into several shorter repeat sliders (with only one repeat for example). - Kaguya I amo sorry for be so predictable
00:28:695 (7) - One more repeat to follow this 1\6 sound, or make sure not to overlook it if you redo this part | Sieg Good
00:38:849 (4,5) - Fix that blanket | Estellia- Yes
00:44:618 (5,6,7) - fix the blankets between (5,7) and (6) | Estellia-, Sieg Oh Good
00:47:618 (2,3,4) - Continue the sliders on the white ticks they really don’t fit on the red ticks. - KaguyaI don't see a really problem here
00:50:387 (3) - to avoid overlap with 00:49:464 (1) , minor thing | SiegYes,Sir
00:52:464 (5,6) - Fix the blanket | Estellia-Yes,Sir
00:54:541 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - If you are going to use drum samples, make sure they are audible. Reducing the volume on those makes no sense and goes entirely against the song. At this level, the drum samples are basically muted and that is unrankable. This goes for the kiai as well. | Shiro Oh,god, you are right
00:58:464 (3,4) - Make 4 further away? The way they touch feel so ugly | Estellia-??
01:10:233 (6,7) - Make this two sliders instead of circle + reverse. - Kaguya ??
01:14:849 (3,5) - Are these even symmetrical? | Estellia-Yes
01:23:618 (1,2) - Blanket those | Estellia-, Sieg Yes
01:23:618 (1,2) - Blanket those | Estellia- Yes
01:31:233 (6,7) - Blanket those | Estellia- Yes
01:39:310 (5) - move this beat to x :144 y:104 ? to make sure it’ll not overlap with the previous slider - ursa Yes
Can’t say much, generally looks like a super old map but has areas which have perfectly nice flow like 01:16:695 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 01:16:695 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and 01:43:464 (1,2,3) - . Try have the map mimic flow with the above mentioned parts. | Estellia-

Participants have been awarded 3kd for their participation.

Thank you,Thank you,Thank you,Thank you so much for the mod and thank you a lot for considering me,although I had careless with the map I want that this map will be ranked because I don't want let nothing pending in my life, I don't take all of mod because it was difficult adapt my style with the suggestions
Hey, mod as requested


00:04:233 (1) - You should use 2 circles instead, then you'll make these 2 emphasized beats clickable
00:13:926 (3,1) - There's a problem with the distance snap here, you must use the same distance snap for the whole diff since you have to respect the distance snap for Easy and Normal diffs.
00:17:618 (3,1) - ^

Very good diff in my opinion


00:08:849 (1,2,3) - You should maybe try a pattern with blankets ? Like this :
00:28:695 (5,2) - There's a big overlap here, it'll be a bit annoying for the player. You should try another pattern, maybe this one ? :
00:42:080 (2) - This blanket can be improved
00:50:849 (3,1) - Maybe you can try to make them parallel ?
01:39:772 (5) - This slider is breaking the flow, it makes a bad play, I think you should try something like this :
01:41:618 (3,4) - You can improve the blanket
01:46:233 (4) - The shape looks very strange, the 2 constructions points near the red anchor makes it weird and a bit ugly, you should try to move them away the red anchor :

This diffs is fine. The only problem is about the star difficulty : the difficulty is just a little bit higher than the Easy diff. It makes these 2 diffs quite similar, so in my opinion you should increase the difficulty of the Normal, or decrease the difficulty of the Easy one.


00:04:118 - You missed this beat, and it's a problem since you followed this music pattern previously. You should try to have a 3/4 slider starting at 00:03:772, and have the circle at 00:04:233 - (then you'll still click the emphasized beat)
00:10:579 - Same problem here. You should try the same pattern.
00:11:503 - ^
00:12:080 (3,4) - You can improve this blanket by increasing (3)'s curve.
00:15:310 (2) - Same problem for the shape as in the Normal diff, try this :
00:21:541 - Why didn't you map here ? It's annoying because there's a lot of beats you missed and it's hard to play 00:22:464 (1) because it's on a red tick, players could think it's on white tick and miss it =/
00:26:618 (2,3,4) - There's a problem about the distance snap here (it's important for me to follow it for these kinds of patterns)
00:27:541 (4,5,6,7) - ^
00:28:695 (7) - You can actually add another reverse
00:45:310 (7,1) - The overlap is quite annoying imo =/
00:47:849 (3,4,5) - There's no reason for them to start on red ticks, it makes the emphasized beats on the white ticks unclickable.
00:52:464 (5,6,7) - ^
00:56:618 (6) - ^
00:58:464 (3,4,5,6) - ^
01:13:926 (5,6,1) - Distance snap issue
01:29:387 (3,4) - The blanket can be improved here.
01:32:156 - You can maybe map here ? There's some beats to follow (like 1/4 patterns)
01:36:541 (4,1) - The overlap is quite ugly and annoying, you should try this pattern imo :
01:48:310 (3,5) - Overlap again =/
01:49:233 (5,1) - These 2 sliders are overlaping, you should move (1)'s tail like this :
01:51:310 (4,5) - Blanket can be improved

I hope my mod was helpful
Call me back after you fixed the mod ~
13:59 pife1: Erunamo!!
14:03 ErunamoJAZZ: eo
14:03 pife1: I need your mod!
14:19 ErunamoJAZZ: mandeme msg a las 3
14:19 ErunamoJAZZ: es que quiero calentar, no he jugado nada xD
14:20 ErunamoJAZZ: me levanté como a las 9am, y apenas me conecté, me pidieron mod también xD
14:20 pife1: quiero mapear una cancion pero nose si me equivoco en el offset o en el BPM
14:20 pife1: cuanto me cobras por el mod!!!
14:20 ErunamoJAZZ: lol
14:21 ErunamoJAZZ: nada, pero ya a las 3 lo atiendo (?
14:22 pife1: dale
15:00 ErunamoJAZZ: asdf
15:00 pife1: ?
15:01 ErunamoJAZZ: 3pm
15:02 pife1: dale
15:05 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ DINY - Always be myself [Easy]]
15:06 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:09:772 (2,3) - corra el 2 un poco hacia la derecha arriba. la idea es que quede con stack al final del slider largo:
15:09 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:47:157 (1,2,3,4) - mueva estos de forma que se haga un "triangulo" entre los 3 primeros:
15:09 ErunamoJAZZ: (recuerde que luego de mover esas cosas, cuidar que el espaciado quede correcto con las cosas que quedan cerca)
15:10 pife1: triangulo!! iluminati
15:11 ErunamoJAZZ: hahahah
15:11 ErunamoJAZZ: (?)
15:11 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:44:849 (1,3) - es chistoso que estos dos no hayan quedado simetricos... tampoco es que sea indispensable moverlos, pero en fin :P
15:12 ErunamoJAZZ: y ese sería del easy.
15:12 ErunamoJAZZ: está bastante bien, excepto por esas bobaditas que le dije.
15:12 ErunamoJAZZ: me avisa para ir por el normal;
15:16 pife1: yap
15:19 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ DINY - Always be myself [Normal]]
15:19 ErunamoJAZZ: voy a ir paso por paso
15:19 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:26:387 (1) - muevalo de forma que haga el stack perfecto con 00:24:541 (4) -
15:20 ErunamoJAZZ: Al editor me mejoraron eso de los stacks, simplemente seleccionelo, y se mueve de forma que aparezca el (4), y casi que se acomoda solo
15:21 pife1: si eso lo note
15:23 ErunamoJAZZ: la idea es mover a 00:28:695 (5) - para que quede simetrico. Entonces, pienso que se puede hacer lo siguiente
15:24 ErunamoJAZZ: sacar a 00:27:310 (3) - más para arriba-izquierda, sin olvidar acomodar a (2)
15:25 ErunamoJAZZ: y rotar 00:27:772 (4) - , algo así:
15:25 ErunamoJAZZ: luego...
15:25 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:28:695 (5,1) - mover estos dos, de tal forma que 00:31:003 (1) - haga stack con el final de 00:27:772 (4) -
15:26 ErunamoJAZZ:
15:27 ErunamoJAZZ: y al final, acomodar lo que sigue para que espaciado quede bien.
15:27 pife1: ya
15:28 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:42:080 (2) - no es indispensable, pero, el blanket no quedó perfecto acá
15:29 ErunamoJAZZ: y el espaciado tampoco, está a 0.9 xD
15:29 pife1: es por tratar ese blanket
15:29 ErunamoJAZZ:
15:29 pife1: por ese blanket si ha habido traba
15:30 pife1: creo que ya
15:31 pife1: por esas partes nadie se pone de acurdo
15:31 ErunamoJAZZ: lol, cómo así?
15:32 pife1: recuerdo que algunos me decian que el blanket no estaba bien otros que si, nadie practicamente tenia la razon
15:32 pife1: yo creo que es por el angulo que hace creer que para algunos esta bien y para otros no
15:33 ErunamoJAZZ: el unico que tiene razón ahí, es el circulito que muestra si está bueno no xD
15:33 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:56:387 (1) - esta si es una bobada xD, si lo pudiera correr un cuadrito a la izquiera para no hacer el overlap... xD
15:34 pife1: overlap con quien?
15:34 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:55:003 (2) -
15:34 ErunamoJAZZ: con ese
15:35 pife1: de verdad es una bobada
15:35 ErunamoJAZZ: sisas
15:39 ErunamoJAZZ: 01:34:695 (3,4) - blanket:
15:41 pife1: ahora si entido lo del circulo
15:42 ErunamoJAZZ: :D
15:42 pife1: no puedo dejarlo con el circulo el espaciado se dañaria
15:43 pife1: ya alli hice algo mas o menos
15:44 ErunamoJAZZ: fijese el punto de inicio y final del slider en la imagen
15:44 ErunamoJAZZ: y fijese también en donde quedó el circulo (4)
15:44 ErunamoJAZZ: se mueve un poquito para que el espaciado quede bien
15:44 pife1: ya lo aregle
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: y por ultimo... 01:48:080 (2,4) -
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: no sé...
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
15:45 ErunamoJAZZ: como no son simetricos los sliders se ven como raros
15:46 ErunamoJAZZ: no sé si quiera copiar/pegar uno de los dos, y con el Ctrl+h hacer la simetría y eso
15:46 pife1: iva a ser algo como ondas simetricas pero, como la dificultad es normal no podia forzar el espaciado
15:46 pife1: en eso pense la primera vez
15:46 ErunamoJAZZ: mm... pero no creo que quede forzado
15:47 pife1: se ve raro
15:47 ErunamoJAZZ:
15:48 pife1: asi estaba antes
15:49 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, esa es la cosa, vos sos el mapper y tenés que decidir qué hacer n.n
15:49 ErunamoJAZZ: apenas lo tenga, dele una updateada para ver cómo le quedaron los blanket esos :P
15:51 pife1: mas tarde miro que se me ocurre
15:52 ErunamoJAZZ: oks, me avisa cuando lo actualice
15:52 pife1: no falta el hard?
15:54 ErunamoJAZZ: si, pero mejor dejar lo otros dos listos
15:55 ErunamoJAZZ: así le pregunto a un amigo que en BN
15:56 pife1: para uno rankear un mapa es muy sufrido
15:57 pife1: ya
15:57 pife1: ve erunamo los kudos sirve para algo ahora?
15:58 ErunamoJAZZ: pues... sí
15:58 pife1: si para que
15:58 ErunamoJAZZ: para las estrellas y eso... y también para el sistema de puntaje de los BN
15:58 pife1: se cambian con dinero?
15:59 ErunamoJAZZ: los que quieren ser BN ahora sí les sirven los kudosus
15:59 pife1: tengo 42 kudos
15:59 pife1: libres
16:03 pife1: Erunamo aveces no te pasas que cada vez que sientes que tu mapa ya esta bien y sientes por dentro que se puede ser mejor, pero a la vez no lo puedes mejorar mas?
16:03 ErunamoJAZZ: todo el tiempo
16:03 ErunamoJAZZ: D:
16:04 pife1: estoy seguro que todos los mappers sienten lo mismo
16:04 pife1: esa frustaccion "mi mapa de aqui no se puede mejorar mas, pero hay algo que le falta nose que"
16:06 ErunamoJAZZ: relajado
16:06 ErunamoJAZZ: ud ya pasó la parte dura es que cuando uno mapea sin saber bien qué está haciendo
16:07 ErunamoJAZZ: (o eso creo yo xD)
16:07 pife1: parc
16:07 pife1: mas facil es ganar calculo que rankear esto lol
16:08 ErunamoJAZZ: que va
16:08 ErunamoJAZZ: es más dificil rankear erasus qe esto
16:08 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:08 pife1: ajajjaa
16:08 pife1: verdad como va tu erasus
16:08 pife1: veo los foros y dice burbuja y burbuja
16:09 ErunamoJAZZ: meh... me da piedra pensar en eso
16:09 ErunamoJAZZ: es que quieren que le cambie unas cosas al normal
16:10 ErunamoJAZZ: cosas que de verdad pienso que están bien y son más que aceptables para un normal, pero no
16:10 pife1: esa es la cosa, y despues si cambias algo resulta que eso, daña al mapa
16:10 ErunamoJAZZ: quien me va a dar la bubble es un BN de ctb, pero el dice "hasta que los BN de std no se pongan deacuerdo, no te puedo dar la bubble"
16:11 ErunamoJAZZ: y está bien, porque el no sabe mucho de std
16:11 ErunamoJAZZ: pero mehh
16:11 ErunamoJAZZ: ud tiene la versión vieja del mapa?
16:11 ErunamoJAZZ: no vaya a actualizar todavía xD
16:12 ErunamoJAZZ: del mapa= erasus*
16:12 pife1: ahhh que canson
16:13 pife1: erunamo si logras rankear el mapa
16:13 pife1: continuaras con otro?
16:13 pife1: porque hermano
16:13 ErunamoJAZZ: ya tengo como 4 en cola pa subir
16:13 pife1: esta muy sufrido esto
16:13 ErunamoJAZZ: hahaha
16:13 ErunamoJAZZ: sisas, yo no sé uno por qué es tan masoquista xD
16:14 pife1: honestamente pienso que el sistema esta mal
16:14 ErunamoJAZZ: en parte sí
16:14 ErunamoJAZZ: pero el sistema es la gente
16:14 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:15 pife1: nose se pierde mucho tiempo
16:15 pife1: esfuerzo
16:15 pife1: o somos nosotros los malos mappers lol
16:16 ErunamoJAZZ: oe
16:16 pife1: sabes
16:16 ErunamoJAZZ: suba pues el mapa :P
16:16 ErunamoJAZZ: pa poder revisar los blankets
16:16 pife1: ya lo subi
16:17 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:09:772 (2,1) - :(
16:18 ErunamoJAZZ: bueno, no es como lo esperaba, pero almenos se ve más organizado
16:18 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:19 pife1: ni me imagino como lo esperabas, porque me base en la imagen lol
16:19 ErunamoJAZZ: en la imagen, el circulo estaba completamente debajo del final del slider :P
16:19 ErunamoJAZZ: pero fresco, así tampoco queda mal
16:21 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ DINY - Always be myself [Normal]]
16:21 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:20:387 (3,1) - (bobada) el stack entre estos dos xD
16:22 pife1: ya
16:22 pife1: santa bobada
16:22 ErunamoJAZZ: se acuerda la forma para ver si algo había quedado simetrico? (que mamon yo tan jodón con la simetría D:)
16:22 ErunamoJAZZ: de usar el Ctrl+H para ver si sí?
16:23 pife1: la de la parte de las guitarras?
16:23 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:28:695 (5) -
16:24 pife1: la de alli
16:25 pife1: no lo puse tan a la derecha porque queria que tuviera un stack con el 4
16:26 pife1:
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: mm..
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: en ese que me acaba de mostrar,le hace falta un Ctrl+G al 4
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: si lo deja así, eso queda mero jump
16:28 ErunamoJAZZ: y eso no lo dejan rankear en un normal xD
16:28 pife1: pero es un normal
16:29 pife1: y el espaciado y todo eso
16:34 pife1: ... on-pc-game
16:35 pife1: echale un ojo a la descripcion
16:35 ErunamoJAZZ: aver
16:35 ErunamoJAZZ: LOL
16:36 pife1: ya hay hasta simulador de rocas
16:43 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:42:080 (2) - aun no quedó perfecto, pero mehh
16:43 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:44 pife1: si lo muevo no solo se dañara algo con su espaciado sino que afectara el stack con la nota anterior
16:46 ErunamoJAZZ: hagamos una cosa....
16:46 ErunamoJAZZ: yo le reglo los blankets, y se lo mando
16:47 pife1: no, no te molestes con eso
16:48 ErunamoJAZZ: no es para nada una molestia
16:48 pife1: mejor si ves algun error critico
16:48 pife1: me avisas
16:48 ErunamoJAZZ: el mapa no tiene errores criticos
16:48 pife1: erunamo
16:48 pife1: llegados a este punto
16:48 ErunamoJAZZ: ?
16:48 pife1: no quiero que mi bebe lo toquen, se muy bien que me entiendes en ese sentido
16:49 ErunamoJAZZ: bueeeno
16:49 ErunamoJAZZ: xD
16:49 pife1: gracias pero no mejor
16:49 ErunamoJAZZ: jeje, yo lo entiendo, n.n
16:50 *ErunamoJAZZ is editing [ DINY - Always be myself [Hard]]
16:50 ErunamoJAZZ: sigamos con este
16:50 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:04:233 (4,5) - pienso que es mejor slider-circulo
16:51 ErunamoJAZZ: por el tema del golpe fuerte en 00:04:695 -
16:51 pife1: ya se probo esa del slider circulo y los bat si me lo criticaron
16:52 pife1: esa parte tiene un normal en la cola
16:52 pife1: uno no muy fuerte para no salir de tono
16:52 ErunamoJAZZ: es que en los normales se suelen pasar, pero en este, ps... insisto en que sería mejor
16:52 ErunamoJAZZ: igual no es un cambio demasiado drástico :P
16:53 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:11:849 (2) - en un lado está a 0.9, pilas :P
16:54 pife1: como asi?!!!
16:54 pife1: no te entiendo bien
16:54 ErunamoJAZZ: del circulo a 0.9?
16:55 ErunamoJAZZ:
16:55 pife1: 0.9
16:55 ErunamoJAZZ: debería estar a 1.0 :P
16:56 pife1: ahh
16:56 pife1: ya
16:56 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:15:310 (2) - (nazi) esto no está 100% simetrico
16:56 pife1: no me sabia esa
16:57 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:19:003 (2,3,4,5) - cojalos todos, y muevalos un cuadrito a la izquierda, para que 4 y 6 queden en toda la linea del centro
16:58 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:19:003 (2,3,4,5,6) - ***
17:00 ErunamoJAZZ: y...
17:00 ErunamoJAZZ: hace falta agregar una nota después
17:00 ErunamoJAZZ: tal y como está ahora, se siente muy raro
17:01 pife1: ps alli hay un buen espacio
17:01 ErunamoJAZZ: en 00:22:233 - agrege un circulo, lo puede poner aquí (fijese las coordenadas):
17:02 ErunamoJAZZ: me avisa cuando ya.
17:03 pife1: ya
17:04 ErunamoJAZZ: 00:28:695 (7) - lo primero, es que creo que debería ir un NC ahí
17:04 ErunamoJAZZ: y, creo que separandolo en dos sliders, sale mejor. pille
17:05 ErunamoJAZZ:
17:06 ErunamoJAZZ: aunque queda un salto de 1.9x después, se siente genial
17:06 ErunamoJAZZ: y no es exagerado
17:07 pife1: eso te iva a decir a un gran salto de olimpiada
17:07 ErunamoJAZZ: saltos los que se pega la muchacha esa que estuvo en las olimpiadas
17:07 ErunamoJAZZ: dizque 15m xD
17:07 pife1: a mi tambien me gusta
17:08 pife1: le agrega algo mas interesante al mapa
17:08 pife1: ojala no pongan traba por eso
17:09 ErunamoJAZZ: muestre
17:09 pife1: muestro?
17:10 ErunamoJAZZ: si. ya sabes, con Shif+F12 sube pantallasos
17:10 ErunamoJAZZ: sabés*
17:13 pife1: no le agregue el NC porque el ya estaba terminando esa seccion de la cancion
17:13 pife1:
17:15 ErunamoJAZZ: pero, sí si separó el slider en dos?
17:15 ErunamoJAZZ: de forma que un slider quede en 00:28:695 -
17:15 ErunamoJAZZ: y el otro en 00:29:618 - ?
17:19 pife1: no le veo necesidad de separar
17:20 ErunamoJAZZ: yo si le veo la necesidad por dos razones:
17:20 pife1: erunamo disculpa ya vamos a acabar? aun no he almorzado
17:21 ErunamoJAZZ: cómo así ome
17:21 ErunamoJAZZ: vaya y almuerce!
17:21 ErunamoJAZZ: yo le dejo escrito esto, y lo subo ya mismo
17:22 ErunamoJAZZ: 1) actualmente el slider termina ahí 00:30:233 - , pero debería seguir un beat más.
17:22 ErunamoJAZZ: 2)00:29:618 - aquí comieza otro sonido, así que lo más logico sería que hubiera algo para presionar ahí
17:23 ErunamoJAZZ: y ya, vaya almuerce. Lo demás se lo dejo escrito en un post :)

a ver... en el Hard, hay varias partes que me preocupan.

  1. 00:47:157 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:52:233 (4,5,6,7) - 00:56:618 (6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Estos todos tienen una particularidad. Es que hay un circulo que hace que tengás que empezar los sliders en los tick rojos, y al momento de jugar, eso se siente super incómodo. La solución a eso es hacer que siempre hayan dos circulos juntos (como por ejemplo lo que hizo en 00:50:387 (3,4) - eso queda bien). La cosa es que, cuando uno presiona un slider en un sitio donde no suena nada fuerte (Como en 00:47:849 - ) eso se siente inconsistente.

    Lo maluco es que a lo mejor tenga que mover muchas cosas, pero si lo hace, va a quedar listo esto.
  2. 00:41:387 (5) - 01:27:541 (5) - Aunque quizas no sea muy terrible, es un poco caro que el slider termine ahí como a mitad de camino del sonido que está siguiendo... digamos que lo más natural sería que siguienta hasta el tick blanco que sigue, ya que almenos allí suena un beat.
Hey :3
(no kd)

00:04:233 (4) - should be moved at 00:04:118 -
00:10:695 (6) - should be moved at 00:10:579 -
00:11:618 (1) - should be moved at 00:11:503 -
00:47:156 - The kiai time should start here
00:58:464 (2,3) - blanket ?
01:29:387 (3,4) - ^

Others diffs are fine

(answer with the things you fixed plz)
Call me back after you fixed the check
Topic Starter

Kenterz wrote:

Hey :3
(no kd)

00:04:233 (4) - should be moved at 00:04:118 - OK
00:10:695 (6) - should be moved at 00:10:579 - OK
00:11:618 (1) - should be moved at 00:11:503 - No, because I feel the change a little out of place about the rhythm
00:47:156 - The kiai time should start here The KIAI in the map is here
00:58:464 (2,3) - blanket ? Good
01:29:387 (3,4) - ^ fine

Others diffs are fine

(answer with the things you fixed plz)
Call me back after you fixed the check

Thank you a lot for the map :)
Topic Starter

pife1 wrote:


Kenterz wrote:

Hey :3
(no kd)

00:04:233 (4) - should be moved at 00:04:118 - OK
00:10:695 (6) - should be moved at 00:10:579 -No, because the previous notes are white
00:11:618 (1) - should be moved at 00:11:503 - No, because I feel the change a little out of place about the rhythm
00:47:156 - The kiai time should start here The KIAI in the map is here
00:58:464 (2,3) - blanket ? Good
01:29:387 (3,4) - ^ fine

Others diffs are fine

(answer with the things you fixed plz)
Call me back after you fixed the check

Thank you a lot for the mod :)
I have made many mistakes with answers
Then let's go :3

Topic Starter

Kenterz wrote:

Then let's go :3

Thank you so much, oh god, thank you :)

Few things to point out before... qualification I hope?

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. Depends on your choice, but I think if you have the ability to, always use the highest resolution of background which you are allowed to use. That would prevent 16:9/16:10 users from high upscaling. Maybe you could like this background. But as I said, this should be your choice, yet I don't know why should we support only one group of people.
  2. drum-hitslidertick.wav is unused. Respectively, you probably wanted to use it on places like 01:38:849 - but actually it is not used, because the file is called drum-hitslidertick while it should be just dream-slidertick, otherwise the file just does not work.
  3. Hey hey! 수경농장 is not title of the song. Real title is just Always be myself. 수경농장 was Solar Farm in LaTale if I remember correctly, which was definitely not a song, it was an area in the game, but it does not have anything to do with song name. You can actually check it there for example. 곡명 equals song and 배경음악이 나오는 지역 equals to place where the song played.
  4. It would be nice if you included original name of the game. Because it is South Korean game, 라테일 in source or tags would not hurt, in case you put it to source, put LaTale to tags.
  5. Developer would also deserve to be in tags, so add ActozSoft and 액토즈소프트 there, it is not their only game so this might be searched actually.


  1. 00:22:695 (1) - Ending a slider on downbeat is not a mistake, but if it is clearly recognizable that there just starts a different music pattern, then it is mostly more appropriate to make it clickable. I would simply recommend just moving the circle on start and delaying the sliders like this.
  2. 01:01:926 - You choice at all, just a little suggestion, but as this place is not very expected for a pause, you could move the pause end by dragging it on timeline so it makes a little more sense with the song.
  3. 01:09:310 (3) - Is missing a NC to be consistent with the style you used NCs before. You either added it on a downbeat or object before downbeat every 2nd downbeat, but actually this combo is 3 measures long.
  4. 01:20:387 - Since you forgot new combo here, you delayed all new combos after it, thus till 01:29:618 - it sounds completely of the melody. To be more accurate, new melody starts on 01:20:387 - and ends around 01:22:233 - so there should not be new combo, however another melody starts around 01:24:079 - and there is no new combo. Check this part till kiai completely.


  1. 00:28:695 (5) - It is quite dependent on the mapper, but in my opinion, if you used CTRL+G on this slider, it would make a better flow to this and after this slider, currently you just have to change movement angle quite a lot in both cases, which doesn't play that well, but do what you want here.
  2. 00:19:233 - Actually the clap doesn't fit there because it is not in the song, there is a kick in real. It's the same as 00:22:926 - or 00:26:618 - where you didn't put a clap.


  1. 00:19:233 - Same as the normal difficulty.
  2. 00:27:195 (3,4) - (Everything below is on Hard) The rhythm is quite difficult and in addition, you use an anti-jump here. You can use jump on 00:28:695 (7) - but manipulating with spacing before it is not really correct, because the music doesn't really call for it. Also replacing 00:27:195 (3) - with slider is in my opinion better to play because 1/2 slider in 3/4 part is quite jamming because it requires longer pause, but it feels well if you actually hold the sliders all the time instead of waiting in this part.
  3. 00:27:195 (3) - Making few pauses like this in a map is not bad idea, it actually is cool to regain energy or emphasize next sound, but in this case you are avoiding downbeat, so it feels really empty. What about moving this pattern on 00:36:079 - and leaving gap on 00:37:003 - because it is not so significant sound?
  4. 00:39:772 - There is the same rhythmical issue as above, putting a circle would make it less empty, you can put the gap anywhere else, but not if there is such an important sound.
  5. 00:55:464 - I don't think the finish was supposed to be there since you didn't put it on 00:48:079 - either. Also you can notice it is quite mess when there are 2 finishes in a row.
  6. 01:16:695 - 01:53:618 - Please, recheck new combos in this area, you actually put few more new combos then you did before, that broke consistency and some new combos don't fit the new sound in a music, but fit end or progress of current sound, which is insensible.

The map is quite good, but there are some inconsistencies and weird rhythms which should be fixed.
Call me back when you are done. If you have any problem or need more explanation, catch me in-game, I'll be glad to help you out.
Topic Starter

Wafu wrote:

Few things to point out before... qualification I hope?

Red - Unrankable
Blue - Highly recommended
Black - Suggestion

  1. Depends on your choice, but I think if you have the ability to, always use the highest resolution of background which you are allowed to use. That would prevent 16:9/16:10 users from high upscaling. Maybe you could like this background. But as I said, this should be your choice, yet I don't know why should we support only one group of people.I like this background,it suited very well with the map
  2. drum-hitslidertick.wav is unused. Respectively, you probably wanted to use it on places like 01:38:849 - but actually it is not used, because the file is called drum-hitslidertick while it should be just dream-slidertick, otherwise the file just does not work. OK
  3. Hey hey! 수경농장 is not title of the song. Real title is just Always be myself. 수경농장 was Solar Farm in LaTale if I remember correctly, which was definitely not a song, it was an area in the game, but it does not have anything to do with song name. You can actually check it there for example. 곡명 equals song and 배경음악이 나오는 지역 equals to place where the song played. OK
  4. It would be nice if you included original name of the game. Because it is South Korean game, 라테일 in source or tags would not hurt, in case you put it to source, put LaTale to tags.OK
  5. Developer would also deserve to be in tags, so add ActozSoft and 액토즈소프트 there, it is not their only game so this might be searched actually.


  1. 00:22:695 (1) - Ending a slider on downbeat is not a mistake, but if it is clearly recognizable that there just starts a different music pattern, then it is mostly more appropriate to make it clickable. I would simply recommend just moving the circle on start and delaying the sliders like this.OK
  2. 01:01:926 - You choice at all, just a little suggestion, but as this place is not very expected for a pause, you could move the pause end by dragging it on timeline so it makes a little more sense with the song.OK
  3. 01:09:310 (3) - Is missing a NC to be consistent with the style you used NCs before. You either added it on a downbeat or object before downbeat every 2nd downbeat, but actually this combo is 3 measures long.Sorry, But I don't like it
  4. 01:20:387 - Since you forgot new combo here, you delayed all new combos after it, thus till 01:29:618 - it sounds completely of the melody. To be more accurate, new melody starts on 01:20:387 - and ends around 01:22:233 - so there should not be new combo, however another melody starts around 01:24:079 - and there is no new combo. Check this part till kiai completely.


  1. 00:28:695 (5) - It is quite dependent on the mapper, but in my opinion, if you used CTRL+G on this slider, it would make a better flow to this and after this slider, currently you just have to change movement angle quite a lot in both cases, which doesn't play that well, but do what you want here.Ok, I like it
  2. 00:19:233 - Actually the clap doesn't fit there because it is not in the song, there is a kick in real. It's the same as 00:22:926 - or 00:26:618 - where you didn't put a clap.
I turned down the volume to suited with the map


  1. 00:19:233 - Same as the normal difficulty.
  2. 00:27:195 (3,4) - (Everything below is on Hard) The rhythm is quite difficult and in addition, you use an anti-jump here. You can use jump on 00:28:695 (7) - but manipulating with spacing before it is not really correct, because the music doesn't really call for it. Also replacing 00:27:195 (3) - with slider is in my opinion better to play because 1/2 slider in 3/4 part is quite jamming because it requires longer pause, but it feels well if you actually hold the sliders all the time instead of waiting in this part. I agree about the jumps and spacing, but the (3), I can't because I am emphasizing the whistle
  3. 00:27:195 (3) - Making few pauses like this in a map is not bad idea, it actually is cool to regain energy or emphasize next sound, but in this case you are avoiding downbeat, so it feels really empty. What about moving this pattern on 00:36:079 - and leaving gap on 00:37:003 - because it is not so significant sound? I am sorry, but I am emphasizing the wihistle of song.
  4. 00:39:772 - There is the same rhythmical issue as above, putting a circle would make it less empty, you can put the gap anywhere else, but not if there is such an important soundI am emphasizing the wihistle, sorry if I am repeating.
  5. 00:55:464 - I don't think the finish was supposed to be there since you didn't put it on 00:48:079 - either. Also you can notice it is quite mess when there are 2 finishes in a row previously I did many tests and concluded that finish emphasize more in those notes.
  6. 01:16:695 - 01:53:618 - Please, recheck new combos in this area, you actually put few more new combos then you did before, that broke consistency and some new combos don't fit the new sound in a music, but fit end or progress of current sound, which is insensibleOK.

The map is quite good, but there are some inconsistencies and weird rhythms which should be fixed.
Call me back when you are done. If you have any problem or need more explanation, catch me in-game, I'll be glad to help you out.
Thank you a lot for the mod, mainly with the drum, thank you :)
Okay, we fixed some distance snap issue on normal and spread issue (not really spread, but huge settings difference). Stuff that was not fixed was explained and was mostly minor, so I guess the heart is yours! (tomorrow, because I cannot rank today)
Well congratulations in advance pife1 (:
Topic Starter

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Well congratulations in advance pife1 (:
Thank you byby :)
Porque aun sigue en Pendings o.O, whatever Felicitaciones pife, me alegra muchisimo! :D
Topic Starter

XinCrin wrote:

Porque aun sigue en Pendings o.O, whatever Felicitaciones pife, me alegra muchisimo! :D
Muchas gracias :)
graaatz~ pife1 o/
Topic Starter

CSLM wrote:

graaatz~ pife1 o/
honestamente nose que estas diciendo exactamente :)
Such an old map
I remember it from an old testplay O.o
Good job!
Never giving up eventually pays off :3
Topic Starter

baraatje123 wrote:

Such an old map
I remember it from an old testplay O.o
Good job!
Never giving up eventually pays off :3

Than you, appreciation these suggestions
Nomination Assessment Team

Disqualification Notice


Unfortunately, the Quality Assurance Team has decided to disqualify this beatmap. The following is a list of reasons and examples for the disqualification. We do not outline every issue in detail, so make sure to take the idea behind each reason and apply it to the entire beatmap as issues might be found in more than the spots mentioned below. If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.


General Technical Errors

  • 00:01:003 - Duplicate green line. You have to remove either one.

If you happen to have concerns about this disqualification, you can contest the decision with this form. Before using this form, please read the instructions carefully.

The Beatmap Nominators may handle this mapset after the issues have been addressed.

Good luck!

Topic Starter

General Technical Errors

  • 00:01:003 - Duplicate green line. You have to remove either one. OK

fix it,well, we learn from mistakes
Issue was fixed, seems okay.
Finalmente :)
Topic Starter

Cloudchaser wrote:

Finalmente :)
Eso quisiera pero no estare contento hasta que pase por todos los trasmite de los Quality y finalmente sea rankeado sin ninguna condicion
EDIT: We fix hitsounds, colors and kiais

look good now

I will re-qualify this, can't now because is aldready max, well wait little
YAY! Primer mapa rankeado. \(o.o)/


Y Rebubleado. \(o.o)/

Y vamos por el re-rank
Topic Starter

HappyRocket88 wrote:

YAY! Primer mapa rankeado. \(o.o)/


Y Rebubleado. \(o.o)/

Y vamos por el re-rank

LoL no me tires asi, aun no puedo cantar victoria hasta que este totalmente rankeado
Ya iba siendo hora, felicidades! :)
Topic Starter

Kogure wrote:

Ya iba siendo hora, felicidades! :)
Yay, felicidades :D
regratz~ pife-chan o/
(por cierto, "gratz" es uns abreviacion de "congratz", que significa felicitaciones ;) )
Topic Starter

CSLM wrote:

regratz~ pife-chan o/
(por cierto, "gratz" es uns abreviacion de "congratz", que significa felicitaciones ;) )
Y yo pensando era italiano :) , muchas gracias por las felicitaciones
congratulations <3 o(≧v≦)o~~
Topic Starter

schwarzvgrune wrote:

congratulations <3 o(≧v≦)o~~
Thank you
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