
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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I'm here to publicly denounce Trash for thinking that just having an avatar from the same source is a collab and announce that I have nothing to do with him.
who the hell are you
Another OT user who hasn't played the game in ages yet is still here.
lern2take a joke nub

Yoeri wrote:

IppE wrote:

no sleep, just agony
I hope you have a good controller and an insanely powerful PC
PS3 controller suffices.

It runs okay-ish (30fps usually, randomly dips to 24fps because :reasons:) at 1920x1080 with dsfix so ech.

And now after the first 3 hours and a few dozen deaths, I quite like it.
If you really do get into the game and get an interest for the actual story I'd recommend you watch some lore videos in youtube. It may not seem like it but the developers really do put a lot of effort into the lore through the use of vague hints such as item descriptions, enemy/item placements, the environment etc.
You'd be surprised. They don't spoon feed you the story, they instead choose to make you search for it which is something I like from souls games.
I'm fairly familiar with how the lore and shit is in bloodborne so one would assume the game that really got trough in the west would be no different in that regard.

Though for the starters I did spend more time trying to learn the mechanics than reading item descriptions.
The combat is a lot slower than Bloodborne but I consider it to be harder. Bloodborne is the easiest out of all the souls games. There are a couple things that I have to criticize about Dark Souls though. Some parts feel like they were rushed during development, most notably the area before the Bed of Chaos boss fight; some of the textures are shoddy and some parts don't even have textures at all. Also you might get extreme fps loss in an infamous area known as Blighttown. That coupled with the poisonous enemies makes that area cancer.
Trash Boat

Shellghost wrote:

I'm here to publicly denounce Trash for thinking that just having an avatar from the same source is a collab and announce that I have nothing to do with him.

EneT wrote:

The combat is a lot slower than Bloodborne but I consider it to be harder. Bloodborne is the easiest out of all the souls games.
I never actually played bloodborne, just watched it being played (I watch grep to pass time, sue me).
good thing brian hasnt posted a saber yet, now i got to wish someone a happy birthday at their midnight

EneT wrote:

The combat is a lot slower than Bloodborne but I consider it to be harder. Bloodborne is the easiest out of all the souls games. There are a couple things that I have to criticize about Dark Souls though. Some parts feel like they were rushed during development, most notably the area before the Bed of Chaos boss fight; some of the textures are shoddy and some parts don't even have textures at all. Also you might get extreme fps loss in an infamous area known as Blighttown. That coupled with the poisonous enemies makes that area cancer.
Fuck blighttown in the ass. Worst place ever. Especially that fucking one-way broken ass tree root thing you have to jump to when you're ten billion feet high that pretty much leaves you no choice but to die because who the hell would guess that you actually can't make the jump back.

Only thing worse than that were the archers in Anor fucking Londo

On that note, do we have a teamspeak or something to that effect?
Why the fuck is everyone complaining about those archers. They're the cutest things ever. IMO I had a harder fucking time adjusting to the shitty-ass piss PC controls at the start of the game, than actually avoiding those projectiles.
They're easy to kill when you're not on some skinny gothic-styled arches that would otherwise stop you from falling to your doom.
It's actually interesting to see that you've played the game. I thought you weren't all that much into games.
I love games but college doesn't let me lose myself in games like I used to.
It's simple shoco - just drop the social life completely and devote your life to doing things in 5 rooms, one of which is playing games for hours.

Wait, don't do it, lest you want to end up like me.
I like my social life
Social life is for weaklings.

You know you need those stats, mate.
Current year posting
brian it's 10am and i haven't slept
Same but 04:24

Khelly wrote:

Current year posting

Brian OA wrote:

Fuck blighttown in the ass. Worst place ever. Especially that fucking one-way broken ass tree root thing you have to jump to when you're ten billion feet high that pretty much leaves you no choice but to die because who the hell would guess that you actually can't make the jump back.

Only thing worse than that were the archers in Anor fucking Londo
tbh I never really had trouble with the archers in Anor Londo. If you just ran up to them naked with no armor then their arrows would just miss. Both Blighttown and those archers are two things that made Dark Souls good. What I really hated though was the Bed of Chaos fight, because it's not even a fight in the first place, not to mention that last jump you had to do. Then if you die you have to make a 5 min trek back.
Honestly all the Lord Soul bosses were assholes

Actually, most of the game was full of assholes. Past all of the atmosphere and lore of the game, I think the most satisfying part was just beating it because it felt like beating the shit out of the high school bully or something.
Oh boy, and I just found Andre.

Brian OA wrote:

Stop giving lolis LSD and shit.

Brian OA wrote:

Honestly all the Lord Soul bosses were assholes

Actually, most of the game was full of assholes. Past all of the atmosphere and lore of the game, I think the most satisfying part was just beating it because it felt like beating the shit out of the high school bully or something.
Really? Gwyn was a really disappointing last boss fight though, you could just parry him to death. The last boss in the DLC though, that's a real last boss. Especially knowing that Manus is the Progenitor of all humans and the founder of the Dark Souls.

EneT wrote:

Brian OA wrote:

Honestly all the Lord Soul bosses were assholes

Actually, most of the game was full of assholes. Past all of the atmosphere and lore of the game, I think the most satisfying part was just beating it because it felt like beating the shit out of the high school bully or something.
Really? Gwyn was a really disappointing last boss fight though, you could just parry him to death. The last boss in the DLC though, that's a real last boss. Especially knowing that Manus is the Progenitor of all humans and the founder of the Dark Souls.
I never played through the DLC, actually. I read up on it and thought it was pretty interesting, though. I always felt like that fight with the dog thing with Artorias's sword was alluding to something huge.
Oh you really should, the DLC is great and gives you the 3 best boss fights in the game: Artorias, Khalameet and Manus. The lore in it is also very important, all the events that happen in Dark Souls 2 occur due to the events that happen in the Dark Souls 1 DLC.
Cool, I just gotta fly back to...

Okay, I'll just put that on a to-do list

Brian OA wrote:

for a moment I thought she's on her period
bun you silly goose
You're still alive mom?
yes and you're adopted
That's fine, I don't like being acquainted with Jews.
that's not what your real mom said
My real mom's a christian though.
and how does that stop her from loving them shekels? (;
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