
UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress scream off ver [OsuMania]

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it's either INDEX/SHD is underrated or mine is overrated

star rating is kinda weird anyways, it should be ok

( mine is probably easier than the index when played on spread )

PS : I can easily nerf it ( in terms of star rating ) if you wanna
Topic Starter

Zenx wrote:

it's either INDEX/SHD is underrated or mine is overrated

star rating is kinda weird anyways, it should be ok

( mine is probably easier than the index when played on spread )

PS : I can easily nerf it ( in terms of star rating ) if you wanna
Big thanks for that SC, now I have a full mapset :)
Star rating is okay IMO, just the Index diff is sooooo underrated.
Now searching for mods.
2015-06-07 19:55 TheZiemniax: im sorry for constantly mocking you but how it's going with the mod? :P
2015-06-07 19:55 puxtu: heyyyy
2015-06-07 19:55 puxtu: np me the map
2015-06-07 19:55 puxtu: right now
2015-06-07 19:56 TheZiemniax: ACTION is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress [TWO DIMENSIONS]]
2015-06-07 19:56 TheZiemniax: well MX
2015-06-07 19:56 puxtu: dling
2015-06-07 19:57 puxtu: ACTION is editing [ UNDEAD CORPORATION - The Empress [MX]]
2015-06-07 19:57 puxtu: cute song
2015-06-07 19:57 TheZiemniax: Okay :P I guess MX needs a lot of mods
2015-06-07 19:57 TheZiemniax: I'll rework the hitsounds
2015-06-07 19:57 puxtu: let's do it here
2015-06-07 19:58 puxtu: first of all
2015-06-07 19:58 puxtu: remove "undead corporation the empress" from tags
2015-06-07 19:58 puxtu: and add GDer's name
2015-06-07 19:58 puxtu: like jepetski
2015-06-07 19:58 puxtu: and etc
2015-06-07 19:59 TheZiemniax: Oh, that's a good point
2015-06-07 20:00 puxtu: 00:06:758 (6758|3) - why
2015-06-07 20:00 puxtu: why not a single note like this 00:04:981 (4981|1) -
2015-06-07 20:00 puxtu: explain
2015-06-07 20:02 puxtu: are you there
2015-06-07 20:02 TheZiemniax: I thought the sound is a little bit more noticeable
2015-06-07 20:02 TheZiemniax: I'll change that to single then
2015-06-07 20:02 puxtu: nice
2015-06-07 20:04 puxtu: 00:07:425 (7425|0) - explain this
2015-06-07 20:04 puxtu: right bar is HD diff
2015-06-07 20:05 TheZiemniax: you mean the LN?
2015-06-07 20:05 puxtu: nope
2015-06-07 20:05 puxtu: 00:07:425 -
2015-06-07 20:05 puxtu: only one note
2015-06-07 20:05 puxtu: meanwhile in HD diff
2015-06-07 20:05 puxtu: double notes
2015-06-07 20:06 TheZiemniax: oh I see
2015-06-07 20:06 puxtu: 1 ln and 1 single note
2015-06-07 20:06 TheZiemniax: I didn't notice that
2015-06-07 20:06 TheZiemniax: will add 2
2015-06-07 20:06 puxtu: nice
2015-06-07 20:06 puxtu: the pattern is beautiful
2015-06-07 20:06 TheZiemniax: Thanks :P
2015-06-07 20:07 puxtu: 00:17:203 - you did it again
2015-06-07 20:09 puxtu: 00:46:092 - another one
2015-06-07 20:09 TheZiemniax: God damnit, thats bad
2015-06-07 20:09 puxtu: and this ln 00:46:092 (46092|3) -
2015-06-07 20:09 puxtu: too damn long lmao
2015-06-07 20:10 TheZiemniax: in 17:203 added 2 more notes so it's 4-chord
2015-06-07 20:10 puxtu: okay
2015-06-07 20:11 puxtu: 01:00:758 - lmao
2015-06-07 20:11 TheZiemniax: Hmm I guess those lacks of notes are because I thought that after the stairs doing a chord ramps the difficulty
2015-06-07 20:11 TheZiemniax: but it's reasonable I see
2015-06-07 20:12 puxtu: yeah
2015-06-07 20:13 TheZiemniax: at 46:092 made the LN 1/2 of the size, and repatterned a bit
2015-06-07 20:14 puxtu: nice
2015-06-07 20:14 puxtu: 01:16:314 - this one too
2015-06-07 20:14 TheZiemniax: hah I feel stupid
2015-06-07 20:14 TheZiemniax: I guess those all are the same thing?
2015-06-07 20:14 puxtu: yea lol
2015-06-07 20:15 TheZiemniax: 1:00 added 1
2015-06-07 20:15 puxtu: 01:30:092 - :D
2015-06-07 20:15 TheZiemniax: 1:16 added 3
2015-06-07 20:16 TheZiemniax: 1:30 added 2
2015-06-07 20:17 puxtu: so yeah technically mx notes density must be higher than hd
2015-06-07 20:18 TheZiemniax: I know, I didn't think about it when mapping those bursts :P
2015-06-07 20:18 TheZiemniax: What about jack patterns, they bother me the most
2015-06-07 20:18 puxtu: don't worry, they're fine
2015-06-07 20:18 puxtu: and one more little thing
2015-06-07 20:19 puxtu: the OD
2015-06-07 20:19 puxtu: isn't it too low?
2015-06-07 20:20 TheZiemniax: you suggest 8?
2015-06-07 20:20 puxtu: yea for a 3.8 stars diff like this XD
2015-06-07 20:20 TheZiemniax: Hmm, all the diffs above have OD 8, and I made it 7 to be 1. easier 2. jack patterns can be tricky to acc on
2015-06-07 20:21 TheZiemniax: I might do 7.5, that's reasonable I think
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: idk but I think it's too low
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: my EZ on nonsense has 7 for OD
2015-06-07 20:21 TheZiemniax: Oou, damnit xD
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: ACTION is listening to [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense]
2015-06-07 20:21 TheZiemniax: oh I forgot to mod your HD
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: XD
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: lol
2015-06-07 20:21 TheZiemniax: I'll do it tomorrow
2015-06-07 20:21 puxtu: okay
2015-06-07 20:22 TheZiemniax: Setting OD to 7,8 for no reason
2015-06-07 20:22 puxtu: ok

My Column :

• 00:15:703 (15703|3,15758|0,15814|3) - ghost note, delete
• 00:16:147 (16147|1) - ^
• 00:16:592 (16592|1) - ^
• 00:30:758 - ~ 00:31:203 -

• 00:44:814 (44814|2,45147|1,45203|2) - ghost note, delete
• 01:23:425 - ~ 01:23:869 - 1/4 drum sound

• 01:44:092 (104092|1,104092|2) - delete, not loud sound

• 00:15:703 (15703|2,15758|1,15814|2) - ghost note, delete
• 00:16:147 (16147|1) - ^
• 00:16:592 (16592|1) - ^
• 00:44:814 (44814|2,45147|0,45203|3) - ^
• 00:53:536 (53536|3,53536|2) - ^

Topic Starter

LNP- wrote:


My Column :

• 00:15:703 (15703|3,15758|0,15814|3) - ghost note, delete I was sure there's a sound to be honest. But well... changed to [12] [34] and deleted the notes
• 00:16:147 (16147|1) - ^ changed to 1 323
• 00:16:592 (16592|1) - ^ deleted 2
• 00:30:758 - ~ 00:31:203 -
good suggestion, applied

• 00:44:814 (44814|2,45147|1,45203|2) - ghost note, delete it plays weird without those, plus there's a sound. No change
• 01:23:425 - ~ 01:23:869 - 1/4 drum sound

• 01:44:092 (104092|1,104092|2) - delete, not loud sound applied

• 00:15:703 (15703|2,15758|1,15814|2) - ghost note, delete repatterned it a bit, although now those patterns are a bit weird.
• 00:16:147 (16147|1) - ^
• 00:16:592 (16592|1) - ^
• 00:44:814 (44814|2,45147|0,45203|3) - ^ I wasn't so sure but applied, had to repattern a bit though
• 00:53:536 (53536|3,53536|2) - ^ applied

Thanks for the mod! :3
Oh look, metal 2hu
Will do this tomorrow
Topic Starter
I will apply all the mods on Friday 19th because I'm in Romania until that day.
Also finished hitsounding, so you might check it as well and point out mistakes :)
aaaaa meta check

Artist is correct since we use doujin circle names unless artist is very well known
From what I've listened and deeply researched album, comicket entry and all other things this is not the original version, but this is the secondary screamless version titled "The Empress scream off ver". Check sources #4 and #5 for confirmation.
Source: 東方Project - since this is a doujin work based off 2hu theme
Tags to add:
暴君 - Album name
C84 Comicket 84 - event that whole album was submitted for
パインツリー - Arrangement
さわけん - Lyrics and vocals
Admiral Wisteria Promontory - vocals
U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? Owen was her? - Original 2hu track that this was based on
Scarlet - You have Flandre in tags but not Scarlet ? _ ?
東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Touhou Koumakyou Eastern Lair - Game which original is from and it's translations

meta sources for BNs/QATs:

phew, this should be enough. Also with this I have clarified metadata in 100% and if someone comes to qestion that you should firmly yet politely tell them to fuck off.
Good luck!
m4m (Lifetheory - Daisy)


  1. Czemu takie niskie OD? OD7 jest przeznaczone dla ez albo dla map z OGROMNĄ ilością LN. Powiększ do minimum 8 (zalecam 8,5)
  2. 00:00:536 (536|2,758|2,981|1,1203|1,1425|0,1647|0,1870|3,2092|1,2314|0,2536|0,2758|3) - całość ctrl + h, dla pitchu
  3. 00:05:203 (5203|0) - przenieś na 2, pitch
  4. 00:10:981 - dodaj notkę na 1, crash
  5. 00:11:869 - dodaj notkę na 3 (brak consistency z resztą)
  6. 00:14:536 - dodaj 2, crash
  7. 00:14:981 - dodaj 3, crash
  8. 00:15:425 - dodaj 1, crash
  9. 00:15:647 (15647|1,15647|0,15869|2,15869|3,16092|0,16203|2,16258|1,16314|2,16314|0) - jeśli zaaplikujesz wcześniejsze, ctrl H
  10. 00:21:203 (21203|2,21369|3) - nie za dużo chaosu tym dziwnym rytmem? przedłuż tego LNa o 1/4, a 4 usuń
  11. 00:30:981 (30981|0,30981|1,31203|3,31203|2,31425|0,31425|2,31425|3,31425|1) - trochę brak consistency w chordach, odpowiednio powinno być, 2chord -> single -> 3chord
  12. 00:34:092 (34092|0,34092|2,34092|3) - czemu 3chord? wywal 1 lub 4
  13. 00:35:869 - za to tutaj powinieneś notkę dodać bo crash
  14. 00:42:981 - ^
  15. 00:46:536 - dodaj 4
  16. 00:47:092 (47092|0) - move to 3, hand balance
  17. 00:47:314 (47314|2) - move to 2, hand balance
  18. 00:50:092 - dodaj 3
  19. 01:00:758 - w całym tym parcie sugeruje dodać 2chordy na crashe, żeby jakoś zaakcentować tę zmianę w muzyce, czyli 01:01:203 - 01:01:647 - itd
  20. 01:13:647 - dodaj 4
  21. 01:14:536 - dodaj 1
  22. 01:21:758 (81758|3) - move to 2, hand balance
  23. 01:43:869 - podobnie jak w 00:30:981
  24. 01:45:203 - dodaj 2
  25. 01:46:981 - usuń 3, brak powodu na 3chorda
  26. 01:48:758 - dodaj 2, crash
  27. 01:59:425 - w całym końcowym spokojnym parcie, źle poustawiałeś LN endy, jeśli mapujesz wokal (a na pewno to robiłeś), to one na pewno nie trwają aż tak długo i to słychać, musisz je skrócić.

  1. To samo co w mx, OD8 i HP też powiększ
  2. 00:00:092 - zrób te wszystkie pierwsze nutki tak samo jak zasugerowałem w mx, pitch jest zawsze taki sam
  3. 00:04:758 - spokojnie możesz dodać na 3, ten sam dźwięk co wcześniej
  4. 00:06:536 - dodaj na 2
  5. 00:29:203 (29203|0,29203|1) - usuń 2, nie wiem po co ten chord, skoro wyraźnie widać że wcześniej były pod crashe
  6. 00:30:092 (30092|1,30092|0) - usuń 1, tak samo jak wcześniej
  7. 00:30:981 -
  8. 00:56:758 (56758|2) - ten hold się kończy 1/2 wcześniej, a ten krótki następny radzę zamienić w single notkę
  9. 01:14:981 - dodaj 1, crash
  10. 01:43:869 - podobnie jak w 00:30:981
  11. 01:59:425 - to samo co w mx

  1. ODHP5? panie minimum po 7 ma być, to nie std
  2. 00:00:092 - patrz inne diffy
  3. 00:04:758 - dodaj 2
  4. 00:06:536 - dodaj 3
  5. 00:06:758 (6758|2) - usuń, wcześniej nie podstawiałeś pod ten dźwięk
  6. 00:15:647 (15647|1) - przesuń na 4, balance
  7. 00:28:314 (28314|2) - nie słyszę tu żadnego LNa (zaaplikuj też na hd i mx, przeoczyłem)
  8. 00:31:869 (31869|2,31869|0) - usuń oba i dodaj na 2
  9. 00:32:314 (32314|1) - przesuń na 1 jak zaaplikujesz wyżej
  10. 00:53:647 - dodaj 3
  11. 00:54:092 (54092|1,54092|0,54536|2,54536|1,54981|1,54981|0,55647|3,55647|2,56092|0,56092|2,56536|0,56536|3) - nie rozumiem tych chordów
  12. 01:52:314 (112314|2,112314|1,112314|3,112314|0) - nie przesadzasz jak na nm? trzymaj się 2chordów
  13. 01:59:425 - dodaj 1, i to samo co z w hd i mx

Jepetski's EZ
  1. ODHP7?
  2. for me its overall too easy, the difference between nm and ez is really big, u have to really consider to make it a little harder (to around 1,4* SR)
  3. 00:07:425 - add 1?
  4. 01:14:092 (74092|1,74092|0) - remove 1 or 2
Mod will appear here. Not doing it now because i don't like conflicting mods
Topic Starter

Tidek wrote:

m4m (Lifetheory - Daisy)


  1. Czemu takie niskie OD? OD7 jest przeznaczone dla ez albo dla map z OGROMNĄ ilością LN. Powiększ do minimum 8 (zalecam 8,5) ok, dodatkowo HP -> 8
  2. 00:00:536 (536|2,758|2,981|1,1203|1,1425|0,1647|0,1870|3,2092|1,2314|0,2536|0,2758|3) - całość ctrl + h, dla pitchu applied
  3. 00:05:203 (5203|0) - przenieś na 2, pitch tbh nie pasuje mi zbytnio ta zmiana, dźwięk się różni, ale applnę bo ci ufam :P
  4. 00:10:981 - dodaj notkę na 1, crash
  5. 00:11:869 - dodaj notkę na 3 (brak consistency z resztą)
  6. 00:14:536 - dodaj 2, crash
  7. 00:14:981 - dodaj 3, crash
  8. 00:15:425 - dodaj 1, crash applied wszystkie powyższe, tbh część to przeoczenia, applnąłem podobne zmiany na HD
  9. 00:15:647 (15647|1,15647|0,15869|2,15869|3,16092|0,16203|2,16258|1,16314|2,16314|0) - jeśli zaaplikujesz wcześniejsze, ctrl H done
  10. 00:21:203 (21203|2,21369|3) - nie za dużo chaosu tym dziwnym rytmem? przedłuż tego LNa o 1/4, a 4 usuń dobrze że to wypunktowałeś, nie wiem czemu zrobiłem takie coś (w zamyśle miało być to co proponujesz)
  11. 00:30:981 (30981|0,30981|1,31203|3,31203|2,31425|0,31425|2,31425|3,31425|1) - trochę brak consistency w chordach, odpowiednio powinno być, 2chord -> single -> 3chord deleted odpowiednio 4 i 3
  12. 00:34:092 (34092|0,34092|2,34092|3) - czemu 3chord? wywal 1 lub 4 deleted 1
  13. 00:35:869 - za to tutaj powinieneś notkę dodać bo crash
  14. 00:42:981 - ^ a nie będzie nieco za dużo doubletapów? applied bo poza tym ma sens
  15. 00:46:536 - dodaj 4 pewnie że tak, applied
  16. 00:47:092 (47092|0) - move to 3, hand balance
  17. 00:47:314 (47314|2) - move to 2, hand balance zrobił się tripletap ale o dziwo pasuje xD
  18. 00:50:092 - dodaj 3 applied
  19. 01:00:758 - w całym tym parcie sugeruje dodać 2chordy na crashe, żeby jakoś zaakcentować tę zmianę w muzyce, czyli 01:01:203 - 01:01:647 - itd applied, + repatterned żeby nie było jacków
  20. 01:13:647 - dodaj 4 applied
  21. 01:14:536 - dodaj 1 applied
  22. 01:21:758 (81758|3) - move to 2, hand balance applied
  23. 01:43:869 - podobnie jak w 00:30:981 repattern into [34] 2 [123]
  24. 01:45:203 - dodaj 2
  25. 01:46:981 - usuń 3, brak powodu na 3chorda
  26. 01:48:758 - dodaj 2, crash all applied. dodatkowo tutaj przesunąłem kolejną nutkę na 3 żeby zrobić jacka na drugą rękę
  27. 01:59:425 - w całym końcowym spokojnym parcie, źle poustawiałeś LN endy, jeśli mapujesz wokal (a na pewno to robiłeś), to one na pewno nie trwają aż tak długo i to słychać, musisz je skrócić. skrócone o połowę

  1. To samo co w mx, OD8 i HP też powiększ done
  2. 00:00:092 - zrób te wszystkie pierwsze nutki tak samo jak zasugerowałem w mx, pitch jest zawsze taki sam copy-paste z MX
  3. 00:04:758 - spokojnie możesz dodać na 3, ten sam dźwięk co wcześniej
  4. 00:06:536 - dodaj na 2
  5. 00:29:203 (29203|0,29203|1) - usuń 2, nie wiem po co ten chord, skoro wyraźnie widać że wcześniej były pod crashe
  6. 00:30:092 (30092|1,30092|0) - usuń 1, tak samo jak wcześniej all applied
  7. 00:30:981 - applied
  8. 00:56:758 (56758|2) - ten hold się kończy 1/2 wcześniej, a ten krótki następny radzę zamienić w single notkę skróciłem holda do 1/2 (nie o 1/2), usunąłem całkowicie krótkiego LN a przy długim dodałem crasha
  9. 01:14:981 - dodaj 1, crash done
  10. 01:43:869 - podobnie jak w 00:30:981 done
  11. 01:59:425 - to samo co w mx

  1. ODHP5? panie minimum po 7 ma być, to nie std
  2. 00:00:092 - patrz inne diffy
  3. 00:04:758 - dodaj 2
  4. 00:06:536 - dodaj 3
  5. 00:06:758 (6758|2) - usuń, wcześniej nie podstawiałeś pod ten dźwięk
  6. 00:15:647 (15647|1) - przesuń na 4, balance
  7. 00:28:314 (28314|2) - nie słyszę tu żadnego LNa (zaaplikuj też na hd i mx, przeoczyłem)
  8. 00:31:869 (31869|2,31869|0) - usuń oba i dodaj na 2
  9. 00:32:314 (32314|1) - przesuń na 1 jak zaaplikujesz wyżej
  10. 00:53:647 - dodaj 3 all applied
  11. 00:54:092 (54092|1,54092|0,54536|2,54536|1,54981|1,54981|0,55647|3,55647|2,56092|0,56092|2,56536|0,56536|3) - nie rozumiem tych chordów remade do single notek. Co do rytmu to sugerowałem się wcześniejszymi modami
  12. 01:52:314 (112314|2,112314|1,112314|3,112314|0) - nie przesadzasz jak na nm? trzymaj się 2chordów ok, faktycznie nieco przesadziłem
  13. 01:59:425 - dodaj 1, i to samo co z w hd i mx

Jepetski's EZ
  1. ODHP7?
  2. for me its overall too easy, the difference between nm and ez is really big, u have to really consider to make it a little harder (to around 1,4* SR)
  3. 00:07:425 - add 1?
  4. 01:14:092 (74092|1,74092|0) - remove 1 or 2
Wielkie dzięki za moda Tidku <3 Zabiorę się za Daisy jutro
Dzięki Kami za metadata checka :P
Waiting for Lenfried-'s mod, also need 2D/SC/SHD mods! :D
Nya Nya Neko
And I thought Aiae was the spawn of Satan....

Nya Nya Neko wrote:

And I thought Aiae was the spawn of Satan....

Mods SHD

i have add a SV at this part 01:16:314 (76314|1,76314|0) -
- 01:16:258 (76258|2,76258|3) - add inherited point here 0.75
- 01:16:536 (76536|3,76536|2) - add inherited point here 1.5
- 01:16:703 (76703|2,76703|1) - add inherited point here 1
just try it for this part


00:04:758 (4758|3,4758|0,4981|3,4981|1,5203|2,5203|1,5425|2,5425|0) - maybe try this ? coz seems
like disordering

00:06:536 (6536|3,6536|0,6758|3,6758|2) - also the same thing

00:52:758 (52758|0) - this LN for me stop here 00:53:314 (53314|1,53314|3) - and better follow if
you add notes like this here ~

02:10:981 (130981|1) - 02:11:425 (131425|0) - don't follow the vocal
02:11:425 (131425|0) delete this LN move 02:11:869 (131869|1,132314|2,132758|3) - here 02:11:869 (131869|0,132314|1,132758|2) -
02:10:981 (130981|1) like this ~


if you want follow my advice for here 00:06:536 (6536|3,6536|0,6758|3,6758|2) move the stream like this

00:07:425 (7425|2,7869|0,7869|1,8092|3,8092|1,8314|1,8314|0) - this part mhmmm a little strange

jepet's stream are very hard to mods, so i think i can't but it's very hard to play (said my friend) try to make more easier

Steins wrote:

Mods SHD

i have add a SV at this part 01:16:314 (76314|1,76314|0) -
- 01:16:258 (76258|2,76258|3) - add inherited point here 0.75 did not add anything because this is something i don't want to add SVs on, nor do they fit in my opinion anyway
- 01:16:536 (76536|3,76536|2) - add inherited point here 1.5 ^
- 01:16:703 (76703|2,76703|1) - add inherited point here 1 ^
just try it for this part


00:04:758 (4758|3,4758|0,4981|3,4981|1,5203|2,5203|1,5425|2,5425|0) - maybe try this ? coz seems
like disordering changed them a bit, close to your suggestion

00:06:536 (6536|3,6536|0,6758|3,6758|2) - also the same thing does not need change

00:52:758 (52758|0) - this LN for me stop here 00:53:314 (53314|1,53314|3) - and better follow if
you add notes like this here ~ no, the LN is correctly snapped, the sound does not end there

02:10:981 (130981|1) - 02:11:425 (131425|0) - don't follow the vocal
02:11:425 (131425|0) delete this LN move 02:11:869 (131869|1,132314|2,132758|3) - here 02:11:869 (131869|0,132314|1,132758|2) -
02:10:981 (130981|1) like this ~ ending LNs are easy to play as they are now, and follow the vocals good enough


if you want follow my advice for here 00:06:536 (6536|3,6536|0,6758|3,6758|2) move the stream like this

00:07:425 (7425|2,7869|0,7869|1,8092|3,8092|1,8314|1,8314|0) - this part mhmmm a little strange will not modify streams, as they are okay as they are right now.

jepet's stream are very hard to mods, so i think i can't but it's very hard to play (said my friend) try to make more easier it's intended to be hard to play hehe, removing handstreams though. thank you for the mod!

Hi Modding from Voltexers modding queue~ (Before Chicken's modding queue)

I ever didn't see 6 stars 4k map.



[1] Wide screen support. Only turn on in "TWO DIMENSIONS" Diff

[2] BG. aspect ratio must be 4/3 or 16/9. You're using 1228x767. Yes right. It's unrankable. Should be change.

[3] Spread. I felt something When I was doing mod in SHD diff. It's too over. unnecessary double notes and suddenly change pattern.

[Jepetski's SHD]

Before you see my mod. Please use custom Sound only one note or two notes. It can't hear well music sound and Some players will surprise when They're playing.

00:12:092 - Why here's only using two notes? Same pitch with 00:11:869 and 00:12:314

00:21:592 (21592|2,21592|3) - Why are you using two notes in 1/4 beat snap suddenly?

00:25:147 - Same reason. I guess. You was following the Drum finish sound right? But That's White line. You should be use one note in blue line and add one note in White line.

00:28:758 ~ 00:30:536 - Why suddenly pattern is change and using less notes? It will make players embarrassed.

00:53:314 and 00:53:425 - Here. Use only one note. That will be good. Because. This part has some different sound. Make a fresh feel to players.

00:56:481 (56481|3,56481|2) - Remove one. More less sound then Red line and White line.

00:57:314 - Missed note? and 00:57:203 ~ 00:57:425 - Why this part empty?

01:41:647 ~ 01:42:536 - Same reason with 00:28:758 ~ 00:30:536

Okay. I can't mod this more. So dizzy. :p

Good luck :)

_FrEsH_ChICkEn_ wrote:

Hi Modding from Voltexers modding queue~ (Before Chicken's modding queue)

I ever didn't see 6 stars 4k map.



[1] Wide screen support. Only turn on in "TWO DIMENSIONS" Diff

[2] BG. aspect ratio must be 4/3 or 16/9. You're using 1228x767. Yes right. It's unrankable. Should be change.

[3] Spread. I felt something When I was doing mod in SHD diff. It's too over. unnecessary double notes and suddenly change pattern.

[Jepetski's SHD]

Before you see my mod. Please use custom Sound only one note or two notes. It can't hear well music sound and Some players will surprise when They're playing.

00:12:092 - Why here's only using two notes? Same pitch with 00:11:869 and 00:12:314 added a triple

00:21:592 (21592|2,21592|3) - Why are you using two notes in 1/4 beat snap suddenly? modified the patterns a bit, will not use triples though, because it would make it awkwardly hard

00:25:147 - Same reason. I guess. You was following the Drum finish sound right? But That's White line. You should be use one note in blue line and add one note in White line. ^

00:28:758 ~ 00:30:536 - Why suddenly pattern is change and using less notes? It will make players embarrassed. to have a tiny break, it'd be ridiculous to have a constant jumpstream

00:53:314 and 00:53:425 - Here. Use only one note. That will be good. Because. This part has some different sound. Make a fresh feel to players. applied

00:56:481 (56481|3,56481|2) - Remove one. More less sound then Red line and White line. applied

00:57:314 - Missed note? and 00:57:203 ~ 00:57:425 - Why this part empty? no sound to map

01:41:647 ~ 01:42:536 - Same reason with 00:28:758 ~ 00:30:536 as i mentioned before, i do not want to kill players

Okay. I can't mod this more. So dizzy. :p thank you for the mod!

Good luck :)
Sorry for the late post

2015-06-19 18:51 Jole: TWO DIMENSIONS
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: uhm
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: that's a special style
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: this is why it's so weird
2015-06-19 18:52 Jole: the streams are fine
2015-06-19 18:52 Jole: but the rest isn't
2015-06-19 18:52 TheZiemniax: Uhm
2015-06-19 18:53 TheZiemniax: I cannot use 3-chords in this diff
2015-06-19 18:53 TheZiemniax: and 2-chords have to be limited
2015-06-19 18:53 Jole:
2015-06-19 18:53 Jole: this is what i don't like
2015-06-19 18:54 Jole: and the intro patterns don't make sense to me
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: the trill
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: actually that can be changed
2015-06-19 18:54 Jole: well
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: and intro section as well
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: you could remove the LN and make the pattern double, single, double, single
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: instead
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: thats a good point
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: would fit with the drums
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: yeah I like that
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: dunno how it will affect star diff though
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: it should be a bit higher
2015-06-19 18:56 TheZiemniax: at least not lower :P
2015-06-19 18:56 Jole: :d
2015-06-19 18:58 Jole: as for here
2015-06-19 18:58 Jole: 00:00:092 (92|1) -
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: I will brb
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: write me things I need to change and Ill look at them soon
2015-06-19 18:59 Jole: ok
2015-06-19 18:59 Jole: maybe do something like this instead
2015-06-19 19:06 Jole: end in the ending you may want to reevaluate the positions of the LNs mapped to vocals. It doesn't seem to follow the pitch correctly
2015-06-19 19:20 TheZiemniax: thats good
2015-06-19 19:22 TheZiemniax: so, doing the beginning like that, and changing LN to double+single
2015-06-19 19:22 TheZiemniax: anything else?
2015-06-19 19:23 Jole: 00:46:536 (46536|0) -
2015-06-19 19:23 Jole: this part
2015-06-19 19:24 Jole: i think that would be better if it had a more jumpstreamy pattern like this
2015-06-19 19:25 TheZiemniax: I was thinking about it
2015-06-19 19:25 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 19:26 Jole: and if you change the pattern to that, make this part identical to it 00:53:647 (53647|0) -
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: to be honest the hammer patterns are better than jumpstream
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: but hmm
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: jumpstream also fits
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: I mean, it's not fast so it's ok
2015-06-19 19:27 Jole: remember, these are suggestions
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: yeah yeah, I know
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: I will need to think a bit about it
2015-06-19 19:28 Jole: also consider changing these jacks 00:50:092 (50092|3) - to 1/2 streams instead
2015-06-19 19:28 Jole: generally my rule of thumb is no jacks while LN is active
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: it's only 1 LN which is pretty easy
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: still
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: there's still an LN + jacks on the same hand
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: oh, that
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: finger jacking is eugh
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: okay I get it
2015-06-19 19:30 TheZiemniax: I will think about them
2015-06-19 19:30 Jole: that's all i have to say
Topic Starter

Jole wrote:

Sorry for the late post

2015-06-19 18:51 Jole: TWO DIMENSIONS
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: uhm
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: that's a special style
2015-06-19 18:51 TheZiemniax: this is why it's so weird
2015-06-19 18:52 Jole: the streams are fine
2015-06-19 18:52 Jole: but the rest isn't
2015-06-19 18:52 TheZiemniax: Uhm
2015-06-19 18:53 TheZiemniax: I cannot use 3-chords in this diff
2015-06-19 18:53 TheZiemniax: and 2-chords have to be limited
2015-06-19 18:53 Jole:
2015-06-19 18:53 Jole: this is what i don't like
2015-06-19 18:54 Jole: and the intro patterns don't make sense to me
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: the trill
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: actually that can be changed
2015-06-19 18:54 Jole: well
2015-06-19 18:54 TheZiemniax: and intro section as well
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: you could remove the LN and make the pattern double, single, double, single
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: instead
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: thats a good point
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: would fit with the drums
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: yeah I like that
2015-06-19 18:55 Jole: dunno how it will affect star diff though
2015-06-19 18:55 TheZiemniax: it should be a bit higher
2015-06-19 18:56 TheZiemniax: at least not lower :P
2015-06-19 18:56 Jole: :d
2015-06-19 18:58 Jole: as for here
2015-06-19 18:58 Jole: 00:00:092 (92|1) -
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: I will brb
2015-06-19 18:59 TheZiemniax: write me things I need to change and Ill look at them soon
2015-06-19 18:59 Jole: ok
2015-06-19 18:59 Jole: maybe do something like this instead
2015-06-19 19:06 Jole: end in the ending you may want to reevaluate the positions of the LNs mapped to vocals. It doesn't seem to follow the pitch correctly
2015-06-19 19:20 TheZiemniax: thats good
2015-06-19 19:22 TheZiemniax: so, doing the beginning like that, and changing LN to double+single
2015-06-19 19:22 TheZiemniax: anything else?
2015-06-19 19:23 Jole: 00:46:536 (46536|0) -
2015-06-19 19:23 Jole: this part
2015-06-19 19:24 Jole: i think that would be better if it had a more jumpstreamy pattern like this
2015-06-19 19:25 TheZiemniax: I was thinking about it
2015-06-19 19:25 TheZiemniax: hmm
2015-06-19 19:26 Jole: and if you change the pattern to that, make this part identical to it 00:53:647 (53647|0) -
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: to be honest the hammer patterns are better than jumpstream
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: but hmm
2015-06-19 19:26 TheZiemniax: jumpstream also fits
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: I mean, it's not fast so it's ok
2015-06-19 19:27 Jole: remember, these are suggestions
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: yeah yeah, I know
2015-06-19 19:27 TheZiemniax: I will need to think a bit about it
2015-06-19 19:28 Jole: also consider changing these jacks 00:50:092 (50092|3) - to 1/2 streams instead
2015-06-19 19:28 Jole: generally my rule of thumb is no jacks while LN is active
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: it's only 1 LN which is pretty easy
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: still
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: there's still an LN + jacks on the same hand
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: oh, that
2015-06-19 19:29 Jole: finger jacking is eugh
2015-06-19 19:29 TheZiemniax: okay I get it
2015-06-19 19:30 TheZiemniax: I will think about them
2015-06-19 19:30 Jole: that's all i have to say
I applied those some time ago, big thanks for pointing that out!
The background also got resized to 1366x768.
Now searching for BN check.
Ok, mod time ;; This will be hard
Can't mod stuff I can't play. Also this is whoa, heavily leveraged on the drums, not really my thing to mod.

Some copypastas here and there and THOSE TRILLS OMG
Won't be the type of person who will be like "Hey, do some variety this and that" since the jumps are the highlights in this song. Heavily drum based, goes against my style so I can't suggest anything :( . Also, the patterns are well balanced throughout my playthrough. Good job here ^^
A little something:
Many left hand trils, shortage in right hand ones. just pointing it out. (Might have missed some trills in the thick sections so I could be wrong in this one)
There are like 2 right hand trills though

00:33:869 This bracket is not really my thing. Kinda hard to play too imo. Might want to move it to 4 to follow up the triple 1/2s
00:47:314 Although it plays well, the triple 1/2s looks out of place. Check if moving it to 1 works.
00:48:203 kinda contradictory to the suggestion above, people are talking about balance and most of the 1/2 jacks are in column 1. They aren't rebalanced in the later sections so yeah, someone else might point this out.
Looking great!

The other diffs are already good.
Topic Starter

Lenfried- wrote:

Ok, mod time ;; This will be hard
Can't mod stuff I can't play. Also this is whoa, heavily leveraged on the drums, not really my thing to mod.

Some copypastas here and there and THOSE TRILLS OMG
Won't be the type of person who will be like "Hey, do some variety this and that" since the jumps are the highlights in this song. Heavily drum based, goes against my style so I can't suggest anything :( . Also, the patterns are well balanced throughout my playthrough. Good job here ^^
A little something:
Many left hand trils, shortage in right hand ones. just pointing it out. (Might have missed some trills in the thick sections so I could be wrong in this one)
There are like 2 right hand trills though Two of there have their right trill counterpart, third one has a triplet trill but this counts I guess, and fourth is original. I think it's balanced enough, plus inserting a right hand trill would mean repatterning (mirroring) next patterns. No change here.

00:33:869 This bracket is not really my thing. Kinda hard to play too imo. Might want to move it to 4 to follow up the triple 1/2s moved to 4
00:47:314 Although it plays well, the triple 1/2s looks out of place. Check if moving it to 1 works. moved to 1
00:48:203 kinda contradictory to the suggestion above, people are talking about balance and most of the 1/2 jacks are in column 1. They aren't rebalanced in the later sections so yeah, someone else might point this out. repatterned some of the jacks to lessen the number of column 1 jacks.
Looking great!

The other diffs are already good.
Thanks for your mod! I really am glad that you like my song :P Also, thanks for the star!
Topic Starter

-Kamikaze- wrote:

Topic Starter
IRC with Eze. Also, Jepetski please check your diff to modify some of the patterns. (in red)

15:08 Shoegazer: 00:45:592 - avoid any pattern like this
15:08 Shoegazer: funnily enough staircases are like the worst pattern in both spread and index
15:09 Shoegazer: 00:43:314 - am fond of these types of patterns though, basically any pattern that turns relatively often or rather just more natural in movement would be fantastic
15:10 TheZiemniax: heyy I'm sorry but I got kicked, could you write improvements for SHD once again? :D
15:10 Shoegazer: i'll let you know later
15:10 Shoegazer: these are just my thoughts on 2D
15:10 TheZiemniax: kk
15:10 TheZiemniax: i got 900k while being quite not in my good sprindex state
15:11 Shoegazer: 00:53:203 - really unnatural movement
15:11 TheZiemniax: definitely fcable if I try hard enough
15:11 TheZiemniax: oh btw Harby told me some things about trills
15:12 TheZiemniax: 01:13:203 - here
15:12 Shoegazer: 00:59:703 - staircase pattern again, try to avoid this
15:12 TheZiemniax: that they're harder than strewms
15:12 Shoegazer: yeah that part is pretty annoying to hit through transitioning from streams
15:12 TheZiemniax: I always hit it :v
15:13 Shoegazer: 01:00:758 - 01:02:647 - very fond of these patterns, would like to see these more
15:13 TheZiemniax: :D
15:13 Shoegazer: 01:04:314 - very little turning, rather unnatural movement but it's not too significant of an issue
15:14 Shoegazer: basically 12321 43234 1234321 esque patterns feel unnatural for the most part, would prefer not to have them (it's like tachyon delta patterns)
15:14 Shoegazer: but your choice regardless
15:14 Shoegazer: yeah the trills.. i'm not overly fond of it but it's not super bad to hit for two fingers
15:15 TheZiemniax: in 00:53:203, the jumps are unnatural?
15:15 Shoegazer: and honestly there's not many other ways to actually change it
15:15 Shoegazer: the [12][34] pattern
15:15 TheZiemniax: ok
15:15 TheZiemniax: will change to [12][23][34]
15:16 Shoegazer: works
15:16 Shoegazer: 01:14:981 - lmao
15:16 Shoegazer: rude as fuc
15:16 TheZiemniax: 00:59:925 (59925|1,59981|2) - inverting those notes would work?
15:17 Shoegazer: yeah it'd work
15:17 Shoegazer: candles are more natural although harder
15:17 Shoegazer: but yeah 1:14 part I'd highly recommend changing those patterns
15:17 Shoegazer: those patterns are obnoxiously hard
15:18 TheZiemniax: oh
15:18 TheZiemniax: I always loved to hit those candles xD
15:18 TheZiemniax: but well I guess index has it much harder than sprindex, so I will change them
15:18 Shoegazer: 01:22:981 - probably vary this up?
15:18 Shoegazer: straight rolls are kinda boring to hit
15:18 Shoegazer: 01:29:203 - same with this
15:19 Shoegazer: 01:32:758 - this is more of a general thing more than anything else, but 131s and 242s are much easier to hit than 121s and 343s, so try to use those more often than 121/343
15:19 Shoegazer: there's a considerable amount of 121/343s
15:20 Shoegazer: 01:41:647 - missing note
15:20 TheZiemniax: omg i deleted it by accident lmao
15:20 TheZiemniax: wooo thanks
15:20 TheZiemniax: well if it comes to un-varied patterns I wanted to make them also for the spread players
15:20 TheZiemniax: sort of doublestyle mapping
15:20 Shoegazer: fair enough
15:21 TheZiemniax: but now I see they're boring xD
15:21 Shoegazer: 01:51:425 - should change this, it sucks for both spread and index
15:21 TheZiemniax: candles at the end hehe
15:21 Shoegazer: I don't mind the candles too much at the end
15:21 Shoegazer: rest are personal gripes, those are the main things
15:22 TheZiemniax: okay, will apply them asap
15:22 Shoegazer: as for jepetski's bit
15:22 Shoegazer: 00:13:647 - really really long up-arrow anchor here, should probably shorten the anchor for that section after the jumptrill
15:23 Shoegazer: if he wants to keep the anchor change 00:14:314 - to [12][34][12][34][12]
15:23 TheZiemniax: hmm well if for SHD, a question
15:23 TheZiemniax: is it possible to bump up the * rating
15:23 TheZiemniax: like in AiAe
15:24 Shoegazer: yes but I don't see much of a point
15:24 TheZiemniax: not that I'm a pp bitch but pretty much every diff except for SC is underrated as fuk
15:24 Shoegazer: I don't think that's an issue :p
15:25 TheZiemniax: well 4,2 for 2D, I wonder if QATs will notice that
15:25 TheZiemniax: xD
15:25 Shoegazer: yeah that's a significant misrating
15:25 Shoegazer: anyway just one other thing about jepetski's difficulty that I wanted to point out but forgot to
15:25 Shoegazer: when I talked to him about Empress anyway
15:26 Shoegazer: 01:16:758 - this entire section has a lot of one hand trills that are longer than 5 notes, making it noticeably harder than the first jumpstream
15:26 Shoegazer: if it's intentional, ignore this
15:26 TheZiemniax: he nerfed the handstreams but I think he forgot about nerfing trills
15:27 Shoegazer: i'm glad that he nerfed the handstreams because honestly i was getting so many mindblocks on it
15:27 Shoegazer: honestly I'd say that The Empress is actually SS'able now

15:27 TheZiemniax: 2D 01:04:314 - , changed the first two to 13231 42324
15:27 Shoegazer: works
15:27 Shoegazer: not the best part, but it's good enough
15:27 TheZiemniax: kept the other 12321 43234
15:27 Shoegazer: pattern*
15:27 Shoegazer: sure
15:27 TheZiemniax: well I have no idea what to insert there. let it be.
15:28 Shoegazer: yeah it's fine honestly
15:28 Shoegazer: i don't have an idea of what to put either
15:28 TheZiemniax: my biggest concern are now the trill-to-candle because I wonder how to make them natural actually
15:28 Shoegazer: can you copy paste the timestamp?
15:29 TheZiemniax: 01:13:203 - to 01:16:314 -
15:29 TheZiemniax: I thought about making trills 1/2 shorter but uh I like long ones, so I will keep them
15:29 Shoegazer: there's nothing "unnatural" about that section
15:29 Shoegazer: it's just that the candles are really really hard to hit
15:29 Shoegazer: considering that you got so much tension from the trills before it
15:29 TheZiemniax: as for candles, I want an repetitive pattern that's quite fun to play too
15:30 TheZiemniax: 1324231 maybe
15:30 Shoegazer: honestly there's nothing wrong with the candles themselves
15:30 Shoegazer: it's 01:15:869 -
15:30 TheZiemniax: yeah I know, they just bump the difficulty
15:30 Shoegazer: well it's that one transition
15:31 Shoegazer: just change it to something like... idk. 3-note minitrills or so?
15:31 TheZiemniax: ohh
15:31 TheZiemniax: it fits here!
15:31 Shoegazer: same can be applied for the ending btw
15:32 TheZiemniax: 01:15:647 - pattern here changes to 131 424 131 424
15:32 TheZiemniax: I think the candle to 3trill are fair enough
15:32 Shoegazer: that works
15:32 Shoegazer: I think it is as well
15:34 Shoegazer: and honestly candles are nice spread patterns
15:34 TheZiemniax: does that work for wariation
15:35 Shoegazer: yeah that works
15:35 Shoegazer: honestly you don't need much "variation", it's just that straight rolls are just annoying to hit on index and boring to hit on spread
15:35 Shoegazer: you lose either way
15:39 TheZiemniax: I changed 01:30:981 - so now there are two onehanded trills and two twohanded trills
15:39 TheZiemniax: instead of four onehanded
15:40 Shoegazer: might've highlighted the wrong timestamp
15:40 TheZiemniax: 01:51:425 - there I will propably go with 1313 2424 1313 2424
15:41 Shoegazer: sure
15:41 TheZiemniax: I meant this 01:32:758 - to this 01:33:425 - , now its 121 434 131 424
15:42 Shoegazer: yeah that's fine
15:42 TheZiemniax: k now lets test all of that
15:44 TheZiemniax: should be okay.
15:45 Shoegazer: i'll look at it again once you update
15:45 TheZiemniax: omg fck u Eze
15:45 TheZiemniax: now it's 4,23
15:45 TheZiemniax: bye bye MLG
15:45 Shoegazer: noooooooooo
15:45 TheZiemniax: but seriously how has the * rating changed
15:45 Shoegazer: patterns somehow
15:45 TheZiemniax: dont tell me * rating looks at patterning xD
15:46 Shoegazer: it actually does
15:46 Shoegazer: albeit so insignificant that it almost doesn't matter
15:47 TheZiemniax: okay I updated 2d
15:50 Shoegazer: auto broke in the trills
15:50 Shoegazer: i think there might be something there
15:50 TheZiemniax: oooh
15:50 TheZiemniax: I will have to test all diffs for things like that
15:50 TheZiemniax: uh
post for dksuou

TheZiemniax wrote:

-Kamikaze- wrote:

hot thread
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Topic Starter
Now you really look like a fgt
I'm gettin all dat pusi
hi cool mod

jepe shd wall of text irc mod
2015-07-23 23:58 snover: jepe's diff leggo
2015-07-24 00:00 snover: the jumpstreams have so many anchors ugh
2015-07-24 00:00 snover: 00:20:314 (20314|0,20425|0,20536|0,20647|0) - maybe you could do something about this
2015-07-24 00:01 snover: 00:21:758 (21758|1,21869|1,21981|1,22092|1,22203|1) - why
2015-07-24 00:02 snover: i'll just point out every time i see a 4-note long anchor
2015-07-24 00:02 TheZiemniax: kk
2015-07-24 00:02 snover: because those make the patterns uncomfortable
2015-07-24 00:02 TheZiemniax: ill just break some notes inbetween
2015-07-24 00:03 snover: 00:33:869 (33869|1,33981|1,34092|1,34203|1) - anchor
2015-07-24 00:04 snover: 00:41:925 (41925|2) - maybe move to 4
2015-07-24 00:04 TheZiemniax: good point
2015-07-24 00:06 snover: 00:50:092 - the jacks leading up to the LNs at this part are really uncomfortable
2015-07-24 00:07 snover: 01:10:536 (70536|3,70536|1,70536|2,70592|0,70647|1,70703|2,70758|3,70758|1) - ew
2015-07-24 00:07 TheZiemniax: the jacks? there are no jacks apart from jumptrill
2015-07-24 00:08 snover: i mean the 1/2 jacks leading up to the LNs
2015-07-24 00:08 snover: they're still jacks
2015-07-24 00:08 TheZiemniax: or you mean those before
2015-07-24 00:08 snover: and uncomfortable
2015-07-24 00:08 TheZiemniax: how can they be changed then
2015-07-24 00:08 snover: 00:50:758 (50758|1,50869|1,50981|1) - i'm talking about stuff like this
2015-07-24 00:08 TheZiemniax: ahh
2015-07-24 00:10 snover: 01:10:536 (70536|1,70647|1,70758|1,70869|1) - more anchors
2015-07-24 00:10 snover: 01:11:425 (71425|2,71536|2,71647|2,71758|2) - and another one
2015-07-24 00:11 snover: 01:18:425 (78425|2,78536|2,78647|2,78758|2) - anchorrrrrr
2015-07-24 00:12 snover: 01:24:647 (84647|1,84758|1,84869|1,84981|1) - ello matey here's an anchor
2015-07-24 00:13 snover: 01:28:758 (88758|3,88869|3,88981|3,89092|3) - anchor detected
2015-07-24 00:15 snover: 01:31:925 (91925|2) - move to 4 for sexy pattern
2015-07-24 00:15 TheZiemniax: haha xD
2015-07-24 00:16 snover: 01:38:314 (98314|1,98425|1,98536|1,98647|1) - are you sure you're not a pirate the amount of anchors in this is just wow
2015-07-24 00:16 TheZiemniax: XDD
2015-07-24 00:17 TheZiemniax: Jepe is
2015-07-24 00:17 snover: 01:45:314 (105314|2,105425|2,105536|2,105647|2) - no wonder there's so many anchors
2015-07-24 00:17 snover: 01:45:869 (105869|0,105981|0,106092|0,106203|0) - of course jepe would be a pirate
2015-07-24 00:17 snover: 01:49:314 (109314|1,109425|1,109536|1,109647|1) - i knew it all along
2015-07-24 00:18 snover: ok i'm done
2015-07-24 00:18 TheZiemniax: yarr harr fiddle de dee
2015-07-24 00:18 TheZiemniax: making the anchor is alright and free
2015-07-24 00:19 snover: go to hell
2015-07-24 00:19 snover: i think that's all of the anchors that i care about
2015-07-24 00:20 TheZiemniax: oh god
2015-07-24 00:20 TheZiemniax: when deleting an anchor makes another
2015-07-24 00:20 snover: this is what happened when i mapped los fruittis
2015-07-24 00:20 TheZiemniax: or a trill xD
2015-07-24 00:20 snover: had to keep an eye on anchors constantly
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: same with bokura no 16 bit warz
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: absolute hell
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: but i did it anyway
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: and they don't sucl
2015-07-24 00:21 TheZiemniax: bokura?
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: suck*
2015-07-24 00:21 TheZiemniax: from nbjs?
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: nah not that one
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: i made my own
2015-07-24 00:21 snover: it has 370bpm streams
2015-07-24 00:22 TheZiemniax: ohh
2015-07-24 00:22 snover: anyway i'll post in thread now ok
2015-07-24 00:22 snover: i don't think i have anything more to point out
2015-07-24 00:22 snover: not the greatest modder but hey at least i'm doing something right
2015-07-24 00:23 TheZiemniax: well you're doing it real right
2015-07-24 00:23 snover: i'll quickly check sc anyway because i'm a good person
2015-07-24 00:23 snover: the lack of pitch relevancy at the start makes me cry
2015-07-24 00:24 TheZiemniax: ok you can test empress once again
2015-07-24 00:24 TheZiemniax: updated
2015-07-24 00:24 snover: yeah i'll try it again in a sec
2015-07-24 00:24 snover: doing stuff with sc now
2015-07-24 00:24 snover: sc is supposed to be playable with index right?
2015-07-24 00:25 TheZiemniax: yeah
2015-07-24 00:25 snover: 00:50:092 - not entirely sure if index players would appreciate this
2015-07-24 00:25 snover: actually it's not bad
2015-07-24 00:25 TheZiemniax: its tricky but playable
2015-07-24 00:26 snover: and as a spread player
2015-07-24 00:26 snover: 01:13:203 - this makes me cry
2015-07-24 00:26 TheZiemniax: oh god you too
2015-07-24 00:26 TheZiemniax: Harbyter also pointed this out
2015-07-24 00:26 TheZiemniax: and I love those trills
2015-07-24 00:26 TheZiemniax: but well I guess I have to change them
2015-07-24 00:27 snover: it's not absolutely necessary but i don't think many people at all in osumania play index so it's probably for the best
2015-07-24 00:27 TheZiemniax: yeah its like SHD for index
2015-07-24 00:27 snover: that's all i'll say about sc
2015-07-24 00:27 snover: now testing shd
2015-07-24 00:28 snover: or well
2015-07-24 00:28 snover: what was used to call shd
2015-07-24 00:28 snover: empress
2015-07-24 00:28 snover: diff
2015-07-24 00:28 TheZiemniax: yeah
2015-07-24 00:28 snover: 00:20:092 (20092|2,20203|2,20314|2,20425|2,20536|2) - oops
2015-07-24 00:29 TheZiemniax: fuk
2015-07-24 00:29 TheZiemniax: i knew i did something wrong xD
2015-07-24 00:29 snover: 00:21:869 (21869|2,21981|2,22092|2,22203|2,22314|2) - another one
2015-07-24 00:30 snover: be careful ok
2015-07-24 00:30 TheZiemniax: in jumpstreams so dense its so hard
2015-07-24 00:31 snover: 00:34:981 (34981|2) - move to 1
2015-07-24 00:31 snover: 00:35:036 (35036|0) - move to 3 or 4 (preferably 4)
2015-07-24 00:33 TheZiemniax: k
2015-07-24 00:33 snover: 01:10:425 (70425|3,70536|3,70647|3,70758|3) - ankor
2015-07-24 00:33 TheZiemniax: goddamnit
2015-07-24 00:33 snover: there's a lot less anchors now at least
2015-07-24 00:34 snover: 01:22:481 (82481|1) - move to 1
2015-07-24 00:34 snover: 01:22:536 (82536|0) - move to 2
2015-07-24 00:35 TheZiemniax: lol that pattern looks so well crafted now
2015-07-24 00:35 TheZiemniax: symmetrical
2015-07-24 00:35 snover: it works better too
2015-07-24 00:35 snover: 01:24:647 (84647|0,84758|0,84869|0,84981|0,85092|0) - OOPS
2015-07-24 00:36 snover: let me check if that's comfortable or not quick
2015-07-24 00:36 TheZiemniax: ooou
2015-07-24 00:36 snover: nope
2015-07-24 00:36 snover: 01:28:536 (88536|1,88647|1,88758|1,88869|1,88981|1) - oops
2015-07-24 00:36 snover: it's generally worse when it's on column 1 or 2
2015-07-24 00:36 snover: i mean 2 or 3
2015-07-24 00:37 snover: 01:30:869 (90869|2,90981|2,91092|2,91203|2) -
2015-07-24 00:38 snover: 01:35:314 (95314|0,95369|1,95425|0,95481|1) - turn this trill around so it's 2 1 2 1 instead of 1 2 1 2
2015-07-24 00:38 snover: i think that could work better
2015-07-24 00:39 snover: not completely 100% sure about that one though
2015-07-24 00:40 TheZiemniax: it maked 23 chord repeat
2015-07-24 00:40 TheZiemniax: which is odd
2015-07-24 00:40 snover: i remember when the map had repeating 13 and 24 chords
2015-07-24 00:40 snover: worst pattern imaginable
2015-07-24 00:40 snover: eugh
2015-07-24 00:40 snover: but yeah it repeats that but i'm not entirely sure
2015-07-24 00:41 snover: 01:49:758 (109758|3,109758|0,109814|1,109869|2,109869|3) - move this pattern around a bit to get rid of the anchor
2015-07-24 00:41 TheZiemniax: oh i found another anchor by accident
2015-07-24 00:41 snover: there's a few anchors i left out
2015-07-24 00:41 snover: if i haven't mentioned it then it's fine
2015-07-24 00:42 TheZiemniax: oh ok
2015-07-24 00:42 snover: 02:06:536 - pitch relevancy would be neat here
2015-07-24 00:44 snover: tell me when you're done i'll test it again
2015-07-24 00:44 snover: hopefully the anchors are gone
2015-07-24 00:46 TheZiemniax: done
2015-07-24 00:46 snover: star rating went down by 0.01
2015-07-24 00:46 snover: i'm going to cry
2015-07-24 00:47 TheZiemniax: xD
2015-07-24 00:48 snover: 00:13:036 (13036|1) - this could probably be moved to 1 because i think this is very prone to mindblocksd
2015-07-24 00:48 snover: 00:22:814 (22814|1,22869|2) - move to left 1 column
2015-07-24 00:48 TheZiemniax: oh true
2015-07-24 00:50 snover: this map has a fair bit of questionable patterns but anyway i think i'm done modding for now, gl with rank
2015-07-24 00:50 snover: *not saying it's a bad map
2015-07-24 00:50 TheZiemniax: man
2015-07-24 00:50 TheZiemniax: you're great
2015-07-24 00:50 snover: as a final thing to say
2015-07-24 00:50 TheZiemniax: you can post the SHD mods in thread
2015-07-24 00:50 snover: 00:36:425 (36425|1,36425|3,36481|0,36536|2,36536|1,36592|3,36647|1,36647|0,36703|2,36758|0,36758|3,36814|2,36869|0,36869|1,36925|3,36981|0,36981|2) - please fix
2015-07-24 00:51 snover: 2 anchors in a row on the same hand this makes my brain hurt
2015-07-24 00:51 TheZiemniax: kk
2015-07-24 00:51 snover: aaand that's that done
2015-07-24 00:52 snover: except not quite yet
2015-07-24 00:52 snover: one more thing
2015-07-24 00:52 TheZiemniax: ok done
2015-07-24 00:52 snover: 02:11:869 (131869|1,132314|2,132758|3) - flip these around
2015-07-24 00:52 snover: for pitch relevancy
2015-07-24 00:52 snover: 02:09:203 (129203|1,129647|0) - same with these
2015-07-24 00:53 snover: anyway gl
2015-07-24 00:53 snover: done now for real

zenx' shd
wtf this map is so perfect

00:25:092 (25092|0) - is there supposed to be a finish here
00:31:869 - maybe add another note here

01:41:647 - questionable patterning confuses me
01:59:425 - nice ending

how are you supposed to mod this

snover wrote:

zenx' shd
wtf this map is so perfect yay ~

00:25:092 (25092|0) - is there supposed to be a finish here lol idk
00:31:869 - maybe add another note here ok added on 1

01:41:647 - questionable patterning confuses me pitch switching of the violin, thus the trills
01:59:425 - nice ending ww added another note there cause ending

how are you supposed to mod this

Final check before bubble~

Some Mod for a perfect quality~[/img]

BG : ( NICE )
Snap :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :

there is NO unrankable issue , jst some suggestion~


  • reminder :
    02:03 LordRaika: 00:24:314 (24314|1,24536|2,24758|3,24981|0) - can u pls somehow move this to 1 2 3 4? for a variation sake
    02:03 LordRaika: 00:28:314 (28314|3) - short LN
    02:04 LordRaika: 00:56:647 (56647|2,56758|1,56869|0,56981|1,57092|0) - move to 2 1 2 1 2
    02:05 LordRaika: 01:00:425 (60425|1,60536|3) - to 3 then 2 , to avoid overlonged jack on "4"
    02:06 LordRaika: 01:24:203 (84203|2,84314|1) - ctrl+H
    02:08 LordRaika: 01:26:647 (86647|3,86758|1) - Ctrl+j, to prevent too much trill on right hand
    02:09 LordRaika: 01:28:425 (88425|3,88536|2) - ctrl+J
    02:09 LordRaika: 01:28:981 (88981|0) - 2
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:41:203 - dont forget the same thing here, ( qat is really SENSITIVE about consistency )
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:46:314 (106314|1) - to 3
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:48:758 (108758|3,108981|2) - to 3 and 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:49:869 (109869|1,110092|0,110203|2) - to 1 3 1
    02:11 LordRaika: to 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:52:536 (112536|1) - to 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:53:869 (113869|2,114314|0) - 1 and 2
    02:11 LordRaika: ok
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:55:647 (115647|3) - to 3
    02:12 LordRaika: 01:56:536 (116536|1) - to 1


  1. 00:10:758 (10758|3,10981|1) - swap, to 2 and 4
  2. 00:14:536 - pls, make it single note, for easier execution and acc for beginner >>
  3. 00:33:647 (33647|3,33869|2) - to 2 and 4
  4. for this section, 00:37:647 - try to use full 1/2 single note and dont use any LN, forget the vocal, go for drum
    so u can focus the vocal only to EZ, do that for this as well >>> 00:44:758 -
    01:50:536 - here too, and 01:57:647 -
    trust me, its better than some harsh jack along with LN XD
  5. 01:29:869 (89869|3) - to 3
  6. 01:43:869 (103869|1) - to 3
  7. 01:51:647 (111647|3,111869|0,112092|1) - Ctrl+H


  1. 00:34:092 - remove one, because u only use 2 note on this dif when it has a cymbal sound
    and one here >>> 01:46:981 -
thats all ^^


  • 00:08:314 (8314|2,8536|1,8758|0,8981|3) - i honestly really hate this kind of pattern
    00:10:092 (10092|1,10314|2,10536|3) -
  1. 00:31:647 (31647|3,31758|3) - isnt this better to move to 3? overtrilled cant also release the hold suddenly...
  2. 00:33:758 (33758|1,33981|3) - to 4 and 1?
  3. 00:36:981 (36981|2,37092|3,37203|2,37314|3,37425|2,37536|3) - CTRL+J but move it manually, because it will change the hitsound
  4. 00:44:647 (44647|3) - to 3 pls XD
  5. 00:47:314 (47314|1) - to 3, u rarely add triple mini jack on this section, they are all only two mini jack
    01:24:981 (84981|2) - move to 4
  6. 01:23:981 (83981|2) - aaaaa, to 1 pls!!
  7. 01:46:758 (106758|1,106758|2) - 1 and 4?
  8. lastly,... 01:58:481 (118481|1,118536|2,118592|1,118647|2) - this is too much for me XD


  • dont hate me because this is me when im "serious"
  1. 00:14:536 -
    00:14:981 -
    00:15:425 (15425|3,15647|0,15869|1) -
    whats the point of making this easier than MX???

    SC compare to MX
    now go and at least add the chord on SC, or add even more, it wont hurt at all
    i guess u can apply those same MX stuff here a bit, and you recheck SC by "File > Open reference > MX" then fix the rest ^^

Zenx' SHD

  • mostly only pattern suggestion, you know the drill... so feel free to keep yours
  1. 00:04:703 - i think its best to end them 00:04:647 - here
    when i see my own replay on slow playback rate, i often get only 200 and 300 over it , so i mean the acc is really harsh here
  2. 00:15:869 - and 00:16:314 - , why not add 1 more note here since u reduce the double trill into single note on this part
  3. 00:18:314 (18314|1,18703|2) - if you dont mind moving this to 1 and 4
    to prevent too long jacking on this >>>
    00:20:258 (20258|1,20314|0) - to 1 and 4 , same reason
    00:22:147 (22147|2) - to 4
    00:23:314 (23314|2,23369|3,23481|2) - 4 3 1
    and some more(except those 3+2chord section),do the check and move those little thingy
    if you care about players low stamina.... like me X_X
  4. 00:46:536 - Nice!
hmm nothing else, its a consistent one so i wont say anything, just great! hope i have the stamina to do the jacking , but i cant XD

Jepetski's Empress

  • Judging in mapper's view and mapping stuff.
    and ofc i 100% believe its FCable , so... why not? lets rank more harder stuff!!!!
  1. just one thing that concern me... about this cymbal consistency 01:00:758 -
    why is this 2 chord? 01:01:203 - 01:02:092 - 01:02:536 - 01:02:981 -
    meanwhile this is all 3 chord??? 01:01:647 - 01:03:425 -
    even if its pattern based, i demand all full 3 chord for a fitting one
  2. 01:58:981 (118981|0,119092|2) - add 1 more note there, before the drum really fade out

Okay, just all of that little things, and i'll back with my bubble~
i really need to sleep now X_X its 3AM
Topic Starter

LordRaika wrote:

Final check before bubble~

Some Mod for a perfect quality~[/img]

BG : ( NICE )
Snap :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :

there is NO unrankable issue , jst some suggestion~


  • reminder :
    02:03 LordRaika: 00:24:314 (24314|1,24536|2,24758|3,24981|0) - can u pls somehow move this to 1 2 3 4? for a variation sake
    02:03 LordRaika: 00:28:314 (28314|3) - short LN
    02:04 LordRaika: 00:56:647 (56647|2,56758|1,56869|0,56981|1,57092|0) - move to 2 1 2 1 2
    02:05 LordRaika: 01:00:425 (60425|1,60536|3) - to 3 then 2 , to avoid overlonged jack on "4"
    02:06 LordRaika: 01:24:203 (84203|2,84314|1) - ctrl+H
    02:08 LordRaika: 01:26:647 (86647|3,86758|1) - Ctrl+j, to prevent too much trill on right hand
    02:09 LordRaika: 01:28:425 (88425|3,88536|2) - ctrl+J
    02:09 LordRaika: 01:28:981 (88981|0) - 2
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:41:203 - dont forget the same thing here, ( qat is really SENSITIVE about consistency )
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:46:314 (106314|1) - to 3
    02:10 LordRaika: 01:48:758 (108758|3,108981|2) - to 3 and 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:49:869 (109869|1,110092|0,110203|2) - to 1 3 1
    02:11 LordRaika: to 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:52:536 (112536|1) - to 4
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:53:869 (113869|2,114314|0) - 1 and 2
    02:11 LordRaika: ok
    02:11 LordRaika: 01:55:647 (115647|3) - to 3
    02:12 LordRaika: 01:56:536 (116536|1) - to 1


  1. 00:10:758 (10758|3,10981|1) - swap, to 2 and 4
  2. 00:14:536 - pls, make it single note, for easier execution and acc for beginner >>
  3. 00:33:647 (33647|3,33869|2) - to 2 and 4
  4. for this section, 00:37:647 - try to use full 1/2 single note and dont use any LN, forget the vocal, go for drum
    so u can focus the vocal only to EZ, do that for this as well >>> 00:44:758 -
    01:50:536 - here too, and 01:57:647 -
    trust me, its better than some harsh jack along with LN XD
  5. 01:29:869 (89869|3) - to 3
  6. 01:43:869 (103869|1) - to 3
  7. 01:51:647 (111647|3,111869|0,112092|1) - Ctrl+H


  1. 00:34:092 - remove one, because u only use 2 note on this dif when it has a cymbal sound
    and one here >>> 01:46:981 -
thats all ^^


  • 00:08:314 (8314|2,8536|1,8758|0,8981|3) - i honestly really hate this kind of pattern it's cool, why?
    00:10:092 (10092|1,10314|2,10536|3) -
  1. 00:31:647 (31647|3,31758|3) - isnt this better to move to 3? overtrilled cant also release the hold suddenly...
  2. 00:33:758 (33758|1,33981|3) - to 4 and 1?
  3. 00:36:981 (36981|2,37092|3,37203|2,37314|3,37425|2,37536|3) - CTRL+J but move it manually, because it will change the hitsound
  4. 00:44:647 (44647|3) - to 3 pls XD
  5. 00:47:314 (47314|1) - to 3, u rarely add triple mini jack on this section, they are all only two mini jack
    01:24:981 (84981|2) - move to 4
  6. 01:23:981 (83981|2) - aaaaa, to 1 pls!!
  7. 01:46:758 (106758|1,106758|2) - 1 and 4?
  8. lastly,... 01:58:481 (118481|1,118536|2,118592|1,118647|2) - this is too much for me XD


  • dont hate me because this is me when im "serious"
  1. 00:14:536 -
    00:14:981 -
    00:15:425 (15425|3,15647|0,15869|1) -
    whats the point of making this easier than MX???

    SC compare to MX
    now go and at least add the chord on SC, or add even more, it wont hurt at all
    i guess u can apply those same MX stuff here a bit, and you recheck SC by "File > Open reference > MX" then fix the rest ^^
    it's indexable diff so no chords here, they simply cannot be added because it will be much harder to play.

Zenx' SHD

  • mostly only pattern suggestion, you know the drill... so feel free to keep yours
  1. 00:04:703 - i think its best to end them 00:04:647 - here
    when i see my own replay on slow playback rate, i often get only 200 and 300 over it , so i mean the acc is really harsh here
  2. 00:15:869 - and 00:16:314 - , why not add 1 more note here since u reduce the double trill into single note on this part
  3. 00:18:314 (18314|1,18703|2) - if you dont mind moving this to 1 and 4
    to prevent too long jacking on this >>>
    00:20:258 (20258|1,20314|0) - to 1 and 4 , same reason
    00:22:147 (22147|2) - to 4
    00:23:314 (23314|2,23369|3,23481|2) - 4 3 1
    and some more(except those 3+2chord section),do the check and move those little thingy
    if you care about players low stamina.... like me X_X
  4. 00:46:536 - Nice!
hmm nothing else, its a consistent one so i wont say anything, just great! hope i have the stamina to do the jacking , but i cant XD
I will ask Zenx for that one

Jepetski's Empress

  • Judging in mapper's view and mapping stuff.
    and ofc i 100% believe its FCable , so... why not? lets rank more harder stuff!!!!
  1. just one thing that concern me... about this cymbal consistency 01:00:758 -
    why is this 2 chord? 01:01:203 - 01:02:092 - 01:02:536 - 01:02:981 -
    meanwhile this is all 3 chord??? 01:01:647 - 01:03:425 -
    even if its pattern based, i demand all full 3 chord for a fitting one I changed this but I'm not 100% sure, sorry Jepe. Need recheck though
  2. 01:58:981 (118981|0,119092|2) - add 1 more note there, before the drum really fade out

Okay, just all of that little things, and i'll back with my bubble~
i really need to sleep now X_X its 3AM
Big thanks! <3 I applied all of those not marked.
fixed everything
i hate formality so i will skip to post my IRC mod and stuff, too lazy for that.... so here goes the only things that is necessary


BG :
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Spread :
Pattern :

Topic Starter
<3 You're my hero!
Now waiting for heart!
ok ranked
classic zenx

btw, i can do that thou, ahahaha, but for the sake of community, i dont want to cause a riot from those who make the rule

LordRaika wrote:


btw, i can do that thou, ahahaha, but for the sake of community, i dont want to cause a riot from those who make the rule
I want to see this map Qualified ! 8-) 8-) :lol:
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