
What beatmaps do you think are worth too much pp?

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Too slow - he meant DT as do most people when talking about koigokoro since it's the most played mod for that map.


[Taiga] wrote:

Maybe he mean HDHR?

It's possible.
Primastella - Koigokoro [Insane] +DT (96.30%)
2 months ago

If a 96% DT is going to have more pp than 99.75% HDHR, I doubt many would HDHR.

That's still a better play than mine
Compared to other maps, Jamaican Love seems to be absurdly easy even among farm maps.

Barusamikosu wrote:

[Taiga] wrote:

Maybe he mean HDHR?

It's possible.
Nice I should HDHR that since I can't 210
-Makishima S-
If a 96% DT is going to have more pp than 99.75% HDHR, I doubt many would HDHR
96% is not even considered as played properly.
There is obvious reason why i am not happy with my acc - 96% is complete garbage.
Sadly it takes time to fix this.

I would prefer grind 2 weeks for 99,75% HDHR to feel proud for good acc than 2 hours for 96% DT, at least in this single case.


No offence

since it's the most played mod for that map
Only becouse DT is overweighted on this map since require way lower acc than HDHR to achieve good pp amount.
Easy pp is easy, where is the challenge then?
With 5 misses, DT still OP

Orange Caramel - Shanghai Romance [Insane] +DT (87.73%) 200pp
8 days ago
-Makishima S-
There is obvious reason why i deleted my post but looks like you have truble to understand this.

With 5 misses on HR - no pp or barely any for you (if you ever stay alive after them considering HP drain).
You just prove my point that HR require way higer skill to achieve reasonable amount of pp than DT.
That's what I'm trying to do because I believe HR is harder and requires more skill than DT.
-Makishima S-
My appologize then for being rude, i tough you are another "typical dt fanboy who think that dt > hr in case of skill".

Forgive me please.

[Taiga] wrote:

My appologize then for being rude, i tough you are another "typical dt fanboy who think that dt > hr in case of skill".

Forgive me please.
This is how I feel

Since I'm better at speed than acc I'll gravitate to a few DT plays which give me PP which in turn leads to playing more DT and getting better at DT than having to spend possible months trying to grind out learning HR with no actual profile gains. Like 5 days ago someone fed me DT songs and in two days I had gained about 100pp so yeah.

I nomodded up to 190-200pp plays. GG.

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Nice I should HDHR that since I can't 210
Same. Low BPM best BPM.
Wtf this is 200pp too for low acc.

-Makishima S-
than having to spend possible months trying to grind out learning HR with no actual profile gains.
I am proud about some of my HR plays, cannot disagree that's actualy very nice feeling when you see this 98%+ acc (on ar9.8+ od8.4+).
Also i agree - it's slow and arduous work to achieve SOME skill in HR and i am like - if i can play a single song with it, it's actualy small step into a bit higer skill. Long way to go before i actualy start playing HR like nomod. Learning AR10 and making eyes used to it withot hurting ability to read ar8 and ar9 will take insane amount of work but... worth imo. Better start learning this "when you are kid" than suffering later like many high ranked players who as i hear from many twitch streams - have problem with learning HR.

Back to topic:

I still stand with statment that EVERYTHING with DT is overweighted.
When I talk about HR acc, I'm talking about being able to acc od 9.8 and od10; what maps have you played HR that give you these values? Because your top play to me is only od 6 + HR which is only od 8.4.
E m i

Kheldragar wrote:

what maps have you played HR that give you these values? Because your top play to me is only od6 + HR which is only od 8.4.
OD8+DT is OD9.75. :p
I thought it was 9.66

[ Momiji ] wrote:

Kheldragar wrote:

what maps have you played HR that give you these values? Because your top play to me is only od6 + HR which is only od 8.4.
What? He's not appearing to play od7/8/+ HR
E m i
that's because he doesn't, get it? 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) ;) :(

Kheldragar wrote:

When I talk about HR acc, I'm talking about being able to acc od 9.8 and od10; what maps have you played HR that give you these values? Because your top play to me is only od 6 + HR which is only od 8.4.
Baby steps. OD8.4 is difficult for him just like 9.8/10 is difficult for you.
OD6+HR takes me forever to SS, but I can't even read AR9.8...
When I talk about HR requiring skill, I am actually referring to being able to maintain high accuracy on od10 during even complicated patterns.
I understand. It just seemed pretty mean to put Taiga down like that when he was basically agreeing with you that HR is a huge grind.

Barusamikosu wrote:

HR is a huge grind.
No one got time for that ahahaheiauheuaeaea
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