Romanised Artist: "Sa Dingding" - according to
http://puu.sh/hNTGf/5810e6b7a2.jpg and
http://puu.sh/hNTKH/dd5a7f2583.jpgRomanised Title: "Alive (Chinese Version)" - according to official CD
http://puu.sh/hNTMZ/5399392ccf.jpg because artist actually translated title
^you may clarify this from QAT or someone who's experienced in Chinese metadata, actually I'll really appreciate if you'll ask
add some tags, maybe "folk", "pop", "traditional"
move offset to 22109
replace drum-sliderslide.wav with proper blank file
http://up.ppy.sh/files/blank.wav √^same for normal-sliderslide
^same for soft-sliderslide
difficulty gap between Normal and Hard is way too big atm, you should
1. reduce rhythm density on hard
2. increase rhythm density on normal
√3. or map new diff in between
00:33:951 (2) - you may split this into 1\2 slider + circle to emphasize strong beat on 00:34:740 () - and allow player to actually play it
00:37:109 (3) - ^ \\ 00:40:267 (3) - ^ \\ 03:08:688 (3) - ^
√02:11:846 (6) - move this up a bit so that 6 will not overlap this 02:10:267 (4) -
http://puu.sh/hNUZC/0aec9c1c6c.jpg √03:28:030 (3,1) - this overlap is not acceptable for normal level
√03:59:214 (3,5) - don't overlap circle under slider due to low AR this will be confusing for a newbie players
00:28:424 (1,2) - huh, this a bit confusing placement, would be great if you rearrange this pattern and move slider end from the circle
considering the distance and flow, so want Keep this way01:22:503 (1,2) - this kind of overlaps is not clear to follow also for the better spread you should avoid them, this applies to all such patterns 01:29:214 (2,3) - etc etc
04:07:109 (2) - unadiable, you forgot soft finish I guess
02:47:372 (1,3) - avoid to place slider start under slider body
√you may call me for a recheck after resolving general issues