
STEREO DIVE FOUNDATION - Daisy (TV size) [OsuMania]

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Zan - wrote:

summary, because there is clear title
change this title to: Daisy (TV size)
with small letter 's'

i speak indo
capek gue, kesannya kayak berantem mulu, padahal niatnya baik kan kalian itu?

i speak indo LOL

haha XD iya Zan
kan aku cuma blg... klo jelek yd dia aja...
MASAK gitu aj jd mslh??? kan wth kali....
sampai yg mrah2 itu turun tngan dan blg ampe skp, i nya aj g tau w tu kek gmn orgnya O_O

LordRaika wrote:

im the one who give the hitsound!!
if he told you that im replying this.... so that u could scold me? loool, awesome!!
and your question there really want to show im a real bad guy.... awesomeness....

u think the hitsound IS REALLY BAD? pls give the better one.... thats what i mean dude,... its already very soft and not offensive...
it means ask the one who said its bad.... IS IT REALLY BAD????
and see how you make the mapper do all the hitsound ( much work or not, can they handle it or not? have u think about this? )

finally, u cant expected the mapper's hitsound style like myself D:
even i give the hitsound, i know that post is pointed to ME, because those hitsound came from me....

I'm scold you ? Your attitude pusses me off. When a BN think hitsound is bad, why your response is an irony ? Instead of discuss how to improve ? This song has less instrumental, it is very quiet, use these hitsounds just make it is noisy that can't listen the music clearly.
These are what I told to Sakura. Because I checked it. I can just give the better one, but that is the attitude you should be ? Aren't you good at hitsounding ? So no one can better than you ? The logic ? It is just the ability every mapper should be.

Spy... whatever you and your buddy there hold a GRUDGE to me??? i dont care ^^
all i know , that i never do anything bad to you guys....

i will just always move with my own pace, one final thing..... if you said most mania BN are inexperienced at the first time....
just sit back and watch, if you really hate them, they will get kicked eventually if they deserve it, simple....
or maybe you can do better than just sit back and watch ^^

i hope i make something clear here without any means of offense >w<
Do you think my words are wrong ?
I didn't mention those stuffs, but it seems you think about that. You're BN. So ? How to be it ? Just keep active on modding and everyone can be.
But how is your judgement of maps ? Do you really know how to check maps ? I often notice your mods, it is only mod about hitsounding, I think it is acceptable for me if the map is fine. Inexperienced is not any my excuse, it is the fact. Much BNs know they are inexperienced so often ask me for help. I'm willing to offer any helps if BN really want to improve themselves. But you just let me feel you don't want to do.
I can no need to reply these paper of nonsense and waste my time to explain these. But anyway I hope you can get my point. I can just disqualify it after qualified, and ignore what you guys want to explain. It is most QAT's working mode, do you hope ? I just try to prevent it and give an advise. Your response made me disappointed.
I don't want to say anymore, just go ahead. Keep up on your working.

Spy wrote:

I'm scold you ? Your attitude pusses me off. When a BN think hitsound is bad, why your response is an irony ? Instead of discuss how to improve ? This song has less instrumental, it is very quiet, use these hitsounds just make it is noisy that can't listen the music clearly.
These are what I told to Sakura. Because I checked it. I can just give the better one, but that is the attitude you should be ? Aren't you good at hitsounding ? So no one can better than you ? The logic ? It is just the ability every mapper should be.

1st. if its noisy , u can just simply reduce the volume or stuff... its different matter if the hitsound doesnt fits the song

2nd.if yes you guys do it, THEN just do it... why am i still the one you guys mention here....
you guys know how i hitsound, i hitsound every single note with respective VOLUME, you don't expect EACH mapper to do so right? ANSwer me!!! thats what i said...
dont add unnecessary words here.....

Do you think my words are wrong ?
I didn't mention those stuffs, but it seems you think about that. You're BN. So ? How to be it ? Just keep active on modding and everyone can be.
But how is your judgement of maps ? Do you really know how to check maps ? I often notice your mods, it is only mod about hitsounding, I think it is acceptable for me if the map is fine. Inexperienced is not any my excuse, it is the fact. Much BNs know they are inexperienced so often ask me for help. I'm willing to offer any helps if BN really want to improve themselves. But you just let me feel you don't want to do.

I do give hitsound mod, its not a BN job.... IF you thnk my judgement is SHIT, you can just DQ it... u dont have to say S*** about me...
i will SEE WHAT did i do wrong and learn from it.... you dont expect every living being is perfect, never did a mistake.... allrite?

I can no need to reply these paper of nonsense and waste my time to explain these. But anyway I hope you can get my point. I can just disqualify it after qualified, and ignore what you guys want to explain. It is most QAT's working mode, do you hope ? I just try to prevent it and give an advise. Your response made me disappointed.
I don't want to say anymore, just go ahead. Keep up on your working.

i DO ask if i have unclear issue about rankable or not...
CAN YOU STOP judging people from the cover? can you at least trust the BN who work for this community?
Dont treat all other BN inexperienced, if you really think they need help, HELP THEM, dont LOOK DOWN on them... simple like that...

Sry its fact, and i think i have said enough as well...
i wont discuss it again here... hope u too... end it here
and look forward
I've said your attitude pissed me off, I only pinpoint that.
I don't care what you be, I really don't like waste the time on a BN who can't get my point.
Go ahead, and stop it, I really don't want to waste time on replying you.
Your hitsounding skill is better than Sakura, so you can do an irony ? Wow.
If so, I've just understand how the person you are now.

Spy wrote:

I've said your attitude pissed me off, I only pinpoint that.
I don't care what you be, I really don't like waste the time on a BN who can't get my point.
Go ahead, and stop it, I really don't want to waste time on replying you.
Your hitsounding skill is better than Sakura, so you can do an irony ? Wow.
If so, I've just understand how the person you are now.
SAME HERE, you dont get what i mean as well...
oh cool, you add more unnecessary words... like the line i BOLDed
i dont even want to reply it again, you should just read again....

say whatever you want.... dont just think you are the best just because you are QAT

me... im nice to everyone, BUT IF YOU FLAME ME, i can FLAME YOU TWICE with your own FIRE....
im not soft as you think.
hhhh drama2015

Weleh... baru aja masuk bulan baru... muncul drama ginian...
Its getting hotter here :3

please dont talk about attitude at each other... both of you hve a good point :3

maybe im not pro at this... but in my opinion... :
+first, Actually sakura have to re-bub it... because sakura pop it... if sakura dont... it means sakura just do a pop and run action???

+next, about hitsound... there is million hitsound that may not fit to the music but it can be fit if the hitsound are used in a proper place...
lets take a look at this map >>> Rex - Heart of Witch
the HS lookslike very awkward... (never find more awkward than this, sorry nowsmart xD) the music is full of piano... but the hitsound used is... wew.... and its very loud too... but it was used in a proper place... so its no problem (because its ranked)
the point is... it still okay for the HS.. the HS is fit to the music too...
if sakura said find a better hitsound...why not give the better one when pop it instead of ask someone?... as i said before... is this pop and run action?? too bad... i didnt see a charisma of a BN here... no offense...
Topic Starter
x M e l

Takane6 wrote:

Weleh... baru aja masuk bulan baru... muncul drama ginian...
Its getting hotter here :3

please dont talk about attitude at each other... both of you hve a good point :3 I agree

maybe im not pro at this... but in my opinion... :
+first, Actually sakura have to re-bub it... because sakura pop it... if sakura dont... it means sakura just do a pop and run action???

+next, about hitsound... there is million hitsound that may not fit to the music but it can be fit if the hitsound are used in a proper place...
lets take a look at this map >>> Rex - Heart of Witch
the HS lookslike very awkward... (never find more awkward than this, sorry nowsmart xD) the music is full of piano... but the hitsound used is... wew.... and its very loud too... but it was used in a proper place... so its no problem (because its ranked)
the point is... it still okay for the HS.. the HS is fit to the music too...
if sakura said find a better hitsound...why not give the better one when pop it instead of ask someone?... as i said before... is this pop and run action?? too bad... i didnt see a charisma of a BN here... no offense... I agree x2
I've changed clap and finish :c And now I do not know if exchanged for those before (This is google traductor... Please forgive me if something is misspelled)
And I've changed the Size for size

Takane6 wrote:

+next, about hitsound... there is million hitsound that may not fit to the music but it can be fit if the hitsound are used in a proper place...
lets take a look at this map >>> Rex - Heart of Witch
the HS lookslike very awkward...
I'm sorry, I'm still newbie about hitsound and this is my 1st map TT
Topic Starter
x M e l

nowsmart wrote:

I'm sorry, I'm still newbie about hitsound and this is my 1st map TT
Lol, don't worry, I'm newbie too
Deep Sea
what's happening here? o.o
Topic Starter
x M e l

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

what's happening here? o.o
Read the comments xD discussion between LordRaika and Spy about their attitudes, for a review of Sakura about the hitsounds, and so on...

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

what's happening here? o.o
you are watching a drama here...

SPY wrote:

Since we've stopped, I highly recommend
you not to start it again.
Start what? Its true... Right? Blame me if i did it wrong...
If you said you hve stopped... then What will happen into this map in the future?

  • Tags:
  1. [_M_o_m_o_]
  2. delete anime, because it will be in anime genre if get ranked
  3. remove mirai kuriyama akihito kanbara, because it's not their CV who sing this song (not a character song) but im not really sure about this too xp

Takane6 wrote:

Start what? Its true... Right? Blame me if i did it wrong...
If you said you hve stopped... then What will happen into this map in the future?
they have nothing to do with the mapset in the future, just keep on modding process and fix all problems found. so don't worry. it was just an intermezzo lol
This is pointless, just stop. If you all wish to continue please carry our your concerns via PM with each other. Watching this thread just is painful and is no help to the mapper in improving their map - which should be the purpose of each post here after this map has just been popped.

Lets forget this all now, and help the mapper. Otherwise I'll probably just call someone to clean up these posts. It's ridiculous.

To the mapper: there are various points of concern which you might need to address before calling [ S a k u r a ] to rebubble your map.


I understand what Sakura means by them feeling a bit noisy. The main purpose (for most mappers) in creating hitsounds is to make them have a nice matching feel with the music - which currently it does not. The current clap sound, for example, feels too noisy or too prolonged. Since most of your mapping comes from layering drums mostly, it's best to get a more fitting 'snare' sound. The current finish sound doesn't match the music much at all.
I believe this is what caused concerns.

Furthermore, the hitsound placements aren't that consistent between each difficulty.
Sometimes, in 4K NM, for example, there will be finish, when in HD it is clap.
Sometimes, in 4K NM, for example, there will be whistle, when in HD there is no hitsound.
I recommend to do the following:
  1. Open 4K NM difficulty in the editor
  2. File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference (the top bar, maybe in fullscreen you can't see these options well.)
  3. Choose 4K HD
  4. View -> Show Sample Name (the top bar, in fullscreen you can't see these options well.)
Then you can see a sidebyside comparison of hitsounds, and you can make them identical to each other.
If you need help with this, you can ask someone, or me if I'm free in IRC. It's really helpful to use.

Overall quality

Looking at the 4K NM diff alone, I can tell it has a few balance issues. That's why I said before, it's probably best to get this map a few more mods before asking Sakura for a rebubble. I'm sure people will have a few things to suggest.

Thank you Zan - for being productive with metadata within the last few posts.

What to do now

  1. Fix hitsound consistency like I suggested in the hitsound section of this post.
  2. Find a few more mods around via PM, #modreqs or within the modding queue forums.
  3. Once you have around 2+ more mods in each diff, feel free to call Sakura back again.
Don't aim for bare minimum. Mapping isn't about creating 'your first ranked map!', but rather making an enjoyable and quality mapset for the player. Being lazy doesn't settle. So it's recommended, if you can, to get a few more mods.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact me via PM.
Topic Starter
x M e l

Starry- wrote:

This is pointless, just stop. If you all wish to continue please carry our your concerns via PM with each other. Watching this thread just is painful and is no help to the mapper in improving their map - which should be the purpose of each post here after this map has just been popped.

Lets forget this all now, and help the mapper. Otherwise I'll probably just call someone to clean up these posts. It's ridiculous.

To the mapper: there are various points of concern which you might need to address before calling [ S a k u r a ] to rebubble your map.


I understand what Sakura means by them feeling a bit noisy. The main purpose (for most mappers) in creating hitsounds is to make them have a nice matching feel with the music - which currently it does not. The current clap sound, for example, feels too noisy or too prolonged. Since most of your mapping comes from layering drums mostly, it's best to get a more fitting 'snare' sound. The current finish sound doesn't match the music much at all.
I believe this is what caused concerns.

Furthermore, the hitsound placements aren't that consistent between each difficulty.
Sometimes, in 4K NM, for example, there will be finish, when in HD it is clap.
Sometimes, in 4K NM, for example, there will be whistle, when in HD there is no hitsound.
I recommend to do the following:
  1. Open 4K NM difficulty in the editor
  2. File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference (the top bar, maybe in fullscreen you can't see these options well.)
  3. Choose 4K HD
  4. View -> Show Sample Name (the top bar, in fullscreen you can't see these options well.)
Then you can see a sidebyside comparison of hitsounds, and you can make them identical to each other.
If you need help with this, you can ask someone, or me if I'm free in IRC. It's really helpful to use.

Overall quality

Looking at the 4K NM diff alone, I can tell it has a few balance issues. That's why I said before, it's probably best to get this map a few more mods before asking Sakura for a rebubble. I'm sure people will have a few things to suggest.

Thank you Zan - for being productive with metadata within the last few posts.

What to do now

  1. Fix hitsound consistency like I suggested in the hitsound section of this post.
  2. Find a few more mods around via PM, #modreqs or within the modding queue forums.
  3. Once you have around 2+ more mods in each diff, feel free to call Sakura back again.
Don't aim for bare minimum. Mapping isn't about creating 'your first ranked map!', but rather making an enjoyable and quality mapset for the player. Being lazy doesn't settle. So it's recommended, if you can, to get a few more mods.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact me via PM.
Thanks, you helped a lot :D
Topic Starter
x M e l

Zan - wrote:


  • Tags:
  1. [_M_o_m_o_]
  2. delete anime, because it will be in anime genre if get ranked
  3. remove mirai kuriyama akihito kanbara, because it's not their CV who sing this song (not a character song) but im not really sure about this too xp
Thanks Zan ~ deleted & removed ^^ no kudosu, right?
yes no need to kudosu \:D/
Topic Starter
x M e l

Zan - wrote:

yes no need to kudosu \:D/
xD okay \:3/
Hi Meiko Senpai >.<)/
Mod from Moe Hunter Mania Queue

General : ( )
Mapset : ( )
Metadata : ( ) maybe you need more TAG
Timing : ( ) BPM 84.95 :3
Audio : ( ) Hitsound hmm~
Background : ( )

4K = |1|2|3|4|

01:14:790 i hear stream sound here optional 1: add new LN here or optional 2: LN here 01:14:084 (74084|2) - end here 01:15:144
seem it look perfect
00:23:584 (23584|1,23937|2) Ctrl + G for balance hand
00:25:350 (25350|1) move to 1? follow pattern like 00:28:175
00:25:703 (25703|2) if you aggre suggest like above, move 2
00:31:588 (31588|0,31706|0) are you sure make patter like this? if you want 00:31:706 (31706|0) move to 4
00:34:061 (34061|3) move to 2 and 00:34:178 (34178|1) move to 3
00:44:302 (44302|2) can you explain here?
00:52:777 (52777|3) ^
00:59:605 add note?
01:14:790 - 01:15:144 i think hear another stream sound here
That all
I hope my mod can help you to rebubble this map
Nice Map and Good Luck for RANK -nya~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Topic Starter
x M e l

Verniy_Chan wrote:

Hi Meiko Senpai >.<)/
Mod from Moe Hunter Mania Queue

General : ( )
Mapset : ( )
Metadata : ( ) maybe you need more TAG
Timing : ( ) BPM 84.95 :3
Audio : ( ) Hitsound hmm~
Background : ( )

4K = |1|2|3|4|

01:14:790 i hear stream sound here optional 1: add new LN here or optional 2: LN here 01:14:084 (74084|2) - end here 01:15:144 added option 2
seem it look perfect
00:23:584 (23584|1,23937|2) Ctrl + G for balance hand ok
00:25:350 (25350|1) move to 1? follow pattern like 00:28:175 ok
00:25:703 (25703|2) if you aggre suggest like above, move 2 ok
00:31:588 (31588|0,31706|0) are you sure make patter like this? if you want 00:31:706 (31706|0) move to 4 moved
00:34:061 (34061|3) move to 2 and 00:34:178 (34178|1) move to 3 no
00:44:302 (44302|2) can you explain here? same sounds
00:52:777 (52777|3) ^ ^
00:59:605 add note? why?
01:14:790 - 01:15:144 i think hear another stream sound here I don't hear that D:
That all
I hope my mod can help you to rebubble this map
Nice Map and Good Luck for RANK -nya~ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Thanks Verniy-chan :)
Hi Meiko, sorry for my late mod T^T)
Mod from Moe Hunter Mania Queue

Key :

Seems Fine~
00:04:867 (4867|2) - Delete ? i think no need to double-note here.
00:05:573 (5573|6) - Move to 6 ? hand balance.
00:05:926 - Delete 1 note ? no need to double note
00:20:405 - Delete. ^
00:22:524 - Add note.
00:23:584 (23584|6) - its awkward to me if you put Whistle here.
00:29:234 (29234|1) - same here.
00:26:762 (26762|5) - Maybe, move to 5 ?
00:35:944 (35944|5,35944|2) - why not do Reverse of 00:35:238 (35238|0,35238|2) - ? =>
00:36:297 - Add a note ?
00:37:003 - Add a note
00:40:888 (40888|0) - Move to 2 ? Hand Balance.
01:14:790 (74790|1) - Move to 1 and then 01:14:790 (74790|5) - Move to 7
Momo's 7K HD
00:27:822 (27822|2) - Move to 2
00:37:357 (37357|0) - Maybe, Move to 2 ?
00:49:952 - Missing a 1/6 note ?
00:50:070 - same here.
00:52:012 (52012|3) - i dont hear any sound, that followed with this note
00:52:777 - Missing a 1/6 note ?
00:53:131 - same here.
Good Diff.

Good Luck, Meiko ^.^)/
Topic Starter
x M e l

Adinata28 wrote:

Hi Meiko, sorry for my late mod T^T)
Mod from Moe Hunter Mania Queue

Key :

Seems Fine~
00:04:867 (4867|2) - Delete ? i think no need to double-note here. ok
00:05:573 (5573|6) - Move to 6 ? hand balance. Is really necessary? I think no problem
00:05:926 - Delete 1 note ? no need to double note ok
00:20:405 - Delete. ^ patron chaged
00:22:524 - Add note. no, here I'm not following the clap
00:23:584 (23584|6) - its awkward to me if you put Whistle here. agree
00:29:234 (29234|1) - same here. ^
00:26:762 (26762|5) - Maybe, move to 5 ? ok
00:35:944 (35944|5,35944|2) - why not do Reverse of 00:35:238 (35238|0,35238|2) - ? => idk (?
00:36:297 - Add a note ? no
00:37:003 - Add a note necessary?
00:40:888 (40888|0) - Move to 2 ? Hand Balance. ok
01:14:790 (74790|1) - Move to 1 and then 01:14:790 (74790|5) - Move to 7 why :c
Nice~ thanks :3

Good Luck, Meiko ^.^)/
Thanks, Adinata~ updating


00:36:650 - add note. make double, same sound as 00:33:825 (33825|5,33825|2) -
00:37:357 - add note
00:45:832 (45832|6) - move to 4

00:53:248 (53248|2) - make double. same sound as 00:50:423 (50423|1,50423|2) -
00:57:486 - ^ same

other dif seem fine to me

please reply before
expired 24/3/2015
Topic Starter
x M e l

Frim4503 wrote:


00:36:650 - add note. make double, same sound as 00:33:825 (33825|5,33825|2) - ok~
00:37:357 - add note
00:45:832 (45832|6) - move to 4 ^

00:53:248 (53248|2) - make double. same sound as 00:50:423 (50423|1,50423|2) - ok :3
00:57:486 - ^ same ok

other dif seem fine to me

please reply before
expired 24/3/2015
sorry for late check :( thanks frim! no kudosu right?
Thanks for fun story,and good luck for rank!
Topic Starter
x M e l

shionelove wrote:

Thanks for fun story,and good luck for rank!
Lol xD Thank you :D
Replied to the offline pm you sent

hahahahah no kds ( really )

Opinions are never welcome when not asked for, so click if you wanna

Hi personal onion on le hitsounds here :
Hitsounding is something that's really amazing if you can execute it well

- Le deep quote from some Einstein thing ( not really )


The hitsound here is not bad, however, what is kinda uhhhh how do I say it, uhh, kinda distracting and unnatural is the heavy bass on whistle/normal, N:C3, would be great if it's toned down a lil bit

2ndly, some hitsounds overlap too much and creates something that is outstanding, eg. 01:01:371 (61371|1,61371|6,61371|0) - which kinda feels weird ( you know what i mean )

Some hitsounds have a massive gap at the tail, would be preferred if they are cut for file size

Hitsounding can become something that would make players crank up their effects volume just to feel the satisfaction of it, it can be used to deter players, try to balance it out and make sure it's pleasant to the ears ~

( Coincidentally, Lifetheory's Daisy has some really amazing additive hitsounding that makes me real excited, the hitsounds here makes the whole beatmap a notch better | Even using defaults like this makes the whole experience better )
( Before you start flaming me on how that is std and how this is mania, remember that we are listening to the same audio, enjoy the hitsounding, enjoy the music, enjoy the combination, and most importantly enjoy playing the beatmap as a whole ~ )

shi shiny teeth!

Topic Starter
x M e l

Z3nx wrote:

Replied to the offline pm you sent

hahahahah no kds ( really )

Opinions are never welcome when not asked for, so click if you wanna

Hi personal onion on le hitsounds here :
Hitsounding is something that's really amazing if you can execute it well

- Le deep quote from some Einstein thing ( not really )


The hitsound here is not bad, however, what is kinda uhhhh how do I say it, uhh, kinda distracting and unnatural is the heavy bass on whistle/normal, N:C3, would be great if it's toned down a lil bit

2ndly, some hitsounds overlap too much and creates something that is outstanding, eg. 01:01:371 (61371|1,61371|6,61371|0) - which kinda feels weird ( you know what i mean )

Some hitsounds have a massive gap at the tail, would be preferred if they are cut for file size

Hitsounding can become something that would make players crank up their effects volume just to feel the satisfaction of it, it can be used to deter players, try to balance it out and make sure it's pleasant to the ears ~

( Coincidentally, Lifetheory's Daisy has some really amazing additive hitsounding that makes me real excited, the hitsounds here makes the whole beatmap a notch better | Even using defaults like this makes the whole experience better )
( Before you start flaming me on how that is std and how this is mania, remember that we are listening to the same audio, enjoy the hitsounding, enjoy the music, enjoy the combination, and most importantly enjoy playing the beatmap as a whole ~ )

shi shiny teeth!

Thank you very much for passing on your opinion & for taking your time :3
Deep Sea
Hello Meiko
BN check


BG :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :
Metadata :

Source : 境界の彼方 and add in tags kyoukai no kanata

Pattern Review:
(notice that columns are following like 1 2 3 4 for 4K diffs and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7K diffs)

[7K NM]

00:03:101 - or
00:04:514 (4514|3) - delete

[4K NM]

01:08:257 (68257|3) - delete
01:08:434 -

[4K HD]

00:13:872 - add note to 4
00:13:931 (13931|3) - delete
00:14:225 (14225|2) - delete
00:22:877 -
00:42:536 (42536|1) - delete
00:46:715 - add note to 3
01:11:141 (71141|2) - delete
01:11:259 (71259|1) - move to 3

[Momo's 7K HD]

00:21:818 (21818|4) - delete
Topic Starter
x M e l

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

Hello Meiko
BN check


BG :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :
Metadata :

Source : 境界の彼方 and add in tags kyoukai no kanata

Pattern Review:
(notice that columns are following like 1 2 3 4 for 4K diffs and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7K diffs)

[7K NM]

00:03:101 - or
00:04:514 (4514|3) - delete

[4K NM]

01:08:257 (68257|3) - delete
01:08:434 -

[4K HD]

00:13:872 - add note to 4
00:13:931 (13931|3) - delete
00:14:225 (14225|2) - delete
00:22:877 -
00:42:536 (42536|1) - delete
00:46:715 - add note to 3
01:11:141 (71141|2) - delete
01:11:259 (71259|1) - move to 3

[Momo's 7K HD]

00:21:818 (21818|4) - delete
Hi Shana, thanks so much, I applied all of what you said. What I have to do now? I have to update & pop my map? :?
Deep Sea
BG :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :
Metadata :

other problems have been corrected with Meiko through irc

All diffs checked, with patterns and hitsounds all right
Topic Starter
x M e l

[Shana Lesus] wrote:

BG :
Audio :
Timing :
Spread :
Metadata :

other problems have been corrected with Meiko through irc

All diffs checked, with patterns and hitsounds all right
Thank youuuu all
very nice!
Topic Starter
x M e l

YunoFanatic wrote:

very nice!
Thanks Yuno! :)
Argentina tiene mappers, si señor

Felicidades ;D
yosh! gratz >w<)b
grazzz =w=b
Topic Starter
x M e l

juankristal wrote:

Argentina tiene mappers, si señor

Felicidades ;D

Takane6 wrote:

yosh! gratz >w<)b

Kyousuke- wrote:

grazzz =w=b
Thaaaaaaaanks ;w; ♥
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