
ITT 2: We post shit that is neither funny nor interesting

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AutoMedic wrote:

hurr, terrorists
Blue Stig
Trash Boat

Blue Stig wrote:
I have the feeling that that's a screamer
It's just a retarded as shit gif, trust me. :p
What happens if you don't press A
Anuses get sad.
Anuses get salad.

Press A to toss
Trash Boat
I wish the world were money
Blue Stig
You can also push stuff for money.
No there isn't anything in the stuff.
Just the act of pushing gives credits.
Every game should have this.
Trash Boat
You can also break jars for money 8-)
Blue Stig
It doesn't even have to be a jar.
It could be a fern, a broken umbrella, a lampshade, anything or anyone.
It's great.

Edit: pushing not breaking
Vuelo Eluko
you can get money for sexual favors too
I can?
no you can't
Trash Boat
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna quit being a massive gaylord

Vuelo Eluko
my muscles are so torn up it hurts to move
last time i volunteer to help load someones moving truck

sedentary bros WHERE WE AT?
I carried $130 of groceries home on foot. yeah I didn't even need my arms anyway
Vuelo Eluko
carry them on your head
do I look African to you?
Vuelo Eluko
most africans are rich white people who own everything so yes
I wish video games were good.
Blue Stig
D4 is good.
It's not for everyone but it nails the story and humor perfectly.
Even the cliffhanger was perfectly timed.

Also I've been ranting about it for a while now so I should stop.
Also I need to stop saying also so much.

Must be getting tired.
Trash Boat

Zelda wrote:

I wish video games were good.
kids these days are edgy as fuck

monster radio caps are a good thing now? It's been a thread to the kuledgykidds nowadays
And that is how you nail all 15 exams with the highest score from all the students..... you just sacrifice your social life and everything you love for it.
wish I could be motivated to do stuff. But work leads to more work, and I'd rather be sitting at my computer doing nothing.
I was actually horrible during my high school days. Sure, my general knowledge was far, far superior to anything those cunts knew or will ever know, but they all studied for the tests and achieved top scores every time, while I was the "black sheep" in the class, always getting horrible grades on tests because I simply never wanted to study for anything - I'd rather either go out and observe nature, or sit and wank on the PC, reading random stuff.
Regardless, the reason I had such horrid grades was mainly due to me getting bloody seizures every time someone mentioned schedules to me. I hate doing things when I'm forced to, and I'd much rather do them when I FEEL like doing them.... and college is exactly that. You don't want to study today? No prob, sod off, you can study tomorrow, when you feel like it, as it doesn't even matter when the exam period comes in 4 months anyways.
Can't wait for college. Still stuck in high school for like 8 months, NEET life for a few months before army, and then army for hopefully 347 days. And then college.

Aurani wrote:

I was actually horrible during my high school days. Sure, my general knowledge was far, far superior to anything those cunts knew or will ever know, but they all studied for the tests and achieved top scores every time, while I was the "black sheep" in the class, always getting horrible grades on tests because I simply never wanted to study for anything - I'd rather either go out and observe nature, or sit and wank on the PC, reading random stuff.
Regardless, the reason I had such horrid grades was mainly due to me getting bloody seizures every time someone mentioned schedules to me. I hate doing things when I'm forced to, and I'd much rather do them when I FEEL like doing them.... and college is exactly that. You don't want to study today? No prob, sod off, you can study tomorrow, when you feel like it, as it doesn't even matter when the exam period comes in 4 months anyways.
I felt the same way back in High School too. It feels shit to be forced to study something that you dont even like

and then there's college. the golden era of do-whatever-you-want education

Aurani wrote:

And that is how you nail all 15 exams with the highest score from all the students..... you just sacrifice your social life and everything you love for it.
Basically what I did for high school. Top 10 in my year and top 3 in physics. Sadly I have very little motivation to study since I entered university 5 months ago.
I had a great high school experience.
I was somewhere in the top 10 of my class, I was the treasurer of the student council and I actually had a date for prom.

Now in college I'm underachieving I haven't joined any organization and I'm spending my free time rotting away in front of a computer screen playing video games. Dandy.

AutoMedic wrote:

I felt the same way back in High School too. It feels shit to be forced to study something that you dont even like
and then there's college. the golden era of do-whatever-you-want education
Thing is, I'm not your usual lazy fuck. I'm literally a damn sloth when it comes to being forced to do something. There were a few occasions when didn't eat anything for 5 days because I was just too lazy to go 200 meters from the hotel and actually refill my fridge. Now, if I'm too lazy to even fill my own stomach when I'm hungry, imagine how well I'll do when you force me to study something I don't give two shits about.
It's just natural that most people avoid giving me any tasks and entrust me with doing them, even if I'm a genius at completing them in the most efficient manner, but am as unreliable as a 92 year-old guy's penis during sex.

piruchan wrote:

Basically what I did for high school. Top 10 in my year and top 3 in physics. Sadly I have very little motivation to study since I entered university 5 months ago.
How so? I mean, that is the time in your life where you literally set goals for yourself and choose to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Do you know what's keeping you down? Love? Family? Friends? I mean, you have no reason to be less productive in college than you were in high school, simply because high school is way more demanding and involves a lot of flexibility on your part.

Ceph23 wrote:

I had a great high school experience.
I was somewhere in the top 10 of my class, I was the treasurer of the student council and I actually had a date for prom.
Someone with a social life! Gtfo and burn in hell asldfha;soifjcecui

Aurani wrote:

How so? I mean, that is the time in your life where you literally set goals for yourself and choose to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Do you know what's keeping you down? Love? Family? Friends? I mean, you have no reason to be less productive in college than you were in high school, simply because high school is way more demanding and involves a lot of flexibility on your part.
To put it simply, I'm disappointed with college.
I did set goals for myself, but it turns out that I can't do anything about it due to the amount of homework and assignment. I was expecting to learn a lot of stuff, but it turns out not possible. Combine that with the most childish class I ever get and the fact that I have to keep up with their antics due to seniors saying things like, "we have to stay together and be friendly to everyone in our major" during orientation and that my friend, is the recipe for major breakdown.
I became really lazy and ended up not doing anything, not even playing games. I spent most of my free time rolling around in bed and staring into blank space. The result? I got a B in English and that's just wrong. I didn't study for the midterm and got 76/100, only to be saved by final because the lecturer said that she had hopes on me which motivated me to study and scored 92/100. Could have been an easy A, but I can't complain much with how much effort I put into that. The other subject however, are not so sweet. I even think I got a depression somewhere along the way.

Ceph23 wrote:

I had a great high school experience.
I was somewhere in the top 10 of my class, I was the treasurer of the student council and I actually had a date for prom.

Now in college I'm underachieving I haven't joined any organization and I'm spending my free time rotting away in front of a computer screen playing video games. Dandy.

Aurani wrote:

Sounds like me. I went shopping yesterday after a long time of not eating much, just because I couldn't be bothered going out. I'm pretty much incapable of following a routine like a normal person, getting up at the same time, going to school/work, studying, housework, I just don't have the motivation for any of it. In the past year or two I moved from my mum's place, started college; I got good grades on some English and Japanese tasks, stuff that I actually put effort into, but I just gradually lost interest, and I haven't even started going again this year. So yeah I'm a pretty stereotypical NEET, and having social anxiety doesn't help either, it just makes going out in public more of a chore.
All I really want to do is do the absolute minimum that is required of me to have an income, because the sad thing is I don't want to do anything else in life except sit on front of a computer, play games, occupy my time with hobbies etc. Yeah, I' a pretty worthless human being, doesn't bother me too much though.
So right now I'm sitting around and abusing this ridiculous youth allowance welfare. Also I've spent around $4000+ on gaming stuff in the past year or two. Please don't hang me :lol:
Blue Stig
Ahh high school.

I remember how it was all busywork and repetition.
In one or two weeks of classes you learn the equivalent of one day in College.
Every teacher hated phones.
Everyone used proxies to watch youtube.
At one point someone put a sega genesis and N64 emulator in one of the shared folders.
Oh the lengths some students would go to get past the teachers.

Now I'm a part-time college student and a "part-time" retail employee.
The "part-time" job is the biggest time sink now.
Since I've entered the workforce I've only been able to take only a few classes per semester sometimes only one.
I gotta figure out some way to move things along.
Trash Boat

its already february. better start doing something after getting my diploma

B1rd wrote:

Sounds like me. I went shopping yesterday after a long time of not eating much, just because I couldn't be bothered going out. I'm pretty much incapable of following a routine like a normal person, getting up at the same time, going to school/work, studying, housework, I just don't have the motivation for any of it. In the past year or two I moved from my mum's place, started college; I got good grades on some English and Japanese tasks, stuff that I actually put effort into, but I just gradually lost interest, and I haven't even started going again this year. So yeah I'm a pretty stereotypical NEET, and having social anxiety doesn't help either, it just makes going out in public more of a chore.
All I really want to do is do the absolute minimum that is required of me to have an income, because the sad thing is I don't want to do anything else in life except sit on front of a computer, play games, occupy my time with hobbies etc. Yeah, I' a pretty worthless human being, doesn't bother me too much though.
So right now I'm sitting around and abusing this ridiculous youth allowance welfare. Also I've spent around $4000+ on gaming stuff in the past year or two. Please don't hang me :lol:
Thing is, I was EXACTLY like that up until few months ago. I also had depression for over 4 years, almost 5 actually, so yeah, not the typical teenage "depression" where the word "depression" is being used like some street hooker for every possible instance of feeling bitterness, or sadness. I barely had the will to even breathe properly, and doing something other than that was a major pain in the arse in more than one way.
I only have to thank my girlfriend for actually bringing me out of that "darkness" and giving me just enough will to start doing things on my own again. I won't say she's solely responsible for it, but hey, she most definitely contributed to it the most.
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