
The Touhou Project

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Zekira wrote:

Will try again once I finish TH07 Phantasm
...does not compute.

In DS news, Stage 12 is kicking my ass seven ways to Sunday. Not to mention the requirements to unlock the EX Stage is almost half of the 108 available stages - and I'll need to do even more to unlock Spoiler. I am so screwed.

I'm putting up replays of the DS scenes after I complete them (assuming I actually remember to save them), so look for them at my channel.

Zekira wrote:

I swear, Sakuya is much stronger than Remilia
Again, try Lunatic. One of Remilia's Lunatic spells (Scarlet Meister) is pretty much considered the most difficult in the series.
So Siki decided to WoDhax me at the exact moment when I was sure she was gonna get hit already. I mean, I already had both Fairy and Witch spells thrown at her, boss attack was there and I just got an EX Item and I looked at the other screen and she was hugging the bottom wall, and she's pretty much surrounded by millions of stars up front.

...then wall of death comes in and fucks me instead.

OTL. Lunatic btw

who's the best? D:

⑨ is the best. (Extra, no Death)

<.< i had enough. Cirno really kills herself, but is one of the best Chara for Scoreing @.@
@ sin. i got fooled by that mikovideo. D:

also a lulz screenshot from Team fortress 2. guess who is in the picture


stickers??? :p

gonna use my sticker printer for this :D
and put it on my car
high res pls or .tiff

-SiN- wrote:

stickers??? :p

gonna use my sticker printer for this :D
and put it on my car
you got a bigger version of it?
There's a massive version around somewhere, but I can't be bothered to find it.
d'aww. if only it is in english.. but thanks anyway. i want the english version :(
So I unlocked Hatate about a week ago in DS. She makes some spell cards incredibly easy compared to playing with Aya, but on the flip side spells easy for Aya can get frustrating with Hatate.

Camera Shy Rose makes me rage with either. Seriously, how is that possible???

Crimson_SoulZ wrote:

d'aww. if only it is in english.. but thanks anyway. i want the english version :(
Put image in photoshop
Try finding the same text, remove current text with black, put new(english) text in white.
Not that hard. =p

Lybydose wrote:

Zekira wrote:

I swear, Sakuya is much stronger than Remilia
Again, try Lunatic. One of Remilia's Lunatic spells (Scarlet Meister) is pretty much considered the most difficult in the series.
so i tried Remilia on Lunatic... and ... holy sh** o_O Her spell's are sooo hard omg. (I don't wanna know, how much i died <.<) But... Scarlet Meister is easier consider to Scarlet Gensokyo o.o"
Is it just me...

...or in any difficulty below Hard in any game (barring PoFV, since Siki is probably the strongest Stage 6 Boss, being as haxy as Yukari), the Stage 5 boss is ALWAYS harder than the Stage 6 boss? Youmu just keeps raping me intensively, Sakuya abuses my un-memorization of the hitbox, Reisen just doesn't want you to go above hugging the bottom wall (which I really don't like doing), Sanae's stars are just a bit too big for Marisa's taste, Orin will deplete your patience and of course Shou will wrape you with curvy lasers. Stage 6 bosses on the other hand are too gentle >_>

EDIT: First time I used Reimu today. First 3 runs, I kept raging at how I'm missing 2136089512875 items on Stage 1, but eventually I was able to accept the fact that I'll NEVER going to be getting max power by the end of Stage 1, and proceeded. And thus:

I never expected to be getting a shitload of points compared to using Marisa. Maybe it's because of added memory this time as compared to my Marisa-A run where I had no idea what Yuyuko was going to throw at me. I'm also surprised that I got a sizable amount of Point Items; I was kinda expecting only bordering 1000 Point Items, given how Reimu has invisible chubbiness that refrains her from moving fast.
That said, I only need 3 more endings to finish my collection of TH07 endings. Now I need to go through the painful process of 1CC'ing using Reimu again.

On another note, some cards just seem to be really annoying to capture, and is turning out harder than comapred to if I use Marisa. Guarneri Gel Desu and Prism Concerto being the most annoying; I could swear these cards were way easier when I tried it... but then I remembered Reimu's invisible fat. Great.

Another thing to note is that I probably was using Focus less than 50% of the time I was using focus on Marisa. End result then is that I'm getting Borders quicker than Hatate can say Hatatatatatatate, contributing to even more points...

Do it again. This time use Reimu B. Notice how much stronger she is, and notice how many MORE borders you'll get than with reimu A. Unfocused shooting with Reimu B is 2nd best in terms of how much cherry you can get. Marisa A has the best. I also believe unfocused shooting with Reimu B is the strongest shot in the game. (assuming you're practically touching the boss)

Cyclone wrote:

Do it again. This time use Reimu B. Notice how much stronger she is,
Just looking at the shot kinda gives it away, yes?

Cyclone wrote:

and notice how many MORE borders you'll get than with reimu A. Unfocused shooting with Reimu B is 2nd best in terms of how much cherry you can get. Marisa A has the best.
Out of curiosity, does it follow that stronger shot = more cherry? I find Marisa-A's melee unfocused power to be really really insanely high, but I don't know about Reimu-B yet (since I never obviously used it yet), but judging from the shot I think the boss also needs to be large enough to get all the shots in? ( it just me or Stage 2 Chen is actually smaller than Extra Chen in terms of hitbox? Marisa-A's green shots at melee range never completely enclose Stage 2 Chen while it does on Extra Chen)

Cyclone wrote:

I also believe unfocused shooting with Reimu B is the strongest shot in the game. (assuming you're practically touching the boss)
Hm, that kinda appeals to me. I'll try it out.
is there anyway for me to be good in danmaku. i usually have too little too much overconfidence which is bad.

Crimson_SoulZ wrote:

is there anyway for me to be good in danmaku. i usually have too little too much overconfidence which is bad.
think: dodge bullets, not hit enemy

Randy96 wrote:

think: dodge bullets, not hit enemy
Err... I never thought about that :?

I dodge bullets for the sake of getting in line with the boss :o

Other than that, I found some quick parts on some games that have improved my dodging greatly. For one, the time that I felt that I was FINALLY improving was through IN's Spell Practice. In particular, I grinded Kaguya's cards on Normal until I was sure I could clear them in a row, but most notably trying to capture Impossible Request 「Dragon's Necklace」 was the card that trained me so much (I think I still have less than 5% capture rate on that card).

Also, you probably already know, but you really have to be a master of the hit box. Effective and efficient dodging is done by looking at the bullets, not at the character. In Phantasm, I normally look on the top-half of the screen even if I'm hugging the bottom wall except for certain spellcards. One card that kinda requires you to do this is Nitori's first card. The bullets are so bright that it's kinda painful having to look at one spot, plus you have to look at Nitori for where she's shooting those balls anyway.
well i do look at the top half of the screen. trying to look at the bullet patterns and then i quickly look back on my character. slowly dodging those bullets.

one thing more annoying than fast bullets are slow bullets. those bullets took me off guard and i can't even deathbomb through it
If you can't deathbomb through it then just bomb through it lol. I learned not to be bombshy and then that was the time I finally was able to 1CC some stuff.

Also, IMO fast bullets and slow bullets don't make a difference much, but rather, it's how they combine to form WTFWALLS just like Lyrica does.

Oh and another thing. I don't know if it will help, but watch the replay of others. It might just boost your confidence when you know ways to dodge some other patterns. Not to be bragging or anything but here's my latest Normal run on PCB lol:

And, um.

EDIT2: Mrrrr

i tried playing EoSD on normal. i died at patchouli. her spell cards are quite hard.

someday, i will 1 CC a touhou game.
YOUMU, YOU... >_<

She completely ruined my ReimuB run.

I could swear, she's by far the Stage 5 boss which makes me rage all the time.

Three deaths were because Youmu had to just be a bitch again. It's no surprise that it's actually the first death I got (not including unintentional border breaks). I swear I could've scored way higher if I didn't keep chain-deathing on Stage 5 and Stage 6... >_>

Youmu's Spellcards are okay, but her attacks sucks extermly <.< i was able to get from every spell at least 1 spellbonus. in Stage 6 Youmu's Spellcards is stupid -_- attack is easier.

Yuyuko! The first spell is not hard, but starts getting confusing, if she didn't die over 20~30 secs.
Her second spell starts to sucks. Even the bullets are big, which is aiming at you, it sucks really x_x
Her Third spell is hard too, but only if you went up.
Her fourth spell is really the easiest spell from her o_o I mean... lol? xD
The long spell... omg, it kicks me always when she dies at the same time <.<
Surviving spell? Easy with Reimu. With the others? not really...
also. is there a new retexture pack for EoSD? i've seen some of you guys taking screenshots in EoSD and it looks good. could it possibly be a new retexture pack?

@momiji gif. *drools*
I don't know by 'new', but I do have the retexture pack, but I'm not using it since it's making Marisa seem too fast and the movement just seems too weird...
Sniffing around for something to do and I came across Touhou DotA.

Yes you heard me right. Some Chinese dudes made it.

Imma put some screenshots here.

Momiji... she has skills you wish that one DotA hero to have. She has Summon Wolves for a first skill, a reveal spell for a second skill, a spell similar to Dragon's Tail for a third skill, and her ulti... ENDURANCE AURA. And a really big boost too. 12-24-36% for the 3 levels respectively. Paired with just Power Treads, Momiji is one hell of a melee user...

Then... I randomed again on a restart game to see who I would want to try out next. So I got Ran.
Her first skill's icon... ooh... I think I know what this does...



Now if only I could figure out how I could put Bashers on her...

...oh wait ooh BOTH of them have a slow spell! Oh joy! *eats the Mystia AI* wait the AI doesn't know how to buy items yet... rofl.

Other than that, my Chen makes me proud :>
omg!!! I only though it's possible to make PV's on Wacraft III (Bad Apple!!), but Touhou Chara's as Units...?? O_O AWESOME XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Okay but, what happens, when one of them dies? o.o Brutal or ... something like this? :/
They just die, and they regenerate after a set time, depending on the level.

I take you haven't played Hero Arena type maps on WC3 before?

EDIT: LOL @ Cirno's Int:

EDIT2: What the freaking hell I'm level 8 at the moment and Cirno's Int is still 9... maybe it's constant? o_O
i mean the death animation ^^" brutal or kind of these :o
Well, i don't know much about online maps, because i play seldom wc3.

omg, Cirno is and will be ever a ⑨ XD

Oh btw. have u ever though, that Satori last spell is more like Cirno...? (Yukari's Spell)

btw.... Cirno is a undead hero...? o_o
Lol! WC3 Touhou, that's very interesting.
Have a link?
this comic is so depressing that it made me cry. Not recommended for those who have depression

mouse over to the dialogue to read about it ... irband-hat
I guess you could say she's....

PAD it.


Randy96 wrote:

Lol! WC3 Touhou, that's very interesting.
Have a link?
Here's the latest one I could find so far (the map is in Chinese btw):

It would be best if you already knew how to play DotA.


I know I badly screwed up Boundary of Humans and Youkai, and freaked up the second wave of Danmaku Bounded Field... and as always Ran still loves forcing me to use a bomb 10 seconds into the spell. >_> I just freak out everytime I see her move.
Maybe I can try with Marisa-B this time... OR maybe I can start 1CC'ing Hard instead...

...or whatever, I'm just going to play some more TouhouDotA :3

EDIT2: Lol


Zekira wrote:

Lol? 6 Miss, 6 Bomb, 6 Spell Captured... cool XD

I wonder, why Satori's Spell with Reimu A is so ... o.o" I mean, i failed on every spell card XD (never played Lunatic, just a try) But the last one is sooo... ⑨ <.<
Zekira, I only noticed that now haha
hmpf. Alice in Extra (TH05) is extremly hard x_x and the Stage sucks o_o
But she's cuter than the pathetic lonely stalker she's become nowerdays.
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