Aaaaaaargh your mp3 makes me sick. Use this mp3, and consider begging Rolled to finish his difficulty. 
Download: Rise Against - Prayers of the Refugee.mp3

Download: Rise Against - Prayers of the Refugee.mp3
Well... From my side... Sure, why not ^^Aqua92 wrote:
Pls let me do a Difficult ! Pls
Soo schlimm find ichs garnet^^ Man darf sich halt nur nicht ablenken lassen.Xero_HT wrote:
Was Combos angeht bin ich mir echt nicht sicher.. Bin ja auch noch neu im Modden ^^
Du hast dir sicher Mühe mit dem SB gemacht, aber das pulsierende RA Logo geht gar nich sorry. Das lenkt zu sehr ab.
Die Zitate sind aber cool =).
Why should it be Guitar Hero LIke? O.oDangaard wrote:
New combo settings are weird here: There are random 1-beat-combos and other stuff making your combos look kinda random. Also the color setting is different from the other diffs and don't fit the Guitar Hero colors.
Uhm... because my combo colors are?Aqua92 wrote:
Why should it be Guitar Hero LIke? O.o
Ah okay, srybLaTzK wrote:
Uhm... because my combo colors are?Aqua92 wrote:
Why should it be Guitar Hero LIke? O.o
Plus this song was in Guitar Hero 3 (that's why i made the colors like this)
Yep... I also think that it doesn't help much but if they want to have... fine with meDangaard wrote:
Those SB warnings *facepalm*, they are pretty nice, though I really don't like this stuff cause it doesn't really help, it says there is a speed up in the next few seconds but you still can't really tell when, you just get more confused and distracted afterwards. But for some reason some people always request those. Imo it's useless and ugly...
ok...Dangaard wrote:
ra.png is not used anywhere I think (the black pic)
hitcircle.png got some dots above the actual circle, you should remove them
I was told that Source is not the place for album names, maybe you like to remove them
Uhhh... right... forgot about thatShinde wrote:
Kubu's is very fun to me. I can't mod it right now but I just wanted to say that. I've only played Aqua's and Hard like once, though I wonder, why does the SB not appear in Kubu's? I might have to re-dl, but I thought I got this after the 23rd change and the images are still there.
bLaTzK wrote:
If kubu accepts, i'll add SB
So I added SBkuburaczek wrote:
sure ^^
Aqua92 wrote:
Seriously, whats the Point of Creating such Difficulties?
They destroy really wonderful songs like this one =(
Dont worry, i fixed majority of this tomorrow, cuz today dont have much time D:bLaTzK wrote:
Except timing and kubu's fixes i fixed everything
Kubu: go for mod or i delete your dif...
EDIT: ...or find BATs who would accept to rank it
I want my map to get ranked one day... so if your dif stops me from getting this ranked, i will delete it
Box Placement?yaya wrote:
ah it's so noisy , sorry![]()
btw , all aqua92's diff with box placement
Lolz... WhoopsbLaTzK wrote:
Hmm ok... thx yaya for trying ^^
Aqua: Uhm Box placement... you placed your notes in a box. Made a screen of a part of your dif.
Well... heard that a lot of times and all told me to get in that timing help queue and it is... awp posted it there for me on Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:15 pm... but i don't know if that queue is still in use... Here's that link but it's a post by awp for me ^^deepsea wrote:
Not that sure for timing but overall its a good map.
uhh... "Rise Against" and "Rage against the Machine"... you just told me a combination of both ^^jockeytiyan wrote:
I just noticed, why didn't you place the artist as Rise Against the Machines (I'm not sure what it exactly is. lol)?
well... just depends on BATs... if they stop ignoring me it maybe gets ranked someday >.<soulfear wrote:
I hope this can be ranked as soon as possible.I love the song&map!
well... it just doesn't work in [Hard] because there are notes before 00:59:700 and they need this timing.Starrodkirby86 wrote:
[All Difficulties]:
00:59:700 (1) - Maybe have the red timing section start here to get the metronome straight?