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funny how league works. i used to main support, mid, and top, hating the other roles

but now my best roles are jungle and adc

NA sucks with Rengar,
Dignitas throwing at Baron,
Gambit stomping in IEM,
Diamond coming up with new picks in the jungle-

Nothing to see here folks.
yes i can copy reddit top comments too :^)
vulf you're being pretty harsh on me. >: I'm not good at anything else in the jungle and I'm a pretty new/noob player
The less you complain about your teammates and the more you work on improving yourself is the faster you get out of your elo hell.

Being harsh or not but complaining about your team (even with the feeders) while building Warwick wrong isn't going to get you anywhere ever. There is always something you can improve on so who cares if some idiot goes 0/90 in 2 seconds while threatening to murder you entire family in all chat. Try your best learn from your mistakes when trying to win from being behind and move on afterwards.

You should never get bork after skirmishers. You either go jungle item (devourer enchant) + Wits End if ahead go bork, if behind go tank item depending on who the bigger threat is on the enemy team.

The on hit build is fine if your team is doing well but when behind it's pretty bad. It's a cheese build now.

Lately I've been getting the jungernaut enchant on Warwick because 500 health and CDR for 1500 gold is broken. The devourer's enchant lost almost half of it's early game damage so it just isn't that optimal on Warwick anymore. Warwick has always been more effective as a drain tank.
this IS a normal game though ;p I don't mind the elo I currently am but the server toxicity is just unbearable.
I've tried playing with champs such as Rengar and Kha'Zix but I just don't seem to be as good as with Warwick. I feel like WW's ganks work much better because of the ultimate. IDK what I'm talking about as I'm not a main jg, but yeah
If this is purely based off people being toxic then just mute and deal with it. It doesn't matter what region your are really or even what game you are playing because those type of people exist everywhere.
Warwick is still an acceptable jungler right now, even after various nerfs. He's basically a guaranteed kill on any lane that can bring out the damage to follow up. He's not the instant-win that he used to be, but he's still an easy-to-pick up jungler that has an impact. IMO anyways.
He still gets banned in higher elo so i guess that's something.
He is an acceptable jungler when you build and play him correctly. Going that shitty god awful on hit build and just pressing R which results in the Warwick feeding now is not how you play him anymore. You can still go that build if you get ahead but not when the game is even and definitely not when you are behind.

I am diamond 2 and every time I see a Warwick go that build I troll them by saying they failed to press R correctly and should feel bad for failing to play one of the easiest champions in the game. Warwick currently has less than a 46% winrate in diamond because people are idiots and still think that build works.

Skirmishers into juggernaut followed by a wits end then tank items is how you build him now. I want to run stalkers blade against some matchups to see how viable that is.
People that can't deal with toxic players (mutes etc) really have no place in competitive communities

Vulf wrote:

He is an acceptable jungler when you build and play him correctly. Going that shitty god awful on hit build and just pressing R which results in the Warwick feeding now is not how you play him anymore. You can still go that build if you get ahead but not when the game is even and definitely not when you are behind.

I am diamond 2 and every time I see a Warwick go that build I troll them by saying they failed to press R correctly and should feel bad for failing to play one of the easiest champions in the game. Warwick currently has less than a 46% winrate in diamond because people are idiots and still think that build works.

Skirmishers into juggernaut followed by a wits end then tank items is how you build him now. I want to run stalkers blade against some matchups to see how viable that is.
That's surely showing how you are a nice person. Then again I wouldn't expect being decent at d2.
When someone picks my main champion in ranked and does terribly with it I can't help myself. Other than that I hardly ever talk in game anymore.

People are still really bad this high up because I still see the same mistakes I saw a ton of people doing in silver and gold. That is how inflated this system is. Toxic wise it gets pretty bad as you climb through plat and low diamond.
20 minute wait time, oh god
I'm just playing on LAN meanwhile haha


well isn't that just fancy

Blaziken wrote:

What? Hacked? Or ... you're waiting for a transfer? You resolve that?

Justykanna wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

What? Hacked? Or ... you're waiting for a transfer? You resolve that?
Transfering costs RP and I have no desire to play anywhere else apart from EUW. So maybe it's a bug on riots end. Either that or someone is paying money to fuck with me.
Haven't gotten a reply from support so I guess I'll just stomp people shitter than I am. It's not against the rules to make another account, is it?

Blaziken wrote:

It's not against the rules to make another account, is it?
considering popular streamers are given lv. 30 accounts with all rune pages and skins to go troll in low elo ranked, i'd say no.

This game got boring and I haven't played for a while, is the "kalista op instaban pls" hype over already?

BRBP wrote:

Blaziken wrote:

It's not against the rules to make another account, is it?
considering popular streamers are given lv. 30 accounts with all rune pages and skins to go troll in low elo ranked, i'd say no.

This game got boring and I haven't played for a while, is the "kalista op instaban pls" hype over already?
the hype never started, I don't think anyone ever though kalista was even good

edit: I'm not saying she's awful, but I think most people agree that she is somewhat outclassed
Too hard to play. Its like when azir was first released. It's not that she's weak, but she has a pretty big learning curve.
Kalista is pretty strong but if well played as usual and as ^ said, she's harder to handle than many others adc x_x
the perma dash really is op but using it well and everytime isn't that easy, you won't see it that much below at least low dia i guess (i saw some strong ones in 4/5)
i still have not tested her but peoples told me using the dash is like cancelling a normal attack (which won't be cancelled in this case), this move can be hard to repeat (not if you are just chasing or running away i guess) x_x
+ pretty usefull Ulti but useless if you are alone or just not with the targeted one in your team...

Have anyone a good build for jungle Rek'sai ? im still not used with these new jungle items (i havent played that much since that new pre-season ,_,)
champion spotlight build is always best build ;)))) fk

Nofool wrote:

Kalista is pretty strong but if well played as usual and as ^ said, she's harder to handle than many others adc x_x
the perma dash really is op but using it well and everytime isn't that easy, you won't see it that much below at least low dia i guess (i saw some strong ones in 4/5)
i still have not tested her but peoples told me using the dash is like cancelling a normal attack (which won't be cancelled in this case), this move can be hard to repeat (not if you are just chasing or running away i guess) x_x
+ pretty usefull Ulti but useless if you are alone or just not with the targeted one in your team...

Have anyone a good build for jungle Rek'sai ? im still not used with these new jungle items (i havent played that much since that new pre-season ,_,)
rek'sai has a lot of various paths early game, for jungle item either go trailblazer (the purple one) or the stalker's blade (the blue one), which one you want is pretty obvious, want better ganks? stalker's. just want to farm most of the game? trailblazer.
for jungle enchantment you can usually go warrior, devourer or maybe juggernaut. warrior is better for earlygame damage and more burst, devourer is better lategame for more consistent damage. if you're somehow behind or something or feel the need to go full tank you can build juggernaut. not sure which I'd go after the devourer nerf but before it I'd go devourer probably.
for second item go BORK or ravenous, depends on what you think you need, or what you think is best. you seem to be pretty skilled I guess so you probably know which you think you need.
that's pretty much all you need to know, after that you probably should just build tank, and those are pretty situational items like sunfire, randuin's, warmog's etc., you catch my drift
chat not working :(

wrecked them

Stefan wrote:

wrecked them
that caitlyn must've been a pain because of the banshees
if anything kass leaving was good, i think he was gonna feed like hell.
also got my first pentakill here

silmarilen wrote:

if anything kass leaving was good, i think he was gonna feed like hell.
also got my first pentakill here
Omfg, nice
Your first PENTA kill at lvl 5. I didn't get mine till about 1000 games.
this isnt my first account lol, this is on NA, my main is on EUW. altho i havent played that much in total anyway, only about enough to get to lvl 30

silmarilen wrote:

this isnt my first account lol, this is on NA, my main is on EUW. altho i havent played that much in total anyway, only about enough to get to lvl 30
Pentas are always sweet to get though. =)
I have two in normals: Nasus and Darius.

silmarilen wrote:

this isnt my first account lol, this is on NA, my main is on EUW. altho i havent played that much in total anyway, only about enough to get to lvl 30
ah i see
nice either way
I stopped counting penta's on my low level smurfs because that is cheating. Same with ARAMS because I have dozens of pentas on that map (even a couple with Warwick) .

2500+ games with Warwick = 0 penta's in normals/ranked
3 games with Rengar = 3 penta's in normals/ranked.

Must be some sort of curse or something

as a support champ player in every role i rarely get penta kills :(

but it's cool to help others get them for that PENTA ASSIST
first penta with Ahri then a quadra
they didn't have much mr so lel
Weird-build-Tankplank is so good.


DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Weird-build-Tankplank is so good.
Mind if I ask how you feel about it?
Been fiddling around with Gangplank builds all season.

Justykanna wrote:

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Weird-build-Tankplank is so good.
Mind if I ask how you feel about it?
Been fiddling around with Gangplank builds all season.
It's a very reliable build. Check my lolking/ for "plank" runes and masteries.

You want to rush tier 2 boots to compensate for the lack of an escape spell and then go into frozen heart, generally. Then get a zeal, hold it, and go into sword of the occult or hexdrinker. Finish your zeal item then get the item you didn't buy earlier. 6th item can be whatever you want, but black cleaver is nice.

I said finish the zeal into whatever because the runes are minmaxed for 34% crit chance with PD. PD gives better stats too, so it's a good buy a lot of the time.

Playstyle: Max WEQ. In the early levels you just want to last hit with Q and AAs. At level 6 you can start getting assists by coordinating your ult with the jungler's ganks. You can generally with 1v1s against your lane opponent from level 6 onwards- Plankman is great at extended trades.

Your goal is to teamfight and bait a lot. With barrier, exhaust, hexdrinker and a maxed W you can bait people really easily into fighting you when you have the advantage. You're a tanky autoattacker so get up in your enemies' faces and apply your passive to chase hard. You survive and get assists super easily so sword of the occult charges aren't hard to come by.

The build is a lot more reliable than crit plank since you don't get behind nearly as hard (still useful with less items), and a lot of the time you'll put out very good damage despite only having a couple of damage items.

Also, don't be afraid to 1v1 their AD champions. He's really strong at that, including killing ADCs that are ahead.
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