
TwoThirds & Feint - Epiphany (feat. Veela)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2020年8月30日 at 22:48:32

Artist: TwoThirds & Feint
Title: Epiphany (feat. Veela)
Tags: E.T. Tatsh Collab rain1214 Electronic English DnB Drum and Bass Female vocal Marathon Full ver
BPM: 175
Filesize: 27685kb
Play Time: 06:56
Difficulties Available:
  1. Past Memory (5.79 stars, 1704 notes)
Download: TwoThirds & Feint - Epiphany (feat. Veela)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Map by Echoy;
Storyboard by Tatsh.

Update Log
2014/10/30 13:48
• add some new hitsounds
• change the velocity of some sliders
2014/10/30 19:13
• change some rhythm and hitsounds
2014/10/31 14:03
•change as what the modifications said
•今天元旦,你们可懂 :)
•Well, big changeS
•图的整体性欠佳,有经验的mapper都能看出来,实际上这是我一年多前的图,改到现在也保留了那时候的很多毛病,作为纪念我也愿意留着这些缺憾,以后我会努力,但这次我不后悔(再说dnb本来就很恶心还这么长真的不怪我= =)。。
•He's been remembered everything, but now I'm dead.
•Asphyxia and Okoratu, wtf those two guys literally feel like two human angels, holy shi..
Damn youre working fast, I know the map isnt finished yet but ..

01:27:841 (1) - I think you should map this part too and skip the long pause, its not needed (for me anyway) if you really want a pause maybe remove the long spinner that come after?

04:01:441 (1) - Same here, dont need the pause just want to keep going even if its a long map.

But thats just what I think, everyone problably have their own preference/opinion about that.
Topic Starter

l1mi wrote:

Damn youre working fast, I know the map isnt finished yet but ..

01:27:841 (1) - I think you should map this part too and skip the long pause, its not needed (for me anyway) if you really want a pause maybe remove the long spinner that come after?

04:01:441 (1) - Same here, dont need the pause just want to keep going even if its a long map.

But thats just what I think, everyone problably have their own preference/opinion about that.
I took your advice and now there is no breaktime, while this map is quite long and lots of repeat rhythm...I feel truly headache when trying to map each part differently...orz

Thank you, much appreciates!!



00:28:184 (3,1,2,3,6) - 這種微量偏移的做法可以在全圖中多次使用比如00:36:927 (6,7,1) - 甚至01:07:098 (6,7,8) - ,也可以間隔固定段落使用……總之只出現一次不好orz

00:34:355 (1,3) - 我個人是傾向把這種梗……後面的滑條旋轉10~15°做微量偏移更照顧玩家的……不過這個一改就是一堆orz

00:43:955 (2) - 作為開頭我覺得加速會更有感覺,然後在00:44:298 - 補一個圈或者和00:44:470 (1) - 練成滑條

01:17:727 (2,4,6) - 01:23:212 (2,4,6) - 像這種我比較建議下NC……如果不怕麻煩的話……

01:25:270 - 建議加一個圈……位置放在01:25:098 (1,2) - 中間……

01:27:841 (1,1) - 建議換成一個減速的滑條因為突然的吊嚓……也作為段落更換的提示

01:49:784 (1) - nazi …… 刪去紅點減少文件體積【?

02:11:384 (7) - 我覺得這段用規律的DS會比較美觀,僅僅在我書寫的時間更換DS

02:27:498 (1) - 出界哦……倒不是unrank的問題……過於邊角實在太壞惹……還有04:50:812 (1) - ……

04:38:127 (8,1) - nazi …… 很多這種都可以疊好……
00:25:784 (5,6) - The distance.

01:20:984 (1,2) - Might be questionable to stack sliders so both the beginning and the end is hidden.

03:16:184 (1,2,1) - Hard to see whats going on, same thing as above.

04:30:070 (8) - New color combo maybe.

06:07:612 (4,5) - When I play this I belive its a stream that end with a slider, change the distance between the stream and the slider?
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:




00:28:184 (3,1,2,3,6) - 這種微量偏移的做法可以在全圖中多次使用比如00:36:927 (6,7,1) - 甚至01:07:098 (6,7,8) - ,也可以間隔固定段落使用……總之只出現一次不好orz 你说的地方我都改了,我比较倾向于差别很大的排列所以很多换成了翻转位移或者比较大的角度位移…直线三角形六边形和不规则图形我都试了……01:07:098 (6,7,8) -这里我突然觉得有个叮的音就加了个滑条,所以没做微量偏移

00:34:355 (1,3) - 我個人是傾向把這種梗……後面的滑條旋轉10~15°做微量偏移更照顧玩家的……不過這個一改就是一堆orz 这儿我还没改……太多了TAT

00:43:955 (2) - 作為開頭我覺得加速會更有感覺,然後在00:44:298 - 補一個圈或者和00:44:470 (1) - 練成滑條 改了

01:17:727 (2,4,6) - 01:23:212 (2,4,6) - 像這種我比較建議下NC……如果不怕麻煩的話…… 改了

01:25:270 - 建議加一個圈……位置放在01:25:098 (1,2) - 中間…… 我改了一下,然后发现我老打错……就改回来了…orz

01:27:841 (1,1) - 建議換成一個減速的滑條因為突然的吊嚓……也作為段落更換的提示 改了

01:49:784 (1) - nazi …… 刪去紅點減少文件體積【? 改了

02:11:384 (7) - 我覺得這段用規律的DS會比較美觀,僅僅在我書寫的時間更換DS 改了

02:27:498 (1) - 出界哦……倒不是unrank的問題……過於邊角實在太壞惹……還有04:50:812 (1) - …… 改了

04:38:127 (8,1) - nazi …… 很多這種都可以疊好…… 抱歉我不懂nazi是什么意思… :cry:
Topic Starter

l1mi wrote:

00:25:784 (5,6) - The distance. I made it larger.

01:20:984 (1,2) - Might be questionable to stack sliders so both the beginning and the end is hidden. I changed it.

03:16:184 (1,2,1) - Hard to see whats going on, same thing as above. I like this so much so I didn't change it :cry:

04:30:070 (8) - New color combo maybe. I changed it.

06:07:612 (4,5) - When I play this I belive its a stream that end with a slider, change the distance between the stream and the slider? I changed it.
Thank you, much appreciates!!
02:08:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这个串出现的有点突然,前6个note换成1/4的reverse slider来引入?左手的压力会小一些
02:24:755 (4) - 这种放在(192,96)形成blanket比较好
02:24:755 (4) - ^ (316,292)
05:18:927 (2) - 有点出界了
05:20:984 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这个pattern不够正哇



我也做了不少谱,有一条经验感觉挺重要的,对于长图尤甚。现代的mapping风格都是1/2 spam, 高AR各种跳,这些我觉得都没问题;但是整首曲子都做成跳图就很无聊了;一张谱面也需要有舒缓简单的部分,来反衬出亢奋的部分,也让player一张图打下来有缓一缓的地方。比如从03:39:498 (1) - 开始,适当开着低distance snap做几小节,增大slider对于circle比例,可以让整个diff有起有伏

01:28:527 (1) - 01:49:441 (1) - 这一段我觉得处理的不好;滑条速度,空拍,跟人声节奏都显得非常生硬;生硬的一个典型原因是1/2长滑条后又空1/1拍,打起来会一顿一顿的;你如果把这一段想象成是87.5bpm,应该就会做的好些——我觉得以慢速1/1滑条填充节奏,会比大量空拍好一些。

Topic Starter

Zweib wrote:

02:08:984 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 这个串出现的有点突然,前6个note换成1/4的reverse slider来引入?左手的压力会小一些 之前是slider,找很多玩家试玩嫌弃无聊……orz,我再试试
02:24:755 (4) - 这种放在(192,96)形成blanket比较好 好的
02:24:755 (4) - ^ (316,292) 好的
05:18:927 (2) - 有点出界了 会修正的
05:20:984 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这个pattern不够正哇 没太理解;w;……不过这里我会改掉的,感觉这样很无聊...

噗~我觉得最大的问题还是这个选曲不够大众w也比较难发挥 哪怕只有一个人喜欢我也满足了T T

感觉基本功挺好的,也挺有想法的,将来会是个好麻婆ww;有些地方粗糙了点,我觉得是跟sv选得比较大(1.80x1.5)有关系(其实我是低sv派);会使一些如减速、遮挡之类的形成读图障碍的梗,不过利用这些梗要多注意注意flow 我会多玩几遍把别手的地方纠正的: 3

我也做了不少谱,有一条经验感觉挺重要的,对于长图尤甚。现代的mapping风格都是1/2 spam, 高AR各种跳,这些我觉得都没问题;但是整首曲子都做成跳图就很无聊了;一张谱面也需要有舒缓简单的部分,来反衬出亢奋的部分,也让player一张图打下来有缓一缓的地方。比如从03:39:498 (1) - 开始,适当开着低distance snap做几小节,增大slider对于circle比例,可以让整个diff有起有伏 太棒了,这里我会重头做的

01:28:527 (1) - 01:49:441 (1) - 这一段我觉得处理的不好;滑条速度,空拍,跟人声节奏都显得非常生硬;生硬的一个典型原因是1/2长滑条后又空1/1拍,打起来会一顿一顿的;你如果把这一段想象成是87.5bpm,应该就会做的好些——我觉得以慢速1/1滑条填充节奏,会比大量空拍好一些。 会用0.5的滑条速度和小间距重新做的: 3

颜文字: hhhhhh

Just some opinoins, so No KDS for this.
At first I must to mention some unrankable issues:
1. You must NC when you change the slider velocity.
3. It is not that good to use stack leniency very low.
4. 03:44:298 (5) - 04:04:870 (3) - 04:17:212 (5) - 04:55:612 (1) - 05:18:584 (6) - Nearly overlap with HP bar. Lower them.

Then some nazi stuffs:
Such as 01:20:984 (1,2) - 02:06:927 (3,4) - 01:43:612 (5,6) -

01:22:698 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Maybe keep consistent with former parts.

03:34:870 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 感觉还是三个音好一点吧

03:51:841 (1,3) - Highly not recommend this kind of pattern. *(Completely covered.)

04:12:070 (6) -

04:20:812 (7,1) - Swap NC

05:40:526 (6,1,2) - Too large jump.

整体很好,跳有点多,有的地方有点大了。 flow还可以

Patterns are nice.
Good Luck!
Nice beatmap, fav

:cry: 95 misses
04:17:033 (4,5) - Notes are hidden under the healthbar, maybe move them somewhere else.
Topic Starter

Default wrote:

Nice beatmap, fav

:cry: 95 misses
Thank you:3
I'll keep on improving it~
Topic Starter

Regraz wrote:

颜文字: hhhhhh

Just some opinoins, so No KDS for this.
At first I must to mention some unrankable issues:
1. You must NC when you change the slider velocity.
3. It is not that good to use stack leniency very low.
4. 03:44:298 (5) - 04:04:870 (3) - 04:17:212 (5) - 04:55:612 (1) - 05:18:584 (6) - Nearly overlap with HP bar. Lower them. 改了

Then some nazi stuffs:
Such as 01:20:984 (1,2) - 02:06:927 (3,4) - 01:43:612 (5,6) - 改了

01:22:698 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Maybe keep consistent with former parts. 没改。。。等待新意见
03:34:870 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 感觉还是三个音好一点吧 no 迄今为止的试玩都没有在这里出过错

03:51:841 (1,3) - Highly not recommend this kind of pattern. *(Completely covered.) 真的不想改TAT...再有人说我就改。。

04:12:070 (6) -

04:20:812 (7,1) - Swap NC 改了

05:40:526 (6,1,2) - Too large jump. 改了一丢丢

整体很好,跳有点多,有的地方有点大了。 flow还可以

Patterns are nice.
Good Luck!

谢谢Regrez~ 最近在改音效,这些基本都纠正了 !
Snowy Wings
  1. 没有Source?
  2. 感觉HP5有点小,看了下BPM175应该也不容易掉血,看这难度应该至少HP6吧。
  1. 00:28:176 (3,4) - 位置对调下,感觉打起来更顺一点。下一个三角形同样。
  2. 00:38:290 (7) - Ctrl+G一下,理由同上
  3. 00:36:919 (6,7,1) - 00:39:662 (6,7,1) - 这里的NC和前面的不太一样吧,比如说这里 00:25:947 (6,7,8) -
  4. 00:46:347 (3) - 这里也是NC的问题,和后面的不一样,同样是五连,好像就这里是没加NC的。
  5. 01:49:776 (1) - 这个灰色应该是代表SV变化的吧,这里好像没变。如果改的话我建议BPM*2,然后长度弄成这样

  6. 04:23:376 (1) - ^
  7. 03:14:804 (1) - 这里应该用灰色吧
  8. 03:29:376 (1,1,1,1) - 这四个①这样摆怎样,和滑条对应相反
  9. 03:39:490 - 04:01:433 - 这段个人感觉可以先全部滑条,再全部摆圈,这样跟背景声音的循环也对应的来。
  10. 04:24:919 (1) - 这个滑条尾的位置不对吧
  11. 04:53:204 (3) - BPM*1.5这种变化的话建议加上NC
  12. 05:08:290 (5,6,1) - 02:12:747 (5,1,2) - 还用解释吗?
  13. 05:29:204到后面不知道哪里 - 这里请不要大段大段的复制粘贴然后镜像一下再向下移动两三格好吗,这样偷懒的行为不要以为BAT看不出来,这样复制粘贴现在基本上不可能rank。我估计前面也有,懒得找了。
  14. 06:35:204到结束 - 这一段背景暗下来了,应该是曲子表演落幕了吧,那这里也应该是属于Zweib说的舒缓的地方吧。建议把距离和SV缩小点,可能连StoryBoard一起改会比较麻烦。
Topic Starter

Snowy Wings wrote:

  1. 没有Source? 说是不需要
  2. 感觉HP5有点小,看了下BPM175应该也不容易掉血,看这难度应该至少HP6吧。改了
  1. 00:28:176 (3,4) - 位置对调下,感觉打起来更顺一点。下一个三角形同样。no
  2. 00:38:290 (7) - Ctrl+G一下,理由同上 no
  3. 00:36:919 (6,7,1) - 00:39:662 (6,7,1) - 这里的NC和前面的不太一样吧,比如说这里 00:25:947 (6,7,8) - 改了
  4. 00:46:347 (3) - 这里也是NC的问题,和后面的不一样,同样是五连,好像就这里是没加NC的。改了
  5. 01:49:776 (1) - 这个灰色应该是代表SV变化的吧,这里好像没变。如果改的话我建议BPM*2,然后长度弄成这样 no

  6. 04:23:376 (1) - ^
  7. 03:14:804 (1) - 这里应该用灰色吧 改了
  8. 03:29:376 (1,1,1,1) - 这四个①这样摆怎样,和滑条对应相反no
  9. 03:39:490 - 04:01:433 - 这段个人感觉可以先全部滑条,再全部摆圈,这样跟背景声音的循环也对应的来。no,数量太巨大,有点儿无聊
  10. 04:24:919 (1) - 这个滑条尾的位置不对吧改了
  11. 04:53:204 (3) - BPM*1.5这种变化的话建议加上NC改了
  12. 05:08:290 (5,6,1) - 02:12:747 (5,1,2) - 还用解释吗?改了
    NC问题懒得一个一个挑了,自己检查下 全改了。。
  13. 05:29:204到后面不知道哪里 - 这里请不要大段大段的复制粘贴然后镜像一下再向下移动两三格好吗,这样偷懒的行为不要以为BAT看不出来,这样复制粘贴现在基本上不可能rank。我估计前面也有,懒得找了。 惨痛地改了
  14. 06:35:204到结束 - 这一段背景暗下来了,应该是曲子表演落幕了吧,那这里也应该是属于Zweib说的舒缓的地方吧。建议把距离和SV缩小点,可能连StoryBoard一起改会比较麻烦。大家都挺喜欢这段的,所以no
Bit too much stuff on the screen at once for AR 9 maybe 9.3 would suit it better?

Yoges wrote:

Bit too much stuff on the screen at once for AR 9 maybe 9.3 would suit it better?
9,3 and ill cry.. but wouldnt mind 8,5
Topic Starter

Yoges wrote:

Bit too much stuff on the screen at once for AR 9 maybe 9.3 would suit it better?
OMG that's what I'm considering right at this moment, but sadly most player cannot get used to it...I'll find some modders and ask for their advice XD
Thank you~

Echoy wrote:

Yoges wrote:

Bit too much stuff on the screen at once for AR 9 maybe 9.3 would suit it better?
OMG that's what I'm considering right at this moment, but sadly most player cannot get used to it...I'll find some modders and ask for their advice XD
Thank you~
I think AR 9.3 would be better and I'm quite noob, I don't think it would be too hard for anyone who can play the map
Topic Starter

l1mi wrote:

Yoges wrote:

Bit too much stuff on the screen at once for AR 9 maybe 9.3 would suit it better?
9,3 and ill cry.. but wouldnt mind 8,5
I'm thinking about that, too...seems there's truly too much objects at the time. So I'm prepared to ask you for some advice, after all I can't play this map... I would rather not change it if you don't like it ;A;
1. 总体感觉不错,不过KIAI部分Overmap的趋向明显。
2. 自行检查AiMod里的错误。

00:24:064 (1) - 改成两个单点。
00:24:749 (1) - 把这个滑条Ctrl-J, Ctrl-H之后调回这个位置。
00:25:092 (2) - 方向倒过来。
00:27:149 (5,6) - 第一个朝左,第二个朝右。
00:32:292 (3) - 向下弯。
00:34:178 (6) - 这个短滑条的方向应该重新考虑。
00:35:035 (3) - 把这个滑条Ctrl-J, Ctrl-H之后调回这个位置。
00:38:292 (6) - 明显向左好些。
00:38:806 (2) - 稍微顺时针旋转30度。
01:50:292 (1) - 不管你有没有累死,我反正是累死了。
02:03:835 (2) - 改为单点。
02:08:978 (1,2,3,4) - 不可读。
02:24:064 (2,3) - 05:41:549 (2,3) - Bad flow.
02:56:121 (1,2,3) - 错开一些用意何在。
02:56:806 (1,2,3) - ^
03:40:864 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 这部分的音效太响了。
04:17:892 (7) - 与其消音不如直接换成单点。
04:34:178 (7,8) - 距离缩短。
04:38:292 (1,2) - 中间漏掉了节奏。
06:23:721 (1,2,3,4,5) - 你要是把它当作典故也可以,不过事实上太难读了。
Topic Starter

scooderic wrote:

1. 总体感觉不错,不过KIAI部分Overmap的趋向明显。我不这么认为
2. 自行检查AiMod里的错误。啥意思,没啥错误诶?

00:24:064 (1) - 改成两个单点。这里有个叮的音耶,有这些音的地方我都做了滑条
00:24:749 (1) - 把这个滑条Ctrl-J, Ctrl-H之后调回这个位置。no,这是下降的音
00:25:092 (2) - 方向倒过来。为何?
00:27:149 (5,6) - 第一个朝左,第二个朝右。亲爱的,为啥啊??
00:32:292 (3) - 向下弯。行行行
00:34:178 (6) - 这个短滑条的方向应该重新考虑。我感觉很好XD
00:35:035 (3) - 把这个滑条Ctrl-J, Ctrl-H之后调回这个位置。NO,音是上升的
00:38:292 (6) - 明显向左好些。玩家玩的时候,其实这样更容易移动吧
00:38:806 (2) - 稍微顺时针旋转30度。为什么?
01:50:292 (1) - 不管你有没有累死,我反正是累死了。我玩不了这图,Test的说还好
02:03:835 (2) - 改为单点。好呀
02:08:978 (1,2,3,4) - 不可读。亲爱的,试玩的都过了XD 多好看
02:24:064 (2,3) - 05:41:549 (2,3) - Bad flow. flow不一定就是顺着来:)
02:56:121 (1,2,3) - 错开一些用意何在。你真正玩就知道了,自动的unsnap丑哭了,这是个技巧罢了
02:56:806 (1,2,3) - ^
03:40:864 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - 这部分的音效太响了。 调小了
04:17:892 (7) - 与其消音不如直接换成单点。形状好看
04:34:178 (7,8) - 距离缩短。no
04:38:292 (1,2) - 中间漏掉了节奏。 这里为了突出人声的空,只跟人声。
06:23:721 (1,2,3,4,5) - 你要是把它当作典故也可以,不过事实上太难读了。 我改改看,的确太坑

AImod 里有關於storyboard 的項目 ……

  1. Artist: TwoThirds & Feint
  2. Title: Epiphany (feat. Veela)
  3. Source: <空着不填>
Topic Starter

Streliteela wrote:

  1. Artist: TwoThirds & Feint
  2. Title: Epiphany (feat. Veela)
  3. Source: <空着不填>
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:


AImod 里有關於storyboard 的項目 ……

irc stuff happened

2015-02-10 22:37 Echoy: Hi, deetz
2015-02-10 22:37 deetz: Hi, Echoy
2015-02-10 22:37 Echoy: would you have a look at my map? it's dnb
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: uhhhh i can try lol
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: np it
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: i like your newly ranked one so much ><
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: ACTION is listening to [ TwoThirds & Feint - Epiphany (feat. Veela)]
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: wow, thanks lol
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: Thank you so much!
2015-02-10 22:39 deetz: hm i cant playtest right now but i can give you my opinion just looking at now
2015-02-10 22:40 Echoy: that's fine! thanks!
2015-02-10 22:41 deetz: i think you have cool pattern sense and i like some of your aesthetic
2015-02-10 22:42 deetz: i think you should work more on fitting ot hte song and a bit of rhythm tho
2015-02-10 22:42 deetz: like 00:22:006 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - is cool but absolutely massive for what it is in the song
2015-02-10 22:42 Echoy: >///< thanks a lot!
2015-02-10 22:43 Echoy: okay, i got this
2015-02-10 22:43 deetz: this is just something im picky about, but its good to be consistent with the rhythm if the song is consistent
2015-02-10 22:44 deetz: i think it's pretty cool overall though
2015-02-10 22:45 Echoy: at first, i was trying to make it echo with the last part
2015-02-10 22:45 Echoy: 06:52:349 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1) -
2015-02-10 22:45 deetz: ah, you could do the reverse where it gets bigger in the start because its kinda hard to expect massive jumps right off the bat
2015-02-10 22:46 deetz: you could also reduce the spacing and it would be cool
2015-02-10 22:46 Echoy: thanks! I'll take that!
2015-02-10 22:46 deetz: cause as it is at the start it's almost cross screen :p
2015-02-10 22:47 Echoy: will change it later~ reduce the spacing
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: mm one thing i dont like though are sv changes, kinda drastic in my opinion for the sounds you want to represent
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: 05:12:064 (1) -
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: that sorta thing
2015-02-10 22:48 Echoy: ummm, I've been considering about it, is it too sudden or doesn't fit the music at all?
2015-02-10 22:49 deetz: well you added the hitsound there yourself :p
2015-02-10 22:49 Echoy: yes, that echo thing
2015-02-10 22:49 deetz: i don't like how the other sliders are really fast and then there's that which one would probably expect to be the same
2015-02-10 22:51 Echoy: you mean the player may not expect the sudden change of the slider speed?
2015-02-10 22:51 deetz: yes, and i dont think a change that drastic fits
2015-02-10 22:51 deetz: 02:25:435 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is kinda random and makes me sad
2015-02-10 22:52 Echoy: okay, got it
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: i really like some of the things you do with 1/4 and slider overlaps tho, just some overlap too much and become hard to read
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: 03:01:435 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - too many things going on in the same spot
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: and then you change the direction :(
2015-02-10 22:55 Echoy: hhh, that's one part I cant read..
2015-02-10 22:55 deetz: 03:18:064 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this is fking cool gj
2015-02-10 22:56 Echoy: thanks/////
2015-02-10 22:56 deetz: 04:18:235 (1,2,3) - slight overlaps look meh
2015-02-10 22:57 Echoy: i'll move it!
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: i'm not sure if this is silenced but it seems to be 04:24:064 (1) - and its unrankable if it is
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: note needs proper feedback
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: stuff in that section
2015-02-10 22:59 Echoy: it's not! I changed the hitnormal sound
2015-02-10 22:59 Echoy: which is extremly like the music
2015-02-10 23:00 deetz: 05:01:092 (1) - i think you can make this slider start part more round <- i just quickly did that
2015-02-10 23:00 deetz: play around a bit with the shape :p
2015-02-10 23:01 Echoy: i was meant to make a musical note but...
2015-02-10 23:01 Echoy: I'll remake it
2015-02-10 23:05 deetz: i dont think many people would notice that, people might just think it's messy
2015-02-10 23:06 Echoy: you're right..orz
2015-02-10 23:06 deetz: slider art is the easiest thing for people to be picky about :p
2015-02-10 23:06 Echoy: TAT
2015-02-10 23:07 deetz: one other thing i don't like 05:11:035 (4) - you have a lot of momentum in this part, when you make the spacing so close it kinda breaks the momentum
2015-02-10 23:09 Echoy: you mean this kind of overlap?
2015-02-10 23:09 deetz: i mean when the slider end is right next to the next clickable object
2015-02-10 23:10 deetz: you cuold make the jump more interesting, like this
2015-02-10 23:10 Echoy: ! i understand
2015-02-10 23:10 deetz: up to you
2015-02-10 23:10 Echoy: i'll take this!
2015-02-10 23:12 deetz: in the end, is the sb supposed to be sharp and flashy?
2015-02-10 23:12 Echoy: yes , we want it look like a flash light
2015-02-10 23:13 deetz: ah gotcha
2015-02-10 23:14 deetz: 03:40:521 (6) - ctrl g and blanket on 1 for more interesting flow
2015-02-10 23:14 Echoy: got it
2015-02-10 23:15 deetz: consider adding little images to sb to mark who mapped what part :D
2015-02-10 23:15 Echoy: I mapped all part, my friend do the sb
2015-02-10 23:16 deetz: ahhhhh i get it, you should make that clear in creator's words
2015-02-10 23:17 Echoy: ah, i know, the sb haven't been done yet, we are working on how to make some rain effect...
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: ah :p
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: well i think that's all from me now, i hope you remember some of the things I said and good luck
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: i hope to see your first ranked!
2015-02-10 23:18 Echoy: thank you so much, deetz ><
2015-02-10 23:18 deetz: np :D
2015-02-10 23:19 deetz: since you ended up changing stuff do you mind if i post a log
2015-02-10 23:20 Echoy: nooo
2015-02-10 23:20 Echoy: your advice is quite useful

good luck :D
Topic Starter

deetz wrote:

irc stuff happened

2015-02-10 22:37 Echoy: Hi, deetz
2015-02-10 22:37 deetz: Hi, Echoy
2015-02-10 22:37 Echoy: would you have a look at my map? it's dnb
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: uhhhh i can try lol
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: np it
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: i like your newly ranked one so much ><
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: ACTION is listening to [ TwoThirds & Feint - Epiphany (feat. Veela)]
2015-02-10 22:38 deetz: wow, thanks lol
2015-02-10 22:38 Echoy: Thank you so much!
2015-02-10 22:39 deetz: hm i cant playtest right now but i can give you my opinion just looking at now
2015-02-10 22:40 Echoy: that's fine! thanks!
2015-02-10 22:41 deetz: i think you have cool pattern sense and i like some of your aesthetic
2015-02-10 22:42 deetz: i think you should work more on fitting ot hte song and a bit of rhythm tho
2015-02-10 22:42 deetz: like 00:22:006 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - is cool but absolutely massive for what it is in the song
2015-02-10 22:42 Echoy: >///< thanks a lot!
2015-02-10 22:43 Echoy: okay, i got this
2015-02-10 22:43 deetz: this is just something im picky about, but its good to be consistent with the rhythm if the song is consistent
2015-02-10 22:44 deetz: i think it's pretty cool overall though
2015-02-10 22:45 Echoy: at first, i was trying to make it echo with the last part
2015-02-10 22:45 Echoy: 06:52:349 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1) -
2015-02-10 22:45 deetz: ah, you could do the reverse where it gets bigger in the start because its kinda hard to expect massive jumps right off the bat
2015-02-10 22:46 deetz: you could also reduce the spacing and it would be cool
2015-02-10 22:46 Echoy: thanks! I'll take that!
2015-02-10 22:46 deetz: cause as it is at the start it's almost cross screen :p
2015-02-10 22:47 Echoy: will change it later~ reduce the spacing
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: mm one thing i dont like though are sv changes, kinda drastic in my opinion for the sounds you want to represent
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: 05:12:064 (1) -
2015-02-10 22:47 deetz: that sorta thing
2015-02-10 22:48 Echoy: ummm, I've been considering about it, is it too sudden or doesn't fit the music at all?
2015-02-10 22:49 deetz: well you added the hitsound there yourself :p
2015-02-10 22:49 Echoy: yes, that echo thing
2015-02-10 22:49 deetz: i don't like how the other sliders are really fast and then there's that which one would probably expect to be the same
2015-02-10 22:51 Echoy: you mean the player may not expect the sudden change of the slider speed?
2015-02-10 22:51 deetz: yes, and i dont think a change that drastic fits
2015-02-10 22:51 deetz: 02:25:435 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is kinda random and makes me sad
2015-02-10 22:52 Echoy: okay, got it
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: i really like some of the things you do with 1/4 and slider overlaps tho, just some overlap too much and become hard to read
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: 03:01:435 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2) - too many things going on in the same spot
2015-02-10 22:54 deetz: and then you change the direction :(
2015-02-10 22:55 Echoy: hhh, that's one part I cant read..
2015-02-10 22:55 deetz: 03:18:064 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this is fking cool gj
2015-02-10 22:56 Echoy: thanks/////
2015-02-10 22:56 deetz: 04:18:235 (1,2,3) - slight overlaps look meh
2015-02-10 22:57 Echoy: i'll move it!
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: i'm not sure if this is silenced but it seems to be 04:24:064 (1) - and its unrankable if it is
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: note needs proper feedback
2015-02-10 22:57 deetz: stuff in that section
2015-02-10 22:59 Echoy: it's not! I changed the hitnormal sound
2015-02-10 22:59 Echoy: which is extremly like the music
2015-02-10 23:00 deetz: 05:01:092 (1) - i think you can make this slider start part more round <- i just quickly did that
2015-02-10 23:00 deetz: play around a bit with the shape :p
2015-02-10 23:01 Echoy: i was meant to make a musical note but...
2015-02-10 23:01 Echoy: I'll remake it
2015-02-10 23:05 deetz: i dont think many people would notice that, people might just think it's messy
2015-02-10 23:06 Echoy: you're right..orz
2015-02-10 23:06 deetz: slider art is the easiest thing for people to be picky about :p
2015-02-10 23:06 Echoy: TAT
2015-02-10 23:07 deetz: one other thing i don't like 05:11:035 (4) - you have a lot of momentum in this part, when you make the spacing so close it kinda breaks the momentum
2015-02-10 23:09 Echoy: you mean this kind of overlap?
2015-02-10 23:09 deetz: i mean when the slider end is right next to the next clickable object
2015-02-10 23:10 deetz: you cuold make the jump more interesting, like this
2015-02-10 23:10 Echoy: ! i understand
2015-02-10 23:10 deetz: up to you
2015-02-10 23:10 Echoy: i'll take this!
2015-02-10 23:12 deetz: in the end, is the sb supposed to be sharp and flashy?
2015-02-10 23:12 Echoy: yes , we want it look like a flash light
2015-02-10 23:13 deetz: ah gotcha
2015-02-10 23:14 deetz: 03:40:521 (6) - ctrl g and blanket on 1 for more interesting flow
2015-02-10 23:14 Echoy: got it
2015-02-10 23:15 deetz: consider adding little images to sb to mark who mapped what part :D
2015-02-10 23:15 Echoy: I mapped all part, my friend do the sb
2015-02-10 23:16 deetz: ahhhhh i get it, you should make that clear in creator's words
2015-02-10 23:17 Echoy: ah, i know, the sb haven't been done yet, we are working on how to make some rain effect...
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: ah :p
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: well i think that's all from me now, i hope you remember some of the things I said and good luck
2015-02-10 23:17 deetz: i hope to see your first ranked!
2015-02-10 23:18 Echoy: thank you so much, deetz ><
2015-02-10 23:18 deetz: np :D
2015-02-10 23:19 deetz: since you ended up changing stuff do you mind if i post a log
2015-02-10 23:20 Echoy: nooo
2015-02-10 23:20 Echoy: your advice is quite useful

good luck :D
most of them fixed
Two thing remains:
about the SV of the kiai time, I changed them to 1.0...hope it will be better~
The direction-changed slider after kiai time, I didnt change it, because all the testplay so far havent made a mistake there and i think it's interesting~

Thank you~~
just click
Hey there, here's my mod from my M4M queue!


00:24:747 (1,2) - I feel like if you mirrored these notes with each other, it would look more visually appealing.

00:38:119 (5,6) - CTRL + G either one of these, because this is similar to sections such as 00:27:147 (5,6) it would help with consistency.

00:41:204 (1) - I think it would be nicer if this was a slider, because the upcoming note is very similar to this part of the song.

00:52:176 (1) - If you're doing a part like this, make it so that they are sliders instead of single notes, the other section of the song previous of this section is similar to this.

00:54:576 - I know you're following that one noise in the song, but I feel like starting a stream right here would fit in well.

01:17:033 - I would place a note here because of the upcoming pattern, I think it would fit in.

01:34:004 (1,2) - Have these blanket?

01:35:376 (5,6) - ^

01:36:747 (1,2) - ^ (Add/fix any other blankets in this section of the song as a side note, or just make them look a bit neater and directly in the center of the sliders like blankets usually are.)

01:40:347 (3) - CTRL + H for better flow imo (keep the same position of this slider still)

02:07:433 (4) - Looks weird having this under the slider, I would make it look something like 02:04:176 (3,4)

02:14:976 (1,4) - Stack the end of (4)'s tail with the head of (1)?

02:55:947 - A note should go here because of the clap in the song.

03:17:890 - ^

03:20:290 (6) - I feel like a NC should start here.

04:30:919 (4) - I would curve this reverse slider so it flows into the upcoming stream, because currently it feels like its not flowing right into it, but more towards the side.

04:54:919 (1,2) - Curve these some more? The curve is not that noticeable to me.

05:12:490 (1,2,3,4) - The current position of these don't appear to play well, I personally would just connect the stream to the slider, it just makes it more confusing and hard to aim by having this position.

05:23:462 (1,2,3,4) - This one is a bit better, but I'm not really fond of this. I think you should honestly just connect it somehow to the stream or move it more closer.

05:34:433 (1,2,3,4) - Ok, my last comment for these parts :D If you haven't already, I would have players test this part out and see if they can play it normally, and if they seem to struggle with this then I would change it.

05:40:519 (8) - Spread this slider out more? It doesn't really fit in to me and how close this is to the preceding slider.

06:07:347 (1,2,3,4) - If you're keeping this, then I would find a better place for this because it feels extremely scrunched up here compared to the other stream that are like this.

06:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5) - Kind of an awkward stream shape, I would just make it a vertical stream just like the other stream in this section.

06:54:233 (1) - I think sliders would honestly fit in better that single notes, but it's up to you.

Good luck with your map!

Hope this helped a bit!
Topic Starter

Breezy wrote:

Hey there, here's my mod from my M4M queue!


00:24:747 (1,2) - I feel like if you mirrored these notes with each other, it would look more visually appealing. considering

00:38:119 (5,6) - CTRL + G either one of these, because this is similar to sections such as 00:27:147 (5,6) it would help with consistency.Yes

00:41:204 (1) - I think it would be nicer if this was a slider, because the upcoming note is very similar to this part of the song. I like this in this part,but I tried hard while the outcome didn't work out quite well...still considering

00:52:176 (1) - If you're doing a part like this, make it so that they are sliders instead of single notes, the other section of the song previous of this section is similar to this. sorry, no, I think this is just fine to me

00:54:576 - I know you're following that one noise in the song, but I feel like starting a stream right here would fit in well. No,because

01:17:033 - I would place a note here because of the upcoming pattern, I think it would fit in. I want to leave some space here. so, no

01:34:004 (1,2) - Have these blanket?I don't like it when blanket goes everywhere :D

01:35:376 (5,6) - ^

01:36:747 (1,2) - ^ (Add/fix any other blankets in this section of the song as a side note, or just make them look a bit neater and directly in the center of the sliders like blankets usually are.)

01:40:347 (3) - CTRL + H for better flow imo (keep the same position of this slider still) Yes

02:07:433 (4) - Looks weird having this under the slider, I would make it look something like 02:04:176 (3,4) Yes

02:14:976 (1,4) - Stack the end of (4)'s tail with the head of (1)? Coinsidering, most other sliders in this part isn't stacked though

02:55:947 - A note should go here because of the clap in the song. no, I think some rest here might be better

03:17:890 - ^

03:20:290 (6) - I feel like a NC should start here. since all pattern like this isn't NC so I'll leave this as well

04:30:919 (4) - I would curve this reverse slider so it flows into the upcoming stream, because currently it feels like its not flowing right into it, but more towards the side. I didn't figure this out...I think the flow is just fine?

04:54:919 (1,2) - Curve these some more? The curve is not that noticeable to me. I think it's elegant :(

05:12:490 (1,2,3,4) - The current position of these don't appear to play well, I personally would just connect the stream to the slider, it just makes it more confusing and hard to aim by having this position.

05:23:462 (1,2,3,4) - This one is a bit better, but I'm not really fond of this. I think you should honestly just connect it somehow to the stream or move it more closer.

05:34:433 (1,2,3,4) - Ok, my last comment for these parts :D If you haven't already, I would have players test this part out and see if they can play it normally, and if they seem to struggle with this then I would change it. Tested, it goes well for players XD

05:40:519 (8) - Spread this slider out more? It doesn't really fit in to me and how close this is to the preceding slider. I like this so please I want it stay (crying

06:07:347 (1,2,3,4) - If you're keeping this, then I would find a better place for this because it feels extremely scrunched up here compared to the other stream that are like this. Considering...

06:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5) - Kind of an awkward stream shape, I would just make it a vertical stream just like the other stream in this section.I want this last one to be more special...If another one came out and want me to change, I'll just do it

06:54:233 (1) - I think sliders would honestly fit in better that single notes, but it's up to you.oOh, it's beautiful a single note lying down here in the end!

Good luck with your map!

Hope this helped a bit!
Thank you for your Mod~
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