
Refresh - Summertime

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01:16:880 (1) - Delete whistle and add finish

[ztrot's Light Summer Time]

01:16:880 (1) - Put finish in the beginner of the slider
01:36:880 (2) - Add finish

[galvenise's Hard]

01:29:796 (6) - Put finish in the end of the slider
01:36:880 (5) - Add finish

Good map

  1. The bg image is full of ugly jpeg artifacts :( Can you try to remove them?
  2. The edges of the hitburst images don't look very nice. Try to make them look smoother.
  3. But more importantly, why are they not centered? This bothers me quite a bit.
  1. 00:42:400 (2,3) - This spacing is surprising. Put them closer together to make it more readable. This would be best imo:
    That's because the space between (2) and (3) is the same as the length of (2) from the beginning to the reverse arrow.
  2. 00:45:213 (1,2) - This should also be closer, maybe the same spacing as (3,4,5).
  3. 00:56:880 (1,2) - Starting from here it's fine though, since the player should be used to the rhythm now :)
  4. 01:11:463 (7) - Stack with (3)?
  5. 2:35 - 2:43 - I didn't really like this part... It's more difficult than the rest of the map all of a sudden... More specifically:
  6. 02:39:275 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Very hard to play. I recommend converting them to stacks of 2 notes each. I think this looks good and plays well:
    Alternatively, you could use sliders.
  7. 02:42:609 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Same. ^
  8. 02:35:942 (9,10,11) - These should be closer to each other, otherwise the rhythm change is surprising. Possibly like this:
    You might want to move 02:36:671 (1) a bit closer to them as well.
  9. 02:40:942 (3,4,5) - The rhythm is clear now, but maybe do the same here for consistency?
  10. 03:25:942 (1,2,3) - Make this a little easier? Dunno...
[ztrot's Light Summer Time]
  1. I'd assume this map is unfinished, but since it's in pending it can't be?
    At any rate, this feels like a very unfitting moment to end the map. I recommend mapping it all the way to the end of the song.
  1. 3:17 - 3:22 - This break interrupts the epicness of the finale and there's only 8 more notes after it... so, same as on ztrot's diff: map it! :P
Okay, that's it. Star!
2:18:546 (1) - add new combo
3:16:880 (1) - delete new combo
3:26:880 (5,1) - swap new combos?

[ztrot's Light Summer Time]
that Light Summer Time phrase... it sounds kinda weird in comparison with the rest of difficulties' names. maybe rename it to ztrot's Normal? also, more importantly, map it until the end!
in terms of errors - nothing really, just those new combos are overused pretty much everywhere.

[galvenize's hard]
capitalize H in the difficulty's name. it should be galvenize's Hard.
0:20:005 (9) - a bit inconsistent, move it higher or give it a new combo
1:03:338 (5,1) - swap new combos
1:07:713 (1,3) - ^
1:16:046 (1) - delete NC
1:32:088 (7) - add NC
1:36:880 (5) - give it a finish?
2:00:213 (7,1) - swap NCs
2:45:213 (6) - a bit inconsistent spacing, move it by one grid to the right
3:29:380 (1) - delete NC

1:19:171 (3,4,5) - make it a little bit more, uh, curly?
1:36:463 (1) - delete NC
3:18:546 (6) - add NC
3:19:692 (1) - delete NC
3:20:213 (6) - add NC
3:21:359 (1) - delete NC
3:22:505 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - maybe move all those higher circles in that stream by one grid lower, so it's easier and smoothier?
3:25:942 (1) - delete NC

also, maybe add 'nightcore' to tags, since this tune's so similar to it?

lovin' this, especially that insane <3
good luck!
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Thanks MoodyRPG, FireballFlame and rEdo
I fixed a lot of things of you'r mods. ! :D
Hi! :)


00:31:880(6)New combo?
00:33:150(8)1 grid down?
01:08:546(3,4)Both 1 grid down?
01:13:546(6)New combo?
02:45:213(1)1 grid right?
03:09:380(5)1 grid left?
03:28:546(3)Make it more beautiful?
03:29:769(4)New combo?

[ztrot's normal]
00:23:755(8)1 grid down?
00:24:796(1)Cancel this hitclap sound?
02:02:088(8)Same as 00:23:755(8)

[galvenize's hard]

00:37:088(13)New combo?
00:59:380(5,7)2 grid right?
02:39:275(5,6,7,8,9,10)Do not look good......

Good luck~ :)
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Thanks Regou, you pointed out some good things here : D
Fixed some of it.
goooooood <3
don't forgot to add ki to my diff
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Oh.. sorry, ~Adding Kaiai to your diff now~
Hello there! :)

Red: Major issue, you should properly change this.
Green: Minor issue.
Gray: Just a suggestion, no need to change here if you think something else.
Black: Other.

I normally put all my SB (not skin) related things into a folder called "SB" in the song folder. That way it's easier for skin and SB modders to mod your map (oh, and for yourself too as well!). Keep that in mind. :)

I see no problems here, great Easy!

[ztrot's Normal]
Same, great Normal!

[galvenize's Hard]
Beautiful as well! Damn.

Damn, These jumps are all lunatic. O.o; They'd be alright if it wasn't like that through the whole map! I'd rename it to "Crazy" or something if I mapped this.
02:28:963 (2,3) - I know you've made average jumps and all, but this jump is out of the league!
03:09:380 (3,4) - ^

That's it! I'm not such a nazi, this is clearly a great go! Amazing map, this should really get ranked soon! Star!
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Thanks for your mod ThePal
Fixed some jumps on [Insane] ~
Komeiji Yuki
Good ;)
Haven't star this yet o.O - Let's do that ♥

Remove Letterbox during break :<
there are 7 kiai time parts? omg..


Seems fine.. well done ~


OD: 4
AR: 6

00:18:338 - Add circle?
00:19:796 - ^
00:25:213 - remove new combo :<
00:26:671 - ^
00:26:880 - Add circle?
01:35:630 - Remove new combo..

01:53:546 - Repeat

03:22:713 - Add circle?
03:23:338 - ^


Slider Tick Rate - 1?

01:24:275 - Remove this circle?
01:30:421 - Remove slider?
01:30:734 - Move this circle to 01:30:630 ?
01:34:067 - Remove this circle?
02:31:046 - ^
03:16:046 - Remove new combo
03:16:880 - Add new combo


OD: 6?

Spacing :s but it's okay..

... anyway.. Nicely done! Like it :3
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Thank you BounceBabe
Changed some parts in ztrot's Normal
But I think the OD-6 on Insane can stay... it's fine as it is.

I don't agree with the distance you left between these objects: 01:10:525 (2,3)( - the slider(2) and circle (3) should be closer, like you did here: 01:07:192 (2,3) (
Same to all cases like this u_u Remember that spacing on chart should be proportional from timeline~~
02:39:275 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 02:42:609 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This is a bit confusing in my opinion... in chart seems like there is space between each pair in the timeline. I suggest to reconsider this pattern.
02:40:942 (3,4,5) - this work better :3
03:10:213 - 03:15:005 - This sections kinda threw me off while playing, mainly because of: 03:10:213 (1,2) - 03:11:880 (1,2) - 03:13:546 (1,2) - due to the big distance between them.

galvenize's Hard
Is weird that you use normal hitsound only for a part of kiai, and not to all kiai~~
01:59:171 (2) - Felt weird ><, because you aren't following the main rhythm. what about:
02:20:317 - insert break


Uh yo.
pretty difficult - star :)
Remove nightcore from the tags!

02:50:213 - Use kiai time here like in the other difficulties.
02:20:213 - Break
Enable epilepsy warning!

Enable epilepsy warning!

Enable epilepsy warning!

Oh and get a thumbnail!

That's it!
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Thank you Lizbeth
Fixed some of it, but I can't go in and destroy every pattern now, and besides, it's a reason why I did the spacing from slider to triple thing.
And thank you Lesjuh
Fixed everything.:)
Storyboard mod

- Delete the extra .osb from the folder~ (Nightcore - Summertime.osb)

01:36:880 - Maybe fade Beach_BG_anime photoshop at the end? Looks better imo.

Also a little thing I noticed having a quick look at the diffs:
~ztrot's Normal~
03:23:546 (1) - I think this change of beat is pretty confusing and it being right at the end of the song doesn't seem to have any sense imo :/

Nice map overall but I'm sorry I don't like [Insane] at all with those jumps >.<
(no kd please~)
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Thanks Beuchi-chan
Fixed everything :)

blablablabla.. damn this new thing.. cant have short post :(
What about adding '(ekowraith remix)' to the song's title?

02:49:171 (3) - New combo! Makes this pattern alot easier to read.

02:55:630 (3) - Make this slider 1/4 shorter and add a beat in the stream. It's different from the previous rythms you placed and surprised me.
DR and OD could be a little harder, it's a hard difficulty and right now they look more like a normal difficulty setting.

Also check your .osu files:
//Background and Video events
The song selection screen doesn't show a BG image. Change 'bikini-anime-girl9.jpg' to a BG image in your song folder. This should also fix the thumbnail.

Contact me again when you're done and I'll see if I can bubble.
Andreas \:D
Here we go, some modding action!

Just for the record, this was one of the most refreshing Insanes I played in a while! <3

  1. Skin: spinner-circle.png is 763x763 when it should be 666x666 at most. (it's tricky to resize it, because it's background makes it look funky while spinning. You should probably just remove the whole spinner skin from the map)
  2. Skin: hit300 and hit100 are a little too similar. Maybe consider removing the 300/100/50 hitbursts (and their g and k variations) from the skin in general?
  1. I highly suggest tick rate 2 for this diff. Reason is at the slowed slider below.
  2. All of your timing sections are 14ms too early (careful, some are 13ms too early, so they don't become late hehe). Not a big deal in general, but in this case that makes kiai awkward and wrong. Might take some time to go through and see which ones are 14 and which ones are 13, but it should be fixed. :D
  3. 00:25:213 (5) - I am fine with this, but others might not be. It would be best to place a new combo here, and then another new combo after it (at 00:25:838 (6)). This also means you can remove a new combo at 00:27:088 (1), doesn't fit that nicely with it over there anyway. To make it even more readable, you can just make it a wiggle slider like you did with 00:48:130 (6). Not required though. If you made this diff have tickrate 2, then you would even see a tick on this slider, which is even a bigger indication that it's a slowed one.
  4. 00:38:546 (1) - Remove this NC. Consistency reasons.
  5. 00:48:130 (6) - This slider is being reported as broken. You can fix it by removing some of the end points. Look here how to fix. Just compare it to yours (remove some of the useless endpoints).
  6. 01:51:880 (1,2) - Just a small nazi, make them symmetrical? (might need grid leve 4). Up to you, nothing gamebreaking.
  7. 02:18:546 (1,2,1) - Maybe use 50%~ volume for these finishes? 40% is a little too low imo. (you used 50% later on and was a little better)
  8. 02:39:275 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - This felt a little awkward. Just spread out the notes like you did before and after? Without overlapping those 2 in the middle. It's readable but it makes you think a little, while you should just hit it and move on.
  9. 02:43:130 (10) - This one is less bad than the above one. Still, could be just a nice continuous stream.
  10. 03:02:505 - I strongly suggest to add a circle here. That blue tick (thank god it's a slider) might be a little hard to read. Nothing critical, so only a suggestion. (you could stack it on the slider start, it's readable)
[galvenize's Hard]:
  1. Same deal about timing sections.
  2. 01:23:546 (1) - Finish?
  3. 01:59:171 (2) - This clap is kinda distracting, you should probably remove it. You mapped them on white ticks anyway, this is a red one.
  4. 02:20:213 (6) - Finish?
  5. 02:50:213 (1) - ^
  6. I noticed you tried to minimize the hitsounds, but I feel you minimized them a bit too much, some key finishes could be placed like I suggested.
[ztrot's Normal]:
  1. Didn't really like the hitsounds that much, but they did make some sense, so nothing here.
  1. Same deal about timing sections.
  2. 00:22:713 (3) - Double repeaters are usually a very bad idea for easy (and normal in some cases) diffs if they used the same slider shapes as all other repeaters. I suggest that you change it's shape to something more unique, so it doesn't cause confusion. Or you can just make 2 sliders instead, same deal.
  3. 00:46:880 (1) - Finish?
  4. 00:48:130 (4) - ^ (at the end of the slider though)
  5. 01:20:213 (6) - New combo (consistency, NC every 2 stanzas).
  6. 01:33:546 (5) - Similarly to the reason above, you could place a NC here and remove it from 01:35:213 (1).
  7. 01:56:880 (4) - New combo. This combo makes sense but it's kinda long for an easy diff.
  8. 02:03:963 (6) - ^
  9. 02:14:380 (3) - Finish at the end?
  10. 02:26:046 (4,5) - 4 already has a whistle, but 5 doesn't. I strongly suggest to put it on 5 as well (listen to the music, the vocals go "SHOW TIME") because it really fits. This also affects everything after this, so everytime you hear SHOW TIME you could place a whistle on both.
  11. 03:18:130 (1) - Remove this new combo, you used a NC ever 2 stanzas, this one breaks that pattern.
  12. In general I thought this diff lacked some hitsounds. I seriously recommend placing claps on every 2nd and 4th white ticks through the kiai sections, will spice things up a little and make it alot more fun. This could also mean you could remove some of the whistles in kiai time as well, unless you want to have every note with a hitsound. Up to you.
About the BG, yeah, here's a new one without that silly watermark. Also I called it the same so you just overwrite your old.

That's it I suppose. Insane was really fun. Have a star! And a pinky!

edit: Hope you get this ranked before Autumn atleast. Cause it's still Summertime.
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Thanks again Lesjuh, fixed those things aswell : D
And thanks to you lolcubes, big help there mate!
It took me 4 hours to go in and make + 14 ms on those sections >_< what a pain.
But now I feel it's worth it : D
Change 'Refresh (ekowraith remix) - Summertime' to 'Refresh - Summertime (ekowraith remix)'!
I count 3 .osb files in your song folder. Keep one and full submit!

01:04:796 (7) - Hidden under a hit300.png wich doesn't make it look very clear. I suggest making this pattern different so there are no overlaps.

00:22:713 (3) - Completely overlaps the next slider's end wich is a bad idea to do on an easy difficulty.
01:55:630 (3) - hit300.png overlaps the next slider's repeat arrow, bad idea for an easy difficulty.

That's it!

EDIT: All fixed and Bubbled!
Hi. no kd.

You are using a custom hitcircleoverlay. Could you please force an appropriate slider border? Read why here.

It is also in the New Ranking Guidelines (not in effect yet, so it's not absolutely necessary)

New Ranking Guidelines wrote:

When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements must be skinned. For instance, if you skin hitcircles, you must include a hitcircle.png, hitcircleoverlay.png, approachcircle.png, and a slider border color (this can be done by adding the line "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" (using RGB values) under the [Colours] section of each .osu file). The same logic applies to hitbursts, cursors, numbers, and anything else of this nature. If you didn't intend to skin an element in the set, then using the templateskin's version is okay. Setting a SkinPreference is also acceptable (e.g. forcing the default skin).
Whoever bubbled your map would most likely be happy to rebubble if you fix it, or you can wait for the ranking bat to check it before you fix it.

double check your kiai times. Easy and Insane have different ones, and it's generally a good idea to use all the same kiai among your difficulties. Guest difficulties are an exception, but it's still recommended all maps use the same kiai.
In the future I think it would be a good idea to keep the BG a little less racy. Not telling you to change it, since that would be pointless, but there's no point in pushing the lines of decency with every nightcoreish map.

[galvenize's hard]
is there any particular reason this is the only one with a (slightly) different colour3?
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I fixed those kiai times on [Easy] compared to [Insane] thanks ziin : )
But I'll let the skin stay as it is, sorry.
When skinning gameplay elements, complete sets of elements must be skinned. For instance, if you skin hitcircles, you must include a hitcircle.png, hitcircleoverlay.png, approachcircle.png, and a slider border color (this can be done by adding the line "SliderBorder: 255,255,255" (using RGB values) under the [Colours] section of each .osu file). The same logic applies to hitbursts, cursors, numbers, and anything else of this nature. If you didn't intend to skin an element in the set, then using the templateskin's version is okay. Setting a SkinPreference is also acceptable (e.g. forcing the default skin).

Tho I do suggest making or getting a reverse arrow it wouldn't hurt and getting a rebubble shouldn't be as hard as before.

It would just look better for the map and you want to do what is the best for the map right :) I figure it will only take you about 5-10 mins to get that put in and your map will be better for it :D

But you don't need to add a slider color and never force template elements, try to make them all if possible.
Alright then, repeat-arrow was added. Rebubbled!
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Alright ztrot, I added a reverse arrow from the default skin into the song folder.
Thanks for your help.
funfun maps, but have to pop for now sorry xD

galvenize's Hard
00:41:880 - 01:03:130 - having 0 hitsounds in this whole section leaves it feeling totally empty and the end part of this also makes no sense to have no hitsounds because its a powerful part of the song, i really advise you hitsound this area a bit...............
01:09:796 (5) - this slowdown slider was extremely hard to notice, due to it being an identical size to the slider at 01:08:546 with no visible way to tell the difference, i really advise to do something else
01:28:546 (1) - the way you timed this slider dont really go with your patterns, i would advise more like

02:18:546 (3) - this slowdown slider felt out of place to be honest, since it is following the beat it would be much better to keep the slider speed you used from before it, that way it give it the same "jolting" feeling the beat has at that point in the song
02:52:400 (3) - the timing pattern of this slider starting on the blue tick did not suit or follow anything in the song, i cant really understand the reasoning behind this blue tick slider, it just feels kinda out of place using this timing pattern :/
03:02:817 (9,1) - i would advise to space these more apart, the ending point of the (9) is on a odd timing to notice and the current spacing, making the player want to go to the (1) in a 1/2 timing even though the timing is more, by increasing the spacing here it helps to let the player notice the different timing.

02:15:421 - i advise to add a note here, the sudden break kills your flow and goes against the feel of the song, by adding a note here it continues the flow and also follows the rhythm better ;p
02:40:005 (1,2) - lolno, 2 completely different slider speeds, both tiny sliders with no way of noticing the different speeds and the sliders also look identical, sorry but you need to change this >_>
02:43:338 (1) - this slowdown also is extremely bad to notice and breaks the flow
(suggestion) 02:49:588 (2,3) - swap the position of these around, so (2) is in the center, creates a better flow on the (1,2,3) and also helps to show the player the timing of the next note
Can I just quickly respond to something here?

In insane:
02:40:005 (1,2) - lolno, 2 completely different slider speeds, both tiny sliders with no way of noticing the different speeds and the sliders also look identical, sorry but you need to change this >_>
02:43:338 (1) - this slowdown also is extremely bad to notice and breaks the flow

^I'm quite sure I was able to do that on my first try. For me it fits, but okay :P . No idea if it's still going to be deemed unrankable, but thought i'd just throw this out here since I already was here.
Put out the Letterbox during Breaks :s

Thanks, everything is updated.

Now; please accept this allmighty update that I'm uploading now in this post

Download: Refresh - Summertime (ekowraith remix) (AndreasHD) [galvenize's Hard].osu
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I do not have the time to fix the mod and put in your diff galvenize, I will do it after the weekend.
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~ I removed the letterbox during breakes as you sayd Bouncebabe ~
~ I fixed you'r mod Jericho2442 ~
~ And I added you'r new difficulity galvenize ~

Thanks all : D
I hope for more mods then..
14:56 <AndreasHD> : Alright, I think I'll resurect Summertime
14:56 <lolcubes> : \:D/
15:08 <lolcubes> : since you have a hitcircle overlay
15:08 <lolcubes> : you need to specify the slider border
15:08 <lolcubes> : color
15:08 <lolcubes> : SliderBorder: 222,222,222
15:08 <AndreasHD> : ah
15:08 <lolcubes> : add this into colors section of each .osu
15:08 <lolcubes> : thats slightly grayish and i think that one is good
15:08 <lolcubes> : else just use 255,255,255 for white
15:08 <lolcubes> : if you dont like it
15:08 <AndreasHD> : kk
15:09 <lolcubes> : want me to ask galvenize about his kiai times?
15:09 <lolcubes> : hes online
15:09 <AndreasHD> : sure
15:09 <lolcubes> : he has 1 kiai missing, not sure if intentional
15:09 <AndreasHD> : um, that was actually my job to fix.. wonder why I didnt
15:10 <lolcubes> : ye he says to add it
15:11 <lolcubes> : 01:23:546 - start kiai i guess
15:21 <lolcubes> : okay, submit then so i update
15:21 <AndreasHD> : ok:P
15:21 <AndreasHD> : full?
15:21 <lolcubes> : nah
15:21 <lolcubes> : standard
15:21 <AndreasHD> : k
15:22 <AndreasHD> : done
15:23 <lolcubes> : dont see it in easy and ztrot's diff
15:23 <lolcubes> : you need to do it in all diffs
15:23 <AndreasHD> : yes
15:23 <AndreasHD> : ofc :)

Fixed the sliderborder and the missing kiai.
The mapset looks ready!


edit: I just did NOT bubble this while it's in the WiP forums, nope, did not!
My first impression upon opening this in editor was wtf

Then I saw the Insane barcoding. :D


Tick rate 2 across all maps would be awesome *looks at easy*
00:48:130 - This kiai feels way early, even though I know you're trying to go with the synth. You don't get as much of an oomph/electrolytes that the kiai fountain craves that the bass drum that kicks in at 00:48:546 - elicits.
02:48:546 (1,2) - It'd be cool if you could incorporate those circle waves in the SB to correspond with where the beats are in each map instead of only really fitting the Insane really well.

02:43:546 (1) - New combo usage during this section feels off.
That was a lot of 1/1/1 rhythms. zzz

01:03:963 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam. :/
01:22:713 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - :/

01:54:380 (3) - Really hard to tell this was a slider.
02:38:755 (2) - Why have that extra beat?
02:39:275 (3) - I was expecting to go more with the music here instead of just having that long kick slider considering it's an echo part.
02:36:880 (1) - When you go into the normal sound set for these parts, then stay in the soft set for 02:43:755 (1) - it feels really inconsistent.

Good hell the skin makes so much glittery shit everywhere with these jumps, haha.
Took in account everything you said and applied the changes accordingly.

Download: Refresh - Summertime (ekowraith remix) (AndreasHD) [galvenize's Hard].osu
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

My first impression upon opening this in editor was wtf

Then I saw the Insane barcoding. :D


Tick rate 2 across all maps would be awesome *looks at easy* ~ Fixed~
00:48:130 - This kiai feels way early, even though I know you're trying to go with the synth. You don't get as much of an oomph/electrolytes that the kiai fountain craves that the bass drum that kicks in at 00:48:546 - elicits. I think it's good enough as it is, feels good to me.
02:48:546 (1,2) - It'd be cool if you could incorporate those circle waves in the SB to correspond with where the beats are in each map instead of only really fitting the Insane really well.

02:43:546 (1) - New combo usage during this section feels off. Im sorry, but I don't agree with you on that
That was a lot of 1/1/1 rhythms. zzz

01:03:963 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - New combo spam. :/ ~Fixed~
01:22:713 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - :/ ~Fixed~

01:54:380 (3) - Really hard to tell this was a slider .~ Fixed~
02:38:755 (2) - Why have that extra beat? ~ Fixed~
02:39:275 (3) - I was expecting to go more with the music here instead of just having that long kick slider considering it's an echo part. ~Fixed~
02:36:880 (1) - When you go into the normal sound set for these parts, then stay in the soft set for 02:43:755 (1) - it feels really inconsistent. ~Fixed~

Good hell the skin makes so much glittery shit everywhere with these jumps, haha.
lol : )
Ranked - just in time for Christmas.
Shana Aisaka
wow~ Finally it has been Rank ~ <3

Congratulation ~ !!! :D
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Thanks alot :D
way to low AR on this map : /
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Nilsso wrote:

way to low AR on this map : /
I agree hahahaha. 3 years has passed, omg... now I wish it was AR 9.4 :p

(Edited 2015- now I wish it was AR 9,7 lol!)
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