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Finding a jungler/supp is hell in TB for some reason. Weren't quite as rare before the new map release.
Apart from that, the new SR looks really awesome. The only thing that's been bothering me a bit is the minions' health bar which is less visible (less contrast) with the ground color (red on green on the old map, red on "ground" color on new map).

Lanes and jungle paths look larger too which feels good.

PyaKura wrote:

Finding a jungler/supp is hell in TB for some reason. Weren't quite as rare before the new map release.
Those were the two we were waiting on. I went top, my friend went mid. We found an ADC right away and took forever to get a jungler and support.
Starting to like Rumble in ARAM, won 2 in a row when I got him for both games


Justykanna wrote:

Just tried Team Building for the first time today...
1: New map looks really nice but I find the camera can't zoom out as much. This possibly permanent?
2: Does Team Builder always take so long to get in a game? lol. Sat for a long time with people going in and out of my team too.
It takes ages to find a Top/Jungle when I'm in Team Builder, and true, it didn't take so long when you played on Team Builder for the old Rift.
ADC's are rare also, and I rather play on the normal Rift as long as it's available + it doesn't take long to find a game.

Katze wrote:

It takes ages to find a Top/Jungle when I'm in Team Builder, and true, it didn't take so long when you played on Team Builder for the old Rift.
ADC's are rare also, and I rather play on the normal Rift as long as it's available + it doesn't take long to find a game.
So we're in agreement that mid is the easiest to find? xD

Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of people are dashing to the new rift. Looks really nice, I like it. Just not the awkward camera zooming.
Top/jungle's always been my role so I guess that's good for me since I play nothing but non-assassin melee (unless I'm obviously forced into bottom lane).

Jazz wrote:

longest game I ever had
really thought we were gonna lose
glad I have exhaust and charm for Yi and Trynda although I still had a lot of deaths, I need to learn more about building mr or armor

Illuminati confirmed.

Jazz wrote:

longest game I ever had
really thought we were gonna lose
glad I have exhaust and charm for Yi and Trynda although I still had a lot of deaths, I need to learn more about building mr or armor

nashor's tooth =w=

Justykanna wrote:

Katze wrote:

It takes ages to find a Top/Jungle when I'm in Team Builder, and true, it didn't take so long when you played on Team Builder for the old Rift.
ADC's are rare also, and I rather play on the normal Rift as long as it's available + it doesn't take long to find a game.
So we're in agreement that mid is the easiest to find? xD

Yeah, I'm guessing a lot of people are dashing to the new rift. Looks really nice, I like it. Just not the awkward camera zooming.
Top/jungle's always been my role so I guess that's good for me since I play nothing but non-assassin melee (unless I'm obviously forced into bottom lane).
Yeah, you'll always find a mid!
And I'm struggling with Jungle and Top, I think they're my worst roles.. At least I can play ADC decently. I've seen that you play Gankplank
(I've read it a few times in here) and I'd really like to play him too since he was one of my first champs but I guess it got too frustrating
against Fiora's and basically everything else, he just can't compete with the Top-laners which are currently played ;; I just can't handle melee
champions in general haha
When I played on NA the only rare roles were support and ADC. Since moving to EUW I've found that nobody wants to play anything except mid. Why are Europe scared of jungling or toplane? Is it Bjergsen?
It's probably because Jungle and Top lane are beyond boring to play? Top is an island and has been boring almost all season while jungling just kept getting nerfed until the result we have now.

Mid lane has almost always been one of the most played roles mostly because there are more interesting matchups and more things to do in that position as opposed to the majority of the other roles.

Top and jungle are primarily my main roles. I find them extremely boring to play now to the point I quit summoners rift all together and only play ARAM's.

Katze wrote:

And I'm struggling with Jungle and Top, I think they're my worst roles.. At least I can play ADC decently. I've seen that you play Gankplank
(I've read it a few times in here) and I'd really like to play him too since he was one of my first champs but I guess it got too frustrating
against Fiora's and basically everything else, he just can't compete with the Top-laners which are currently played ;; I just can't handle melee
champions in general haha
I'm a melee fanatic any game I play. I don't like ranged at all in this game, lol. ADC's my worst role. I like support but I'm awful at it.

Yeah, Gangplank's my main and always will be, despite the crap I get for using my favourite champion.
I've only been playing since mid-season 3. Pantheon and Fiora I despise fighting with any of my champions but yeah, they crap over Gangplank the most. I generally don't know how to fight either. xD

Hoping to get enough practice with Jayce and Riven for next season so I can use them for ranked though. Both I find are really fun. That way I can roll with Gangplank, Jayce, Riven, Garen, Wukong and Malphite for top. Good mix of champions.

Vulf wrote:

Top is an island and has been boring almost all season while jungling just kept getting nerfed until the result we have now.
I'm reasonably bad at responding to situations in a quick manner so slower might be better for me. It's not for everyone, I know one of my friends who mains bottom lane > mid lane doesn't like top for the same reason.
I tried the new Urgot recently, also.

The buffs actually put him in a really good place, and I encourage people to try him out!
Guess I'm not playing tonight...

plat V in a nutshell
your avatar fits perfectly
drake>nash ?
new champ so spooky, i would of liked it if they released her closer to around the time of halloween. But otherwise really nice.
Implying Riot has ever had any form of time management.

I mean we are talking about the company that took over 3 years to rework Sion.
[- Alex -]
I want to quit lol.... but i can't , help ;-; .

Ohh and , the new champion is kinda broken now.
Season 5 is HARD MOOOODE jungle time
Apparently best jungle route for most champs is now (for blue/purple side) krugs/gromp --> red/blue --> wolves/raptors --> fountain --> blue/red? Well, I don't play jungle anyway so I don't really care too much.
Junglers like Warwick and Nunu (with some fiddle here and there) are already perma ban status in high diamond. Won't be long before that trickles down to lower elo's.

I warned a couple of Rioters that I have on my friends list this would happen to Warwick if you take your sweet time reworking him but NOPE they would rather be re-doing shitty reworks that shouldn't have happened in the first place *cough* Cass and Leblanc*. So now Warwick is most likely going to get nerfed repeatedly. I guess the 3000 games with that champion mean absolutely nothing.

One shotting squishies with 1 item is retarded on anyone.

The jungle route I have been going is Gromp > Blue > Wolves > Red > Razorbeaks (smite it for the mini oracles) and gank mid or bot (blue side) (top red side) then do grugs and base. This is assuming you are a sustain jungler.

If I'm going a counter jungling route since a lot of junglers get dangerously low on their first clear I usually just do gromp > Blue and invade for a free kill.
On that note, Nunu jungle is some of the most fun I've had haha.

Vulf wrote:

I warned a couple of Rioters that I have on my friends list this would happen to Warwick if you take your sweet time reworking him but NOPE they would rather be re-doing shitty reworks that shouldn't have happened in the first place *cough* Cass and Leblanc*.
If only they put the silence onto Leblanc's ult, I'd be satisfied. Not sure if I complained about that already but I could really use the silence again; she's much harder to play with now that I have to devise some other strategy.

Oh yeah, I'm not a big fan of Talon's 99% slow on cutthroat, that's just not as fun as the silence.

at least 4 drags and a baron every game : DDDD

Hika wrote:

If only they put the silence onto Leblanc's ult, I'd be satisfied. Not sure if I complained about that already but I could really use the silence again; she's much harder to play with now that I have to devise some other strategy.

Oh yeah, I'm not a big fan of Talon's 99% slow on cutthroat, that's just not as fun as the silence.
I'm still extremely salty about the Leblanc rework that happened 2 summers ago. She was perfectly fine and viable pre rework. Letting an intern rework champions is one of the more stupid things I've seen Riot do.
What were her skills back then? I don't find anything with google.
Her skills were the same, they just shifted her power from being an early game beast that NEEDS to snowball hard in the first 10 minutes of the game into what she is now
She didn't need to snowball super hard she just needed to win lane which wasn't hard against most matchups. Her late game was extremely underrated because people were bad.

They didn't rework her abilities but they changed how they worked for the most part damage and utility wise. They homogenized her to be similar to other mobile assassins.

Q - Base damage lowered, mana cost reduced, buffed detonation damage, decreased silence time from 2 seconds to 1.5, lowered base AP ratio.

W - Changed how the CD worked. CD started counting down from when it is used instead of after the distortion timers faded. lowered mana cost. Buffed damage. This is what made her ridiculously viable in competitive play because of how OP mobility is. Also she could wave clear better.

E - Lowered base damage, lowered CC duration = no more 5 second root if you mimic'd your E properly.

R - Removed % damage amplification which was actually a nerf to her late game damage. Made mimic W actually useful damage wise.

These changes were more of a nerf than a buff by a lot. All they really did was made her more mobile lowered her mana cost and gave her some AoE damage which she lacked with the old kit.

With that aside YEP Warwick broken. Literally the same build every game with forced surrenders at 20 minutes. Normals because he is perma banned in ranked. I'm just going to quit league when they nerf him because they will straight up Olaf him.

It's the on-hit true damage from Skirmisher's that shits on people right?
yep that along with the Devourer enchantment
Warwick gets 5 procs while channeling his ulti so he deals 1) ulti damage 2) skirmisher's true dmg 3) Devourer's magic damage
if he then builds a botrk or other items that proc on-hit effects he can basically oneshot tanks because there is no way to itemize against it other than a QSS
QSS doesn't remove the damage due to a bug that has existed with Warwick ulti since the beginning of season 4. All 5 ticks of damage still apply.

Also there is a bug this patch where Warwick can kill trynd during his ult. LOL
Asada Shino
Everyone in my mmr(low plat) is getting stalker's blade, so I've never seen WW being op. Holy crap I'm permabanning him now, I figured skirmisher was really good on him.
Nice Kalista play our ranked team made yesterday :) ...
It's a long time that i never played this game since 2 months ago...

Anyway, what's going on with the newest patch (Patch 4.20) ?
Thank god they are nerfing Skirmisher's blade and the Devourer enchantment instead of Warwick (for now). They should just remove the item from the game completely or not make it scale infinitely. It's essentially a better version of feral flare that you can start abusing on your first back to base.

Infinite scaling mechanics are stupid and will never be balanced in this game. The only questionably balanced one is Veigar Q and thats mostly due to how the rest of that champion works.
Man and I just bought Kalista for 7800 IP I worked really hard for..
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