
osu!chorus (osu!idol inspired)

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I this this would fit as a chorus

Song: Capella-Cara Mia (portal 2)
Language: Italian

Jing Yuan
Oh man, i wanna do this, but don't have high expectations

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I am not at home this weekend so submission will be till sunday. Please don't be mad at me orz
Nepeta Leijon
Okay, bad news here. I'll be away from home from the 25th of October till the 2nd of November, and I won't have internet, or my equipment.
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Okay. We got really nice entries for songs to sing and it's sunday and the waiting time I suggested it's over. Let's start a poll about what song we'll sing.

shahlalalalala wrote:

Okay, bad news here. I'll be away from home from the 25th of October till the 2nd of November, and I won't have internet, or my equipment.
I think the singing-time and editing time will be more than a week so don't worry about that stuff :)
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I created the poll for song- and namechoice so please start voting for something nice! I'll look forward. The poll will end on friday.
i voted for 3 Songs (i hope its ok)
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NaThaNeL wrote:

i voted for 3 Songs (i hope its ok)
That's okay. I think I'll need to redo that osu!chorus thing because I messed up something about the name. I need to add the name of each user. Else people could just choose multiple times. I also need to add multiple choice. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'm still new with this stuff.

I edited it now. So please take a look. Also:

please read the instructions I put in the poll.
All right dude! i will vote again.but only one time.
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NaThaNeL wrote:

All right dude! i will vote again.but only one time.
No it's fine I just added your name to your choices ^^
ow sorry
i forget if i add my name when i vote 9 hours
I'll record a sample (or post one of my osu!idol entries) soon! >w>~
Derekku must get a Solopart ;)
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Let's see who gets a solo...


We got a lot of votes already. I want to show the sheet when everyone voted, because this way everyone really chooses what HE/SHE likes and not what could move on, if you understand me (I don't)

2nd thing: It looks like we'll have some songs with equal votes. It's possible that we'll have to do another vote between those.

I also suggest we announce some kind of chorus-leader. Someone making the voice fit and explaining singing-stuff and transcribing and all that. That person would also decide on soli and do the harmonies. I can do this if you want (I also got some knowledge of music-theory), but I don't want to force myself on you. Is it alright for you, if I do this coordination stuff?

I think that's all for now.
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ah I found a song that'd be perfect for a chorus T_T ... Rcxreo#t=4

too bad i'm too late, but I'll consider this one next time^^

Hard wrote:

ah I found a song that'd be perfect for a chorus T_T ... Rcxreo#t=4

too bad i'm too late, but I'll consider this one next time^^
i posted it a week ago lol
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yealina wrote:

Hard wrote:

ah I found a song that'd be perfect for a chorus T_T ... Rcxreo#t=4

too bad i'm too late, but I'll consider this one next time^^
i posted it a week ago lol
yeah but I just used the songs posted in the poll-thingu. This would've fit very well but I think we already got other good entries so no worries ^

Hard wrote:

yeah but I just used the songs posted in the poll-thingu. This would've fit very well but I think we already got other good entries so no worries ^
i love these but maybe only 8 people can enjoy it(and miku sings too many wwww)
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yealina wrote:

Hard wrote:

yeah but I just used the songs posted in the poll-thingu. This would've fit very well but I think we already got other good entries so no worries ^
i love these but maybe only 8 people can enjoy it(and miku sings too many wwww)
that's true. maybe we'll do a little combo for this one later... ~ Let's see what future brings with our idol group chorus
I can do the song editing and mixing because I already have a lot of experience in it, and I agree with Hard being the osu!chorus leader since she came up with in the first place :) Doesn't everyone agree? xD
P.S. Maybe we should decide another 2 members who will be the "court" and who will help Hard in difficult decisions and share opinions, also decide who is accepted once we start getting new auditions xD ;)
I totally agree with MissTitannia, Hard need to be the leader

LightDreamer wrote:

I totally agree with MissTitannia, Hard need to be the leader

Hard wrote:

Let's see what future brings with our idol group chorus
Haha - to be honest, in the form for name suggestions, I was SO tempted to put "Love Live! osu! Idol Project" XD

TheNekoNextDoor wrote:

Hard wrote:

Let's see what future brings with our idol group chorus
Haha - to be honest, in the form for name suggestions, I was SO tempted to put "Love Live! osu! Idol Project" XD
Damn! You should have did it!
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There's still two people left for the judging.

I want to wait till every chorus-member voted so nobody gets left out.

Also: it looks like we'll have to do another vote. We got some songs with 4 - 6 votes each and I'll toss the other ones out and do the vote-thingu again after this one's finished I guess.

I have to.

Sorry that we have to wait so long until we're able to sing (it'll take much longer)
Stefan ... b.mp3?dl=0

Too bad this voice cannot participate in this project for many reasons :/

P.S: Great idea!
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Stefan wrote:

Too bad this voice cannot participate in this project for many reasons :/

P.S: Great idea!

I wouldn't mind this voice :D


The vote will continue until sunday. Then we'll need to do some kind of revote because there are 3 songs that got the same amount of votes.
Nepeta Leijon
Posting on the forums from mobile is terrible omg. -5/10 would recommend.
I really hope school doesn't start up for me by the time we begin.
Guess it's too late for me to join and with all the high-spec people here :\
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Bardiche_Z wrote:

Guess it's too late for me to join and with all the high-spec people here :\
just send me a voice example and I'll tell you ^^
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Here's the vote: ... sp=sharing

I'm going to prepare for the revote.

The choices will be:

DECO*27 - Ai Kotoba (feat. Hatsune Miku)

162 ft. Gumi - Ama no Yaku

OSTER Project - Alice in musicland


FripSide - Only my railgun

The chorus name will be osu!chorus. A lot of people voted for it and I think it's okay. So let's go with this =)

Hard wrote:

Here's the vote: ... sp=sharing

I'm going to prepare for the revote.

The choices will be:

DECO*27 - Ai Kotoba (feat. Hatsune Miku)

162 ft. Gumi - Ama no Yaku

OSTER Project - Alice in musicland


FripSide - Only my railgun

The chorus name will be osu!chorus. A lot of people voted for it and I think it's okay. So let's go with this =)
Ama no Jaku
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Thanks Derekku. I edited the startpost

thanks to yealina. I changed the songname.


the new vote is ready and I'll leave it till sunday next week (except all of us have voted already)

This time please vote only 1 time. If you vote 2 times the 2nd vote counts and I'll delete the first one.

So let's go :) ... =send_form
Ok. I voted.
Song is BABYMETAL - Megitsune
Open to see real japanese
Sore! Sore!
Sore Sore Sore Sore!
Sore! Sore!
Sore Sore Sore Sore!

Omekashi kitsune-san
Chiki chiki washoi!
Chiki chiki washoi!

Tsuinte nabikase te
Kira kira washoi!
Kira kira washoi!

Hajike te doron shi te
Kura kura washoi!
Kura kura washoi!

Iza yuki shichihenge
Go go go gogo go gogo!

Sore! Sore!
Sore Sore Sore Sore!
Sore! Sore!
Sore Sore Sore Sore!

Inishie no oteme tachi yo
Kari some no yume ni odoru
Iku sen no toki o koe te
Ima o ikiru

So yoi tso demo onna
Wa joyu yo
Kitsune ja nai!
Kitsune ja nai!
Otome wa megitsune!
Open to see NaTha-Japanese
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Omotashi Wa Kitsu nekashi
Chicki Chicki Chiki Washa!
Chicki Chicki Washa!
Tsu ini to ma ijusette
Kuru Washa Kuru kuru Washa
Oh Shit hey watash Itsu kosete
Kon Kon Kon Kon Kon Kon Kon
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Inushi hey yo otome tatchi yo
Karisome Yo tokila yumene tokoni
ikuse yo no taquila go in there
In my home he kill you
Ahhhhh You mad another Chicken on a wok i wanne know
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The vote is finished.

The song we'll do is

DECO*27 - Ai Kotoba (feat. Hatsune Miku)

I still need some voice examples. Then I can part your voices and tell who gets first, second and third voice and who get's a solo part (I'm not sure if there'll be a solo, though)

Here's the link of our vote: ... sp=sharing
Nepeta Leijon
Nice! I love Ai Kotoba! So how exactly are we going to do this? Will we decide which parts we're singing, or just record the entire thing and mix it together and split parts as it sounds appropriate?
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shahlalalalala wrote:

Nice! I love Ai Kotoba! So how exactly are we going to do this? Will we decide which parts we're singing, or just record the entire thing and mix it together and split parts as it sounds appropriate?

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.
Nepeta Leijon

Hard wrote:

shahlalalalala wrote:

Nice! I love Ai Kotoba! So how exactly are we going to do this? Will we decide which parts we're singing, or just record the entire thing and mix it together and split parts as it sounds appropriate?

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.
I think so too. But what if we want to add in our own harmonies? Will you decide on that too, or can we improv?

Hard wrote:

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.
Would it be easier if we just sang the main melody by ourselves and sent it to you? That way you can cut and splice the voices and add them wherever you want. Then you should worry about adding extra harmonies and stuff like that. It would probably easier for you to manage and work with that way.

Aluminum76 wrote:

Hard wrote:

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.
Would it be easier if we just sang the main melody by ourselves and sent it to you? That way you can cut and splice the voices and add them wherever you want. Then you should worry about adding extra harmonies and stuff like that. It would probably easier for you to manage and work with that way.
if using this way, the file size will be large, and the computer will be lag.
also, the energy and time of one people are not infinity. the shorter parts we sing often means the higher quality, cause you can sing it more meticulous in the same recording time.(image you record a whole song in 1 hour, or only some parts in the same time)
and also you can only focus on the part you will record.
from the other side, don't you feel depressed if your voice are cutted by over 70%?
sorry i cant send you an example because iam sick, i allready sended you a download to a song. i can try to sign

Hard wrote:

shahlalalalala wrote:

Nice! I love Ai Kotoba! So how exactly are we going to do this? Will we decide which parts we're singing, or just record the entire thing and mix it together and split parts as it sounds appropriate?

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.

I can try helping you with the script so that it won't be you just working on it? We could set it up as a Google Docs so that way everyone will be able to see who's singing which part and which part they're doing the harmonies when the script is finished. If there are people having problems with certain parts then we can change it around as well??? (I kinda feel like the google docs thing is just so much easier instead of sending every individual their parts...) But I dunno tho it's up to you since you're the leader so you call the shots xD; Just a suggestion.. ;w;

Also a sample for harmonies would be nice since I completely suck with them and I can never get them right //sweats// ;;

Aluminum76 wrote:

Hard wrote:

I thought about the following:

I'll part the songs. Then I'll do the harmonies and I'll record myself singing the parts I want you to sing. Then I'll pm everyone with his/her part individually. It will be a load of work but i think it will be worth it.
Would it be easier if we just sang the main melody by ourselves and sent it to you? That way you can cut and splice the voices and add them wherever you want. Then you should worry about adding extra harmonies and stuff like that. It would probably easier for you to manage and work with that way.

It would be much easier if you waited for a script instead of just singing the whole thing blindly.
I mean yeah sure you can sing the whole thing and send it to whoever's going to mix the song together, but it'll be a lot more work on the mixer's end because they're going to have to cut the audio and set it to where it's supposed to be.
It doesn't sound like that much work but believe me, when we have this many people singing then it'll just be more of a burden on the mixer's end...

Kyou-Sei wrote:

Also a sample for harmonies would be nice since I completely suck with them and I can never get them right //sweats// ;;
there is some way to help you hear the harmonies well
cut the sound in the middle, and you can get some sounds surround.(or you can use a poor contacted headphone) harmonies are usually set at the left or the right or both.
if you can't get from the way above, you can change the version of the song, and try it again.(cover, remix etc)

if you also can't get them. rerember(or write down)the main melody, and sing it 3(or 5) keys down(or up).it's not the right harmonies, but near them.(and put the wrong notes to the right way, if you can. i don't know how to explain it clearly.)

the last way. use harmony engine. just choose the key of your song, and record your main melody. ... gine_Evo_4
(it's really not a advertisement. but the price.....)
If anybody need help on pronunciation in Japanese songs I can help :)
I am native Japanese speaker :D
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Thanks to all of you! I already got Garven to help me so it's fine atm.


Atm I am doing my drivers licence and got theory exams for that so things can be a bit slow. Please don't be mad about that inconvience!
Nepeta Leijon
I have a bit of trouble pronouncing my R's, and I'm afraid that if I pronounce them as L's instead, I'll sound too childish. What should I do in that case?

AiriOnline wrote:

If anybody need help on pronunciation in Japanese songs I can help :)
I am native Japanese speaker :D
omg i love you for that! <3
Can someone pls send me the correct lyrics, i dont find it -.- thx
I think iam the only one who voted for the english song..
Try to contact Airi when she is online.hope i can sing it ^^'
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NaThaNeL wrote:

Can someone pls send me the correct lyrics, i dont find it -.- thx
I think iam the only one who voted for the english song..
Try to contact Airi when she is online.hope i can sing it ^^'

here's the (romanized) lyrics:

Itsumo boku no kodomo ga
osewa ni natteiroyou de
kiitekureta anata kata ni
kansha, kansha.

kono goon wo isshou de wasurenai uchi ni
uchi ni himeta omoi totomoni
uta ni shitemimashita.
ai kotoba wa "ai ga too = arigatou"

boku toka kimi toka koi toka ai toka
suki toka kirai toka
mata utau ne.

ima kimi ga suki de
teka kimi ga suki de
mushiro kimi ga suki de
konna baka na boku wo kimi wa suki de
konna uta kiite naitekurete

itsuka boku no kodomo ga juumansai no tanjoubi
mukaeta toki, iwattekurete sanjuuku mashita

kono goon wa isshou de kagirareta jikan de
umareru kyoku to shi ni nosete
kimi ni todokeru yo
korekara mo douka yoroshiku ne

boku toka kimi toka koi toka ai toka
suki toka kirai toka
mada tarinai?


"kinou nani tabeta?"
"nani shiteta?"
"nankai boku no koto omoidashita?"
konna koto hanashitemiyou ka!

"kimi tabeta." ...baka.
"nani shiteta." ...baka.
"kimi no koto nanka
wasurechatta yo." ...baka.

kimi ga suki de
tteiu no wa uso de
honto wa daisuki de.
kimi ga suki de
"konna uta atta ne" tte
kimi to waraitainda

(boku mitai na kimi
kimi mitai na boku
niteru kedo chigatte
chigatteru kara niteru

suki da yo toiu tabi ni
fueru suki no kimochi wa

boku kara takusan no kimi he no)

ai kotoba


Okay now's weekend and I still have to learn until it's the 11th. There will be my exam and after this we can really really start the thing. I try to take my time, though.

shahlalalalala wrote:

I have a bit of trouble pronouncing my R's, and I'm afraid that if I pronounce them as L's instead, I'll sound too childish. What should I do in that case?
I think your R's sound fine :) But just remember they are in between R, L and a little bit D. :D
Also, it's okay if you pronounce them as L's. Some singers do that on purpose ^^

NaThaNeL wrote:

omg i love you for that! <3
<3 <3 :)
Nepeta Leijon

AiriOnline wrote:

shahlalalalala wrote:

I have a bit of trouble pronouncing my R's, and I'm afraid that if I pronounce them as L's instead, I'll sound too childish. What should I do in that case?
I think your R's sound fine :) But just remember they are in between R, L and a little bit D. :D
Also, it's okay if you pronounce them as L's. Some singers do that on purpose ^^
Ah okay! Thanks a lot! I was worried because one of my friends said I roll them and it sounds slightly off. Well, at least now I know not to trust them.
Jing Yuan
Will we be uploading the finished product to youtube or nicovideo?
Nepeta Leijon
If we're doing that, someone has to make a decent video for it. You know, one that highlights the singers and stuff. Who'll do that?

shahlalalalala wrote:

Ah okay! Thanks a lot! I was worried because one of my friends said I roll them and it sounds slightly off. Well, at least now I know not to trust them.
You're welcome <3 :)
Ai Kotoba <3
Must all sing the full song or only a few parts?
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I will part the song.

But I will start tomorrow because I got an exam on that day.

And then it'll take time because I have to group your voices and think about harmonies and how to do the text and how to split and who gets a solo. But I think I'll be able to do it ~
thats great ^^
ok, so here's my voice sample

please excuse for the not instrumental music
Jing Yuan
Should i record the entire song?

Or sing specific parts of the song?
Nepeta Leijon

MoF10 wrote:

Should i record the entire song?

Or sing specific parts of the song?
Sing specific parts. Hard's deciding on the parts for people, so she'll tell you yours.
should join this one
wait , i need new microphone ....
Nepeta Leijon
Why is everyone so quiet this is scaring me
rl stuffs cant record lol

shahlalalalala wrote:

Why is everyone so quiet this is scaring me
for working overtime everyday....<---me
just want to sleep when i get back to my home
i want to record something but toooooooo tired
Nepeta Leijon

yealina wrote:

shahlalalalala wrote:

Why is everyone so quiet this is scaring me
for working overtime everyday....<---me
just want to sleep when i get back to my home
i want to record something but toooooooo tired
omg don't push yourself >.< rest all you need friendo
A bit too quiet... Yes...
Jing Yuan
Can't wait to find out what parts we are singing

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Sorry for you all!

I am trying to get into an art-university atm and because I procrastinated too much I had to paint a lot in the last days so I somehow ended up not doing anything. But I will get to that after I got into that art-university. Wish me luck!
Jing Yuan
Good luck hard!
Nepeta Leijon
Good luck, Hard! Don't stress too much, I'm sure you'll get in!! There's no rush for the chorus, either. Take your time.

shahlalalalala wrote:

Why is everyone so quiet this is scaring me
This chorus needs more loud voices :^)

Hard knows what I am talking about \:D/
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Stefan wrote:

shahlalalalala wrote:

Why is everyone so quiet this is scaring me
This chorus needs more loud voices :^)

Hard knows what I am talking about \:D/
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okay people.

ATM I am doing the harmonies and all the other stuff and there are still people missing with their voice examples. I REALLY NEED THEM.

Just record the refrain of ai kotoba if you don't know what to sing.

I really need your voices now. I just pm everyone who didn't do a recording.

(It also could be that I messed up some of your links. Some of you also deleted their puush stuff so I can't listen to it for reference)

Please cooperate and stuff...
Jing Yuan
im so excited

cant wait to participate
hello these are my recorded samples, the bad ones tho, but at least it represent the original quality lol

1 song : Ai Kotoba, the first 105 secs
2 song : Kissou Honnou, the first 100 seconds, basicly sang the notes, not the lyrics
3 song : Gigantic OTN , the first kiai/reff part, same as above

P.S. : a copy for PM incoming

EDIT : shahlalalalalala said it is good :D
Nepeta Leijon
everyone seems to be dead here
Well the idol finals is ending soon, plus it's the end of the year so that's expected I guess.

You guys could've done 12 Days of Christmas though to go with all this osu xmas themes xD
Nepeta Leijon
tru tbh

let's do Ai Kotoba first tho since we're already preparing for it
Or the christmas canon, because we're so many
Sorry guys. The two people organizing are also super busy haha. We'll try to get everything panned out as soon as we can.
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Garven wrote:

Sorry guys. The two people organizing are also super busy haha. We'll try to get everything panned out as soon as we can.
actually I think I just procrastinated. I'll do my best starting tomorrow cause it's 00:24 atm and i need to sleep
PANIC HERE!!!! My microphone is not working! It was working sunday, but now, nothing! I think I'll have to use the one from the wii... At least, it's a USB microphone...
Jing Yuan
i actually dont have such a good mic
sorry in advance
#awesomequality ... tmas-canon
(there is no noise removal)
Jing Yuan
I'm still hyped
Nepeta Leijon
Oh also Merry Christmas guys! And Happy Holidays to those of you who don't celebrate Christmas ^w^
Merry Christmas to all!

Also, I was trying to sing Ai Kotoba, and I'm kinda happy that I've managed to not run out of breath in that killer part lol
please don't mind the mistakes
Nepeta Leijon
so i got a new mic and i'm testing it out
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I forgot a bit about this chorus because real life stuff came up and i was busy. (christmas etc. and also my new school and stuff)

I'll try working a bit more after new year's eve.
YES YES YES it's a great idea CAN I PLS JOIN
Jing Yuan
Happy new years to the chorus group!

I'm excited to see what we come out with!
Nepeta Leijon
Hard, if you're too busy to work on dividing the parts, I'd be glad to help out.

Jus sayin'
i can help you to part the song...orz
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