
yuikonnu - Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o

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00:28:219 (4,5) - 5沒音的話感覺合成個滑條和00:28:535 (1) - 反向會好的

00:28:851 - 應該少了normal的clap

01:02:641 (5) - 我覺得3連比較正常……很多打頭的都沒clap有點奇怪

01:16:062 - 我覺得這一片finish可以去掉……畢竟不是吊鑔

01:49:141 (6) - normal clap ?

01:29:641 (2) - 我覺得還是不要寫附點比較好……雖然完全不影響打圖


03:06:272 (4,2) - 這整個壓在上面……略坑……


02:22:377 - 多余的線……

02:26:798 - 190的BPM只空半節會不會有問題……

from in-game

妈呀飞球的图 千万不要no fix啊

01:14:798 (1) - NC没必要,01:17:325 (5) - 这里都没加

01:22:456 (2,3) - 01:22:614 (4,5) - 01:22:772 (6,7) - 这三组也像01:22:377 (1,2) - 01:22:535 (3,4) - 01:22:693 (5,6) - 一样相互平行的话会更好看一点,比较简单的方法是让1 3 5 7在一条直线上 2 4 6在一条直线上 如图

01:26:325 (1) - 这个NC没起到任何帮助读图的作用..反而更乱了,建议remove

01:29:641 (2,3) - 每次打到这都反应不过来这是个1/4跳,间距倒无所谓,这种反flow很难让人想象到是个1/4的节奏,最重要的是突然让玩家把视线扔到左面完全没有时间仔细看是1/2还是1/4的缩圈时间差
建议把01:29:956 (3) - 的位置和方向都更改一下,比如下图,顺flow的3号滑条在到右面击打4的时候也不会造成断尾。

02:32:483 (1,2) - 按视觉间距来讲2里的有点远了啊 往右移动一点

03:01:377 (1) - 说实话我觉得这里的NC加在03:01:851 (2) - 比较好,本身03:01:851 (2) - 也有一个clap而且是下一组跳的开头也不会显得奇怪,03:00:746 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 这几个也更像是一个整体

03:02:167 (4,5,6) - 03:02:483 (7,8,9,10) - 这两处已经是完全直线了,再加上03:02:798 (1) - 这里的几乎完全直线的slider看起来很不舒服,不如让03:02:798 (1,3) - 这两个slider成为相似的一组,03:02:798 (1) - 并且这个slider头的时间点就有音乐的一个类似颤音一样的声音,用curve的slider也是合适的

03:21:114 - 关于这个转盘我建议拉到这一个点,理由有三个 一是03:21:746 - 这里没有任何音作为转盘的开始,二是03:21:114 - 这一点是背景风声的开始,三是拉到这一点后,默认的break终止点会前移到03:20:483 - 这个点,而这个点正是背景滴答声终止的时间点

03:50:956 (2,3) - 这两个slider平行会不会漂亮一点

04:10:456 (4) - 这个音在音乐里是一个比较沉闷的鼓点,所以要不要考虑单独这个音下Normal Clap而不是 Soft的

04:20:483 (5,6,7,8) - 在这组之前的几个小节里都能听出来白线的声音比较重一点所以放2+2+2这种跳很合适,但最后一个小节里基本强度都差不多,而且音调也比前面高出很多。
所以这里要不要考虑换一种排版,现在这样有些无聊啊 我打的时候想都到最后了还不来点跳啊


00:41:325 (1,2) - blanket

00:51:114 (3,1) - 这flow顺的让我害怕,首先是00:50:641 (2,3) - 不平行,另外不如直接放弃平行,做成下面这样,00:51:272 - 这个clap点应该还是有点转折好一点

01:03:430 (3,4) - 这里的1/4也用下1.1间距啊...

01:18:588 (3) - 这里加finish?I里只有clap啊,怎么看都不该加finish

02:21:746 (2) - I里面是没有Fin的,在这里02:21:746 (2,1) - 连续两个finish也是比较不妥

02:26:009 (1) - Ctrl+G,这里02:25:062 (1,2,1,2) - 比较沉闷而02:26:009 (1,1,2) - 相对来说强一点,用反向flow比较好

02:41:641 (2) - 这里我觉得还是保持下DS,反向flow已经足够强调下面的重音了,而02:41:641 (2) - 的这个位置感觉怎么看都奇怪...也不知道是在保持哪个间距

04:07:851 (3,4) - 遮挡的有点多,不太好看,最好还是让重叠部分减少一点

04:15:430 (2) - 滑条头的finish改成clap,这里连续三个finish有点吵,而且在Insane里这里用的也是clap音效不是finish

00:50:798 (4) - 滑条头normal clap

02:55:025 - 这break太长了啊 找个重音放个circle也好啊...

03:27:114 (3,1) - 这个DS是不是大了点...

04:14:798 (3) - 同hard,三个finish有点吵

  • 01:22:851 (7,1,2) - finish
    01:33:114 (1) - 按照音乐的节奏来比较好,1的末尾、2和3都加clap,这样感觉比较合适
    01:56:956 (9) - NC
    01:57:114 (1) - 取消NC
    02:26:009 (7,1,2) - finish
    03:21:746 (1) - 在03:21:114开始比较好,Hard难度也是这样
    03:45:746 (1) - (3,47)这样包得好一点
    04:19:219 (5) - NC
    04:20:483 (1) - NC
  • 不知道该说点什么
  • 00:46:693 (1,2,3,4) - 一条直线怎么样?现在这样感觉有点太随意了
    00:50:798 (4,5,1) - ^
    02:32:798 (1,2,3,4) - 来一条弧线
    03:27:114 (3) - 把尾巴上的finish换到折返处
    03:39:746 (1,2,3) - 摆成直线
Good luck~
yuikonnu <3

Catch my Staaaaaaaar ~ ~ ~
S o a p
Topic Starter
wwww thank you ~ satellite and s o a p(你倒是回来作图啊)

will check mods soon.
  1. Fine
  1. 01:22:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 改成這樣比較爽
  2. 01:29:246 - 感覺這樣可以overmap一下 加個note 聽上去也沒違和的
  3. 01:52:693 (3) - 沒stack好在01:52:062 (1) - 的頭
  4. 01:55:219 (3) - 也是stack好01:53:641 (2) -
  5. 01:56:483 (7,8) - whistle?
  6. 02:30:272 (2,3) -
  7. 03:10:377 (1,2,3,4) - 這部份也做成連打
  8. 03:45:746 (1) - 包好1頭
  9. 03:54:430 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 怎樣這裡好像突然沒了hitsound似的 沒了前面的打擊感了...

  1. 00:50:167 (1) - 可以包著00:49:535 (3) - 尾的
  2. 01:13:219 (2,3) - stack好在上面的note
  3. 02:19:062 (2) - stack在3上面 好讀好打
  4. 02:20:325 (2) - ^
  5. 02:17:798 (2) - ^

  1. 00:37:535 (3) - stack在00:35:641 (5) - 的頭?
  2. 01:19:219 (1,2) - 都在尾加whistle
  3. 02:50:325 - 這裡加個spinner 在02:52:693 - 完結 再加個finish
mod for qq qun我操说好的刷塔呢
bad mod
  1. 02:28:377 (2,3) - 好像没包好
  1. 04:14:798 (1,2) - 没包好
  1. 简直人性
  2. 01:51:114 (2) - ctlr g flow better
  3. 02:51:114 (1,2) - 前面都是02:50:641 (1,2) - 这种梗那这里也用这个梗好一些吧
Topic Starter

Narcissu wrote:




00:28:219 (4,5) - 5沒音的話感覺合成個滑條和00:28:535 (1) - 反向會好的

00:28:851 - 應該少了normal的clap

01:02:641 (5) - 我覺得3連比較正常……很多打頭的都沒clap有點奇怪 这种不是三连啊,是加强音乐而用军鼓的

01:16:062 - 我覺得這一片finish可以去掉……畢竟不是吊鑔

01:49:141 (6) - normal clap ?ok

01:29:641 (2) - 我覺得還是不要寫附點比較好……雖然完全不影響打圖这里排列节奏一起改了


03:06:272 (4,2) - 這整個壓在上面……略坑……换掉了


02:22:377 - 多余的線……

02:26:798 - 190的BPM只空半節會不會有問題…… 应该不会


sammy711 wrote:

from in-game

妈呀飞球的图 千万不要no fix啊

01:14:798 (1) - NC没必要,01:17:325 (5) - 这里都没加

01:22:456 (2,3) - 01:22:614 (4,5) - 01:22:772 (6,7) - 这三组也像01:22:377 (1,2) - 01:22:535 (3,4) - 01:22:693 (5,6) - 一样相互平行的话会更好看一点,比较简单的方法是让1 3 5 7在一条直线上 2 4 6在一条直线上 如图 k

01:26:325 (1) - 这个NC没起到任何帮助读图的作用..反而更乱了,建议remove k

01:29:641 (2,3) - 每次打到这都反应不过来这是个1/4跳,间距倒无所谓,这种反flow很难让人想象到是个1/4的节奏,最重要的是突然让玩家把视线扔到左面完全没有时间仔细看是1/2还是1/4的缩圈时间差
建议把01:29:956 (3) - 的位置和方向都更改一下,比如下图,顺flow的3号滑条在到右面击打4的时候也不会造成断尾。这换梗了

02:32:483 (1,2) - 按视觉间距来讲2里的有点远了啊 往右移动一点 不远

03:01:377 (1) - 说实话我觉得这里的NC加在03:01:851 (2) - 比较好,本身03:01:851 (2) - 也有一个clap而且是下一组跳的开头也不会显得奇怪,03:00:746 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - 这几个也更像是一个整体 我一般不那样加nc

03:02:167 (4,5,6) - 03:02:483 (7,8,9,10) - 这两处已经是完全直线了,再加上03:02:798 (1) - 这里的几乎完全直线的slider看起来很不舒服,不如让03:02:798 (1,3) - 这两个slider成为相似的一组,03:02:798 (1) - 并且这个slider头的时间点就有音乐的一个类似颤音一样的声音,用curve的slider也是合适的没必要

03:21:114 - 关于这个转盘我建议拉到这一个点,理由有三个 一是03:21:746 - 这里没有任何音作为转盘的开始,二是03:21:114 - 这一点是背景风声的开始,三是拉到这一点后,默认的break终止点会前移到03:20:483 - 这个点,而这个点正是背景滴答声终止的时间点

03:50:956 (2,3) - 这两个slider平行会不会漂亮一点 k

04:10:456 (4) - 这个音在音乐里是一个比较沉闷的鼓点,所以要不要考虑单独这个音下Normal Clap而不是 Soft的 换成drum clap了

04:20:483 (5,6,7,8) - 在这组之前的几个小节里都能听出来白线的声音比较重一点所以放2+2+2这种跳很合适,但最后一个小节里基本强度都差不多,而且音调也比前面高出很多。换梗
所以这里要不要考虑换一种排版,现在这样有些无聊啊 我打的时候想都到最后了还不来点跳啊


00:41:325 (1,2) - blanket k

00:51:114 (3,1) - 这flow顺的让我害怕,首先是00:50:641 (2,3) - 不平行,另外不如直接放弃平行,做成下面这样,00:51:272 - 这个clap点应该还是有点转折好一点

01:03:430 (3,4) - 这里的1/4也用下1.1间距啊...

01:18:588 (3) - 这里加finish?I里只有clap啊,怎么看都不该加finish

02:21:746 (2) - I里面是没有Fin的,在这里02:21:746 (2,1) - 连续两个finish也是比较不妥 换了

02:26:009 (1) - Ctrl+G,这里02:25:062 (1,2,1,2) - 比较沉闷而02:26:009 (1,1,2) - 相对来说强一点,用反向flow比较好

02:41:641 (2) - 这里我觉得还是保持下DS,反向flow已经足够强调下面的重音了,而02:41:641 (2) - 的这个位置感觉怎么看都奇怪...也不知道是在保持哪个间距

04:07:851 (3,4) - 遮挡的有点多,不太好看,最好还是让重叠部分减少一点

04:15:430 (2) - 滑条头的finish改成clap,这里连续三个finish有点吵,而且在Insane里这里用的也是clap音效不是finish 这是insane漏加了


00:50:798 (4) - 滑条头normal clap

02:55:025 - 这break太长了啊 找个重音放个circle也好啊...加了不好

03:27:114 (3,1) - 这个DS是不是大了点... 改了

04:14:798 (3) - 同hard,三个finish有点吵 no

@thou bad, finish加了nc改了,normal的一条直线改了,其他没动

Kawaiwkyik wrote:

  1. Fine
  1. 01:22:377 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 改成這樣比較爽 不想用短滑条
  2. 01:29:246 - 感覺這樣可以overmap一下 加個note 聽上去也沒違和的 不了
  3. 01:52:693 (3) - 沒stack好在01:52:062 (1) - 的頭没强迫症
  4. 01:55:219 (3) - 也是stack好01:53:641 (2) -
  5. 01:56:483 (7,8) - whistle?加了不好听
  6. 02:30:272 (2,3) -
  7. 03:10:377 (1,2,3,4) - 這部份也做成連打不想做,全连打无聊
  8. 03:45:746 (1) - 包好1頭okay
  9. 03:54:430 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 怎樣這裡好像突然沒了hitsound似的 沒了前面的打擊感了...错觉

  1. 00:50:167 (1) - 可以包著00:49:535 (3) - 尾的okay
  2. 01:13:219 (2,3) - stack好在上面的note
  3. 02:19:062 (2) - stack在3上面 好讀好打待定
  4. 02:20:325 (2) - ^
  5. 02:17:798 (2) - ^

  1. 00:37:535 (3) - stack在00:35:641 (5) - 的頭?没强迫症而且这离那么远
  2. 01:19:219 (1,2) - 都在尾加whistleokay
  3. 02:50:325 - 這裡加個spinner 在02:52:693 - 完結 再加個finish好主意
@Alex Li,只改了normal的,其他我觉得都可以

thanks for modding!
yuikonnu <3

yuikonnu :3
Topic Starter

Backstep wrote:

yuikonnu :3
I re-uploaded, it's fine now ww
from your queue owo

  1. 02:04:693 (3) - 对我来说有点奇怪,这个NC吧,大家都是2个NC,多好看又易读
  1. 01:03:430 (3) - 我建议你1/2滑条加circle,因为01:03:667这里需要按下去才有感觉,放滑条尾浪费了
  2. 01:34:851 (2,3,4,1) - 考虑放开一点?感觉太挤啦,好的话就后面调整一下吧
  3. 01:38:483 (2) - 这个..放在78,337那边去吧,没必要又走回去中间,挤
  4. 01:50:719 hard哦,加个带clap的circle吧
  5. 02:15:904 (5) - 我试了几次这里绝对是换了三连比较爽,毕竟是紧凑的节奏,突然出个滑条折返这个节奏就美丽了
  6. 02:53:325 (3,1) - nazi,看起来好像是没平行
  7. 04:11:325 (2) - nazi,blanket好点
  1. 01:28:535 (2) - 加clap,音效爽多了
  2. 01:31:062 (2) - ^
  3. 01:36:746 (5) - ^
  4. 02:21:904 (1) - 下错音效了吧..取消finish,然后02:22:062 (2) - 加finish,你另外两个diff都是加在02:22:062的
  5. 02:31:693 (4) - 同第一个,加clap
  6. 02:34:219 (2) - ^
  7. 02:39:904 (5) - ^
  8. 03:41:167 (3) - ^
  9. 03:46:851 (5) - 反而你这里又加了...
  10. 04:01:851 (3) - 尾巴clap
  11. 04:02:088 (4,1) - nazi,两个的位置都改为放在411,218 这里都歪了
Yo; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:24:272, 00:24:904, 00:25:535 (and basically on all the places with the similar instrument sounds) - Why don't you add whistles here? They obviously fit the sound of the instrument that is being played on these ticks.
  2. 00:31:851 (2) - Making it curved like this would give a better flow since it makes a smoother movement here.
  3. 00:41:956 (3,4) - I'm not really sure with the flow here. The way (3) is curved kinda breaks the flow to (4) making this uncomfortable to play.
  4. 00:51:114 (5) - Try moving to (419,301)? Again, this is to make the flow smoother. (There are a lot more of stuff like this later in the map. I guess I shouldn't really mind them since pointing too much of this might actually interfere with how you map and these are not super important anyway. Will stop mentioning things like this for this diff unless there's a really bad case.)
  5. 00:58:693 (4,1) - I believe you can still have a better blanket by moving (1) around. Try (329,31)?
  6. 01:01:535 (1,2,3) - I think you can try to make the gap here look more consistent. The spacing makes this part look kinda weird right now.
  7. 01:28:693 (5) - I personally would recommend to remove the repeat and add a circle at 01:29:325 instead to emphasize the cymbal on that tick, but the decision's up to you. Feels less awkward that way, though.
  8. 02:26:956 - What is this timing point here used for?
  9. 03:27:114 (3,1) - Try to make (1) follow (3)'s curve more so this will look neater?
  10. 04:12:904 (5) - Would be nice to make it curved too, like this, to accomodate the curves of 04:12:272 (4) and 04:13:535 (1).
  1. 00:23:641 (1) - Minor thing: What's with that node in the middle? It almost doesn't affect the slider at all from what I see and feel while playing.
  2. 00:25:851 (4) - Would've been nicer to see it curved like this. (At this point, I just noticed too that you seem to like placing straight sliders between curved sliders. Do what you wish, I guess.)
  3. 00:44:956 - 00:45:114 - Something I just noticed while modding this part (yay for 11PM modding): There are drums here, so why don't you use the Drum sampleset on these ticks? The drum hitsounds would emphasize the drums on the song nicely.
  4. 00:50:167 (1,2) - Again, I know this is something small, but try to make the spacing close to 1.3x; exactly 1.3x if possible so the gap difference between 00:50:167 (1,2,3) won't look too unbalanced at least, for the sake of neatness?
  5. 00:56:483 (1,2) - 1,2x spacing while the objects next to (2) have 1,1x spacing? I think there's no reason for this since the pattern's pretty linear, not like 00:59:009 (1,2), so make the spacing here consistent?
  6. 01:21:588 (3,1,2,1,2,1) - I find the entire pattern to be awkward to play because of the objects' rhythm in general. It's difficult to explain, but they just... don't work. Try something like this? (Applies to 02:24:588 (3,1,2,1,2).)
  7. 01:38:483 (2) - Considering the spacing here is already kinda inconsistent (and 01:38:009 (1,2,3) still plays quite well), what about moving this to (224,200) so it'll look perfectly in the middle of 01:38:009 (1,3)?
  8. 02:17:798 (2) - Stack this above 02:17:956 (3)'s head instead? I honestly don't know why, but it feels more comfortable playing this kind of pattern than hitting a circle stacked below the tail of a slider following by the need to hit a slider after. (Applies to 02:19:062 (2) and 02:20:325 (2).)
  9. 04:11:009 (1,2) - Try to make a nice blanket here. This can be done easily!
  10. 04:16:062 (1) - ...Same case as the first suggestion on this diff.
  1. 00:27:272 (1) - Move further from 00:27:114 (8), preferably to (368,141)? I find this to create a better flow and thus this part will be more comfortable to play.
  2. 01:07:062 (2,3) - Don't you think they're a little too far from each other...? I personally would recommend to move (2) to (324,6). The music here isn't too strong anyway.
  3. 01:57:035 - There's nothing to map here, so why using a 1/4 slider like this? Might as well replace 01:56:956 (1) with a single circle and make a jump between it and 01:57:114 (2). That'd fit the song more.
  4. 02:22:219 (3,4) - Add a finish at (3) to follow the cymbal (if you're okay with consecutive finishes) and make a jump between these two circles? It just feels weird to see 02:21:904 (1,2) have a way bigger spacing than (3,4) because of how the music goes...
  5. 02:37:535 (1,2) - What about replacing (1) with two circles instead and make a compressed stream, then make a jump to 02:37:851 (1)? Something like this? The current pattern feels off because of the spacing compared to the subtler music.
  6. 02:45:588 (2) - Move this to somewhere way further than its current position, preferably at (134,45)? The intensity of the patterns and jumps before this will probably make players think that 02:45:114 (1,2) is a 1/2 jump pattern, and thus spacing them further would be nice.
  7. 02:47:009 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ...I really, really feel awkward playing this part. This doesn't feel in sync with the music even though the rhythm technically is. Try swapping NC at 02:47:009 (4,1), then add a circle at 02:48:035 to follow the instrument sound there.
  8. 02:51:430 (2) - Might as well stack this below 02:51:114 (1)'s tail too like 02:50:167 (1,2,1,2) for consistency since the music is similar.
  9. 03:12:272 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks messy IMO. I think this can be made to look better, like this. Also helps a little in flow, I think.
  10. 03:27:904 (4,5) - Similar problem to 02:22:219 (3,4).
  11. 03:54:983 - I highly recommend to try to add a circle here since the instrument sound that is being played on this tick is very noticeable. It'd also make a nice 5-circle stream.
  12. 03:57:114 (1,2) - Combine them into a 1/2 slider with a repeat instead? Goes better with the music and plays more naturally... at least that's what I feel.
Looking at the general difficulty and pattern complexity between the Hard and Insane diff, I recommend you to add a diff between them, preferably an easier Insane with less intensity and less tricky patterns. Right now, the Insane diff borders to an Extra diff (what with those 1/4 patterns and stuff), while the Hard diff is... just your usual Hard diff in terms of difficulty.

Still though, gotta say it was a good mapset overall.

Good luck on the way! 8-)
Topic Starter

Sellenite wrote:

from your queue owo

  1. 02:04:693 (3) - 对我来说有点奇怪,这个NC吧,大家都是2个NC,多好看又易读 okay
  1. 01:03:430 (3) - 我建议你1/2滑条加circle,因为01:03:667这里需要按下去才有感觉,放滑条尾浪费了 hard不想做多复杂多难
  2. 01:34:851 (2,3,4,1) - 考虑放开一点?感觉太挤啦,好的话就后面调整一下吧
  3. 01:38:483 (2) - 这个..放在78,337那边去吧,没必要又走回去中间,挤 我喜欢中间
  4. 01:50:719 hard哦,加个带clap的circle吧
  5. 02:15:904 (5) - 我试了几次这里绝对是换了三连比较爽,毕竟是紧凑的节奏,突然出个滑条折返这个节奏就美丽了都一样,三连还是滑条,但是不想太多连续circle
  6. 02:53:325 (3,1) - nazi,看起来好像是没平行平行的啊
  7. 04:11:325 (2) - nazi,blanket好点k
  1. 01:28:535 (2) - 加clap,音效爽多了这里的音效主要是模拟一个虚拟军鼓来加强音效,而且红线上的鼓不够强
  2. 01:31:062 (2) - ^
  3. 01:36:746 (5) - ^
  4. 02:21:904 (1) - 下错音效了吧..取消finish,然后02:22:062 (2) - 加finish,你另外两个diff都是加在02:22:062的
  5. 02:31:693 (4) - 同第一个,加clap
  6. 02:34:219 (2) - ^
  7. 02:39:904 (5) - ^
  8. 03:41:167 (3) - ^
  9. 03:46:851 (5) - 反而你这里又加了... 这里去掉了
  10. 04:01:851 (3) - 尾巴clap
  11. 04:02:088 (4,1) - nazi,两个的位置都改为放在411,218 这里都歪了k
Thanks for modding!
Fycho moe

Neta wrote:

Fycho moe
Topic Starter

Laurier wrote:

Neta wrote:

Fycho moe
Thank you for diff, moe laore

Neta wrote:

Fycho moe

Neta wrote:

Fycho moe
soon (tm)
先留名 以免忘記

Neta wrote:

Fycho moe
[ Setsuna ]
shot star~ <3

02:38:798 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这里会不会感觉有点太直了?

01:40:693 (3,4) - 这里我以为 01:41:167 (4) 要在01:41:009的时候打,感觉那里很容易读错,而且新手更加容易读错。

02:11:009 (2) - 这个的开头我觉得在 02:11:009这里比较合适,因为那里有蛮强的钢琴声音。

02:43:851 (3,4) - 和最上面一样,因为感觉好像背景的那个鼓不够声音大声,唱歌的声音把背景鼓消掉很多。
03:50:798 (3,4) - 这里也是。

04:08:483 (1) - 这里我怎么听都感觉怪怪的 owo

04:20:641 (6) - 可以这样放?

03:06:588 (1,2) - 听起来有点怪。

[Laurier's Insane]
02:07:851 (3,4) - It feels a bit awkward to play this part, they are far apart and doesn't really flow very good.
02:08:483 (1,2) - This looked confusing and awkward to play too owo.

Here are suggestion to above

position for (4) slider start: 233, 281. slider end: 254, 343.

02:08:483 (1) - Ctrl + G.

03:59:167 - Can definitely add spinner here that last to 04:00:430.

04:20:483 (1) - 这里NC?

非常对不起啊 摸得不多。 感觉Insane已经没问题了(>´ω`<)
omg, star~
you have to rank this, YOU HAVE!!!!
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:

Yo; modding here!

  1. 00:24:272, 00:24:904, 00:25:535 (and basically on all the places with the similar instrument sounds) - Why don't you add whistles here? They obviously fit the sound of the instrument that is being played on these ticks.
  2. 00:31:851 (2) - Making it curved like this would give a better flow since it makes a smoother movement here.
  3. 00:41:956 (3,4) - I'm not really sure with the flow here. The way (3) is curved kinda breaks the flow to (4) making this uncomfortable to play.
  4. 00:51:114 (5) - Try moving to (419,301)? Again, this is to make the flow smoother. (There are a lot more of stuff like this later in the map. I guess I shouldn't really mind them since pointing too much of this might actually interfere with how you map and these are not super important anyway. Will stop mentioning things like this for this diff unless there's a really bad case.)
  5. 00:58:693 (4,1) - I believe you can still have a better blanket by moving (1) around. Try (329,31)?
  6. 01:01:535 (1,2,3) - I think you can try to make the gap here look more consistent. The spacing makes this part look kinda weird right now.
  7. 01:28:693 (5) - I personally would recommend to remove the repeat and add a circle at 01:29:325 instead to emphasize the cymbal on that tick, but the decision's up to you. Feels less awkward that way, though.
  8. 02:26:956 - What is this timing point here used for?
  9. 03:27:114 (3,1) - Try to make (1) follow (3)'s curve more so this will look neater?
  10. 04:12:904 (5) - Would be nice to make it curved too, like this, to accomodate the curves of 04:12:272 (4) and 04:13:535 (1).
changed normal to easy and changed a lot of part

  1. 00:23:641 (1) - Minor thing: What's with that node in the middle? It almost doesn't affect the slider at all from what I see and feel while playing. nothing wrong
  2. 00:25:851 (4) - Would've been nicer to see it curved like this. (At this point, I just noticed too that you seem to like placing straight sliders between curved sliders. Do what you wish, I guess.) ok
  3. 00:44:956 - 00:45:114 - Something I just noticed while modding this part (yay for 11PM modding): There are drums here, so why don't you use the Drum sampleset on these ticks? The drum hitsounds would emphasize the drums on the song nicely. I use normal-clap to emphasize the kick drum. And this is not tom drum so not use that.
  4. 00:50:167 (1,2) - Again, I know this is something small, but try to make the spacing close to 1.3x; exactly 1.3x if possible so the gap difference between 00:50:167 (1,2,3) won't look too unbalanced at least, for the sake of neatness? nothing wrong when playing, also I don't use ds to make maps
  5. 00:56:483 (1,2) - 1,2x spacing while the objects next to (2) have 1,1x spacing? I think there's no reason for this since the pattern's pretty linear, not like 00:59:009 (1,2), so make the spacing here consistent? changed to 1.2x
  6. 01:21:588 (3,1,2,1,2,1) - I find the entire pattern to be awkward to play because of the objects' rhythm in general. It's difficult to explain, but they just... don't work. Try something like this? (Applies to 02:24:588 (3,1,2,1,2).) not a big deal, this is fine and fit the drums in music so I prefer placement pattern first
  7. 01:38:483 (2) - Considering the spacing here is already kinda inconsistent (and 01:38:009 (1,2,3) still plays quite well), what about moving this to (224,200) so it'll look perfectly in the middle of 01:38:009 (1,3)? changed (3)'s shape
  8. 02:17:798 (2) - Stack this above 02:17:956 (3)'s head instead? I honestly don't know why, but it feels more comfortable playing this kind of pattern than hitting a circle stacked below the tail of a slider following by the need to hit a slider after. (Applies to 02:19:062 (2) and 02:20:325 (2).) rearrange this part
  9. 04:11:009 (1,2) - Try to make a nice blanket here. This can be done easily!
  10. 04:16:062 (1) - ...Same case as the first suggestion on this diff.
  1. 00:27:272 (1) - Move further from 00:27:114 (8), preferably to (368,141)? I find this to create a better flow and thus this part will be more comfortable to play. that would be hard to hit
  2. 01:07:062 (2,3) - Don't you think they're a little too far from each other...? I personally would recommend to move (2) to (324,6). The music here isn't too strong anyway. yea, fixed
  3. 01:57:035 - There's nothing to map here, so why using a 1/4 slider like this? Might as well replace 01:56:956 (1) with a single circle and make a jump between it and 01:57:114 (2). That'd fit the song more. it's self-made rhythm, plays good
  4. 02:22:219 (3,4) - Add a finish at (3) to follow the cymbal (if you're okay with consecutive finishes) and make a jump between these two circles? It just feels weird to see 02:21:904 (1,2) have a way bigger spacing than (3,4) because of how the music goes...that would be noisy
  5. 02:37:535 (1,2) - What about replacing (1) with two circles instead and make a compressed stream, then make a jump to 02:37:851 (1)? Something like this? The current pattern feels off because of the spacing compared to the subtler music.
  6. 02:45:588 (2) - Move this to somewhere way further than its current position, preferably at (134,45)? The intensity of the patterns and jumps before this will probably make players think that 02:45:114 (1,2) is a 1/2 jump pattern, and thus spacing them further would be nice. it's fine
  7. 02:47:009 (4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5) - ...I really, really feel awkward playing this part. This doesn't feel in sync with the music even though the rhythm technically is. Try swapping NC at 02:47:009 (4,1), then add a circle at 02:48:035 to follow the instrument sound there. k, changed nc
  8. 02:51:430 (2) - Might as well stack this below 02:51:114 (1)'s tail too like 02:50:167 (1,2,1,2) for consistency since the music is similar. it's not for consistency, i make it intentionally
  9. 03:12:272 (1,2,3,4,5) - This looks messy IMO. I think this can be made to look better, like this. Also helps a little in flow, I think. this is comfortable to hit, i don't care the shape
  10. 03:27:904 (4,5) - Similar problem to 02:22:219 (3,4).
  11. 03:54:983 - I highly recommend to try to add a circle here since the instrument sound that is being played on this tick is very noticeable. It'd also make a nice 5-circle stream. I don't like that, triplet+jump plays better
  12. 03:57:114 (1,2) - Combine them into a 1/2 slider with a repeat instead? Goes better with the music and plays more naturally... at least that's what I feel. ^
Good luck on the way! 8-)

A i k a wrote:


02:38:798 (4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这里会不会感觉有点太直了?稍微斜过来了点0.0

01:40:693 (3,4) - 这里我以为 01:41:167 (4) 要在01:41:009的时候打,感觉那里很容易读错,而且新手更加容易读错。 跟鼓点 这样好

02:11:009 (2) - 这个的开头我觉得在 02:11:009这里比较合适,因为那里有蛮强的钢琴声音。等我在思考下

02:43:851 (3,4) - 和最上面一样,因为感觉好像背景的那个鼓不够声音大声,唱歌的声音把背景鼓消掉很多。
03:50:798 (3,4) - 这里也是。

04:08:483 (1) - 这里我怎么听都感觉怪怪的 owo错觉

04:20:641 (6) - 可以这样放?

03:06:588 (1,2) - 听起来有点怪。这里是跟鼓点

03:59:167 - Can definitely add spinner here that last to 04:00:430.[/notice]

04:20:483 (1) - 这里NC? 没必要啊

非常对不起啊 摸得不多。 感觉Insane已经没问题了(>´ω`<)
no comment = fix, thanks for modding.

[Skystar's Kokuhaku]
  1. 00:33:114 (1) - 這啥音效都不加嗎 finish啥的
  2. 01:01:219 - 放個note在(4)的上空那一塊? 跟鼓點甚麼的
  3. 01:40:062 (4) - / 02:43:219 (4) - / 03:50:167 (5) - 忘記clap? 還是故意的啊
  4. 03:04:062 (1,1,1,1) - 不跟鼓嗎 在頭那邊加個clap啥的
  5. 03:07:851 (1,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 這邊還是有鼓的
  6. 03:52:062 - / 03:54:588 - 這邊可以加個soft finish或者你自定義帶的那個
    感覺第二段kiai之前都有點擠 不過沒事
  1. 00:27:272 (1,2,3) - (2,3)突然減spacing挺詭異 其實我感覺可以大跳或是疊在一起之類的 這裡音樂用這種不太清楚的spacing挺難抓節奏
  2. 00:53:483 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 整串挪下去點? 串開始的地方要大一點的位移 而且跟00:53:167 (2) - 有點擠在一起
  3. 01:18:746 (5) - ?!這裡有finish的音嗎
  4. 01:37:219 (2) - 忘記clap了
  5. 01:44:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 這裡給我的感覺非常的微妙 因為音樂上kiai結尾挺急促的 但是你(1,2,3)跟(4,5,6,7)中間卻空了一拍 聽起來就沒有很急促 (而且你兩邊都是串) 柑橘可以改成這樣
  6. 01:56:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這整串可以ctrl+j嗎 01:55:851 (6,1) - 感覺需要大spacing
  7. 02:22:219 (3,4) - 你這樣放也不是不行 不過因為從這裡開始後面就沒object了所以如果是我我就會放跳 有一種收尾的感覺 (當然你想要小spacing收尾也沒關係)
  8. 02:40:377 (2,3) - 突然萎掉了 也不是什麼大問題只是突然卡住很不爽 感覺你可以把(2)往下挪(3)往上挪然後在頭尾調換一下
  9. 02:45:588 (2) - 改成先note再slider? 跟02:44:956 (4,1) - 一樣 主要是02:45:746 - 這個音挺重的用slider尾跟會不夠 而且給人一種突然斷掉的感覺
  10. 03:54:588 (4) - 看你03:55:114 (8) - 有加 這裡也加吧
  11. 04:15:114 - 這裡有鼓點 finish帶clap不錯
[Laurier's Insane]
  1. Missing video in this diff, please add it
  2. 01:34:377 (1) - This is weird to me since it only contains 1 reverse, but there are 4 sliders that contains 2 reverses just before this object. Maybe it's just me, but this makes me feel suddenly as a player. Perhaps change it to a triplet?
  3. 02:37:535 (2) - ^
  4. 01:44:483 (1,4,9) - / 02:47:641 (1,6) - Up to you, but I think you can add finishes here to emphasize the music :3
  5. 03:10:693 - ~ 03:11:325 - The music here are in 1/6 rhythm, please listen it carefully and re-design those 1/4 sliders :< (This could be unrankable if you use streams to follow the music here)
  6. 03:20:483 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like the 1/1s here, it's hard to follow the rhythm to beat since the music is so quiet. There are only vocal sounds here, so the only sound the players can follow is the vocal. Try to follow that instead of self-create rhythm here.
  7. 03:51:272 - ~ 03:51:746 - The music here is 1/3s, listen it carefully (again) and re-do those streams to the correct beat
  8. 03:52:693 - Add a clap here to follow the drum in the music?
  9. 03:54:746 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - This stream is tooooooooooooooaofjaklfjkl long, perhaps you can change 03:55:377 (10,11,12,13) - to a 1/2 slider. (And this stream is off-screen, move it back a bit)
  1. 02:07:219 - 你I有加finish 這邊補個
  2. 02:53:325 (3) - 頭折返尾都加whistle吧 不然音明明很突出卻沒音效挺怪
  3. 03:54:588 (1) - finish I有提到過
  1. 02:07:693 (2,3,4) - 這裡節奏聽起來怪怪的
    02:09:588 - 補顆note是為了follow vocal 還有接到02:09:746 (1) - 白線上的object時不會那麼詭異
  2. 02:30:746 - clap亂入
  3. 02:43:851 (3,4,5) - 稍微調整一下(4)讓三個slider的邊維持等距
  4. 03:54:588 - finish 你03:57:114 - 也有加
  1. 03:20:483 (1) - whistle挺突兀的 這裡沒音別加了吧
  2. 03:24:272 (1,1) - 有點想吐槽這spacing
有點怕被噴H-I的spread不夠好 建議你加個簡單I或找個反QAT應援團
call me back

edit: 忘記check meta

  1. Tag裡gumi前少加megpoid gumi跟nico之間有個空格把他去掉 然後可以額外再tag hatsuko suzumu那些 (前段video有)
  2. Laurier那個diff沒video (我有寫在他那個diff了)
Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

昨天mod全消失了,飛球好感度-50% F好感度+MAX

  1. 00:27:272 (1,2,3) - (2,3)突然減spacing挺詭異 其實我感覺可以大跳或是疊在一起之類的 這裡音樂用這種不太清楚的spacing挺難抓節奏
  2. 00:53:483 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - 整串挪下去點? 串開始的地方要大一點的位移 而且跟00:53:167 (2) - 有點擠在一起
  3. 01:18:746 (5) - ?!這裡有finish的音嗎
  4. 01:37:219 (2) - 忘記clap了
  5. 01:44:483 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - 這裡給我的感覺非常的微妙 因為音樂上kiai結尾挺急促的 但是你(1,2,3)跟(4,5,6,7)中間卻空了一拍 聽起來就沒有很急促 (而且你兩邊都是串) 柑橘可以改成這樣
  6. 01:56:009 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這整串可以ctrl+j嗎 01:55:851 (6,1) - 感覺需要大spacing
  7. 02:22:219 (3,4) - 你這樣放也不是不行 不過因為從這裡開始後面就沒object了所以如果是我我就會放跳 有一種收尾的感覺 (當然你想要小spacing收尾也沒關係) 这个keep
  8. 02:40:377 (2,3) - 突然萎掉了 也不是什麼大問題只是突然卡住很不爽 感覺你可以把(2)往下挪(3)往上挪然後在頭尾調換一下 没什么地方 稍微向上挪了点
  9. 02:45:588 (2) - 改成先note再slider? 跟02:44:956 (4,1) - 一樣 主要是02:45:746 - 這個音挺重的用slider尾跟會不夠 而且給人一種突然斷掉的感覺这里主要跟鼓,营造一个停顿感
  10. 03:54:588 (4) - 看你03:55:114 (8) - 有加 這裡也加吧
  11. 04:15:114 - 這裡有鼓點 finish帶clap不錯
  1. 02:07:219 - 你I有加finish 這邊補個
  2. 02:53:325 (3) - 頭折返尾都加whistle吧 不然音明明很突出卻沒音效挺怪
  3. 03:54:588 (1) - finish I有提到過
  1. 02:07:693 (2,3,4) - 這裡節奏聽起來怪怪的
    02:09:588 - 補顆note是為了follow vocal 還有接到02:09:746 (1) - 白線上的object時不會那麼詭異
  2. 02:30:746 - clap亂入
  3. 02:43:851 (3,4,5) - 稍微調整一下(4)讓三個slider的邊維持等距
  4. 03:54:588 - finish 你03:57:114 - 也有加
  1. 03:20:483 (1) - whistle挺突兀的 這裡沒音別加了吧
  2. 03:24:272 (1,1) - 有點想吐槽這spacing
有點怕被噴H-I的spread不夠好 建議你加個簡單I或找個反QAT應援團 我把hard加了间距和一些三连,主要这个normal也蛮男的,加diff有点麻烦
call me back

edit: 忘記check meta

  1. Tag裡gumi前少加megpoid gumi跟nico之間有個空格把他去掉 然後可以額外再tag hatsuko suzumu那些 (前段video有)
  2. Laurier那個diff沒video (我有寫在他那個diff了)
no comment = fix, thanks for modding.
順道把間奏一個4+4的stream改了然後星數瞬間從5.42掉到5.31 我怎麼那麼善良
Topic Starter
hmm since laurier is inactive now I am checking the mod on behalf of him (all are just minor changes so I guess it's fine
@aika, nothing really need to be fixed sorry.

Flask wrote:

[Laurier's Insane]
  1. Missing video in this diff, please add it done
  2. 01:34:377 (1) - This is weird to me since it only contains 1 reverse, but there are 4 sliders that contains 2 reverses just before this object. Maybe it's just me, but this makes me feel suddenly as a player. Perhaps change it to a triplet?I guess it's fine as it plays well for me and easy to fc this pattern
  3. 02:37:535 (2) - ^
  4. 01:44:483 (1,4,9) - / 02:47:641 (1,6) - Up to you, but I think you can add finishes here to emphasize the music :3 added finish
  5. 03:10:693 - ~ 03:11:325 - The music here are in 1/6 rhythm, please listen it carefully and re-design those 1/4 sliders :< (This could be unrankable if you use streams to follow the music here) I think he did this intentionally to follow drums just use the extended 1/4 slider, but sliderhead is on the beats.
  6. 03:20:483 (1,2,3,4) - I don't like the 1/1s here, it's hard to follow the rhythm to beat since the music is so quiet. There are only vocal sounds here, so the only sound the players can follow is the vocal. Try to follow that instead of self-create rhythm here. I guess these self created are similar/consistent with the former ones.03:16:693 (7,8,9,10) -
  7. 03:51:272 - ~ 03:51:746 - The music here is 1/3s, listen it carefully (again) and re-do those streams to the correct beat done this
  8. 03:52:693 - Add a clap here to follow the drum in the music? I guess he uses the whistle on purpose to emphasize the pattern
  9. 03:54:746 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - This stream is tooooooooooooooaofjaklfjkl long, perhaps you can change 03:55:377 (10,11,12,13) - to a 1/2 slider. (And this stream is off-screen, move it back a bit)done

[Skystar's Kokuhaku]
  1. 00:58:693 - 忘了clap
  1. 01:44:956 (4) - 不確定你想不想要加finish
[Laurier's Insane]
  1. 03:52:693 - clap?
  1. 03:54:588 (1) - 我感覺還是finish比clap好
@Fycho: you can add it for me
Topic Starter
all fixed and updated.
yay yay yay yay yay :D
come on for the rank fycho-kun :D
pd: is my birthday lololololol...
checking this tomorrow
  1. 00:23:641 - don't need the green line here, just set the red line to 70% volume
  2. 00:30:667 - unnecessary green line
  3. 01:23:641 - ^
  4. 02:26:956 - ^
  1. I generally like seeing CS3.5 on normals, gives a better progression from CS3 easy and CS4 hard. up to you though
  2. 00:23:641 - same as Easy
  3. 01:09:746 (2,3,4) - triangle+blanket could be done better here
  4. 01:13:219 (4,5,1) - distance varies here since the sv changes, try to make it the same
  5. 01:41:641 (5) - I'd swap this for two circles, since the strong beat is on the end at the moment. Plus the pattern looks weird atm with the varying distances of 01:40:693 (3,4,5) - visually
  6. 02:44:798 (5) - same as ^ (although this pattern looks better than the other one heh)
  7. 04:14:167 (2,4) - would be nice to stack these properly since they're on the screen at the same time
  1. AR7.5 works really well here, try it out. gives a smoother progression as well as making the AR-OD gap smaller
  2. 00:23:641 - yep
  3. 02:26:009 (1) - would be more consistent to change this to two circles and do something more similar to 01:22:851 (1,2,3) -
    awesome as usual
[Laurier's Insane]
  1. Alright sorry but I can't let OD6 go through here. Wayyy too low for an insane diff. If you want a progression of OD, do something like 7-7.5-8 or 7-8-9. but not this, please
  2. 02:15:904 (5) - putting the NC here instead would look nicer imo
  1. as I mentioned before, OD7.5-8 would work better here.
  2. 04:20:798 (7) - I think this feels more comfortable a bit higher up, like x368 y300 ish area
[Skystar's whatever the fk that is]
  1. what too lazy busy to map the beginning/ending? :P
  2. AR9.3 would be cool, up to you tho
  3. 01:26:167 - just gonna let you know, some people are getting really cranky about sliderslide hitsounding. might lead to an unqualify, who knows anymore
  4. 02:04:693 (1) - it is my humble opinion that the curve on this looks like poop (confirmed by Trust)
  5. 02:21:746 (1,2,3,4,1) - wow this is mean. low spacing low spacing SCREEEEEEEN JUMP
  6. 04:00:983 - guess you don't really need this green line lol
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