
League of Legends

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Kobe in glasses is so hot omfg

Nofool wrote:

Fabi wrote:

You don't realize the high amount of hp they have? Its true that I may be not in range for the use, but the passive is still pretty good in that instance. Also I used it everytime I could when I had elise/darius near me or after getting a kill. There is no way statikk shiv is better than PD at late game. The damage that statikk provide is just shit at later stage, statikk is just good to snowball an early/mid game.
that botrk's passive is not really better than the dmg you got+ lifesteal+shield with bt^^ you'll kill them in the same time + you'll regen more thanks to bt against their thornmail. basically if they'r close enough to let you use your botrk, it's over for you. botrk is way better on low ranged char who have to hit fast and who can escape easily (like vayne ofc).
that's more or less what i said 'bout PD, but i usually never reach these lategame where everyone is full stuff o_o

BrokenArrow wrote:

honestly botrk isn't a bad choice on any adc this patch
it's not all about the active (anymore), it's more about the passive and the fact that there is no better lifesteal item to grab anyways
bt is still a better lifesteal item than botrk x_x even the shield is usefull against poke/huge burst

you are a bit overestimating that botrk's passive... 15% of max heals is useless in early and you'll deal the same dmg with bt in late+ you got a shield/more lifesteal. only the attack speed bonus is really usefull on some adc
The DPS is higher at late game with BOTRK than BT. ... h-4-10-adc

The shield of BT is just bad and the ls is just 5% more. You kill them faster and make more DPS with BOTRK.
BT shield isn't as bad as people make it seem.

But it can be hard to stack late game since you likely will need creeps for that. Although Jinx is probably the one it's easiest to do with.

Jinx rockets benefit less from BotRK. Jinx already has a great aspd steroid. You linked a wrong dps comprasion too.

Point of BotRK is that it's great to rush on champions that benefit from attack speed and some improvement to skirmishing. Jinx build path is the IE branch where BT would be like 5th-6th item. It fits great here.

Don't overrate the BotRK passive.
Still no reason to go "wtf that build" as if he rushed a Zephyr or something like that
no hate
Jinx doesn't benefit that much with BOTRK than BT but it depends. The problem lies when the utility and active provided by BOTRK is more useful than BT which is why I bought it. The enemy was heavy on hp and armor, 3 of them had nearly or more than 3K HP and 200+ armor. It was late game and I pretty much used rocket and nothing more. Im pretty sure the damage per second I was doing was higher than if I had gotten a BT. In my opinion, BOTRK was the right choice in that instance.

Also, yeah, I linked the wrong dps comparison.

EDIT: This is good read ... ined-King/
And this too ... c_changes/ look for the username cubeofsoup
Witch Mercy
I'm waiting for them new mecha skins. :^)
[- Alex -]
Dam... Lux is so funny. I love to dominate the game after i am feed. ^_^
Wow, the whole "don't try to carry every single game, let yourself get carried from time to time as well" thing that was on Reddit recently really helped me out, I will start playing ranked again.
No more glass cannon 300 farm jungle Lee with 400 AD that gets oneshot every single teamfight for me.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Wow, the whole "don't try to carry every single game, let yourself get carried from time to time as well" thing that was on Reddit recently really helped me out, I will start playing ranked again.
No more glass cannon 300 farm jungle Lee with 400 AD that gets oneshot every single teamfight for me.
Then you have a day of everyone sucking dick and you performing simply up to your elo and drop soloq again.
please do not take reddit posts seriously
the r/lol circlejerk consists partly of people making themselves feel better about being bad at the game
I made a separate Reddit account purely for the league subreddit because I feel ashamed for posting there, but calling people out on their bullshit is always hilarious.
P r o m i s e s
Holy shit this guy isn't human


P r o m i s e s wrote:

Holy shit this guy isn't human

Jayce new Riven comfirmed
[- Alex -]

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Holy shit this guy isn't human

That Zed so bad.....
He executed a no energy level 5 Zed under tower which is very out of context. The execution itself is nothing interesting.

The warwick towerdive wasn't something unusual and after that, if anything, Vi took 1 tower shot more than she could unless it's a replayer bug.

The Syndra flash is great but nothing unseen. Hell, I see this in plenty of the games that have Syndra picked.

Evelynn and Ziggs misplayed and he capitalised.

Rest are just executions in sure death of etiher side situations.

He might be a great player, he probably is, he played everything in the video very well, but this is a terrible highlight reel.
If you like Jayce you don't want him to be considered strong anyways because he will get nerfed and then reworked.
Riot has already stated awhile back when they nerfed him really hard that they don't really like his kit.
Witch Mercy

SoG Tava wrote:

P r o m i s e s wrote:

Holy shit this guy isn't human

Jayce new Riven comfirmed
[- Alex -]
Amumu > Shyvana top. Just tested . OP!

Also , i enjoy Zed in aram so much. ^_^

(Thresh 10/2 , i hate playing him because i ks all the time ;w;)

TKiller wrote:

He executed a no energy level 5 Zed under tower which is very out of context. The execution itself is nothing interesting.

The warwick towerdive wasn't something unusual and after that, if anything, Vi took 1 tower shot more than she could unless it's a replayer bug.

The Syndra flash is great but nothing unseen. Hell, I see this in plenty of the games that have Syndra picked.

Evelynn and Ziggs misplayed and he capitalised.

Rest are just executions in sure death of etiher side situations.

He might be a great player, he probably is, he played everything in the video very well, but this is a terrible highlight reel.
The thing is Jayce plays don't get much more flashier than what he did. He has the mechanics, the game knowledge and the kills are enjoyable to watch, so I'd call it something far from a terrible highlight reel.
That Syndra play was beautiful, so smooth.
Maybe I'm just not surprised by anything in this game anymore.

noneed wrote:

TKiller wrote:

He executed a no energy level 5 Zed under tower which is very out of context. The execution itself is nothing interesting.

The warwick towerdive wasn't something unusual and after that, if anything, Vi took 1 tower shot more than she could unless it's a replayer bug.

The Syndra flash is great but nothing unseen. Hell, I see this in plenty of the games that have Syndra picked.

Evelynn and Ziggs misplayed and he capitalised.

Rest are just executions in sure death of etiher side situations.

He might be a great player, he probably is, he played everything in the video very well, but this is a terrible highlight reel.
The thing is Jayce plays don't get much more flashier than what he did. He has the mechanics, the game knowledge and the kills are enjoyable to watch, so I'd call it something far from a terrible highlight reel.
this ^
He only uses mistake + 2level+ than others and snowballin' more.
But nice.

TKiller wrote:

Maybe I'm just not surprised by anything in this game anymore.
Probably because there really isn't that many champions that can make big plays that are actually interesting to watch to begin with. Majority of the champions in this game have generic abilities with boring cookie cutter item builds every game.

Anything that was unique with the original 40 champions pretty much got it nerfed out of their kits because of "Antifun", "Toxic", and "Burden of Knowledge". Better itemization would go a long way in League. This game really needs more active items.

After playing this game going on 5 years now you've pretty much seen everything until a new champion comes out or a huge overhall rework on an older champion (Sion, and Warwick). The new Warwick will be able to make some huge plays if the kit that was leaked a few months ago ever goes live.
Kanye West

Vulf wrote:

TKiller wrote:

Maybe I'm just not surprised by anything in this game anymore.
Probably because there really isn't that many champions that can make big plays that are actually interesting to watch to begin with. Majority of the champions in this game have generic abilities with boring cookie cutter item builds every game.
This is so true. Look at Braum, the newest release.

Passive - copied from Nautilus but needs 4 attacks and triggered by allies too
Q - generic linear skillshot CC
W - Lee Sin W with armor and MR instead of shield and can't jump to wards
E - movable slightly different version of Yasuo wall
R - Sona + Anivia Ult with knockup instead

With a cookie cutter item build just like Leona too. What's the point of even releasing a hero like this?
He has a mustache, no more reasoning needed.

The ultimate irony would be to release a champion with a spell steal mechanic.

I wonder if Sion rework would be tied to release of a new champion. His passive, E and R are a pretty solid foundament while shield would be a waste to get rid of as a concept.

TKiller wrote:

The ultimate irony would be to release a champion with a spell steal mechanic.

I wonder if Sion rework would be tied to release of a new champion. His passive, E and R are a pretty solid foundament while shield would be a waste to get rid of as a concept.
Incoming Rubick?

I myself think too that this game needs more variety of items and gameplay.

Kanye West wrote:

This is so true. Look at Braum, the newest release.

Passive - copied from Nautilus but needs 4 attacks and triggered by allies too
Q - generic linear skillshot CC
W - Lee Sin W with armor and MR instead of shield and can't jump to wards
E - movable slightly different version of Yasuo wall
R - Sona + Anivia Ult with knockup instead

With a cookie cutter item build just like Leona too. What's the point of even releasing a hero like this?
is this post real?

people will bitch about anything

Braum was a solid release with a fun mechanic and unique characteristics

holy shit

Sync wrote:

Kanye West wrote:

This is so true. Look at Braum, the newest release.

Passive - copied from Nautilus but needs 4 attacks and triggered by allies too
Q - generic linear skillshot CC
W - Lee Sin W with armor and MR instead of shield and can't jump to wards
E - movable slightly different version of Yasuo wall
R - Sona + Anivia Ult with knockup instead

With a cookie cutter item build just like Leona too. What's the point of even releasing a hero like this?
is this post real?

people will bitch about anything

Braum was a solid release with a fun mechanic and unique characteristics

holy shit
that said, his passive is annoying as fuck

Sync wrote:

is this post real?

people will bitch about anything

Braum was a solid release with a fun mechanic and unique characteristics

holy shit
I mean he isn't wrong. LOL

No one is complaining about his release.
Kanye West
I'm not complaining about just braum, more like complaining about the way riot designs their heroes and just gave an example of the newest release to show why riot is uncreative and afraid to introduce heroes with more unique and niche skillets into the game.
I look at the last 20 champions and most of them (barring Quinn) have SOMETHING unique/cool about them. Not sure why you guys are expecting more out of Riot from the champion aspect of the game. They need to create a character with meaningful lore that synergizes with their kit that is also easy to play and understand on sight for millions of people. Creativity is not the problem here

I mean he isn't wrong. LOL

No one is complaining about his release.
plz reread his post then
"meaningful lore" =\. Lore is dead and has been for over 3 years now.

You are right creativity isn't the only problem here. Lack of creativity over time creates some pretty heavy powercreep (Mashing elements of previous ones to create another) which is very present in this game right now. Not all of leagues powercreep/balance is a result of this (not saying it is). Lack of creativity is a design flaw and can be very harmful to a game over a long period of time.

^Basic game design knowledge there

I'm not expecting much out of Riot when it comes to straight up creativity. I just want good fun balanced gameplay (doesn't have to be perfect). Hell the new Warwick is pretty damn unique if we are going to start talking about creativity.
you guys should just play battle party instead, i just achieved gold and iwll carry you all out of guest hell
Witch Mercy
Blind monk op
Eren Yaeger
Can anyone recommend me a champ to buy, I'm a little stuck right now on what to get, currently maining mid/top lane

I really like assassins, so not so much orriana/ziggs but they're still on the list of things I need to get to diversify my champ pool.

Talon. Snowball and roflstomp people in solo q

imo, i think you need at least one marksman
Tristana and Alistar are still free when you like/subscribe to LoL on Facebook/Youtube afaik.
Garen too.

Eren Yaeger wrote:

Can anyone recommend me a champ to buy, I'm a little stuck right now on what to get, currently maining mid/top lane

I really like assassins, so not so much orriana/ziggs but they're still on the list of things I need to get to diversify my champ pool.

You'd like katarina, I think.
[- Alex -]
Anyone played or wants to play Doom Bots on PBE?

Add Leokimah on the PBE if you want to join. Going to check them out for a bit. Assuming the net connection here can sustain League. xD

EDIT: Nevermind pbe went down. =\
Starting to learn ADC after a long period as support :3


Andrea wrote:

Starting to learn ADC after a long period as support :3

sup Andrea you need to explain me WHY YOU DIDN'T SAID YOU PLAY LOL


Eren Yaeger
Vicktor to Vicktory.
P r o m i s e s

Andrea wrote:

Starting to learn ADC after a long period as support :3

Try Tristana, I think you'll like her :3.
No ADC but Vayne.

Vayne is love, Vayne is life.

TKiller wrote:

No ADC but Vayne.

Vayne is love, Vayne is life.
P r o m i s e s

TKiller wrote:

No ADC but Vayne.

Vayne is love, Vayne is life.
Not really when Cait is free this week. I'd happily pick Vayne into Cait, but still cry if I get stomped in lane
Honestly i dont mind vayne cait lane just play supper passive first 6 lvls then all in her at lvl 6
Won 12 of my last 13 ranked games and already at Silver 2 promos.
Can't tell if it's because I'm playing better, being carried by my duo partner (whose Silver 1 now) or out of pure luck (good teammates, bad opponents, etc).
...not like I'm complaining.

Was suggested to me to stop playing top since I don't really come out hugely ahead / carry games after laning phase and play more mid and jungle. Shrug.

Justykanna wrote:

Won 12 of my last 13 ranked games and already at Silver 2 promos.
Can't tell if it's because I'm playing better, being carried by my duo partner (whose Silver 1 now) or out of pure luck (good teammates, bad opponents, etc).
...not like I'm complaining.
Unbelieveable but true: You can rise up divisions by playing good!

I believe a good motivation and fine gameplay is the answer to your question :P
La Volpe
I'm starting to get into Galio Support. lol

Stefan wrote:

Unbelieveable but true: You can rise up divisions by playing good!

I believe a good motivation and fine gameplay is the answer to your question
Lol, I like that. =)

La Volpe wrote:

I'm starting to get into Galio Support. lol
No deaths, lol.
Been having real trouble in the past 3 days games. Thought that I sucked but then realised that it's the connection actually acting weird and not me performing a metaphorical fellatio. Playing AD with mediocre supports is really impossible like this though.
Eren Yaeger
So, I'm in my series, on a win streak so I decide to keep going.

Then this happens. ... /211976397

What in the hell am I supposed to do in that? I told Yas to play defensive so he wouldn't feed and that's what he does, and he's silver 5 I feel like he should know that, I can't carry well so I have no idea what to do ;~;
if you go vayne just be super passive and shit lol
Eren Yaeger

Hika wrote:

if you go vayne just be super passive and shit lol
I was ryze, the only one that went for objectives and didn't feed ;~;
I thought Silver and Bronze are the same.
oh i was just talking in general Eren

and in bronze apparently, there is no warding going on whatsoever and they completely ignore baron and dragon COMPLETELY IGNORE
also csing is probably really bad but i wouldnt know

Hika wrote:

if you go vayne just be super passive and shit lol
The only right way to play Vayne is BALLS TO THE FACE.

Been failing with it miserably with connection issues for the past days, can't even tumble a Lucian Q, but still.

Playing sissy wins games but takes the fun away.


they were beginner bots but still ;w;

Jazz wrote:


they were beginner bots but still ;w;
i feel you bro
Is there anybody who uses the Mac-Client except me? Because I never had any problems (besides the usual ones who occur all the time), but since the new patch my ping goes up +500 randomly, but that problem disappeared eventually after a few games played. Now the real issue is that I can't log into the game anymore because when I start my Client a message pops up which says that the launcher needs to be closed and started again and when I do that, it says the same crap over and over again. Well, there are some lucky days where I can open the Client itself and can click on my profile or something but after a few minutes another window pops up which says: "Can't connect to Maestro, the Client will now close and restart again", or something like that. I have tried everything that should help, I searched for forum entries, repaired the game, deleted it and installed it again but nothing seems to help me. Do you guys have any ideas I can try?
Maybe a firewall/antivirus issue? I have no idea about Mac or whether you can disable those things or not, but it might help in case you didn't try it yet.
I tried to reciprocate this issue and I see nothing wrong. You might wanna get that checked out through the forums.
I've been playing LoL occasionally since season 1, maining support. But support becomes boring and the most annoying thing solo queues are that every lane is much worser than you. But playing as support, you can make plays, people don't realize that since support is underrated. Let me give you a example, I was playing thresh and their botlane destroyed us ( it was still meta where jinx and annie was overly strong since the burst damage lvl 6) their jinx was like 16-2 when heading to late-game ( we stayed in game because our caitlyn and mid had farm alot.) And they got baron and they were retreating, then i made a insane flash hook to their jinx and we bursted her down and won the teamfight what resulted from that. DONT UNDERSTIMATE THE POWER OF SUPPORT!
Lose elo due to playing like shit/connection issues/way too much people sucking dick in a row -> get to the point you roflstomp with Akali -> repeat.

Maybe one day I will actually try to maintain a high win ratio for ranked games. All's possible. Meanwhile God bless platinum.

Vulf, show me your Warwick runes, please. Been using my Shyvana page but maybe you had better ideas.
Witch Mercy

Katze wrote:

Is there anybody who uses the Mac-Client except me? Because I never had any problems (besides the usual ones who occur all the time), but since the new patch my ping goes up +500 randomly, but that problem disappeared eventually after a few games played. Now the real issue is that I can't log into the game anymore because when I start my Client a message pops up which says that the launcher needs to be closed and started again and when I do that, it says the same crap over and over again. Well, there are some lucky days where I can open the Client itself and can click on my profile or something but after a few minutes another window pops up which says: "Can't connect to Maestro, the Client will now close and restart again", or something like that. I have tried everything that should help, I searched for forum entries, repaired the game, deleted it and installed it again but nothing seems to help me. Do you guys have any ideas I can try?
Try sending in a support ticket Katze boo.
Game is fun when you have a great support

punishing vayne for extending with half health
Eh, decided to play again


root for me and my team in the finals wooohooo

im Tristana Chan so be jelly

South wrote:

root for me and my team in the finals wooohooo

im Tristana Chan so be jelly
Yeeeeh Tristana

I play her as an AP tho'
Vuelo Eluko

Graciee wrote:

Katze wrote:

Is there anybody who uses the Mac-Client except me? Because I never had any problems (besides the usual ones who occur all the time), but since the new patch my ping goes up +500 randomly, but that problem disappeared eventually after a few games played. Now the real issue is that I can't log into the game anymore because when I start my Client a message pops up which says that the launcher needs to be closed and started again and when I do that, it says the same crap over and over again. Well, there are some lucky days where I can open the Client itself and can click on my profile or something but after a few minutes another window pops up which says: "Can't connect to Maestro, the Client will now close and restart again", or something like that. I have tried everything that should help, I searched for forum entries, repaired the game, deleted it and installed it again but nothing seems to help me. Do you guys have any ideas I can try?
Try sending in a support ticket Katze boo.
didn't log in for a few days, now its working again, idek what that was
EuWest cmon
Witch Mercy
Come to NA lol

Graciee wrote:

Come to NA lol

So close to getting out of this hell.

The stress is strong in this match. If only my team listened to me the match wouldn't last this long. I can pretty much go in enemies' faces and peel for them even without the dc'ed cait. Low elo problems.

Finally carried my way out of Silver 2. Now if I can just get back into gold so I can start progressing again ;w;
Maphite support too strong.


That Rengar logic tho
How to Have Fun in League of Legends. The -22 is totally deserved, don't you think guys ?


Andrea wrote:

Maphite support too strong.

omg dat sup let his adc die 4 times 4 times!!

*joke* ..... what

Anyone already won against these doom bot V XD ?

edit: ok nvm, the feed is real tho
Yasen Baka
Doom bots V too easy.
The Doom Bots vs NA Casters game is hilarious

It was ranked and I lost :x

Nofool wrote:

Anyone already won against these doom bot V XD ?

edit: ok nvm, the feed is real tho

How to win this shit ;____; we're losing every games :c

Don't you just love it when you're trolling by recalling and they are still not able to kill to you because you're too tanky
Doom bots is too fun...but a challenge. Won all 3 rounds and still makes me laugh with Lux bot. -FIRE DEM LAZERS EVERYWHERE!!-
Question: How do you know when to make a trade/engage in lane?
Up to this point, I've been kinda guessing and for the most part, lose trades, even if I engage after my lane opponent used up a skill for farming.
I know things like watch the amount of minions, the level of your lane opponent, look at the items between you and your opponent, and obviously don't get ganked into a 1v2. I'm usually in the top lane, if that changes anything.

It's been a large tendency that I'm never ahead by much after laning phase and as such, my avg K:D is always reasonably low (and my avg assists are pretty high).

Pretty much what you already said

1. Know the matchup: If your champion has a disadvantage in a specific lane matchup (let's say Akali vs. Pantheon) you most likely don't even wanna try to initiate or go for a trade, just try to stay even in farm and don't die

2. Know their cooldowns: When the enemy uses his skills to clear minions and you know you can outdamage him, go for the trade

3. Know your own/the enemy's strength: Is there an item disparity? Are you running low on health pots while your enemy laner still has plenty? Does he have built-in sustain and you don't?

4. Be sure there is no jungler around: Map awareness ftw

5. During the trade: Avoid minion damage by going into the nearest brush immediately after you got your damage off
5.1 If possible, dodge skillshots (or land them)

Or just randomly engage on them when they least expect it and roll all over their face.
You forgot the most important: Buy wards!
Even in Diamond elo there are a lot of players who start overextending/trading while nothing is warded nor the enemyjungler is located.

BrokenArrow wrote:

4. Be sure there is no jungler around: Map awareness ftw
I think that falls under this category
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