
[added] Filter game mode specific difficulties

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +221
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I only play taiko-diffs, and it's a pain to click every song to search out the taiko-diffs.
Ibuki Suika

i thought this sounded familiar >_<
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Ibuki Suika wrote:

mine has more stars, and explains it with ctb too.

and I have a picture to explain it visually.
Ibuki Suika

theowest wrote:

mine has more stars, and explains it with ctb too.

and I have a picture to explain it visually.
1year ago osu only has "2"CTB diff

btw,I just want to Contrast a year ago and now,player's point

Correct ideas are always right, but always with the passage of time slowly being accepted :oops:
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Was just about to request the same thing. Gawd, it's annoying to search for taiko (or in my case for muzukashi orz) everytime I finish a map.

Support ><
Would like, Support.

I'm not sure if this also should apply to multiplayer, when taiko difficulties are selected they appear under the osu! standard category.
Sorry if that has been fixed already, I only remember this from a while ago and thought it might be worth mentioning.

We speak the speak the same language
I mean this is what I always wanted
Yeah, I was talking about this one! I didn't realized this was already on the topic.
Finally, I'll have the power to filter non-taiko specific diffs.!!!
I have 1,865 beatmaps and it takes WAY too long to find the Taiko-specific diff. I'm looking for, even if I favorited it!!
It's going to be horrible when i finally finish downloading the rest of those beatmap packs!! :cry:
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Every game mode specific difficulty will be rankable at some point. so I updated some information.
Support this
I'd love to see this too. :)
oh my very neat idea! I find it slightly annoying having to search for Taiko to then find songs without Taiko difficulties :T

[resolved]...? There's a new grouping method by game mode, so I guess this won't be muc of a problem? :3
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omg it got implemented yesterday

Yeah. I guess this should be marked as resolved then. It should be available on the test client.

edit: I can't see it yet. :v
Don't you mean Added? I'll fix that for you.
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It's not a filter. So this request is resolved.

I'm not even sure this "fix" is what this request is about. It doesn't seem to be added on the test build yet. I'm going to mark this when it can be confirmed.

edit: edit:

edit: edit: edit:

I don't understand why we don't filter it instead. Wouldn't that be easier? What if you want to Group or sort these specific difficulties? That's just highly inconvenient.

My feature request still stands.
Isn't that the equivalent of filtering tho...
wat just mark it resolved
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No. Filter difficulties means you remove them from any list, despite the grouping. If you no longer have "mode" grouper selected, you'll see mode specific difficulties again.
It should just be filter instead.

You can't filter out mode specific difficulties while browsing any grouping atm (favourites, my maps, etc.)
the way i see it, this is different to the OP and makes the request no longer needed per say. so in one sense, this could be [Invalid]
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deadbeat wrote:

the way i see it, this is different to the OP and makes the request no longer needed per say. so in one sense, this could be [Invalid]
what? Are you even listening? ;_;
Grouping and the filter that theo requested are different from each-other

It's the same with "filter unranked"
You wont be able to find anything else than unranked maps, even if you use search
It'll only search within the filter itself.
This topic is pretty resolved for me. I don't understand why you need a filter that much.

theowest wrote:

I don't play taiko or Catch the beat so I don't want to see it.

if you want to play taiko or catch the beat, i think you should go here:

not here:
Same could apply to the other game modes

[Dellirium] wrote:

This topic is pretty resolved for me. I don't understand why you need a filter that much.
To make manual research possible filtering only maps per modes. Let's take an example, you want to see all your hatsune miku taiko specific diffs. You can't, you'll get a bunch of standard maps wich you're not looking for.
what if the day comes when osu! has 20 game modes? Selection options would reach the top of the screen everytime you hover on it.
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Just how hard is it to understand this request. You can't group by and filter game mode specific difficulties atm. You should be able to. What if I wanted to see all the taiko diffs I've made (in case I have) or all the ctb diffs in Favourite A. This would be extremely useful!
You can't filter multiple game modes either, you can either see everything or just one game mode at a time.

JeMhUnTeR wrote:

what if the day comes when osu! has 20 game modes? Selection options would reach the top of the screen everytime you hover on it.
Don't be stupid.
Ahihihi lol but I really think grouping maps by game mode is enough.
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JeMhUnTeR wrote:

Ahihihi lol but I really think grouping maps by game mode is enough.
Then please leave this poor feature request alone. You are clearly not the target audience here.
Hihi yessir~
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If any of you've been using the grouping "Mode" and starting searching, you might have noticed how extremely annoying it is to enter the game mode group everytime you make a new search or erase search, etc. It feels extremely laggy because of this grouping.
I am currently playing exclusively Osu!Mania, and I definitely support this request. The mode grouping feature is useful, but I would MUCH prefer simply filtering out every non-Mania diff. I have a large collection of mania-specific maps converted from o2jam, and I would prefer to be able to use random to select from those maps, but that's not possible right now because even if I filter for unranked only, there are still penty of unranked taiko and standard maps in my song list. With the ability to filter out those maps entirely it would make things much much easier. As it stands when I search for something, or finish playing maps, the group often reverts to Show All rather than Mode.
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Bobbias wrote:

I am currently playing exclusively Osu!Mania, and I definitely support this request. The mode grouping feature is useful, but I would MUCH prefer simply filtering out every non-Mania diff. I have a large collection of mania-specific maps converted from o2jam, and I would prefer to be able to use random to select from those maps, but that's not possible right now because even if I filter for unranked only, there are still plenty of unranked taiko and standard maps in my song list. With the ability to filter out those maps entirely it would make things much much easier. As it stands when I search for something, or finish playing maps, the group often reverts to Show All rather than Mode.
I know right? This ladies and gentlemen is why the current "Mode" grouping is worse than being able to filter them. I fully agree with you and know exactly what you're talking about.
Uh not sure if this was suggested before, however what does every think about this?

Basically in addition to the regular filters (rank, favorites A/B, date, etc.), wouldn't it be awesome to have a new dropdown menu box which would filter out game modes? By default it would be selected "All", but you could choose to display only standard/taiko/ctb/mania diffs.

I am talking about the filters here:

^ There could be another dropdown menu box drawn to the right with these options. The existing ones could be moved and reduced in size a bit since they already have more space than they need.

Why include this? Well, for people who have a lot of maps, not every mapset contains a difficulty of the specific game mode (taiko/ctb/mania only diffs). When people want to randomize the song select they usually don't get what they are looking for, in this case a random beatmap/song containing a game mode specific diff.
It's currently possible to search for some of these as most of them have some sort of a naming standard (or tags), however it's not the case with all maps, especially those that are not ranked.
t/80237 this?
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but you can't group by something else and filter out mode specific difficulties at the same time, which is why my request exists. t/80237

also merged


Shit, I lost all the sp when I merged this topic... I forgot not to merge feature requests with sp. ;______;

I had like 100 or something, maybe a lot more than that.

anyway, we're halfway there!
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The following request shares many of the same arguments for filtering instead of grouping, with this one t/129905

Remember, I merged this request with another one and lost all the SP. :(
Hey, i came from p/2281921#p2281921
So i wanted to explain about the filtering of game modes.
I was thinking that if possible, they were to bring back the special mode screen, but instead of just for the other modes, maybe one whole screen dedicated to choose all game modes. And to also add an option to whether add auto generated maps into the filtered list. That is all :X And +Support :D
+1, it makes no sense for taiko + ctb maps to come up when osu! is the mode selected
bumpity bump... really need :)
+1 support!

I would like this option in the game :D
Yea, we really need this.
I Play all Modes, but if i want to sort osu maps by rank and go to "not ranked" there is always the other mode's maps without a rank (even if you actually have a rank on those maps at the specific gamemode) so you'll have to scroll a lot to find the first unranked osu map.
I made this as a duplicate of this without seeing this thread.

I think that when you have a certain 'Mode' selected at the bottom. Like this:
It should only display beatmaps of that current mode.

As of now, if you have osu mode selected you will also see other mode's beatmaps in your map list, as you can see here

Essentially it should work as this grouping 'by mode' works:

The reason why I don't agree with having a grouping that does this. Is that you can't further group your songs if you use this method. Instead, the grouping "by mode" should be erased. And just work the same way with only needing to have a mode selected at the bottom left side of your game.

This is the only reason why I don't download beatmaps of taiko. They would cluster my osu standard maps.

See you!

I think I basically want the same thing, lol. So bump
what about being able to play standard maps with other modes? This is something that would have to be added to the options menu and off by default (can't use that one beatmap list button anymore because peppy removed it). I can see a large amount of osu! players using this type of filter option; it would be much easier to deal with. The group by mode just doesn't work all that well (sometimes you want to group by difficulty/rank gained for just standard or taiko, etc).

An alternative would be able to use MODE as a search criteria, ie Mode=Standard; Mode=CTB; Mode=Taiko; Mode=Mania
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