
Good Free Games

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adam2046 wrote:

On a different note, if anyone hasn't been to Kongregate, check it out.
Thanks a lot for the tip! I love it, totally addicted. Just level 10 ATM, but climbing up ;)
Id suggest mugen but IMO its a PAIN finding the game, and even worse adding balanced character and stages, let alone making them yourself.
Arusha Shuna

i'm not sure this is the hardest game or not (maybe no)
but osu! players wont hav any trouble playing this since this game rely on speed, timing, and focus.

Arusha Shuna wrote:

i'm not sure this is the hardest game or not (maybe no)
but osu! players wont hav any trouble playing this since this game rely on speed, timing, and focus.
Arusha Shuna

Pokebis wrote:

Arusha Shuna wrote:

i'm not sure this is the hardest game or not (maybe no)
but osu! players wont hav any trouble playing this since this game rely on speed, timing, and focus.
what? plz dont flame me :cry:
the game is hard to play because it's not very fun
Good free games?

2D Platformer/Puzzle

The Karoshi games
Literally, Karōshi means 'death by overwork' in Japanese. With absolutely no hint of a storyline whatsoever, the player must traverse 25 puzzling levels in order to defeat a mysterious final boss. Simplistic graphics, a pretty upbeat BGM and hilarious puzzles make this pretty darned good.

In order for the player to move on to the next level, they have to find a way to kill themselves, either by jumping into a pit of spikes, getting crushed by a steel box, etc. This is often done in slapstick or just plain random ways, however there are a good few which are so obvious, yet still takes you forever to figure out. A definite must play, even if one playthrough.

Karoshi 2.0
Karoshi 2.0 is more of what the first game already offered, but the puzzles this time are more about different/unusual solutions then they are about shoving crates.

Featuring a level editor and speedrun mode of the original, plus an extra 46 levels. Pure brilliance.

I'll add more as I find them/remember them
Kill on sight Secret operations
Alliance of valiant Arms
S4 league (EU server) (NorthAmerican Server not out yet go play EU server) (Korean Server Requires KSSN)
Dance! online
SuperDancerOnline Xtreme
Blue wish resurrection
Too Many Ninjas. XD
seconds of fun?
Topic Starter

What if you saw the world with your ears? Devil's Tuning Fork is a first-person exploration/puzzle game in which the player must navigate an unknown world using visual sound waves. Inspired by M.C. Escher’s classic optical illusion and the echolocation of dolphins, The Devil’s Tuning Fork allows the player to explore a new mode of perception through sound visualization.

As a mysterious epidemic causes children everywhere to fall into comas, one child wakes up in an alternate reality. It is up to this child, the player, to determine the cause of the epidemic and save the other children trapped here. By way of the devil's tuning fork, a magical instrument that allows the player to perceive sound waves, the player must find all the children and successfully escape this alternate reality, thereby waking up from the coma.
Big pictures


Debut trailer

Introduction gameplay

Download here
So I wasn't the only person on earth who knew about that game!
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Beat Beat Revolution
It's like IIDX, only easier learning curve :p

Keybeat Online
It's like FFR, but with updates and no rankings so you can play just to get better. Oh and custom noteskins.
eRepublik - simple browser-game. Create citizen, raise him and make your country best of the best in eWorld :-)
A good free shooter game is Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Keep going for it, it's cool and no fu**ing CS engine!

Game: ... 14109.html
Patch 1: ... ement/104/
Patch 2: ... ement/104/


iqezZ wrote:

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
awesome games....i suppose

Ivalset wrote:

There are plot twists in Iji? Bullshit. That aside, Iji is awesome.

Also, pros play on pacifist mode.
Iji :)
Yes, I've completed the game as a pacifist, and Assassin Ansaksie is very awesome :)
Anybody here have found the Null Driver weapon? It's the very secret weapon in the game,
only unlockable if you have unlocked all achievements.
But the place is very hidden somewhere, I didn't remember.
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The Mondo Series - "I Have Touched People Inside!"
Mondo Medicals

Mondo Medicals is difficult to explain, but if I had to try, I'd say "Atmospheric, illogical, slightly disturbing first person puzzle adventure." You play as an unknown test subject, who has volunteered to try out a new cure for cancer. However, he must first pass 8 tests, or "Disorientations" which go against the rules of logic itself. In between each mission you are "treated" to a mysterious man in a priest's robe with a TV for a head, shouting in a garbled voice about his ongoing crusade against cancer. At the bottom of the screen are captions revealing what he means, written like somebody with very little knowledge of the English language would have done. As odd as that sounds, it somehow sits on the line between hilarious and downright disturbing.

Mondo Agency

Mondo Agency is a darker and edgier sequel to Mondo Medicals. You take on the role of Agent-65386, and your superiors believe that somebody is planning to kill the president. For some unexplained reason, the president is vital to the very existence of the world. There are 8 levels, or "Submissions", and an introduction. The scary shouty man from the original has been replaced with a man stood atop a pillar, presumably your boss. In Submission 3, you earn a "Shooter", a pistol which can dispatch the "Natives", flashing red and white Native Americans who are lethal to touch. The entire game is overlaid with a film grain which adds to the game's creepy atmosphere. Submission 7 onwards turns the game into all out Nightmare Fuel, so be prepared. ...

VBS2 Jcove Lite

Basically, this is a free lite version of Bohemia Interactive's VBS2 Military Simulator used for training purposes for military and police etc. This version is funded by the British Military so it's all free for everyone, it has a pretty powerful and fun mission editor, multiplayer and other crap you'd expect for a simulator, if you liked Operation Flashpoint, ArmA & ArmA II, then you'd like this one as well, and hey, the best part of it is that it's a free version of a program that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

About JCOVE Lite

JCOVE Lite is a freeware game derived from Bohemia Interactive's VBS2 software - itself a derivative of Armed Assault but focused on simulated training for military purposes.

JCOVE Lite was funded by the UK MOD to give the general public, particularly potential recruits, an idea of how the British military trained for combat as well as providing a more realistic combat simulation than your standard shoot'em-up.

Overall it gives serious gamers an immensely modifiable platform to create, share and play their own missions using a huge range of British military equipment - from the humble Sig 229 to the legendary Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank.

JCOVE Lite, a Brief History

Once upon a time there was a game. This game was called Operation: Flashpoint and it was pretty successful. We're sure many of you have heard of it.

OFP was known for its realism. It wasn't your typical run-and-gun shooter; it required a bit more nouse. It also offered a very open architecture that allowed gamers to create very diverse modifications for both on- and off-line play. Users could create new vehicles, people, weapons, maps, missions and whole campaigns with relative ease.

The realism of the game made it popular with hardcore gamers and military folk alike. So much so, in fact, that one particular Australian squaddie saw the potential for customising it into a military trainer. The idea was taken on by OFPs developers, who created a dedicated military sim called Virtual Battlespace - VBS was born, and brought low-cost, highly-customisable commercial simulation into the government world. Easy-to-use editing suites allowed the military to rapidly replicate their diverse equipment ranges in the simulated environment offered by VBS, and the simple scripting techniques allowed them to build large, high-fidelity exercises in which to train their troops.

As OFP progressed, it bore a sequel: Armed Assault. ArmA kept true to its heritage and continued to offer unrivalled user access. The community continued to grow, with large numbers of people creating additional content. With the new engine came new capability, and so VBS was also uplifted with its own sequel. VBS2 built upon the ethos established in its predecessor, and pretty soon some of the West's biggest militaries were using it: The US, UK, Canada, Australia... all saw the potential and were eager to make the most of it.

Now we focus more into the British side of the story.

VBS had been used successfully in the past to deliver convoy training to Logistics troops under a project called Joint Convoy Operations Virtual Environment - JCOVE. JCOVE allowed troops to practice running and escorting large military convoys through realistic, hostile Middle Eastern environments. They learnt to communicate with each other properly, to plan safe and sensible routes, and to respond to ambushes and roadside bombs. It even helped them identify situations that could lead to such attacks, and take appropriate action to avoid them.

With the advent of VBS2, the training system was upgraded. Operational Joint Combat Operations Virtual Environment - Op JCOVE - expanded on the original remit of supporting logistics convoy training and began to cover more dismounted operations; platoons on patrol, section assaults... even cultural awareness in walking around a synthetic Afghan village.

While it is important to stress that VBS2 is not a "game" in the usual sense, today's generation - even those serving in the military - are generally quite adept at picking up such technology. The UK government were also aware of the quite high expectations of such a generation when it comes to providing things like graphical fidelity. VBS2 allowed them to fill a void that is arguably gaping in such systems as CATT.

The success of VBS2 in enabling synthetic training prompted to UK to purchase an Enterprise License, giving them even more scope to use it across Defence. One such use, not even considered in the early days, was to basically show it off to potential recruits and let them have a play. The idea was that, as good as Call of Duty is, it's doesn't depict combat particularly well. Something as realistic as VBS2, in which teamwork, communication and forethought are key, would give youngsters keen on joining up a better taste of what to expect - as well as introducing them to the training methods they would likely encounter after taking the Queen's Shilling.

In order to provide these kids with something to take home, Bohemia Interactive were tasked with creating a stripped-down version of VBS2 that could be distributed as freeware under the UK license. VBS2 JCOVE Lite was the result.

Essentially running the same engine as VBS2, Lite takes out some of the more advanced, training-specific features (After-Action Review and 3D Real-Time Mission Editing), but still gives the player access to the full range of UK military equipment and an editing suite fully capable of creating new and interesting scenarios of your own imagination. Networking is capable of allowing you and your friends to form a couple of sections of infantry, or some squadrons of AFVs, and getting stuck in with the Taleban, Iraqi insurgents, and more.

So what's with

This site was set up by some of the first Lite afficionados to provide a central place to meet up, arrange games and share our new missions. We hope in time to have a resource here that is capable of squeezing every last drop from this unique program and, who knows, maybe feeding stuff back into MOD for the future?!

We hope you enjoy JCOVE Lite as much as we do. As freeware goes, it's pretty special!
Do flash games count?
This isn't anywhere close the best game i've played but sure was original, simple and good looking
Topic Starter

Ph0X wrote:

Do flash games count?
This isn't anywhere close the best game i've played but sure was original, simple and good looking
yeah any kind of games count, as long it's free and good fun.
Well then, this just came out today, but before playing it, play the first one:

This is the second version that just came out: ... -level-too

Definitely worth playing for those who like puzzles.
Pirates Vikings and Knights 2 is semi-free.

You need to own a source game to play it.
That was a good game. Reminds me of Braid in a few ways.
yeah, you get to use your shadow in one of the levels in Braid to solve puzzles, but in this game you can use as many shadows as you want, its crazy :O.
anyone beat that game yet lol

awp wrote:

That was a good game. Reminds me of Braid in a few ways.
Seriously, that was my favorite flash game for a long time for that exact reason.

Rendran wrote:

yeah, you get to use your shadow in one of the levels in Braid to solve puzzles, but in this game you can use as many shadows as you want, its crazy :O.
That too, but mainly because of the way the story is narrated. I love these type of games.

nhii wrote:

anyone beat that game yet lol
Hmm yes? There was only one hard level at the end, rest was quite easy.

Daniel Benmergui also makes great mini flash games, with slightly less gameplay but still, great stories ... -released/ ... -the-moon/

Oh and speaking of multiple endings (like I wish I were the moon), this one is great too ... -of-colors

Loginer wrote:

The Company of Myself
I would have liked this a great deal more if it had more levels. That being said, it's still definitely good.

Azure_Kyte wrote:

Loginer wrote:

The Company of Myself
I would have liked this a great deal more if it had more levels. That being said, it's still definitely good.
Meh, I don't know. I seem to enjoy short 5 miuntes games more.
Some flash games are just filled with a shitload of repetitive levels and when you finally finish it, you're left with this feeling of "finally... done with this shit", instead of "oh, I wish there was more".

Thing with the latter one is, you actually keep a good memory of the game, and it pretty much never happens that you go "this was the perfect amount of levels", so yea, it's better go for slighty less, imo. Pushing it too much just kills it.
GENETOS is a SHMUP that purports itself as the history of shmups.

From Space Invaders

to something you'd see in current shumps.

And then there's the evolution mechanic for your ship as it upgrades - stay close, and you'll get close-range weapons. Lose a lot of lives, get ways to live much longer.

Slain087 wrote:

Holy crap, this game is really awesome.

Fun little 3D platformer / bhopping game

You can either try getting the best distance (you go faster and faster, platforms get smaller)
or you can try going for score (green are good, red are bad, orange are bonus, combos matter)

both are fun, i only played a couple time, but my best distance was 6k, my best score was 52k

EDIT: sounds are kinda loud, here's my modified -20db audio, put in media/audio

Also, I highly recommand using a higher sensitivity (by editing lookSensitivity.txt, ~2.0)

EDIT2: new best score -> 420k

EDiT3: 524600 im done with this for now
Seizure Warning
Seizure Warning
Nice little...thing from Cactus. (I guess you could say art/experiment)
Very confusing and disorienting for a while until you get what's going on, then it's just disorienting.
Floating all over the internet now if you somehow haven't heard about it, Super Mario Crossover, letting you play through ALL of SMB1 with 6 different Nintendo characters each controlling like like their did in their own 8-bit games.

adam2046 wrote:

Seizure Warning
Seizure Warning
Nice little...thing from Cactus. (I guess you could say art/experiment)
Very confusing and disorienting for a while until you get what's going on, then it's just disorienting.
I tried this a day or two ago. I got stuck on the third level I think. I wish I could play it in windowed. Cactus is extremely creative and clever.
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