
Skinning tutorial (+ skinning support)

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Shavit-sama wrote:

nah I just tested
extract ".text"

[cocoa] wrote:

extract ".text"
Still can't open it, tried with both WinRAR and 7-Zip


Shavit-sama wrote:

I'm trying to get combo colors to be yellow, red and green (remaking Niko's skin from the live stream videos) and doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get them to work.
//Colours are defined as RGB triplets.

//The combo colours. Can be anywhere between 2 and 5 - just leave out the ones you don't want
Combo1: 255,255,0
Combo2: 255,0,0
Combo3: 0,255,0
Don't add anything in the same line after the command ends. It will break that line. You don't need to write the colourname.

ReddScorn wrote:

Shavit-sama wrote:

I'm trying to get combo colors to be yellow, red and green (remaking Niko's skin from the live stream videos) and doesn't matter what I do, I just can't get them to work.
//Colours are defined as RGB triplets.

//The combo colours. Can be anywhere between 2 and 5 - just leave out the ones you don't want
Combo1: 255,255,0
Combo2: 255,0,0
Combo3: 0,255,0
Don't add anything in the same line after the command ends. It will break that line. You don't need to write the colourname.
Genius, thanks

Shavit-sama wrote:

[cocoa] wrote:

extract ".text"
Still can't open it, tried with both WinRAR and 7-Zip

I don't know why not work on you but this method work on me

[cocoa] wrote:

I don't know why not work on you but this method work on me
Oh well, thanks for trying to help, I'll look for another solution.
Hello everyone, quick question :

I just changed skin, and I can't seem to make the spinner's animations work properly for some reason.

I tried :

- modifying the skin.ini version to 2, didn't change anything
- renaming the file to "User" as suggested by Peppy after the recent patch, didn't change anything either
- renaming the skin to "User", still null

Kinda out of ideas now..
Thanks in advance.

edit : what's worrisome is that it's not even the default spinner, but this one

Ayesha Altugle
put version: 1 under the [General] section part of your skin's skin.ini
Tried what you suggested vahn, didn't change anything. I'll just copy paste you my skin.ini right here, maybe I mistyped something <_<

version: 1
Name: User

Author: Shapy

SliderBallFlip: 1

CursorRotate: 0

CursorExpand: 1

CursorCentre: 1

SliderBallFrames: 15

HitCircleOverlayAboveNumer: 1

SliderStyle: 2

Combo1: 255,255,255
Combo2: 255,255,255
Combo3: 255,255,255
Combo4: 255,255,255

//Combo1: 225,0,0
//Combo2: 0,200,0
//Combo3: 200,0,200
//Combo4: 255,255,0

SliderBorder: 255,255,255

SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0

//SpinnerApproachCircle: 77,139,217


HitCirclePrefix: default
MenuGlow: 234,255,0
Ayesha Altugle
was the folder name was user?
No, I tried renaming it, it was "shapy's skin"
Ayesha Altugle
capitalize V in Version?
Capitalized V in version, renamed the folder back to "Shapy's skin", and now the spinner works properly, thanks a lot !
Is there a way to make the hit300's visible on the scoreboard but stay hidden while playing?

y36 wrote:

Is there a way to make the hit300's visible on the scoreboard but stay hidden while playing?
hit300.png - a visible one
hit300-0.png - hidden

y36 wrote:

Is there a way to make the hit300's visible on the scoreboard but stay hidden while playing?
just add animated hit300 hidden to your skin folder with name "hit300- (number).png" and make it only 1px to make hit300 hidden and add visible one "hit300.png" to you skin folder for ex

[cocoa] wrote:

Shavit-sama wrote:

nah I just tested
extract ".text"
i have the same issue
I saw someone skinning the epilepsy.png (which is not skinnable anymore)
<img removed>
Is this possible or is this overriding the client?
Ayesha Altugle
I just want some help about the ranking-graph and ranking-perfect
The default skin looks like this:

But when it comes to my skin it moves to the wrong position:

I don't know if this has been asked but I just want solutions
Is it related to skin.ini or some else?
thx :)
Ayesha Altugle
It is related to skin versioning,

the 1st screenshot uses "Version: 2" and 2nd Screenshot uses "Version:1"

vahn10 wrote:

It is related to skin versioning,

the 1st screenshot uses "Version: 2" and 2nd Screenshot uses "Version:1"
thx for help ;)
At first I typed "version: 2" but nothing happened
And now I try to capitalize and I know where goes wrong

vahn10 wrote:

not storyboard i guess :(
This appears during loading a beatmap with strobbing effects. Did he use the test client or the main client like what you've watched?
no osu!test text in the screenshot iirc.
So this means that the user you watched seemed to override the client, I tried to skin epilepsy.png but it took no effect (done that about last year)...
will this lead into a ban? o.o
Topic Starter
Well, if he edited osu! files to change that and if it will be detected... he might be.
A little help here...

What will I do to make hitcircles appear in only one/single color?

ashketchum1234 wrote:

A little help here...

What will I do to make hitcircles appear in only one/single color?
use combo1 & combo2 only in the skin.ini (but with the same RGB formulas)... like :

Combo1: 255,255,255
Combo2: 255,255,255

satriobp wrote:

ashketchum1234 wrote:

A little help here...

What will I do to make hitcircles appear in only one/single color?
use combo1 & combo2 only in the skin.ini (but with the same RGB formulas)... like :

Combo1: 255,255,255
Combo2: 255,255,255
That's it. Thanks a bunch :)
Help pl0x.

Why do I get this kind of mania-noteS?

How can I change it to yellow on key4?

Also, here's my 8K.ini settings :

//Mania skin config
ColumnLineWidth: 0.7
ColumnStart: 115
BarlineWidth: 1.2
HitPosition: 402
SpecialStyle: 1
SpecialPositionLeft: 1
UpsideDown: 0
JudgementLine: 1
ScorePosition: 325
ComboPosition: 111
FontCombo: score
LightFramePerSecond: 24
ColumnWidth: 50,24,28,24,28,24,28,24
ColumnLine: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1
Colour1: 0,0,0,185
Colour2: 0,0,0,185
Colour3: 0,0,0,185
Colour4: 0,0,0,185
Colour5: 0,0,0,185
Colour6: 0,0,0,185
Colour7: 0,0,0,185
Colour8: 0,0,0,185
KeyImage0: mania-keyS
KeyImage1: mania-key1
KeyImage2: mania-key2
KeyImage3: mania-key1
KeyImage4: mania-keyS
KeyImage5: mania-key1
KeyImage6: mania-key2
KeyImage7: mania-key1
KeyImage0D: mania-keySD
KeyImage1D: mania-key1D
KeyImage2D: mania-key2D
KeyImage3D: mania-key1D
KeyImage4D: mania-keySD
KeyImage5D: mania-key1D
KeyImage6D: mania-key2D
KeyImage7D: mania-key1D
NoteImage0: mania-noteS
NoteImage1: mania-note1
NoteImage2: mania-note2
NoteImage3: mania-note1
NoteImage4: mania-noteS
NoteImage5: mania-note1
NoteImage6: mania-note2
NoteImage7: mania-note1
NoteImage0H: mania-noteSH
NoteImage1H: mania-note1H
NoteImage2H: mania-note2H
NoteImage3H: mania-note1H
NoteImage4H: mania-noteSH
NoteImage5H: mania-note1H
NoteImage6H: mania-note2H
NoteImage7H: mania-note1H
Key0: LeftControl
Key1: LeftShift
Key2: Z
Key3: X
Key4: Space
Key5: U
Key6: I
Key7: O

ishimaru94 wrote:

Help pl0x.

Why do I get this kind of mania-noteS?

How can I change it to yellow on key4?

Also, here's my 8K.ini settings :

KeyImage4: mania-key2
KeyImage4D: mania-key2D
NoteImage4: mania-note2
NoteImage4H: mania-note2H
I assume you like to play with SpecialStyle on left lane and want your other yellow key to be blue. Just change the lines I filtered to this (or simply substitute S with 2 on these)

ReddScorn wrote:

I assume you like to play with SpecialStyle on left lane and want your other yellow key to be blue. Just change the lines I filtered to this (or simply substitute S with 2 on these)
Sorry, if my previous post misleading but I want to change the blue(?) holds on Key4 to be yellow. Not yellow to be blue. Sorry again. .__.

ishimaru94 wrote:

ReddScorn wrote:

I assume you like to play with SpecialStyle on left lane and want your other yellow key to be blue. Just change the lines I filtered to this (or simply substitute S with 2 on these)
Sorry, if my previous post misleading but I want to change the blue(?) holds on Key4 to be yellow. Not yellow to be blue. Sorry again. .__.
Read it again and I misread it, sry.

Is that part of the saucerwide skin? That skin has some missing mania elements. It doesn't have the hold notes. It just loads the default holds and I don't know if you can assign them without having the elements themselves.

ReddScorn wrote:

Read it again and I misread it, sry.

Is that part of the saucerwide skin? That skin has some missing mania elements. It doesn't have the hold notes. It just loads the default holds and I don't know if you can assign them without having the elements themselves.
Probably. I use -Kamui- skin. Maybe you're right. It does loads the default holds since my skin doesn't have it. It's called mania-notexL, right?

ishimaru94 wrote:

ReddScorn wrote:

Read it again and I misread it, sry.

Is that part of the saucerwide skin? That skin has some missing mania elements. It doesn't have the hold notes. It just loads the default holds and I don't know if you can assign them without having the elements themselves.
Probably. I use -Kamui- skin. Maybe you're right. It does loads the default holds since my skin doesn't have it. It's called mania-notexL, right?
Yeah, they are called mania-note1L, mania-note2L and mania-noteSL. He used the elements from the saucerwide skin for his skin (or maybe the other way round?).

Just copy them from the new template to your skin, and it should work.

Nvm, now I checked you 8k.ini file properly and NoteImage#L: are missing. I'm sorry but being a bit blind since inis get so long with all that lines ;_;.
So, I just add the NoteImage#L: and it should be fix, right?

If any further questions about mania occur feel fre to check out the Mania skinning section in my "guide":
Also got some proofreading from an experienced mania skinner on it and should cover almost any aspect.

ReddScorn wrote:


If any further questions about mania occur feel fre to check out the Mania skinning section in my "guide":
Also got some proofreading from an experienced mania skinner on it and should cover almost any aspect.
Alright, thanks for the help and the tips. ^_^
[MillhioreF] Allow exporting skins as .osk files from the skin selection screen
ilu Millhi <3
I need to ask, anybody know how to make slider without circle at end? I have seen something like that at Cr1m's skin.
Ayesha Altugle
make default-# (# means numbers from 0-9) look like a hitcircle and set "HitCircleOverlap:" (in your skin's skin.ini) the same widh of the Image dimension

the perfect example of that is Unbewusst skin.

vahn10 wrote:

make default-# (# means numbers from 0-9) look like a hitcircle and set "HitCircleOverlap:" (in your skin's skin.ini) the same widh of the Image dimension

the perfect example of that is Unbewusst skin.
Oh thats great, i was looking so long for that, thanks for help!
viionc XD
I have problem with my warning arrow.
This is how it is supposed to look:

but in game it is red, any ideas why?
Topic Starter
New skin behaviour is adding red overlay because peppy say so.
Hi !
Probably somebody else asked for that but there is 100+ pages......

IS there a way to use Version 1 spinners with new beatmap panel layout ?

fantazyjny wrote:

Hi !
Probably somebody else asked for that but there is 100+ pages......

IS there a way to use Version 1 spinners with new beatmap panel layout ?
No since version 1 spinners are version 1, and the new beatmap panels are version 2.2.
ah... as I thought

thanks for reply ;]

TouchFluffyTail wrote:

IS there a way to use Version 1 spinners with new beatmap panel layout ?
Now you can:

Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with my current skin, on the ranking panel, can't seem to make the three buttons (ranking-"replay", "retry" and "back")appear for some reason, everytime I change them it doesn't change anything and I have the default ones instead.
Any ideas ?

Fahe wrote:

Hello everyone,

I have a little problem with my current skin, on the ranking panel, can't seem to make the three buttons (ranking-"replay", "retry" and "back")appear for some reason, everytime I change them it doesn't change anything and I have the default ones instead.
Any ideas ?
well make sure the file is *.png not *.jpg next the name must be "pause-replay.png" for replay "pause-retry.png" for retry and for the back you no need this since is there no element using "ranking-back" again, if still not work add
Version: latest
Version: 2.2
Version: 2.1
Version: 2.0
in the skin.ini
Thank you cocoa,

checked the files type and they are .png, tried to change the skin.ini as you suggested, none of them worked (it was already set to 2.2).
I'm really puzzled as these two buttons are the only thing not working in the skin...

Fahe wrote:

Thank you cocoa,

checked the files type and they are .png, tried to change the skin.ini as you suggested, none of them worked (it was already set to 2.2).
I'm really puzzled as these two buttons are the only thing not working in the skin...
well did you check the name of file??? you know on v2.2 "ranking-replay,retry & back.png" it's not working again so you should re-naming the file to "pause-replay" for replay and "pause-retry" for retry, anyway can you provide the screenshot of the element who not working pls.
Hello osu friends, is there a way to remove the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ect from my screen when playing multiplayer?

Kasunchop wrote:

Hello osu friends, is there a way to remove the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ect from my screen when playing multiplayer?

deadbeat wrote:

Thanks a lot cocoa, renaming the files worked, I have to rework a bit the "pause-" images but it's now working fine !
Hi guys,

Is there any way to fill up the blank bar at the bottom of the spinner screen (under where spinner-metre.png starts)? I was playing around with spinner-rpm.png, but that doesn't seem to work since the picture doesn't start from the left edge of the screen.
Hi everyone just a litle question
Ayesha Altugle
Yes and it's filename is taiko-glow.png

vahn10 wrote:

Yes and it's filename is taiko-glow.png
wow thank you for the fast answer :D
[ Zan ]
I'm trying to get the same type of blur as this:

on this:

Can someone explain how?

[ Zan ] wrote:

I'm trying to get the same type of blur as this:

on this:

Can someone explain how?
I only use photoshop so I can only advise on that, but to do that easily you can create a mask on the layer (button on the bottom bar of the layers window), then select the mask and use the gradient tool with it set to reflected gradient with 'reverse' checked, then you just set the gradient horizontally and you should have it.

Just a quick explanation so feel free to ask if I need to elaborate on anything.
[ Zan ]

TouchFluffyTail wrote:

[ Zan ] wrote:

I'm trying to get the same type of blur as this:

on this:

Can someone explain how?
I only use photoshop so I can only advise on that, but to do that easily you can create a mask on the layer (button on the bottom bar of the layers window), then select the mask and use the gradient tool with it set to reflected gradient with 'reverse' checked, then you just set the gradient horizontally and you should have it.

Just a quick explanation so feel free to ask if I need to elaborate on anything.
I don't know if you can answer this since it's gimp but I assume it's similar to PS:

Which setting do I choose?

Is this what you mean by reverse for the gradient?

And what colors for the gradient..?
Geez, I assume you can do the same thing that I mentioned in Gimp but looking at that I have no idea what the equivalent actions would be.

Sorry, haha.Gunna have to wait for someone who uses Gimp. :o
I can't figure out how to change my slider colors :(

mrgkevin wrote:

I can't figure out how to change my slider colors :(
You can change it in the skin.ini file
By adding SliderTrackOverride: 'The colour you want'
Ayesha Altugle

Chaoslitz wrote:

mrgkevin wrote:

I can't figure out how to change my slider colors :(
You can change it in the skin.ini file
By adding SliderTrackOverride: 'The colour you want'

Remember this code

SliderTrackOverride: R,G,B

TouchFluffyTail wrote:

[ Zan ] wrote:

I'm trying to get the same type of blur as this:

on this:

Can someone explain how?
I only use photoshop so I can only advise on that, but to do that easily you can create a mask on the layer (button on the bottom bar of the layers window), then select the mask and use the gradient tool with it set to reflected gradient with 'reverse' checked, then you just set the gradient horizontally and you should have it.

Just a quick explanation so feel free to ask if I need to elaborate on anything.
Can anyone explain these steps with picture :o
(Bad at English :(

Chaoslitz wrote:

Can anyone explain these steps with picture :o
(Bad at English :(


TouchFluffyTail wrote:

Chaoslitz wrote:

Can anyone explain these steps with picture :o
(Bad at English :(

yay thats awesome :)
Could someone explain how to remove slider ends (I know how to do this) and not break 10+ combos?
Here is what I mean:

This is from Legendre's latest video,

He has the slider ends removed, which I know you edit the default numbers to look like hitcircles, but how isn't it broken for 10+ combos?
You have to use
in the [Fonts] section of the skin.ini. The exact value you have to use it dependent on your element size so you're going to have to trial and error the exact value.

I'm not exactly sure how he figured out a way to not have silly 10+ combos though, will require testing.

TouchFluffyTail wrote:

You have to use
in the [Fonts] section of the skin.ini. The exact value you have to use it dependent on your element size so you're going to have to trial and error the exact value.
I sort of know about the HitCircleOverlap value, and how it affects the hitcircles. However, the best I can come up with is this:

Can you help me how to make a little picture in my skin too? :O

like this:

Asdran wrote:


Can you help me how to make a little picture in my skin too? :O

like this:
Add this
Version: 2.2
Version: latest
to your skin.ini in [General] section.

[cocoa] wrote:

Asdran wrote:


Can you help me how to make a little picture in my skin too? :O

like this:
Add this
Version: 2.2
Version: latest
to your skin.ini in [General] section.
Thank you very much *.*

And is it possible to play the background video in it? :O
That would be awesome!
Ayesha Altugle

Asdran wrote:

And is it possible to play the background video in it? :O
That would be awesome!
Request it in Feature Request subforum then.

Keanulaszlo wrote:

Could someone explain how to remove slider ends (I know how to do this) and not break 10+ combos?
Here is what I mean:

This is from Legendre's latest video,

He has the slider ends removed, which I know you edit the default numbers to look like hitcircles, but how isn't it broken for 10+ combos?
The answer is simple, you must rename your hitcircleoverlay to hitcircleoverlay-0, the hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay must be transparent.

^see combo number 10 to show that it worked

Proof Skin
Hi there peoples.I have a question.Is it okay that i'm using parts of map's skin in my skin? (Sorry for bad English ^_^)

STYNGY wrote:

Hi there peoples.I have a question.Is it okay that i'm using parts of map's skin in my skin? (Sorry for bad English ^_^)
It's okay if You keep It personally (not publishing It)

vahn10 wrote:

The answer is simple, you must rename your hitcircleoverlay to hitcircleoverlay-0, the hitcircle and hitcircleoverlay must be transparent.

^see combo number 10 to show that it worked

Proof Skin
well it's solve my problem now thanks vahn10 :D

satriobp wrote:

STYNGY wrote:

Hi there peoples.I have a question.Is it okay that i'm using parts of map's skin in my skin? (Sorry for bad English ^_^)
It's okay if You keep It personally (not publishing It)
What will be if i'll publicate it?

STYNGY wrote:

What will be if i wanna publicate it?
I mean You can mix your skin by using some elements from other skins, but since It's not Yours... You're not allowed to posting/publishing Your mixed skin in the Skinning SF (but You can keep the link in Your userpage or signature though)

Please don't use other people's skin elements in your skin without the creator's permission.
Nobody likes it when people take your hard work and claim it for themselves, so make sure you ask permission from the original skinner and credit them in your skin when you use their skin elements.

STYNGY wrote:

What will be if i'll publicate it?
Ask the mapper if you're allowed to use the files.

satriobp wrote:

STYNGY wrote:

What will be if i wanna publicate it?
I mean You can mix your skin by using some elements from other skins, but since It's not Yours... You're not allowed to posting/publishing Your mixed skin in the Skinning SF (but You can keep the link in Your userpage or signature though)

Please don't use other people's skin elements in your skin without the creator's permission.
Nobody likes it when people take your hard work and claim it for themselves, so make sure you ask permission from the original skinner and credit them in your skin when you use their skin elements.
Thanks for reply

Comet wrote:

STYNGY wrote:

What will be if i'll publicate it?
Ask the mapper if you're allowed to use the files.
Thanks for reply
But who shall i ask permission for if skin were doing by 3 peoples?

STYNGY wrote:

But who shall i ask permission for if skin were doing by 3 peoples?
Let's take an example:
1. shavit made cursor.png
2. Shavit-sama made hitcircle.png
3. Comet made sliderb-0.png until sliderb-9.png

If shavit allows you to use his elements, you can use cursor.png.
If Shavit-sama allows you to use his elements, you can use hitcircle.png.
If Comet allows you to use his elements, you can use the slider ball animation.

Comet wrote:

STYNGY wrote:

But who shall i ask permission for if skin were doing by 3 peoples?
Let's take an example:
1. shavit made cursor.png
2. Shavit-sama made hitcircle.png
3. Comet made sliderb-0.png until sliderb-9.png

If shavit allows you to use his elements, you can use cursor.png.
If Shavit-sama allows you to use his elements, you can use hitcircle.png.
If Comet allows you to use his elements, you can use the slider ball animation.
Thanks,but what if i don't know who did each element?

STYNGY wrote:

Thanks,but what if i don't know who did each element?
Ask the mapper, if he won't answer in 3 days then I think you can post with saying that you can't contact the elements' creators and that you will remove their elements if they will contact you about that.

Comet wrote:

STYNGY wrote:

Thanks,but what if i don't know who did each element?
Ask the mapper, if he won't answer in 3 days then I think you can post with saying that you can't contact the elements' creators and that you will remove their elements if they will contact you about that.
Thanks,i'll do that
Can someone please list all the mod files and where they are when you go to the mod selection screen? (thanks in advance)
I'm having trouble finfong out what "target" is reference here
Target Practice mod is supporter only mod.
Can be probably seen after SpunOut and before Autoplay

dws123 wrote:

Can someone please list all the mod files and where they are when you go to the mod selection screen? (thanks in advance)
I'm having trouble finfong out what "target" is reference here
Download the updated default template here, it has all the newer mod icons like Cinema and Target Practice.
I still can't change my slider color :(
My skin.ini looks like this

mrgkevin wrote:

I still can't change my slider color :(
My skin.ini looks like this
What color are you trying to change it to? From your .ini your slider should be black.

TouchFluffyTail wrote:

mrgkevin wrote:

I still can't change my slider color :(
My skin.ini looks like this
What color are you trying to change it to? From your .ini your slider should be black.
Actually when I go into a map my slider is not black. Im trying to make the slider inside black and red on the outside

mrgkevin wrote:

Actually when I go into a map my slider is not black. Im trying to make the slider inside black and red on the outside
maybe this can help? put it in colours section
SliderBorder: 255,0,0
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
Strange, since that's what it should be showing up as. Have you re-loaded your skin since you made the changes?

Also just for reference, my sliders are black and in my .ini the line is
SliderTrackOverride: 0,0,0
Yours looks correct but maybe try copy-pasting my line in there and see if anything changes.

Edit; Sniped.
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