
League of Legends

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aram pls
Man those procs must've been crazy.
Witch Mercy
I can't get enough of the new Syndra skin hnnnnnnnnnnnggggggg

HighSee wrote:

Man those procs must've been crazy.
Probably not that amazing since Trinity and Lich Bane's spellblade passives don't stack.
[ Dalliance ]
How is this even fair? LOL
[ Dalliance ]

Navizel wrote:

Only from NA. #TonsOfDamage LOL

Vulf wrote:

HighSee wrote:

Man those procs must've been crazy.
Probably not that amazing since Trinity and Lich Bane's spellblade passives don't stack.

I forget sarcasm doesn't translate very well in plain text.
You'd be surprised on how many people wouldn't have known that. Sarcasm or not it's good information.
Kanye West
Ha I remember when I was noob I built nothing but deathcaps because I didn't know what "unique passive" meant.

I played fiddle mid and didn't see a reason to build anything but damage lol.

The mobafire guides said to build zhonyas and I thought, "wtf armor? LOLNOPE"
I used to build Nocturne with a berserker greaves and 5 bloodthirsters and then proceed to srcrew with every available target on the map.
Good times. Good times.
f i z i k

Vulf wrote:

f i z i k wrote:

yea,maybe in low elo. once you got to a good level of play everytime you pick warwick you will cause all your lanes to autolose pre6 because you are non-existent. people will pick some jungler that scales just almost as good like nocturne,xin,elise etc etc and invade you all the time. and you cant help your lanes ever if they get ganked because you are just useless pre-6 - and even after 6,it's just so easy to dodge warwick ganks with wards. the only scenario warwick is good if everyone farms for straight 40minutes and nothing else happens
I've played Warwick all the way up to mid diamond level so everything you are saying is extremely overstated. You can gank pre-6 and you can ward against early invades very easily as Warwick.
Yea,mid diamond. I am talking about really high level here,call me cocky or not,but there's a world between diamond and diamond 1 > 70lp. Every single game I have a warwick jungle I am prepared to get destroyed in the first 10 minutes,be it laning,dragons,or 2v2s.

f i z i k wrote:

yea,maybe in low elo.

f i z i k wrote:

Yea,mid diamond.
Everything below diamond 1 70LP is low elo?
Stuck on bronze

Just pick master yi

Guaranteed working everytim

Warning: Master Yi is not a substitute for a good jungler, try Elise instead

Free LP everytim
hi im dragon

BRBP wrote:

f i z i k wrote:

yea,maybe in low elo.

f i z i k wrote:

Yea,mid diamond.
Everything below diamond 1 70LP is low elo?
rip youngbuck, he's diamond 2

f i z i k wrote:

Yea,mid diamond. I am talking about really high level here,call me cocky or not,but there's a world between diamond and diamond 1 > 70lp. Every single game I have a warwick jungle I am prepared to get destroyed in the first 10 minutes,be it laning,dragons,or 2v2s.
So in other words you are saying he is unplayable in like 3% of solo queue? You are being cute. LOL
At the end of the day I want people to think he is unviable so I have free reign on picking him in every ranked game again.
[- Alex -]
R.I.P EUNE servers. Rito pls.
Witch Mercy
When will riot fix this god damn fps issue. x_x
Kanye West
There's no FPS issue.
and nazis don't exist because I have never seen one myself
Lags/fps issues only happen when server fucks up badly which is so rare. For me, at least.

edit: I just noticed that my fps is still decent despite the ping soo yeah
"i play league on a toaster and get consistent fps issues. riot fix pls"
best gif 2014

Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

"i play league on a toaster and get consistent fps issues. riot fix pls"
I play league on a toaster and never get fps issues. There's no fps issue.


Hai Harem OP
hi im dragon
"i play league on my dick, there's no fps issue"

hi im dragon wrote:

"i play league on my dick, there's no fps issue"
teach me pls
first pick

ha ha

more like first dick
hi im dragon

Nofool wrote:

hi im dragon wrote:

"i play league on my dick, there's no fps issue"
teach me pls
teach you how to be bad? ok
Inb4 FNC 2-1 SKT ;)

(SKT - FNC - FNC) #Believe

Edit: First match done, SKT stomp as I predicted. Rekkles carrying FNC incoming, stay tuned ;)
Edit 2: Well, it was pretty close haha
P r o m i s e s
For those having FPS issues these 2 links might help. ... loltweaks/

The YouTube link is the tutorial to how you use the software.
There is huge FPS issue and it's getting worse almost every single patch.

Ninth IX wrote:

Inb4 FNC 2-1 SKT ;)

(SKT - FNC - FNC) #Believe

Edit: First match done, SKT stomp as I predicted. Rekkles carrying FNC incoming, stay tuned ;)
Edit 2: Well, it was pretty close haha

Thanks for spoiling
Meeeh, you're right didn't think about it >.<
You'd better put off the quote thing to not spoil the others, sorry mate :D

Facing a plat Anivia (and losing graciously) then BAM! This shit.

The one time in league I can read my buffs. OO spell weaving.

This game fuckin' sucks sometimes. This didn't happen to anyone else.
Fucking servers.

Navizel wrote:

Fucking servers.

tyrael6192 wrote:

"i play league on a toaster and get consistent fps issues. riot fix pls"
There was a hardware related issue that was introduced a few patches ago (4.1 I believe). Obviously won't affect everyone.
I usually get around 300 fps, but after a patch it drops to 40-ish and I have to manually change shit in the league folder to fix it. (guide was posted on reddit).

It's not my computer since I get consistent 60 fps on Skyrim with max settings and 150+ on Smite also at max settings. Both games which are a lot more cpu and gpu intensive than league is. Toaster or not Riot messed something up.
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