
MitiS - Elements of Thought (Original Mix)

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Really amazing Map, can't wait for it being ranked. <3 Fav'd. ^-^
Значит ты про эту карту говорила :D
Действительно хороша :3

Good Luck :D
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Pasha_Khvan97 wrote:

Значит ты про эту карту говорила :D
Действительно хороша :3

Good Luck :D

Thank you :)
Hi again ♥

00:30:430 (1,2) - Move them a little bit away from center to avoid overlapping with 00:31:810 (1).
01:48:706 (3,1) - Maybe these shouldn't be stacked. Stacks really don't go well in slow parts like this. The next stack works really well on the other hand, since it's on 1/4's.
01:55:948 (1) - This finish could also use whistle.
02:06:982 (1) - ^
02:27:672 (1) - There's a little nudge in the pattern - you could put the middle point in y:264 and end point in y:116 to make it look smoother.
04:09:741 (1) - Shorten it to 1/2. Musically there's no difference to the following sliders. Just like here 04:19:396 (1).
04:26:292 (1,2) - Unnecessary stack.

I hope that helps at least a little bit~
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Thank you for mod SNB :3 some fixed ;)
Little remind : I have to mod it !

  • Thoughts
  1. 00:35:775 (6,1) - some extra flow here circular wise would be nice. the jump is good, but it could be put in other ways rather than jumping the way it is now.
  2. 00:41:982 (2,3,4) - flow here again
  3. 01:11:982 (1) - overmapped, no visible audio cue. drum starts on the note after. would consider removing
  4. 01:21:292 (6) - and 01:22:672 (4,5,1) - bad overlap here with 6 and 4/5
  5. 01:56:637 (3,4) - these 2 sliders aren't super pretty. suggest blanketing them?
  6. 02:16:465 (1,2) - definitely opportunity for a blanket here on 1. I understand the emphasis on the switch and all as well, so up to you
  7. 02:27:499 (5,6,1) - notes can be moved up a little, your curve into the slider isn't perfect
  8. 02:46:982 (1) - think this may be unrankable. make sure that the middle is clearly visible
  9. 02:48:361 (1) - same as above
  10. 02:49:396 (3,4) - ctrl g 3, would be a nice touch
  11. 03:54:396 (4,5,1) - your flow is off a little here. move 4/5 up from where they are
  12. 04:15:775 (3,1) - this jump is really unexpected. consider moving 3 a little bit so it's easier to flow back over to 1
  13. 04:16:551 (4,1) - slight flow issue here with 4 going into 1. move 4 a bit more to the left
  14. 04:27:586 (5,1) - why not move 5 down? o.o
  15. 04:45:603 (1,2,3) - 1/3 seem a bit close to each other
  16. 05:14:223 (5,6,7,1) - little bit of flow issue, 5 curves into the first quarter of the slider and not 6. move 5 to the left a bit

    ahh I'm too tired to finish this the right way. :( it looks like a really good map, I hope this is enough. good luck! will be looking forward to playing it ranked :D
  • 01:11:292 - Here I hear the distinct sound. Maybe try something like that?
    01:18:965 - might consider adding a circle here?
    and also
    01:22:154 (3) - Maybe try something like that?
    02:49:396 (3,4) - Maybe try something like here? 02:32:844 (3,4) and would make sliders smoother
    03:05:689 (2) - maybe remove it?
    05:45:689 (2) - ^
    05:56:723 (2) - ^
    06:07:758 (2) - ^
    06:18:792 (2) - ^
    06:29:827 (2) - ^
    04:17:327 (2) - Maybe try something like that?
    05:14:223 (5) - Maybe to correct distance (88:180)?
    05:59:913 (4) - Maybe to correct distance (332:328)?
    06:01:120 (3) - ^
    00:57:844 - Here two circles are overlapped.

    And Resnap ALL notes. Some of them are not on the ticks.
SB is amazing :)
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Thanks for mod guys, fixed some :3
I'll lick you.

02:27:586 (6,1) - Try to make more beautiful things.
02:50:775 (3,4) - Don't stack either. Especially #3 circle.
04:30:430 (1,2,3) - all things stack is better? I guess. #2 circle should move to the begining of #3 slider or " Ctrl+G " between #1 and #2 circle
05:13:879 (3) - NC. If you like it
05:56:723 (2,3) - move up

This map will be ranked map soon.
Good Luck.
I will come to mod this as natsu's request, going to sleep T_T

Natsu asked me if I could mod this :D

00:58:017 (1) - I think this slider goes against the flow of the pattern before it a little, flipping it vertically feels better, prob need to keep it flowing with the next slider too.
01:53:189 (1) - the spacing on this looks slightly off, i would turn off snapping and move it up a little.

02:43:879 (4,5,6) - This triplet didn't quite feel right, i think it just needs a bit of rotation

04:53:534 (6) - Feels a bit weird, but I think it does work with the echoing sound

05:34:051 (4,5,6) - Rotate and curl

Feels pretty nice, got some interesting sliders in there and some good patterns. I played it a couple times, very long song XD. I would have cut it down to a couple mins and mapped more difficulties but this works fine.

Gambatte yo!


  1. thought: you can have a gradual decrement in hitsound volume (60%->55%->..->40%) for echo sounds like 00:38:706 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - , on the first and third part wwwwww
  2. 00:31:810 (1) - this repeat arrow overlapping the green slider doesn't look very good, moving 00:30:430 (1,2) - 3-4 grids aside will fix this
  3. 00:42:154 (3) - this note feels unnecessary here
  4. 01:35:603 (3,4) - ctrl+g wwww
  5. 02:02:333 - replace the default clap plz..
  6. 02:32:672 (2) - put this note in longer distance like it feels ww
  7. 02:39:568 (2) - move this to x:216 y:12, blanket
  8. 02:39:913 (4) - x:216 y:372
  9. 02:49:568 (4) - missing distance
  10. 03:22:844 (1) - cool slider
  11. crystalframe is quite surprising www
  12. 04:46:982 (1,2,3,4) - increase some distance here?
  13. 05:25:603 (1) - replace the default clap plz
  14. 06:03:706 (2,3,4) - this pattern overlapped with sliders in weird place, i think this is not good.. try something like
  15. 06:06:465 (2) - move this down for 3 grids, blanket
  16. 06:06:810 (4) - 3 grids up
  17. 06:31:465 (3) - hmm maybe move the two sliders aside a little
  18. 06:35:948 (1) - the music volume goes low after this point, so i suggest lower slider speeds
hi, req from Natsu.

  1. I think add mute sliderslide sounds better. I think it's a bit annoying
  2. what about add whistle SC:1 on 00:28:534 (3) head and 00:29:913 (3) , 00:32:672 (2) and other note that have similar sound like this?
  3. 00:33:189 (1) - I saw you follow the piano sound so what about change this slider into 1/2 like you did on 00:55:258 (1)
  4. 00:37:672 (5) - mind to move 1 grid right for more blanket?
  5. 00:52:327 (6) - what about spread into two circle? don't have piano sound here so I think two circles are better.
  6. 01:02:154 (1,2,3,4) - mind to blanket them better?
  7. 01:04:396 - I want you to add note here or change 01:04:223 (2) to be 1/2 slider and ctrl+g on (3) :X it will more fit with music and play more comfortable imo.
  8. 01:26:292 (3) - add whistle?
  9. what about make a jump on 01:50:258 (4)
  10. 01:58:620 (7) - remove note? :(((( sounds weird.
  11. 02:08:361 (5,1) - hmm swap NC? the combo will too short.
  12. 02:49:568 (4) - make like this instead? also make the tail perfect stack with next (2). it's more comfortable to play imo. the current one they are too close to each other.
  13. 03:16:982 (3,4,5,6) - move 2 to perfect stack with the previous 3 and redo the spacing for make next 1 still keep spacing balance. the current one is too short.
  14. 04:19:223 (5) - use triple instead? don't have the piano sound and for the beginning of next part and cymbal.
  15. 04:36:120 (1) - if you want to NC follow the pattern, remove this NC and add on 04:36:637 (5) instead, more fit with pattern.
  16. 05:08:017 (1) - ehh why NC? :X
  17. 05:27:672 (3) - hmmm clap on tail in reverse slider.. maybe try this? or other pattern :X
  18. 06:15:086 (4) - mind to perfect blanket? D:
  19. 06:20:086 (3) - move tail a bit up for more blanket.
  20. 06:29:827 (2,3) - maybe unstack? I'm afraid hidden mod player will miss this part and rage and votedown!!! meh jk
  21. 06:46:637 (4) - change to 5 stream notes? player may misunderstand that it have one reverse and miss for the fc.
good luck :3
Topic Starter
Yeaah very big thanks for mods :3 Fixed some
Hi~ you ask me in-game so let's go :)

  1. 00:41:465 (1)- Move it at x=352 y= 192 to keep same spacing with previous circles.
  2. 01:35:603 (3,4)- Maybe you should swap their position too keep a better flow.
  3. 02:27:672 (1)- I don't like how it look, like the curve you created with circles is broken by the beginning of the slider. You should try to adjust it.
  4. 02:49:396 (3)- ctrl+G ?
  5. 03:17:327 (1)- Move it at x=288 y=308 to keep same spacing.
  6. 03:46:292 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)- I don't really like this . My suggestions : (AR0 to see all)
  7. 04:27:586 (5)- Move at x=324 y=72 ?
  8. 05:34:223 (6)- Move at x=360 y=296 to make it like previous triplet.
I'm pretty bad modder, that's all I can found on it.
But it's a cool song and map so give you a star :)

Good luck.
nice chill beatmap keep going ! :D
Hi~ Katty pie~! :3
Sorry for late...orz
Anyway.. from your request in game.

  • [General]
  1. Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 04:07:348 - snap to 04:07:327
  2. Breaktime is too...long...? umm.. just I think :P

  • [Thoughts]
  1. 00:35:258 (3,4,5,6) - I don't like this unexpected jump. So I suggest change like this(Use DS 1.4x)
  2. 01:02:499 (2) - Ctrl+G(this flow is more funny imo :3)
  3. 01:03:189 (4) - Ctrl+G
  4. 01:58:017 (5,6) - Try this rhythm. I heard emphasized piano sound in 01:58:361.So There is no reason ignore this.
  5. 03:47:327 (4) - Ctrl+G please...! then you can make jump and symmetry together~!
  6. 04:26:379 - add note~?(I think It's empty..)
  7. 04:52:499 (1) - I think this rhythm is more fit

    If you use this pattern, You can make new symmetry

haha.. almost suggestion.
Nice Map and SB~~! :3 I can't find anymore..
GL to rank...!!!
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Thanks for mod guys :3 fixed some~
I promised a mod !

Sorry for delay :3
No KD for these poor suggestions.


00:35:948 (1) - NO NC here !
00:36:637 (2) - NC here !
02:31:810 (1) - You can curv it !
Also , there's 20 seconds of break , is it good ?
04:40:086 (1,2,3,4) - Nazi , you can improve the square !
05:01:810 (4) - x:236 y:264
06:23:534 (1,2,3) - I'd like to see 2 blankets but well , it's a suggestion !

Oh well , I haven't found a lot of things .
This map is very well mapped ! Good job to you Katty and for Natsu too :D
Good luck !
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Some fixed :3 thank you~

In a title the "o" in "of" should not be capitalized please fix promply
You must rank this asap <3
Ah.. Still need 2 stars to meet my modding policy? Haha, here you are~
Marked. Coming soon.
Shooted 2 stars /O/
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Secretpipe wrote:

Shooted 2 stars /O/

thank you very much :3
From your request.

This color means it is a suggestion. I prefer to do this, but you can either choose to fix or not.
And this color means some issue to fix I think.

Good map and a little suggestions here.
The maximum size of SB image is 800x600, Please check your SB image size. Some of them are a little bigger.( and your BGGlow.png crystalframe.png is way too big)

FireFoxZX wrote:


In a title the "o" in "of" should not be capitalized please fix promply
( If the music's official name is "Of", then keep it capital, or just change "Of" into "of".)
Fine~ (
02:53:361 (2,3,4,1) - Flow is really not that good. Consider Ctrl+G 3,4 to avoid the sharp turn of the note 4 to slider 1. Example:
That's my suggestions. Thanks for requesting.:)

Call me back for a recheck after checking my mod.

  1. Yep should be Elements of Thought (Original Mix)
  2. maybe add the album in tags?: Influential Past
no kds, also I agree with Atrue suggestion there, can you change it for me

Atrue wrote:

The maximum size of SB image is 800x600, Please check your SB image size. Some of them are a little bigger.( and your BGGlow.png crystalframe.png is way too big)
also I guess is ok to have bigger elements than 800x600, since we are allowed to use any resolution for sb elements as long as they don't cause lag (1024*768 for 4:3 and 1366*768 for 16:9 are the current limits)
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Thanks for help :3

1) Added tag :3
2) Rename title :3
3) Fixed SB :3
4) Fixed pattern from Atrue's mod :3
This is a Really Good collab :)
Good job :D
Ok~ Rechecked and every thing looks fine~
Good luck!
Edit: It's Bubble#1~ XD
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Atrue wrote:

Ok~ Rechecked and every thing looks fine~
Good luck!

So cute :3 thank you :)
Gogorank ~ ! >w<
sup Katty, I love you.

Go go rank this ♥
Go Bub #2 :D
Shouldn't the title be "Elements of Thought (Original Mix)" like Natsu pointed out?

I feel offset late, use 76 (-10ms to your current)

Katty Pie
02:30:430 (1) - Is it just me or did you forgot to flip horizontally this slider so is simmetric to this 02:29:051 (1) - ?
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Lissette wrote:

Shouldn't the title be "Elements of Thought (Original Mix)" like Natsu pointed out? <--- fixed

I feel offset late, use 76 (-10ms to your current) <--- fixed

Katty Pie
02:30:430 (1) - Is it just me or did you forgot to flip horizontally this slider so is simmetric to this 02:29:051 (1) - ? No, with this pattern all fine :3

Thank you for check :)
Will have to give you the Bubble #1 back, bacause there were changes on timing.
Topic Starter

Lissette wrote:

Will have to give you the Bubble #1 back, bacause there were changes on timing.
Thank you for perfect offset :3
Long time no see, Kat!

I think the slider tick skin element would fit better if it was fuzzy like the hitcircleoverlay. It kind of stands out with it's sharpness.
Remove MitiS - Elements Of Thought (Katty Pie).osb

02:38:696 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I liked the steady decrease in pace here, but you broke it with 02:45:593 (1,2,3) - by keeping things really close after the big jump at the start. Think you can keep your spacing pattern up to keep it consistent?
Well, after playing it a few times, I guess that pattern isn't quite what I thought it was, but I'll leave this note here in case you want to try and change to that kind of progression.
04:04:213 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Please don't new combo spam

04:29:731 (5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I love this transition so much. <3

Kind of weird that you mapped so much of the fadeout, but oh well.

Nice work, you two!
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