
League of Legends

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[- Alex -]

SoG Tava wrote:

Blue card salute

tyrael6192 wrote:

i think some of it is down to pure nostalgia but yeah

idk what the fuck they're doing to their game. inb4 season 5 kills are worth 0 gold and champions have no abilities because you don't need abilities to last hit.
It's mostly just this current patch for me. No interaction with your team (exception of mid maybe) because junglers are farming for 50 minutes, and people in lane don't get punished for playing passively anymore. Passive playstyle is why stuff like Ziggs and Nidalee are running rampant in competitive play.

Makes the game incredibly frustrating and boring at the same time which is a very bad direction to go down.

Next patch will hopefully fix the jungle problem, but not sure what they plan on doing about the other stuff.
Kanye West
Yeah it's impossible to snowball from early game on this patch which will hopefully be fixed somewhat in 4.6 but I still think they should revert the first blood nerf.

This patch also sucks because it depends more on your teammates not fucking up and actually listening to your pings rather than your ability to win lane and snowball.

Obligatory ognTSM ROTATIONS ognTSM

Alright I'm getting better at Vayne, I might try her out in ranked today
I'm kinda scared that my KDA is only so high because nobody gives a shit about normals ;_;
[- Alex -]
Dam. I can't play supp anymore. Normal's/rank's all the same. Someone is like supp pls.....
@BrokenArrow : What item do you rush first ? Botrk ?
Also is Sword of Divine any good ? o.o

PyaKura wrote:

Also is Sword of Divine any good ? o.o
Only if you are realy fed
Botrk -> PD -> IE -> LW -> defensive item/BT/SoD

Sword of Divine is decent if you are ahead and have vision control in their jungle

SoG Tava wrote:

PyaKura wrote:

Also is Sword of Divine any good ? o.o
Only if you are realy fed
nope ,_, useless if you'r already fed...
it works well in early (if you use it ofc), mostly on twitch/adc's who only auto attack, it helps to get fed but becomes useless in late. A bit dangerous on vayne since she's supposed to fight only in tf and needs more (=>phantom dancer usually) than this 3 hit buff at these moments (but ofc i guess it's a bit different in bronze é_è...).
hey i'm gold ok
it's just a fun item idc about its gold value as long as I can kill anything in less than 2 seconds

BrokenArrow wrote:

hey i'm gold ok
it's just a fun item idc about its gold value as long as I can kill anything in less than 2 seconds
i was not talking 'bout you, and normal is a troll mode atm, i'll never do the same in ranked ,_, i play a lot twitch and even in ranked i do SoD tho

edit : and i know it you'r still in my friendlist man 8D
hi im dragon
sotd riven op
[- Alex -]

hi im dragon wrote:

sotd riven op
Draven with Sotd and 3 axe or 2 is op as fukk.
Witch Mercy

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

hi im dragon wrote:

sotd riven op
Draven with Sotd and 3 axe or 2 is op as fukk.

WingsOfDeadthx wrote:

Draven is op as fukk.
La Volpe
So I was playing as Cassiopea and Fiora managed to ult after she got stun from my ult. You could see her transformed in stone while she was dashing around. That really annoyed me because she was under tower.

La Volpe wrote:

So I was playing as Cassiopea and Fiora managed to ult after she got stun from my ult. You could see her transformed in stone while she was dashing around. That really annoyed me because she was under tower.
that sounds amazing

La Volpe wrote:

So I was playing as Cassiopea and Fiora managed to ult after she got stun from my ult. You could see her transformed in stone while she was dashing around. That really annoyed me because she was under tower.
I've had a Fiora ulti me mid Warwick ult. Probably would have pissed me off if it resulted in a death for me, but it didn't.

Saw a post on reddit mentioning some pro's are retiring because league is boring. Definitely not a good sign for this game.

I wish I could do this well in ranked.

Pro's retiring? Hm, not too surprised.
CLG Seraph sounds hype as fk
Witch Mercy
Ranked games makes me lose my sanity. :(

Vulf wrote:

La Volpe wrote:

So I was playing as Cassiopea and Fiora managed to ult after she got stun from my ult. You could see her transformed in stone while she was dashing around. That really annoyed me because she was under tower.
I've had a Fiora ulti me mid Warwick ult. Probably would have pissed me off if it resulted in a death for me, but it didn't.

Saw a post on reddit mentioning some pro's are retiring because league is boring. Definitely not a good sign for this game.
Makes sense.

I've quit DotA to play LoL basically because LoL was better and more fun at what most of the player base plays: soloqueue.

But it's not anymore.
The strength is real

Ok enough Vayne talk by me, I hope she is gonna be the one who carries me to Plat
Akali didn't work, Lee Sin didn't work, LeBlanc didn't work and Riven didn't work. Assassins, don't leave me ;_;
(well Vayne is tagged as Assassin too)

BrokenArrow wrote:

Ok enough Vayne talk by me, I hope she is gonna be the one who carries me to Plat
Akali didn't work, Lee Sin didn't work, LeBlanc didn't work and Riven didn't work. Assassins, don't leave me ;_;
GL. Don't get poked to death in early game

BrokenArrow wrote:


BRBP wrote:

Witch Mercy

BrokenArrow wrote:

The strength is real

Ok enough Vayne talk by me, I hope she is gonna be the one who carries me to Plat
Akali didn't work, Lee Sin didn't work, LeBlanc didn't work and Riven didn't work. Assassins, don't leave me ;_;
I love vayne.
Too bad when I ult I get fps drops and that seriously affects my performance =.=

Graciee wrote:

I love vayne.
Too bad when I ult I get fps drops and that seriously affects my performance =.=
Hmm that's weird. Maybe it's because of the patch where Riot added these cool stealth visuals, wasn't there an option to disable them?

In other news, it really sucks when your lane matchup comes to lane with blue buff at level one and hits level 2 a wave before you. Made us lose literally the entire game, and the enemy jungler didn't get punished. -_-

BrokenArrow wrote:

In other news, it really sucks when your lane matchup comes to lane with blue buff at level one and hits level 2 a wave before you. Made us lose literally the entire game, and the enemy jungler didn't get punished. -_-
Or that xinzhao just comes to bot lane with red when you're still level 1, and you and your lane partner's faces just gets rekt before you know what happened... Then the xin just ganked and ganked, and then clearing a few camps bought his level back up real quick...
P r o m i s e s
I lost my promo's to Silver 2 for the 3rd time this week. I've been playing top lane since S2 but I think I'm just gonna give up on top lane and play either mid or adc.
Ranked games are too mainstream- plus you get reported for everything >_>
[- Alex -]

Frostei wrote:

Ranked games are too mainstream- plus you get reported for everything >_>
Just got report because i win my lane. Wtf?

I was like at the end of the game. Gg wp guys. And the team was like "report this zed" (me)

Frostei wrote:

Ranked games are too mainstream- plus you get reported for everything >_>

Yeah i agree League of legends in general is starting to work on my nerfes, the games are just not fun annymore you basicaly can't carry annymore even a challenger dude on reddit said it i get that its a team game but you have to rely way to much on your team now, so i am taking a break from lol and i am focusing on osu!(CtB)
La Volpe

OzzyOzrock wrote:

La Volpe wrote:

So I was playing as Cassiopea and Fiora managed to ult after she got stun from my ult. You could see her transformed in stone while she was dashing around. That really annoyed me because she was under tower.
that sounds amazing
Yeah getting beat up by a fucking statue is funny lol.

TKiller wrote:

Makes sense.

I've quit DotA to play LoL basically because LoL was better and more fun at what most of the player base plays: soloqueue.

But it's not anymore.
Why I've been playing Smite lately. Game is new and exciting just like when I first started League back in early 2010.

I quit the first dota because it became too stagnant. Dota 2 is a good game though, but definitely not the type of moba I want to play.

League just needs to get out of the 4.6 patch and I think it will be fine as long as they address the other issues later. Laners sitting at their turrets and farming from range while the junglers sit in the jungle for 20 minutes farming for their precious stacks made this game beyond boring to play. It's fixable. Riot just needs to hurry the fuck up.

Patch 4.7 probably won't come until after all stars which is like a week away =\
Many things were already fixed on the PBE. There are just 3 things left I'd love to see to make this game better again
1. Nerf exhaust
2. More fb gold/more gold for kills in general
3. Fix fps issues

Riot also implemented a new sound engine on the PBE iirc, that might be a first step towards performance increase.
Witch Mercy
Yes pls fix fps issues...
Kanye West
I have a four year old budget laptop.

No fps issues here

mad bros
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