File size is too large. You'll probably have to re-encode the video.
Video offset: -125
Tick rate 2 fits this song best
Dark blue against black is tough to see.
Add a spinner somewhere so that scores aren't stagnant.
00:53:113 (2,3) - Considering both of these are visible at the same time, I would not recommend having such close spacing for these.
01:00:497 (1,2) - Whoa there.
01:59:574 (1,2) - ^
01:18:651 (2,3,4,5) - Might be a bit too much for an Easy. The rhythm changes up quite a bit, and there isn't a need to follow every single note.
02:17:728 (2,3,4,5) - ^
02:40:497 - Set this delayed break back to default.
Seems a bit slider-heavy. 140 sliders, 47 circles. Yeah.
This honestly feels more like a Normal than an Easy.
The map itself is fine, but it's a really hard Normal difficulty...
OD +1 or 2
01:00:190 (5,1,2,3,4,1) - This progression is pretty confusing. You have a jump into the new combo, and th enext time you see a big gap like that, it's a much bigger rhythm gap as well. I recommend you change that first jump.
01:59:266 (5,1,2,3,4) - ^
02:23:574 (1) - This'd be awesome if it had some sharp edges in it to show some stress
OD +1 or 2
01:02:959 (1) - Wrong rhythm. Doesn't fit with how you mapped it at 01:00:497 (1) -
01:07:882 (1) - etc. There's a ton of these and they sound awful against the strong 1/2 beat of the song.
02:21:113 (1,2) - These are 1/2 rhythms.
02:23:574 (1) - Should end at 02:24:036 -
02:37:113 (1,2) - This is a biiiig jump compared to everything else.
02:38:343 (1,1,1,1) - Ack, please don't mix some with repeats and some without when compressed like this.
02:39:728 (7,1) - This doesn't feel like that great of a spot to have an anti jump of this magnitude. Maybe have it off-center like this to feel more balanced between the two triples
The extended sliders really make this map pretty bad. Stick to the music more so that it at least sounds correct.