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Mid who can snowball e.g. Akali (at least in lower elo) and LeBlanc

or tanky/bruiser top like Jax and Renekton
If you are good enough at jungle you can demoralize the enemy team enough to surrender at 20. I did this often when I was low silver last season.
In low elo taking a strong early jungler can be quite devastating (Kha, Udyr, Lee Sin, Xin, and more !) since you can literally walk into the enemy jungle at level 2 (after Blue and big wraith) and destroy the enemy jungler at his red without retaliation 90% of the time, then proceed to get ahead of everyone.

Vulf wrote:

If you are good enough at jungle you can demoralize the enemy team enough to surrender at 20. I did this often when I was low silver last season.
This. What experience has taught me is that it's super effctive to camp one specific lane. Gank it over and over and over again, fuck farming and anything else. In result, the enemy laner will be super demoralized/pissed and his team will flame him until he ends up intentionally feeding or going afk. This works from Bronze to Gold. Sure, you might lose pressure on objectives, but most of the time the enemy won't capitalize on it hard enough to make up for effectively a 4v5.
This might not work if your other lanes feed, it'll probably backfire and you will be the one getting blamed. But that's the case anyways if you decide to become a jungler.

Graciee wrote:

What's the best role and/or champion to carry in solo queue? :V
I carried myself to platinum 1 with spamming riven top but she was more OP at the time.

This was about a year ago. I quit playing ranked seriously after that and stopped playing league 2 months ago

Graciee wrote:

What's the best role and/or champion to carry in solo queue? :V
With how Feral Flame works right now, Junglers are in a great position to carry. Master Yi is just unstoppable, and Warwick is surprisingly strong.
Warwick is like invincible now if he gets on some carries but it's not that big of a deal.
I want them to nerf feral flame, pls

Balgon wrote:

Graciee wrote:

What's the best role and/or champion to carry in solo queue? :V
I carried myself to platinum 1 with spamming riven top but she was more OP at the time.

This was about a year ago. I quit playing ranked seriously after that and stopped playing league 2 months ago
at the start of the season i got placed in silver 2, and i got myself back to plat 2 within a week by spamming riven mid

nobody in low elo knows how to deal with it. you can roam into their jungle or bot/top very easily and duel pretty much anyone. mid game you're unstoppable if you got a couple of kills, which really isn't hard with how strong riven is against mid squishies, and late game so long as you stay out of their focus and cc you can just instagib their carries

if you get your mechanics nailed riven is a shitstomper
Feral Flare already has nerfs on the PBE and probably more to come. I wouldn't get too comfortable with the junglers abusing it just yet.
Aww, I just decided to go jungle warwick for once. Feral flare allowed me to lifesteal past the tower aggro.
honestly. with the feral flare up i still don't know how to jungle. especially when i'm under pressure. it's too hard dealing with team mates who flame at you for not ganking and they just overextend. it sucks even if i'm at gold. i already have good positioning and mechanics of all lanes but jungling is not just for me. if i jungle the only champs i can do is lee, vi,j4,kha. just tried shyv but i was more comfortable with her at top. honestly jungling is hard. and i wanna learn it

Slith wrote:

it's too hard dealing with team mates who flame at you
/mute all
How to jungle:
Play Warwick.
Be placed against people better than you all the time.
Not know how to jungle.

tyrael6192 wrote:

/mute all
Run into a lane and ult the enemy.
Run the fuck away because you just went into a 2v1.
Win the match
Build a feral flare until the nerfs get here. After that, I don't know.

Side note

You need a connection which looks like this for this to work.
The current FF nerf is going to hurt Warwick more than the others because he is slower at clearing. Which makes me think they are going to nerf this item a lot more. Yi and Xin are beyond obnoxious when they get this item and they fly through the jungle incredibly fast so the stack transformation increase nerf does little to them.

I don't get why or how people are getting away with sitting in the jungle until this item is stacked. I see this in diamond and challenger games. Warwick is incredibly vulnerable early game as is Yi so you can very easily push them out and steal their buffs and camps which hurts them a lot. Only exception here is Xin and Shaco who have ridiculous early games. I guess people forgot that counter jungling actually hurts a lot of these junglers. God forbid Shyvana and Udyr make a come back. Those two were a living nightmare for me as Warwick back in season 2.

Vulf wrote:

I don't get why or how people are getting away with sitting in the jungle until this item is stacked.
That's why I think FF doesn't need further nerfs than already on PBE. Sure it's still strong, but you can punish people using it pretty hard. Even more nerfs will just result in less variety in the jungle and we'll only see Lee/Kha/Elilse/Pantheon/Vi etc. again, which is pretty boring to be honest. As you could see in the Challenger Series, if your team makes sure to pressure the enemy jungler early there isn't much he can do.
People don't want to adapt so Riot nerfs shit into oblivion for them. I wouldn't be surprised if some juglers end up getting nerfed because all the lee sin mains are mad they aren't miles above the other junglers anymore. Sadly they are too bad to realize that Lee can just go into their jungle at level 2 and kill both Yi and Warwick. LOL

Honestly the item is a little too strong for the stats it gives. 1650 gold that gives you stats equivalent to botrk and wits end. If I was going to touch the stats I would nerf the on hit heal and have the damage reduction apply to baron like it does to champions. These are by far the most 2 complained things I've seen on both reddit and league forums. Baron should not be soloable by anyone the second it spawns.

I think FF needs to be moved more towards a late-mid game item because it already boils down to the jungler who is ahead with this item will almost always win which is kind of a problem. This is why stuff like BT and Mejais lose stacks on death.

Vulf wrote:

People don't want to adapt so Riot nerfs shit into oblivion for them. .
But Riot most of the time balances the game around competetive play, so we're gonna see what effect this item has during the playoffs/allstars.
I agree with the damage reduction point you mentioned, that's gonna make the item a lot more balanced when it comes to those objectives.
I think we will see a ton of Xin with Feral Flare in competitive play. He has the least counterplay out of all the junglers that use it.

They do nerf when it comes to solo queue, but it mostly caters to bronze players. See previous Yi, Akali, and Darius nerfs. For the most part though they do nerf for the pro scene, so if your favorite champion is dominating at the LCS you should be concerned for their future.
5 won 5 lost got placed into bronze 3 =/ now im trying to get higher then bronze because..obvious reasons,heres my last games after my promotion..luckly there was no trolls! couldn't be more thankful for that lol

Oh my god, why am I not jungling Aatrox every single game, I forgot he exists at all.
Bought Shyvana today because I got completely stomped by a jungle Shyv as Yi yesterday. Wasn't pretty at all, her early dueling power is damn high.
Results will follow tomorrow.
P r o m i s e s
I had a jungle Shyvana in my team today who refused to take smite because she said that she wouldn't need it... She also refused to build tanky and proceeded to buy a Bloodthister, phantom dancer, statikk shiv and berserker greaves :/. Also, like 3 dragon's got stolen away from us because we had no jungler with smite.
This person played terrible and according to that person he/she was trying his/her best, lol.
I'm never gonna get out Silver 2 if I'm gonna continue having teams like this.
Did everyone forget how horrifying jungle Shyvana was in season 2? I kinda don't want that to come back.

Vulf wrote:

Did everyone forget how horrifying jungle Shyvana was in season 2? I kinda don't want that to come back.
I know that feel. jungle Shyvana with exhaust. it's so frustrating to play against.

I never liked you anyway :D
It was fun at the start. Just like any other things that became popular.

Vulf wrote:

I think we will see a ton of Xin with Feral Flare in competitive play.
As long as he doesn't start getting banned like half the other champions I see getting banned because people in pro use them... (ie: Kayle, LeBlanc, Renekton)
Yasen Baka
After playing just purely URF matches for over a week, it feels weird to adjust to the original cooldowns.
I just feel weird not being able to teleport to lane every time I go back to base.
[- Alex -]

MetalGearSnake wrote:

After playing just purely URF matches for over a week, it feels weird to adjust to the original cooldowns.

Same , my Zed skills are now "Thresh" ........ But was worth , URF is to fun , and one for all with urf is what i want now. RITO PLS
ARURF's the best idea reddit made in awhile too. lol.

BrokenArrow wrote:

Bought Shyvana today because I got completely stomped by a jungle Shyv as Yi yesterday. Wasn't pretty at all, her early dueling power is damn high.
Results will follow tomorrow.
Alright here it is. This went far too well for my very first game with Shyvana. In the end I was able to 1v4 them, this champion is great. xD

Shyvana > Yi confirmed, glad I'm not the only one losing that matchup

BrokenArrow wrote:

BrokenArrow wrote:

Bought Shyvana today because I got completely stomped by a jungle Shyv as Yi yesterday. Wasn't pretty at all, her early dueling power is damn high.
Results will follow tomorrow.
Alright here it is. This went far too well for my very first game with Shyvana. In the end I was able to 1v4 them, this champion is great. xD

Shyvana > Yi confirmed, glad I'm not the only one losing that matchup
didn't know people still play Jungle shyv.
Jungle Shyv with Feral Flare that just farms for the first 10 mins is incredibly strong. You to the point where you're as strong as top lane Shyv pretty quickly.
[- Alex -]

scottyyy wrote:

Jungle Shyv with Feral Flare that just farms for the first 10 mins is incredibly strong. You to the point where you're as strong as top lane Shyv pretty quickly.

Yeap. But not only Shyvana , look at Xin , Nocturne , Udyr , Voli . From out meta junglers to top bans or picks. The item is OP as hell. And i'm sure , they will nerf it in the next pack. And then bye , back to Spirit items....
Just convinced myself that FF is indeed broken OP and needs to be nerfed a lot.

^ Support Warwick game.
I was actually feeding before I got FF and suddenly the second I got it the kills started rolling in. 100-0 their ADC with Q + Ulti.
Yesterday was my first time seeing a Shyvana with FF and exhaust at the same time...
that really wasn't fun...

Vulf wrote:

Just convinced myself that FF is indeed broken OP and needs to be nerfed a lot.

^ Support Warwick game.
I was actually feeding before I got FF and suddenly the second I got it the kills started rolling in. 100-0 their ADC with Q + Ulti.
A support Annie with DFG can oneshot carries too, shit's broken as fuck.
Jokes aside, how do you even get a FF as a support? I've seen junglers that take a damn long time stacking it and I doubt as a support you have free access to all the jungle camps. Unless you're never in lane of course.
Annie blows her full combo and is useless for a few seconds. I mean her Tibbers does decent aoe damage and all.
Warwick is tanky heals a fuck load and deals insane consistent damage with FF. There was some points where I was 1v4ing them until my team came to help me.

The bot lane match up was Lucian + Warwick vs Vayne + Blitzcrank. Blitz is really annoying for Warwick early. I was purple side and I asked my Lee if he didn't mind me taking Wolves and Wight when they were up. Took about 28 mins to get FF, but it was worth the time.
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