Okay, I apologize for the late, but I wasn't feeling good to mod last days >.<
But here's my mod for you :3

Use the Normal sampleset with ~70% volume, or at least increase the volume to 100% if you'll keep soft, this will allow to hear clearly the hitsounds, which is fundamental in Taiko :p
This is more a personal opinion, so feel free to ignore, but the speed up in the kiai doesn't feel right, the song goes intense yeah, but not that much to amerit a speed increase, better keeping it the same >.<
00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I'd want to say you should lower you note density in all diffs, the song is calmer here so it'd be better to have the map calmer here, I know is a bit calmer right now, but a bit more wouldn't hurt at all.(Kantan is already lower, so no need to modify it too much).
00:18:646 (10,11,12) - I think this would sound nicely being all three kat :3
00:26:094 (23,24) - Personal preference here, maybe remove this ones to add a tiny break? It'd fit nicely there.
01:05:405 (87) - You could remove this note so the resulting pattern fits better with vocals, imo
01:21:543 (114) - Maybe use a big note here? :3
I found this Futsuu a bit loaded of notes, I'm going to suggest to remove some notes most of the time so it creates tiny breaks for players.
00:16:578 (9) - Remove this one
00:19:887 (18) - Maybe remove this.
00:23:198 (27) - Remove this.
00:26:508 (37) - Maybe remove this.
00:32:094 (54) - Remove this
00:33:956 (60,65) - Use don for these two, so this have consistency with the previous part.
01:10:370 (176,177,178) - kkd would fit better to keep your consistency in kats.
01:18:232 (202,203,204) - ddk here, same reason as above.
01:19:887 (208,209,210,211,212) - Maybe ddkkd here, it'd fit nicely with the drums
00:26:094 (49) - Use a don here, it'd fit better with the guitar here imo.
00:33:336 (77,78,79) - I'd suggest to use ddd here, even if kkd is kinda okay to use in Muzukashii, you should keep your patterns the simplest possible.
00:36:646 (89,90,91) - Same as above, maybe make the whole pattern d k ddd.
00:43:267 (113,114,115) - ddd
00:46:577 (125,126,127) - ^
00:49:887 (138,139,140) - ^
00:54:853 (158) - I'd suggest to remove this note, it's a bit awkward to play given the next note comes with the speed up so it's not that easy to foresee the timing, also it'd help to emphasize better the big note.
01:07:991 (219) - Maybe remove this note, having a 5-note stream and then a big note is a bit harsh for a Muzu.
01:14:508 (249,250,251,252) - Use k ddd for this part.
01:19:887 - How about simplifying a bit this part?

01:22:991 (288,289,290) - ddd
00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I really really really want to remark this part about lowering the note density here, this part is not so different from the kiai where intensity is clearly higher than here. Please consider it.
00:51:749 (238) - Use a kat here to keep the kats consistent here.
00:53:818 (251) - ^
00:54:853 (255) - Remove it, same as in Muzu.
01:08:922 (346,347,348) - Use ddk here to keep the consistency on the patterns you use.
01:20:094 (417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430) - Maybe ddkkdkd ddkkddk?
01:22:163 (433) - Make it a don, same as two lines above.
01:23:612 (443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453,454,455) - kkddkkddkkk D here, using irregular streams kinda breaks the spread as in muzu there are relatively easy ones.
Also I'd want to suggest you something more, if you could work to have some consistency in your map (using same or very similar patterns for similar parts in the music), would be nice along with your mapping style, which I found it follows the beat of the song and the instrumental, which is nice to see in Taiko.
That'd be all from my part, good luck :3
Also, nice detail in the background \o/