
flumpool - Believers High (TV Size) [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 29 April 2014 at 09:49:47

Artist: flumpool
Title: Believers High (TV Size)
Source: Captain Earth
Tags: Opening
BPM: 145
Filesize: 2344kb
Play Time: 01:24
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (4.31 stars, 220 notes)
  2. Kantan (2.01 stars, 117 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (4.6 stars, 297 notes)
  4. Oni (4.72 stars, 453 notes)
Download: flumpool - Believers High (TV Size)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
10/04/2014: New mp3~ redownload!
11/04/2014: Added (TV Size)
11/04/2014: Applied Hanjamon's mod~
12/04/2014: Applied abrian159's mod~
14/04/2014: Applied Dainesl's mod~
29/04/2014: Applied DakeDekaane's mod~
Hii Lno, here the m4m mod

D=Big Don
K=Big Katsu

  • Reduce Slider velocity in Kantan and Futsuu to 1,20

    I think is better to remove the sv change of kiai in Kantan,Futsuu and Muzukashii

    Try changing hitsounds in all diffs to Normal and reduce the volume to 60%
  • Looks fine, i think all is ok
  • Looks fine too

    00:19:887 (19) - Remove, i think the futsuu need pauses
    00:31:474 (52) - Remove?
    00:33:543 (58) - I think is better with k
    00:42:853 (87) - Remove?
  • So hard, this is like a oni
    00:20:094 (25,26,27) - This kdd, maybe is a bit hard for some players... change to ddd
    00:23:405 (37,38,39) - ^ same, kkd maybe is a bit hard too, change to kkk
    00:26:301 (49,50,51,52,53) - lol ddkkd in a Muzukashii, more hard D: change to
    00:27:956 - In the futsuu there is a k note, add a k
    00:30:025 (64,65) - same as above, change first note to d and the second remove
    00:33:543 (78) - change to k
    00:39:956 (101) - d
    00:43:267 (112,113,114) - hmm this kkd i think is ok here, don't change for the moment
    00:46:577 (124) - d
    01:07:991 (218) - remove?
    01:11:612 (235) - k
    01:14:922 (252) - k
    01:18:025 (266) - d
    01:19:681 (273) - d
    01:20:094 (276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289) - streams.... sounds so hard for a muzukashii, try to delete these notes 01:20:198 (277,281,284,288)
    01:24:129 (298,300,302,304) - another stream, delete these notes
  • It's ok for me

    00:20:301 (37) - k?
    00:34:370 (128) - ^
    00:59:094 (287) - sounds better for me with k
    01:02:198 (306) - ^
    01:23:094 (445) - ^
Good luck ^^
Topic Starter

Hanjamon wrote:

Hii Lno, here the m4m mod

D=Big Don
K=Big Katsu

  • Reduce Slider velocity in Kantan and Futsuu to 1,20 Nope, I want it to be consistent throughout all diffs.

    I think is better to remove the sv change of kiai in Kantan,Futsuu and Muzukashii Nope, same reason as above.

    Try changing hitsounds in all diffs to Normal and reduce the volume to 60% I don't see a reason to do this. Changing to normal doesn't make any difference at all (as far as I'm aware?) and the volume level is fine as it is.
  • Looks fine, i think all is ok
  • Looks fine too

    00:19:887 (19) - Remove, i think the futsuu need pauses I understand why you're suggesting this but I don't agree with it if there is no break in the beat that I am following to support it.
    00:31:474 (52) - Remove? Nope.
    00:33:543 (58) - I think is better with k Nope, it doesn't fit with what I am following in the music.
    00:42:853 (87) - Remove? Nope.
  • So hard, this is like a oni
    00:20:094 (25,26,27) - This kdd, maybe is a bit hard for some players... change to ddd Sure.
    00:23:405 (37,38,39) - ^ same, kkd maybe is a bit hard too, change to kkk Sure.
    00:26:301 (49,50,51,52,53) - lol ddkkd in a Muzukashii, more hard D: change to Okay :(
    00:27:956 - In the futsuu there is a k note, add a k Sure.
    00:30:025 (64,65) - same as above, change first note to d and the second remove Okay :(
    00:33:543 (78) - change to k Nope, same reason as given for Futsuu
    00:39:956 (101) - d I prefer this as k.
    00:43:267 (112,113,114) - hmm this kkd i think is ok here, don't change for the moment ~
    00:46:577 (124) - d Same as above, I prefer this as k
    01:07:991 (218) - remove? Nope, I changed it to ddddd instead.
    01:11:612 (235) - k I feel it's better as k.
    01:14:922 (252) - k Already k.
    01:18:025 (266) - d Sure.
    01:19:681 (273) - d Already d.
    01:20:094 (276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289) - streams.... sounds so hard for a muzukashii, try to delete these notes 01:20:198 (277,281,284,288) I didn't follow what you suggested here but I did change it.
    01:24:129 (298,300,302,304) - another stream, delete these notes Same as above.
  • It's ok for me

    00:20:301 (37) - k? Sure.
    00:34:370 (128) - ^ Sure.
    00:59:094 (287) - sounds better for me with k Sure.
    01:02:198 (306) - ^ I changed 307 to k instead, it sounds better to me.
    01:23:094 (445) - ^ Same, changed 446 to k instead.
Good luck ^^

Thanks for modding~ ^^
All diffs aren't very consistent. Keep the same pattern if the music is the same.

All seems ok.
SV can be lowered.
00:20:715 - k
00:21:129 (14) - d consistent issue

00:14:508 - to 00:16:577 - change it so that it is the same pattern as 00:21:129
01:24:853 (226) - K

00:21:543 - k
00:22:163 (32,33,34,35) - kddk
01:24:129 (298) - delete

I don't see any major problems, but you might want to make your map more rank like xD
Mainly inconsistent patterns but those can be fixed later.
Kinda hard to mod you have similar mapping style to me =w=

Good luck :P
Topic Starter

abrian159 wrote:

All diffs aren't very consistent. Keep the same pattern if the music is the same.

All seems ok.
SV can be lowered.
00:20:715 - k
00:21:129 (14) - d consistent issue

00:14:508 - to 00:16:577 - change it so that it is the same pattern as 00:21:129
01:24:853 (226) - K

00:21:543 - k
00:22:163 (32,33,34,35) - kddk
01:24:129 (298) - delete

I don't see any major problems, but you might want to make your map more rank like xD
Mainly inconsistent patterns but those can be fixed later.
Kinda hard to mod you have similar mapping style to me =w=

Good luck :P

I took all suggestions except SV change in Kantan. I want all the diffs to be consistent in that aspect at least. :o Personally though, I don't see incosistency between diffs as an issue and any in the same diff can be pointed out and changed/improved before ranking if needed. ^^

Thanks for modding~
Hey, a mod on your request ;w;

Move Opening from Source into tags because the show is just called Captain Earth
01:24:853 - please end Kiai Time here as that's where the map ends.

00:13:681 (1) - perhaps add a finisher here; the instruments play loudly here!
00:45:543 (53,54) - maybe make these dons since there's not really much to map here, other than the very low vocal pitch
01:08:301 (91) - big kat here; the cymbals play hard

not much to say for some reason ._.

00:13:681 (1) - if suggestion on Kantan is applied apply it here.
00:18:853 (15) - don for consistency with patterns?
00:19:474 (17) - nothing here really suggests a high pitch, make it a don unless you think that it adds a bit of variety to the way you map at least...
00:24:646 (31) - this sounds identical to 00:24:025 (29) - show this by making this a kat!
00:36:232 (67) - having this as a kat sounds a bit weird imo, maybe change to a don to fit with the instruments rather than the vocal?
00:45:129 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101) - maybe make this pattern kinda like 00:42:232 (86,87,88,89,90) - since it would seem to work, imo. perhaps like this?
01:08:301 (171) - This doesn't sound good like it is. if suggestion in Kantan is applied then apply it here but if not at least make it a kat to show its significance... also if you apply that as I intended then 01:08:094 (170) - remove this as it would be hard for beginners to play imo.
01:14:094 (190) - change to a kat? the instruments and vocal seem to work with that better
01:19:887 (209,210,211,212,213) - maybe change this pattern to kdddk or something for a bit more variety?

00:13:681 (1) - if suggestion on Kantan is applied apply it here too!
00:14:715 (4,5,6) - change to kkd or kdd because it works better with the music imo
00:18:439 (19) - no real high-pitched sound here...perhaps make this a don instead?
00:29:922 (64) - move this to 00:30:129 - perhaps? it might work better as it leads up to the vocal
00:33:336 (77,78,79) - are you mapping to the instruments here apart from the vocal? if this was intended keep as is otherwise change to ddk for better following of the vocal
00:36:646 (89,90,91) - if previous suggestion was not applied, change this to kkd for consistency
00:40:163 (104) - change this to k to follow the cymbal sound
01:01:060 (185) - move back to 01:00:853 - ? would flow a bit better imo ;w;
01:08:301 (221) - change to K? the cymbal plays quite harshly here too
01:14:508 (249) - if you intended to follow the vocal throughout the song change this to kat to follow it better
01:19:060 (270) - there's nothing much to follow here, move it back to 01:18:853 - and perhaps remove 01:18:439 (268) - as it doesn't follow much either
01:20:094 (275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286) - this is both awkward and boring as it's mono-colour but it's a REALLY awkward pattern to play for Muzu players...maybe change to something like this?
01:23:198 (294) - if you wish to follow the cymbal sound here make this a k
01:24:749 (303) - please remove this if you wanna keep the last note a K because it plays awkwardly even for Oni players imo ;~;

00:20:094 (35,36,37) - change this to kkd or kdd to fit the music more perhaps?
00:21:232 (41) - maybe remove this as it doesn't really fit that well? if you remove it make 00:21:336 (42,43,44) - this a kkd or kdd, again to fit with the music
00:24:853 (64,65) - swap these around perhaps? fits the music more~
00:28:370 (85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103) - this is the only time when you make a lot of triplets play like this; break it up a bit since you don't do it to this extreme in the Kiai!
00:31:060 (105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119) - maybe make this part a little bit less dense to fit the lack of things to follow here?
00:37:577 (148,149) - and 00:38:405 (153,154) - why the sudden doublets here? doesn't really fit the music too well, seems more like a singular note :?
00:40:163 (165) - were you intending on following the vocals in this map? if so, keep, if not, make this a kat to fit the cymbal sound
00:41:818 (176,177,178,179,180) - maybe make this a kkkkd instead to show the extension of the high-pitched vocal?
00:49:887 (230,231,232) - maybe make this a kdk to fit the music more instead? you used it previously in this map
01:08:301 (348) - like all the other diffs, if you don't apply to those then keep as it is otherwise make this a K
01:18:646 (414) - maybe make this a don; generally nothing to follow here?
this stream is very awkward, and could be seen as artificial difficulty as most of the rest are short and simplistic but this is longer and complex and it's the very last one in the map! why would you do this when the rest of the streams aren't like this? basically keep it simple and short, kinda like this or even like this!

Anyways good luck for rank! ;w;
Topic Starter

Dainesl wrote:

Hey, a mod on your request ;w;

Move Opening from Source into tags because the show is just called Captain Earth Sure
01:24:853 - please end Kiai Time here as that's where the map ends. I'm leaving it here since this is where the vocal ends

00:13:681 (1) - perhaps add a finisher here; the instruments play loudly here! I don't want to start the map wit a big note
00:45:543 (53,54) - maybe make these dons since there's not really much to map here, other than the very low vocal pitch Changed to k d k since this is what I hear based on pitch
01:08:301 (91) - big kat here; the cymbals play hard Sure

not much to say for some reason ._.

00:13:681 (1) - if suggestion on Kantan is applied apply it here. It wasn't
00:18:853 (15) - don for consistency with patterns? No, this is the end of that pattern and I think kk is better.
00:19:474 (17) - nothing here really suggests a high pitch, make it a don unless you think that it adds a bit of variety to the way you map at least... I hear it in the guitar
00:24:646 (31) - this sounds identical to 00:24:025 (29) - show this by making this a kat! You're right.
00:36:232 (67) - having this as a kat sounds a bit weird imo, maybe change to a don to fit with the instruments rather than the vocal? No, this isn't following the vocals. I don't know what the name of it is that it is following but it's not the vocals.
00:45:129 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101) - maybe make this pattern kinda like 00:42:232 (86,87,88,89,90) - since it would seem to work, imo. perhaps like this? No, I prefer it how it is.
01:08:301 (171) - This doesn't sound good like it is. if suggestion in Kantan is applied then apply it here but if not at least make it a kat to show its significance... also if you apply that as I intended then 01:08:094 (170) - remove this as it would be hard for beginners to play imo. I don't agree here, I prefer it how it is.
01:14:094 (190) - change to a kat? the instruments and vocal seem to work with that better No, it follows the instruments as it is.
01:19:887 (209,210,211,212,213) - maybe change this pattern to kdddk or something for a bit more variety? If anything I would change it to dkkkd but isn't that pattern too hard for Futsuu?

00:13:681 (1) - if suggestion on Kantan is applied apply it here too! It wasn't
00:14:715 (4,5,6) - change to kkd or kdd because it works better with the music imo Changed to dkkd
00:18:439 (19) - no real high-pitched sound here...perhaps make this a don instead? Okay
00:29:922 (64) - move this to 00:30:129 - perhaps? it might work better as it leads up to the vocal Okay
00:33:336 (77,78,79) - are you mapping to the instruments here apart from the vocal? if this was intended keep as is otherwise change to ddk for better following of the vocal Instruments
00:36:646 (89,90,91) - if previous suggestion was not applied, change this to kkd for consistency Okay
00:40:163 (104) - change this to k to follow the cymbal sound Okay
01:01:060 (185) - move back to 01:00:853 - ? would flow a bit better imo ;w; Okay
01:08:301 (221) - change to K? the cymbal plays quite harshly here too Okay
01:14:508 (249) - if you intended to follow the vocal throughout the song change this to kat to follow it better I'm not following vocals
01:19:060 (270) - there's nothing much to follow here, move it back to 01:18:853 - and perhaps remove 01:18:439 (268) - as it doesn't follow much either Okay
01:20:094 (275,276,277,278,279,280,281,282,283,284,285,286) - this is both awkward and boring as it's mono-colour but it's a REALLY awkward pattern to play for Muzu players...maybe change to something like this? I'll change it to ddddd d ddd d k, but I wont change it to include kat in the stream due to it being too hard (this still might be too hard?) for muzu.
01:23:198 (294) - if you wish to follow the cymbal sound here make this a k Okay
01:24:749 (303) - please remove this if you wanna keep the last note a K because it plays awkwardly even for Oni players imo ;~; Okay

00:20:094 (35,36,37) - change this to kkd or kdd to fit the music more perhaps? This should have already been kdd.
00:21:232 (41) - maybe remove this as it doesn't really fit that well? if you remove it make 00:21:336 (42,43,44) - this a kkd or kdd, again to fit with the music Okay
00:24:853 (64,65) - swap these around perhaps? fits the music more~ I don't agree. I think how it is fits for the pitch
00:28:370 (85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103) - this is the only time when you make a lot of triplets play like this; break it up a bit since you don't do it to this extreme in the Kiai! Changed.
00:31:060 (105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119) - maybe make this part a little bit less dense to fit the lack of things to follow here? Changed.
00:37:577 (148,149) - and 00:38:405 (153,154) - why the sudden doublets here? doesn't really fit the music too well, seems more like a singular note :? Changed.
00:40:163 (165) - were you intending on following the vocals in this map? if so, keep, if not, make this a kat to fit the cymbal sound Sure
00:41:818 (176,177,178,179,180) - maybe make this a kkkkd instead to show the extension of the high-pitched vocal? It's not following vocals
00:49:887 (230,231,232) - maybe make this a kdk to fit the music more instead? you used it previously in this map Okay
01:08:301 (348) - like all the other diffs, if you don't apply to those then keep as it is otherwise make this a K Okay
01:18:646 (414) - maybe make this a don; generally nothing to follow here? Sure
this stream is very awkward, and could be seen as artificial difficulty as most of the rest are short and simplistic but this is longer and complex and it's the very last one in the map! why would you do this when the rest of the streams aren't like this? basically keep it simple and short, kinda like this or even like this! It's like it because that's how the music is~

Anyways good luck for rank! ;w;
Thanks for modding Dain! ^^
Okay, I apologize for the late, but I wasn't feeling good to mod last days >.<

But here's my mod for you :3

:!: Use the Normal sampleset with ~70% volume, or at least increase the volume to 100% if you'll keep soft, this will allow to hear clearly the hitsounds, which is fundamental in Taiko :p
This is more a personal opinion, so feel free to ignore, but the speed up in the kiai doesn't feel right, the song goes intense yeah, but not that much to amerit a speed increase, better keeping it the same >.<
00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I'd want to say you should lower you note density in all diffs, the song is calmer here so it'd be better to have the map calmer here, I know is a bit calmer right now, but a bit more wouldn't hurt at all.(Kantan is already lower, so no need to modify it too much).

00:18:646 (10,11,12) - I think this would sound nicely being all three kat :3
00:26:094 (23,24) - Personal preference here, maybe remove this ones to add a tiny break? It'd fit nicely there.
01:05:405 (87) - You could remove this note so the resulting pattern fits better with vocals, imo
01:21:543 (114) - Maybe use a big note here? :3

I found this Futsuu a bit loaded of notes, I'm going to suggest to remove some notes most of the time so it creates tiny breaks for players.
00:16:578 (9) - Remove this one
00:19:887 (18) - Maybe remove this.
00:23:198 (27) - Remove this.
00:26:508 (37) - Maybe remove this.
00:32:094 (54) - Remove this
00:33:956 (60,65) - Use don for these two, so this have consistency with the previous part.
01:10:370 (176,177,178) - kkd would fit better to keep your consistency in kats.
01:18:232 (202,203,204) - ddk here, same reason as above.
01:19:887 (208,209,210,211,212) - Maybe ddkkd here, it'd fit nicely with the drums

00:26:094 (49) - Use a don here, it'd fit better with the guitar here imo.
00:33:336 (77,78,79) - I'd suggest to use ddd here, even if kkd is kinda okay to use in Muzukashii, you should keep your patterns the simplest possible.
00:36:646 (89,90,91) - Same as above, maybe make the whole pattern d k ddd.
00:43:267 (113,114,115) - ddd
00:46:577 (125,126,127) - ^
00:49:887 (138,139,140) - ^
00:54:853 (158) - I'd suggest to remove this note, it's a bit awkward to play given the next note comes with the speed up so it's not that easy to foresee the timing, also it'd help to emphasize better the big note.
01:07:991 (219) - Maybe remove this note, having a 5-note stream and then a big note is a bit harsh for a Muzu.
01:14:508 (249,250,251,252) - Use k ddd for this part.
01:19:887 - How about simplifying a bit this part?

01:22:991 (288,289,290) - ddd

00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I really really really want to remark this part about lowering the note density here, this part is not so different from the kiai where intensity is clearly higher than here. Please consider it.
00:51:749 (238) - Use a kat here to keep the kats consistent here.
00:53:818 (251) - ^
00:54:853 (255) - Remove it, same as in Muzu.
01:08:922 (346,347,348) - Use ddk here to keep the consistency on the patterns you use.
01:20:094 (417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430) - Maybe ddkkdkd ddkkddk?
01:22:163 (433) - Make it a don, same as two lines above.
01:23:612 (443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453,454,455) - kkddkkddkkk D here, using irregular streams kinda breaks the spread as in muzu there are relatively easy ones.

Also I'd want to suggest you something more, if you could work to have some consistency in your map (using same or very similar patterns for similar parts in the music), would be nice along with your mapping style, which I found it follows the beat of the song and the instrumental, which is nice to see in Taiko.

That'd be all from my part, good luck :3

Also, nice detail in the background \o/
Topic Starter

DakeDekaane wrote:

Okay, I apologize for the late, but I wasn't feeling good to mod last days >.<

But here's my mod for you :3

:!: Use the Normal sampleset with ~70% volume, or at least increase the volume to 100% if you'll keep soft, this will allow to hear clearly the hitsounds, which is fundamental in Taiko :p I prefer the soft sampleset, I can't map with the normal one.
This is more a personal opinion, so feel free to ignore, but the speed up in the kiai doesn't feel right, the song goes intense yeah, but not that much to amerit a speed increase, better keeping it the same >.< I like my speed ups ^^;
00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I'd want to say you should lower you note density in all diffs, the song is calmer here so it'd be better to have the map calmer here, I know is a bit calmer right now, but a bit more wouldn't hurt at all.(Kantan is already lower, so no need to modify it too much). I didn't do anything here. :\

00:18:646 (10,11,12) - I think this would sound nicely being all three kat :3 Sure
00:26:094 (23,24) - Personal preference here, maybe remove this ones to add a tiny break? It'd fit nicely there. Sure
01:05:405 (87) - You could remove this note so the resulting pattern fits better with vocals, imo I didn't remove the note but I did change it a little.
01:21:543 (114) - Maybe use a big note here? :3 No. I don't think this cymbal sound stands out enough to warrant a finish.

I found this Futsuu a bit loaded of notes, I'm going to suggest to remove some notes most of the time so it creates tiny breaks for players.
00:16:578 (9) - Remove this one Sure
00:19:887 (18) - Maybe remove this. Sure
00:23:198 (27) - Remove this. Sure
00:26:508 (37) - Maybe remove this. Sure
00:32:094 (54) - Remove this No. This follows the music quite well.
00:33:956 (60,65) - Use don for these two, so this have consistency with the previous part. Sure
01:10:370 (176,177,178) - kkd would fit better to keep your consistency in kats. Sure
01:18:232 (202,203,204) - ddk here, same reason as above. Sure
01:19:887 (208,209,210,211,212) - Maybe ddkkd here, it'd fit nicely with the drums No. I feel it would be too hard for Futsuu.

00:26:094 (49) - Use a don here, it'd fit better with the guitar here imo. No, I like it how it is now.
00:33:336 (77,78,79) - I'd suggest to use ddd here, even if kkd is kinda okay to use in Muzukashii, you should keep your patterns the simplest possible. I think this is okay.
00:36:646 (89,90,91) - Same as above, maybe make the whole pattern d k ddd. I think this is okay.
00:43:267 (113,114,115) - ddd ^
00:46:577 (125,126,127) - ^ ^
00:49:887 (138,139,140) - ^ ^
00:54:853 (158) - I'd suggest to remove this note, it's a bit awkward to play given the next note comes with the speed up so it's not that easy to foresee the timing, also it'd help to emphasize better the big note. Sure
01:07:991 (219) - Maybe remove this note, having a 5-note stream and then a big note is a bit harsh for a Muzu. Sure
01:14:508 (249,250,251,252) - Use k ddd for this part. I think this is okay.
01:19:887 - How about simplifying a bit this part?
Changed to d ddd d d ddd d k
01:22:991 (288,289,290) - ddd I prefer this how it is.

00:26:922 - 00:50:094 - I really really really want to remark this part about lowering the note density here, this part is not so different from the kiai where intensity is clearly higher than here. Please consider it. I didn't change anything but I will keep looking over this part and try to lower the density while keeping the sound I wanted while mapping.
00:51:749 (238) - Use a kat here to keep the kats consistent here. Sure
00:53:818 (251) - ^ Sure
00:54:853 (255) - Remove it, same as in Muzu. Sure
01:08:922 (346,347,348) - Use ddk here to keep the consistency on the patterns you use.
01:20:094 (417,418,419,420,421,422,423,424,425,426,427,428,429,430) - Maybe ddkkdkd ddkkddk? I like how it is since it followed the drum.
01:22:163 (433) - Make it a don, same as two lines above.
01:23:612 (443,444,445,446,447,448,449,450,451,452,453,454,455) - kkddkkddkkk D here, using irregular streams kinda breaks the spread as in muzu there are relatively easy ones. I did remove one note before the finish but I prefer the pattern how it is. It follows the drums and since this is the hardest difficulty, this is how I wanted to map it.

Also I'd want to suggest you something more, if you could work to have some consistency in your map (using same or very similar patterns for similar parts in the music), would be nice along with your mapping style, which I found it follows the beat of the song and the instrumental, which is nice to see in Taiko. I agree I need to work on consistency between patterns on my maps but I like to map how it sounds so if I map a certain pattern and think something sounds good to follow it up I will map it like that even if it's not consistent. I will work on this though.

That'd be all from my part, good luck :3

Also, nice detail in the background \o/ ^^

Thanks for modding! ^^
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