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Morgana, hit root, you're doomed lol
root lasts 3 secs, CD is 2.2

Sion is viable as well, being perma shielded and literally stunshield killing everyone all day long with a DFG...

Singed can ult the whole game after level 6.

Same goes for Mundo buuut it's a shame that he has to wait 3 secs inbetween ults ;-;
Been seeing a lot of Sion in lower elo so I guess it's really viable. Prolly Hecarim too.
the most OP champ I have seen in URF is AP Blitz and Riven.
Pulls for days~ That CD on Blitz is scary as hell.
Guys, don't forget about Talon. Talon is god tier.
1s point and click silence/gapcloser with a 2s cooldown on top of a stealth on an assassin is just pure evil~
playing against syndra in urf becomes the biggest game of dodgeball, I swear

Mr Color wrote:

playing against syndra in urf becomes the biggest game of dodgeball, I swear
Played this matchup as Ziggs. LOL

Mr Color wrote:

playing against syndra in urf becomes the biggest game of dodgeball, I swear
Mergerd how many balls can you place at once for her ult ?

PyaKura wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

playing against syndra in urf becomes the biggest game of dodgeball, I swear
Mergerd how many balls can you place at once for her ult ?
I think it's about 7 iirc.
I think you can get up to 8 if you do it right with W but yeah it's absolutely balls (huehuehuehue)
I think the maximum's 8. 8's already enough to kill. lol.

shen pls


Cyclohexane ... plague-rat

that was unexpected but can't say I'm not happy, my favorite adc getting a VU
They ruined Vandal Twitch with that update and that was one of my favorite skins in the game. At least some of his recolors look good now.
He finally has legs -Lawl~-
Navizel this patch

Good to see a Miss Fortune buff.
new Twitch VU looks awesome. But, I thought they were working on Sion first? Its been months since the last update about Sion's rework.
No more Mage Fortune

AlfimusCore wrote:

new Twitch VU looks awesome. But, I thought they were working on Sion first? Its been months since the last update about Sion's rework.
The art department has multiple teams that work on different projects. Twitch was low risk while Sion is high risk.

Low risk = Theme stays the same and champion needs no balance attention. (Twitch, Karthus, Ryze, Taric(?))
Medium risk = Theme stays the same, but champion needs a balance rehaul A.K.A relaunch. (Warwick, Poppy, Kassadin, Zilean)
High risk = Pretty much theme issues and (or) severe kit problems. (Eve, Sion)

From speculation the next VU (after twitch) will be a relaunch. Possibly Sion, Warwick, or Poppy. :)
hmm. I guess they could go for poppy first instead. She's broken as f in top lane. She might as well be the next Shyvana.

Vulf wrote:

They ruined Vandal Twitch with that update and that was one of my favorite skins in the game. At least some of his recolors look good now.
Yeah, kinda. Whistler Village looks freaking awesome now, though.

AlfimusCore wrote:

hmm. I guess they could go for poppy first instead. She's broken as f in top lane. She might as well be the next Shyvana.
Last I heard she is very low priority when it comes to a kit rework. Basically she won't be looked into unless she becomes a problem. I'm pretty sure she is getting a complete remake because her kit is really stupid and badly designed. No info on it so we might get a surprise.

Based off what I've read/Rioters I've talked with these could be the next potential VU''s or Relaunches coming up.
Singed - New model was leaked a few months back
Warwick - Kit rework is done. No word from the art team. I pretty much got an "I don't know" from Ironstylus when I pm'd him in game about it.
Kassadin - I was told he was high priority, but that was back in 2013 so w/e. LOL
Ryze - Model is supposedly done' but it's been that way for 10 months now. =\

I'm hoping for a simultaneous release of Singed and Warwick with possible interactions with Soraka. Lets be real here these two champs have been severely neglected by the art team. Warwick still has the same splash from Alpha days and Singed has been the same since beta. Singed's lore was never updated when they redid Soraka and Warwick's so he is stuck in an alternate universe. I don't get why they went so long like this.

But nope better start working on Rivens 7th splash art after they are done with Ezreals 4th one. :)

Mr Color wrote:

Yeah, kinda. Whistler Village looks freaking awesome now, though.
They took away his glasses and his nose chain. Also that fur color is disgusting. I'm refunding that skin when the VU goes live.
I really like the kingpin Twitch now, though I'll miss his pancake. LOL

Some people may not know, but you can get a free refund (doesn't use up a refund token) on champion/skins if that champion got a VU and you don't like it. ... und-FAQ#h5

Done this with a couple of skins already.
Wait, Kassadin's kit has already changed right? he doesn't have that annoying 100 second silence anymore. and a Singed relaunch could make one Dyrus very happy.
Yes they already gave Kassadin a mini rework. Honestly I feel it was rushed because Riot didn't want to nerf him into unplayability. Problematic champions (that see a lot of competitive play) seem to get rework priority now which is good. Gragas, Kassadin, etc..
after 5 months of casual practice in normals with high tier matchmaking matches i could step onto the elo hell for the 1st time this year ,got myself a penta and plus half of the game we're 4vs5..this made me so happy!

Tried the new Rumble skin in a normal game. For some reason, it feels like it's easier to last hit with it. Maybe it's because the animation is different.

BRBP wrote:

Lost 3 more ranked games after going down to 0LP and I didn't get demoted. WHAT IS THIS?
I always get demoted instantly when I get to 0LP.

None of them even had loss prevented o_o
Edit: No I'm not in V
Idk man, I got demoted after losing a game while having 4 LP left. Not sure what this is all about, Rito messed something up after they changed the pick order thingy
They should have like, a warning before you get demoted. It's so notoriously tricky and you dont know when its going to happen. lost 4 straight games while on 0LP in D4 and then get demoted after.
I think that is kinda the point.

Problem is warnings can't really be direct because it would cause ladder anxiety. If I knew I was going to be demoted with one more bad game I would just stop playing ranked all together. Not to mention it would make people toxic.

They would have to make it pretty subtle.
wait what didn't know you could actually swear here lol. anyway, yeah I see the point. I dont really know how the NA scene works though. Is the toxicity level higher in Diamond there? im curious.
Apparently so. D: I'll edit my post. LOL

Diamond players are pretty toxic. Not as much as plats though.
LOL you almost got caught there. :lol: anyway, in general, yes. the so called elo heaven is still full of toxic afk'ing trolls. but there's still a small playerbase in the diamond tier that's not. Which is mostly composed of popular D1-D2 atreamers. It's all the same here. maybe just abit worse than NA.
Apex Turret no longer spawns with a beam charge stored so it can't be dropped for an instant line-nuke. H-28G Evolution Turret and Apex Turret deal less damage.

The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.
Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
CANNON DAMAGE 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 ability power) ⇒ 12/18/23/29/34 (+0.150 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ 40/60/80/105/130 (+0.55 ability power)
BEAM COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds
Q - H-28Q Apex Turret
CANNON DAMAGE 90/110/130 (+0.33 ability power) ⇒ 70/90/110 (+0.3 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE 225/300/375 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 180/240/300 (+0.7 ability power)
BEAM CHARGE PER CANNON ATTACK 2/4/6/8/10% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
REMOVEDUTILITY Spawns with a beam charge

Thank God inb4 donger was the new kassadin
Navizel shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

Navizel wrote: shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes

# Hype :D

SoG Tava wrote:

Apex Turret no longer spawns with a beam charge stored so it can't be dropped for an instant line-nuke. H-28G Evolution Turret and Apex Turret deal less damage.

The 'Dinger's been whomping a little too hard in the early game, so we brought Heimer's overall power level back to a reasonable place while keeping his late game gains. Additionally, the Upgraded!!! Apex Turret changes are meant to emphasize the difference (damage now vs. maximum damage later) between an Upgraded!!! Rocket Storm versus an Upgraded!!! Apex Turret.
Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
CANNON DAMAGE 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 ability power) ⇒ 12/18/23/29/34 (+0.150 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 ability power) ⇒ 40/60/80/105/130 (+0.55 ability power)
BEAM COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 16 seconds
Q - H-28Q Apex Turret
CANNON DAMAGE 90/110/130 (+0.33 ability power) ⇒ 70/90/110 (+0.3 ability power)
BEAM DAMAGE 225/300/375 (+0.8 ability power) ⇒ 180/240/300 (+0.7 ability power)
BEAM CHARGE PER CANNON ATTACK 2/4/6/8/10% ⇒ 20% at all ranks
REMOVEDUTILITY Spawns with a beam charge

Thank God inb4 donger was the new kassadin
People forgot why he was nerfed into oblivion to begin with. Honestly I believe Riot nerfed him properly because his early game was a bit dumb.
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