
Wolfgun - Big Bonus Land

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on jueves, 03 de julio de 2014 at 21:29:04

Artist: Wolfgun
Title: Big Bonus Land
Source: Bullet Bill 3
Tags: Newgrounds Number Three With a Bullet dnb drum and bass smb3 Koji Kondo Nintendo Super Mario Bros
BPM: 179
Filesize: 2546kb
Play Time: 01:36
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,15 stars, 73 notes)
  2. Hard (2,57 stars, 204 notes)
  3. Insane (3,3 stars, 271 notes)
  4. Normal (1,42 stars, 98 notes)
Download: Wolfgun - Big Bonus Land
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Remix from Super Mario Bros 3, I hope you like it ~

Easy: 100%
Normal: 100%
Hard: 100%
Insane: 100%
here's the mod

Easy :

(1) 00:09:717 add a single object/circle to follow the song rhytm.
(2) 00:34:011 increase the slider ending at 00:34:178.
(3) 00:38:870 change the single object to slider, the slider starts from 00:38:870 ends at 00:39:205 for a better rhytm.
(4) 00:56:797 increase the slider ending at 00:56:964.
(5) 01:10:033 adding a single object/circle here to follow the song rhytm.

Normal :

(1) adding a single object/circle at 00:07:036 for a better rhytm.
(2) adding a single object/circle at 00:25:969 to follow the song rhytm.
(3) 00:55:121 increase the slider starts. The slider should starts at 00:54:954. same thing as 00:57:802 , slider starts at 00:57:634.
(4) 01:08:022 adding a single object/circle to follow the song rhytm.
(5) 01:22:766 adding a single object/circle to follow the song rhytm.

Hard :

(1) 00:12:398 adding a single object for a better beat.
(2) 00:58:137 adding a single object for a better beat.
(3) try using 1.1x for DS since ur SV is not so fast and decrease AR to 7.

Insane :
(1) It seems there's no problem with the song rhytm so far, nor i cant find the errors.
(2) Increase the circle size from 4 to 5. (Insane standard circle size)

(1) fill the map source and tags.

well, thats all i can do. I hope my mod will be helpful.
M4M mod, but I can't really mod Insane diffs. Sorry ;_;

Audio bitrate higher than 192 kbps, so you'll want to lower that so it'll be a smaller file for downloading.


No tags.


00:01:340 (2) - I would replace this slider with something with the same length as 1, and starting at the same tick. The current slider feels a bit short imo, which may be a slight challenge for new players due to a long slider followed by a noticably shorter one.

00:08:042 (3) - Very linear and boring. I would probably replace this with a bezier slider for a more fun experience for the player. Not too crazy and bezy (not sure if bezy is a word) though.

01:31:143 (1) - I would probably add a finish to it to signify the end of the song and to end the spinner with a noticable "BANG!", so to say.


00:11:728 (2,3) - This pause may be a bit of a challenge to Normal players, especially due to the big beat on 00:12:063. I would either move 3 to 00:12:063 and add one more repeat to it or add a circle at 00:12:063.

00:55:121 (2) - Feels a bit off timing wise. I would move it to the big white tick right behind it in the timeline and increase the slider length so it still ends at 00:55:959.

00:57:802 (2) - Same thing as above. Make it start at the large white tick behind it but still end where it is right now.


00:11:728 (3) - I would probably end the slider at the large white tick 2 ticks behind where it is currently ending. The slider feels very unnecessarily dragged out atm.

Generally good map though! GL!
Hola! Vamos a hacer esto! :).. Perdon por la demora, como te dije estoy estudiando y trabajando y no tuve tiempo de hacer el mod antes.


  1. 00:22:618 - 00:25:299 - 00:30:660 - 00:33:341 - 00:36:021 - Siguiendo tu hitsounding, agregaria claps en todos esos lugares (y en lugares similares donde la musica suena asi) ya que sigue mejor la musica, deberias intentarlo! :P
  2. 00:09:382 - 00:52:273 - En estos lugares, utilizaria Whistles, le da un mejor sonido al igual que los claps que mencione anteriormente.
  3. 00:37:529 (1) - Reduce este Slider en 1/1, el final de este Slider no esta siguiendo nada en concreto en la musica, por eso lo mas correcto es que termine en 00:38:199 -
- Bastante bien en general, el hitsounding es algo raro, pero creo que es aceptable :P


  1. 00:05:361 (1,2) - Fluye y se ve mejor si intentas algo como te voy a mostrar en el siguiente screenshoot, acordate de arreglar el spacing si haces esto
    Foto + Codigo

  2. 00:09:382 (3) - Agregaria un Whistle al comienzo del Slider, ya que sigue bien el tono de la cancion.
  3. 00:17:759 (3) - Este Slider suena feo donde esta, yo lo posicionaria 1/1 mas adelante si fuera tu (en 00:18:094 - para ser preciso).
  4. 00:18:764 (1) - Quizas un poco nazi, pero menos curva y un poco de simetria harian lucir mejor este Slider, intenta algo asi
    Foto + Codigo

  5. 00:20:105 (2) - Este Whistle suena raro y no sigue muy bien la cancion, seria mejor que lo elimines
  6. 00:24:126 (1) - *Algo nazi* Move este slider un poco hacia abajo para un patron mas estetico o un poco mas arriba para intentar un blanket (?
  7. 00:33:508 (2) - Ctrl + H y ubica esta nota en x:420 y:140, el patron se siente mejor para serte sincero
  8. 00:37:529 (1,2,3,4) - Mejoraria un poco este patron en cuanto al flow y a lo estetico, intenta esto
    Codigo + Foto

  9. 00:52:273 (4) - Como dije anteriormente, intenta agregar un Whistle al comienzo del slider y en el cuerpo del mismo
  10. 00:55:121 (2) - Esto se me hizo extraño cuando jugue el mapa, debido a la dinamica del mapa, nunca me espere un slider que empezara en un tick rojo, entiendo que quisiste variar el ritmo ya que la cancion es bastante repetitiva, pero igual, seria mejor que este slider empiece en un tick blanco.
  11. 00:57:802 (2) - (^)
  12. 01:02:996 (2) - Eliminaria este Whistle, como mencione en la primera parte de la cancion
- Esta bien, mi mod aca se basa en algunos pequeños problemas de flow y estetica pero en general no tiene problemas mayores el mapa.


  1. 00:12:398 (x) - Definitivamente siento que falta una nota aca, el ritmo se hace trunco sin esta, asi que deberias agregarla.
  2. 00:18:764 (1,2) - No te voy a mentir, estos Sliders se ven feitos xD. Pero te tengo una solucion, y aqui esta (hice algo un poco mas simetrico y estetico)
    Imagen + Codigo

  3. 00:20:105 (2) - El Whistle aca suena feo, por eso lo eliminaria.
  4. 00:24:796 (2,3) - Para hacer esto un poco mas continuo, que te parece eliminar la nota y agregar una repeticion al Slider (? (arreglando el spacing luego). Me parece mejor en mi opinon
  5. 00:27:477 (2,3,4) - Arreglemos un poco el hitsounding en este patron, porque como esta ahora se siente raro. Recomiendo agregar un clap al final de (2,4) y eliminar el clap de (3).
  6. 00:37:529 (1,2) - Arregla el spacing entre estos dos objetos, es menor que el spacing que venias tomando regularmente.
  7. 00:41:885 (2,3,4) - Esto fluye algo raro, recomiendo algo mas asi para que este patron fluya mejor.
  8. 00:47:582 (5,6,7) - Quizas sea yo, pero esto todo apilado no me gusta como juega, me gustaria que intentaras alguna otra cosita jeje xD.
  9. 00:52:608 (4) - El sonido en el medio de este Slider es demasiado ''fuerte'' como para que no haya nada xD. Reduci este Slider en 1/2 y luego llena el espacio vacio en 00:52:943 - con una nota.
  10. 00:57:970 (x) - Como dije en el primer punto del mod en esta diff. debes agregar una nota aqui.
  11. 01:01:656 (1,2) - Arreglando tus Sliders raros con un poco de simetria xDD
    Imagen + Codigo

  12. 01:19:918 (x) - Se siente feo sin una nota ahi, sugiero agregar una :P
  13. 01:29:803 (3,4,5) - Se me hizo raro ver este anti-jump al final, no porque sea confuso ni nada, solo que es inconsistente con el resto del mapa. Menciono esto porque quizas quieras poner algo mas consistente con el resto del mapa.
- No esta mal, solo que la senti mas desprolija que las otras dificultades (especialmente los Sliders). Ya se que los Sliders no son tu fuerte en el mapeo xD, pero tengo que mencionarlos (you know).


  1. 00:04:356 (2,3) - Este blanket esta feo, quizas puedas arreglarlo mas asi
  2. 00:25:131 (4,5) - Para seguir mejor el ritmo, deberias poner primero una nota y despues el Slider (si entiendes a lo que voy), asi que tendrias que cambiar este patron.
  3. 00:27:142 (1,2,3) - *Nazi* Apila estas notas correctamente (? :P
  4. 00:33:341 (4,5) - No se a que va este jump, para ser sincero, no sigue nada en la musica. Asi que lo mas recomendable en este caso es un Ctrl+G en (5)
  5. 00:58:975 (1,2) - Evita este jump que esta solo por simetria. Es poco predescible y no sigue bien la musica D:
  6. 01:02:158 (2) - Este Whistle suena feo, yo lo eliminaria.
  7. 01:03:498 - Hmm.. Clap (?
  8. 01:17:572 (8,1) - *Nazi* Apila estos objetos correctamente.
- Abusaste de los Ctrl+G en esta dificultad, no mencione la mayoria porque tendrias que hacer grandes cambios pero la mayoria de estos no siguen del todo bien la cancion. Sugiero que mires de nuevo toda la dificultad y cambies algun ''reverse selection'' para hacer esta dificultad mas acorde con la musica.

Eso es todo!
El hitsounding es muy basico, quizas lo puedas ''complicar'' un poco mas, de todos modos asi como esta es rankeable haha.
El mapa en general esta bastante bien, pero se necesita algun mod mas para pulir algunos aspectos!
Espero que esto te ayude y Mucha Suerte!
Topic Starter
Thanks guys

Hey there the map looks awesome! Can't wait til it's ranked :)
One thing you need to look out for is spacing.
When I opened the AI mod (ctrl+shift+a) and checked the box at the top, there were lots of mistakes with spacing.
things like 00:01:675 (2) - and 00:02:010 (3) - look cool in their current configuration but it's too far apart.
Look into these spacing issues to make your map even better,even though it's already awesome! 8-)
And just open up AI mod to find the rest of these areas.
m4m with


btw your mp3 bitrate is 243 kbps, please decrease it to 192 :X maybe ask mancuso_JM_ about that.


00:04:356 (2) - why this slider is suddenly 0.84 spacing, move it to 384|344.
00:07:371 (6) - perfect stack.
00:08:042 - I think three normal whistle are not fit with music, even if it fit you use just three and stop, I think remove them are more fit.
00:12:230 (4) - make it 1.0 spacing.
00:17:089 (3,4,5) - move 3 a bit down for you can make 4 perfect stack with 1 and move 5 nearer to 3 with 1.0 spacing. It improve the flow imo. if you agree, move the note after this follow to 5 as well.
00:21:445 (1) - so sad that it's touch hp bar, try to avoid it. btw add clap on tail. | 00:22:618 (4) - add clap on head.
after this the clap will continue like this I think, see the big white tick to main, and add clap follow by this
00:50:933 (1) | 01:01:656 (1) - remove normal whistle?
01:25:782 (1) - try to make its tail perfect stack?
01:15:394 (1,2,3) - make them straight line is a bit weird imo, try a bit curve for better flow? I mean move 2 to the left.


00:08:042 (1) - remove normal whistle
00:09:717 (4) - spread to 1/2 slider and add note on 00:10:052 since there has clap sound on 00:09:885
00:10:387 (5,6) - triangle like you do on 00:55:289 (4,5,6)? but it's up to you :P straight is also fine.
00:11:728 (3) - end on 00:12:063 and add note on 00:12:230 too.
00:13:906 (2) - move a bit further, too close, make it 1.0 spacing.
00:18:764 (1) - well, add normal whistle on head?
00:21:445 (1) - this part is add the clap as I mention in Insane and go on.
00:38:199 (2) - make a bit curve to the right? to make it a bit looks symmetry with (4).
00:50:933 (1) - remove normal whistle. aw I'm just confuse now, why you not do the same for a whole diff, I'm sleep too.
00:57:299 (3) - same as 00:11:728 (3).
most of pattern looks fine for me.


00:14:743 (2) - shorten it to white tick is still fine imo,so clap can on where it be properly. and add note on next white tick too.
00:23:121 (3) - add clap on tail?
00:39:540 (4) - 1/1 slider is more fit imo. like you do on Easy too
01:22:431 (4) - same as above.
01:29:803 (3) - extend to next white tick sounds better.


00:58:975 (1) - flip vertically is more flow imo. to make it blanket with 2 too.
01:28:462 (1) - make it blanket with 2?
this diff looks fine

good luck!
  1. add Nintendo to the tags, it is a remix of a game which is done by nintendo
  1. 00:23:121 (5,6,7) - the angle from (4,5) feels too sharp for me and for some reason I would prefer that the bows (6,7) face in the opposite direction (6) would have a ) bow and (7) a ( bow. It feels nicer (at least for me)
  2. 00:24:796 (3,4) - this doesn't have a nice flow imo. Don't know what to suggest though, the closest better thing would be to stack (4) with (2) of that combo, but that isn't perfect either
  3. 00:27:142 (1,2,3) - the stack feels a bit pointless, at least I don't recognize anything that would call for it. Maybe do one of these stacks where you have to move at least a tiny bit?
  4. 00:41:550 (1,2,3,4) - swap them like that
    the flow feels better that way for me
  5. 00:47:749 (3,4) - stack them too? Would fit to the combo since it emphasizes the same as (1,2) music wise ... at least I think so
  1. 00:48:922 (2,3,4) - for some reason I always mess up here. It isn't that readable imo. (3) 50 | 374 would solve the problem
  1. 00:00:000 (1) - it ends on nothing ... either make it 1/2 beat shorter or longer. I know you kind of keep this rhythm but because it is the beginning ... it just feels odd for me
  2. 00:39:875 - add note please or turn (4) into a slider
  3. 01:22:766 - ^ I mean you mostly follow the melody instead of the beat, which is fine but on some places it feels inconsistent ...
overall not "that" happy with the rhythm. It is okay but could be better

  1. 00:40:210 (1) - short the spinner by 1/1 ... the following note feels to early for an Easy difficulty, mostly to the low AR. I think it might be confusing for beginners to see objects already during the spinner. Rhythm wise this shortening would work, too
  2. 01:23:101 (1) - ^
otherwise it is a neat Easy

that's it. Can't wait to see it ranked
Mod a petición.

Lo que ya mencionaron sobre el mp3.
Tal vez añadir "Number Three With a Bullet" a los tags, ya que es el nombre del álbum.

Una pequeña sugerencia, que te parecería usar 1.1x para el spacing entre los 1/1? Asi evitarías todos esos overlaps, quise mencionarlo por como es 00:30:660 (4,1) diferente a todos los demás.
00:52:273 (2) - El final de este slider está afuera de la rejilla, no se sale de la pantalla, pero creo que sería bueno mencionarlo al menos.

00:00:000 (1) - Este ritmo es algo raro, creo saber que estas siguiendo aquí, pero como es el inicio de la canción y no se tiene aun una idea clara del ritmo puede llegar a ser algo confuso. Te recomendaría extenderlo a 00:00:670.
00:02:680 (1) - ^
00:33:508 (2) - Se vería y fluiría mejor si la curva se abriera hacia el otro lado.
00:58:305 (3) - ^
01:02:996 (2) - Whistle en todo el slider como en el anterior?
01:12:378 (1,2) - Tal vez hacer el overlap un poco menor como en patrones similares a este? Se ve algo raro porque (1) traspasa a (2), cosa que no pasa en los otros overlaps similares.
01:26:452 (1,2) - Te recomendaría extender (1) hasta 01:27:122 y mover (2) 1/2 beat hacia adelante, así sería consistente con el ritmo que sigue.

00:20:105 (2) - Whistle en todo el slider como en el anterior?
00:49:425 (3) - Tal vez hacer el stack en el inicio de 00:49:592 (4)?
00:53:278 (5,1) - Algo similar al tipo de overlap que mencione en la Normal.
01:28:798 (1) - ^Algo muy similar.

00:03:350 (4,5) - Ya sabrás que diré aquí :P
00:13:403 (1,2,3,4) - Tal vez hacer el spacing consistente en esta parte, se vería mejor en mi opinión.
01:26:452 (3) - Ctrl+G vendría bien, siento que el jump sería mejor en (3,4) que en (2,3)
01:27:625 (3) - ^

Eso sería todo de mi parte, espero te ayude en algo, buen mapa como siempre~
Buena suerte :3
Topic Starter
Thanks guys, fixed :)
Heey Moody :)
para m4m

  1. Esto es algo opcional pero podrías cambiar el formato de tu imagen a la extensión .jpg para ahorrar un poco de espacio.
  2. No tiene sentido tener activado el countdown ni el letterbox during breaks sí no hay breaks ni tiempo suficiente antes que empiece el map como para un countdown, sugiero que los deshabilites en todas las dificultades.
  1. 00:32:168 (1) - *nazi* El espacio entre este circle y el anterior slider es mínimamente diferente. Creo que Dake ya te había mencionado algo al respecto.
  2. 01:28:462 (3) - No estoy completamente seguro pero creo que debes poner un new combo aquí por el patrón de combos que has usado en toda la diff.
  1. Se me hace muy raro el SV que usaste, en Easy fue de .7, aquí .8 y bump en Hard sube hasta 1.5. Realmente no me parece algo malo porque el mapset lo compensa pero se me hizo necesario mencionarlo, yo usaría al menos 1.0 para preservar la consistencia de dificultades.
  2. 01:01:656 (1,2) - Este overlap podría verse mejor, te dejo el código de uno que hice (just for you ♥~)
    Cute Sliders

    No olvides ajustar el espacio del siguiente slider.
  1. 00:01:340 (5) - Se vería mejor si ajustas el final y lo centras al slider, imo no importa si queda más cerca del inicio del otro slider
  2. 00:26:304 (5) - Que tal ctrl+j y ajustas el espacio? Lo menciono porque los demás sliders como estos son invertidos entre sí
  3. 01:11:876 (5) - Algo similar a lo de arriba
  4. 01:29:133 (2) - Que tal si mueves esto un poco a la izquierda? El final del slider previo no queda del todo centrado.
  1. El Audio Lead In es diferente al de las demás dificultades (aquí es 3000 y en las otras 2500)
  2. 00:41:550 (1,2,3,4) - Siento que el flujo en esta parte se rompe por este patrón debido a la forma cuadrangular que forman los circles y porqué cuando termina (4) tienes que regresar abajo para alcanzar 00:42:220 (1) (espero que sepas de que hablo lol). Yo cambiaría la colocación de los circles de una forma más curveada y en caso de no modificar los siguientes sliders apilaría (4) con el inicio de 00:42:220 (1). De esta manera: No es necesario hacer lo que hice pero trata de modificar esta parte a algo más "curveado".
Nada más que agregar, como siempre un mapset bastante limpio.
Mucha suerte!
Note: I pretty much ignored hitsounds entirely... hitsound mods are a dime a dozen these days. Let me know if you want me to look at them though.

For every suggestion, adjust spacing appropriately afterward.

Bump the slider tick rate up to 2. It makes some of the longer sliders sound much cooler.

00:27:477 (2) - Change to a circle.
00:27:979 - Add a slider here that extends until one beat before 4, at 00:29:152.

00:38:870 (2) - Remove this.
00:38:535 - Add a slider here that lasts for two beats, ending at 00:39:205.

01:10:368 (2) - Change to a circle.
01:10:703 - Add a slider here that extends until one beat before 4, at 01:11:373.

Go ahead and use tick rate 2 on this one too.

00:05:361 (1,2) - The end of 1 is ever-so-slightly misaligned with 2's track. I saw a lot of this in the map though so I guess it's probably intentionally done for readability.

00:18:764 (1,2) - This is obviously meant to represent the kiss Princess Peach gives you for saving her. I'll take it!

00:27:979 (2,3) -

01:00:650 (3) - Starting the slider on such an unemphasized part of the music feels kind of off. Maybe ditch the repeat and start it a beat later.

01:08:190 (2,3) - Move these half a beat earlier. Then remove the repeat on 3 and make it logner so that it ends on the white tick at 01:09:027. Finally, add a circle between 3 and 1. Timeline should look like this:


00:00:335 (2,3) - The first couple times I played the map, I thought something was wrong with the game and that 3 was glitched so that I couldn't hit the head. Nope, turns out it's a whole beat after 2 instead of a half beat. Changing the spacing here might be a good idea.

00:53:278 (5) - This started later than I expected it to while playing. Maybe put a circle between 4 and this. (And have a clap on that circle.)


I don't think I have any complaints about this one! Good job with the non-shitty spacing by the way. So many Insanes nowadays have shitty spacing hiding behind some "flow" euphemism. This was refreshing.


Pretty cool mapset. Thanks for showing it to me!
Hey m4m, cool song.

00:13:906 (2) - confusing imo (as in sometime's you're following the melody and sometimes the drums)
00:33:341 (2) - elongate to next white tick
00:37:529 (1,2,3) - pattern like this to keep it consistent
00:50:263 (2) - slider?

00:12:398 (3) - confusing for normal imo, there should be something on the white tick before it
everything else is fine imo, except for a few odd rhythm issues

00:10:387 (5,6) - move both of these back to the red and white ticks respectively:
00:53:111 (5) - move back to red tick to follow drums? it's seems like that's what you're following here

00:19:435 (2) - use this pattern:
00:36:021 (4) - use repeating slider instead
00:57:802 (1) - blanket w/in 5

Good luck o/
mod via irc req

  1. 00:00:335 (2,3) - i dislike this flow here :/ you can try changing up (1) a bit to curve into (2) better or you can do something like this?
  2. 00:03:183 (3,5) - not hard to stack these more better lol
  3. 00:05:361 (1) - to be honest it flows and looks better like this
  4. 00:08:042 (1,2) - why not blanket? looks a bit strange right now since (2) is kinda off to the side a bit
  5. 00:10:387 (7,8,1) - nazi but move (1) a grid up to form a straight line o3o?
  6. 00:11:728 (3,4,5) - spacing? suppose to be consistent o3o?
  7. 00:21:445 (1,2,3,4) - make this curve a bit smoother here?
  8. 00:28:147 (5) - curve this the other way will give better flow imo
  9. 00:40:042 (8) - move this down to around 324|372. not really worth sacrificing all that flow for a bumpy pattern :(
  10. 00:41:550 (1,2,3,4) - why not have like a diamond pattern?
  11. 00:43:561 (3) - consider moving this to 124|196 to blanket with (2)? since it just looks so much like a blanket already, if not, please "unblanket" it a bit more.
  12. 01:06:179 (5,6) - ^ahh same idea ;w;
  13. 01:08:190 (3,5) - ^so much blanket in this mod :( #bad mod is bad
  14. 01:18:242 (2,3) - ^im crying ;w;
  15. 00:56:462 (1,2,3) - rearrange like this? i think it flows better and gives it a nicer curve
  16. 00:58:975 (1) - this isn't perfectly symmetrical. the first point is on y 64 and the last one is y65, make them the same level?
    00:59:980 (3) - ^ofc
  17. 01:26:452 (3) - you can consider just copying from 01:25:447 (5) - this slider :D
  1. 00:01:675 (6,7) - please this blanket ;w; im crying. ur making me look like a nazi modder D:
  2. 00:28:314 - i find it awkward that a strong melody sound is on a weak slider repeat
  3. 00:31:163 - are you sure you don't want to map out this clap sound? this double drum sound is very strong and also you mapped it out here 01:14:054 (4,5) -
  4. 01:00:650 (5,6) - this is unrankable, too hard to read (i confirmed with jonathan :o)
im too lazy to mod normal and easy lol

  1. Only Insane diff audio lead-in 3000. please change2500.
  1. 00:13:906 (2) - More better rhythm,follow with melody,like this.
  2. 00:33:341 (2,3) - This spacing is really awkward.Please use different patterns.
  3. 00:56:294 (1,2) - ^
  1. 00:11:728 (2,3) - Mmmm...I guess not fit. more better rhythm, Try an arrange like this.
  2. 00:15:749 (4) - add note.and try my suggestion.
  3. 00:17:089 - or 00:17:759 - add note
  4. 00:46:577 - add note
I fell this Normal really easy. please more difficult.
Hard diff and Insane diff Nothing to Say. Really nice mapset :3
Good luck.
Yo !

M4M as promise !

No kiai times ? o:
I'd suggest kiai from 00:21:445 - to 00:42:891 - ! And 01:04:336 - to 01:25:782 -

00:02:680 (1,2) - I don't get flow here ! Maybe do a blanket ?
00:21:445 (1) - In my opinion , you can put that slider here ! x:410 y:84
00:29:487 (3) - Make something like this : Click
00:33:341 (2) - You should expand it to a white tick ! (expand to 00:34:178 - ) It's better imo !
00:38:870 (2,3) - Maybe blanket these ?
00:54:954 (2) - I'd like to put it there : x:109 y:253
00:58:975 (1,2) - Blanket these objects ?
01:07:017 (3) - Maybe curb it for blanket ?
01:12:378 (4,1) - Make it shorter ! stop it at 01:13:719 - and add a circle here : 01:14:389 -

00:05:361 (1,2) - Kind of bad overlap here !
00:18:764 (1) - You can do a better sliderart!
00:21:445 (1,2) - Same as first suggestion !
Pretty nice diff here !

00:05:361 (1,2) - Blanket :D
00:11:728 (3,4) - Delete (4) and extend 3 !
01:15:729 (3,4) - Blankets can be nicely done here !
01:23:101 (1,2) - Bad overlap !

00:10:722 (1,2,3) - Maybe curv these objects ? C:
00:26:974 - Add a note here !
00:40:210 (1,2,3,4) - You can do a better symmetrical here!
Pretty nice diff here too !

Pretty nice mapset here ! Nice patterns and a good flow overall !
Sometimes , there are bad overlap but it's okay !
Good luck for this map Moody :D
Topic Starter
Thanks guys

Fixed some things ~

Ingame req~ Nintendo <3

  1. Unrankable Issue/Highly Suggested
  2. Comment

  1. The Timing is wrong. Especially towards the end. Either the BPM are wrong or there are more timing points. You can hear the wrong timing if you listen at 01:28:798 - on 25% you can clearly hear that the note doesn't land on the tick. Get a timing check.
  2. Watch AiMod
  3. Tags:
    "Number Three With a Bullet" | Album
    "Nintendo" | They are the owners of the original song
    "Super Mario Bros. 3" | Songs origin, full name. People who will search this wont find it due to just having smb3 in the tags
    "Koji Kondo" | Original song's composer
  4. Lower your ODs on HArd and Insane by one or 0,5. They feel a bit high to me considering these low ARs.

  1. 00:02:680 (1,2) - The flow between this doesn't feel natural to me due to curve of 1 leading me more upwards here. Cosnider changing it as you can see in the Screenshot below.
  2. 00:08:042 (3) - Moving this a bit lower would improve the flow here imo. Like this you would follow a thought curve by 00:06:701 (2) - which would create a smoother flow here.
  3. 00:34:513 (3,1) - Consider rotating this a bit in order to adjust the flow from the following objects into this. The movement from the previous objects gives me the intention that the slider should go more right in order to play fluent.
  4. 00:46:912 (2) - Move this a bit lower so that 00:45:571 (1) - leads directly onto it. That would play way better since it gives you the feeling that the objects belong together and melt into each other.
  5. 00:56:294 (1) - Make this Slider longer (2/1) since the polarity issue feels kinda weird. There's a clear note that can be mapped on the downbeat as well so there should be no problem. The sound is also pretty similiar to 00:57:634 (3) - so why shouldn' it be the same? ;-;
  6. 00:56:294 (1) - Watch your spacing to the next object.
  7. 01:01:656 (1) - This shape looks pretty weird because it looks like a failed try to get a symmetrical slider here. It wouldn't be a big deal if it's not noticable but the second half is clearely longer here. Try the code.
  8. Hm, I'm personally not a big fan of that spacing due to the 1/1 just overlapping so slightly. I'd either go for something lower or something higher but this doesn't fit my preferals. But yeah, this is my opinion and everybody got his own, so I guess that's fine o/

  1. 00:05:361 (1,2) - This looks as it was thought to overlap completely. Maybe you could do some adjustments or do something as I show in the Screenshot below. That would improve the flow here but nothing you have to do, just a suggestion.
  2. 00:10:722 (1,2,3) - The wavy movement doesn't flow that smooth due to the straight movement from 1. Maybe you could bringt them into a line. That would feel way better to me.
  3. 00:18:094 (3) - Move this a bit right so that the slider's track melts into the movement from 2 -> 3 to improve the flow here.
  4. 00:25:299 (2) - The spacing to the previous object is pretty high considering that your usual spacing is 1,00. Fix this please.
  5. 00:34:178 (3) - Move this either lower and make a blanket with 00:33:508 (2) - or move it higher to fix the overlap. This is just my opinion here. Maybe you want this as a unique overlap, I don't know.
  6. 00:43:561 (1) - Move the last anchor point a bit to the left so that the Slider's Tail points onto the following object in order to get a smooth transition between these two.
  7. 00:54:954 (2) - The flow here can be improved by moving this a bit lower. The main reason here is that this would create an "oval" between this and the previous object which would create a fluent flow here.
  8. 01:01:656 (1,2) - I love this <3
  9. 01:08:692 (3) - The spacing to the following object is pretty low which makes your whole triangle here look uneven. Just resnap it.
  10. 01:09:698 (1,2,3) - I suggest you to rearrange the pattern here a bit. The spacing here is pretty low and inconsistent with rest of your map. Maybe this would confuse some newer players.
  11. Rhythm is pretty trick at some spots but, otherwise well done.

  1. 00:00:335 (2,3) - I've actually expected a Circle at 00:00:502 - so I've klicked to early. Maybe you could add a circle there also to be consistent with the following ones as 00:10:387 (5,6,1) - for example.
  2. 00:06:031 (3) - Consider placing this at 354|367 in order to a line with the previous object to improve the flow here C:
  3. 00:10:722 (1) - Move this a bit to the upper left (243|286) to get an equal triangle here. This would definitely look better to me!
  4. 00:16:586 (2,4) - Maybe it's just me but the stack between this objects messes up the spacing between 00:16:084 (1,2) - . Reducing the Stack leniency or getting a higher spacing here could work.
  5. 00:28:649 (5,6) - Consider splitting this into 2 1/2 Sliders as you've done it for the others as well. I think it fits better due to the rather strong note at 00:28:985 - you've actually mapped with a clcikable action for the other ones.
  6. 00:29:487 (1,2) - The flow from 1 into 2 isn't that good here imo. The movement from 1 to 2 slows me down since I have to turn a bit upwards in order to get the curve. I'd move this a bit more upwards.
  7. 00:40:545 (2) - Move this a bit more right because as it is now, it flows kinda bad to me. The reason for this is that 2 is so high and steep compared to 1.
  8. 00:42:220 (3,4) - This looks like you've wanted 4 to follow 3's path in order to get a kinda circular form. Please move 4 a bit lower to get that shape better. That would also flow way smoother due to the circular transition here giving the player more time to get onto 4's track.
  9. 00:47:079 (4) - The spacing here is inconsistent with the rest of your map's spacing for such patterns. Consider to make some adjustments here :<
  10. 00:56:294 (1) - If you CTRL+G this one, you can see that your symmetry is messed up ;w;
  11. 01:08:190 (3) - Move this a bit right so that the spacing between this and the previous object and this and 01:08:860 (4) - 's tail looks even :<
  12. 01:13:216 (2) - Since this Slider isn't symmtrical, it messes up your whole spacing/symmetry pattern here ;w;
  13. 01:18:410 (2) - You could improve the flow due to a similiar reason as at 00:40:545 (2) - by moving it to the upper right. The difference here is that it's too low this time. Such patterns flow way better if you give the player a shorter movement onto it so that they can smoothly turn.
  14. Nice diff. Really love your symmetrical sliderdesign!

  1. 00:04:356 (2,3) - Place these two a bit lower in order to form a line with 00:03:685 (5) - since this flows a bit odd to me. You just simply don't expect that "wavy" movement here due to the path given by the previous slider's track.
  2. 00:05:361 (1,2) - I personally don't like the overlap here because 1 almost touches the outer border of 2. I'd either go for a half overlap or a full overlap.
  3. 00:10:387 (7,8,1) - Hm, maybe it's just me but I think the line feels a bit odd here due to more curvy movement the player makes over the map. Maybe it could feel better if you do a slight curve here as well.
  4. 00:15:749 (8,1) - This rhythm feels a bit odd to me. I'd go for a 1/1 Slider at 00:16:084 - in order to follow the hold of the instrument there and a 1/2 Slidr at 00:15:749 - to catch the sounds on both ticks. It would also be way more consistent with patterns as 00:13:403 (1,2,3) - .
  5. 00:23:288 (6,7) - I really dislike the rhytm here due to the spread of clickable and nonclickable actions. What I mean is that on the white ticks you've mapped with the tails of 00:23:288 (6,7) - have really strong notes on them. I mean, you've also gave a special emphasize onto them using the claps. I really think they should be clicked and actually, that's what you've done for some of the following ones. (e.g. 00:26:136 (7,8) - ) Considering to change this for the following ones you've mapped with red tick sliders as well. (My suggestion is similiar to 01:06:012 (4,5,6,7) - which feels sooo much better *o*)
  6. 00:26:471 (8) - This Slider slows me down a bit due to the rather fast movement between 00:25:801 (6,7) - . This could be fixed easiliy if you'd either move 00:26:471 (8) - a bit more left or by using a higher spacing here.
  7. 00:31:665 (6) - Just a very minor thing here, but it would look better to me if you'd use a CTRL+H'd version of 00:31:330 (5) - instead.
  8. 00:36:524 (6) - You've messed up your symmetrie pattern with this Slider. First it should go to x:256 and then it should have a straight line.
  9. 00:47:917 (4) - This breaks the flow a bit to me due to the Slider's direction. I think the head should be part of the curve created by the previous objects. Like this it's more a wavy movement interrupted by the direction of 4's Slidertail which decreases the flow imo. Consider moving and rotating it a bit to make these adjustments to the flow.
  10. 00:51:770 (2,3,4) - Your spacing is pretty inconsistent here. Maybe you could do some adjustments here. The main problem here is the pretty low spacing from 2 to 3 which slows the player down a bit.
  11. 00:56:964 (4) - Move this down for a bit to improve the flow here. Like this you would create a curve with all the previous objects. The main reason here why I want you to do this is that the transitions between the circles have been rather steep at the end of the curve so they should be like this at the curve's end as well to feel more natural.
  12. 01:02:158 (2) - Hm, the transition between 1 and 2 feels rather harsh to me due to that form of zigzag. The flow here could be extremely improved by CTRL+G'ing this since it would create a kind of ovalish flow.
  13. 01:09:195 (6,7) - Actually, I've expected 7 to blanket 6 here similiar to 01:08:692 (4,5) - . Maybe you could do something like this here as well. That would feel pretty cool to me :3
  14. 01:15:394 (1,2,3) - Inconsistent spacing </3 Maybe you could do something as in the screenshot below in order to improve the flow here as well. You would just have to place them in a line and rotate 3 a bit so that it would be a smoother flow introducing the movement to the right better.
  15. 01:21:593 (3) - This slider looks as it was thought to be symmetrical. I mean, your other ones aren't symmetrical as well but this one is really noticeable ;___; I've made a symmeetrical one for you in the code below :3
    Screenshot + Code

  16. 01:27:457 (2,3) - CTRL+G this in terms of rhythm. A clickable action at 01:27:625 - feels rather weird due to the pretty soft sound there caused by the fade out of the music.
  17. Some of your rhythm is pretty weurd to me due to mapping some rather strong tick as some downbeats with a non-clickable action which feels weird sometimes. Otherwise, good job.

Please reply! I hope it was helpful and good luck! :3
Podrías cambiar el color azul de los combos por uno más claro, para que los approach circles se vean más fácil, te sugeriría uno como este
Combo4 : 17,177,255
Tags: Koji Kondo Nintendo Super Mario Bros
^add please :c

00:02:680 (1) - Sería mejor si este slider fuera de 2/1, para mantener consistencia en el sonido que estas siguiendo para los anteriores sliders.
00:33:341 (2) - Este slider debería terminar en 00:34:178, ya que ese beat es más fuerte
00:45:571 (1) - Igual que 00:02:680 (1).

00:25:299 (2) - *nazi* El spacing es diferente aquí (1.1x). Selecciona 00:25:299 (2,3,1) y muévelo de tal manera que se mantenga el spacing consistente.
00:34:178 (3) - Podrías mover este slider a x:488 y:44, para que el overlap se vea más limpio y de paso arreglar el blanket que debería de hacer 00:35:184 (1).

00:55:456 (5) - Tal vez moverlo y que quede de haciendo un triangulo hacia el otro lado?
00:56:294 (1) - *nazi* Ctrl+G para que sea perfectamente simétrico con (2)

00:13:906 (2,3) - *nazi* No son simétricos (1) está un poco más arriba que (2)
00:56:964 (4) - Se vería mejor si este fuera un blanket para (5).
01:21:593 (3) - Este slider se ve claramente que no es simétrico, prueba con este código o el que puso Mao.
No kds :3
Topic Starter
@Mao: What a good mod, thanks, fixed most stuff

@Dake: Gracias por el recheck, todo cambiado menos este slider de Easy 00:33:341 (2) ya que no me gusto como se escucha :)
You could add "Number Three With a Bullet" to the tags because that is album from which this song was taken.
Also consider adding "Newgrounds" to the tags as that is where the game was released.

I think CS 2 will work much better and would make the overlaps a bit more attractive.

Have you tried CS 3.5 and AR 5.5? It works really well here.

Ahhhhh nothing more to find except the occasional "move X 1.0002 pixels left/right/up/down. Thought I found some inconsistent hitsounds but they were consistent across diffs and repeating song parts :(

no kd for me
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