
Linkin Park - Waiting for the End

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on domenica 30 marzo 2014 at 22:45:01

Artist: Linkin Park
Title: Waiting for the End
Tags: Gero osuplayer111 A Thousand Suns Warner Bros. Records
BPM: 85
Filesize: 16826kb
Play Time: 03:48
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (0,61 stars, 162 notes)
  2. Hard (4,83 stars, 548 notes)
  3. Insane (4,98 stars, 576 notes)
  4. Normal (2,9 stars, 259 notes)
Download: Linkin Park - Waiting for the End
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 200th Beatmap!

It feels like yesterday to me when I submitted and reached this goal but then I realized that almost 3 years and half passed already from that date, I really don't know what to say! I want to dedicate this maps to all the mappers, modders and friends that always supported me and my maps and that still does so, I'm really happy for all this long journey that osu! has given to me. This probably will be my last own map? Who knows, I can never tell. To be honest I thought that I would stop mapping when I made that famous 100th map but then mapping was so fun and addicting to do that I couldn't keep myself for doing more and who knows, there could be that now the same thing happens once again! Anyways I suppose I said enough words, I just hope you will like and enjoy this map and this dedication. ^^ Thanks to all of you, guys! I love you all of you. <3


Insane - Done.
Hard - Done.
Normal - Done.
Easy - Done.
Sup'~ ;)

#1 Huehuehue

Holyshit i'm a pro stalker ><

Yey Andrea's 200th beatmap !! /o
Finally <3333
OMG Congratz B3 Awesome mapu <3 Best LP map (becaouse Andrea's) <3
okay first star is mine :p

/me hides

Gratz with 200th map!
it'll definitely not be your last own map, because I know u ! u'll not be able to hold u back if you find another awesome song <3
holyshit it's Andrea's 200th map <3

Umi wrote:

u'll not be able to hold u back if you find another awesome song <3
this one is absolutely
and now the end has come :D
Andrea's 200th beatmap \O/
Congratz dear!
200th ranked!
Ranked: Dec 11, 2010
Three years past in a moment :/
gz in advance :D
i usually avoid to try to mod your maps because they always look flawless to me 0_0

but because of the situation i will try harder this time. we'll see about that later

for now, have the 2nd star orz


• tittle should be "Waiting for the End" according to Linkin Park's official Youtube Channel and iTunes
• since you are mapping the full version of the song, you could include the official video in the mapset, i can get the video for you if you want
• 03:26:188 - i think kiai start is more fitting here, it sounds much more stronger than 03:14:894 - also, this is the only part that they sing together (or at least the only noticeable part). i guess a kiai fountain would be fine at 03:14:894
• disable wide-screen support in easy and normal


• 00:15:600 - i don't like how this normal-hitnormal sounds here. its too loud for the beat, and here we dont have any vocal. how about changing to soft?
• 00:19:835 - are you sure you don't want this main beat mapped? i think it would be better with it. works well with the vocal at 00:19:482
• 00:21:247 - same as 00:15:600 -
• 02:18:423 - i think default normal finish fits better
• 02:29:717 - ^
• 02:41:012 - ^
• 02:52:306 - ^
• 03:14:894 - ^
• 03:26:188 - ^
• 03:37:482 - ^


  • sorry if i did not explained all nc suggestions with details. some of them are for better looking, others for rhythm consistency
• 00:11:012 (1,2) - i would prefer shifting new combo to make the symmetry look better
• 00:16:306 (1,2) - shift new combo
• 00:18:423 (1,2) - ^
• 00:36:070 (1,2) - not a big deal, but maybe shift new combo?
• 00:44:541 (1,2) - ^
• 00:50:894 (4,1) - shift new combo
• 00:53:012 - new combo
• 00:54:423 - remove nc
• 00:56:541 - new combo and remove on next note
• 00:58:659 - new combo
• 01:26:894 (1,2) - shift new combo
• 01:30:070 (1,2) - ^ same reason as 00:11:012 (1,2)
• 01:33:247 - remove nc (for consistency. not a big deal)
• 01:44:541 (1) - ^
• 02:01:482 (4,1) - shift new combo
• 02:20:541 (1,2) - ^
• 02:27:600 (4,1) - ^ for consistency with the suggestion for 02:20:541 - (or at least use the same logic on both)
• 02:31:835 (1,2) - shift new combo
• 02:43:129 (1,2) - ^
• 02:46:306 (1,2) - ^ same reason as 00:11:012 (1,2)
• 02:47:364 (2,3,1) - i think the repeat slider is not on a good spot. how about this ?
• 03:05:717 (1,2) - shift new combo
• 03:14:541 (1,2) - ^ same reason as 00:11:012 (1,2) - vocal at 03:15:600 - is good enough as combo start
• 03:22:659 (1,2) - shift new combo - again, vocals
• 03:28:306 (1,2) - shift new combo
• 03:33:600 (2,1) - again, the repeat slider may not be the best choice (imo). i think something like that would work better


• for sounds like 00:12:600 - the drum sampleset whistle would work perfectly imo. there is no need to mention all spots so its your choice.
• i disagree with many of your new combo order here ( starting at 00:24:776 - ), you are not trying to keep new combos on main beat and not even using new combo where the verses actually starts
(i know your priority here is to follow the instruments, but you mapped in a way that it looks like you where mapping vocal too, so it should be reasonable)
i don't mean to be rude here, just don't want to make another big new combo mod

anything else is awesome in hard


• same thing about sounds like 00:12:600 - and drum sampleset whistle
01:22:659 (1,2) - shift new combo
01:24:776 (1) - remove new combo
01:26:012 - new combo
• 01:54:423 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this does not needs to be that challenging :( i personally dislike the 2nd sequence (both shape and flow) something like this would make the jumps in the 2nd sequence more even and more friendly. still my own preference, it's just that i think that this part is overkill comparing to any other jumpy part of this difficulty
02:52:129 (1,2) - shift new combo for better symmetry? or maybe start the combo at 02:51:423 - ?

that's all
mostly minor changes and some personal preferences
awesome map as always Andrea :)

i will leave the video here in case you decide to use it will be available until bubble/rank :D
Topic Starter
Thanks for the mod Pimp, fixed everything. :3
it seems like you just wanted to finish your easy fast jskadhjasdasf I don't like. sry
00:15:247 (2,3) - better blanket?
00:50:894 (4) - it looks better to make it like that:
If you fixed it:
01:28:835 (2) - better blanket?
01:37:835 (5) - ^?
02:05:364 (7,1) - ^? xD
02:28:129 (3) - Maybe this?
02:36:600 - map this beat pls
02:55:659 (4) - move to x:336 y:300, looks better for me

[Insane] Isn't AR9 a bit fast for 85BPM?
03:05:364 (5) - uh, move x228 y132 to make a little jump?
if you accepted it
03:05:541 (6) - x88 y200 ?
Topic Starter
Thanks for checking Ami, fixed some things on Hard difficulty. ^^

What do you think about add kiai since 00:11:365 until 00:45:247?

And also adding kiai since 03:03:600 until 03:14:894 then another one since 03:26:188 until 03:48:776... something like this would be nice, I think o3o

You could change offset to 70, I don't know if notes before offset is unrankeable, but just in case...


00:24:070 - I miss one note here D:

00:31:129 (3) - NC?

00:45:247 (1) - Remove finish and add whistle, sounds better o3o

00:48:070 - One note here?

01:11:364 (1) - Remove NC and add it to 01:13:482 (2)

01:16:306 - I miss one note here

01:21:953 - ^

03:14:188 (1) - Remove NC and add it to 03:15:600 (2)

03:27:600 - I miss one note here, maybe o3o

03:48:776 - NC?


00:45:247 (1) - Remove finish and add whistle~ (Do it in all diffs, I won't repeat it anymore xD)

01:24:776 (1) - I'd remove this NC and add it to 01:25:482 (2) >3<

01:53:012 (4) - Add NC~

01:54:423 (1) - Remove NC (?)

03:14:541 (1) - Remove NC and add it to 03:15:600 (2)

03:48:776 (4) - Add NC (do it in all diffs :3)

Really nice diff <3


01:44:541 (9) - NC here instead of 01:44:717 (1) please xD

01:59:364 (1) - Remove NC and add it to 01:59:894 (2)

03:24:953 (5) - NC?

03:35:894 (6) - ^

Nice diff too <3


00:30:776 (1) - Remove NC and add it to 00:31:129 (2)

02:45:247 (7) - NC?

02:50:894 (8) - ^

02:59:364 (9) - ^

03:13:482 (6) - ^

03:18:953 (5) - ^

03:24:776 (5) - ^

03:41:717 (6) - ^

Nothing much to complain as you can see D: Sorry for this bad mod >< It's perfect for me, I've said to you just some suggestions, but all we know that this will be ranked fast xD You did a great job, baka *3*
my mod is finished, sorry for delay ^^
Hi hi hi ~ just some suggestions cuz Is really late here D:

  1. Clean
  1. 00:23:894 (4,5,6) - mmm I'm not a fan of slider starting on weak beats, since them broke the special beats in the song which need a click action for better gameplay and is not consistent with parts like 00:31:835 (3,4,5) - , My suggestion (Also this will follow the vocals better) :
  2. 00:26:717 (5,6,7) - same as above
  3. 00:29:541 (5,6,7) - ^
  4. 00:27:776 just wondering, why you didn't map this beat, but you mapped all the similar previous like 00:27:070 (6) -
  5. 00:30:776 (1,2) - swap NC? this is clearly breaking your combo pattern
  6. 00:32:541 (5,6,7,8) - ah, you can rearrange this a bit to make the pattern symmetrical, actually doesn't look perfectly
  7. 00:33:600 (1) - mmm ending sliders on stanzas doesn't represent the song nicely, maybe for better gameplay you want to change the rhythm a bit, maybe like:
  8. 00:35:188 (4,5,6) - same as 00:23:894 -, there are some others similar parts which, I think need a better rhythm
  9. 00:39:423 (2) - same as 00:33:600 -, since stanzas need a click action to give a better feedback from the song, also this rhythms are breaking your comboing
  10. 00:42:247 (2) - same as above
  11. 00:40:659 (1,2) - a small distance error, probably not noticeable but ok
  12. 00:42:247 (2) - same as 00:39:423 -, imo you should not ignore the stanzas they are so important in the song
  13. 00:45:070 (1) - ^
  14. 00:45:600 reduce volume in this part? just to fit the song better
  15. 01:01:835 (5) - mmm maybe a slider will fit the hold vocals, just as suggetion
  16. 01:18:600 you should add a beat here sound pretty empty without it, mainly cuz you mapped the same sound at 01:18:247 (4) - and 01:18:953 (6) -
  17. 01:46:659 (7) - 2 circles fit better the music like you did in previous parts, you can do a stack since it fit the music and will keep the symmetry in your pattern
  18. 01:53:012 (9) - add NC? to bring more emphasis to the song also is consistent with your comboing.
  19. 02:17:717 (4) - same as 01:46:659 -, due to the highest pitch 2 circles fit better the music
  20. 02:40:835 (1) - same as 00:39:423
  21. 02:43:659 (1) - ^
  22. 02:54:953 (9,1) - oh this can work better for previous suggestions
  23. 03:16:129 (4,7) -make them symmetrical, Is better to have symmetry in the same combo than in differents imo
  24. 03:28:835 (1) - same as 01:46:659

GL baka ;)
Topic Starter
Thanks for the nice mods and comments guys, I really appreciated them!

Anyways, fixed almost everything, just didn't fix some new combos which I didn't agree with.
Raiku mod!


Add 'Warner Bros. Records' to the tags to avoid any conflict with what happened to the Skrillex maps.

I would personally go for a Lime Green for combo 4 ( to match the prominent top-right part of the beautiful pattern. Here is what the color looks like in game ( This way you can accentuate the yellows that aren't being highlighted by the other combo colors.


00:24:070 (2) - I recommend a blanket here, I'm not sure if it appeals to you but I think that it enhances the flow line significantly as it helps the player move to the right of the map (

01:08:541 (1,2) - At this section after the spinner, I feel that a welcome flow direction change in the form of these sliders collaborating in a different manner was more than welcome as an introduction to patterns like this in an easy (

01:11:364 (1) - I felt the new combo shouldn't start until the next note.

01:17:012 (1) - Start the combo on combo 3 of this combo.

01:21:953 (5) - Perhaps include this note in the combo of the last 3 notes of the section? This note seems a bit out of place as part of the previous combo, it feels like it should serve more purpose as the downbeat note.

01:22:659 (1) - How do you feel about this for flow variety? Exciting entry into one of the longer sliders in the map, so it gives the player a chance to contend with the flow change (

01:30:423 (1) - I felt as if this note could be placed to fit the position of the flow curve into the
next slider better (

01:38:894 - I honestly feel as even though it is an amazing vocal section, and as far as I can see you are trying to accentuate this, I still feel it is appropriate to keep continuity with the beat and add a note here. Here is my vision ( If you do plan to implement this note, start it as a new combo.

01:43:129 - The break here is appropriate as noteless as there are no bass beats that warrant a circle, and we can just appreciate the amazing singing :)

02:39:600 (3) - This is interesting: I don't think you need a finish here, as what effect you can achieve by removing it is make it sound like there are three different types of cymbals sounding. The lower one from the actual song, the middle one which is a variant of the osu! finish cymbal seeing as there are 2 to make them not sound samey, and then the last one. So in effect there are still 3 cymbals sounding, but it sounds like they are becoming stronger in intensity if you leave out the first one.

03:31:835 (1,2) - I recommend adjusting the heads and tails of these sliders so that they flow directly into
each other ( Tail moves directly into head.

03:43:835 (2) - I personally suggest that you alter the curve of this slider so that like before, the tail of slider one flows directly into the head of this slider and that the tail of this slider flows directly out into the head of the next slider for enhanced flow (, (


00:16:306 (1,2) - I recommend lowering the angle of slider 1 and moving circle 2 up a touch so that the flow is moving in a perfect line, It also retains neatness of this section too (

00:42:423 (1) - How do you feel about raising the angle of this slider to meet the next notes (

01:18:423 (1) - Similarly here, maybe you could angle this slider so that its flow line reaches the next note
directly (

01:20:541 (4) - Possibly here too, but it might be a little sharp for the soft part of the song (

02:11:012 (2) - I felt that this circle could be moved to the right a touch to make a smoother line (

02:36:070 (2) - Perhaps have the kink coincide with the red tick (, or if you really want to keep this shape of early kink in the slider then have it coincide with the blue 1/4 tick ( I use the circle as a guideline.

02:54:423 (3) - Maybe you could aim the tail of this slider up a little more to enhance flow (


00:22:659 (1) - I personally felt whilst testplaying that this note should be a slider and then the one follow be a circle, I am going with this opinion in the interest of manageability and playability over symmetry (

01:28:835 (2) - Perhaps soften the curve on this slider to make for a neater blanket (

01:32:188 (4) - Maybe move this to the right a little to promote a curvier flow (

01:37:835 (5) - You could alter this sliders curve like before to make a similar, neat blanket (

02:42:247 (4,5) - I felt as if the aesthetics and the flow could be enhanced by moving circle 4 so it is more in the flow line of the slider before it and then moving slider 5 down accordingly like so (


00:14:894 (3,7) - Overlap here is so tiny that it is almost irrelevant but I feel the need to mention it anyway so perhaps stack the head of this slider on the head of slider 3 for neatness ( Alternatively you could move slider 3 down to stack on 7 to maintain symmetry with the 1/2 slider on the other side.

01:08:188 (1,2) - I recommend making slider 1 the same gradient as slider 2, they are slightly off-gradient by such a small bit that it is hard to see, but you can drag slider 1 into the body of slider 2 to get desired results (

01:45:070 (3) - Perhaps move this circle to the right a bit to create the chicane effect without the transition being in a somewhat uneventful position with no intent on livening the flow ( I've learnt that minor changes have the largest effects.

01:51:953 (6,8) - I had a little fiddle around with the rhythm and thought maybe you could put a clap on the tail of 6 and the head of 8 to majorly accentuate the breakdown. I think it works well.

02:21:953 (3,4) - Such as my previous blanket neatening suggestions, once again soften the curves on these sliders for a more even blanket. At this point I feel sad because I'm moving close to the end of my mod on your 200th beatmap :( (

03:22:129 (6) - How do you feel about this blanket which in effect becomes an equal mirror of the next slider (

I thoroughly enjoyed modding this song, thanks for a 200th beatmap and I was glad to be a part in assisting its creation!
Topic Starter
Fixed almost everything from your mod, it was really helpfuil, thanks a lot Raiku! :3

EDIT: Added Video for now from pimpG, waiting for SB from Gero!

00:10:659 (2,1) - If you don't care 00:15:600 (3), 2 grids down for a better distance won't hurt.
01:28:306 (2) - Make it curve at the tick?
01:49:482 (1) - ^?


00:44:541 (1,2,3,4,5) - Just as a personal opinion, a symmetry pattern not at the centre didn't felt nice..
01:31:835 (4) - Imo this touches the hp bar way too much. Mind adjusting by.. a S curve?
01:53:012 (4) - (340,228) for a better flow with (3)? (You know, the distance to the next object in this case won't be much of deal)


00:37:835 (6) - I think this wasn't a nice spot for a 1/1 since there's a beat at 00:38:012.
00:46:306 (3) - 1 grid right? Then adjust 00:47:717 (5,6).
01:44:541 (1,2) - Alter the rhythm to 1/1?
03:07:835 - Empty rhythm here didn't felt nice imo..
03:14:894 (1) - Curve is too smooth compared to other sliders?


01:45:070 (3) - 1 grid right is better in distance, but...... orz
01:55:129 (1,2,3,4) - Imo this placement was too stressful compared to the overall difficulty. Maybe switch orders to make more approachable?
02:23:364 (6) - Consider ctrl+G? I think it was the most frequently used one in this kind of a symmetry 1/4 sliders.
03:23:894 (2) - The current jump from (1) felt too far, and the middle of two slider is (242,118). If this suggestion bothers you by the overlap of 03:24:600 (4), then feel free to keep.
03:45:776 (1) - Similar opinion as above.
03:48:600 (9) - (256,244) is the optimal placement for a lineal flow with (8).
Gratz in advance, Andrea. You deserve to be considered the best overall player; skilled, lots of points, (200 ;>) lots of maps.
The true rank 1.
Topic Starter
Thanks Sonnyc for the mod, pretty helpful as always! Fixed almost everything. ^^

Also, thanks for your nice comment Brimroth, I really appreciate it! :3
Congrats Andrea as 200th beatmap I will shoot ya a star

Topic Starter
Thanks for your support :)
Linkin Park \w/


  1. BG 1024x768 ? seriously can't you find a BG sized 1366x768 >3< since the majority of player use format 16:9 it will be a lot better !
  2. 00:08:541 - start the red line here, it shouldn't be before the first note ?


  1. 00:15:600 (3) - personal taste here, this shape instead ? it look and flow better imo x)
  2. 00:21:953 (3) - bad flow, move it to x:256,y:246 !
  3. 00:22:659 (1,2) - blanket them maybe ?
  4. 00:55:835 (2,3) - ctrl g ? it would flow better
  5. 01:05:188 (1) - i would prefer finish the spinner at 01:07:129 - where the voice stop, then add a note 01:07:835 -
  6. 01:02:188 - i feel a bit unconfortable with this blank what about change 01:00:070 (3) - into 2 1/1 sliders ?
  7. 01:17:012 (1) - delete NC for consistency
  8. 01:19:129 (3) - add NC
  9. 01:22:659 (1) - delete NC
  10. 01:30:423 (1) - put it like this instead, it will increase the flow
  11. 01:38:894 - this break doesn't fit at all >.< you skip a heavy beat consider add note !
  12. 01:53:012 (3) - this is a good spot to put a break imo, try this rythm ? (you can also change the (1) and (2) into one reverse slider)
  13. 01:55:129 (1) - addition drum clap on head, it fit pretty good
  14. 01:56:541 (2) - down slightly the end of this slider to make the (3) follow the curve
  15. 02:09:953 - same as 01:38:894 -
  16. 02:26:894 - again
  17. 02:21:953 (4,1,2) - i would put the pattern like this, it look neater
  18. 03:00:776 (1) - about flow again here move it like this to follow the curve of the previous slider, also delete NC not really needed
  19. 03:45:953 (1) - delete NC
  20. 03:48:776 (4) - add NC
  21. 03:48:776 - reduce the volum too 40-30% the whistle is too noisy


  1. 00:10:659 (2,3) - exchange their position, we need the click action at 00:11:365 - if you do add NC on (3)
  2. 00:20:541 (3) - copy/paste 00:18:423 (1) - then make the pattern like this, also add NC for consitency
  3. 00:24:070 (2) - curve in this way for a better flow
  4. 00:44:541 (1) - end the slider at 00:44:906 - then 00:45:600 (2) - delete and add 1/2 slider that start 00:45:247 -
  5. 00:48:776 (1) - try this shape, the flow toward (2) is kinda bad
  6. 00:50:894 (4) - Flow issue again
  7. 00:54:423 (1) - ctlr H; then adjust like this
  8. 01:02:188 - maybe add a second 1/2 slider ? this break is really strange to me
  9. 01:05:188 (1) - same as easy diff
  10. 01:29:717 (3,1) - same as 00:10:659 (2,3) - this rythm would fit a lot better
  11. 01:38:894 (1,2,3) - make this triangle, it flow nicely toward (3)
  12. 01:53:012 (4) - NC
  13. 01:54:423 (1,2) - addition clap drum on the head of these both sliders
  14. 01:55:835 (1) - bad flow toward (2) Fix the shape like this
  15. 03:42:776 (1) - delete this slider, add reverse on 03:42:070 (3) - then add note 03:43:129 -
  16. 03:48:776 - same as easy diff


  1. 00:09:953 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - use this rythm, according to the drum it fit a lot better imo! (rearrange a bit the pattern after)
  2. 00:21:423 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - same as before :3 (try it!)
  3. 00:34:482 (2,3) - ctrl g!
  4. 00:42:070 (1) - delete reverse and add note 00:42:423 - with NC
  5. 00:42:776 (2,3,4,5,6) - flow awkward, try to do this (more or less '-')
  6. 00:46:659 (4) - with this curve i was expecting a nice blanket with (5) o3o give a try ? :D
  7. 00:57:953 (7,8) - change into 1/2 slider to follow the voice
  8. 01:05:188 (1) - same as easy diff again
  9. 01:28:659 (1,2) - improve this blanket !
  10. 01:29:717 (4) - ctrl G better flow imo
  11. 01:37:659 (4,5) - blanket can be improve
  12. 01:52:659 (5,6,7) - make a triangle shape ?
  13. 01:55:129 (4,5) - 1/4 slider instead
  14. 01:55:659 (7) - change into 2 circles, the click action is needed at 01:55:835 -
  15. 01:58:659 (6) - blanket plz
  16. 02:05:541 (1) - ^
  17. 03:24:600 (4,5) - invert the rythm placement
  18. 03:38:717 (4,5,6) - same here
  19. 03:43:835 (5,6,7) - and again !


  1. 00:10:659 (3,4) - switch rythm placement, (also a suggestion of pattern)
  2. 00:23:188 (2) - move it to x:159,y:9
  3. 00:23:894 (4,5) - i would prefer this pattern, it flow better
  4. 00:28:835 (3) - Why here ? :o this note should be at x:256,y:225
  5. 00:45:070 (1) - dispatch into 2 circles.
  6. 01:05:188 (1) - no need to say it again :P
  7. 01:10:482 (7) - same as 00:28:835 (3) - @.@
  8. 01:55:129 (1,2,3,4) - Use this placement it play better that the current one imo
  9. 02:21:070 (8) - again this awkward flow, move it to x:256,y:156
  10. 02:40:835 (1) - same as 00:45:070 (1) - just my opinion but i really dislike when heavy beat is on slider's end ! but since u do it a lot i will not complain anymore about this x)

and that's all for me lazy on the end xD, have my star and go for rank ! 8-)
Note to Umi: Continue comme ça, mais ajoute un peu plus de détails du "pourquoi" tu ferais tel ou tel changement :p
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