
Default Mania Speed

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I am not sure where to post this, so I will post this here instead.

As everyone knows, default mania speed is around 10~15 (?, can't remember anymore), but for beginners who doesn't know what it actually does, or that mania even has scrolling speed, it is detrimental to playing mania.

I mean, how can someone new possibly hit a note scrolling that fast? I think there is no need for a fast scrolling velocity as default. Putting a low scroll speed is more beneficial than the current speed. The default speed should be changed to something lower, maybe around 5 (?) This gives the newbies time to see the note, time to see the pattern, and time to figure out what finger to use, AND time to know when to press it.

Maybe every play (maybe for the first hundred songs), a hint saying something about how to change scroll speed could be displayed.

I'm not sure if this has been said before (I searched and no such thing came out. Or I didn't search enough), but I'm pretty sure this is one of the factors that makes it hard for new players to get into the game.

Unless of course the default isn't really fast and it really is set at a low value like 5. In this case someone should just post my wrongs, lock thread, and delete maybe.

Full Tablet
If I remember right the default is 7
I thought it was 6, but I may be wrong.

I think the real solution should be to have something pop up the first time someone enters mania mode that tells them how to change speeds so they know that they can, and how to do it.
But.. The first time you play a mania song there *is* a pop up with speed controls.
oh, lol. There certainly wasn't when I started. What's it look like? I was referring to something like a popup that requires something like forcing you to change speed up and down before it goes away to make sure that you can't ignore it or just mash keys to get past it without paying attention. You really need to foolproof stuff like that.
You know what, better ask for a feature request. Brb doing so.
Kaem Nazz
Lol~ Its 8 : p
Actually, shouldn't it be better if the default mania speed depends of the bpm of the map? For instance, speed 13 for 180 bpm and speed 16 for 150 bpm. This way you get an uniform scroll speed that doesn't depend on the bpm. It would be even better if you could just change the speed for each bpm range so you don't have to change it in every song.
^ Then, you should make a feature request of it then

Shydon wrote:

Actually, shouldn't it be better if the default mania speed depends of the bpm of the map? For instance, speed 13 for 180 bpm and speed 16 for 150 bpm. This way you get an uniform scroll speed that doesn't depend on the bpm. It would be even better if you could just change the speed for each bpm range so you don't have to change it in every song.
That's something like LR2's hs-fix, I like it
Raging Bull
i thought the default was like 14 or so. I remember playing mania first and i quit after since it was way too fast. Until I realize i can change scroll speed few months later.
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