
Yamamoto Nozomi, Uesaka Sumire, Uchiyama Yumi, Kakuma Ai - A

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Fushimi Rio
From queue

美观上比第一张进步很多啊 基本就是细节问题了 好


01:16:740 (3,1) - 压上了 这里我倾向于不用做对称 毕竟player看不到 意义不大
01:31:509 (3,1) - ^


00:12:586 (3,4,5,6) -

00:20:894 (7) - 弧度太大
00:25:048 (2,3,4) - 这个antijump有点难读……
00:26:894 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl+G
00:33:355 - 这里有个鼓啊 不放东西不知道行不行
00:45:125 (2,3,4) - 虽然4是跟着ds的 看着还是不美观 挪开点
01:01:971 (8,9) - ^
01:14:894 (3,4,5) - ……我也不知道哪不对劲 但就是不舒服
01:18:125 (2) - 第三个锚点左5grid


Irc moded

01:16:278 (7) - stack to 8
Topic Starter

Eggache0 wrote:

From queue

美观上比第一张进步很多啊 基本就是细节问题了 好


01:16:740 (3,1) - 压上了 这里我倾向于不用做对称 毕竟player看不到 意义不大倒也不是对称。。。压上也是故意的
01:31:509 (3,1) - ^


00:12:586 (3,4,5,6) - 不错啊我直接用代码了

00:20:894 (7) - 弧度太大感觉没什么问题
00:25:048 (2,3,4) - 这个antijump有点难读……稍微改了下。。。原来挺好的。。。mod了很多遍之后现在完全不一样了
00:26:894 (1,2,3,4) - ctrl+G我改了下。。这地方老被人诟病改成原来的版本了
00:33:355 - 这里有个鼓啊 不放东西不知道行不行跟了人声。。。hard还是不想做的太紧
00:45:125 (2,3,4) - 虽然4是跟着ds的 看着还是不美观 挪开点 勉强吧。。
01:01:971 (8,9) - ^
01:14:894 (3,4,5) - ……我也不知道哪不对劲 但就是不舒服.-.
01:18:125 (2) - 第三个锚点左5grid

Irc moded

01:16:278 (7) - stack to 8ok

我觉得你可以用我那个across the destiny里的clap4来代替默认clap试试,不好听就直接全用SC1算了

00:15:355 (1) - 00:16:278 (2) - 尾部whistle
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:20:432 (1) - 头whistle
00:25:048 (6) - ^
00:30:586 (2) - ^
00:33:817 (1) - 尾whistle
00:44:894 (2) - 没必要finish,可以用whistle代替
00:48:586 (2) - ^
00:51:817 (1,2) - 头尾都点上whistle
00:46:740 (4) - 间距
01:07:048 (2) - 尾whistle
01:07:740 (4) - 头whistle
01:22:278 (2) - whistle
01:23:201 (4) - 头whistle
01:30:586 (2) - 这个和前面的1同时出现的时候不好看,最好改一下,不要靠太近

00:06:586 (5,1,2,3) - 头尾靠太紧,这种地方排的时候就要注意了,无意义的重叠,挤在一起很影响美观
00:07:509 (7,1) - 这样下打着奇怪
00:10:740 (1) - NC干嘛
00:33:355 空着干嘛
00:37:278 (2) - 被前面的滑条压到了一点,这种要避免,没啥意义,insane里hard里这种地方都改一改
01:03:355 (2) - 没叠好
01:11:201 (3) - 没包好
01:13:509 (2) - clap去掉

00:14:432 (9) - 这里放1/8啊
00:43:509 (3,4) - 可以用drum的finish强化
00:47:432 加个note好点
00:51:125 这也是
00:53:894 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个间距看起来random,再看前面的00:52:048 (3,4) - ,1/4的间距大大小小的,统一一下,比如分开的1/4都用1.6,重叠的都0.9这样,hard里面好像也有这种问题



Topic Starter

Tsukuyomi wrote:


我觉得你可以用我那个across the destiny里的clap4来代替默认clap试试,不好听就直接全用SC1算了默认clap很违和么那么多人提。。。。你的那个我试了试感觉没那么好啊。。clap的事我再想想

00:15:355 (1) - 00:16:278 (2) - 尾部whistle
00:19:048 (1) - ^
00:20:432 (1) - 头whistle
00:25:048 (6) - ^
00:30:586 (2) - ^
00:33:817 (1) - 尾whistle
00:44:894 (2) - 没必要finish,可以用whistle代替
00:48:586 (2) - ^
00:51:817 (1,2) - 头尾都点上whistle
00:46:740 (4) - 间距
01:07:048 (2) - 尾whistle
01:07:740 (4) - 头whistle
01:22:278 (2) - whistle
01:23:201 (4) - 头whistle
01:30:586 (2) - 这个和前面的1同时出现的时候不好看,最好改一下,不要靠太近没想到什么特别好的方法。。。

00:06:586 (5,1,2,3) - 头尾靠太紧,这种地方排的时候就要注意了,无意义的重叠,挤在一起很影响美观没办法按照ds来的。。。
00:07:509 (7,1) - 这样下打着奇怪
00:10:740 (1) - NC干嘛我也不知道,可能是别人摸得
00:33:355 空着干嘛没音
00:37:278 (2) - 被前面的滑条压到了一点,这种要避免,没啥意义,insane里hard里这种地方都改一改
01:03:355 (2) - 没叠好fix
01:11:201 (3) - 没包好^
01:13:509 (2) - clap去掉^

00:14:432 (9) - 这里放1/8啊为啥都说这个。。我觉得1/6也挺好还没那么吵,效果差不多
00:43:509 (3,4) - 可以用drum的finish强化ok
00:47:432 加个note好点
00:51:125 这也是没有音的地方我还是想尽量空着,再看看别人怎么说
00:53:894 (1,2,3,4) - 这几个间距看起来random,再看前面的00:52:048 (3,4) - ,1/4的间距大大小小的,统一一下,比如分开的1/4都用1.6,重叠的都0.9这样,hard里面好像也有这种问题这里是有点随便了,我改下



好谢谢yomi酱的mod和评价 :3
Hey! I just found this and I like the mapser :3 also there's something to change in general... the title should be "Aoku Yureteiru (TV Size)"
Also if you want you can use this video !

Good luck~
Seems to be rankable, good luck on this map :D :)
Topic Starter

Vicho wrote:

Hey! I just found this and I like the mapser :3 also there's something to change in general... the title should be "Aoku Yureteiru (TV Size)"
Also if you want you can use this video !

Good luck~
thank you Vicho <3333 I am to lazy to find a video _(:зゝ∠)_ and this really helps
About title i just copied others. according to you mentioned this I will go to ask some Japanese players

Katsura wrote:

Seems to be rankable, good luck on this map :D :)
/me hug 会长
Hi From your PM.

我觉得Hard摆得还不错但是节奏跟得不是很好 很多人声没有跟到
00:37:278 (2) - 告诉我这个1/4是为何……
00:38:432 (5,6,7) - 做等边三角形可以吗【强迫症去死
00:40:971 (4) - Ctrl+G 后面小跳不要紧

00:07:509 (1,1) - 没包好
00:13:048 (5) - 考虑(与00:11:894 (2) - 的头部重叠)
这样的话00:13:048 (5,6) - 有点跳 需要调整一下00:13:509 (6) - 的位置
00:26:432 (6) - 觉得可以移到x:272 y:28 更顺手的样子w
00:27:817 (1) - NC?
00:28:048 (2,3,4,5) - 纯属觉得摆得不好看 要说改进的话 让slider之间的间距看起来差不多一样【什么?你说我改完后看起来没差?【。
00:43:509 (3,4) - Finish太吵惹……考虑降低音量 ≤30%
00:53:894 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这种梗的读图+切指绝壁坑死我的反应啊……不考虑换成circle吗【。
01:06:125 (5) - Ctrl+G

Map Link:
Topic Starter

Sharlo wrote:

Hi From your PM.

我觉得Hard摆得还不错但是节奏跟得不是很好 很多人声没有跟到因为insane主要是跟人声,所以hard就选择性的下了
00:37:278 (2) - 告诉我这个1/4是为何……改了ヾ(´・ω・`)ノ
00:38:432 (5,6,7) - 做等边三角形可以吗【强迫症去死咦我是用create polygon来做的啊。。。
00:40:971 (4) - Ctrl+G 后面小跳不要紧

00:07:509 (1,1) - 没包好居然给你发现了
00:13:048 (5) - 考虑(与00:11:894 (2) - 的头部重叠)ok
这样的话00:13:048 (5,6) - 有点跳 需要调整一下00:13:509 (6) - 的位置
00:26:432 (6) - 觉得可以移到x:272 y:28 更顺手的样子w好啊
00:27:817 (1) - NC?ok
00:28:048 (2,3,4,5) - 纯属觉得摆得不好看 要说改进的话 让slider之间的间距看起来差不多一样【什么?你说我改完后看起来没差?【。什么?改完之后看起来没差 :3
00:43:509 (3,4) - Finish太吵惹……考虑降低音量 ≤30%ok
00:53:894 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这种梗的读图+切指绝壁坑死我的反应啊……不考虑换成circle吗【。我到是觉得颇为有趣w
01:06:125 (5) - Ctrl+Gok

不知道你这个图是准备找BAT了还是还在求mod中反正我还是mod了因为为了要蹭一个M4M……【。没有啊还在找mod。。。只是最近生病没怎么打理了。。。所以恭喜你赚了1kd wwwww
Map Link:
from pm(不建议群发pm)

00:10:740 (4,5,6,7,1) - 堆叠起来会显得有点别扭,不过可以忽略

00:07:048 (6,7) - 对于hard难度来说,不推荐使用遮挡
01:30:355 (3,4) - 修一下blanket


Kamio Misuzu




00:03:817 (1,4) - 稍微调整一下姿势,像随手拉的,比较丑...

00:16:740 (1,2,3) - 远了

00:28:509 (4) - 这一块儿的节奏按我的感觉应该是把它删掉,然后00:28:278 (3) - 拉长至00:28:509 -

00:36:355 (3) - 删掉

00:39:701 (3) - 比较违和,删掉吧

00:51:355 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) - 这一块儿节奏放慢听一下,这样应该会更好一些

00:55:509 (1) - ctrl+g

01:03:701 (3) - 删掉

01:27:817 (3,4,5,6,7) - 对比一下01:30:125 (4,5,6,7,1) - 间距反差有点大。。


00:07:740 (1,2,3) - 红线起手的滑条很别扭,稍微改一下吧



OK,以上。主要还是注意排版的美观问题~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

hoshisorakiseki wrote:

from pm(不建议群发pm)原来大家介意这个的么。。。下次不会了._.

00:10:740 (4,5,6,7,1) - 堆叠起来会显得有点别扭,不过可以忽略嘛你这样说我也没想到什么能解决的方案,先keep好了

00:07:048 (6,7) - 对于hard难度来说,不推荐使用遮挡fix
01:30:355 (3,4) - 修一下blanket这是按照ds来的啊,很难做blanket了


没找到什么大问题,就送一分+testplay吧,加油谢谢你 :)

Kamio Misuzu wrote:





00:03:817 (1,4) - 稍微调整一下姿势,像随手拉的,比较丑...这已经是改过得了。。。原来的更丑,暂时没有什么idea

00:16:740 (1,2,3) - 远了低bpm下感觉这个跳没什么问题啊。。不过加了nc来辅助了

00:28:509 (4) - 这一块儿的节奏按我的感觉应该是把它删掉,然后00:28:278 (3) - 拉长至00:28:509 - 没必要啊。。

00:36:355 (3) - 删掉ok

00:39:701 (3) - 比较违和,删掉吧ok

00:51:355 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) - 这一块儿节奏放慢听一下,这样应该会更好一些这样会漏鼓啊。。

00:55:509 (1) - ctrl+gok

01:03:701 (3) - 删掉

01:27:817 (3,4,5,6,7) - 对比一下01:30:125 (4,5,6,7,1) - 间距反差有点大。。嗯考虑会改掉吧


00:07:740 (1,2,3) - 红线起手的滑条很别扭,稍微改一下吧还好吧我觉得没什么问题。。。



OK,以上。主要还是注意排版的美观问题~Good Luck~
谢谢hoshisorakiseki 和 Kamio Misuzu的 mod :D
S o a p
妈呀 怎么回事 我昨天写这么大段mod跑哪去了?没po出去卧槽?

00:05:663 (4) - 这个滑条可以调得更好看
00:07:394 - 漏音
00:26:432 (4,6) - 对齐
00:29:663 (1) - 也许这样
00:51:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 突然跟人声是闹哪样
01:24:586 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - 别在下方盘旋

美丽美丽 之前摸的没了我就调几个重要的说了吧 别的dif问题都不大 大概_(:з」∠)_
From my queue~

  1. I suggest to add AudioLeadin: 1000~2000
  1. 00:31:509- finish?
  1. 00:29:201 (8) - I prefer the following pattern

    00:40:971 (4,5,6) - I got uncomfortable feeling for smoother cursor moving. for example, how about this?

  1. 00:18:009 (2,3) - x:399 y:225 (stack correctly)
  2. 01:15:240 (5,6) - avoid overlap
almost good!
nice mapping~☆
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

S o a p wrote:

妈呀 怎么回事 我昨天写这么大段mod跑哪去了?没po出去卧槽?w

00:05:663 (4) - 这个滑条可以调得更好看滑调什么的我没什么idea啊=A=之后有了idea肯定会改掉
00:07:394 - 漏音恩做了些修改
00:26:432 (4,6) - 对齐虽然不知道什么叫对齐。。不过做了写修改
00:29:663 (1) - 也许这样
00:51:355 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 突然跟人声是闹哪样因为这一段人声做起来有意思啊,不过通篇大部分都是跟人声
01:24:586 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2) - 别在下方盘旋这也没什么问题吧。。

美丽美丽 之前摸的没了我就调几个重要的说了吧 别的dif问题都不大 大概_(:з」∠)_
嗯谢谢Soap你的mod :D

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~

  1. I suggest to add AudioLeadin: 1000~2000sure
  1. 00:31:509- finish?ok
  1. 00:29:201 (8) - I prefer the following patternok

    00:40:971 (4,5,6) - I got uncomfortable feeling for smoother cursor moving. for example, how about this?seems nice採用\:D/

  1. 00:18:009 (2,3) - x:399 y:225 (stack correctly)ok
  2. 01:15:240 (5,6) - avoid overlaphard to avoid it since i blanket it :(
almost good!
nice mapping~☆
~Good Luck~
Thank you for your modding and star randomeffect-san :D
Ryuuka Toki
我出现了(你是谁啊?!)由于触盘没带回家,就没玩过osu了,也就忘了你的mod了,红豆泥sorry。。。 :o :o


Topic Starter

Ryuuka Toki wrote:

我出现了(你是谁啊?!)由于触盘没带回家,就没玩过osu了,也就忘了你的mod了,红豆泥sorry。。。 :o :o


Hollow Wings
as ur req


  1. 00:11:894 (2,3) - blanket perfect
  2. 01:15:240 (5,6) - 像这种overlap一点点的我是不太推荐,要么多叠一点要么分开
  3. 01:23:894 (9) - 搞成逆时针似乎比较顺手
  4. 其他没啥,不过,,,似乎略显单调?有些地方可以再弄好玩点啊orz


  1. 00:20:894 (7,8) - blanket perfect
  2. 00:28:278 (6) - 头上还是加上clap吧
  3. 00:29:201 (8) - 可以换成折返2次+note
  4. 01:33:355 (4,5) - blanket?


  1. 00:07:971 (2,3) - blanket?
  2. 01:19:509 (2,3,4) - 这里似乎可以再排均匀点
  3. 01:35:894 这里加个beat,转盘后移

good luck
Topic Starter

Hollow Wings wrote:

as ur req


  1. 00:11:894 (2,3) - blanket perfectfix
  2. 01:15:240 (5,6) - 像这种overlap一点点的我是不太推荐,要么多叠一点要么分开改了一下滑条的形状
  3. 01:23:894 (9) - 搞成逆时针似乎比较顺手ok
  4. 其他没啥,不过,,,似乎略显单调?有些地方可以再弄好玩点啊orz呜呜技术不足啊


  1. 00:20:894 (7,8) - blanket perfect不太好改啊。。。改了之后ds就被破坏了,先保留
  2. 00:28:278 (6) - 头上还是加上clap吧我好像加了啊。。。
  3. 00:29:201 (8) - 可以换成折返2次+note
  4. 01:33:355 (4,5) - blanket?ok


  1. 00:07:971 (2,3) - blanket?fix
  2. 01:19:509 (2,3,4) - 这里似乎可以再排均匀点稍微调了一下orz
  3. 01:35:894 这里加个beat,转盘后移ok

good luck
谢谢Hollow Wings你的指导 :)
Hello from my queue.

[General] Why no Easy diff? O:
offset 133 maybe?

[Normal] 01:29:201 (1,2) - looks a bit ugly.

[Hard] 00:07:740 (1,2) - why on red ticks? It sounds so much better if it is on a white tick :3
00:12:817 (4) - ^
00:23:432 (3) - ^
00:29:894 (2,5) - ^
00:52:048 (1) - ^
01:03:355 (2) - Stack it perfectly with 01:02:432 (9) - , disable grid snap
01:08:663 (2) - maybe ?
01:22:278 (3) - slider end 2 ticks down and this white point in the middle 1 to make a perfect blanked with 01:21:817 (2) -
01:27:355 (9) - stack it perfectly
01:30:355 (3,4) - sounds better on white tick

[Insane] 00:11:894 (2) - sounds better on white tick. :3
00:13:509 (6) - Stack it perfectly with 00:13:048 (5) -
00:17:086 (3,4) - looks ugly, maybe ?
00:49:278 (4) - at first, this slider looks a bit ugly. and it sounds bad too on red tick ?
00:53:201 (7) - Make it 1 grid down .3.
01:21:586 (2) - Stack it perfectly with 01:20:894 (7) -

Nazi Mod
Topic Starter

Ami wrote:

Hello from my queue.

[General] Why no Easy diff? O:normal is easy enough and i am bad on making shape for long sliders @@
offset 133 maybe?125 sounds better for me -.-

[Normal] 01:29:201 (1,2) - looks a bit fault, anyway i don't have any idea baout how to fix it so just keep it there ;_;

[Hard] 00:07:740 (1,2) - why on red ticks? It sounds so much better if it is on a white tick :3well i just have different opion @@
00:12:817 (4) - ^fix
00:23:432 (3) - ^nope
00:29:894 (2,5) - ^this one seems fine
00:52:048 (1) - ^seems fine either
01:03:355 (2) - Stack it perfectly with 01:02:432 (9) - , disable grid snapfix
01:08:663 (2) - maybe ?current one is also ok
01:22:278 (3) - slider end 2 ticks down and this white point in the middle 1 to make a perfect blanked with 01:21:817 (2) - how you find there exist a blanket.... fix
01:27:355 (9) - stack it perfectlyok
01:30:355 (3,4) - sounds better on white tickno

[Insane] 00:11:894 (2) - sounds better on white tick. :3ok
00:13:509 (6) - Stack it perfectly with 00:13:048 (5) - np
00:17:086 (3,4) - looks ugly, maybe ?fix
00:49:278 (4) - at first, this slider looks a bit ugly. and it sounds bad too on red tick ?make some change on shape
00:53:201 (7) - Make it 1 grid down .3.ok .3.
01:21:586 (2) - Stack it perfectly with 01:20:894 (7) - fix

Nazi Mod
Thank you Ami for your mod ~~
Np, map is great :3
hey~ i'm here from my queue :D.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.

disable widescreen support since you're not using a widescreen SB.

considering that this is the easiest diff in the set, use AR4 instead of AR5 for more readability during gameplay.
00:00:125 (1,2,3,4) - i really think these sliders can look a lot nicer than now. try something like this in the box below for a more readable and enjoyable pattern. i feel that players would have a tough time reading your current pattern during gameplay.
00:07:971 (2) - do something like this for the sake of keeping the flow steady and more comfortable for beginners during gameplay.
00:10:740 (1) - use a circle and a 1/1 slider. the repeat slider in this part breaks the general flow in the music during gameplay.
00:13:971 (4,5,6) - space these out. the general flow feels like it came to a sudden stop because of the stack and that feels uncomfortable for amateurs during gameplay.
00:16:971 (3,5) - delete these notes. yes they follow the vocals, but remember that this is the easiest diff in the set, so it'd most likely surprise amateurs during gameplay.
00:18:125 (6) - remove the finish at the end. it may sound nice, but there's nothing that emphasizes it in the music during gameplay.
00:20:432 (1) - this should be more readable. expose this slider instead of covering it up to avoid any kind of confusion for players during gameplay.
00:21:355 (2,3) - why don't you consider replacing this for a 1/2 repeat slider to make this more easier during gameplay?. i feel that the stack and rhythm would throw players off IMO.
00:22:278 (1) - same idea as 00:18:125.
00:30:586 (2,3) - do something like this instead. the current transition feels really uncomfortable to follow considering the downward transition from (2). doing this would keep the flow steady and be more readable during gameplay.
00:37:048 (1) - replace this for 2 circles instead of a 1/1 slider to follow the music more properly during gameplay.
00:37:971 (2) - i highly suggest that you use a circle instead of a 1/2 slider. yes they follow the vocals, but like i said--this is the easiest diff so it'd be surprising for amateurs.
00:51:817 (1) - you're forgetting a clap at the end. add it so that the clap pattern is consistent.
00:53:201 (3) - ^
00:55:048 (3,4) - here is where the spacing is inconsistent because the gap between here is 1.10, and the default DS ia 1.00 so for this one, use the default for the spacing to be more consistent during gameplay.
00:56:432 (1) - this spinner is placed incorrectly. it should start at 00:57:125 - . not here since the vocals are in 1/2, and so is the BGM. for this one place the spinner at 00:57:125, and end it at 00:58:509 to follow the hold in the vocals nicely, and add notes starting at 00:56:432 to keep the flow steady in the diff.
00:59:201 - if you do the suggestion above, then add a circle here to keep the flow steady and be sure to leave a 1/1 gap so that players can recover in time for the next note. this wouldn't be a smooth pattern to follow for beginners since there's no gap in this part of the diff.
01:11:894 (1) - you have the right approach, just end it at 01:13:278 - . same reason as 00:56:432 about the spinner.
01:17:894 (4,1) - considering that the turn it's taking here, the flow in this part is really awkward, especially for amateurs during gameplay. this sudden left transition could make players feel uncomfortable during gameplay. for this one, do something like this because it's more comfortable, it won't make players feels uncomfortable during gameplay, and not to mention that it's a more straightforward pattern during gameplay.
you need to work on making this diff easier. yes it's a normal, but since it's the easiest diff in the set, you have to make this an easy normal diff, also your patterns. some of them don't flow nicely and smoothly. i want you to highly consider fixing this to improve your map.

00:03:355 (6) - make the transition consistent with (2,3). try moving this near the middle for a somewhat consistent transition in this part of the diff.
00:07:509 (7,1) - NC on (7) and remove the NC on (1) because this is where the music picks up in this part. (7) doesn't seem to fit here due to the emphasis and the finish in this part.
00:11:201 (1,2) - please consider the transition here. with the slider going like this, it feels flow-breaking to follow during gameplay. flip it to look like this. not only you'd be blanketing that are on (1), but you'd be blanket the end of (1) as well.
00:20:432 (6,7,8,9) - the rhythm is incorrect. if you're following the vocals, it isn't right. for this one, replace (7,8) for a 1/1 slider and a circle. if you're following the BGM, it doesn't fit with it. replace (7,9) for a 1/4 repeat slider. (9) should have a circle after the 1/4 repeat slider to follow it properly during gameplay.
00:40:971 (4,5) - reduce the spacing here. the jump feels unexpected for players during gameplay.
01:15:355 (4,5) - i really don't think this is the place (5) should be since the transition feels uncomfortable to follow during gameplay. i'm thinking (5) should be on 01:14:663 (2) - for a smoother transition. remember that if you do this, you have to fix the spacing for the next notes ahead.
01:27:586 (1) - this should be moved back 1/4 because that's where the hold in the vocals are. it'll emphasize that part in the BGM.
use more default finishes. they would really fit with the cymbals when following this song during gameplay, and also your rhythm selections and flow can be a lot better in this diff.

00:00:125 (1) - use 3 circles with a jump. instead of this repeat considering that this is an insane diff, a repeat like this won't be as exciting for players during gameplay. in other words you got the correct rhythm, just the selection isn't correct to follow.
00:01:971 (4) - ^
00:03:817 (1) - ^
00:05:663 (4) - ^
00:13:509 (6) - to make this more readable, you can space this out by moving this so that the spacing reaches .30 as if it's an anti-jump here.. it'll feel more fitting to follow instead of a stack since it suddenly stops the flow here.
00:25:971 (5) - make this a NC. you're breaking consistency with your previous combos.
00:28:048 (2,3,4,5) - i see what you're doing here, but it doesn't fit with this part of the BGM since there are no drums or 1/4 parts in this. follow the music properly by adding 1/2 sliders and circles.
00:33:817 (2,6) - i think these are meant to be claps, not finishes. replace them for the sake of consistency in the claps.
00:57:355 (1) - i want you to highly consider this spinner. if you think it's fine, think about how the players will react to this in their 1st run. it'd most likely surprise them since they'd be expecting this spinner to be longer during gameplay. i highly suggest that you remove this because it ruins the general flow in this part of the song.
01:22:971 (1) - NC here to show the jump. having no NC here would most likely surprise players during gameplay.
same comment as hard.

and that's all i got. GL and don't give up on this map :D.
Topic Starter
sorry too many assignments due this week ;_;

Byakugan249 wrote:

hey~ i'm here from my queue :D.

Bold: Unrankable/must fix.
Red: Should be fixed/highly suggested.
Green: Suggestion.
Blue: Comments, Advice or Other.

disable widescreen support since you're not using a widescreen SB.ok

considering that this is the easiest diff in the set, use AR4 instead of AR5 for more readability during gameplay.alright
00:00:125 (1,2,3,4) - i really think these sliders can look a lot nicer than now. try something like this in the box below for a more readable and enjoyable pattern. i feel that players would have a tough time reading your current pattern during gameplay.thank you!!!!! that really helps since i am really bad on shaping long sliders ;w; these looks really nice
00:07:971 (2) - do something like this for the sake of keeping the flow steady and more comfortable for beginners during gameplayok
00:10:740 (1) - use a circle and a 1/1 slider. the repeat slider in this part breaks the general flow in the music during gameplay.currently donot have any idea about how can i palce these, keep it
00:13:971 (4,5,6) - space these out. the general flow feels like it came to a sudden stop because of the stack and that feels uncomfortable for amateurs during gameplay.ok
00:16:971 (3,5) - delete these notes. yes they follow the vocals, but remember that this is the easiest diff in the set, so it'd most likely surprise amateurs during gameplay.ok
00:18:125 (6) - remove the finish at the end. it may sound nice, but there's nothing that emphasizes it in the music during gameplay.fixed there
00:20:432 (1) - this should be more readable. expose this slider instead of covering it up to avoid any kind of confusion for players during gameplay.fixed
00:21:355 (2,3) - why don't you consider replacing this for a 1/2 repeat slider to make this more easier during gameplay?. i feel that the stack and rhythm would throw players off IMO.nice idea
00:22:278 (1) - same idea as 00:18:125.ok
00:30:586 (2,3) - do something like this instead. the current transition feels really uncomfortable to follow considering the downward transition from (2). doing this would keep the flow steady and be more readable during gameplay.followed this
00:37:048 (1) - replace this for 2 circles instead of a 1/1 slider to follow the music more properly during gameplay.ok
00:37:971 (2) - i highly suggest that you use a circle instead of a 1/2 slider. yes they follow the vocals, but like i said--this is the easiest diff so it'd be surprising for i followed this as well
00:51:817 (1) - you're forgetting a clap at the end. add it so that the clap pattern is consistent.
00:53:201 (3) - ^fixed in another way
00:55:048 (3,4) - here is where the spacing is inconsistent because the gap between here is 1.10, and the default DS ia 1.00 so for this one, use the default for the spacing to be more consistent during gameplay.fixed
00:56:432 (1) - this spinner is placed incorrectly. it should start at 00:57:125 - . not here since the vocals are in 1/2, and so is the BGM. for this one place the spinner at 00:57:125, and end it at 00:58:509 to follow the hold in the vocals nicely, and add notes starting at 00:56:432 to keep the flow steady in the diff.ok
00:59:201 - if you do the suggestion above, then add a circle here to keep the flow steady and be sure to leave a 1/1 gap so that players can recover in time for the next note. this wouldn't be a smooth pattern to follow for beginners since there's no gap in this part of the diff.ok
01:11:894 (1) - you have the right approach, just end it at 01:13:278 - . same reason as 00:56:432 about the spinner.fixed
01:17:894 (4,1) - considering that the turn it's taking here, the flow in this part is really awkward, especially for amateurs during gameplay. this sudden left transition could make players feel uncomfortable during gameplay. for this one, do something like this because it's more comfortable, it won't make players feels uncomfortable during gameplay, and not to mention that it's a more straightforward pattern during gameplay.ok i folowed this
you need to work on making this diff easier. yes it's a normal, but since it's the easiest diff in the set, you have to make this an easy normal diff, also your patterns. some of them don't flow nicely and smoothly. i want you to highly consider fixing this to improve your map.

00:03:355 (6) - make the transition consistent with (2,3). try moving this near the middle for a somewhat consistent transition in this part of the that really necessary? i just keep this cuz i think current one is fine.
00:07:509 (7,1) - NC on (7) and remove the NC on (1) because this is where the music picks up in this part. (7) doesn't seem to fit here due to the emphasis and the finish in this part.sure
00:11:201 (1,2) - please consider the transition here. with the slider going like this, it feels flow-breaking to follow during gameplay. flip it to look like this. not only you'd be blanketing that are on (1), but you'd be blanket the end of (1) as well.fixed
00:20:432 (6,7,8,9) - the rhythm is incorrect. if you're following the vocals, it isn't right. for this one, replace (7,8) for a 1/1 slider and a circle. if you're following the BGM, it doesn't fit with it. replace (7,9) for a 1/4 repeat slider. (9) should have a circle after the 1/4 repeat slider to follow it properly during gameplayok to many people mentioned this._. i followed vocal
00:40:971 (4,5) - reduce the spacing here. the jump feels unexpected for players during gameplay.some one asked me to do like this ;_; keep it at first
01:15:355 (4,5) - i really don't think this is the place (5) should be since the transition feels uncomfortable to follow during gameplay. i'm thinking (5) should be on 01:14:663 (2) - for a smoother transition. remember that if you do this, you have to fix the spacing for the next notes ahead.i changed the slider to make flow smooth
01:27:586 (1) - this should be moved back 1/4 because that's where the hold in the vocals are. it'll emphasize that part in the BGM.fixed
use more default finishes. they would really fit with the cymbals when following this song during gameplay, and also your rhythm selections and flow can be a lot better in this diff.

00:00:125 (1) - use 3 circles with a jump. instead of this repeat considering that this is an insane diff, a repeat like this won't be as exciting for players during gameplay. in other words you got the correct rhythm, just the selection isn't correct to follow.
00:01:971 (4) - ^
00:03:817 (1) - ^
00:05:663 (4) - ^really nice suggestion
00:13:509 (6) - to make this more readable, you can space this out by moving this so that the spacing reaches .30 as if it's an anti-jump here.. it'll feel more fitting to follow instead of a stack since it suddenly stops the flow here.ok change to 0.3
00:25:971 (5) - make this a NC. you're breaking consistency with your previous combos.fixed
00:28:048 (2,3,4,5) - i see what you're doing here, but it doesn't fit with this part of the BGM since there are no drums or 1/4 parts in this. follow the music properly by adding 1/2 sliders and circles.yes i know that but set 1/4 there can make it more fun and interesting. Although there is not any drums but use 1/4 sounds not bad as well. However, most people think this part fits and fun to play. I currently keep this and waiting for more people's comments about this. Maybe fix it later.
00:33:817 (2,6) - i think these are meant to be claps, not finishes. replace them for the sake of consistency in the claps.i think it should be finish....but i find i missed a finish there and fixed
00:57:355 (1) - i want you to highly consider this spinner. if you think it's fine, think about how the players will react to this in their 1st run. it'd most likely surprise them since they'd be expecting this spinner to be longer during gameplay. i highly suggest that you remove this because it ruins the general flow in this part of the song.inb4 it is a long spinner ;_; now it completely disappeared
01:22:971 (1) - NC here to show the jump. having no NC here would most likely surprise players during gameplay.fixed
same comment as hard.

and that's all i got. GL and don't give up on this map :D.i will keep working on this (`・ω・)
all your mods and comments are useful ! Thank you Byakugan249 :D
P o M u T a
your map good.
i shoot star here.
good luck~
Ello, mod as requested o̿ ̭ o̿
00:25:048 (6) - Finish on the tail isn't necessary.
00:54:125 (3,4) - This part seeems a bit crowded if you ask me, and that's mostly because of 00:55:740 (4) - .Why not have it angled something like this?

01:13:740 (1) - Isn't really need, it sounds rather too extra here. Remove, and extend 01:11:894 (1) - 's tail up to 01:13:971 with a finish
01:29:201 (1,2) - With the weird flow here, you might as well try to blanket 01:30:586 (2) - 's tail with 01:29:201 (1) -
01:33:817 (2) - Finish on the tail
01:35:894 (5) - ^

00:14:663 (8) - Move a bit more lower so it isn't touching 00:13:048 (4,5,6) -
00:45:125 (2) - Remove and place a note at 00:45:355 or add a reverse on 00:44:432 (1) - . There's no beat or piece of lyrics heard at 00:45:125, so it sounds a bit awkward if there's a hit object there.
00:52:048 (1) - ^ Same suggestion
01:33:586 (5) - Finish on the tail

00:58:278 (1,2,3) - Since this is Insane mode, a stream here would be good. But, that's up to you of course :P
01:33:817 (3) - Finish on the tail

Nice mapset.
Good luck!
Topic Starter
@:P o M u T a
thank you for your star :) :)

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello, mod as requested o̿ ̭ o̿
00:25:048 (6) - Finish on the tail isn't necessary.ok removed this
00:54:125 (3,4) - This part seeems a bit crowded if you ask me, and that's mostly because of 00:55:740 (4) - .Why not have it angled something like this?i want to make a symmetric pattern... anyway followed your suggestion

01:13:740 (1) - Isn't really need, it sounds rather too extra here. Remove, and extend 01:11:894 (1) - 's tail up to 01:13:971 with a finishit is other modder's advice and i think it fit to this song. will currently keep this
01:29:201 (1,2) - With the weird flow here, you might as well try to blanket 01:30:586 (2) - 's tail with 01:29:201 (1) - fixed it in another way
01:33:817 (2) - Finish on the tailok
01:35:894 (5) - ^^

00:14:663 (8) - Move a bit more lower so it isn't touching 00:13:048 (4,5,6) - fixed
00:45:125 (2) - Remove and place a note at 00:45:355 or add a reverse on 00:44:432 (1) - . There's no beat or piece of lyrics heard at 00:45:125, so it sounds a bit awkward if there's a hit object there.fixed this
00:52:048 (1) - ^ Same suggestionthere is vocal there so no
01:33:586 (5) - Finish on the tailit should be clap, anyway fixed this

00:58:278 (1,2,3) - Since this is Insane mode, a stream here would be good. But, that's up to you of course :Pboth stream and repeated slider is fine :P
01:33:817 (3) - Finish on the tailok

Nice mapset.
Good luck!
thank you 10crystalmask01. you should be elite modder since i see your mods everywhere
[ Raphael ]

  • Good :)

    • 00:03:817 (1,3) - ambiguous slider. makes to a complete curve.
      01:05:663 (4) - start on 01:05:432 -. i can hear vocal

      • 00:14:663 (8) - move to (172,308) for triangle.
        00:16:509 (5) - move to (184,144). it is touching 00:15:355 (2) -
        00:31:278 (5) - remove finish on tail. i think it is not necessary.
        00:41:432 (5,6) - try blanket
        00:50:894 (9) - make to opposite. seeing the pattern of the following, maybe it is good for playing.
        01:13:509 (2) - add whistle on second reverse. (=red tick)
        01:35:894 (4) - move to (256,296)

        • 00:13:048 (5,6) - same like 00:09:355 (1,2) -
          00:30:125 (2) - add whistle on head
          00:30:586 (3,6) - add whistle
          00:42:586 (1,2,3,4) - how about this? and why used different hit sound?
          00:55:048 (5) - avoid stack. it is thought that it is a little boring.
          01:02:894 (5) - move to (196,68). it is touching 01:02:317 (4) -
          01:28:278 (7) - change to the stream.

          Hope this helps :)
Topic Starter

[ Raphael ] wrote:


  • Good :)

    • 00:03:817 (1,3) - ambiguous slider. makes to a complete curve.this also fine ._.
      01:05:663 (4) - start on 01:05:432 -. i can hear vocalkeep this first....

      • 00:14:663 (8) - move to (172,308) for triangle.ok
        00:16:509 (5) - move to (184,144). it is touching 00:15:355 (2) - ok
        00:31:278 (5) - remove finish on tail. i think it is not necessary.there is a finish in the song
        00:41:432 (5,6) - try blanketok
        00:50:894 (9) - make to opposite. seeing the pattern of the following, maybe it is good for playing.well I think it is ok for now
        01:13:509 (2) - add whistle on second reverse. (=red tick)ok
        01:35:894 (4) - move to (256,296)ok

        • 00:13:048 (5,6) - same like 00:09:355 (1,2) - fixed
          00:30:125 (2) - add whistle on headno I think current one is better
          00:30:586 (3,6) - add whistle^
          00:42:586 (1,2,3,4) - how about this? and why used different hit sound? can call it personal style lol. Anyway I canged the partern
          00:55:048 (5) - avoid stack. it is thought that it is a little boring.ok i used 1.0 DS
          01:02:894 (5) - move to (196,68). it is touching 01:02:317 (4) - ok
          01:28:278 (7) - change to the stream.ok

          Hope this helps :)
thank you [ Raphael ] :DDD
Hi Mei !

Mod from Modding Queue :3
Hope it help !

00:13:048 (3) - It's too close to the lifebar ! Make sth
00:16:278 (2) - Bad flow ( imo)
00:22:278 (1) - The spacing of that note can be better
00:51:817 (1) - This slider fits with the song but this slider 00:54:125 (3) - doesn't fit with the song
00:57:125 (1) - Spinner should begin on a white tick
01:02:894 (1) - Stack are oftenly bad for Easy / Normal
01:06:586 (1) - ^But I think it's fine

00:09:355 (6,7) - Bad flow , weird for eyes ( mean the end of slider match withe begin of second slider )
00:33:355 - Maybe stack a note
Looks fine imo :'D

01:07:048 (3,4) - Remove and put another thing
01:11:894 (7) - Is it kind of sliderart ?

Hope it was helpful
Map looks brilliant !
Good luck for getting it ranked~
Topic Starter

Secretpipe wrote:

Hi Mei !

Mod from Modding Queue :3
Hope it help !

00:13:048 (3) - It's too close to the lifebar ! Make sth your lifebar must be really long.... keep this advice
00:16:278 (2) - Bad flow ( imo)fixed
00:22:278 (1) - The spacing of that note can be better so how ;_; in my mind it is ok
00:51:817 (1) - This slider fits with the song but this slider 00:54:125 (3) - doesn't fit with the song ummm... keep this
00:57:125 (1) - Spinner should begin on a white tick i just follow vocal
01:02:894 (1) - Stack are oftenly bad for Easy / Normaljust stack one note doesnot cause much problems
01:06:586 (1) - ^But I think it's fine ^

00:09:355 (6,7) - Bad flow , weird for eyes ( mean the end of slider match withe begin of second slider )really? I think this one is fine
00:33:355 - Maybe stack a notenot really necessary
Looks fine imo :'D

01:07:048 (3,4) - Remove and put another thingmade some changes for this
01:11:894 (7) - Is it kind of sliderart ?maybe kind weird but I dont have any idea for making a better slider now ;_;

Hope it was helpful
Map looks brilliant !
Good luck for getting it ranked~
thank you Secretpipe ^^
00:01:048 (5) -
00:06:586 (5,6) -
01:11:894 (7,8) -
>01:13:048 (9) - Ctrl+G,NC
>01:13:509 (11) - Ctrl+G
01:23:894 (4) -
01:36:009 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?
Rating:★★★★☆ good map:3
00:07:048 (6) - NC for SV change
00:10:740 (9,1) - swap NC
00:11:894 (2,3,4) -
00:25:971 (4) -
00:41:663 (6,1) - swap NC
00:48:125 (3) -
01:36:125 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?
Rating:★★★★☆ good map:3
00:21:355 (4) - blanket
00:51:817 (1,3) - looks strange
01:11:201 (3) - What's this?
01:30:586 (2) - blanket
01:36:125 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?
Rating:★★★☆☆ not bad :X
Topic Starter

ts8zs wrote:

00:01:048 (5) - ok
00:06:586 (5,6) - big distance make this map more interesting so no:3
01:11:894 (7,8) - really nice shape either ;_;
>01:13:048 (9) - Ctrl+G,NC
>01:13:509 (11) - Ctrl+Gare you sure? no, this is a trick
01:23:894 (4) - how you get this.... hard for me to shape like this so keep current one...
01:36:009 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?I think there's no problem
Rating:★★★★☆ good map:3
00:07:048 (6) - NC for SV changeok
00:10:740 (9,1) - swap NCok
00:11:894 (2,3,4) - change to this
00:25:971 (4) - no much differences for this 2 I think
00:41:663 (6,1) - swap NCok
00:48:125 (3) - fixed
01:36:125 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?
Rating:★★★★☆ good map:3
00:21:355 (4) - blanketI think it is
00:51:817 (1,3) - looks strangeyes but I dont have any idea for sliders QAQ
01:11:201 (3) - What's this?symmetric
01:30:586 (2) - blanketit is perfectly blanket I think ._.
01:36:125 (1) - end at 01:39:355 - ?
Rating:★★★☆☆ not bad :X
thank you ts8zs :)
hi! :)

00:14:432 (9) - 1/8 is better
00:17:663 (1,2,3,4) - change to same as 00:16:740 (2,3,4) - rhythm?
00:43:048 (2,4) - unperfect mirror, try check on Ctrl+H
00:58:278 (1,2) - this is should be circle streams imo
01:07:048 (3,4,5) - try this pattern?
01:32:432 (1) - red tick move 1grid right? maybe looks good
01:36:009 (1) - change this spinner's volume? like a

01:36:009 (1) - same as Insane

00:40:740 (4) - move to x:184 y:284
01:11:894 (1,1) - spinner end at 01:13:048, 01:13:740 (1) - delete and 01:13:971 - add circle here
01:36:125 (1) - same as Insane

good luck~
Topic Starter

Muya wrote:

hi! :)

00:14:432 (9) - 1/8 is better1/6 is also fine there and not too noise
00:17:663 (1,2,3,4) - change to same as 00:16:740 (2,3,4) - rhythm?sounds good
00:43:048 (2,4) - unperfect mirror, try check on Ctrl+Hchecked
00:58:278 (1,2) - this is should be circle streams imoi just try not to make it too difficult.... well may change it later
01:07:048 (3,4,5) - try this pattern? ok
01:32:432 (1) - red tick move 1grid right? maybe looks goodok
01:36:009 (1) - change this spinner's volume? like a :3

01:36:009 (1) - same as Insanefixed this too

00:40:740 (4) - move to x:184 y:284ok
01:11:894 (1,1) - spinner end at 01:13:048, 01:13:740 (1) - delete and 01:13:971 - add circle hereok
01:36:125 (1) - same as Insaneok

good luck~
thank you Muya-san :)
Hi, mod from my queue :3


00:12:125 (2) - maybe better flip this horizontally, just for better flow
00:38:433 (4) - maybe move the second point of this slider to x:312 y:104 just to make this slider point in a way to make the flow a bit easyer.
00:56:894 - I feel like there's a missing note here :/
01:17:894 (5) - try moving this to x:356 y:96 just to make this connect the 2 sliders in a perfect way.
01:35:201 (4,5) - I'm not sure this stack is a good idea, also because you never did in the whole map. (or at least not in this way)


00:46:509 (5) - stack this to 00:46:740 (6) -
01:29:432 - here: or you add a note. or you move the slider in that moment and than add a note at 01:30:125 -
very good diff.


00:18:817 - maybe you should add a note here? try placing it at x:200 y:276 ?
00:26:894 (3) - what do you think of ctrl + G this?
01:04:278 (5) - crtl + G?
01:12:817 (2) - move just one grid right? just to don't make it touch 01:11:894 (7) - (just for precision)

very good map :)
I give you a star too ^.^
Topic Starter

luxoDeh wrote:

Hi, mod from my queue :3


00:12:125 (2) - maybe better flip this horizontally, just for better flowok
00:38:433 (4) - maybe move the second point of this slider to x:312 y:104 just to make this slider point in a way to make the flow a bit easyer.fixed
00:56:894 - I feel like there's a missing note here :/i am not sure but add one
01:17:894 (5) - try moving this to x:356 y:96 just to make this connect the 2 sliders in a perfect way.ok
01:35:201 (4,5) - I'm not sure this stack is a good idea, also because you never did in the whole map. (or at least not in this way)then i moved it out


00:46:509 (5) - stack this to 00:46:740 (6) - ok
01:29:432 - here: or you add a note. or you move the slider in that moment and than add a note at 01:30:125 -fixed
very good diff.


00:18:817 - maybe you should add a note here? try placing it at x:200 y:276 ?fixed
00:26:894 (3) - what do you think of ctrl + G this?current is better I think
01:04:278 (5) - crtl + G?ok
01:12:817 (2) - move just one grid right? just to don't make it touch 01:11:894 (7) - (just for precision)althoulgh I think it doesnt... fixed

very good map :)
I give you a star too ^.^
so thank you LuxoDeh for your mod and star :) I fixed almost
as your request. and M4M here.

00:23:663 (3,4) - flows better
01:17:894 (5) - Add NC instead here 01:18:125 (1) -
01:19:509 (2,3,4) - I feel better sound. imo
01:16:740 (4) - add finish to end

00:10:740 (1,2) - looks a little bad. And, I cannot hear a sound here.
00:14:894 (1,2,3,4) - ~ Why did you change the spacing? There is what purpose? This will confuse a player. :cry:
01:03:355 (2) - move to x:462, y:227

00:26:894 (3) - Ctrl G? flows better
01:05:432 (4) - Ctrl G? ^

That's all~
good luck! :)
Topic Starter

CakiP wrote:

as your request. and M4M here.

00:23:663 (3,4) - flows better
01:17:894 (5) - Add NC instead here 01:18:125 (1) -
01:19:509 (2,3,4) - I feel better sound. imo
01:16:740 (4) - add finish to end
fixed all :D

00:10:740 (1,2) - looks a little bad. And, I cannot hear a sound here. all right
00:14:894 (1,2,3,4) - ~ Why did you change the spacing? There is what purpose? This will confuse a player. :cry:well fixed this now(´・ω・`)
01:03:355 (2) - move to x:462, y:227ok~

00:26:894 (3) - Ctrl G? flows betterwhy you all asked me to ctrl+g ⊂彡☆))д`) ok fixed this
01:05:432 (4) - Ctrl G? ^no sorry

That's all~
good luck! :)
thank you cakiP |∀` )
Sonico Makaron

Seems you forgot fix Widescreen Support.

00:03:817 (5) - NC.
00:26:894 (3) - 1 grid left for fix spacing.
00:31:509 (3) - Add finish at the head slider.
00:43:971 (1) - Move to x:76 y:140.
00:51:817 (1) - Add finish.
01:14:432 (1) - Seems you miss clap this slider.
01:35:201 (4) - Add NC.

Different combo colour 3 compared with other diffs. 00:06:817 (x) - Add note. I think its will be follow music better.
00:12:586 (4) - When i tested, I heard a weird drum here. Remove drum sampleset this slider.
00:16:740 (7) - NC, it will get better follow for vocal.
00:20:432 (6) - ^
00:36:125 (8) - You can make perfect stack with head slider 00:34:740 (4) -
00:49:509 (5) - same as 00:16:740 (7)
00:53:894 (6) - ^
01:01:278 (6) - ^

00:00:125 - Unnecessary green section here
00:04:740 (4) - Citrl+ H and move to x:316 y:152 I think it's will be better flow
00:09:125 (6,1) - Move to x:48 y:156 for better blanket.
00:10:740 (4) - NC.
00:48:817 (2) - Move to x:108 y:128.
00:49:048 (3) - Move to x:160 y:284.

Good map!
Good luck
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