詳しいMODDINGありがとうございました!kajiyatta wrote:
00:22:923(3) 囲んでみては? fixed
00:42:104(2) こういった配置は初心者にはやや難しいので、別の場所に置いた方が良いです fixed
00:48:989(5)^ fixed
00:54:891(4)^ fixed
and more...
00:50:219(1,2,3) 4連打になるので、かなり難しいです。スライダーに置き換えたほうがいいと思います Nice! fixed
Hit Sonud
00:17:514(1,3,5) add finish fixed
00:33:251(4)^ fixed
00:52:923(1)^ fixed
01:04:727(1,2)^ fixed
and more... fixed
00:38:415(4) blanket here. fixed
00:01:407 add a note hereto follow the drum fixed
00:45:792(5,6) maybe liket his? good mod!
Hit Sonud
you can puta hit sounds to foolow the music.
00:17:514(1) add finish at head fixed
00:18:497(3)^ fixed
00:19:481(5,6)^ fixed
00:52:923(3)^ fixed
01:00:792(4)^ fixed
and more... fixed
この配置ならばOD7でも十分でしょう これは総点を300万にさせてため…あとinsaneにとって、このマップは難しくないので、OD8にセットした。
00:42:350(6) この1/1スライダーの中点にあるボーカルを拾いたいので、noteと1/2スライダーにして、こんな感じで置いてみては fixed
00:03:620 バックの音をフォローするためにnote追加 fixed
00:20:219(9,10) ボーカルをフォローするために、こんな感じにしてみては fixed
01:18:005(1) ここのnoteだけ浮いてるので、やや不自然です fixed
Hit Sonud
00:01:776(1)始点のclap→finish fixed
00:52:923(1)^ fixed
01:24:397(7)^ fixed
01:26:366(1)^ fixed
00:17:514(1) finish追加 fixed
00:18:497(4)^ fixed
01:00:792(2)^ fixed
01:10:628(1)^ fixed
good luck.
好的~baldrace wrote:
random mod
谢谢~咱回头就看yusoman wrote:
Looking for M4M~~
话说你确定在NM里面用这么多遮挡?感觉好像给新手增加了很多压力啊 有很多遮挡吗……?只是把同一个节奏的NOTE叠在一起呀- -
00:19:481 (5,6) - 调整下5的角度用6包上 还是觉得直着下来比较好看
00:25:382 (1) - 这个缩短一半? 还是保持吧,让长条的尾巴能对上重拍
00:29:317 (7,8) - 7加长半拍8缩短半拍然后把8移到后面红线 fixed,这个节奏不错~
00:45:055 (6,7) - 这个还是省省吧。。。。感觉太难了(后面类似的就不说了) 对于NORMAL来说不难了……没有这种排列不就跟EASY一样了
00:46:284 (1,2) - 这里包上 咱就是不打算包……
01:06:694 (1,1) - 两个连续转盘?不太好吧 间隔时间足够,没问题的
01:13:087 (5,6) - 这个挪开。。。。这不是HD,不用这种遮挡吧 这种完全没问题啊,NORMAL还是能有这样的重叠的,不是遮挡
01:28:333 (1,2) - 这个也包好 同上
01:41:120 (1) - 从长白线开始? 那里没东西呀
00:13:579 (1,2,3,4) - 贴的有点紧,稍微分开点吧 ds完全没问题- -
00:16:284 (9,10) - 9缩短到白线,10前移到蓝线然后再加一次折返 fixed.
00:20:464 (7,1,2,3) - 这里没太包好,再好好包包 fixed.
00:21:448 (3,4) - 这里包上 fixed.
00:37:186 (1,2) - 这里也是 fixed.
01:00:301 (1,2) - 交换NC fixed.
01:13:087 (10) - 调整下弯曲角度和方向? fixed.
01:18:497 (3,4) - 包好 fixed.
01:23:169 (4,5,6,7) - 这个也是 fixed.
01:29:809 (12,1,2,3) - 还有这里 这里就不包了
01:41:120 (7) - 感觉弧度有点大 问题不大
00:29:317 (1,2,3) - 这里可以让1和3一起把2包上 感觉现在这样比较好看
01:14:071 - 这里不加个circle?可以藏在滑条尾 fixed.
01:36:448 (6) - 逆时针转个90度? 感觉现在这样比较好看
Yutsuki yukari wrote:
Hello trying to m4m
根据rank要求你需要有一个三星或以下的diff,因此建议降低最低难度或者另外map一个EZ 已添加Easy。
00:30:301 (8) - 尽量移到别的地方不要和6重叠0.0 fixed.
01:12:104 (4) - 我个人觉得ctrl+g会好一些 fixed.
00:59:316 (2) - unsnap fixed?
00:59:809 (3) - unsnap fixed?
00:11:120 (6) - 往左一格 fixed.
00:14:071 (2) - 整体向右一格,尾巴也向右一格 fixed.
00:15:055 (4) - 往下一点,尽量不要叠,Hard对distance snap的要求不算太严重 这个先保留吧
00:30:792 (5) - 不太好看0.0 噗我想想有没有别的
01:13:087 (10) - ^ ^
01:17:022 (8) - 试试看 fixed.
01:42:473 (10) - 和9离得稍微远点0. 0,不然容易有8-9和9-10是同样节奏的错觉 fixed.
normal-hitwhistle用的有点随意了0.0 我个人觉得这个音效不太适合这首曲子 0 0咱再听听,现在感觉还行。或者说你觉得什么音效比较好?
00:11:612 (2) - try fixed.
00:31:653 (x) - 加个note 感觉不加比较好
01:25:751 (1) - ctrl+g fixed.
01:26:120 (1) - ^ fixed.
非常感谢!好仔细的MOD > <bigfrog wrote:
from m4m :3
請問你是用grid 4嗎? 如果不是的話我建議用...會比較整齊~"~ 谢谢学习了~
00:02:268(2) 完整包住 00:01:776(1)?(頭尾距離到(1)不同 fixed.
00:03:251(3) 如果你移動了上面的建議,請移動這個到正確的位置"" fixed.
00:07:678(2) x152 y52 fixed.
00:13:087(3)往下一格 fixed.
00:14:563(2) 左跟上各一格 fixed.
00:18:005(2) x208 y264 fixed.
00:26:366(2) 移到 00:23:907(4,5)? 然後擺成像這樣 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833436 没看明白0 0
00:27:350(3,4,5,6) 往左移到正確的位置o.o 正确位置是哪里0 0
00:30:301(8) 移到 00:28:825(6) 的位置 现在这样也挺好看的~
00:30:301(8,1) 尾巴跟 00:31:284(1) 調一下位置 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833440 没看明白……
00:32:268(2,3,4,5) 這裡可以成正三角形 :3 fixed~
00:42:104(2) 下兩格 fixed.
00:49:481(5) x256 y192 (正中央
01:00:546(1,2) 左兩格 fixed.
01:36:448(5) 左一格 fixed.
01:37:678(7) 試試這個 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833447 fixed.
01:39:645(9) 可以設著讓迴轉的地方與01:41:120(1)的尾呈1.00x的距離 就这样吧~
01:43:087(1) 轉到01:46:038? 然後再+個finish o.o fixed.
Aka's Hard
00:01:284(2,3) 要不要調一下距離? (1.04,1.05) fixed.
00:10:382(4) x504 y264? 覆蓋到 00:10:628(5)覺得不好看 good advice~
00:14:071(2) 平行 00:13:579(1) fixed.
00:16:284(9) slide到 00:16:530,然後尾巴覆蓋在 00:15:055(4) 的開頭 fixed.
00:21:448(3,4,5) 試試這個~ http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833463 fixed.
00:24:153(9) ^ http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833470 fixed.
00:28:579(1,2,3) 呃...1.25x? 移到x96 y224? fixed.
00:30:546(4) x184 y84 fixed.
00:53:661(4,5,6) 左一格,然後 00:54:153(6) 往下一格 fixed.
00:55:382(2) 角度可以再大一點 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833475 先这样吧
01:05:710(5) 右一格 fixed.
01:13:825(11) 往下一格然後 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833477 fixed.
01:21:448(10,11,1) 這個 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833487 嗯?
01:25:137(1) 迴轉的地方和 01:25:751(2) 呈1.00的距離>_< fixed.
01:26:612(2) replace? (1.06x) fixed.
01:31:776(5) 移到 01:29:809(12) 的位置 fixed.
然後 01:31:530(4,6) x216 y:160,
01:32:268(7,8) x288 y124 fixed.
01:36:202(7) 下兩格 fixed.
01:38:169(11,12,13,1,2,3) 不確定這裡的距離是不是對的... 重新调整了下
01:41:858(8) x260 y348 fixed.
00:05:096(4) 左一格 fixed.
00:05:587(6) x208 y296 fixed.
00:18:005(3) x232 y100 (平行 00:17:514(1) 先保留吧
00:22:432(3) 下兩格 fixed.
00:50:956(4) 角度小一點+_+ 開頭跟迴轉到 00:50:710(3) 距離一樣 fixed.
00:55:874(6,7,8) 覺得這樣比較對拍...http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833517 good~
01:20:464(1) replace? (0.95,0.95) fixed.
01:25:382(1) 這個 http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/833523 这里就让它随意跳跳了
01:42:104(7) 不要彎曲 :3 感觉斜一点点好看w
Good Luck!!
谢谢烤肉> <baldrace wrote:
random mod
为什么easy hard没有clap。。没有whistle。。 今天加了~
我怎么感觉重音应该往前挪一根白线?BGM的finish都不是在长白线而且clap也不在24白线 已改正,感谢。
桑格难度NC都比较乱,应该重新排一下,每一个长白线或者两个长白线一次 OK
看了hrad以后发现kiai不太对。。后面那段为什么不加kiai 其实我有想过后面加kiai,只是觉得其他部分都没开头的感带……我再考虑考虑
HP-1吧,最好比AR小 fixed.
00:01:038 (1,2) - 这两个间距为什么是。。 囧,这里竟然看漏了
00:01:776 (1) - finish,有finish音的要加上去 fixed.
00:19:973 (6) - 这边finsh 乱了?这边明显头部有个finish的音,应该加这上 这条我都没加了
00:37:186 (1) - finish 今天自己检查的时候加了XD
00:31:284 (1) - 这边好像也有finish fixed.
00:14:563 (3,4) - 避免这种重叠,无谓,影响美观 fixed.
01:11:120为什么这边不kiai。。 上面说了
01:22:432 (1,2,3,4) - 节奏不是很好 倒是对得上音乐,改了下
01:41:120 (7) - 太扭曲。。 233
01:42:596 (10) - 这个应该起在后面的白线上吧,红线结束,是个1/2滑条
00:09:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - partten不是很好看的样子 唔……
00:18:497 (4,5,6,7,8) - 这边感觉要NC一下不然误读 fixed.
00:32:022 (1) - 这段我觉得跟鼓音比较好 基本上是在跟?
00:33:005 (5,6) - 要叠的话叠后面那个滑条头上好一点 fixed.
01:20:464 (1) - 好长的贪吃蛇。。 ww
01:42:104 (7) - 一次折返+1note比较好 保留吧~
00:57:350 (4,5) - 包好看一点 这里原本就是不想包w
感谢你的MOD!cubelrti wrote:
I'm looking for M4M.
我不认为kiai是正确的...kiai不应该是歌曲的高潮部分么? 好吧大家都在吐槽这个问题= =不过觉得最燃的是前面一部分啊……fixed.
00:17:513 (1) - start kiai here
00:35:710 end kiai here
01:10:628 (1) - start kiai here
01:45:054 end kiai here
开头clap部分似乎有点问题,认真听听? 好的。
01:25:136 (1) - add a note fixed.
01:25:259 (2) - ^ fixed.
00:21:448 (2) - ^ 这里本来就有NOTE?
01:37:678 (1,2,3,4,5) - 这个部分不太符合音乐……不过可以不改
00:45:054 (3) - 音没这么长,拉到蓝线上,然后在00:46:438塞一个note 没看懂你的意思
中间的clap音效听起来不太对…… 我音效果然很苦手orz
[Aka's Hard]
如果不是星星我都觉得这个像Insane 适当减少一些三连打? 嗯嗯,这个可能要再remap一下
00:12:596 (11) - 我个人认为这里应该拉多一个reverse,然后调整一下间距 fixed.
00:47:022 (8) - nc?
个人不常打N,E难度 实在挑不到什么问题
00:45:054 (6) - nc fixed.
00:46:284 (1) - remove nc fixed.
01:04:481 (1) - 塞一个note 没懂0 0
还有为什么音效这么少 没加完么._. ._.确实是今天才加完的
01:30:300 (1) - 不好看 唔唔……
01:42:104 (2) - 拉到白线上 fixed.
谢谢你的MOD!帮助很大!Sakuya Minagami wrote:
首先全难度的一个问题:kiai time你设置错误,那是歌曲高潮部分的配置,个人觉得设置时间理应在:01:10:382 - 01:17:513以及01:26:243 - 01:33:251或者直接是从01:10:382- 01:45:546(转盘结束需要修正) fixed.
00:19:481(5)(6) 链条是不是设置成这样比较好:链5在 00:19:481 - 00:19:972 链6在 00:20:218 - 00:20:710
然后布局可以这样: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/856639 节奏上会不会更好些? 先保留这个样子吧,NORMAL不适合弄太紧凑
00:34:235 转盘修正为在00:36:694上结束 fixed.
00:39:153 是否在链4的结尾处添加点5会比较好? fixed.
00:48:251 链4是否可以设置为在00:48:497 - 00:48:989会更好?或者做成往返链? 跟人声的话问题不大~
01:08:415 是否要在两个转盘间加点1会更好?不过可能对于normal来说会偏难一点。。。 对,那确实是难了……
01:36:448 删点5会不会更好些? fixed.
01:43:087 转盘修正为在01:45:546结束 fixed.
00:28:579 听着感觉有点奇怪,做如下调整会不会更好?点1: 00:28:579, 点2: 00:28:702, 点3: 00:28:948, 点4: 00:29:071,链5: 00:29:317 - 00:30:300,中间一个往返 哦哦这个节奏好!
像这样: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/856673
00:31:899 删点2,然后点1可以和之前点8的位置重叠 fixed.
像这样: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/856676
00:33:989 加点7 fixed.
00:34:235 转盘结束在00:36:694上 同normal fixed.
00:44:317 - 00:45:792节奏感觉有点疑问,主要出在链2的节奏上,不过没什么好主意。。。
这个方案仅供参考,节奏做出来会好一点不过布局有点难(乱?) 嗯嗯这里我remap的时候再看看
链1: 00:44:317 - 00:44:563,点2: 00:44:686, 链3: 00:44:809 - 00:45:054, 点4: 00:45:177, 链5: 00:45:300 - 00:45:423, 链6: 00:45:546 - 00:45:669
像这样: http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/856702
01:43:087 转盘修正为在01:45:546结束,同normal fixed.
00:19:481 链8删whistle音效 fixed.
00:23:415 链7删whistle音效 这个先保留吧
00:34:235 转盘结束在00:36:694上 同normal fixed.
00:45:054 链3往返点是否放在00:45:423上更好? 现在这样感觉挺好~
01:06:694 链1-4是否增加一次往返比较好? fixed.
01:43:087 转盘修正为在1:45:546结束,同normal fixed.
题外话:insane的whistle音效总体感觉不佳,请考虑是否换成别的音效? 这个真没什么头绪orz慢慢来吧
Thank you for modding!Losertic wrote:
- Pass.
- 00:48:989 (4) - move x-200. y-136. fixed.
- 00:48:497 (3) - move x-200. y-264. ^
- 00:48:005 (2) - move y-264. ^
- 01:13:087 (4,1) - mirror? I'd like to keep it ^^
- 01:18:497 (1,2) - mirror. Link
- 00:02:268 (2) - move x-420 y-60. fixed.
- 00:19:481 (5) - NC. fixed.
- 00:32:268 (3,4,5) - exactly triangle. fixed.
- 00:39:645 (1) - NC. fixed.
- 00:48:005 (1) - ^
Aka's Hard
- 00:11:612 (7) - NC. fixed.
- 00:14:563 (3,4) - overlap. fixed.
- 00:15:546 (5) - NC. fixed.
- 00:26:612 (1) - ^ fixed.
- 00:39:153 (5,6,7) - how about this pattern? it's a triangle. Link if you change this pattern, 00:39:645 (6,8,1,2,3) - move this note. overlap. Good!
- 00:50:218 (1,2,3) - exactly triangle. fixed.
- 01:12:841 (8,9,10) - change?... it's your choice. Link Hmm, keep it.
- 01:20:464 (1) - NC. fixed.
- 01:28:333 (9) - ^ fixed.
- 01:29:317 (10,11,12) - exactly triangle.
ありがとう!EnixYuki wrote:
00:38:415 (4) - このスライダーの形を整えたらどうでしょうか?③のサークルの円に沿うようにカーブを曲げるようにしたらきれいになると思います。 OK
00:58:825 (1) ~ 01:00:300 (7) - この①~⑦の配置のバランスを整えたほうがいいと感じました。①~⑤はokなのですが、⑥のy座標(高さ)を②のy座標(高さ)に合わせて、(もちろんdistance snapをつけて) ⑦のx座標(横の位置)を⑥のx座標(横の位置)にあわせる。(もちろんdistance snapをつけて)等。 fixed.
01:08:169 (1) - 01:07:186 (1) のスライダーの始点と01:08:169 (1) のスライダーの始点の高さを合わせたらどうでしょうか? 今のはマシだと思うけど…
この曲はひさしぶりに聞いてとても懐かしく感じました! とてもいい歌ですね
Thanks for your modding!Mira-san wrote:
Hi. I saw your queue but I think it's still closed. I want a M4M/GD. But idk. Thank you!
My map: Here.
- 00:04:235 - Move this slider. Yes?
- 01:18:005 - I suggest putting a note here. There was one before, but...
- 01:33:743 - Put a note here too. ^
- 01:17:268 - Put something like this on that part. I'd like to remain the blank cause it's a HARD diff.
- 01:33:005 - Same as the first one but you could ignore this one. (Since the distance and all.) ^
Everything seems alright. ^^
It's not too much of a mod since everything looks good.
Thank you for modding!![ Yuki ] wrote:
00:01:776 (1,2,3,4) - turn 5' and 156,57 <<00:04:235 (2) - on the 00:02:759 (3) - fixed.
00:11:120 (1) - NC Removal fixed.
00:31:776 (1,2,3,4,5) - this? good advice! fixed.
00:56:858 (2) - Ctrl+J and turn -60' and 292,200 reserved.
01:40:628 (4) - 256,188 <<01:42:104 (2) - end Over reserved.
00:25:382 (1) - 224,80 <<00:24:399 (5) - on the 00:26:366 (2) - reserved.
00:26:366 (2) - 472,280 <<^ reserved.
00:27:349 (3) - 204,352 <<^ reserved.
00:27:841 (4) - 94,235 <<^ reserved.
00:33:743 (6) - 128,192 reserved.
01:00:300 - note add Or 00:59:809 (5) - Repeat Slide No, its' too much for a Normal I think...
01:14:071 (6) - 484,260 <<01:13:087 (5) - end Hid (Non-recommended) reserved.
[Aka's Hard]
00:02:759 (2) - this? I think straight slider here is better~
01:00:792 (2) - head Finish fixed.
01:03:005 - note add <on the 01:03:128 (3) - head reserved.
01:11:489 - note add fixed.
01:42:104 (7) - this? reserved.
00:09:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - whistle Hmm, let me think about it.
00:21:448 (2) - this? fixed.
00:37:677 (2,3) - this? reserved.
01:42:104 (7) - this? reserved.
good Map~^ GL~
感谢MOD!Mei wrote:
hitsound 我也不是很会。。我尽量
* 00:01:284 (2) - 加个折返,不加的话我觉得有点难打,节奏上没什么问题 为什么不折返会难打……?
* 00:03:620 (7,8,1) - 这个地方咱建议这样 fixed.
* 00:07:677 (1,2) - 这两个滑条尾上加上clap fixed.
* 00:16:038 (8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这里用clap的,我的习惯是用鼓 感觉继续用clap会比较连贯
* 00:21:448 (2) - 我个人比较反感折返太多,这地方柑橘可以这样 已经改成这样了~
* 00:22:923 (1) - nc 保留
* 00:26:120 (4,3) - 加上whistle 怎么样 fixed.
* 00:28:825 (9) - 在头加上whislt fixed.
* 00:30:792 (4) - ^ fixed.
* 00:45:054 (3) - 在滑条头上加歌finish fixed.
* 01:04:604 加个note 保留
* 01:12:595 (7) - 这里的finish感觉不要比较好 保留
* 01:12:595 (7) - 这里的finish感觉不要比较好,换成whislt,后面的那个画条也是 fixed.
* 01:14:563 (2) - finish在头上 fixed.
* 01:19:481 (5) - 移开clap fixed.
* 01:32:636 (6) - spacing 调整下 fixed.
* 01:34:235 (2) - 头上加个finish fixed.
[aka's hard]
* 00:05:710 (3) - should be slider there 确实是啊
* 00:20:464 (7,1) - fix blanket like this fixed.
* 00:28:333 (7,2,4) - add clap fixed.
* 01:02:759 (2) - maybe clap i am not sure 保留
* 01:04:727 (2) - add finish onto the head of slider
* 01:05:710 (4) - ^
* 01:34:235 (3) - ^
* 01:38:169 (6) - add finish
NM EZ 没什么大问题感觉比我做得好多了
nice map 。・ω・ノ☆
非常感谢!Nyquill wrote:
1.6 sv 稍微有一点高,下次作normal的时候把sv放在1.4一下最好。 好的,下次注意。
00:05:710 (7) - 为了保持你在intro里的clap pattern,这个滑条因该有两个clap. fixed
00:09:645 (1) - 从这里开始还是只在2和4拍上有clap好一点吧。 fixed
00:21:940 (3) - 少了个clap吧 fixed
01:25:382 (1,1,1) - 这些把clap该成whistle因该会好听一些。 good!
QAQ为什么kanpakyin wrote:
可惜不能rank了 \:D/
这图很久了啊~Tsukuyomi wrote:
那个好像节奏非常慢啊~估计图做出来会比较无聊Awaken wrote:
Thanks for your reminding.Lanturn wrote:
Consider adding "Opening" and "Case Closed" as well as "名探偵コナン Meitantei" to the tags before ranking
You'll also have to remove "anime" from the tags
Detective Conan <3 glad people are mapping songs from this anime that isn't just Kuraki Mai (and yes, she is amazing)
Another thing. Swap Komatsu ↔ Miho in the title. Family before Given
谢谢你~Zero__wind wrote:
泡了不容易 Good luck打了一下Insane 发现 00:09:153 (6) - 这拍下得不好 我总是不自觉地就打慢了 如果在后面的蓝线会更自然 因为你前面一直是在跟吉他 吉他音是在00:09:276 - 的 你现在那白线上的是鼓 还有就是移到蓝线的话和00:07:063 (4,5,6) - 保持一致的节奏 因为00:07:677 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - 和00:05:710 (7,1,2,3,4,5,6) - 其实是非常相似的两段节奏 这顺便也提醒了我00:05:710 (7,1) - 这个NC没有加在7上面也有点奇怪 或许每个人习惯不太一样吧 你好像喜欢把连续的note用同一个颜色 嘛 也不是什么大问题 反正1st嘛 大家都明白……
Thanks for your concern and great suggestions!Kytoxid wrote:
Bubbled maps are getting stuck here longer and longer. =/ Yeah, I has been waiting so long...
Yes, please swap the first and last names to maintain consistency with the kanji version, and add 名探偵コナン to tags; others I'll leave to your discretion. OK~Finished.
00:12:104 (1) - Could blanket 00:11:612 (4) - a bit better. Fixed.
00:16:038 (1) - This spinner is really brutal and goes by too fast for an Easy. It's also unrankable because the next object begins to appear before the spinner starts. I have made it longer.
00:19:481 (1) - How about following the vocals here? http://puu.sh/6nL2Z.jpg Shouldn't be too hard since the player only needs to hold the slider, not hit anything, on the non-white ticks. Good idea, work done.
01:28:333 (4) - ^ Fixed.
00:15:546 (1) - This combo could be a bit more interesting, since the music is at its peak here. Fixed.
00:19:481 (1,2) - Doesn't follow the music very well, imo. Well, i thought it is a bit hard to use 2notes+1slider combo in normal, so i made it two sliders.
00:30:546 (1) - Hard to catch, move it 1/2 later? Hmmmm, let me think about how to arrange here...
00:44:071 (5) - Move 1/2 earlier? Fixed.
[nadesico's Hard]
00:16:530 (1,2) - The way these are placed, it looks like 1 has an odd number of repeats. How about something like this instead? http://puu.sh/6nLku.jpg Fixed.
00:30:792 (7) - The red-tick wiggle sliders are unrankable; each "wiggle" must be distinctly visible. Fixed.
01:00:792 (2) - This slider is slightly off because it's a bezier slider and not a 3-point arc; not sure if that's intentional. and ..?
01:27:349 (5) - I like this pattern, but would probably put an NC here to make it a bit easier to read for Hard. Fixed~
01:33:005 - This long gap in kiai is a bit awkward, map it? Placed a pattern.
01:42:104 (7) - Drop a repeat and add a note? I think the second repeat is a little hard to read. As you said~
Send me a forum PM once you've made changes.
Thanks!!!Kytoxid wrote:
Yeah~tks for your mod beforeLanturn wrote:
Hurray! Congrats!
Always gotta love more Conan <3
hahahaLunarSakuya wrote:
loll omg 柯南
谢谢~jonathanlfj wrote:
wow my childhood, 恭喜rank
因为上班了所以没太多时间弄,谢谢哈wMei wrote: