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哇, 你弹的又做图
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Hollow Wings

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

哇, 你弹的又做图
for mod


  1. 00:24:844 (4,1) - 虽然说不该看数字读图, 不过这里看着一个大大的1但是却是4先打, 太误导人了
  2. 01:07:097 (6,1,2) - 中间跳得太远了吧0.0
  3. 02:15:970 (8,1) - ^ 这里也是
  4. 02:30:125 (2) - 这个的折返感觉看不清
  5. 02:00:759 (3,4) - 太夸张了吧o.o
  6. 02:01:604 (3,4) - ^
  7. 02:37:836 (2,3) - ^
  8. 我还是觉得折线好难打0.0
  9. 整个图摆在正中间的圈也太多了, 而且还不是对称流, 不如多注意下两边
  10. 如果只是想用cs2的话用就用了, 不过就算是cs2也有很多不科学的梗, 142bpm的四分拍大跳什么的
  11. 我打的时候感觉除了折返梗, 像01:14:069 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:22:203 (4,5,6,7) - 这类混乱的跳也太难, 单点->滑条的跳太大了就打不动
  12. 最简单的是01:23:048 (8) - 那个串233
  13. 可以的话我觉得cs2以外的部分不要那么反人类比较好233
  14. 另外.. 为什么只放一段kiai 233
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

for mod


  1. 00:24:844 (4,1) - 虽然说不该看数字读图, 不过这里看着一个大大的1但是却是4先打, 太误导人了 不不不,这里因为是3直接跟过来接的4所以我这么下了nc,事实上我原本的意思是所有下了重音clap的note全都放在屏幕的正中央并且正好是新nc的开始,感觉这里不是那么难读所以就先这样吧OVQ
  2. 01:07:097 (6,1,2) - 中间跳得太远了吧0.0 呃,参照上一条的粉字,以及这个梗是可以打的我保证0.0
  3. 02:15:970 (8,1) - ^ 这里也是 噗!这里就是像这样摆嘛!OVQ
  4. 02:30:125 (2) - 这个的折返感觉看不清 我顺着flow调整了一下角度,嗯
  5. 02:00:759 (3,4) - 太夸张了吧o.o 233这里确实太大了,我换了个位置噗
  6. 02:01:604 (3,4) - ^ 这里也是,嗯嗯OVO
  7. 02:37:836 (2,3) - ^ 改啦~~OVO
  8. 我还是觉得折线好难打0.0 233噗!
  9. 整个图摆在正中间的圈也太多了, 而且还不是对称流, 不如多注意下两边 参考粉字!这也是猎奇啊!OVQ
  10. 如果只是想用cs2的话用就用了, 不过就算是cs2也有很多不科学的梗, 142bpm的四分拍大跳什么的 额,因为cs小了导致读图的范围会因此而变大,“圈圈的重叠问题+player长期习惯cs4和cs5的读图”以至于如果不是排出非常容易读的谱面的话,就会显得“极不科学+改成更大cs更科学才对”这样。我做这个图初衷就是大间距的排版。至于142的四分拍大跳什么的,你可以理解成284的单点就行啦~~事实上唧唧比在打这个图的时候就是全程单点的,虽然依旧很难就是了。0.0
  11. 我打的时候感觉除了折返梗, 像01:14:069 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:22:203 (4,5,6,7) - 这类混乱的跳也太难, 单点->滑条的跳太大了就打不动 呃,其实我也有考虑到说,单点到滑条间的距离那么大到底怎样,其实如果考虑这个图是个284的单点图的话那没有任何问题,所以其实就算这图单点到滑条的间距那么大其实也是可以打的,当然是建立在足够手速的情况下。而另一种情况就是滑条尾到note的距离了,这个我比较在意的多一点,因为如果太大可能会造成滑条尾出100,毕竟大家都打习惯了,打滑条尾会提前移开,这图滑条尾到单点的距离很少有很大的。至于滑条到滑条那就无所谓了,随便摆。其实这类跳也不算是混乱吧,只能说因为bpm高的离谱以及有cs2的加成变得非常难打吧,这是我的想法0.0
  12. 最简单的是01:23:048 (8) - 那个串233 噗,确实啊233
  13. 可以的话我觉得cs2以外的部分不要那么反人类比较好233 唔,正因为是cs2我才能摆出这种谱子的说,如果用cs4甚至是cs3的话,这图这样摆的话根本就没法打吧0.0
  14. 另外.. 为什么只放一段kiai 233 这曲子高潮我都给break了,其他地方也没那么kiai,所以后面就没放0.0
thx for modding!
Fushimi Rio
其实我觉得U2这首搞的不如原曲啊 只不过原曲是黑历史的有点那啥
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Eggache0 wrote:

其实我觉得U2这首搞的不如原曲啊 只不过原曲是黑历史的有点那啥

I always envy your coloring skill ;w;

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Decipher wrote:

I always envy your coloring skill ;w; well... thou i think it can get more advance... ;w;

daidarabocchi~ 大太法师? lol
hmm... why u noticed this map? i think i'm nobody in mapping right now thou... D:

still thx for looking at my map OVO
I Hope this map don't happen like at Chi no Iro wa Kiiro. the circle is too big.
good luck.

01:35:090 - kiai没什么意义吧
03:02:977 - 何苦呢。。

00:46:921 (1) - repeat上可加finish
01:15:231 - 这边开始音效稍微调一调吧 normal不舒服
02:14:808 (1) - ^^
02:43:118 - ^^

00:13:541 (3) - 我不太推荐normal出1/4反正不过也有人这么干就是了
00:37:203 (2,1) - overlap了
像02:40:161 (2,3,4) - 这样的排列梗倒是蛮有趣的不过。。总感觉被事多的人找了会略麻烦

00:05:935 (1,2,3,4,1) - 太乱了啊
01:03:506 (1,2) - 不得不说。。很难读
。。。这diff感觉问题就不少了。hard里面应该做文章的是加点小跳,你这hard几乎没跳但是1/4很多,01:03:506 (1,2) - 这样的梗不适合出现在hard里,要是我是看图狗肯定一棒子打死

01:50:724 (1,2,3) - 不跳啊
02:30:231 (6,7,8) - 后面我看你都没折回来
。。。估计是我太弱 不多说啥了

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

No_Gu wrote:


lead-in:2000 关于lead in的问题似乎rank后会改观所以就先这样
01:35:090 - kiai没什么意义吧 柑橘炫酷,似乎也没那么不科学
03:02:977 - 何苦呢。。 挺好玩的啊。。。OVQ

其实easy的话2个downbeat放1NC我觉得是最合适的 嗯??
00:46:921 (1) - repeat上可加finish 嗯对,其他diff我也漏了,全都补了一下
01:15:231 - 这边开始音效稍微调一调吧 normal不舒服 柑橘还好啊。。。OVQQQ
02:14:808 (1) - ^^
02:43:118 - ^^
slider太直不算太好。。然后这图咋看啊 故意全都是直的滑条啊。。。OVQ

00:13:541 (3) - 我不太推荐normal出1/4反正不过也有人这么干就是了 还好吧
00:37:203 (2,1) - overlap了 这个似乎没关系的?我再观望下
像02:40:161 (2,3,4) - 这样的排列梗倒是蛮有趣的不过。。总感觉被事多的人找了会略麻烦 没事的吧。。。OVQ

00:05:935 (1,2,3,4,1) - 太乱了啊 噗。。。1换了个方向
01:03:506 (1,2) - 不得不说。。很难读 我也觉得,还是换个方向好了
。。。这diff感觉问题就不少了。hard里面应该做文章的是加点小跳,你这hard几乎没跳但是1/4很多,01:03:506 (1,2) - 这样的梗不适合出现在hard里,要是我是看图狗肯定一棒子打死 我死了orz

01:50:724 (1,2,3) - 不跳啊 跳??
02:30:231 (6,7,8) - 后面我看你都没折回来 啥??OVQQQ
。。。估计是我太弱 不多说啥了 肿么这样!卖弱可耻!!OVQQQ

后面那俩真心看不动了。。反正这图整体来说的话在我看来挺乱的。。。反正就是有种有槽吐不出来的感觉,总之这次mod挺烂的给颗星好了 图那么烂还给星,鸭梨山大。。。OVQQQ
thx for modding!
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

DenoisoGoiso wrote:

I Hope this map don't happen like at Chi no Iro wa Kiiro. the circle is too big.
good luck.
still, can a extra diff use cs2? i'm just trying
thx for ur reminding OVO

02:11:851 (2) - 这个跟前一个滑条的下部好像太近了?试试这个?02:53:259 (1,2,1) - nazi (虽然是小误差不过因为距离近所以可能看着蛮明显的)

01:21:991 (1,1) - nazi
02:02:555 (1) - 这个好像有点丑,拉出来点把?02:48:189 (1,2,1) - 这个挺漂亮w


00:51:675 (2,3,4) - = =真不要这样摆串,因为sl的缘故(3)会歪的,主要是不好看,好不好读倒是次要

00:27:696 (4) - 这个slider头或尾加个clap?感觉这个小节里三个clap比较好听
01:55:583 (4) - ^
00:12:484 (3,4) - 这个地方打起来很奇怪,节奏跟的轨突然变了,比较莫名建议像其他地方(比如01:47:132 (4,1))一样换成1/4滑条
01:40:371 (3,4,1) - ^
02:24:949 (3,4) - 交换位置试试?
02:42:484 (2) - 稍微远一点


看了下难度星数忍不住笑了= =感觉是另一种意义的爆星
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Zweib wrote:

Hi~来晚了抱歉其实我是差点忘了orz 我也最近考试月了,所以先给了kd一直没check

一小节一NC会不会太频了些? 其实就是想一大段接八个色彩的强迫症罢了orz
02:11:851 (2) - 这个跟前一个滑条的下部好像太近了?试试这个?是太近不过没动滑条位置,只是变了个形状
02:53:259 (1,2,1) - nazi (虽然是小误差不过因为距离近所以可能看着蛮明显的) fixed

01:21:991 (1,1) - nazi 如果你是说ds的nazi的话要写上ds啊不然谁懂啊喂!OVQ
02:02:555 (1) - 这个好像有点丑,拉出来点把?嗯,改了一下
02:48:189 (1,2,1) - 这个挺漂亮w 233随便拉的噗


00:51:675 (2,3,4) - = =真不要这样摆串,因为sl的缘故(3)会歪的,主要是不好看,好不好读倒是次要 好的,换了个样子
连打拐弯/变距的地方要不要NC下?感觉会好看些 不要,不好看=。=
另外总觉得很多地方直线摆的不直啊orz 那肿么办OVQ!我检查一遍稍微修一下好了OVQ
其他都挺好 正常向insane有木有orz

00:27:696 (4) - 这个slider头或尾加个clap?感觉这个小节里三个clap比较好听 确实很好听,你的建议很好,不过这里,由于我都放了短滑条,并且后面跟的是一个跳的note,所以我觉得放clap会影响重音的判断,不如没有的好。所以虽然好听我还是决定不加
01:55:583 (4) - ^
00:12:484 (3,4) - 这个地方打起来很奇怪,节奏跟的轨突然变了,比较莫名建议像其他地方(比如01:47:132 (4,1))一样换成1/4滑条 额,变个轨也被吐槽了。。。这个梗确实是我故意加进去的,不过我比较喜欢这么弄,因为这个电音只有这里和后面同样比较安静的地方可以跟,之后就都跟鼓点了,所以我先保留一下
01:40:371 (3,4,1) - ^
02:24:949 (3,4) - 交换位置试试?我觉得现在这样比较好所以不改了
02:42:484 (2) - 稍微远一点 fixed

折返连打好难啊! 做完lun后我决定改掉ex中几个梗

看了下难度星数忍不住笑了= =感觉是另一种意义的爆星 哼哼哈哈orz
thx for modding 你这开挂modder
  • 大圈user o.o
    Extra的想法太赞 我有过这样的试验品 但是惨不忍睹


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  • 1/2 spam
    有些1/2的KIAI不统一 建议每个finish都加?


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:21:569 (2,3) - 没有对齐4


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 02:11:429 (1,2,3) - 还是没对齐


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:26:429 (5,6,7) - ^
  2. 02:28:753 (9) - nazi


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:34:034 (1,2,1,2) - 其实我觉得不太好区分


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  • 没啥挑的 想法和我那图挺像的..只是这个bpm感觉不太能打啊OAO

Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

fanzhen0019 wrote:

  • 大圈user o.o 噗哈
    莫名想起大礼 嗯,大礼服和蕾丝菊两个神马婆算是给我这种排列的最初的启示,我只是把他们某种mapping思想极端化罢了OVQ
    Extra的想法太赞 我有过这样的试验品 但是惨不忍睹 哎!是哪种图的说?是Nijuu吗?你的图我没看光OVQ


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  • 1/2 spam
    有些1/2的KIAI不统一 建议每个finish都加? 嘛意思没看懂233


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:21:569 (2,3) - 没有对齐4 稍微调了一下


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 02:11:429 (1,2,3) - 还是没对齐 fixed


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 01:26:429 (5,6,7) - ^ fixed
  2. 02:28:753 (9) - nazi fixed,这种nazi mod在我这种比较注重排版整洁的图里还是很有用的啦orz


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  1. 00:34:034 (1,2,1,2) - 其实我觉得不太好区分 不要紧的,打图的人看缩圈是可以判断的,除非实在是太弱打不了这个难度


  • Clear!
Arrangement & Design
  • 没啥挑的 想法和我那图挺像的..只是这个bpm感觉不太能打啊OAO 哪张图啊!OVQQ, 顺便可玩性的问题应该不用担心,毕竟已经有tester fc了。。。orz

走你 OVQ!
thx for modding!
尿了 有人FC
  1. 这样用喷泉是不是有些频繁 因为规则里面有写 可以问下bat呗
  2. 音效没什么问题 clear
  1. 00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - 这里空出来感觉不太好 因为这里00:04:667 - 并没有空出来 在开头这样做感觉不太适合 但在后面可以加一些 不然会很枯燥
  2. 00:48:189 - 从这里开始建议全部空出第二条短白线直到钢琴结束00:48:611 (2,2,2) - 等等 因为这里开始有钢琴非常好听 一直是1/4的牌子打太枯燥了
  3. 有的地方就为了5%的音量种草感觉没必要
  4. combo color方面好像567颜色差别不大 可以只用一个
  1. 00:02:555 (1) - 00:04:245 (1) - 改成从前面红线开始的小滑条会好很多 不然略乱
  2. 00:10:372 (2) - 00:23:893 (2) - 01:38:260 (2) - 01:51:781 (2) - 这些可以去掉 在normal难度加这个有些难
  3. 00:40:794 (2) - 滑条从00:40:583 - 开始 00:41:005 - 结束 02:08:682 (2) - 这个也可以这样 随意
  1. 00:05:935 (1,2,3) - 这里好乱 可以用些小短slider或者二连
  2. 00:40:160 (1,2) - 这里1尾巴超出 2好多 可以调整下
  3. 00:54:844 (6) - 这个感觉没必要 可以去掉
  4. 00:55:794 (3,4) - 这两个也用折返挺好
  5. 01:08:260 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 重复用梗太多啊...可以把连打和滑条穿插着
  7. 02:15:126 (2) - 02:15:232 (2) - 这些感觉加上去不好 feel a bit off
  1. nc方法很奇怪..
  2. 01:54:105 (1) - 这个也是 你应该是想着重下个重音 但是这样读图就不好读了01:53:893 (8) - 建议这个nc
  3. 01:55:372 (8) - 这个nc 01:55:795 (1) - -nc
  4. 02:47:027 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这一大串挨的太近了 不好读
  5. 这个也没必要一直是连打 中间穿插些折返什么的
  1. 这个难度二连....
  2. 00:19:879 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这里距离还是要再调下 不然读不出来
  3. 00:14:175 (2) - 这个不懂意思 感觉应该用circle好些
  4. 00:21:569 (3,1,2,3) - 这里ingame做了些沟通 已经解决
  1. 这个用了大的格点 circle的距离误差挺大的可以G弄细再调整下
  2. 02:00:653 (2,3,4) - 求不鬼畜
  3. 02:16:392 (3,1,2,3,4) - 140的单点折返...
  4. HP-1?
嘛 有的也不太好说 先这么多good luck
01:28:752 (1) - 其实我觉得这里比之前那下finish更轻一点好啦,把声音调到70%或以下更有感觉
02:56:639 (1) - ^




00:59:386 (4) - 其实我觉得新人打这里会有些压力啦,不过也没啥好改进的方法,坑多几pc也不坏
02:27:063 (3,4,5) - 我觉得对新人来说还是挺烦恼的
03:03:189 (2) - 这里加个note,给一点比easy难的感觉吧。而且我觉得加个note也更不错

01:27:907 (3) - 漏了个finish
02:55:795 (3) - ^ 其实我在想啊,这里你是不是不想加。
02:14:175 (3) - 不好看(好像这排法你经常用吧,我就随便提一提)
03:02:977 (1) - 为什么不改成两个1/4滑条加一个单点。比normal难点也不是坏事


00:49:984 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 总觉得和曲子有点违和感
00:55:900 (10,11,12) - 曲子节奏变了为什么不换个短滑条折返来应和一下曲子?
00:56:851 (2,3) - 建议把②放在③直线跟头后面,曲子一个音改个间距挺让人不悦。 我还是不说太多这些免得引起反感
01:14:386 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - 极似噩梦的梗


01:18:400 (12,13,1) - 这样绕不太好看啦。 看了看后面,有一个一样的连打,是故意的么
03:02:977 (1,2,3) - 把①绕个180°然后在中心放个note也不错嘛。


00:05:724 (2,3,4) - 把这个移动下去让④和中心一条直线比较好吧,这样有点六边形的感觉。后面的00:06:463 (2) - 也配合一下
00:37:414 (5) - 为什么对着00:37:097 (3) - ,和下面平行不好吗
00:46:657 (6) - 那折返1/8滑条放在这里开始不好吗
01:15:759 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - 其实我觉得这些连打可以弄的更难一点啦。

good 好图。祝早日rank
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Sweet Vanilla wrote:

猎奇鬼畜什么的... 猎奇是我的mapping之魂啊。。。鬼畜只是附带的而已,只不过现在还想不太出来猎奇的简单图orz
  1. 这样用喷泉是不是有些频繁 因为规则里面有写 可以问下bat呗 这图最多也就连续喷两下,应该还好吧。。。
  2. 音效没什么问题 clear
  1. 00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - 这里空出来感觉不太好 因为这里00:04:667 - 并没有空出来 在开头这样做感觉不太适合 但在后面可以加一些 不然会很枯燥 本来就是想为了不枯燥所以前面没加后面加了的说233
  2. 00:48:189 - 从这里开始建议全部空出第二条短白线直到钢琴结束00:48:611 (2,2,2) - 等等 因为这里开始有钢琴非常好听 一直是1/4的牌子打太枯燥了 哇。。。嗯。。。这个我要好好考虑一下。虽然我知道只打白线确实很无聊,但从某种角度来说其实我本来就想表现这种。。。看了一下改完的,感觉很微妙,似乎和我想要表达的东西有点不一样。。。我再观望一下0.0.0
  3. 有的地方就为了5%的音量种草感觉没必要 噗,基本上是为了以绿线代蓝线了orz因为太懒了,而且这样也方便调整,虽然只差了5%啦orz
  4. combo color方面好像567颜色差别不大 可以只用一个 差别很大,,,不用换的说0.0
  1. 00:02:555 (1) - 00:04:245 (1) - 改成从前面红线开始的小滑条会好很多 不然略乱 老实说没看懂
  2. 00:10:372 (2) - 00:23:893 (2) - 01:38:260 (2) - 01:51:781 (2) - 这些可以去掉 在normal难度加这个有些难红线而已应该没事
  3. 00:40:794 (2) - 滑条从00:40:583 - 开始 00:41:005 - 结束 02:08:682 (2) - 这个也可以这样 随意 不太想限制红线,不然我就不做easy diff了噗
  1. 00:05:935 (1,2,3) - 这里好乱 可以用些小短slider或者二连 嗯,好吧,全都换了
  2. 00:40:160 (1,2) - 这里1尾巴超出 2好多 可以调整下 fixed
  3. 00:54:844 (6) - 这个感觉没必要 可以去掉 需要啊!OVQ
  4. 00:55:794 (3,4) - 这两个也用折返挺好 那样好无聊。。。
  5. 01:08:260 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - ^
  6. 重复用梗太多啊...可以把连打和滑条穿插着 那岂不是成了婆婆了吗。。。重复梗?主要是因为摆的方式差不多吧orz,不过其实因为是hard所以不太想放很多连打噗,嘛。。。其实现在这个diff已经很难了的说orz
  7. 02:15:126 (2) - 02:15:232 (2) - 这些感觉加上去不好 feel a bit off 噗噗,勉强就这样好了orz
  1. nc方法很奇怪.. 很奇怪?白线开nc啊常规nc法不是么orz
  2. 01:54:105 (1) - 这个也是 你应该是想着重下个重音 但是这样读图就不好读了01:53:893 (8) - 建议这个nc 啊不。。。这只是个遮挡梗而已,认为不好读只会是因为读图太弱
  3. 01:55:372 (8) - 这个nc 01:55:795 (1) - -nc 不啊
  4. 02:47:027 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 这一大串挨的太近了 不好读 regard this as a 难梗
  5. 这个也没必要一直是连打 中间穿插些折返什么的 就是想要这种全是连打的效果啊噗!OVQ
  1. 这个难度二连.... 猎奇动力NO.2
  2. 00:19:879 (2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这里距离还是要再调下 不然读不出来 不会的,能打这个diff就能读这个梗
  3. 00:14:175 (2) - 这个不懂意思 感觉应该用circle好些 哎,为啥?现在感觉挺好啊
  4. 00:21:569 (3,1,2,3) - 这里ingame做了些沟通 已经解决 节奏方面真心觉得这样其实没啥问题的orz
  1. 这个用了大的格点 circle的距离误差挺大的可以G弄细再调整下 呃。。。其实是没开GS纯手摆的,我也知道有误差但是一时半会儿瞧不出来所以才来球mod的说OVQ
  2. 02:00:653 (2,3,4) - 求不鬼畜 前面好几个呢你都漏看了?OVQ
  3. 02:16:392 (3,1,2,3,4) - 140的单点折返... 噗。。。orz
  4. HP-1? 不需要,一般能打这图的人混pass是无压力的,但是上hr就对acc有一定要求了,hp现在这样正好,再低就太那啥了
嘛 有的也不太好说 先这么多good luck 噗噗
thx for modding!

Syameimaru-Aya wrote:

01:28:752 (1) - 其实我觉得这里比之前那下finish更轻一点好啦,把声音调到70%或以下更有感觉 不啊不啊,这下重音给我一种把键盘砸坏都比不上的力道啊OVQ
02:56:639 (1) - ^




00:59:386 (4) - 其实我觉得新人打这里会有些压力啦,不过也没啥好改进的方法,坑多几pc也不坏 新人不是应该打easy么orz
02:27:063 (3,4,5) - 我觉得对新人来说还是挺烦恼的 嗯,这里确实不太好,我换了个摆法
03:03:189 (2) - 这里加个note,给一点比easy难的感觉吧。而且我觉得加个note也更不错 呃,因为想系统的在最后摆obj,所以这里我只能说抱歉我不想动,除非有非常特殊的情况的话0.0

01:27:907 (3) - 漏了个finish
02:55:795 (3) - ^ 其实我在想啊,这里你是不是不想加。是的,就我而言感觉会影响判定。。。嘛,其实加不加也无所谓啦这里,为了统一暂时先不加好了
02:14:175 (3) - 不好看(好像这排法你经常用吧,我就随便提一提)噗。。。这里应该是我一个失误orz,改了一下OVQ
03:02:977 (1) - 为什么不改成两个1/4滑条加一个单点。比normal难点也不是坏事 呃,一方面是这图折返实在是太多了感觉都有点成为主题了,另一方面的话其实也觉得2个1/4滑条在这个diff里算是“比较难的梗”所以就没用0.0

这hard大概会打过这图的新人的噩梦 嗯。。。这hard似乎槽点很多,我其实不太会做hard diff噗。。。

00:49:984 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 总觉得和曲子有点违和感 咦,有吗OVQ只是个变ds罢了,弹琴的时候这段一下子突然变低让我觉得有种急转直下的感觉所以就这么摆了0.0
00:55:900 (10,11,12) - 曲子节奏变了为什么不换个短滑条折返来应和一下曲子?折返?呃,nope,不想用,现在这样我觉得很好不太想改
00:56:851 (2,3) - 建议把②放在③直线跟头后面,曲子一个音改个间距挺让人不悦。 我还是不说太多这些免得引起反感其实只是因为钢琴这里有个音非常突兀的是高音,然后后面的都是平稳地降阶所以我就这么摆了0.0,顺便说太多没事啊你不说的够多了么而且我也不会在意的orz要喷就喷好了只要在理我肯定接受的噗
01:14:386 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - 极似噩梦的梗 噗。。。orz


01:18:400 (12,13,1) - 这样绕不太好看啦。 看了看后面,有一个一样的连打,是故意的么 是的,顺便圆弧不好看吗,我很喜欢啊OVQ
03:02:977 (1,2,3) - 把①绕个180°然后在中心放个note也不错嘛。orz不想搞真.尾杀


00:05:724 (2,3,4) - 把这个移动下去让④和中心一条直线比较好吧,这样有点六边形的感觉。后面的00:06:463 (2) - 也配合一下 可以,调整了一下,不过不是摆成六边形
00:37:414 (5) - 为什么对着00:37:097 (3) - ,和下面平行不好吗 噗,这里其实不平行更好读一点所以
00:46:657 (6) - 那折返1/8滑条放在这里开始不好吗 嗯。。。这里其实我也犹豫过,不过最终还是决定这么放,蓝线开打除非是梗不然还是尽量避免吧
01:15:759 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1) - 其实我觉得这些连打可以弄的更难一点啦。哦不。。。全图唯一的善良不能再吃掉了OVQ

其实我觉得也没什么好改的啦。我的mod也基本上就是废话,希望别介意就是 噗怎么会是废话呢orz
good 好图。祝早日rank 我也很想rankOVQ
虽然我的mod不是毫无用处 那是当然
thx for modding!

看了看,我打错字了啊啊啊,回mod尾段那个 不是 删了才是我想说的话。
Fushimi Rio
占坑mod 顺便表达我打了几十次才pass一次的怨念 纯鼠被坑爆了有木有

00:27:062 (4,5,6,7) - 这四个居然长得不一样 弄成一样的好不好
00:50:301 (1,2) - 嗯 我倾向于复制第一个
02:35:512 (5) - 这个不对称 第一个点x184 y69 第三个点x328 y69

00:41:428 (2) - 后面和1不平行 另外3不在延长线上, 应该挪到x352 y367
03:03:399 (1) - 往下移点应该好看些 具体随你

以上是强迫症病发的产物 mod等考试考完了慢慢来吧

这个BG 我想起一张刷屏图


00:13:541 (2) - 头上clap去掉 如果坚持要用的话 降低音量
00:27:062 (2) - ^
……之后好像有很多这么用的 我有点懒 不列啦(砖

slider tick的声音有点不和谐 考虑换个鼓的声音或降低音量?

00:06:780 (3) - 怀疑会被狗挑 不过要改可能没啥好点子……
01:27:696 - 加个note
02:55:583 - ^


00:16:921 (3) - x146 y64
00:11:956 (3) - 去掉
00:18:717 (3) - ^
00:20:196 (3,4,5) - 我觉得应该都往后挪1/4(不考虑音效
01:16:287 (2) - 我觉得完全可以去掉reverse跟音轨啊 后面下个蓝线circle压在滑条头
02:22:309 (4,5,6,1) - 这是不是太难了点
02:40:161 (2) - 逆时针旋转15°调整一下3位置


00:08:893 (5,6) - 不知道是不是copy的3,4 感觉应该适当放大
01:17:766 (4,5,6,7) - 没放到一条直线上 01:48:401 (5,6) - ctrl+g


00:06:886 (1,2) - 我个人觉得ctrl+g好
00:30:865 (3,4) - 节奏上总觉得滑条和circle反了
01:48:400 (1,2,1,2) - ctrl+g

玩都玩不了 如何mod

00:32:766 (2,3) - ctrl+g 而且3明显应该往左一格啊
01:06:675 (3) - 往上放 比如和01:05:618 (2) - stack
01:07:203 (1) - 瞎 从未接上
02:16:287 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - 我觉得这样好接点

Here is my kd
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Syameimaru-Aya wrote:

其实我的意思是把break的时间也弄上kiai。不放物件就是 哎。。。柑橘没有必要啊orz

看了看,我打错字了啊啊啊,回mod尾段那个 不是 删了才是我想说的话。哎算啦我也搞不清了,反正你打出来的都是你说的话就对了orz

Eggache0 wrote:

占坑mod 顺便表达我打了几十次才pass一次的怨念 纯鼠被坑爆了有木有 噗,对蠢鼠没啥概念orz

00:27:062 (4,5,6,7) - 这四个居然长得不一样 弄成一样的好不好
00:50:301 (1,2) - 嗯 我倾向于复制第一个 稍微调整了一下
02:35:512 (5) - 这个不对称 第一个点x184 y69 第三个点x328 y69 fixed

00:41:428 (2) - 后面和1不平行 另外3不在延长线上, 应该挪到x352 y367 fixed
03:03:399 (1) - 往下移点应该好看些 具体随你 fixed

以上是强迫症病发的产物 mod等考试考完了慢慢来吧 同为强迫症握手233,那等你来摸的时候我再点kd好了OVQQQ

break时间放kiai貌似是unrank啊 我记错了? 这我不是很清楚。。。

为什么做原曲的都是奇怪的麻婆啊 额,只是碰巧罢了噗OVQ
it is time.

warning: this mod contains large images ;;

reminder: these are suggestions not requirements, you do not need to apply these if you don't want to

plz no kill me
this maybe too much mod, I am trying to not override ur thinking...

I would increase the audio lead-in if I were you ww

Nice Combo Color!

OD or HP drain +1, the map is too hard for so easy OD or drain I think! :x
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes here! from 00:04:667 (3) - on, you have notes there, I think you should add them for consistency!
00:11:851 (2) - ok, this one might be kinda hard to explain... see the flow you put for 00:08:470 (3,1,2) - ? it is like a downward slope, no? specifically, look at how the cursor goes in a straightish horizontal diagonal line.

now, look at 00:11:851 (2) -.

now, the flow is like a steep slope... i think this is unexpected for many new player, and even for me it felt weird orz
I was expecting it to be more like this.

It seemed like a back-and-forth pattern :)
I can tell you were trying to move the flow in more of a curve shape, but in repeat sliders like 00:10:160 (2) - it does not seem good to suddenly change the flow, especially how this is more of a flowy map and it is an easy. I leave it up to you to change the rest of the map to fit this if you choose to apply this.
00:16:921 (3) - shouldn't this be placed around x88 y98 to finish your diagonal flow? i don't know.... ww
01:07:203 (2) - I don't think this is good place for slight rythmn change... i think u should change back to two note then slider still for this one...
I think you are trying to add uniqueness... but map is already changeable enough, and this is too much for new player imo too :(
01:12:273 (2,1) - ^ although u can leave 01:13:541 (1) - the same maybe if u want
01:27:907 (2,1) - no finishes here please... not strong enough to warrant finish.. it is kinda strong end, so maybe custom clap (?) but I think finish is too much
01:38:047 (2,1,2) - i think this flow is too different compare to 01:36:357 (3,1,2) - , previous is fun abstract flow but this is more standard, boring almost :x
01:46:076 (2) - same as 01:07:203 (2) -
01:57:906 (2,3) - why change back now? i think u should have some consistence, change this and parts right after to repeat slider instead of note-slider
02:21:569 (2) - blablabla you know 02:26:639 (2) - also
02:35:090 (2) - 02:40:160 (2) - im starting to like these rhythm changes... maybe no change? lol

Drain +1
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes, same idea as in easy mod
00:17:344 (4,1) - how about something more like this?

00:59:386 (4) - place more around x64y72 and move the end node up a bit... this is too hard for beginners... and also plays kinda weird... I don't know what you were trying to do here?
01:07:625 (3) - remove all hs 01:08:470 (1) - remove clap from middle repeat and add to start of slider
01:09:949 - maybe add a note here? i dunno if its too hard tho D:
01:10:160 (1) - clap
01:11:639 - maybe add a note here?
01:27:062 (1,2) - this is kinda... odd... orz
01:27:907 (2,3,1) - same thing as in easy mod, no finish here I think
01:36:357 (3,4,1) - same as in 00:17:344 (4,1) - , but i think this one even more needs it
01:38:471 (3) - same idea as in 00:59:386 (4) -
01:43:964 (1) - why not misalign this slightly? 01:43:541 (4) - is slightly up from where the line of the previous slider is, so why not make the circle after it slightly off too? :3
01:50:302 (4) - i think from here on this is good usage, difficulty curve etc. QVQ
02:08:048 (1) - add a repeat maybe? seems to rhythm a bit better... ???
02:19:457 (1) - I would suggest moving this closer to x408y160 as it seems to fit the curvature of this map better... as how 02:17:766 (1,2,3) - forms a sort of triangle, i think it would be good to move it... feel free to ignore if u don't like, also tell me if u want me to explain more...
02:39:739 (1) - i think this is kinda odd position compared to last note... maybe either move this combo to the left or right some? it seems to be too much of a straight up flow i think compared to the rest of the map...

hs rythmn change suggestion at beginning, all these go together!
00:00:865 (1) - add clap to start
00:01:498 (2) - remove clap from end
00:02:555 (1) - add clap to start
00:03:189 (2) - remove clap from end
00:04:245 (1) - add clap to start
00:05:513 (3) - remove clap

00:00:865 (1) - remove finish from start
00:08:048 (2) - try snap with DS 1.3x
00:16:499 (2,3,4) - something about this is... off... try remapping and testing this a few times, as it feels weird imo as it is
00:47:766 (4) - add finish to beginning
01:11:957 (1) - add a repeat and move 01:12:273 (2) - 1/4 over and remove a repeat from that
01:15:020 (6) - add clap to start
01:37:626 (2) - you should misalign it, as you do in beginning and other parts
01:44:387 (2) - ^
01:48:084 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
01:51:147 (2) - too close to middle of previous slider!! move farther forward!! i think this is very awkward to play orz
01:52:837 (2) - misalign 01:56:218 (2) - same
02:01:605 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
02:05:196 (3) - remove 1 repeat off end and add 1/4 slider @ 02:05:618
02:11:957 (3) - ^
02:42:908 (6) - add clap to start of slider
01:28:752 (1) - remove finish

Drain +1
OD +1
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish
01:28:752 (1) - ^


00:00:865 (1) - remove finish
01:28:752 (1) - ^


nice cs
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish
01:28:752 (1) - ^
03:03:400 (1) - ^
00:37:414 (5) - ^ from end
these are all based on idea u used at end, with flow & etc blablabla
00:11:005 (3) - ctrl+G?
00:17:766 (3) - ^
00:24:315 (2) - ^
00:27:273 (5) - ^
00:27:696 (7) - ^
00:51:991 (1) - ^ especially on this one
00:53:682 (1) - ^
01:38:893 (3) - ^
01:52:202 (2) - ^
01:54:949 (4) - ^
01:55:371 (6) - ^
02:15:125 (2) - ^
02:18:611 (3) - ^
02:19:878 (1) - ^
02:21:569 (1) - ^
02:24:738 (4) - ^
02:29:386 (8) - ^
00:35:513 (1,2) - add finish to starts of sliders
00:42:273 (4,5) - ^
00:45:653 (4,5) - ^
02:03:400 (2,3) - ^
02:06:780 (4,5) - ^
02:10:160 (4,5) - ^
02:13:540 (4,5) - ^
01:07:203 (1,2) - ... i don't think this is ok in this spot

mea ieeya en yor zwihander
its done ;;
臥槽,神圖 看見CS2秒嚇尿


Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Eggache0 wrote:

这个BG 我想起一张刷屏图 那是啥orz,这个bg只是我随手涂鸦的噗


00:13:541 (2) - 头上clap去掉 如果坚持要用的话 降低音量 这个应该没事吧
00:27:062 (2) - ^
……之后好像有很多这么用的 我有点懒 不列啦(砖

slider tick的声音有点不和谐 考虑换个鼓的声音或降低音量? 额, tick的声音我还觉得挺好的呢,为啥你会觉得违和噗,难道是因为曲子的鼓点很重吗,我是觉得没啥问题啦0.0

00:06:780 (3) - 怀疑会被狗挑 不过要改可能没啥好点子…… 嗯,这里一整块的节奏我都改了一下
01:27:696 - 加个note 这个不好
02:55:583 - ^

略难 嗯,有些不太科学,我应该会大改一下,hard果然不会做啊。。。

00:16:921 (3) - x146 y64 fixed
00:11:956 (3) - 去掉 nope
00:18:717 (3) - ^ nope
00:20:196 (3,4,5) - 我觉得应该都往后挪1/4(不考虑音效 怎么会。。。这里就是这样的啊。。。0.0
01:16:287 (2) - 我觉得完全可以去掉reverse跟音轨啊 后面下个蓝线circle压在滑条头 折返跟电音,长滑条跟贝斯,感觉挺好啊0.0.0
02:22:309 (4,5,6,1) - 这是不是太难了点 这些梗我全都会改掉
02:40:161 (2) - 逆时针旋转15°调整一下3位置 噗,我还是喜欢平行


00:08:893 (5,6) - 不知道是不是copy的3,4 感觉应该适当放大 稍微调了下
01:17:766 (4,5,6,7) - 没放到一条直线上 哦草。。。那岂不是很多orz,这个稍微修了下,不过感觉其实不是完美的直线也没事,即使是hr打的时候也不是很感觉的出来噗,不过以后我做图多注意点好了orz
01:48:401 (5,6) - ctrl+g 这倒不是很有必要

卧槽怎么又来一个I 一开始是想做这个的

00:06:886 (1,2) - 我个人觉得ctrl+g好 我是故意这么摆的
00:30:865 (3,4) - 节奏上总觉得滑条和circle反了 这里我也是故意变一下跟的轨
01:48:400 (1,2,1,2) - ctrl+g nope,为了和前面统一

玩都玩不了 如何mod

00:32:766 (2,3) - ctrl+g 而且3明显应该往左一格啊 反向还是算了,这里跳的比较大就不鬼畜了;ds issue fixed
01:06:675 (3) - 往上放 比如和01:05:618 (2) - stack 只调整了下角度
01:07:203 (1) - 瞎 从未接上 大概有一半tester 1pc能接上
02:16:287 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - 这个确实不错,不过我不改。原因:我想把clap的1放在中间。事实上我整张图都是这么做的,clap的1放正中央 我觉得这样好接点

Here is my kd
thx for modding!

to 【Seraphin】: waiting for ur full mod :3

to Reigou: 帮我摸图吧!OVQ
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

[Seraphin] wrote:

it is time.

warning: this mod contains large images ;;

reminder: these are suggestions not requirements, you do not need to apply these if you don't want to

plz no kill me
this maybe too much mod, I am trying to not override ur thinking... hahahahahaha yeah ur mod is so long~ orz

I would increase the audio lead-in if I were you ww i've asked some bats about the lead-in issue, they said all maps' lead-in will be reset when ranked, so just let it go

Nice Combo Color! now i think no combo color issues here, maybe orz

OD or HP drain +1, the map is too hard for so easy OD or drain I think! :x no problem
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes here! from 00:04:667 (3) - on, you have notes there, I think you should add them for consistency! hmm, i just wanna different rhythm here, that plays more different as well 0.0
00:11:851 (2) - ok, this one might be kinda hard to explain... see the flow you put for 00:08:470 (3,1,2) - ? it is like a downward slope, no? specifically, look at how the cursor goes in a straightish horizontal diagonal line.

now, look at 00:11:851 (2) -.

now, the flow is like a steep slope... i think this is unexpected for many new player, and even for me it felt weird orz
I was expecting it to be more like this.

It seemed like a back-and-forth pattern :)
I can tell you were trying to move the flow in more of a curve shape, but in repeat sliders like 00:10:160 (2) - it does not seem good to suddenly change the flow, especially how this is more of a flowy map and it is an easy. I leave it up to you to change the rest of the map to fit this if you choose to apply this.
well, i read this mod in detail and i think i've caught ur mind. yeah i didn't thought this is a weird pattern to newbies coz i just rarely played easy diffs. here, i found an easy way to fix this issue: just change 00:10:160 (2) - 's direction and all flows should be better now, u can recheck my fixing if u got time.
00:16:921 (3) - shouldn't this be placed around x88 y98 to finish your diagonal flow? i don't know.... ww i think this is just fine here
01:07:203 (2) - I don't think this is good place for slight rythmn change... i think u should change back to two note then slider still for this one...
I think you are trying to add uniqueness... but map is already changeable enough, and this is too much for new player imo too :( oh actually, the rhythm in this diff is just lack of changing, so i made this pattern to give some different feeling, hope u can understand that all objs r set at white line is already a boring idea to any map imo but as for ur flow suggesions before, here i just changed the slider's dirction for a better composing to newbie players :3
01:12:273 (2,1) - ^ although u can leave 01:13:541 (1) - the same maybe if u want ^
01:27:907 (2,1) - no finishes here please... not strong enough to warrant finish.. it is kinda strong end, so maybe custom clap (?) but I think finish is too much in the original song's track there also be a strong crash beat here, so i think this is just fine (maybe a bit too strong but as for this is near the end part before breaking i think this plays just good)
01:38:047 (2,1,2) - i think this flow is too different compare to 01:36:357 (3,1,2) - , previous is fun abstract flow but this is more standard, boring almost :x haha omg, boring a easy diff already exist to be lol, just patterns for newbies~ so take it easy~
01:46:076 (2) - same as 01:07:203 (2) - as same one above
01:57:906 (2,3) - why change back now? i think u should have some consistence, change this and parts right after to repeat slider instead of note-slider haha i think u just got wrong timing to objs, actually second parts rhythm is totally same to first part, still is not a good idea q:
02:21:569 (2) - blablabla you know 02:26:639 (2) - also as same one above
02:35:090 (2) - 02:40:160 (2) - im starting to like these rhythm changes... maybe no change? lol no change is more boring! lol

Drain +1 ok
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes, same idea as in easy mod keep this right now, let's see if others mentioned this
00:17:344 (4,1) - how about something more like this? for keeping the ds and flow, nope

00:59:386 (4) - place more around x64y72 and move the end node up a bit... this is too hard for beginners... and also plays kinda weird... I don't know what you were trying to do here? yeah, weird here, i changed all these pattern here.
01:07:625 (3) - remove all hs 01:08:470 (1) - remove clap from middle repeat and add to start of slider nope, this is good~ OVQ
01:09:949 - maybe add a note here? i dunno if its too hard tho D: blank here is better imo
01:10:160 (1) - clap nope, the hs is systemical, i won't change them easily. i won't reply to hs mod after this unless i accept it. 0.0
01:11:639 - maybe add a note here? blank here is better as well imo
01:27:062 (1,2) - this is kinda... odd... orz hmm? i think this got no problem
01:27:907 (2,3,1) - same thing as in easy mod, no finish here I think
01:36:357 (3,4,1) - same as in 00:17:344 (4,1) - , but i think this one even more needs it yeah, this is just good, fixed
01:38:471 (3) - same idea as in 00:59:386 (4) - here no change
01:43:964 (1) - why not misalign this slightly? 01:43:541 (4) - is slightly up from where the line of the previous slider is, so why not make the circle after it slightly off too? :3 maybe... because this is a long white line's beat? and this is normal diff, but ur idea is good, i accept this
01:50:302 (4) - i think from here on this is good usage, difficulty curve etc. QVQ really? orz
02:08:048 (1) - add a repeat maybe? seems to rhythm a bit better... ??? the rhythem here is just same as before lol
02:19:457 (1) - I would suggest moving this closer to x408y160 as it seems to fit the curvature of this map better... as how 02:17:766 (1,2,3) - forms a sort of triangle, i think it would be good to move it... feel free to ignore if u don't like, also tell me if u want me to explain more... i choose no change. explain: thou as u said there're triangle flow before this, 02:18:612 (3,1) - the movement is still fine to most players even newbies, not only because the rhythm and composing obviously showed what the next note should be hit and move, but also as a nc long white line's note that totally give a strong impression of players. what's further more, the slider and pattern after this is just made for this note's position here, so i think this is just fine.
02:39:739 (1) - i think this is kinda odd position compared to last note... maybe either move this combo to the left or right some? it seems to be too much of a straight up flow i think compared to the rest of the map... haha, this is just another triangle flow here, so just let it be like this lol

hs rythmn change suggestion at beginning, all these go together!
what the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffk...... thou checked all of them... as i said before, this is just a systemical hs set, and no mods down there fits it... so... so sorry for no accepted... orzzz
00:00:865 (1) - add clap to start
00:01:498 (2) - remove clap from end
00:02:555 (1) - add clap to start
00:03:189 (2) - remove clap from end
00:04:245 (1) - add clap to start
00:05:513 (3) - remove clap[/color]

00:00:865 (1) - remove finish from start
00:08:048 (2) - try snap with DS 1.3x
00:16:499 (2,3,4) - something about this is... off... try remapping and testing this a few times, as it feels weird imo as it is
00:47:766 (4) - add finish to beginning
01:11:957 (1) - add a repeat and move 01:12:273 (2) - 1/4 over and remove a repeat from that
01:15:020 (6) - add clap to start
01:37:626 (2) - you should misalign it, as you do in beginning and other parts
01:44:387 (2) - ^
01:48:084 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
01:51:147 (2) - too close to middle of previous slider!! move farther forward!! i think this is very awkward to play orz
01:52:837 (2) - misalign 01:56:218 (2) - same
02:01:605 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
02:05:196 (3) - remove 1 repeat off end and add 1/4 slider @ 02:05:618
02:11:957 (3) - ^
02:42:908 (6) - add clap to start of slider
01:28:752 (1) - remove finish

Drain +1 ok
OD +1 ok
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


nice cs hahaha
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish all nope for hs mods, sorry
01:28:752 (1) - ^
03:03:400 (1) - ^
00:37:414 (5) - ^ from end
these are all based on idea u used at end, with flow & etc blablabla
00:11:005 (3) - ctrl+G? nope
00:17:766 (3) - ^ nope
00:24:315 (2) - ^ nope
00:27:273 (5) - ^ nope
00:27:696 (7) - ^ nope
00:51:991 (1) - ^ especially on this one nope, what i wanna express is 00:52:414 (3) - is just a bigger jump than 00:51:675 (4,5,1,2) - has, so still reject here
00:53:682 (1) - ^ nope
01:38:893 (3) - ^ nope
01:52:202 (2) - ^ nope, flow here is good
01:54:949 (4) - ^ nope
01:55:371 (6) - ^ nope
02:15:125 (2) - ^ nope, thou still a good idea, i think now is better to be played
02:18:611 (3) - ^ nope, not good
02:19:878 (1) - ^ nope, wanna keep 1's head at the center
02:21:569 (1) - ^ nope
02:24:738 (4) - ^ nope
02:29:386 (8) - ^ nope
no u supposed me say this? lolol
00:35:513 (1,2) - add finish to starts of sliders
00:42:273 (4,5) - ^
00:45:653 (4,5) - ^
02:03:400 (2,3) - ^
02:06:780 (4,5) - ^
02:10:160 (4,5) - ^
02:13:540 (4,5) - ^
01:07:203 (1,2) - ... i don't think this is ok in this spot
hahaha now i know why u call this ur best mod ever orz

mea ieeya en yor zwihander omg can't understand this orz
its done ;;
thx for modding!

[Seraphin] wrote:

mea ieeya en yor zwihander

可惜我不会 wrote:

mea 私 ミーァ 中央正纯律(共通语)
ieeya 希望 イーヤ 中央正纯律(共通语)
en そして、~だから、~ために エン 中央正纯律(共通语)
yor あなた ヨア 中央正纯律(共通语)
zwihander 胜利(する)、胜ち ツヴァイヘンデル

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

[Seraphin] wrote:

mea ieeya en yor zwihander

可惜我不会 wrote:

mea 私 ミーァ 中央正纯律(共通语)
ieeya 希望 イーヤ 中央正纯律(共通语)
en そして、~だから、~ために エン 中央正纯律(共通语)
yor あなた ヨア 中央正纯律(共通语)
zwihander 胜利(する)、胜ち ツヴァイヘンデル
en = for (于)?

next time, I use Ar Ciela

Hollow Wings wrote:

[Seraphin] wrote:

it is time.

warning: this mod contains large images ;;

reminder: these are suggestions not requirements, you do not need to apply these if you don't want to

plz no kill me
this maybe too much mod, I am trying to not override ur thinking... hahahahahaha yeah ur mod is so long~ orz

I would increase the audio lead-in if I were you ww i've asked some bats about the lead-in issue, they said all maps' lead-in will be reset when ranked, so just let it go

Nice Combo Color! now i think no combo color issues here, maybe orz

OD or HP drain +1, the map is too hard for so easy OD or drain I think! :x no problem
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes here! from 00:04:667 (3) - on, you have notes there, I think you should add them for consistency! hmm, i just wanna different rhythm here, that plays more different as well 0.0
00:11:851 (2) - ok, this one might be kinda hard to explain... see the flow you put for 00:08:470 (3,1,2) - ? it is like a downward slope, no? specifically, look at how the cursor goes in a straightish horizontal diagonal line.

now, look at 00:11:851 (2) -.

now, the flow is like a steep slope... i think this is unexpected for many new player, and even for me it felt weird orz
I was expecting it to be more like this.

It seemed like a back-and-forth pattern :)
I can tell you were trying to move the flow in more of a curve shape, but in repeat sliders like 00:10:160 (2) - it does not seem good to suddenly change the flow, especially how this is more of a flowy map and it is an easy. I leave it up to you to change the rest of the map to fit this if you choose to apply this.
well, i read this mod in detail and i think i've caught ur mind. yeah i didn't thought this is a weird pattern to newbies coz i just rarely played easy diffs. here, i found an easy way to fix this issue: just change 00:10:160 (2) - 's direction and all flows should be better now, u can recheck my fixing if u got time. ok, i do think you should change a bit more maybe, but i like idea
00:16:921 (3) - shouldn't this be placed around x88 y98 to finish your diagonal flow? i don't know.... ww i think this is just fine here
01:07:203 (2) - I don't think this is good place for slight rythmn change... i think u should change back to two note then slider still for this one...
I think you are trying to add uniqueness... but map is already changeable enough, and this is too much for new player imo too :( oh actually, the rhythm in this diff is just lack of changing, so i made this pattern to give some different feeling, hope u can understand that all objs r set at white line is already a boring idea to any map imo but as for ur flow suggesions before, here i just changed the slider's dirction for a better composing to newbie players :3
01:12:273 (2,1) - ^ although u can leave 01:13:541 (1) - the same maybe if u want ^
01:27:907 (2,1) - no finishes here please... not strong enough to warrant finish.. it is kinda strong end, so maybe custom clap (?) but I think finish is too much in the original song's track there also be a strong crash beat here, so i think this is just fine (maybe a bit too strong but as for this is near the end part before breaking i think this plays just good) then maybe u can make volume 10-20% quieter
01:38:047 (2,1,2) - i think this flow is too different compare to 01:36:357 (3,1,2) - , previous is fun abstract flow but this is more standard, boring almost :x haha omg, boring a easy diff already exist to be lol, just patterns for newbies~ so take it easy~
01:46:076 (2) - same as 01:07:203 (2) - as same one above
01:57:906 (2,3) - why change back now? i think u should have some consistence, change this and parts right after to repeat slider instead of note-slider haha i think u just got wrong timing to objs, actually second parts rhythm is totally same to first part, still is not a good idea q:
02:21:569 (2) - blablabla you know 02:26:639 (2) - also as same one above
02:35:090 (2) - 02:40:160 (2) - im starting to like these rhythm changes... maybe no change? lol no change is more boring! lol

Drain +1 ok
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes, same idea as in easy mod keep this right now, let's see if others mentioned this
00:17:344 (4,1) - how about something more like this? for keeping the ds and flow, nope

00:59:386 (4) - place more around x64y72 and move the end node up a bit... this is too hard for beginners... and also plays kinda weird... I don't know what you were trying to do here? yeah, weird here, i changed all these pattern here.
01:07:625 (3) - remove all hs 01:08:470 (1) - remove clap from middle repeat and add to start of slider nope, this is good~ OVQ
01:09:949 - maybe add a note here? i dunno if its too hard tho D: blank here is better imo
01:10:160 (1) - clap nope, the hs is systemical, i won't change them easily. i won't reply to hs mod after this unless i accept it. 0.0
01:11:639 - maybe add a note here? blank here is better as well imo
01:27:062 (1,2) - this is kinda... odd... orz hmm? i think this got no problem it just seems real empty, maybe make (1) slider?
01:27:907 (2,3,1) - same thing as in easy mod, no finish here I think
01:36:357 (3,4,1) - same as in 00:17:344 (4,1) - , but i think this one even more needs it yeah, this is just good, fixed
01:38:471 (3) - same idea as in 00:59:386 (4) - here no change
01:43:964 (1) - why not misalign this slightly? 01:43:541 (4) - is slightly up from where the line of the previous slider is, so why not make the circle after it slightly off too? :3 maybe... because this is a long white line's beat? and this is normal diff, but ur idea is good, i accept this
01:50:302 (4) - i think from here on this is good usage, difficulty curve etc. QVQ really? orz
02:08:048 (1) - add a repeat maybe? seems to rhythm a bit better... ??? the rhythem here is just same as before lol
02:19:457 (1) - I would suggest moving this closer to x408y160 as it seems to fit the curvature of this map better... as how 02:17:766 (1,2,3) - forms a sort of triangle, i think it would be good to move it... feel free to ignore if u don't like, also tell me if u want me to explain more... i choose no change. explain: thou as u said there're triangle flow before this, 02:18:612 (3,1) - the movement is still fine to most players even newbies, not only because the rhythm and composing obviously showed what the next note should be hit and move, but also as a nc long white line's note that totally give a strong impression of players. what's further more, the slider and pattern after this is just made for this note's position here, so i think this is just fine.
02:39:739 (1) - i think this is kinda odd position compared to last note... maybe either move this combo to the left or right some? it seems to be too much of a straight up flow i think compared to the rest of the map... haha, this is just another triangle flow here, so just let it be like this lol

hs rythmn change suggestion at beginning, all these go together!
what the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffk...... thou checked all of them... as i said before, this is just a systemical hs set, and no mods down there fits it... so... so sorry for no accepted... orzzz what about other mod below space? only the ones in this section are hs...
00:00:865 (1) - add clap to start
00:01:498 (2) - remove clap from end
00:02:555 (1) - add clap to start
00:03:189 (2) - remove clap from end
00:04:245 (1) - add clap to start
00:05:513 (3) - remove clap[/color]

00:00:865 (1) - remove finish from start
00:08:048 (2) - try snap with DS 1.3x some like this are not hs...? QVQ
00:16:499 (2,3,4) - something about this is... off... try remapping and testing this a few times, as it feels weird imo as it is
00:47:766 (4) - add finish to beginning
01:11:957 (1) - add a repeat and move 01:12:273 (2) - 1/4 over and remove a repeat from that
01:15:020 (6) - add clap to start
01:37:626 (2) - you should misalign it, as you do in beginning and other parts
01:44:387 (2) - ^
01:48:084 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
01:51:147 (2) - too close to middle of previous slider!! move farther forward!! i think this is very awkward to play orz
01:52:837 (2) - misalign 01:56:218 (2) - same
02:01:605 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm
02:05:196 (3) - remove 1 repeat off end and add 1/4 slider @ 02:05:618
02:11:957 (3) - ^
02:42:908 (6) - add clap to start of slider
01:28:752 (1) - remove finish

Drain +1 ok
OD +1 ok
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


nice cs hahaha
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish all nope for hs mods, sorry
01:28:752 (1) - ^
03:03:400 (1) - ^
00:37:414 (5) - ^ from end
these are all based on idea u used at end, with flow & etc blablabla
00:11:005 (3) - ctrl+G? nope
00:17:766 (3) - ^ nope
00:24:315 (2) - ^ nope
00:27:273 (5) - ^ nope
00:27:696 (7) - ^ nope
00:51:991 (1) - ^ especially on this one nope, what i wanna express is 00:52:414 (3) - is just a bigger jump than 00:51:675 (4,5,1,2) - has, so still reject here
00:53:682 (1) - ^ nope
01:38:893 (3) - ^ nope
01:52:202 (2) - ^ nope, flow here is good
01:54:949 (4) - ^ nope
01:55:371 (6) - ^ nope
02:15:125 (2) - ^ nope, thou still a good idea, i think now is better to be played
02:18:611 (3) - ^ nope, not good
02:19:878 (1) - ^ nope, wanna keep 1's head at the center
02:21:569 (1) - ^ nope
02:24:738 (4) - ^ nope
02:29:386 (8) - ^ nope
no u supposed me say this? lolol maybe? hue
00:35:513 (1,2) - add finish to starts of sliders
00:42:273 (4,5) - ^
00:45:653 (4,5) - ^
02:03:400 (2,3) - ^
02:06:780 (4,5) - ^
02:10:160 (4,5) - ^
02:13:540 (4,5) - ^
01:07:203 (1,2) - ... i don't think this is ok in this spot
hahaha now i know why u call this ur best mod ever orz

mea ieeya en yor zwihander omg can't understand this orz i think maybe i slap [csga]ar3sgice
its done ;;
thx for modding!
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

[Seraphin] wrote:

mea ieeya en yor zwihander

可惜我不会 这你都懂??ar3姥爷勃学啊OVQ,看了下面果然还是没明白orz wrote:

mea 私 ミーァ 中央正纯律(共通语)
ieeya 希望 イーヤ 中央正纯律(共通语)
en そして、~だから、~ために エン 中央正纯律(共通语)
yor あなた ヨア 中央正纯律(共通语)
zwihander 胜利(する)、胜ち ツヴァイヘンデル
en = for (于)? idk... but yeah maybe it is

next time, I use Ar Ciela

Hollow Wings wrote:

[Seraphin] wrote:

it is time.

warning: this mod contains large images ;;

reminder: these are suggestions not requirements, you do not need to apply these if you don't want to

plz no kill me
this maybe too much mod, I am trying to not override ur thinking... hahahahahaha yeah ur mod is so long~ orz

I would increase the audio lead-in if I were you ww i've asked some bats about the lead-in issue, they said all maps' lead-in will be reset when ranked, so just let it go

Nice Combo Color! now i think no combo color issues here, maybe orz

OD or HP drain +1, the map is too hard for so easy OD or drain I think! :x no problem
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes here! from 00:04:667 (3) - on, you have notes there, I think you should add them for consistency! hmm, i just wanna different rhythm here, that plays more different as well 0.0
00:11:851 (2) - ok, this one might be kinda hard to explain... see the flow you put for 00:08:470 (3,1,2) - ? it is like a downward slope, no? specifically, look at how the cursor goes in a straightish horizontal diagonal line.

now, look at 00:11:851 (2) -.

now, the flow is like a steep slope... i think this is unexpected for many new player, and even for me it felt weird orz
I was expecting it to be more like this.

It seemed like a back-and-forth pattern :)
I can tell you were trying to move the flow in more of a curve shape, but in repeat sliders like 00:10:160 (2) - it does not seem good to suddenly change the flow, especially how this is more of a flowy map and it is an easy. I leave it up to you to change the rest of the map to fit this if you choose to apply this.
well, i read this mod in detail and i think i've caught ur mind. yeah i didn't thought this is a weird pattern to newbies coz i just rarely played easy diffs. here, i found an easy way to fix this issue: just change 00:10:160 (2) - 's direction and all flows should be better now, u can recheck my fixing if u got time. ok, i do think you should change a bit more maybe, but i like idea
00:16:921 (3) - shouldn't this be placed around x88 y98 to finish your diagonal flow? i don't know.... ww i think this is just fine here
01:07:203 (2) - I don't think this is good place for slight rythmn change... i think u should change back to two note then slider still for this one...
I think you are trying to add uniqueness... but map is already changeable enough, and this is too much for new player imo too :( oh actually, the rhythm in this diff is just lack of changing, so i made this pattern to give some different feeling, hope u can understand that all objs r set at white line is already a boring idea to any map imo but as for ur flow suggesions before, here i just changed the slider's dirction for a better composing to newbie players :3
01:12:273 (2,1) - ^ although u can leave 01:13:541 (1) - the same maybe if u want ^
01:27:907 (2,1) - no finishes here please... not strong enough to warrant finish.. it is kinda strong end, so maybe custom clap (?) but I think finish is too much in the original song's track there also be a strong crash beat here, so i think this is just fine (maybe a bit too strong but as for this is near the end part before breaking i think this plays just good) then maybe u can make volume 10-20% quieterorz actually i feel just a excited feeling when play this part, like just... hit the hitboard wiht a power may easily break it. so i make these hs volume as high as possible 0.0
01:38:047 (2,1,2) - i think this flow is too different compare to 01:36:357 (3,1,2) - , previous is fun abstract flow but this is more standard, boring almost :x haha omg, boring a easy diff already exist to be lol, just patterns for newbies~ so take it easy~
01:46:076 (2) - same as 01:07:203 (2) - as same one above
01:57:906 (2,3) - why change back now? i think u should have some consistence, change this and parts right after to repeat slider instead of note-slider haha i think u just got wrong timing to objs, actually second parts rhythm is totally same to first part, still is not a good idea q:
02:21:569 (2) - blablabla you know 02:26:639 (2) - also as same one above
02:35:090 (2) - 02:40:160 (2) - im starting to like these rhythm changes... maybe no change? lol no change is more boring! lol

Drain +1 ok
00:01:287 - 00:02:977 - add notes, same idea as in easy mod keep this right now, let's see if others mentioned this
00:17:344 (4,1) - how about something more like this? for keeping the ds and flow, nope

00:59:386 (4) - place more around x64y72 and move the end node up a bit... this is too hard for beginners... and also plays kinda weird... I don't know what you were trying to do here? yeah, weird here, i changed all these pattern here.
01:07:625 (3) - remove all hs 01:08:470 (1) - remove clap from middle repeat and add to start of slider nope, this is good~ OVQ
01:09:949 - maybe add a note here? i dunno if its too hard tho D: blank here is better imo
01:10:160 (1) - clap nope, the hs is systemical, i won't change them easily. i won't reply to hs mod after this unless i accept it. 0.0
01:11:639 - maybe add a note here? blank here is better as well imo
01:27:062 (1,2) - this is kinda... odd... orz hmm? i think this got no problem it just seems real empty, maybe make (1) slider? what i want is just a blank here... well, if it's not that fit to other modders and testers, or even players, i'll consider to change this 0.0
01:27:907 (2,3,1) - same thing as in easy mod, no finish here I think
01:36:357 (3,4,1) - same as in 00:17:344 (4,1) - , but i think this one even more needs it yeah, this is just good, fixed
01:38:471 (3) - same idea as in 00:59:386 (4) - here no change
01:43:964 (1) - why not misalign this slightly? 01:43:541 (4) - is slightly up from where the line of the previous slider is, so why not make the circle after it slightly off too? :3 maybe... because this is a long white line's beat? and this is normal diff, but ur idea is good, i accept this
01:50:302 (4) - i think from here on this is good usage, difficulty curve etc. QVQ really? orz
02:08:048 (1) - add a repeat maybe? seems to rhythm a bit better... ??? the rhythem here is just same as before lol
02:19:457 (1) - I would suggest moving this closer to x408y160 as it seems to fit the curvature of this map better... as how 02:17:766 (1,2,3) - forms a sort of triangle, i think it would be good to move it... feel free to ignore if u don't like, also tell me if u want me to explain more... i choose no change. explain: thou as u said there're triangle flow before this, 02:18:612 (3,1) - the movement is still fine to most players even newbies, not only because the rhythm and composing obviously showed what the next note should be hit and move, but also as a nc long white line's note that totally give a strong impression of players. what's further more, the slider and pattern after this is just made for this note's position here, so i think this is just fine.
02:39:739 (1) - i think this is kinda odd position compared to last note... maybe either move this combo to the left or right some? it seems to be too much of a straight up flow i think compared to the rest of the map... haha, this is just another triangle flow here, so just let it be like this lol

hs rythmn change suggestion at beginning, all these go together!
what the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffk...... thou checked all of them... as i said before, this is just a systemical hs set, and no mods down there fits it... so... so sorry for no accepted... orzzz what about other mod below space? only the ones in this section are hs... sry for missing, because of lots of "add" words, i just skip some mods when first checking... i'll check them now
00:00:865 (1) - add clap to start
00:01:498 (2) - remove clap from end
00:02:555 (1) - add clap to start
00:03:189 (2) - remove clap from end
00:04:245 (1) - add clap to start
00:05:513 (3) - remove clap[/color]

00:00:865 (1) - remove finish from start
00:08:048 (2) - try snap with DS 1.3x some like this are not hs...? QVQ just keep ds with 1.2x here is good imo
00:16:499 (2,3,4) - something about this is... off... try remapping and testing this a few times, as it feels weird imo as it is hmm... i see no problem thou... 0.0
00:47:766 (4) - add finish to beginning
01:11:957 (1) - add a repeat and move 01:12:273 (2) - 1/4 over and remove a repeat from that
01:15:020 (6) - add clap to start
01:37:626 (2) - you should misalign it, as you do in beginning and other parts haha, maybe just try different patterns
01:44:387 (2) - ^ ^
01:48:084 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm nope... the rhythm now is good and correct 0.0
01:51:147 (2) - too close to middle of previous slider!! move farther forward!! i think this is very awkward to play orz this is called "overlap pattern" which is just as same difficult as maybe "jump pattern", i think here this is fine 0.0
01:52:837 (2) - misalign 01:56:218 (2) - same ^
02:01:605 (3,4,5) - add repeats to all and move notes to fit, as per rhythm ^
02:05:196 (3) - remove 1 repeat off end and add 1/4 slider @ 02:05:618 nope... why?? the rhythm now is just following the electric beat fine 0.0
02:11:957 (3) - ^ ^
02:42:908 (6) - add clap to start of slider
01:28:752 (1) - remove finish

Drain +1 ok
OD +1 ok
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


00:00:865 (1) - remove finish nope
01:28:752 (1) - ^ nope


nice cs hahaha
00:00:865 (1) - remove finish all nope for hs mods, sorry
01:28:752 (1) - ^
03:03:400 (1) - ^
00:37:414 (5) - ^ from end
these are all based on idea u used at end, with flow & etc blablabla
00:11:005 (3) - ctrl+G? nope
00:17:766 (3) - ^ nope
00:24:315 (2) - ^ nope
00:27:273 (5) - ^ nope
00:27:696 (7) - ^ nope
00:51:991 (1) - ^ especially on this one nope, what i wanna express is 00:52:414 (3) - is just a bigger jump than 00:51:675 (4,5,1,2) - has, so still reject here
00:53:682 (1) - ^ nope
01:38:893 (3) - ^ nope
01:52:202 (2) - ^ nope, flow here is good
01:54:949 (4) - ^ nope
01:55:371 (6) - ^ nope
02:15:125 (2) - ^ nope, thou still a good idea, i think now is better to be played
02:18:611 (3) - ^ nope, not good
02:19:878 (1) - ^ nope, wanna keep 1's head at the center
02:21:569 (1) - ^ nope
02:24:738 (4) - ^ nope
02:29:386 (8) - ^ nope
no u supposed me say this? lolol maybe? hue
00:35:513 (1,2) - add finish to starts of sliders
00:42:273 (4,5) - ^
00:45:653 (4,5) - ^
02:03:400 (2,3) - ^
02:06:780 (4,5) - ^
02:10:160 (4,5) - ^
02:13:540 (4,5) - ^
01:07:203 (1,2) - ... i don't think this is ok in this spot
hahaha now i know why u call this ur best mod ever orz

mea ieeya en yor zwihander omg can't understand this orz i think maybe i slap [csga]ar3sgice no~~ don't bully him, he's my benefactor ;w;
its done ;;
thx for modding!

Hollow Wings wrote:

mea ieeya en yor zwihander omg can't understand this orz i think maybe i slap [csga]ar3sgice no~~ don't bully him, he's my benefactor ;w; but.... :<
its done ;;
thx for modding!

Hollow Wings wrote:

这你都懂??ar3姥爷勃学啊OVQ,看了下面果然还是没明白orztranslation: I hope for your success.


  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.
  3. Red——Unrankable, you must fix it.

  1. rank之路修远兮,还是先手动加下audio-leadin吧,20ms也太少了,方便一下人家试图啊

  1. 00:47:766 - 00:48:189 - 这里两个kiai加的莫名其妙,前面一个去掉吧
  2. 01:35:090 - 这个kiai也去掉

  1. 00:01:498 (2,2) - 白线有鼓为什么不跟啊,normal搞这节奏很confuse的,别说你跟钢琴啊后面不就又跟鼓了么
  2. 00:13:963 (4,2) - 这个遮挡有点high,后面也一样
  3. 00:40:160 (1,2) -
  4. 01:00:020 (1,2) - normal还是避免遮挡的好,不要给狗找到空子钻(后面遮挡不说了……)
  5. 01:19:245 (2) - 有点看不懂节奏


  1. OD+1
  2. 00:28:752 (3) - 往右边放
  3. 02:21:253 (1,2,3) - 不平行,这么比较明显



  • 就我个人看来没啥问题,就是打的时候很没意思

  1. 00:04:879 (1) - ctrl+g之类的换个方向,我感觉比较好
  2. 00:33:823 (2,1,2,1,2) -
  3. 02:01:604 (1,2,1,2,1,2) -

  1. 00:54:949 (1) - 教练这个1不在中间!!

00:43:964 (2) - 能换成个半拍的滑条吧,向后缩到红线那,然后加Finish?再给后面的长白线Finsh啥的。。
02:05:090 (2) - ^
02:11:851 (2) - ^
00:46:921 (1) - 中间的Finish有点蛋疼
02:14:808 (1) - ^


00:43:964 (2,3) - 拉到红线去?我觉得一个1拍的滑条也不错
00:49:034 (3) - 出界。。
01:00:020 (1) - 最后一个折返我觉得可以单独出来
01:13:541 (1) - ^
02:00:020 (2,3,1) - 这一坨都出界了啊。
02:05:091 (2,3) - 同1
02:11:852 (2,3) - ^

我感觉还是有点难,00:13:118 (2,3,4,1,2)这个梗不好读啊之类的啥的,还有其实我觉得01:15:231到01:26:005之间能多放些Finish,这种抑段下特别响的Finish我觉得挺好的。。

00:35:513 (2) - 卧槽这个音效超违和,后面这个节奏的也是
00:47:766 (4) - 建议给个NC,最好和3不同方向


00:09:105 (6) - 做个短滑条:3
00:20:196 (3,4) - 拼成短滑条?跟后面的2连的节奏不太一样
01:27:907 (3,4,5,6,1) - 做的跳些,或者说前面不要太跳。顺便套个NC
02:55:795 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:43:119 (3,5) - 3(160,216),5(176,136)
02:30:125 (5,6,7,8) - 你这是收买人命

01:48:400 (1,2) - 感觉可以和后面的12平行下


00:01:498 (2) - HR后过界
00:02:344 (2) - ^
00:21:780 (2,3,2) - ^
00:31:921 (2,3) - ^
00:40:794 (4) - ^
01:06:886 (4,6,2,4) - ^
01:17:872 (7,8,12,13) - ^
01:19:773 (9,10,11) - ^
01:37:097 (3) - ^
01:56:428 (2,3) - ^
02:16:076 (1) - ^
02:30:653 (4) - ^






mod info:
Black: Suggestions.
Bule: Emphasis suggestions.
Red: Unrankable stuffs. Must be fixed.

  1. 00:51:463 (3) - 建议移动到(136,368),这样一是读图不会出错(把(2,3)读成1/2),二是00:50:724 (3) - 以及00:51:358 (2,3) - 的绝对间距一致
  2. 01:06:675 (3) - 教练这个没有和01:05:407 (6) - 对称!!!!111111
  3. 01:27:801 (4) - 和前后的间距可以拉大233
  4. 02:32:872 (3) - 同理,可以移动一下使得2,3与1,3的绝对间距一样,比方说移动到(168,72)(这里的话(2)(3)和之后的滑条的头尾的间距也一样了的说,还会好看一点吧)
  5. 教练我打这图没有开easy啊!!!!111111!!!11111

  1. 00:00:231 (2,3) - 调换位置怎么样 0.0?
  2. 00:09:210 - 那么鬼畜的图这里应该也要加一个note啊11111
  3. 00:15:970 - ^同理!!11,后面一样的地方就不说了
  4. 03:02:977 (1,2) - (nazi)这两个note不完全平行啊,[/strike]两个向量的差是(1像素,1像素)[/strike]重新复制粘贴一下吧
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

[Minakami Yuki] wrote:

M4M,就算你全reject也说到做到,就当做凑数也行啊 我来时隔三个月的check mod

  1. Black——My personal suggestions.
  2. Bold——Highly recommended.
  3. Red——Unrankable, you must fix it.

  1. rank之路修远兮,还是先手动加下audio-leadin吧,20ms也太少了,方便一下人家试图啊 传说rank后leading会自动调整所以我还是等bat来搞这个吧如果rank的话,试图其实也没差啦都那么坑了开头坑一下已经无所谓了

  1. 00:47:766 - 00:48:189 - 这里两个kiai加的莫名其妙,前面一个去掉吧 全图统一了kiai。。。噗,先这样再说
  2. 01:35:090 - 这个kiai也去掉 ^

  1. 00:01:498 (2,2) - 白线有鼓为什么不跟啊,normal搞这节奏很confuse的,别说你跟钢琴啊后面不就又跟鼓了么 整体节奏调整了一下
  2. 00:13:963 (4,2) - 这个遮挡有点high,后面也一样 normal放这个遮挡应该还不算太过分吧233,好吧好吧都改了,不过有些改起来太麻烦的我就让它去了OVQ
  3. 00:40:160 (1,2) - NND链接失效了hhh
  4. 01:00:020 (1,2) - normal还是避免遮挡的好,不要给狗找到空子钻(后面遮挡不说了……)
  5. 01:19:245 (2) - 有点看不懂节奏 这个倒是还好


  1. OD+1 ok
  2. 00:28:752 (3) - 往右边放 ok
  3. 02:21:253 (1,2,3) - 不平行,这么比较明显 调了下

    DS太小感觉排版很不舒服,美观度不够,问题不大 怒跪


  • 就我个人看来没啥问题,就是打的时候很没意思 继续怒跪,我的脑洞也有穷尽的时候

  1. 00:04:879 (1) - ctrl+g之类的换个方向,我感觉比较好 现在这样我觉得挺好的
  2. 00:33:823 (2,1,2,1,2) - 图全挂了
  3. 02:01:604 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 蜡烛

  1. 00:54:949 (1) - 教练这个1不在中间!! 233这个只是开头的nc而已不是第三白线的nc所以嘛orzzz

    真摸不动,我放弃了,地球人和你到底有什么仇!! OVQQQQQ

axschiming wrote:

00:43:964 (2) - 能换成个半拍的滑条吧,向后缩到红线那,然后加Finish?再给后面的长白线Finsh啥的。。节奏都不想动。。。
02:05:090 (2) - ^
02:11:851 (2) - ^
00:46:921 (1) - 中间的Finish有点蛋疼 音效就这样吧233
02:14:808 (1) - ^

节奏太丰满了点,要不要去掉几个?否则哪天谁谁谁又找个妹妹弟弟姐姐叔叔啥的又美丽。 NND现在图又要被说boring了真是蜡烛233

00:43:964 (2,3) - 拉到红线去?我觉得一个1拍的滑条也不错 节奏依旧不想动233
00:49:034 (3) - 出界。。 纳尼??
01:00:020 (1) - 最后一个折返我觉得可以单独出来 多折几下多好玩啊噗
01:13:541 (1) - ^ ^
02:00:020 (2,3,1) - 这一坨都出界了啊。 wpcap哪里出界了233
02:05:091 (2,3) - 同1
02:11:852 (2,3) - ^

我感觉还是有点难,00:13:118 (2,3,4,1,2)这个梗不好读啊之类的啥的,还有其实我觉得01:15:231到01:26:005之间能多放些Finish,这种抑段下特别响的Finish我觉得挺好的。。 这还难233,沙包的世界我不懂OVQ

00:35:513 (2) - 卧槽这个音效超违和,后面这个节奏的也是 纳尼?!我超喜欢好吗!
00:47:766 (4) - 建议给个NC,最好和3不同方向 不好

感觉确实没啥摸,卧槽还是难。。。 卧槽OVQ

00:09:105 (6) - 做个短滑条:3 这个倒是没必要,节奏不是这么来的
00:20:196 (3,4) - 拼成短滑条?跟后面的2连的节奏不太一样 这里就这样吧
01:27:907 (3,4,5,6,1) - 做的跳些,或者说前面不要太跳。顺便套个NC 蛮跳了啦233
02:55:795 (3,4,5,6,1) - ^
01:43:119 (3,5) - 3(160,216),5(176,136) 不要~
02:30:125 (5,6,7,8) - 你这是收买人命 借你一条要不w

01:48:400 (1,2) - 感觉可以和后面的12平行下 要的就是不平行啦

我摸不动了,妈呀你这是跟地之色一个难度的啊 这个简单点

00:01:498 (2) - HR后过界 我擦过界是这个意思啊?虽然你挑了很多但我一个都不打算改耶,柑橘这不是个事儿啊0.0
00:02:344 (2) - ^
00:21:780 (2,3,2) - ^
00:31:921 (2,3) - ^
00:40:794 (4) - ^
01:06:886 (4,6,2,4) - ^
01:17:872 (7,8,12,13) - ^
01:19:773 (9,10,11) - ^
01:37:097 (3) - ^
01:56:428 (2,3) - ^
02:16:076 (1) - ^
02:30:653 (4) - ^

可能还有很多,自己检查下,HWstyle我真的摸不动了Orz 所以说到底什么是HW style 噗。。。

祝早日rank,排列十分服气,射一颗,还有,我是地球人这图能rank我就继续作图不afk了,小圆都被拍死这图hhhh OVQ

384059043 wrote:

CS2,吓尿了 CS7吓不尿人CS2就尿了么orz



BG是你画的吗 是啊
EX不开AR10简直没法读图 我也这么觉得,不过地黄色那次以后我对ar10有阴影了,这次就先这样吧233

mod info:
Black: Suggestions.
Bule: Emphasis suggestions.
Red: Unrankable stuffs. Must be fixed.

  1. 00:51:463 (3) - 建议移动到(136,368),这样一是读图不会出错(把(2,3)读成1/2),二是00:50:724 (3) - 以及00:51:358 (2,3) - 的绝对间距一致 噗,这里只能说你木有理解我这么摆的意思,总之这边我觉得要大一点,理由你看后面kiai就懂了
  2. 01:06:675 (3) - 教练这个没有和01:05:407 (6) - 对称!!!!111111 这里对称不好看11111
  3. 01:27:801 (4) - 和前后的间距可以拉大233 由于是从5才开始high起来的所以这边ds就小点好了
  4. 02:32:872 (3) - 同理,可以移动一下使得2,3与1,3的绝对间距一样,比方说移动到(168,72)(这里的话(2)(3)和之后的滑条的头尾的间距也一样了的说,还会好看一点吧)我会跟你说我一开始摆的跟你说的一样后来故意拉成现在这个样子的么
  5. 教练我打这图没有开easy啊!!!!111111!!!11111 啊!!11111

  1. 00:00:231 (2,3) - 调换位置怎么样 0.0? 换了这四个的顺序
  2. 00:09:210 - 那么鬼畜的图这里应该也要加一个note啊11111 唔。。。不太想加呢。。。0.0
  3. 00:15:970 - ^同理!!11,后面一样的地方就不说了 0.0
  4. 03:02:977 (1,2) - (nazi)这两个note不完全平行啊,[/strike]两个向量的差是(1像素,1像素)[/strike]重新复制粘贴一下吧
thx all for modding!!! and sry for late lazy checking!!! OVQ


  1. 01:35:512 (1) - 这里根据节奏貌似是要下NC,不过我觉得不必要..或者直接删掉01:35:090 (1) -


  1. 没问题...这个难度撑一下三围比较适合当Hard...等等那Hard怎么办啊


  1. 00:00:865 (1) - 这个跟前面不平行啊..我强迫症


  1. 00:33:611 (4,5,6) - 这个串不直
  2. 01:57:908 (3,4,5) - ^
  3. 02:35:513 (9) - NC


  1. 00:32:555 (3) - 做一个停顿效果不错,然后00:32:978 (1,2) - 往左下摆就不会挡住00:32:555 (3) - ,这随你了
  2. 00:45:653 (2) - 遮挡。往右移几格。你大概还需要对齐00:44:808 (1) -



  1. 02:02:555 (1) - 被02:02:027 (5) - 挡住了,稍微转一转往下摆一点

我这样写mod是不是太不严肃了 我没文笔,跟写小学生作文一样 :(
Topic Starter
Hollow Wings

Autumn wrote:


  1. 01:35:512 (1) - 这里根据节奏貌似是要下NC,不过我觉得不必要..或者直接删掉01:35:090 (1) - 故意加的,不动


  1. 没问题...这个难度撑一下三围比较适合当Hard...等等那Hard怎么办啊 这显然是normal啊orz


  1. 00:00:865 (1) - 这个跟前面不平行啊..我强迫症 改了
    折返短滑条有点多啊,夹在单点里面读起来玩hard的会不会很紧张 不知道呢,直接打起来还好,dt开了可能切指有点难


  1. 00:33:611 (4,5,6) - 这个串不直 fixed
  2. 01:57:908 (3,4,5) - ^ ^
  3. 02:35:513 (9) - NC nc不想动


  1. 00:32:555 (3) - 做一个停顿效果不错,然后00:32:978 (1,2) - 往左下摆就不会挡住00:32:555 (3) - ,这随你了 遮挡是故意的
  2. 00:45:653 (2) - 遮挡。往右移几格。你大概还需要对齐00:44:808 (1) - 直接动了下位置

    不知为何这个难度我读起来十分吃力...好像是因为四分拍间距比较大,有一些小跳夹杂在flow里面 全图都是读图梗,怀疑世人会无法接受,rank看天意吧
    有点像吃煎蛋的时候里面有没化开的盐巴,每一个都是惊喜 有点像吃米饭的时候里面没挑掉的石子,每一个都是坑爹


  1. 02:02:555 (1) - 被02:02:027 (5) - 挡住了,稍微转一转往下摆一点 这种overlap就不用在意了啦
我这样写mod是不是太不严肃了 我没文笔,跟写小学生作文一样 :( 多喜感啊,而且朴实的语句才有味道啊,太过深邃华丽的字句只会让人看着疲乏
thx for modding
Fatfan Kolek
Bad mod inc! No Kds pls. :c

  1. 00:04:667 (3,1) - I'd delete these two notes to follow your previous structure since there isn't a need to emphasize the music you hear there.
  2. 00:37:203 (2,1) - The flow here seems a bit odd to me and might confuse new players aswell.
  3. 00:40:584 (2,1) - ^
  4. 01:20:301 (1) - Make this slider shorter and let it end on 01:21:146 - to emphasize this part since you've missed it. If you do so, add a circle on 01:21:569 - then.
  5. 02:48:188 (1) - ^
  6. 03:02:977 (1,1) - From my personal experience I'd say you should place a slider there. It's hard to catch circles right after a break.
  1. 00:41:428 (1) - I think it looks better if it is parallel like this.
  2. 00:49:034 (3) - This touches the hp bar. Place it not that near to the top.
  3. 01:27:907 (2) - To follow your previous structure I'd say that you place this on 01:27:696 - and leave the following part like it is at the moment. Just fix the spacing then.
  4. 02:55:794 (2) - ^
  5. 03:02:977 (1,1) - Same suggestion as mentioned in Easy.
Alright, I think these diffs are the only ones I can mod properly since I don't know what I can say about the other diffs orz. ;w; Pretty nice mapset in my opinion! :3 Deserves a starrrr. Love ya HW!♥
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