
DEPAPEPE - Sailing

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theramdans wrote:

hai random mod
maaf kalau terlalu detail

Seriusan???? Mapset ini Sama sekali ga ada Break Time! Suatu mapset HARUS ada Break nya. => klo yang Easy+Normal kenya susah klo harus dibikin Break, soalnya nanti combo terlalu dikit (ato emang ga apa2 ya?). Saya mikirnya ntar kurang etis klo mapnya aga panjang tapi combonya cuma dikit, gtu, klo yang Hard sama nsane emang udah ada tempat buat dijadiin Break sih, tapi diisi dlu, kan klo harus dihapus mah gampang tinggal delete :D
Kiai time 1 mulai di 01:22:131 => ok
Kiai time 2 mulai di 02:36:277 =>ok
Karena lagunya lumayan panjang mapsetnya lebih baik NORMAL HARD INSANE tanpa Easy, cuman Normalnya rada gampang dengan bintang dibawah 3 => saya pengen nyoba aja dlu bikin 4, percobaan pertama, tes kesanggupan :D

Distance snap banyak yang kacau dan tidak konsisten, cek Ai Mod (File>Open Ai Mod) lalu centang "Check distance snap" lalu perbaiki => ok
AR +1 atau +2, karena terlalu pelan => ok, kenya +1 aja deh
HP +1 => ok
OD +1 atau => ok
Distance snapping terlalu besar (kontradiksi dengan SV dan AR serta bpm yang pelan, tidak sinkron)
coba ganti distance snappingnya ke 1.2 => dijadiin 1.3 sma saya :D

00:19:692 - New Combo
00:27:497 - ^
00:39:204 - ^
00:41:155 (1) - spinner ini tidak cocok disini karena terlalu pendek dan jaraknya ke not selanjutnya hanya 1 beat (ini tidak boleh ada di diff Easy). Coba ganti dengan slider bolak balik atau jadikan break section aja , lumayan 4 beat.
00:47:009 - New Combo
00:50:423 - hilangkan New Combo, pindahin New Combonya ke (2) selanjutnya
00:54:814 - New Combo
00:58:228 (3,1) - geser dikit (1) ke kiri biar blanketnya pas dengan (3)
01:02:619 - New Combo
01:14:326 - ^
01:22:131 - kiai time mulai disini
01:26:033 - New Combo
01:29:936 - New Combo disini bukan di (1) sebelmnya
01:33:838 - New Combo
01:37:740 - ^
01:41:643 - ^
01:45:545 - sama kayak 01:29:936
01:47:497 (1) - sama kayak 00:41:155 (1)
02:01:155 - New Combo
02:03:106 (1) - sama kayak 00:41:155 (1)
02:08:960 - New Combo
02:10:911 (1) - sama kayak 00:41:155 (1)
sisa modnya kira2 sama sampai akhir soalnya lagunya kepanjangan ^^. Benerin aja distance snapnya ke 1.2, New Combo ikutin musik/gitarnya sama spinnernya jangan kependekan/ga pas dengan musik/not setelahnya kurang atau sama dgn 1 beat.

=> untuk beberapa perbaikan combo ada yang ngga disesuain sama saran disini, karena saya menyesuaikan dengan perubahan Chrod-nya (udah apal letak2 rubah chordnya sih :D),klo bisa cek lagi ya :D

AR dan HP + 1
Diff ini kontradiksi banget ama Easy, karena CS lebih kecil SV lebih cepat tapi distance snapnya lebih kecil
Coba distance snap diseragamin ke 1.0 dan jangan bikin kaya 00:24:082 (1,2) karena distance terlalu jauh (jump)
Combo2 nya kepanjangan, coba dipendekin sesuai irama musik nya , biasanya new combo dipake setiap 2 stanza, tapi itu tergantung alur lagunya kayak gimana

=> ok, untuk normal distance-nya udah di snap di 1.0 dan combo udah di perpendek :D

SV di diff ini terlampau jauh terlalu cepat jika dibandingkan dgn diff normal (normal sv 1.0 hard sv 1.8) coba sv nya 1.4~1.6. Kalau 1.8 cocoknya dif Insane
Distance snap di bagian awal lagu terlalu kecil coba dibesarkan, karena ini diff hard distance boleh di ubah sedikit2 tapi harus konsisten dan polanya yang wajar dan masuk akal serta pas ama lagunya

00:19:448 (1) - slider kayak gini mending diganti pake circle aja => ngga diubah jadi spinner tapi yang slider pendeknya diubah jadi 2 hit circle aja
00:21:399 (5) - ^ => ^
00:27:253 (1) - ^ => ^
00:33:106 (1,2) - dua spinner kayak gni ga cocok => nah ini bingung kudu digimanain?

=> ok, untuk hard sebagian diikutin, tpi kenya aga susah juga klo harus ganti SV (orgnya malesan :D), yah nanti lah digantiSV-nya klo niat :D

Insane nya sadis, AR HP dan OD terlalu besar, saran:
AR 8 HP 7 OD 7
Polanya secara keselurhan udah bagus, tapi ga aku mod full soalnya udah kepanjangan :D

=> ok, AR, HP dan OD udah diganti tapi 8 8 8, ngga 8 7 7
padahal klo pun kepanjangan juga ga apa2 biar bener nih mapnya :D

Pola map udah bagus
tapi distance snaping harus dipelajari lagi
dan hitsound, mapnya terlalu sepi tanpa hitsound + lagunya kalem bener
dan Break Time! Itu sangat penting

=> makasih sarannya, diusahain lah ditambahin hitsound-nya, soalnya masih aga bingung make hitsound yang cocok
Break Time udah ditambahin buat yang Hard sama Insane, yang Easy sama Normal ngga ditambahin (penjelasan diatas)


K4zuya K wrote:

theramdans wrote:

hai random mod
maaf kalau terlalu detail

Seriusan???? Mapset ini Sama sekali ga ada Break Time! Suatu mapset HARUS ada Break nya. => klo yang Easy+Normal kenya susah klo harus dibikin Break, soalnya nanti combo terlalu dikit (ato emang ga apa2 ya?). Saya mikirnya ntar kurang etis klo mapnya aga panjang tapi combonya cuma dikit, gtu, klo yang Hard sama nsane emang udah ada tempat buat dijadiin Break sih, tapi diisi dlu, kan klo harus dihapus mah gampang tinggal delete :D
hi, numpang lewat. xD

bener tuh kata theramdans. map ini harus dikasi break. kenapa? karena ini mapset untuk rank, bukan approved. kalau seandainya ini approved sih engga masalah, itu udah biasa. contonya di map ga ada break sama sekali tapi itu bisa diterima, karena ini map approved.

untuk combonya juga itu ga masalah kok kalau terlalu sedikit. saran saya kalau mau combonya banyak tinggal tambah beberapa note aja, entah itu slider ataupun circle. dan slider tick rate nya ditambahin lagi satu (nah kalau yang ini jika terasa tak cocok, ga usah diubah)

ohya, itu para modder diatas ga dikasi kudosu?
saran juga nih untuk kamu ketika membalas suatu mod, pakailah warna berbeda atau pakai :arrow: biar lebih mudah dilihat.

ok itu aja. good luck. :D

Note : no kudosu for this post. :P
Topic Starter
ooohhhh, ngga apa2 ya klo terlalu dikit juga, ok deh klo gtu caw ditambahin Break Time

Kudosu ya, lupa hehe :oops:

buat sarannya, iya,kelupaan tadi,soalnya buru2, takut kemaleman, bentar lagi juga ini off, :D
justru dif easy + normal bth lbh byk break
atau satu mapset tempat breaknya sama semua, kan keren tuch
Topic Starter
oh, gtu yah, ya udah ntar diubah lah, sekarang lagi ga maen :D
The offset is very early, this one is much better:

Offset: 202

don't forget to resnap all inherited timing points (green lines)
also check AiMod (ctrl+shift+A) because some objects aren't correctly snapped

Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Sephibro wrote:

The offset is very early, this one is much better:

Offset: 202 :arrow: I think it's too late/slow, especially in the beginning (intro) and reff part

don't forget to resnap all inherited timing points (green lines)
also check AiMod (ctrl+shift+A) because some objects aren't correctly snapped

Good luck! :)
OK, all fixed, thanks :D

01:00:667 (3,4) - Turn these two into one beat sliders?

01:08:960 (3) - Spacing a bit uneven

02:10:911 (2) - You think maybe rotate anti clockwise abit so that the tail is same dist away from (1) as the head?

02:20:667 (1) - Blanket properly

eto... actually I don't do very well with instrumentals... well if it's short I'm okay but this is quite long and I get bored easily ehehe ^^")7 so gomene I'll stop here. just a lil thing: I dun believe in Aimod

dun give kudosu
Topic Starter

yurunneram wrote:


01:00:667 (3,4) - Turn these two into one beat sliders?

01:08:960 (3) - Spacing a bit uneven

02:10:911 (2) - You think maybe rotate anti clockwise abit so that the tail is same dist away from (1) as the head?

02:20:667 (1) - Blanket properly

eto... actually I don't do very well with instrumentals... well if it's short I'm okay but this is quite long and I get bored easily ehehe ^^")7 so gomene I'll stop here. just a lil thing: I dun believe in Aimod

dun give kudosu

Thanks for some fixing. I've fixed that all
My friend(VictorWong):

Offset should be 206 instead of 180.
really sorry to be late. i'll shoot a star.

probably, Offset +14

03:28:730 (7) - copy to the 6

00:57:984 (1) - move to back 1/2 snap, and reduce 1 reverse.
01:05:058 (4) - use 1/1 snap reverse slider.
03:29:448 - need 1/2 slider.
03:39:204 (1,2) - remove
03:39:448 - 1/2 slider

00:31:399 (1,2,3,4) - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link
00:38:228 (7) - looks better more under grid (like x:192 y:140)
00:54:082 (3) - x:356 y:192
01:36:277 (1) - use rotate! (Ctrl + Shift + R)
02:24:326 (1) - x:368 y:240
02:43:106 (7) - copy to the 6, and Ctrl + H,G
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part.

01:21:155 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap.
01:31:033 (2) - move to back 1/8 snap.
01:32:145 (1) - remove, and add circle to 01:32:145 - 01:32:389 -
01:39:706 ~ 01:41:657 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link
02:35:315 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap. (and you can choice ctrl + g)
02:53:852 ~ 02:55:803 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link
03:21:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - increase spacing form away previous notes. Like this.
03:29:950 (6,7,8) - 1/4 rever slider.
03:30:559 (9) - remove
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part.

5eania wrote:

03:28:730 (7) - copy to the 6
oops, sorry. that's mean 5 lol
Topic Starter

5eania wrote:

really sorry to be late. i'll shoot a star.

probably, Offset +14 :arrow: :arrow: changed to 185. +14 is not quite right in the reff part and ending ^^

03:28:730 (7) - copy to the 6 :arrow: done

00:57:984 (1) - move to back 1/2 snap, and reduce 1 reverse. :arrow: done
01:05:058 (4) - use 1/1 snap reverse slider. :arrow: done
03:29:448 - need 1/2 slider. :arrow: done
03:39:204 (1,2) - remove :arrow: done
03:39:448 - 1/2 slider :arrow: done

00:31:399 (1,2,3,4) - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: done
00:38:228 (7) - looks better more under grid (like x:192 y:140) :arrow: done
00:54:082 (3) - x:356 y:192 :arrow: done
01:36:277 (1) - use rotate! (Ctrl + Shift + R) :arrow: done
02:24:326 (1) - x:368 y:240 :arrow: done
02:43:106 (7) - copy to the 6, and Ctrl + H,G :arrow: done
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part.:arrow: done

01:21:155 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap.:arrow: done
01:31:033 (2) - move to back 1/8 snap.:arrow: i refer to chord voice, not melody one here, so no change here ^^
01:32:145 (1) - remove, and add circle to 01:32:145 - 01:32:389 :arrow: done
01:39:706 ~ 01:41:657 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: done
02:35:315 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap. (and you can choice ctrl + g) :arrow: done, but not the ctrl+g
02:53:852 ~ 02:55:803 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: i don't think it's good, too close and cramped
03:21:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - increase spacing form away previous notes. Like this. :arrow: done
03:29:950 (6,7,8) - 1/4 rever slider. :arrow: want to try making something like talent shredder bass part, super tapping lol
03:30:559 (9) - remove :arrow: i refer to drum sound for this part, so i think i don't need to remove this ^^
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part. :arrow: done
ok, thank you so much for the modding and star
Topic Starter

tellertheworld wrote:

My friend(VictorWong):

Offset should be 206 instead of 180.
:arrow: i changed this into 185, 200 and more are too late in some part of song, but thanks anyway ^^

theramdans wrote:

Seriusan???? Mapset ini Sama sekali ga ada Break Time! Suatu mapset HARUS ada Break nya.

raheta_adi wrote:

bener tuh kata theramdans. map ini harus dikasi break. kenapa? karena ini mapset untuk rank, bukan approved. kalau seandainya ini approved sih engga masalah, itu udah biasa. contonya di map ga ada break sama sekali tapi itu bisa diterima, karena ini map approved.

Note : no kudosu for this post. :P
Just passed by, because this guy post his map on Ely's queue.
And i totally disagree with this, yeah look at >
This 4 minutes map got no break especially on Insane, and it got ranked. why ?
Because on the Ranking Criteria,

Guidelines wrote:

Use breaks where possible.
And this rule was belong in Guidelines, so it means if there're no possible part on the map that can be used as break. So it's not.
Also it was up to mapper that he/she want to use a break or not on the map. No modders / Bats may change it, if it still make sense on the map.
However, break were still recommended on beginner's diff like easy and normal.

Well, Good Luck for your very first map ~
Topic Starter

Momochikun wrote:

theramdans wrote:

Seriusan???? Mapset ini Sama sekali ga ada Break Time! Suatu mapset HARUS ada Break nya.

raheta_adi wrote:

bener tuh kata theramdans. map ini harus dikasi break. kenapa? karena ini mapset untuk rank, bukan approved. kalau seandainya ini approved sih engga masalah, itu udah biasa. contonya di map ga ada break sama sekali tapi itu bisa diterima, karena ini map approved.

Note : no kudosu for this post. :P
Just passed by, because this guy post his map on Ely's queue.
And i totally disagree with this, yeah look at >
This 4 minutes map got no break especially on Insane, and it got ranked. why ?
Because on the Ranking Criteria,

Guidelines wrote:

Use breaks where possible.
And this rule was belong in Guidelines, so it means if there're no possible part on the map that can be used as break. So it's not.
Also it was up to mapper that he/she want to use a break or not on the map. No modders / Bats may change it, if it still make sense on the map.
However, break were still recommended on beginner's diff like easy and normal.

Well, Good Luck for your very first map ~
makasih infonya :D (ato bisa disebut pembelaan? lol)
Topic Starter

K4zuya K wrote:

5eania wrote:

really sorry to be late. i'll shoot a star.

probably, Offset +14 :arrow: :arrow: changed to 185. +14 is not quite right in the reff part and ending ^^

03:28:730 (7) - copy to the 6 :arrow: done

00:57:984 (1) - move to back 1/2 snap, and reduce 1 reverse. :arrow: done
01:05:058 (4) - use 1/1 snap reverse slider. :arrow: done
03:29:448 - need 1/2 slider. :arrow: done
03:39:204 (1,2) - remove :arrow: done
03:39:448 - 1/2 slider :arrow: done

00:31:399 (1,2,3,4) - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: done
00:38:228 (7) - looks better more under grid (like x:192 y:140) :arrow: done
00:54:082 (3) - x:356 y:192 :arrow: done
01:36:277 (1) - use rotate! (Ctrl + Shift + R) :arrow: done
02:24:326 (1) - x:368 y:240 :arrow: done
02:43:106 (7) - copy to the 6, and Ctrl + H,G :arrow: done
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part.:arrow: done

01:21:155 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap.:arrow: done
01:31:033 (2) - move to back 1/8 snap.:arrow: i refer to chord and drum sound, not melody one here, so no change here ^^
01:32:145 (1) - remove, and add circle to 01:32:145 - 01:32:389 :arrow: done
01:39:706 ~ 01:41:657 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: done
02:35:315 (1,2) - increase 1/4 snap. (and you can choice ctrl + g) :arrow: done, but not the ctrl+g
02:53:852 ~ 02:55:803 - Suggest :arrow:
Image Link :arrow: i don't think it's good, too close and cramped
03:21:901 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - increase spacing form away previous notes. Like this. :arrow: done
03:29:950 (6,7,8) - 1/4 rever slider. :arrow: want to try making something like talent shredder bass part, super tapping lol
03:30:559 (9) - remove :arrow: i refer to drum sound for this part, so i think i don't need to remove this ^^
03:45:301 ~ 03:50:437 - 1/3 snap part. :arrow: done
ok, thank you so much for the modding and star
yo! walau di queue masih ada pending mods, screw my queue lol
I'm helping Indonesian mapper while I'm in the mood of modding this map
aku mod in indo aja biar jelas maksudnya, walau ada beberapa istilah yang masih pakai inggris

for a first beatmap ini lumayan - my first map was a disaster
hitsoundnya sedikit sekali, aku point beberapa saja yang "jelas" (I suck on hitsounding lol)
karena hitsoundnya agak "ngulang" dari easy, aku cuma sebut sedikit saja
kalo pakai clap hitsoud di lagu ini, decrease volumenya ke 30-40%, kalo terlalu keras lagunya ketutupan suara clapnya
dan disini sebenernya banyak ugly flownya tapi malas sebut lol - too many straight sliders, usahakan pakai curve lebih sering

00:13:843 (4) - kasih hitsound finish+clap di ekor 00:15:306 -
00:15:794 (1) - finish di kepala, clap di ekor
00:17:745 (2) - clap di ekor
00:19:697 (1,2) - imo normal whistle nya ga cocok sekali, karena ini instrumental kalem. ganti soft whistle?
00:27:502 (1,2) - ^
diff easy kalo bisa jangan pakai beat 1/16.. beat 1/2 atau max 1/4 aja karena newbie ga bisa ngepasin time kapan dia harus hit
00:35:337 (1,2,3) - ini dibenarkan posisinya (00:35:306 (1) - 00:37:257 (2) - 00:38:233 (3) - )
00:41:160 (2) - clap di ekor
00:50:428 (1) - clap
00:50:916 (2) - dibikin curve
00:54:331 (2) - clap
00:54:819 (3) - dibikin curve
00:56:770 (5) - clap di ekor
01:05:063 (2) - ^
01:17:502 (4) - snap ekornya dibenarkan (ga pas di garis putih)
01:18:691 (1,2,3) - ini melenceng juga, 1/16 jangan dipakai di Easy/Normal diff
01:22:136 (1) - finish di kepala
01:24:819 (3,1) - flow cut, 01:26:038 (1) - dimiringkan saja seperti ini
01:28:965 (3,1) - ini juga flow cut walau ga seberapa nampak, rubah jadi seperti ini?
digaris biar jelas
ini flow sebelum ku rubah:

yang ini setelah ku rubah:
01:32:867 (2) - x 232 y 316
01:33:843 (1) - ekornya dinaikan01:53:356 (1,2) - sama seperti 00:19:697 (1,2) -
02:10:916 (2) - clap di ekor
02:18:721 (3) - ^
02:36:282 (2) - finish di kepala
02:38:965 (4,1) - similar to 01:24:819 (3,1) -
02:51:891 (4) - ^
03:48:477 (1) - finish

00:13:843 (3,4) - ntar dikira newbie ekornya (4) jadi kepalanya, lebih baik dipindah saja
dempetan gini bikin bingung (except if this is Hard+)
00:14:575 (4) - finish+clap di ekor
00:15:794 (1) - finish
00:16:526 (2) - why of all means ini garis lurus. tidak flowing dengan baik di 00:15:794 (1,2,3,1) -
00:41:160 (1,1) - kalo bisa Easy / Normal diff kasih jarak 1 stanza kosong setelah spinner (mulainya disini setelah spinner 00:43:599 - ), agak susah buat newbie untuk click 00:43:111 (1) -
similar matter
01:29:941 (1,1) -
01:51:404 (1,1) -
02:10:916 (1,1) -
02:44:087 (1,1) -
03:13:355 (1,1) -
00:46:526 (5) - clap
00:54:331 (2) - ^
00:57:745 (1) - clap di ekor 00:58:233 -
01:02:136 (7) - clap
01:05:063 (4) - clap di ekor
01:22:136 (3) - finish di kepala
01:45:063 (1,3) - overlap, salah satu geser dikit
01:45:550 (2,4) - ini juga
02:59:453 (3,1) - flow cut
03:20:672 (4,1,2) - flownya kurang luwes, ctrl+G terus pindah ke x 68 y 18003:24:819 (5,1,2) - 03:24:819 (5) - jangan terlalu melengkung kedalam, flownya ga enak
03:26:526 (2,3,4) - sesak sekali, 03:28:233 (3) - dibikin curve saja

00:52:380 (7,9) - lebih bagus lagi kalo (7) nya stack ekornya (9) persis
01:22:136 (3,4) - overlap, kalo bisa head slidernya jangan ditutup (harus jelas)
02:30:428 (7,8) - ^

objectnya banyak yang ga rapi ):
03:21:892 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - aku ga yakin bisa FCin ini map lol
03:25:550 (8,1) - this start is not good, pindah ke arah lawannya aja (pindah juga object berikutnya 03:26:282 (2,3,4,5,6) - )
03:37:745 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - jangan mefet2, 03:37:136 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - pindah agak dalam dikit

feel free to PM me in-game - malas sebut disini
tambah kebawah tambah dikit modnya lol
anyway, good luck!
Topic Starter
dan baru buka lagi hari minggu sore ternyata ada mod ( padahal bsok kan ngampus, jadi ga ada waktu buat benerin :cry: ).
Topic Starter

Setsurei wrote:

yo! walau di queue masih ada pending mods, screw my queue lol
I'm helping Indonesian mapper while I'm in the mood of modding this map
aku mod in indo aja biar jelas maksudnya, walau ada beberapa istilah yang masih pakai inggris

for a first beatmap ini lumayan - my first map was a disaster
hitsoundnya sedikit sekali, aku point beberapa saja yang "jelas" (I suck on hitsounding lol)
:arrow: saya juga kurang begitu ngerti cara pake HS yang bener lol
hitsoundnya agak "ngulang" dari easy, aku cuma sebut sedikit saja
kalo pakai clap hitsoud di lagu ini, decrease volumenya ke 30-40%, kalo terlalu keras lagunya ketutupan suara clapnya
dan disini sebenernya banyak ugly flownya tapi malas sebut lol - too many straight sliders, usahakan pakai curve lebih sering

00:13:843 (4) - kasih hitsound finish+clap di ekor 00:15:306 - :arrow: done
00:15:794 (1) - finish di kepala, clap di ekor :arrow: done
00:17:745 (2) - clap di ekor :arrow: done
00:19:697 (1,2) - imo normal whistle nya ga cocok sekali, karena ini instrumental kalem. ganti soft whistle? :arrow: done
00:27:502 (1,2) - ^ :arrow: done
diff easy kalo bisa jangan pakai beat 1/16.. beat 1/2 atau max 1/4 aja karena newbie ga bisa ngepasin time kapan dia harus hit
00:35:337 (1,2,3) - ini dibenarkan posisinya (00:35:306 (1) - 00:37:257 (2) - 00:38:233 (3) - ) :arrow: justru klo dipasin ngga pas klo easy, ntah knapa. udah di coba sama saya dan emang ga pas klo di pasin di garis putih. lagi pula itu kan tetep pas satu ketukan (00:35:337 (1,2)) dan 2 ketukan (00:37:288 (2,3)) ^^
00:41:160 (2) - clap di ekor :arrow: done
00:50:428 (1) - clap :arrow: done
00:50:916 (2) - dibikin curve :arrow: done
00:54:331 (2) - clap :arrow: done
00:54:819 (3) - dibikin curve :arrow: done
00:56:770 (5) - clap di ekor :arrow: done
01:05:063 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
01:17:502 (4) - snap ekornya dibenarkan (ga pas di garis putih) :arrow: ini juga sama, klo dipasin ngga pas sound nya
01:18:691 (1,2,3) - ini melenceng juga, 1/16 jangan dipakai di Easy/Normal diff :arrow: ^
01:22:136 (1) - finish di kepala :arrow: done
01:24:819 (3,1) - flow cut, 01:26:038 (1) - dimiringkan saja seperti ini :arrow: done 01:28:965 (3,1) - ini juga flow cut walau ga seberapa nampak, rubah jadi seperti ini? :arrow: done
digaris biar jelas
ini flow sebelum ku rubah:

yang ini setelah ku rubah:
01:32:867 (2) - x 232 y 316 :arrow: done
01:33:843 (1) - ekornya dinaikan :arrow: done
01:53:356 (1,2) - sama seperti 00:19:697 (1,2) - :arrow: done
02:10:916 (2) - clap di ekor :arrow: done
02:18:721 (3) - ^ :arrow: done
02:36:282 (2) - finish di kepala :arrow: done
02:38:965 (4,1) - similar to 01:24:819 (3,1) - :arrow: done
02:51:891 (4) - ^ :arrow: done
03:48:477 (1) - finish :arrow: done

00:13:843 (3,4) - ntar dikira newbie ekornya (4) jadi kepalanya, lebih baik dipindah saja
dempetan gini bikin bingung (except if this is Hard+) :arrow: done
00:14:575 (4) - finish+clap di ekor :arrow: done
00:15:794 (1) - finish :arrow: done
00:16:526 (2) - why of all means ini garis lurus. tidak flowing dengan baik di 00:15:794 (1,2,3,1) - :arrow: done
00:41:160 (1,1) - kalo bisa Easy / Normal diff kasih jarak 1 stanza kosong setelah spinner (mulainya disini setelah spinner 00:43:599 - ), agak susah buat newbie untuk click 00:43:111 (1) :arrow: ok, untuk beberapa tempat bisa di ubah. tapi untuk beberapa yang lain ngga diubah soalnya udah spinnya bukan slider tapi hit circle dan klo itu diilangin jadi ngga enak ^^
similar matter
01:29:941 (1,1) -
01:51:404 (1,1) -
02:10:916 (1,1) -
02:44:087 (1,1) -
03:13:355 (1,1) -
00:46:526 (5) - clap :arrow: done
00:54:331 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
00:57:745 (1) - clap di ekor 00:58:233 - :arrow: done
01:02:136 (7) - clap :arrow: done
01:05:063 (4) - clap di ekor :arrow: done
01:22:136 (3) - finish di kepala :arrow: done
01:45:063 (1,3) - overlap, salah satu geser dikit :arrow: done
01:45:550 (2,4) - ini juga :arrow: done
02:59:453 (3,1) - flow cut :arrow: done
03:20:672 (4,1,2) - flownya kurang luwes, ctrl+G terus pindah ke x 68 y 180 :arrow: done03:24:819 (5,1,2) - 03:24:819 (5) - jangan terlalu melengkung kedalam, flownya ga enak :arrow: done
03:26:526 (2,3,4) - sesak sekali, 03:28:233 (3) - dibikin curve saja :arrow: saya juga bingung harus dbikin gimana lol

00:52:380 (7,9) - lebih bagus lagi kalo (7) nya stack ekornya (9) persis :arrow: done
01:22:136 (3,4) - overlap, kalo bisa head slidernya jangan ditutup (harus jelas) :arrow: done
02:30:428 (7,8) - ^ :arrow: done

objectnya banyak yang ga rapi ): :arrow: tolong sebut dimana yang kurang rapihnya biar bisa dirapiin :cry:
03:21:892 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - aku ga yakin bisa FCin ini map lol :arrow: namanya juga insane lol
03:25:550 (8,1) - this start is not good, pindah ke arah lawannya aja (pindah juga object berikutnya 03:26:282 (2,3,4,5,6) - ) :arrow: ^
03:37:745 (7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - jangan mefet2, 03:37:136 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - pindah agak dalam dikit :arrow: done

feel free to PM me in-game - malas sebut disini
tambah kebawah tambah dikit modnya lol
anyway, good luck![/color]
All Done, thanks for the detailed mod especially for HS in easy and normal (_ _)
:? Hi :3

  1. Remove Depapepe from tag, because it's available in Artist.
  2. Offset is wrong.183 is better
  • 00:07:989 (1,2,3) - Hitsoundnya mana? ._.
    00:19:697 (1,2) - make it so curve.
    00:35:337 (1) - this slider must starts in 00:35:306
    00:37:288 (2,3) - fix the rhythm/beat tick
    00:44:575 (2,3) - I don't like this placement.
    01:00:184 (2,3) - blanket propely
    01:49:453 (1) - No DS alright here. fix it
    01:53:355 (1,2) - scary slider (hhhh really scary)
    02:24:575 (1) - last node is red
    Di lurusin slider yg ini
    02:26:526 (2,3,4) - flow into here is bad
    03:03:315 - the break must start in 03:03:599
    03:46:526 (2) - lurusin slidernya
  • 00:08:721 (2) - i don't like this slider with 90° slider.
    00:32:867 (4,5) - the rhythm looks weird you follow here.
    00:43:111 - add circle
    00:45:063 (2) - Kalau bikin jump jangan disini kak
    00:45:550 (3,4,5,1) - i don't really interessing in this flow
    01:10:428 (1) - stack
Just easy and normal xD
Good luck~~
Topic Starter

DenoisoGoiso wrote:

:? Hi :3

  1. Remove Depapepe from tag, because it's available in Artist. :arrow: changed
  2. Offset is wrong.183 is better :arrow: changed
  • 00:07:989 (1,2,3) - Hitsoundnya mana? ._. :arrow: ok added
    00:19:697 (1,2) - make it so curve. :arrow: done
    00:35:337 (1) - this slider must starts in 00:35:306 :arrow: done, ternyata klo offsetnya dibenerin jadi pas
    00:37:288 (2,3) - fix the rhythm/beat tick :arrow: done
    00:44:575 (2,3) - I don't like this placement. :arrow: udah diganti
    01:00:184 (2,3) - blanket propely :arrow: done
    01:49:453 (1) - No DS alright here. fix it :arrow: done
    01:53:355 (1,2) - scary slider (hhhh really scary) :arrow: changed
    02:24:575 (1) - last node is red :arrow: fixed (? dunno what you mean lol)
    Di lurusin slider yg ini :arrow: ngga diubah, malah ditambahin miring
    02:26:526 (2,3,4) - flow into here is bad :arrow: this is why i don't make the last note straight03:03:315 - the break must start in 03:03:599 :arrow: done
    03:46:526 (2) - lurusin slidernya :arrow: done

  • 00:08:721 (2) - i don't like this slider with 90° slider. :arrow: changed
    00:32:867 (4,5) - the rhythm looks weird you follow here. :arrow: changed
    00:43:111 - add circle :arrow: ignored (he said i can ignore this)
    00:45:063 (2) - Kalau bikin jump jangan disini kak :arrow: changed
    00:45:550 (3,4,5,1) - i don't really interessing in this flow :arrow: changed
    01:10:428 (1) - stack :arrow: changed
Just easy and normal xD
Good luck~~
ok, mkasih banyak modding nya
Hello (from M4M)

00:21:158 (1) - add clap
00:23:109 (2) - ^
00:25:061 (2) - ^
00:27:012 (4) - ^
00:28:963 (1) - ^
00:30:914 (2) - ^
00:47:987 (2) - make your slider bend straight (unless it's suppose to do that)
00:56:768 (3) - put it at x:268 y: 136
01:06:524 (1) - put it at x:412 y: 172
01:39:695 (1) - move to x:76 y:112
02:16:768 (2) - make the slider bend straight
02:53:841 (1) - move to x:64 y:276
02:55:792 (3) - move to x:308 y:52
03:11:402 (1) - take off NC
03:27:012 (5) - NC
03:29:939 (1) - take off NC
03:30:914 (2) - NC
03:41:646 (3,4,5) - move to x:404 y: 312
add some more hitsounds

00:13:841 (3) - move to x:356 y:140
00:15:291 (4) - move to x:488 y:228
00:39:207 (3) - x:432 y:164
00:40:670 (4) - x:284 y:64
00:41:158 - move to spinner to 00:43:109
01:17:500 (3) - move to x:128 y:196
01:48:719 (3) - move to x:280 y:344
02:10:914 - move the spinner to 02:12:865
02:44:085 - move the spinner to 02:46:524
add hitsounds

AR -1
00:23:353 (1,2) - x:152 y:152
00:25:061 (4) - x:336 y:260
00:38:475 (8,9,10) - big jumps for hard :o
Nothing else to say here except that some jumps are a bit far for hard and again add hitsounds

AR -1
Thats about it except once again hitsounds :cry:

Really like this map :D i'm definitely keeping this map
Topic Starter

RatedNC17 wrote:

Hello (from M4M)

00:21:158 (1) - add clap :arrow: done
00:23:109 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
00:25:061 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
00:27:012 (4) - ^ :arrow: done
00:28:963 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
00:30:914 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
00:47:987 (2) - make your slider bend straight (unless it's suppose to do that) :arrow: i don't really understand what you mean here, can you explain with example?
00:56:768 (3) - put it at x:268 y: 136 :arrow: done
01:06:524 (1) - put it at x:412 y: 172 :arrow: done
01:39:695 (1) - move to x:76 y:112 :arrow: done
02:16:768 (2) - make the slider bend straight :arrow: same with 00:47:987 (2) -
02:53:841 (1) - move to x:64 y:276 :arrow: done
02:55:792 (3) - move to x:308 y:52 :arrow: done
03:11:402 (1) - take off NC :arrow: i think it fits better before i remove the NC. I use NC because the guitar chord changes here
03:27:012 (5) - NC :arrow: done
03:29:939 (1) - take off NC :arrow: done
03:30:914 (2) - NC :arrow: done
03:41:646 (3,4,5) - move to x:404 y: 312 :arrow: done
add some more hitsounds :arrow: ok, i've added some new HSs

00:13:841 (3) - move to x:356 y:140 :arrow: done
00:15:291 (4) - move to x:488 y:228 :arrow: done
00:39:207 (3) - x:432 y:164 :arrow: done
00:40:670 (4) - x:284 y:64 :arrow: done
00:41:158 - move to spinner to 00:43:109 :arrow: nope. for normal after spinner the space should be 1 stanza and this is 1 stanza (from Guidlines)
01:17:500 (3) - move to x:128 y:196 :arrow: done
01:48:719 (3) - move to x:280 y:344 :arrow: done
02:10:914 - move the spinner to 02:12:865 :arrow: same as 00:41:158 -
02:44:085 - move the spinner to 02:46:524 :arrow: same as 00:41:158 -
add hitsounds :arrow: ok, added some HSs

AR -1 :arrow: i won't change this. it's pretty normal for hard to have this AR
00:23:353 (1,2) - x:152 y:152 :arrow: done
00:25:061 (4) - x:336 y:260 :arrow: done
00:38:475 (8,9,10) - big jumps for hard :o :arrow: it's not that jumpy i think
Nothing else to say here except that some jumps are a bit far for hard and again add hitsounds :arrow: i'm not that good with HSs. still new to mapping

AR -1
Thats about it except once again hitsounds :cry: :arrow: teach me how to be good with adding HSs :cry:

Really like this map :D i'm definitely keeping this map
Thanks for modding my map :D
wowww DEPAPEPE !
good luck gan
Hi from my queue
00:35:304 (1) - whis
00:39:207 (1) - ^
00:43:109 (1) - ^
00:50:914 (2) - ^
00:58:719 (1) -^
01:02:622 (1) - ^
01:06:524 (1) - ^
03:18:231 (2) - move to 404,312 for the same spacing
you can add whis with the same asEasy diff
02:18:231 (2) - move to 88,104 for the same spacing
01:48:719 (3) - add the fin on the end
03:03:353 (1) - ^
03:28:231 (3) - change it 1/2+1/1 slider
03:40:182 (2) - move to 03:40:061
03:40:426 add a note
00:39:207 (11) - NC
00:47:987 (10) - ^
01:22:134 (3) - add fin
01:47:256 (10) - too much returning
02:36:280 (3) - add fin
03:03:597 (1) - ^
03:46:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - so far jumping in the hard diff
00:15:792 (1) - add fin
00:23:597 (2) - ^
01:22:134 (3) - ^
02:36:280 (3) - ^
in fact ,you need work more time on the hitsound
you can add 24clap or whis on the downbeat
good luck~
Topic Starter
uooooooooooo, the most awaited thing are coming, thanks modder (sjoy), i've been waiting for you.
waiting for another M4M modder. where are you M4M? :(
Topic Starter
i'll start editing now
Topic Starter

sjoy wrote:

Hi from my queue
00:35:304 (1) - whis :arrow: done
00:39:207 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
00:43:109 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
00:50:914 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
00:58:719 (1) -^ :arrow: done
01:02:622 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
01:06:524 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
03:18:231 (2) - move to 404,312 for the same spacing :arrow: done
you can add whis with the same asEasy diff :arrow: done
02:18:231 (2) - move to 88,104 for the same spacing :arrow: done
01:48:719 (3) - add the fin on the end :arrow: done
03:03:353 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
03:28:231 (3) - change it 1/2+1/1 slider :arrow: done
03:40:182 (2) - move to 03:40:061 :arrow: done
03:40:426 add a note :arrow: done
00:39:207 (11) - NC :arrow: done
00:47:987 (10) - ^ :arrow: done
01:22:134 (3) - add fin :arrow: done
01:47:256 (10) - too much returning :arrow: done
02:36:280 (3) - add fin :arrow: done
03:03:597 (1) - ^ :arrow: done
03:46:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - so far jumping in the hard diff :arrow: nope, this is not that hard.i've seen something more harder than this in hard
00:15:792 (1) - add fin :arrow: done
00:23:597 (2) - ^ :arrow: done
01:22:134 (3) - ^ :arrow: done
02:36:280 (3) - ^ :arrow: done
in fact ,you need work more time on the hitsound :arrow: haha,i'm suck with HSs, still can't decide where to put HS, can you teach me?
you can add 24clap or whis on the downbeat
good luck~
ok, thank you very much with the mod
i will upload the updated map tomorrow, tonight the connection is too slow :(
Hi from m4m , sorry for late

Grid snap (Shift)

easy diff

00:44:573 (2,3) try to place this will be flow better
00:46:036 (1,2) similar -^ place this
00:50:914 (2) add finish at head slider
01:16:280 (3,4) can be symmetry better by copy 01:17:500 instead of 01:17:500 -
01:37:743 add finish at head


00:10:670 use GS
00:50:914 remove clap at tail

01:22:134 add finish at head slider
02:36:280 -^
03:16:402 maybe change slider to be this it so fun


01:22:134 add finish at head slider
01:49:451 -^
01:49:451 -^
02:36:280 -^

that's all~ good map
Topic Starter

aonkub555 wrote:

Hi from m4m , sorry for late

Grid snap (Shift)

easy diff

00:44:573 (2,3) try to place this will be flow better :arrow: done
00:46:036 (1,2) similar -^ place this :arrow: done
00:50:914 (2) add finish at head slider :arrow: done
01:16:280 (3,4) can be symmetry better by copy 01:17:500 instead of 01:17:500 - :arrow: done
01:37:743 add finish at head :arrow: done
02:51:890-^ :arrow: done


00:10:670 use GS :arrow: what is GS? Game shark? lol
00:50:914 remove clap at tail :arrow: done

01:22:134 add finish at head slider :arrow: done
02:36:280 -^ :arrow: done
03:16:402 maybe change slider to be this it so fun :arrow: nope, i won't change this, just want to make the same pattern with 03:21:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -


01:22:134 add finish at head slider :arrow: done
01:49:451 -^ :arrow: done
01:49:451 -^ :arrow: done....... wait, what?
02:36:280 -^ :arrow: done

that's all~ good map

thanks for the mod (_ _)
sorry , GS = Grid snap (shift + click left)
Topic Starter
oh, ok. thx for the explaination
Walaaaa.... Normal kok easy xD modding dipertanyakan dari deno/kamu

Maybe Offset is 210... try it. good

  1. 00:19:695 (1,2) - may bit overlap? Try Wave Slider?
  2. 00:29:451 (2) - Maybe... reduce reverse -1 because nuubies hard to catch the spinner xD
  3. 00:35:304 - this greenline add volume value to 50%
  4. 00:41:158 (2) - terlalu bengkok disini. so move the last point/pattern to 292,328
  5. 00:43:109 (1) - well, blanket nicer
  6. 00:46:036 (1) - Remove NC
  7. 00:47:012 (2) - Add NC. because NC in small white tick is lol and rhythm not changing
  8. 00:50:914 (2,3) - lel very overlap. please blanket nicer for avoid the overlap.
  9. 01:00:670 (3) - maybe flow/same arrow by 00:58:719 (1) is not good. How about this?
  10. 01:02:622 (1,1) - maybe ignore the stack? ummm
  11. 01:16:280 (3,4) - from the (3) to (4) so far/maked jump. so Use DS here
  12. 01:53:353 (1,2) - same suggestion like 00:19:695 (1,2)
  13. 02:31:890 (3) - maybe you try this rhythm? it's so fast from (3) to (spinner)
  14. 02:50:426 (3) - delete NC and Add NC at 02:51:889 (1)
  15. Done~
  1. 00:42:622 (1) - you put finish here? hhhh it's fit anything? it's a drum not a bass
  2. 00:59:451 (3) - Last point/pattern is red D: and you should make it curve
  3. 01:34:573 (5) - maybe the pattern make this slider too curve
  4. 01:37:256 (3,1) - stack
  5. 01:41:646 (5,1) - maybe ^
  6. 01:51:402 (1) - spinner in here could not enough imo here
  7. 02:05:061 (1) - more curve
  8. 02:10:426 (4) - make this symmetrical?
  9. 02:16:768 (1) - lol
  10. 02:20:670 (1,2,3,4) - (pake indonesia) jalannya gak alami D: jadi harus bikin yg curve-curve gitu
  11. ok
hhh good luck :3
Topic Starter

Groumiezi wrote:

Walaaaa.... Normal kok easy xD modding dipertanyakan dari deno/kamu :arrow: terus harus digimanain dong? tambahin apanya? object? AR/C- nya ditambahin?

Maybe Offset is 210... try it. good :arrow: NO, it's really-really off

  1. 00:19:695 (1,2) - may bit overlap? Try Wave Slider? :arrow: i change it to this
  2. 00:29:451 (2) - Maybe... reduce reverse -1 because nuubies hard to catch the spinner xD :arrow: ok, but added 1 circle
  3. 00:35:304 - this greenline add volume value to 50% :arrow: done
  4. 00:41:158 (2) - terlalu bengkok disini. so move the last point/pattern to 292,328 :arrow: done
  5. 00:43:109 (1) - well, blanket nicer :arrow: i didn't mean to blanket this from the beginning, but well~, blanketed this
  6. 00:46:036 (1) - Remove NC :arrow: done
  7. 00:47:012 (2) - Add NC. because NC in small white tick is lol and rhythm not changing :arrow: done
  8. 00:50:914 (2,3) - lel very overlap. please blanket nicer for avoid the overlap :arrow: done
  9. 01:00:670 (3) - maybe flow/same arrow by 00:58:719 (1) is not good. How about this? :arrow: done
  10. 01:02:622 (1,1) - maybe ignore the stack? ummm :arrow: nope, i think it's better like this, but i remove the grid snap so the stack is properly made
  11. 01:16:280 (3,4) - from the (3) to (4) so far/maked jump. so Use DS here :arrow: eeeehhh~, since when did this slider move there? i don't remember moving this slider :o
  12. 01:53:353 (1,2) - same suggestion like 00:19:695 (1,2) :arrow: same slider like this
  13. 02:31:890 (3) - maybe you try this rhythm? it's so fast from (3) to (spinner) :arrow: done
  14. 02:50:426 (3) - delete NC and Add NC at 02:51:889 (1) :arrow: done
  15. Done~
  1. 00:42:622 (1) - you put finish here? hhhh it's fit anything? it's a drum not a bass :arrow: maybe you mean the spinner before not the slider right?
  2. 00:59:451 (3) - Last point/pattern is red D: and you should make it curve :arrow: done
  3. 01:34:573 (5) - maybe the pattern make this slider too curve :arrow: done
  4. 01:37:256 (3,1) - stack :arrow: done
  5. 01:41:646 (5,1) - maybe ^ :arrow: nope, it's too far if you want to pile this up to 5
  6. 01:51:402 (1) - spinner in here could not enough imo here :arrow: i don't think so, it's enough to get 2000 here
  7. 02:05:061 (1) - more curve :arrow: done
  8. 02:10:426 (4) - make this symmetrical? :arrow: what do you mean? it's just straight short slider
  9. 02:16:768 (1) - lol :arrow: lol, i laugh too when i see this, dunno why i make something like this and no one (including me) noticed this before :lol:
  10. 02:20:670 (1,2,3,4) - (pake indonesia) jalannya gak alami D: jadi harus bikin yg curve-curve gitu :arrow: done
  11. ok
hhh good luck :3
thank you very much~
arigatou gozaimasu~
maksih banyak udah nge mod (_ _)
~popner's modding team~

Black: Suggestions
Blue: Importance.You might consider
Red:Unrank issues. You Must Fix

  1. Unchecked widescreen support ,since you don’t have storyboard,please disable it for all diffs;
  2. Delete .osb file in the song folder;
  3. Make your background picture 1024x768,now 1023x767 is weird;

  1. OD-1,HP-1 to balance the difficulty
  2. 00:07:987 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –try to add some whistle here,for example, 00:07:987 -00:08:719 -00:09:085 -00:09:329 -00:09:939 -00:10:426 -00:10:792 -00:11:280 –these ticks.
  3. 00:11:890 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -^
  4. 00:18:963 (3,4) –the spacing is too small,try to make your 1/2 regular spacing consistent,Your00:15:792 (1,2) –is1.6, 00:17:012 (4,5) –is 1.72,00:18:231 (8,1) –is 1.50,00:18:963 (3,4) –is only0.75.
  5. 00:24:817 (5,6,7) –looks not beautiful,maybe make more symmetrical?
  6. 00:27:500 (6,7) –stack perfectly please
  7. 00:40:182 (1,2,3,4,5) –weird spacing,it doesn’t fit music well,make a “more normal” stream here
  8. 00:41:524 (1) –remove nc here,no sense
  9. 00:56:036 (5) –normal slider fits better and looks more neat
  10. 00:57:865 (1,2,3) –why increase the spacing??what’t this?very weird and hard to read.I highly recommend you use something like00:57:134 (2,3,4) -.
  11. 00:59:085 (6,7,8) -,big is too big,small is too small,please pay more attention to your spacing and be consistent
  12. 01:29:939 (5,1) –swap nc for big white tick
  13. 01:32:378 (3,4) –spacing is too small
  14. 01:36:036 (1,2,3) –spacing…’s hard to read since it’s similar to your 1/2here.01:32:378 (3,4) -.
  15. 03:21:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) –increasing spacing doesn’t fit music here…the music here is very calm
  16. 03:26:158 (1) –remove this,same reason
  17. 03:41:890 (1,2,3) –why 1/2 spacing so small?there is not any anti-jumps
  18. 03:45:548 (3) –make this reverse arrow 1/3 snap instead like 03:44:735 (12) -,if you hear closely you will find the reason
  19. 03:46:199 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18) –combo is too long,please cut

  1. 00:30:914 (8,9,1) –equal the spacing
  2. 00:31:402 (1,2,3,4) –add some hitsound?,for example,clap at00:31:890 -00:32:865 –
  3. 00:41:158 (1) –shorten ths spinner to00:42:378 -,because the finsh at00:42:378 –is best imo,fit the music best
  4. 00:52:865 (9,1,2) –spacing is too big and don’t fit the music imo,please consider changing the pattern
  5. 00:56:768 (1) –shorten to00:57:987 – the same
  6. 01:10:182 (1) –remove this ,there is no beat here
  7. 01:14:085 (1) -^
  8. 01:15:061 (4,5,6) –make a better stack
  9. 01:17:012 (8,1) –it’s hard to read.maybe chang the spacing of 01:17:012 (8,1) –
  10. 01:19:207 (6,7) –make a better blanket
  11. 01:26:036 (1) ,01:29:939 (1) -–too many spinners in KIAI,play not good
  12. 01:41:646 (4) –add finish and CTRL+E
  13. 01:51:402 (5,6,7) –make the spacing bigger so it can be read easily.Now it can be read as 1/2 not 3/4
  14. 02:05:061 (1) –add finish
  15. 02:55:304 (3) – add finish at sliderend and CTRL+E
  16. 03:02:134 –add a note with finish

  1. 00:35:304 (1) –whistle at slider is too noisy,please remove it
  2. 00:39:207 (3) -^
  3. 00:50:914 (2) -^
  4. 01:06:524 (1,2,3,4,5) –use Ctrl+shift+D
  5. 02:05:061 (1) –too noisy,just remove whistle
  6. 02:28:475 (1) -^,my ear is hurt..>.>
  7. 02:47:987 (3,4,5) -3/4 snap in normal is too hard for newbie players,change it to
  8. 02:57:743 (3) –looks weird,try this,
  9. 03:39:451 (1,2,3,4) –too hard for newbie,same suggestions as above

  1. 00:35:304 (1) –00:39:207 (1) - 00:50:914 (2) - 00:58:719 (1) - 01:02:622 (1) - 01:06:524 (1) - 01:37:743 (4) – hurt my hearing…….I am getting deaf…remove all whistle in the map
  2. 01:55:304 (1) –remove nc
rhythm is better than pattern and hitsound.

  1. For all diffs,I just saw your hitsound is too simple and a mess,some normal-whistle in sliderbody just bother me very very much.Try to add clap at 2nd,4th whitletick and some finish at big white tick to complete your finish
Good luck


sjoy wrote:

Hi from my queue
00:35:304 (1) - whis
00:39:207 (1) - ^
00:43:109 (1) - ^
00:50:914 (2) - ^
00:58:719 (1) -^
01:02:622 (1) - ^
01:06:524 (1) - ^
what's your modding??are you serious or kidding me??你要为你的modding付出惨痛的代价
M4M From my que

BG: Your BG is 1023x767, which is 1 pixel too small in both directions. Grab the image from here and use it for your BG, as it's 1024x768

Tags: Add their Japanese names and the band's name in Japanese | デパペペ | 三浦拓也 | 徳岡慶也
Add the CD name as well | Do!
I don't think Japan is necessary as a tag. That would be like adding it into any composer because they are Japanese.

Judging from your first two difficulties. It seems like you don't know, or just ignored the fact, that you can place hitsounds on specific spots of sliders by double clicking on the part. Instead of applying them to the whole slider itself, apply it to those specific areas. You really have some inconsistencies that could easily be solved from this.

Reduce HP and OD by 1? | This difficulty seems like its made especially for beginners, plus you have some spaced circles, which would make it harder for them. Lowering the OD by 1 would help, even if a little.

First thing in general I want to say is that the slider whistles you have really really don't fit the music. I would suggest removing them if possible, because they ruin such a nice pleasant song. Why not use only the soft whistle, it fits nicel.

  1. 00:27:500 (1,2) - Make (2) a 3/2 slider like (1) is. All those reverses don't fit at all.
  2. 00:38:232 (3) - for stuff like this, it's actually better to remain on the 3/2 pattern you were going. This hits the second key note of the guitar, and players will most likely play to the first one. | Move this back 1/2 to 00:37:987 - | Maybe add a note at 00:38:719 - as well.
  3. 00:46:036 (1) - because this is introducing a new gap to players, it might be better to lead into this one with a slider from (3)
  4. 00:46:524 - because you already use quite a few 1/1s in your song, how about adding a circle here? | This captures the drum hit well, and would be good to use claps with.
  5. 00:50:426 (1,2,3) - The (2) doesn't blanket well at all into the (3), plus the end of it is really really close to being hidden under the HP bar. | Try to give the (2) a bit more breathing room. | Maybe setting up something like this: | or just redoing this section all together.
  6. 00:52:865 (4,1,2) - would fit better as 3/2 gaps instead of 1/1
  7. 01:00:670 (3) - Try this as a 3/1 slider (3 white long) | | You should adjust the positioning for this as well anyways. It would be better if this could flow into (1) instead of ending straight downwards, and ending near where the previous slider ended.
  8. 01:12:378 (3) - instead of using the extra reverse, how about 2 1/1 sliders?
  9. 01:18:689 (1,2,3) - unsanpped to 1/1? | These need to be fixed and moved to the white bar. They hit too early themselves 1/16 or whatever it is back.
  10. 01:35:304 (2) - angle this a bit more to the right so it flows into (1) better.| | this is how it currently looks, so it could use a small nudge. (bit nazi, but all helps I guess)
  11. 01:41:646 (3) - move the middle node to x372 y260 for a slightly better blanket.
  12. 02:05:061 (1) - move this so it flows more into (2) | Also, you have the soft whistle hitting this slider.
  13. 02:07:988 (3) - move this back 1/2 | and have a note at 02:08:475 - Like my other suggestions. combine one or both of them into a slider as well if you want.
  14. 02:08:963 (1) - try approaching the (2) from above | | otherwise make the tail end of (1) end a bit more to the left, as it goes a bit to far.
  15. 02:14:817 (3,1) - combine into one slider
  16. 02:16:768 (2,3) - move the tail end left so its directly straight facing down, and then (3) to x280 y368 for better flow.
  17. 02:27:500 (4,1) - ? | curving this slider would be nice, and repositioning the (1) after
  18. 03:01:646 (4,5) - | Blanket could be much better on this. Drag the (5) back 1/2 to make it easier to blanket, and put it back afterwards.
  19. 03:07:500 (1,2,3,1) - since this is a beginner diff, why not make this break slightly longer. Instead of 4 seconds, it'll be more like 8-9 seconds, you could also make the spinner coming up a bit longer as well.
  20. 03:16:036 (1) - how about a different shape? even a normal curved slider would work better here | The amount it angles at the end is a bit too much for it.
  21. 03:27:012 (1,2,3) - how about this? |
  22. 03:30:914 (1) - how about reducing this by 1/2 and adding a circle at 03:32:865 - |
Final note: This diff doesn't really seem finished. There are a couple things you should recheck.

First thing is hitsounds. You don't really seem to be consistent with them enough, and some parts seem to be lacking hitsounds while others have quite a bit. I would recheck your whole diff again and re-hitsound it.

The next is your combos. You have extremely long combos in some spots and others have only a couple sliders long. Also for notes like 02:43:109 (1,2) - It is much better to NC on the (2) instead of the (1) because it marks a new measure. Go through your NCs again because they are really inconsistent and sometimes very confusing.

(apparently you had an update while I was modding this.. I'm not going to redo it, so some stuff might be different)

  1. 00:11:890 (1,2) - move the (1) over left a bit with distance snap, and the (2) accommodating it. | | maybe add a some curve into the (2) as well? |
  2. 00:24:329 (2) - clap on end?
  3. 00:25:548 (3,4) - Turn this into a slider. hitting 3/4 is really difficult for a normal difficulty.
  4. 00:27:500 (1,2) - I doubt all these claps are necessary, how about just placing one on the slider's ends instead?
  5. 00:38:231 (1,2,3) - bit more of a flowing curve would be nice here. |
  6. 00:57:743 (1) - ? I don't get the purpose of this slider. You should really only need a note at 00:58:231 - to be fine.
  7. 01:32:865 (1,2,3,4) - a bit too complicated, even for a normal. Try this: | This makes use of sliders to catch akward notes and gaps. (1) is where (1) is currently
  8. 01:45:548 (2) - how about placing this above the (1,3) instead of below it?
  9. 01:46:524 (4) - for stuff like this, I highly highly suggest using two half sliders instead of all those reverses. maybe change the positions of the previous (1,2,3) as well to fit two 1/2 sliders
  10. 02:07:012 (3,1) - end the (3) slider 1/2 later, and delete the (1) circle
  11. 02:14:085 (2) - basically the same thing as 01:46:524 -
  12. 02:38:231 (1) - how about giving this a little more breathing room in the curved part? | is an example, I think you can come up with a better shape though. | actually, try something like you did at 02:40:914 (4) - for a shape
  13. 03:00:670 (1) - again, I would suggest you use two 1/2 sliders or a circle + a 1/2 reverse slider.
  14. 03:07:987 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - again I'll leave this up to you, but it might be better just to have a longer break here. It isn't as bad for Normal, but I think the Easy should try to have it at least. And as I mentioned, you could make the spinner longer as well if you wanted.
  15. 03:16:280 (1,2) - combine these into a slider, and start the beginning 1/2 earlier at 03:16:036 - so it catches the main guitar instead of the background solo one.
  16. 03:40:061 (2,3) - I would join these up as a slider as well, because hitting these would actually be pretty difficult.
Maybe go through this as well and rehitsound / NC stuff properly. I wasn't really paying attention to them though. The biggest issue with this difficulty is that some spacing between notes can be hard to understand. Sliders definitely help the rhythm so players won't be as confused.. don't be afraid to use them ;)

Even though this is a hard, I would really really suggest you stick to using distance snapping. A lot of notes in your map are anywhere from 1.0 to 1.2 and it just ends up looking really ugly. You've got a good flow, and rhythm, but the looks of the map could be sharpened up quite a bit. A good tip is for 1/4 notes to use a smaller distance spacing, 50% or 75% is usually good. This makes it easier for players to hit the notes properly.

  1. 00:11:890 (7,8) - stick with the 3/2 rhythm here as well. 1/1 doesn't fit at all. | You can try a pattern like this as well if you wanted:
  2. 00:17:256 (3,4) - to differentiate the upcoming 3/4s you have from these, combine this into a slider. It makes it a lot more playable and readable.
  3. 00:22:743 (10) - remove this. It isn't needed, You seem to only use 1/4s at the beginning of this map, so this extra really sticks out. I highly highly suggest removing it. The 1/4s before are actually not bad and can fit.
  4. 00:27:500 (3) - Try this pattern: | all those reverses in a hard don't fit at all. This pattern flows better with the music.
  5. 00:31:402 (1,2,3,4) - Try adding a whistle to the head of all these sliders. (soft) | They sound so empty at 40% volume
  6. 00:35:304 (1) - Finish on head | And try to make this slider more circular as well, like | | rotate it anti-clockwise about 25-35%
  7. 00:37:256 (5) - I'm not quite following the reasoning behind this slider. I don't notice any special things happening with the guitar.. or I just can't hear it.
  8. 00:48:963 (6) - just make a full length slider instead of having this reverse. It really doesn't fit at all.
  9. 00:50:914 (4) - stuff like this can have a finish on it as well
  10. 00:52:378 (7,9) - Control+g the (9) twice, and move the (7) to x254 y84
  11. 00:59:451 (3) - it would also be cool if you can get rid of the reverse in this one as well.
  12. 01:05:061 (7) - try removing the reverse on this as well. and reposition if possible. nothing really plays on the end of this, so the little gap is nice.
  13. 01:10:182 (1) - I don't see a purpose of this note. Might as well have a little breathing room after such a small spinner, so delete it.
  14. 01:14:085 (1) - same with this one. ^
  15. 01:15:061 (5,6) - instead of all this stacking business, why not make them symmetrical and put them in the corner or something? | | copy paste (5) after you get the angle and rotate it 180° to make it even.
  16. 01:27:987 (3) - why not just use two 1/1 sliders instead of all those reverses?
  17. Also, its kind of sad that you decided to use spinners in this area as well instead of mapping to the guitar. It would be a lot more fun to play if you cut down on the spinners a bit.
  18. 01:35:304 (8,9) - swap these. Go slider circle instead of circle slider because 01:35:548 - is really not a dominate place to hit compared to the spots before and after.
  19. 01:39:695 (3) - same as 01:27:987 -
  20. 01:43:109 (7) - delete this note. it'll work good with the spacing you have at 01:44:573 -
  21. 01:48:475 (11) - delete this as well.. also this combo is getting really big XD | Don't add notes for the sake of fillers, map to the music, and the guitar calls for the 1/1 gap here.
  22. 01:50:915 (3,4) - same as before, make these a slider
  23. for this next section, pretty much everything I suggested above I guess could apply here. since this is a copy paste I think.
  24. 02:19:695 (1) - remove this note.
  25. 02:24:329 (1) - remove (same reason as before)
  26. 02:29:207 (3) - make the tail end, stack on the (2)'s tail
  27. 02:38:963 (8) - better as one full slider instead of reversed.
  28. 02:39:939 (10,1) - blanket?
  29. 02:53:841 (1,2) - no need for the reverses... why overmap? Honestly would play and sound better if you followed the main guitar here.
  30. 02:57:743 (8,9) - make this a 3/4 slider with a reverse |
  31. 03:12:134 (3,4,5) - make the ends of these stack as well... If you need help, Control+g each one and stack them, then control+g each one back. |
  32. 03:16:036 (1,2,3,4,5) - It doesn't matter how you try to look at this, it plays horrible and feels awful. It might just be easier to make simple 1/4 reverses like this, and have the first two notes circles. |
  33. 03:21:890 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^
  34. 03:23:963 (2) - not really needed, but you can leave it if you want. reduce the distance spacing like I suggested in the opening for this though, because seeing this: is pretty nasty to look at. Try to keep your spacing consistent in hards except for jumps. This really applies to all your notes in this diff.
  35. 03:31:646 (5,6,7) - extra junk.. how about a slider? I really feel like this whole section coming up is too overmapped, its hard to understand what you are mapping to anyways. Its up to you I guess if you want to make this part a little more pleasant to play, so I won't suggest much else on it besides list some spots that could use some toning down.. feel free to skip.
  36. 03:35:792 (6) - This circle isn't needed.
  37. 03:36:768 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - first off, the spacing is terrible on this. you jump from random 1.17 to 1.09 to 1.24 etc. streams should always be a constant Distance spacing. You may also want to think of changing the pattern as well on this. its a bit over the top for a hard difficulty.
  38. 03:41:890 (1) - you don't need this circle either. Adds no value.
  39. 03:44:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5) - so about this. First off if you don't want to change anything, you really really should change at least this one issue. | 03:46:524 (9) - delete this note, and move 03:46:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - back 1/3 | It's important when using sliders to try and stick to having them start on the main beat (white line) so moving them all back 1/3 would immediately play 100x better than what you currently have.
  40. 03:44:573 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - for these, why not just simplify it and use reverses on the sliders and kinda join them up like this:
  41. 03:46:687 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing on these are really exaggerated.. reduce it a bit. no need to have such intense jumps on 1/3s on only a hard difficulty.
So overall this already feels a bit overmapped so I'm worried about the insane. The main thing though is to have consistent spacing on some notes besides jumps, and maybe reduce the DS on some streams. Good luck fixing this. Also figure out what you are going to do about NC/Hitsounds as well and make them consistent with the other diffs if you made changes.

As insanes are not my thing, and I've honestly spent well over 5 hours on your map so far.. I'm not going to go much in-depth on this.

I test played this, and its as I thought it would be. way to overmapped, the spacings are exaggerated and confusing for the streams at some parts, and make no sense whatsoever. You literally don't have have many hitsounds at all so it really really really sounds bland, and makes it boring to play. Lots of fycho's suggestions are useful so you should definitely give those a try. You have some good imagery going with the sliders but thats about all I could really appreciate with this difficulty.

Me + Insanes don't work well together, so its better to get opinions elsewhere. I just find this difficulty bad in my eyes.

Good luck~
well i will mod your map after you fix all of mod above this.
because most of my mod is same as Fycho and above.
pm me if finish

and yes, you should follow Fycho's mod, very useful :)
hi, I accepted M4M request~
but I go along with P A N

please allow me to wait for your finishing~

uncheck widescreen sup(N,H,I diff)

00:21:158 (10) - try move x:432 y:112? better flow,imo
00:28:963 (10) - ^ x:384 y:324?
00:32:865 (7) - down a little ?
00:55:304 (3) - ctrl + G
00:57:865 (1,2,3,4) - this part is so hard(SV1.2 is better?)
01:31:036 (2,3,4,5) - ^
01:36:036 (1,2) - up a little? for better flow
02:49:816 (8) - distance error?
02:50:182 (1,2,3) - same as 01:36:036
03:07:256 (1) - stack 03:06:280 (7)? i think it is better flow
03:11:646 (1,2) - how about this?
03:21:890 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - over mapping? all DS1.2~4 is better ?
03:37:743 (7) - distance error?
03:44:573 (11,12) - players are may embarrassed,how about this?

slider velocity 1.8 is may high in hard diff
i think 1.4~1.5 is better

01:15:061 (5,6,7,8) - may avoid overlap

01:06:524 (1,2,3,4,5) - you can make more beatiful star pattern
01:21:158 (1) - remove NC
01:22:134 (3) - NC
02:07:012 (3) - distance error?
02:35:304 (1) - remove NC
02:36:280 (3) - NC
02:42:134 (1) - over lap

02:36:280 (2) - NC

looks fine
good luck!
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