
Love and relationships

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Really anything related should go, as long as it's not fictional. I hope you didn't mean that with "love stories". Crushes and so, which a lot of people publicly exposed on the other forum, should fit in fine.

@dkun: Dang, I had no idea you were in a relationship, maybe I should start stalking you more and so. Anyway, congratulations, and all the best wishes for your future~
Personally I dislike talking about it - not because of potential troll comments - because it brings a lot of bad memories back.. however cool thread.

About relationships on distance: I've heard many many things about it, I had two of them. I agree with one thing: A relationship where you can see your partner will always be better as a relationship on distance. But: There is really no reason to make jokes or being mean if someone has one. Love is Love in this point. It's more that such relationships are way more difficult to keep, the reasons should be obvious enough. But it's sometimes sad when people are talking so bad about these kind of relationships.
I'll write mine one day and this is one good idea, snb :3
I wouldn't have found the courage to tell my story a year ago.
Now, I do. I still have open wounds in my mind about it, though.
narrator wins

You know him as Gezo. Some know him as his real name (very few do, aside from RL friends, hi Totoro le Pacha). You knew, over the five past months, he went through his first relationship. All other attempts (he thinks this word is stupid) spectacularly backfired. In his high school, people were even joking on him about that. Well from people who "love" that's quite the irony.

Five months. Twenty-eighth of may.
You guys may tell him that after all this, internet relationships don't work. But they do. No matter what the distance is, if your tidal you think you love a girl and she does love you too, go ahead. He perfectly knew this. Hell, he wouldn't have cared about what they said on the topic, as long as he was happy. He found that magic, awesome, and whatever meliorative adjective existing in the English language, he even waited over night to talk to her. But what he didn't know..
.. was that since September 22nd (about that date), things started to go downhill.
Distance, distance, so much distance.
They started to be distant one another.
He started to panic.
That was... two weeks ago.
Two weeks ago, it went at its worst, he had horrible thoughts about what would happen. He went in a depression state (and had to deliberately miss school for 1.5 day as he just wasn't capable of working at all.) and even cried - thing that never happened since 2006, at least.
Thanks to a lot of his friends... He managed to forget the thought, and faced the truth, as well as Murphy's law. If things can go bad, they will go bad. They went bad indeed.. for the relationship itself.


Yup, I'm kinda single now. We didn't officially break up, but we've come to the conclusion that it should be better for both of us. Who knows what would happen next ? Paranoia ? Pure craziness ? Madness ? Sparta ?
Kinda. them guys don't know if actually or not yet. but I know the truth. I know what's going on, that's my life, not their.

I would like to thank everybody who've cheered me up last week. Eichtir, Totoro, Ono, Didou, Anjuu, Luum, Luna, and Kazuki especially. A lot more may have done this too but those lifted up my spirits a bit when I was borderline to make irreversible things.

dkun, I have the same convictions as yours about LDR (long-distance relationships) so well if you want to share me some of your experiences through pm, go ahead
Gezo: icwu8t
and I also noticed this happening

Btw if you ask me if LDR is good ofc I will say I wouldn't encourage anyone to start one
But at the other hand the distance is cool after meeting the person because you start to miss them and missing someone hurts but it is nice
Love grows even more
Seeing someone everyday will make it "meh"
It's boring. Nothing special about it
Expectation is better
Thinking about "omg when am I going to meet them again?" is delicious
Easy stuff is boring :p and that's the best part of the LDR
Kinda maso but the pain of not having the person near you is worth it, sometimes.

Now about me
I am single, I think. I am in love with my new pc but got friendzoned.
Ok srs now
I'm not interested in having another relationship so soon because I'm still hurt from the previous one and from now on I'm gonna avoid online stuff
The last try was enough to tell me I wasn't born for it.
I don't feel like giving details because would be disrespectful.
Living without loving someone is... something unusual for me
Got too used to it, maybe
The two things that make me feel empty are hunger and lack of love
But getting close to someone being this fragile would be a HUGE mistake so I'm just gonna fall in love with my self and take care of my own heart, because if it don't, no one does :p
Online it would be even more painful... again.
Anyone had experienced actually meeting up the person you're in relationship with in real life? How was it? Mine's literally unpleasant, maybe it was social awkwardness but I'm not sure.

[Luanny] wrote:

But at the other hand the distance is cool after meeting the person because you start to miss them and missing someone hurts but it is nice
Love grows even more
Seeing someone everyday will make it "meh"
It's boring. Nothing special about it
Expectation is better
Thinking about "omg when am I going to meet them again?" is delicious
Easy stuff is boring :p and that's the best part of the LDR
Kinda maso but the pain of not having the person near you is worth it, sometimes.
THIS. I really loved waiting, feels kinda sweet :P
But on the other hand it's pretty sad if he/she will never meet you again. Seeing someone everyday can be pretty *meh* just like what you said really. Had a relationship with a person at the same place I studied and I don't feel much thrills (not sure what word should I use, but you get the point) because I kept getting used to meeting each other almost every day. I had a thing on unrequited love in childhood friendship, but it's out of the LDR topic

What I don't really like with some LDR is that they never see each other's face irl. I got trolled hard few times already.
LDRs take a fair amount of strength, even if you start the relationship in real life. Purely online relationships are also difficult, and all of those of mine in the past failed. However, I do think that if you really work, distance won't matter. Your connection can and will be tested, but it's up to you all to persevere. In the end, though, even if the LDR fails, it's like any other relationship: you move on and grow.

~*story time*~
With my current relationship, we met at my uni through a common friend (friend from my high school was in one of his stage productions). We hit it off, chatted over Facebook, and he asked me out for coffee. Things went from there. Turned out he was three years above me in school (senior when I was a freshman), but when he graduated, we still made things work. He'd visit every month or two and we'd chat every day online. Things did get difficult, but whenever we had an issue we wouldn't get overdramatic and weird about it; we'd sit down and discuss it calmly like adults. Eventually, I graduated as well and we moved into the city together. After nearly four years of being together, three of those being long distance. Now, well, we're engaged. We've had our fair share of rocky times, but we've worked through our issues gradually because we genuinely wanted this to work.

I can't emphasize this enough: communication is key in a relationship. Say something if something upsets you or if something's wrong or feels off. If they care about you, they'll listen and help. It's a two-way street, as well, so you need to be that lifeline for them, as well. Listen to your partner, be kind to them, be a friend as well as a significant other. If you end up spending your life with someone, they'll end up being your best friend.
If you aren't only interested in hearing about long distance relationships I have a nice long story from a while ago as well. Back in my later years of school I was in a pretty serious relationship with a girl which lasted about a year. I basically waited to be with her for 2 years and finally had my chance when her boyfriend decided to cheat on her. I was basically her close friend during that time (No I wasn't using her weakness against her I had no intention until she was ready) and once she was indeed ready we began our relationship together. The first few months of our relationship were amazing (in my mind) and I felt like I had found someone I could really be with for a lifetime. I treated her like a queen (my mother and father had always taught me to take care of the one you really care for) and at first she treated me amazingly back. However, slowly the relationship turned around and I noticed her becoming very distant and starting to argue with me over stupid things. She would even commit actions that were borderline cheating right in front of me just to get back at me for some silly argument we had before. Finally a good friend of hers confronted me one day stating she couldn't hold the secret anymore and informed me that she had been cheating on me since the beginning of our relationship and had done so multiple times. When I finally left her she made me seem like the bad guy causing me to lose the majority of my friends and basically push my life even further into a terrible routine of going to school coming home and just sitting on the computer all day and do nothing else.

After all this time on the computer I started dabbing into online relationships and met this girl in a random chat room my friend introduced me to. She was a very "messed" up girl, not in a bad personality or anything type of way, but she had been raped as a girl and was continuously raped by her own father. However, she was too scared to tell anyone for the fear of what could happen. I've always had a caring nature and because of this I basically devoted my own life to ensuring I was there for her whenever she needed it. I really couldn't help myself because I knew she was borderline suicide and I couldn't live knowing I could have done something to stop it. Months past and multiple events occurred which I was by her side through the entire time and eventually we decided to start an online relationship. I was still young at the time and even though she honestly wasn't too far from me we were never able to actually meet but I was very much in love with this girl. Once you were able to really earn her trust she was the most caring and sweet girl I have ever met to this day. The relationship really was amazing and not only were we together but we really were best friends (as it honestly should be.) There was never really any talk of physical interaction (at this time she was still so fearful due to her past) but we still had very close and very serious feelings for each other that it didn't matter. This continued until her fear for physical interaction started to fade. At that point, her personality changed as well and she began to turn unfaithful and just downright vile. It really killed me to see this change in someone that used to be so amazing but it sadly led to her basically backstabbing me. When I decided to leave her gave me one last serious message: "I would have killed myself that night if you weren't there." This was referring to a night her father had taken advantage of her and she was at the point of snapping. I still haven't heard from her since, I know she's out there but we have never talked.

I have a few other more recent relationships that I would talk about but I have respect for the people in question due to their presence in this community. Love is a painful thing everyone but just never give up. No matter how much physical and emotional pain you go through you only come out of it even stronger.
Shohei Ohtani
Haha my roommate broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago so the topic of love and shit is actually in my head for once.

I never really liked anybody until second semester of my junior year of high school. I had some people who I was like "If they asked then I'd say yes", and I could have made some cute stories with some people. But the first person I loved was a girl named Nicole who was in band with me, and sat next to me in Freshman Biology, Sophomore Wind Ensemble, Junior Jazz II (Where I was a TA and she was a pianist), and Senior Physics, until she had to be homeschooled due to a severe thyroid infection. I don't know how it happened, it just sort of sparked up. Anyways, I spent a good 7-8 months being completely extacic about her, always wanting to do things with her, and getting closer with her. People told me I was doing too much, but I was so devoted I didn't even care. I spent so much money on her, and I did so much for her. I asked her out in September of my Senior year. She said no. It wasn't awkward at all, we still were good friends and hung out a lot and stuff. During my infatuation with Nicole, I met a girl online named Victoria. We met over a MLP Roleplaying Group, as we were the two admins of said group when it was created. I talked with her often about Nicole, my frustrations and my successes. We became close friends very fast. Victoria even became friends with Nicole. It was fun stuff. Anyways, after I asked Nicole out, I vented to Victoria about it. A few days passed and she pretty much was like "Don't worry Brian, there's someone out there that loves you". She said it in a way that concerned me, and in late september, I asked her if she was trying to ask me out. She said yes. I remember during 5th period english when I got that text, my heart just skipping a beat, as someone finally loved me. I cared about her. Not as much as Nicole, but I still was dedicated. The relationship became official on October 3rd, 2013. Things went pretty decent for a while, but she always tended to get really emotional and stuff. Which I did too, so it was ok. She was also really slutty. She pretty much was the girl that sucked everyone's dick at her school. As far as I knew, she was a virgin. That was totally fine with me, as she let me express my sexual desires, and shared many of the same fetishes that I did. I was so happy that I could finally let so many things out with someone that I intended to have such a huge future with.

Things got weird really fast. She told me she had a form of Multiple Personality Disorder that only appeared when she fell asleep. She also would always talk to her ex boyfriend a lot, and he would spam her wall with love notes and everything. She'd talk about how she was failing basic college prep classes, even though she was an AP student the previous year, and she would always freak out about not having a purpose in life, yet never take my suggestions on how to make things better. She had a weird obsession with keeping her vagina as tight as possible and was mad at me because I never asked her for nudes ever. Later in the relationship, she admitted that she was not a virgin, as she had sex with her ex-boyfriend during our relationship. I trudged through it though, because that's who I am. I trudge through no matter what. So yeah struggles woo woo. We did meet up in person like in November, and things went nicely. She was nervous as hell but I did my best to make things as good as possible. She met my mom, and I met her mom, and things were cool. She told me straight up that she "knew from the second she saw me in person that I was the one"

December 26th, 2012 comes up. I'm texting her about Christmas, and I make the mistake of asking her why she's not very responsive while we text. She asked me that so often when I don't text, and I immediately fix it. However, I guess when it goes on her it flips her shit. So she got really emotional and broke up with me through text while I was still laying in bed. The last thing I ever asked her as her boyfriend was how her little brother liked her WiiU. She never responded. I didn't really give a shit. Like, I was sad, but I didn't cry or anything. It didn't hit me for a while, but when it did, I was completely over it. She tried talking to me so much, but in the end, we haven't spoken at all in a conversation since March. She is a part of a pornography group I'm in, and I'm forced to like say things to her a few times (Such as "Don't post this weird shit what the fuck")

So sometimes afterwards, in like, Feburary, I'm talking to Nicole. I still have feelings for her, but I know that it won't happen. We're still great friends, I make an effort to talk to her as much as possible. She tells me that she might have to be homeschooled, because her thyroid infection is getting worse. It was already bad enough, to where she had to quit band her junior year (And she was a prodigy trumpet player, being one of the only freshmen along with me and a few other people to make wind ensemble in our first year), and she couldn't eat solid food. The last time I saw her was March, I think. She was always bad at responding to text messages. I tried texting her, but she'd never respond. So I thought of something. . . If I don't text her, will she text me back, ever? I haven't heard from her in such a long time. She deleted her Facebook, removed me from her Skype contacts, and won't respond to any of my texts. I have no knowledge if she even exists anymore. I don't know what happened to her. How is she doing? Where is she going to college? Is she. . . alive?

I've never missed a person like I missed Nicole. I grew to not love her so deeply in the final months of my knowledge of her. I saw that some of my original reasons for liking her turned out to be misconceptions. I saw so many things that would have bothered me in terms of a relationship. But I still could relate to no person closer than her. Maybe Victoria, since I could talk about more fetish stuff with her, but it felt more special with Nicole.

I want her back in my life. I don't care if it's as a friend, as a lover, or just as that person I text when I'm REALLY lonely. I'm scared for her. I haven't heard or seen her in such a long time. Her mom never uses her Facebook, and her brother is too busy finishing his UG at Berkley School of Music, and it'd be weird if I messaged him to ask where Nicole was.

I've tried falling in love after this. I honestly put in an effort. But every time, I would drop the thoughts after a few days, with no approaches at all. It just wasn't the same. Love is something completely dead to me. As an outcast of my university, where my words that got me praised and loved in high school make me the person to avoid in college, I know love isn't going to happen.

If I had one dream, it would be to see Nicole again. Or to at least have her text me back. She means so much to me, even as just a friend. I have so many memories with her, and I want it all back. I was so happy during that time. I'm happy now, because I have intensive instrumental study as my solace, but there's still that hole in my heart that will never be replaced.

haha holy shit am I actually posting on the forums
Honestly, I have pretty much given up on this subject. I'm too weirdo for anyone and my heart will blow out sooner or later sooo.... that's pretty much my point about relationships.

I still don't feel any depression or feel of being alone, since I still have a lot of friends to hang out with. That's good enough for me.
I've generally had very short relationships, mostly just one nights hookup, if you can even call that relationships. Longest was only a couple of months. All in all it's great for the time it lasts, but I really can't see myself in a relationship for a while now or any time soon. I don't have time or need of one either, and I'm planning lots of stuff to do with my savings now before I start going to uni. It wouldn't work out very well now I'm sure. :p

Pretty boring story, but I don't feel like talking about intimate stuff here :|

Mara wrote:

Honestly, I have pretty much given up on this subject. I'm too weirdo for anyone and my heart will blow out sooner or later sooo.... that's pretty much my point about relationships.

I still don't feel any depression or feel of being alone, since I still have a lot of friends to hang out with. That's good enough for me.
You've got the heart of steel, Mara. Don't say shits like that

Mara wrote:

Honestly, I have pretty much given up on this subject. I'm too weirdo for anyone and my heart will blow out sooner or later sooo.... that's pretty much my point about relationships.

I still don't feel any depression or feel of being alone, since I still have a lot of friends to hang out with. That's good enough for me.
Man, except for the admiting you've "given up" part, you're doing what any single person should. Have friends, live life the way you want.

Speaking of which, I really dislike how many people see "being single" as a reason to be unhappy, forever alone etc etc.
If you don't learn how to live happily while single, getting into a relationship won't be a magic potion, chances are you're in for a trainwreck (though i've seen exceptions to this).


Love is a painful thing everyone but just never give up. No matter how much physical and emotional pain you go through you only come out of it even stronger.
Agree on this, your two stories touched me, maybe cuz something similar happened to me recently but yeah...I will write mine these days, Im a bit depressed atm, a lot of bad memories just came back to my mind.
However, cool idea.

dkun wrote:

@ future posts: Any inflammatory material will be removed and severely punished for. You have been warned.

This is a pretty cool idea for a thread! Let's start.

Hello. I'm dkun, or some of you may even know me as jay. As for my last three (+) years on osu!, I've gone through a number of different relationships, both IRL and on here. I'm a firm believer that someone should follow their feelings regardless of distance, or any other obstacle that a "normal" individual would be turned away from the thought of love. Follow your heart.

I spent nearly two years with someone from here (my maps should give you more of a hint, if you so please) and as time passed by, the strains of a long distance relationship showed. It's no easy feat to do by any means. There were many fights over things I can't even remember anymore, and the months "together" started to show until the both of us just got sick of it. She found someone else in a relatively short time, and I, well.. I didn't know what to do. The phrase "You don't know what you have until it's really gone" really came into play here. I dismissed the thought of love and just spent more time on osu! (I became BAT as this happened). I modded maps as the new BAT in town, and I accepted any request that came my way with no discrimination. I just didn't care.

A few months down the line, a very good friend (here on osu!, at that!) and now my girlfriend now showed up in my life. Someone who could make me laugh so much that I would forget the pain in my heart. Someone that understood my pain and didn't care for my past, but for how I was as a person. I spent more and more time with her, and it figures out that she was going to live in my city for university! I haven't felt this happy about everything in.. well, ever. I haven't looked back and it's just steady cruising from here! (we're one happy couple~)

I commend those that do go through the struggle of being in a long distance relationship. I wish you guys the best of luck in your endeavors and hope that you'll find that sense of happiness we're all looking for.
I just read your story and your story sounds very similar about your gf going to your city for uni from my gf. o_o;
Hmmm, very nice stories from everyone, thank you for sharing.

I am in the same boat and of the same mindset as Luanny currently. Just ended things with someone I thought cared about me as much as I cared about them, but strangely enough, as soon as I discovered that they were taking advantage of my kindness and stringing me along for a crazy ride, I almost immediately sprang back to my feet and brushed myself off.

Every now and again thoughts of her will pop into my mind but they are pretty quickly stamped out as I remind myself I am worth more than being walked all over, so I am now focusing on my own happiness and doing things I've had my sights set on for the past 2 years, but neglected. If someone happens to come my way and we click, then great. If not then that's just fine as well, I shall press forward and not let the past bring me down.
I'm in a LDR right now but tbh I wish I had never got into it to begin with. Long story short, the person I'm dating can't get over their ex and so they keep pushing all their frustations on me, sometimes even saying they wish they still were with their ex and that they won't be able to love anyone else, all while mentioning that we are in a relationship and that without me they are completely alone.

I really don't know if I want to keep this up, especially because they've started ignoring me all of sudden after I said I wanted to help them out with getting over their ex, but at the same time I feel this responsability of staying by their side, even if it hurts me as well.
^By your description, you're pretty much being used, and you're fully aware of it. Get some guts and tell this person you want a real relationship and not that BS. "I'm completely alone without you" is an horrible excuse, tell this person you can be a friend at most.

I wasn't planning on posting more on this thread but I couldn't help it on this one, I've been in a similar situation in a bit of a distant past. My self esteem back then was so low I'd keep this dumb hope of changing someone by being there for them even if I was frequently just being used, on these cases you just have to man up and let it go.
Topic Starter

Holyja wrote:

I'm in a LDR right now but tbh I wish I had never got into it to begin with. Long story short, the person I'm dating can't get over their ex and so they keep pushing all their frustations on me, sometimes even saying they wish they still were with their ex and that they won't be able to love anyone else, all while mentioning that we are in a relationship and that without me they are completely alone.

I really don't know if I want to keep this up, especially because they've started ignoring me all of sudden after I said I wanted to help them out with getting over their ex, but at the same time I feel this responsability of staying by their side, even if it hurts me as well.
Nobody should have to stand for this. Cut the relationship, and possibly all connections with them. It's the best solution, which I realized rather too late in my previous one.
I had a two year long LDR, he broke up with me earlier this year. Gay relationship if anyone was wondering, there's no real story to it but, ya know, sadness.
I'd say most of my chances flew out the window due to lack of self confidence, haha.
In a nutshell, never been in one in my life so I don't exacly have any backstory or anything. Its not the end of the world though. It takes patience.
Never had a relationship, never felt the need for a relationship, never truely loved someone, always been a lonely person IRL, somewhat by choice, because no matter how much I want to believe that a 'friend' of mine is worthwhile I end up really questionning why I ever spent time with said person in the first place. Nothing's going to change until I move out next ~year and I've honestly gotten used to not having anyone else in my life. I really don't know if I have shit to get together or I should just stay like this because even without any physical interactions with people, there's still hundreds of people online I enjoy interacting with.

I'm mostly able to let that fact slide through and go on with my days without even thinking about other people, but it really sucks waking up from dreams of better times when life wasn't awful and feeling like shit for a while after that. Man, even just writing this post just made me feel a bit depressed. That's somewhat what I mean when I say I don't mind it if I don't think about it. :/
Topic Starter

Nyquill wrote:

I'd say most of my chances flew out the window due to lack of self confidence, haha.
Look, saying things like that is likely to just push it even further away, it's like a curse. You got to tell yourself the exact opposite thing, even though it might sound like lying to yourself, but that's just how it goes?! Trick your brain into it. I have to do it every day as I myself am the least self-confident person on the Earth. (And giving up is not a valid option for me and should not be a valid option for anyone.)

There'll always be people who'll find you attractive in a way or another, and you shouldn't push them away if they happen to approach you. You don't have to approach anyone, because I'm not capable of doing that even myself, it's the worst thing for doubtful and tender people. But just grab the chances back from the wind, and stop giving up. Trust me, I'm a professi-*shot*
I haven't been in a relationship for a while, mostly because I grew tired of it. I originally wanted to write a giant post that spanned for 6 years, just for the sake of telling my story, but it's just simply way too long and I would probably have written a book by now if I had to write a 6 year story about love, friendship, betrayal and hate.

I've been through many different relationships before - LDR, real life, gay, etc. It was only after my last LDR that I told myself "it's just not worth it right now to have a relationship." Currently, I want to spend more time on my studies, and do the things I want to do. I want to be successful in life and finish my BComm. I know that seems very selfish of me, but I've never felt more free from the chains of love than these past two years of being single. I do have crushes and I do know some people who I want to be in a relationship with, but for the meantime, I can't be in one simply because I just want time to myself. The times I spent with my friends, people that I talk to in games, the friends that I play with in League, the connections I've made in school, all of these little things are what currently makes my life enjoyable.
Not entirely sure what to write about here so I guess I'll just go with right now. I do kinda want to say first though that a lot of people here have experiences with LDRs and that's what I'm writing about as well, I'd really advise to anyone thinking about it if you can avoid falling for someone long distance before it's too late, do it.

A couple of years ago I was really into competitive team fortress 2 and an online friend introduced me to this girl he knew from an mmo he used to play by asking me to play on omgpop (rip) around August-October 2011 ( with the two of them (I found out since we both had a one-way crush on him at the time), we didn't talk much but I enjoyed it most of the time when we did. I had a bit of a crush on her to begin with but since we were barely talking it just kind of went away until a few months ago when we were talking one night and she said something about liking me a bit for a while and me just being clueless (Obviously, this was genuine cluelessness on my part) so I told her I liked her and cue a lot of things I don't want to think about much less write about.

After a really... abysmal month... in all honesty, that would have made most people just forget about it, we awkwardly got together. Definitely learned a lot more about each other after that than we knew before it, still do learn things since it hasn't been that long. Things aren't always perfect obviously but thankfully everything is turning out alright so far. Living 400+ miles away means we don't get to see each other very often but I look forward to seeing her again every day we aren't together and completely enjoy every minute we are. Little bit surprised she hasn't got sick of me making sure I tell her how much I love her at least twice a day, which I do a lot. Found out that learning Cantonese would impress her mother if I ever wanted to marry her so hey, guess what language I've decided to start seriously learning. Being on Skype almost 24/7 is something we started recently and talking to her so much has definitely been making me a much happier person lately, yay technology for allowing that to happen. And now of course both being addicted to osu! and having that to play together.

Lots of other little things like that I suppose, overall I just want to say that LDRs don't always have to be two people struggling through it. It doesn't really feel like a struggle to me right now, just that that's how the relationship is right now. (Hopefully won't be all it ever is of course.)

Nyquill wrote:

I'd say most of my chances flew out the window due to lack of self confidence, haha.
youre 18 man

most of your chances havent even come yet

keep your chin up and be as positive as you can be, youll win one day
i'm in love with a

a very beautiful someone

we live so far from each other and sometimes i really wonder whether it's a lost cause

whether all these emotions will really count for anything

or whether it will just... dissolve as time passes, leaving my one-sided expectations to slowly destroy me from the inside

because no matter how hard I try... maal just won't love me back
Hey maal would never betray me.
ohhhhh boy
I was in love with someone I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with.
It was long distance but I really wanted to make it work, the first year was great.

We were together for 2 years, but broke up a couple days ago - Not even sure why, I'm assuming she's seeing someone else because she's preferring to be on Skype call with this other guy more often lately and she's just been so full of excuses and lies throughout this year, also she forgot my birthday and tried to cover that up with terrible excuses too. ;--;

Finding someone with similar interests to me, and someone I can be comfortable around is so difficult. Q^Q

maal wrote:

ohhhhh boy
when will you tell him about us?
Kanye West

tyrael6192 wrote:

i'm in love with a

a very beautiful someone

we live so far from each other and sometimes i really wonder whether it's a lost cause

whether all these emotions will really count for anything

or whether it will just... dissolve as time passes, leaving my one-sided expectations to slowly destroy me from the inside

because no matter how hard I try... maal just won't love me back
that was so beautiful i'm in tears

tyrael wins, gladi and volpe gtfo

CDFA wrote:

Haha my roommate broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago so the topic of love and shit is actually in my head for once.

I never really liked anybody until second semester of my junior year of high school. I had some people who I was like "If they asked then I'd say yes", and I could have made some cute stories with some people. But the first person I loved was a girl named Nicole who was in band with me, and sat next to me in Freshman Biology, Sophomore Wind Ensemble, Junior Jazz II (Where I was a TA and she was a pianist), and Senior Physics, until she had to be homeschooled due to a severe thyroid infection. I don't know how it happened, it just sort of sparked up. Anyways, I spent a good 7-8 months being completely extacic about her, always wanting to do things with her, and getting closer with her. People told me I was doing too much, but I was so devoted I didn't even care. I spent so much money on her, and I did so much for her. I asked her out in September of my Senior year. She said no. It wasn't awkward at all, we still were good friends and hung out a lot and stuff. During my infatuation with Nicole, I met a girl online named Victoria. We met over a MLP Roleplaying Group, as we were the two admins of said group when it was created. I talked with her often about Nicole, my frustrations and my successes. We became close friends very fast. Victoria even became friends with Nicole. It was fun stuff. Anyways, after I asked Nicole out, I vented to Victoria about it. A few days passed and she pretty much was like "Don't worry Brian, there's someone out there that loves you". She said it in a way that concerned me, and in late september, I asked her if she was trying to ask me out. She said yes. I remember during 5th period english when I got that text, my heart just skipping a beat, as someone finally loved me. I cared about her. Not as much as Nicole, but I still was dedicated. The relationship became official on October 3rd, 2013. Things went pretty decent for a while, but she always tended to get really emotional and stuff. Which I did too, so it was ok. She was also really slutty. She pretty much was the girl that sucked everyone's dick at her school. As far as I knew, she was a virgin. That was totally fine with me, as she let me express my sexual desires, and shared many of the same fetishes that I did. I was so happy that I could finally let so many things out with someone that I intended to have such a huge future with.

Things got weird really fast. She told me she had a form of Multiple Personality Disorder that only appeared when she fell asleep. She also would always talk to her ex boyfriend a lot, and he would spam her wall with love notes and everything. She'd talk about how she was failing basic college prep classes, even though she was an AP student the previous year, and she would always freak out about not having a purpose in life, yet never take my suggestions on how to make things better. She had a weird obsession with keeping her vagina as tight as possible and was mad at me because I never asked her for nudes ever. Later in the relationship, she admitted that she was not a virgin, as she had sex with her ex-boyfriend during our relationship. I trudged through it though, because that's who I am. I trudge through no matter what. So yeah struggles woo woo. We did meet up in person like in November, and things went nicely. She was nervous as hell but I did my best to make things as good as possible. She met my mom, and I met her mom, and things were cool. She told me straight up that she "knew from the second she saw me in person that I was the one"

December 26th, 2012 comes up. I'm texting her about Christmas, and I make the mistake of asking her why she's not very responsive while we text. She asked me that so often when I don't text, and I immediately fix it. However, I guess when it goes on her it flips her shit. So she got really emotional and broke up with me through text while I was still laying in bed. The last thing I ever asked her as her boyfriend was how her little brother liked her WiiU. She never responded. I didn't really give a shit. Like, I was sad, but I didn't cry or anything. It didn't hit me for a while, but when it did, I was completely over it. She tried talking to me so much, but in the end, we haven't spoken at all in a conversation since March. She is a part of a pornography group I'm in, and I'm forced to like say things to her a few times (Such as "Don't post this weird shit what the fuck")

So sometimes afterwards, in like, Feburary, I'm talking to Nicole. I still have feelings for her, but I know that it won't happen. We're still great friends, I make an effort to talk to her as much as possible. She tells me that she might have to be homeschooled, because her thyroid infection is getting worse. It was already bad enough, to where she had to quit band her junior year (And she was a prodigy trumpet player, being one of the only freshmen along with me and a few other people to make wind ensemble in our first year), and she couldn't eat solid food. The last time I saw her was March, I think. She was always bad at responding to text messages. I tried texting her, but she'd never respond. So I thought of something. . . If I don't text her, will she text me back, ever? I haven't heard from her in such a long time. She deleted her Facebook, removed me from her Skype contacts, and won't respond to any of my texts. I have no knowledge if she even exists anymore. I don't know what happened to her. How is she doing? Where is she going to college? Is she. . . alive?

I've never missed a person like I missed Nicole. I grew to not love her so deeply in the final months of my knowledge of her. I saw that some of my original reasons for liking her turned out to be misconceptions. I saw so many things that would have bothered me in terms of a relationship. But I still could relate to no person closer than her. Maybe Victoria, since I could talk about more fetish stuff with her, but it felt more special with Nicole.

I want her back in my life. I don't care if it's as a friend, as a lover, or just as that person I text when I'm REALLY lonely. I'm scared for her. I haven't heard or seen her in such a long time. Her mom never uses her Facebook, and her brother is too busy finishing his UG at Berkley School of Music, and it'd be weird if I messaged him to ask where Nicole was.

I've tried falling in love after this. I honestly put in an effort. But every time, I would drop the thoughts after a few days, with no approaches at all. It just wasn't the same. Love is something completely dead to me. As an outcast of my university, where my words that got me praised and loved in high school make me the person to avoid in college, I know love isn't going to happen.

If I had one dream, it would be to see Nicole again. Or to at least have her text me back. She means so much to me, even as just a friend. I have so many memories with her, and I want it all back. I was so happy during that time. I'm happy now, because I have intensive instrumental study as my solace, but there's still that hole in my heart that will never be replaced.

haha holy shit am I actually posting on the forums

get her back man :(
Sayuki Fujimi
Interresting but that's not everyone who's in a relationship.
I'll just leave a link here to something I added to my tumblr just now.

My English might be really broken.

hopefully I don't regret this (also bringing this topic back might be a good thing)

Rorona wrote:

I'll just leave a link here to something I added to my tumblr just now.

My English might be really broken.

hopefully I don't regret this (also bringing this topic back might be a good thing)
Good read. I'm not a love god of any sorts, and I don't even know a decimal of context of your relationship with that person so I can't really give you a good answer. But, I guess I can give you an opinion. Love hurts. In any direction. You just have to chose which road will hurt the least. Be a chicken and keep a friendzoned relationship? Or confess your love?

In any case, as you said, making yourself exist for that person is a good start. Hang out, blablabla do stuff with him/her. GL.
Topic Starter
Friendship over relationship. Things tend to go downhill after starting an official relationship. Just stay close to them, don't make it too big of a deal if you don't have to.
I'm okay with being a single now but I wonder if I will regret later not looking for a girlfriend nowadays
I think you guys are all lucky to have experienced what it is like to be in a relationship. For teens in Asian families it is much harder to enter one, let alone sustain a healthy one.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of the fact that I am Chinese and can speak three languages (two and one dialect if you're really going to be sharp about it). However, I believe that a downside to being a kid in an Asian family is their views on dating and relationships. For those who may not understand, basically one is not allowed to get a boy/girlfriend (in my case, girlfriend) while they are in secondary school, because they have to put all effort towards being #1 in the state when the graduate. Even in university, we still can't find a boy/girlfriend because we have to focus on graduating. Then after we have done that and entered a ridiculous profession (yes, that's where the "docterrr/rawyer" thing comes in) we have to *instantly* find a spouse. How do you successfully find a spouse when you have had no prior experience in doing so? That's like asking a freshly apprenticed carpenter to perfectly construct a wooden building without any assistance whatsoever. Or like a level 1 osu! player trying to FC Big Black.

Of course there are also some exceptions (it does depend on the parents, I know someone at my school who's probably had 999,999 boyfriends now, I won't describe any more here because they sometimes play osu! as well and I don't know whether they would lurk around in the forums).

That kind of attitude from our parents means that by the time we are 25 and "meant to be" looking for that special someone, it becomes quite hard to do so. And then most end up being 40 year old virgins.

I know that I am only 16, and even by Western standards that is probably too young to have a partner. I do accept the fact that relationships with people my age often never go beyond secondary school. So if you meet someone that you like? Lol, friendzoned forever. (I know that has happened to me before, how I liked someone romantically but had to stay where I was, again I won't talk about it much here for fear of reprisals at school, in case anyone I know is here). Even if you do start something serious with them eventually your parents will find out (you can lie of course, but that brings along a host of problems on its own), and they will start making complete bullshit threats such as disowning you, kicking you out of the house (and making you move to your partner's house, which would indeed be strange at my age regardless of your gender) or starving you, blah blah blah.

However, I'm confident that whenever I get the chance, I will meet someone who I like and who truly likes me (instead of some random who marries you for $$$ and face in the family). Someone who can be with me when I am feeling lonely, and who I can be with when they feel lonely.

For now, study and back to hitting keys on the keyboard to the sound of music...
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